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The Maya Lowlands: A Case Study for the Future? Conclusions

Chapter 36
The Maya Lowlands:
A Case Study for the Future?
Michael F. Allen
Arturo Gómez-Pompa
Scott L. Fedick
Juan J. Jiménez-Osornio
Pulling together an overview for such a broad topic as this one is
challenging under the best of circumstances. Organizing the conclusions for a
topic that has been so extensively researched by many of the world’s leading
archeologists, agronomists, biodiversity scientists and ecologists, is daunting.
However, there are several major advances and new directions in this book
that are exciting-both in the context of understanding the Maya and their
extraordinary culture and environment, and for creating a case study of how
humans might begin to address the crucial challenges of the future of the
There are two potential approaches to analyzing the continuing global
environmental challenges and identifying the causal factors behind them. The
first approach is to attempt to describe or predict the overall changes in the
human and “natural” world over some undefined time period. This approach
has been utilized in major works by eminent authors such as Erlich (1968) and
Diamond (1997). It is also the general approach taken by social and
environmental groups (e.g., Worldwatch Institute, World Wildlife Fund,
United Nations, World Bank). These have lead to several assessments of the
“world situation”, as can be found in many publications (Brown, Flavin, and
French 2001).
Within this approach, there are quantitative assessments of human and
environmental conditions that can be based on countries or other
organizational entities. For example, Wang et al. (2001) developed a
sustainability indicator based on social, economic and environmental
parameters. Interestingly, for countries that include the Maya area, Belize, and
Mexico rank average or above average with an increasing sustainability index
whereas Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua rank below average with a
decreasing sustainability index. The large disparity in values, even within a
cultural region, suggests that these approaches have clear limitations when the
focal unit is on a political entity.
Although this approaches provided considerable understanding of how we
got where we are, few solutions to current environmental dilemmas are
apparent. Nor do we understand how responses have been formulated because
most human groups, when faced with these challenges, have usually migrated,
been subsumed, or died.
A second approach is to develop case studies of individual
cultural/geographic systems that have persisted, despite being subjected to the
perturbations of the environment resulting from both “natural” and “cultural”
impacts. Gómez-Pompa (this book) outlined several challenges, not the least
of which was to justify a focus exclusively on one culture-the Maya.
The Maya fit this second approach. They have remained in a region for
over three millennia. Their “accomplishments” and “failures” are spectacular
and chronicled in both written and archeological records. Finally, they remain
a viable and vigorous population retaining many of their original cultural
traditions, while simultaneously incorporating new and useful ideas into their
technologies, lifeways and belief systems. Because of this, understanding how
the Maya survived past perturbations, how they live today, and how they
perceive the future makes these studies important to the future of our world. In
the last chapter these challenges will be addressed as defined by the
participants in the 21st symposium of Plant Biology and the contributors to
this book.
A major contribution of this symposium was to expand the view of the
Maya lowlands as a highly variable region in both space and time (see also
Fedick 1996b.c). This mosaic of variability emerges at various scales in both
environmental and cultural characteristics.
When viewed at the macroscale, the Maya lowlands appears to be a
rather homogenous region. As a geological unit, the Maya Block is a single
fragment with little topography, until very recently, it was largely marine in
the geological time-scale. Thus, there is little space or history for geographic
separation in which speciation generally occurs. While a general gradient in
environmental characteristics exists from south to north, the entire region
The Maya Lowlands: A Case Study for the Future? 625
shares common species of most plants and animals. As a culture entity, the
Maya also shares a rather astonishing sameness over thousands of years and
thousands of square kilometers (Pyburn 1996:240-241).
However, as Pyburn has noted (1996), behind this “veneer” of cultural
continuity is a system composed of an interconnected yet highly varied system
of local behaviors. As the landscape comes into focus at increasingly detailed
scales, the mosaic of diversity is revealed (Fedick 1996a). Local variations in
geology, topography and hydrology emerge, which, in turn, influence soil
development and the structure of biotic communities. Dunning Beach, Farrell
et al. (1998) recently defined 27 distinctive adaptive regions of the Maya
lowlands. Each of these units is heterogeneous, but as a repeating pattern of
ecosystem types that define a distinctive landscape (see Forman and Godron
1986). It is at this level of disturbance that Maya land use over at last the last
three millennium shaped the pattern of biodiversity and ecosystem structure.
The pattern of land use by the Maya, both in the present and in the past,
is a clear case of shifting mosaic structure at a range of scales. The persistence
of biota in the region may well be attributed to the dynamic structure of Maya
land use.
At the local scale of homesteads and villages, the seeds of regional biotic
diversity are literally contained and preserved within the homegarden (see
Herera et al.1993); a common component of Maya agriculture, both modern
and ancient, that has until recently been little-recognized by researchers (see
Flores 1993; Goñi 1993; Herrera Castro 1994; Ortega et al. 1993; Stuart
1993). The outfields that surround the village represent an array of cultivation
and management technologies (Toledo Maya Cultural Council and Toledo
Alcaldes Association 1997). Slash-and-burn cultivation, practiced in
combination with selective cutting and replanting, results in the creation of
“forest gardens” as an end product of managed succession (Gómez-Pompa,
Flores, and Sosa 1987; Gómez-Pompa and Kaus 1990). Within particular
landscapes, hillsides might be terraced, and the variety of wetland ecosystems
modified or transformed for cultivation (Beach et al., this book; Beach and
Dunning 1995; Fedick 1997; Fedick, this book; Fedick et al. 2000; Jiménez-
Osorio and Rorive 1999). Dispersed within these managed landscapes, and
surrounding larger units of land use, is the wilderness, or wildland forest. The
interface of wild forest and various forms of cultivation is essential to deer,
peccary, turkeys, and other animals heavily utilized by the Maya. In addition,
while the “forest wilds” were feared by the Maya as places of danger (Taube,
this book), they also served for protection from one’s neighbors and as refuges
for many species of large animals persisting today.
At a larger social scale, archeological and historical evidence clearly
demonstrates that at no time did any one city or political unit dominate the
entire region simultaneously. City-states of varying size and power, ruled by
royal lineages, competed for prestige and control of lands through alliances,
arranged marriages, and warfare (Dahlin 2000; Demarest et al. 1997; Martin
and Grube 1995, 2000). The success or failure of such campaigns likely
corresponded with major shifts in population levels. Thus, while forest
resources would be severely depleted in one area, they might recover at
another in a shifting pattern dependent on the particular status of various
kingdoms (Dunning, Beach, and Rue 1997; Johnson, Breckenridge, and
Hansen 2001). This shifting mosaic model is absolutely essential to the
preservation of biodiversity and forest resources and is a tenet of conservation
biology theory.
Due to the extraordinarily high human population pressures for such a
long time, we would postulate that biodiversity should be very low. Indeed,
some argued that the diversity is low for a tropical region compared with
expectations. However, the survey information presented in this book strongly
suggests that the biodiversity is not really low. It may be structured differently
due to the geological context of the region. Diversity of any one location is
high. And, as one moves across the landscape, there is continued turnover, but
few real breaks in community types. Although endemism is high in the
Yucatán Peninsula, those organisms are widely found across the region.
Schultz (this book) reported that on an area basis, a small reserve like El Edén
has plant species richness per unit area approaching better-known biodiversity
hot spots (e.g., the Chamela Reserve in Jalisco) in both endemics and total
species per unit area. However, no plant species are endemic to the El Edén
Ecological Reserve or to the larger Yalahau region. They are largely the same
list as the one for the peninsula as a whole.
Research on many other groups, including algae, fungi, slime molds,
protozoa, and the many others reported here, clearly indicate that we have
only scratched the surface of the total biodiversity of the Yucatán Peninsula.
Symbiosis (such as mycorrhizae and dinitrogen fixation) predominate, and the
functioning of the regional ecosystems is dependent on a myriad of unknown
organisms and relationships.
This suggests is that biodiversity was not overwhelmed by the large
human population density and broad land use. Species, even endemics, are
widely spaced across the region. If they decline at one point, they can persist
in another. This allows for continual recolonization events. Many types of
vegetation resprout after natural disturbance such as hurricanes and fires, or
following agricultural practice such as slash-and-burn cultivation, which help
make these plant species highly resilient. Bases on the evidence presented
here, the persistence of biodiversity is largely due to the mosaic management
The Maya Lowlands: A Case Study for the Future? 627
strategies practiced by the Maya themselves, coupled with the regional-scale
mosaic nature of the rise and fall of the individual city-states.
Climate also provides a dynamic rather than static background, directly
influencing human culture and settlement patterns as well as biodiversity.
Climate also changes at local scales in response to human activities. Isotopic
evidence from Brenner and colleagues (this book) points to the Classic Period
as being unusually dry in the longer climatological history. Further, they
provide clear evidence of a severe prolonged drought coinciding with the end
of the Classic Period (see also Gill 2000; Hodell, Curtis, and Brenner 1995). It
is also important to note (M. Allen and Rincon, this book; see also Sage and
Cowling 1999) that the “natural” atmospheric CO2 level was approximately
one-third lower than today (i.e., less than 250 parts per millon [ppm] during
the rise and fall of Maya civilization to over 370 ppm today). Thus, water-use
efficiency was dramatically lower for C3 (cool-sea-son) plants making any
drought much harsher than would be found today. (this would affect all
vegetable and tree species, excepting only C4 [warmseason] grasses such as
However, it is still unclear if the spatial pattern of the Terminal Classic
collapse is important. Archaeological and epigraphic evidence demonstrate
that the major cultural collapse primarily affected the central-southern
lowlands. This may be related to the orographic (i.e., mountainous)
precipitation of the inland region, which, in part, is derived from the
transpiration of upwind vegetation. Alternatively, the precipitation of the
northern regions is dependent on moisture derived from ocean evaporation,
including hurricanes. If deforestation were widespread, then the precipitation
in the inland, higher-elevation sites could have been affected but not
necessarily the northern lowlands. (M. Allen and Rincon, this book).
The northern lowlands also appear to have a greater number of
hurricanes than the southern inland regions (Boose et al., this book). These
can cause extensive damage to croplands and make the forest more
susceptible to fires (Whigham and Olmsted, this book). In his original
description of Maya life, Landa ([1566]1978) described the terrible effects of
hurricane damage on crops, disease and structure of Maya villages (see also
Konrad 1985). Humans have little impact on hurricanes, but the presence of
La Niña can increase hurricane intensity while El Niño can reduce it. The
climate change reported by Brenner and his colleagues (this book) presents
evidence for a severe drought in the northern Yucatán Peninsula, but cautions
that the data related to drought in the inland central-southern lowlands is
ambiguous. It is not known if the drought period seen in the north is tied to
hurricane activity or general precipitation.
As agriculture expanded with the increasing population base, the area
devoted to forest resources declined while those reserved for urbanization
increased-a situation not different from today. The forests became less
productive as they shrank, and the resource base within an area controllable
by a landed nobility declined. Importantly, there was not a single “collapse” of
ancient Maya society. The Classic Period of the Maya was characterized by a
large number of city-states vying among each other for hegemony. The
Terminal Classic Collapse really consists of the fall of a number of these
cities-states and interruption of construction of ceremonial centers. Numerous
political and demographic collapses in the Maya lowlands occurred in various
areas, and at various times, both before and after the well-known Terminal
Classic collapse. The fact that this was not a singular event may be critical for
understanding the past as well as for making predictions for the future.
Up to the early 1970s, the Maya were still perceived as a collection of
dispersed slash-and-burn farmers peacefully co-existing within their tropical
forest environment (see Hammond 1978; Turner 1978). A decade ago, there
was still some debate as to the human population density and structure in
ancient times and whether the population densities were high into the present
(Culbert and Rice 1990). Current archeological evidence clearly points to
extraordinarily high population densities across the Maya lowlands (see
Turner, Kepleis, and Schneider, this book). The cities were large, requiring
enormous amounts of land for agriculture, wich, in turn, resulted in extensive
land erosion. As sites can be found in almost every region as early as the
Preclassic Period, this implies that the entire region was occupied. The major
Classic sites, however, were concentrated in the central-southern lowlands at
slightly higher elevations. Cities were especially large; the population density
was very high-possibly even higher than today, and the various city-states
probably covered most of the region with developed lands. Just as important,
at the end of the Classic Period, the collapse in the population was largely
focused in the Petén and other inland areas with a simultaneous emergence of
new cities in the lower elevation, flatter regions of northern Yucatán. There
was a second major regional demographic collapse in the sixteenth century
with the introduction of new diseases by the Europeans. The population has
The Maya Lowlands: A Case Study for the Future? 629
continued to rebound through today with expected explosive growth from the
present into the near future. These observations support the notion that there
are patterns of initiation and collapse that have an environmental and cultural
How was food procured during periods of high population densities? A
lot has been learned about the food and fiber plants used by the ancient Maya-
that is, which ones were domesticated, as well as how they were cultivated
(see Fedick 1996c; White 1999). The Maya not only domesticated or adapted
those plants that we know today such as chocolate (Theobroma cacao) and
henequen (Agave fourcroydes Lem), as well as the traditional maize, beans,
squash, and chilies, but they also used many forest and wetland plants. Just as
importantly, forest and wetland animals such as deer, ocellated turkey,
curassow, and apple snails were heavily utilized and probably managed (Carr
1996; Emery 1999; Shaw 1999).
The use of these resources constitutes an extremely important
advancement and likely also sowed the seeds of Terminal Classic Collapse.
The Maya mode of life depended on mosaics of land use. Mosaics of forest
gardens and milpas, within a forest matrix, comprised the landscape of each
population unit, whether village or city-state. Algal mats and wetland muck
may have been a staple mechanism for improving soil fertility, as investigated
by a group of collaborating researchers working at the El Edén Ecological
Reserve (see chapters in this book by Fedick; Morrison and Cózatl Manzano;
Novelo and Tavera, and Palacios-Mayorga et al.). Interestingly, despite many
generalizations on the “impoverished” tropical forests, work in the Maya
lowlands has consistently shown that soil nutrients are actually quite high in
much, if not most, of the region. Growth studies in both agricultural and
restoration sites (see E. Allen et al., this book; M. Allen and Rincón, this
book) show excellent plant growth if water is available. Even Landa
([1566]1978) commented on the fertility and excellent plant growth in the
cracks between the rocks.
Importantly, both ancient writings and symbols and modern practices
clearly demonstrate the crucial role of wildland forest as places with
resources, but also show these areas as the home of magic beings (e.g.,
animals such as jaguars) and as scary regions to penetrate (see Taube, this
book). These myths and reverence together make for careful use and facilitate
the maintenance of wildland mosaics within the regional spatial structure of
even developed city-states (Anderson, this book).
The careful use of resources and innovative development of crops was
clearly coupled with innovative governmental cooperatives, leading to greater
organization and separation of activity. These innovations allowed
populations to expand around villages, then city-states. The resulting division
of labor allowed for the incredible scientific and architectural achievements so
clearly articulated during the Classic Period. They also created disturbances at
ever-larger scales, changing mosaics to large, developed matrices.
Although the Maya populations collapsed at least twice during this
period, they never disappeared. On numerous occasions their populations
declined in one area, and recovered in another, either by reproduction or
through immigration. The areas from which they declined sometimes
recovered, sometimes not.
One reason may lie in the concept of carrying capacity as outlined so
eloquently by Turner and his colleagues in this book. They postulate that the
population exceeded the carrying capacity leading to a “back-bite” and
ultimately population loss. However, as previously described, the environment
is not a static backdrop. In ecological theory, the carrying capacity, or k value,
is only a theoretical limit for the limiting resource. In the case of the Maya,
the population collapse may have been due to a loss in food production
because of excess land degradation. However, this means that k had dropped
due to soil loss- not necessarily that some number had been exceeded. Further,
because of the drought, production may have been virtually halted as it was
limited by the amount of water available. If k can decline, it can also recover
and grow, and it can also vary spatially.
Thus, the collapse of the Classic Maya may not have been due simply to
the excess utilization of resources, but a caused by a combination of a
temporally and spatially reduction in the major limiting resource (water?),
which regulates k. The fact that k could recover allowed the Postclassic
population recovery to occur. By the time of the Spanish occupation, the
Maya population was likely still rebounding from an earlier high.
The population collapse following the Spanish occupation was largely
caused by the introduction of exotic disease from Europe. These diseases do
not spread except in relatively high population densities. There is little
indication that the Maya were overutilizing their resource base at that time.
The Maya knew when they had taxed their resources to a level beyond
their institutions. Just as they had ceremonies for creating new kingships, they
had an elaborate ceremony to decommission a temple, and kingdom. At
Cerros, for example, when the kingship failed, the Maya undertook a
“termination ritual” and went back to the fisher and farmer lifestyle (Schele
and Freidel 1990). This could be associated with a political collapse, or a loss
due to a dramatic environmental change affecting available resources (reduced
The Maya Lowlands: A Case Study for the Future? 631
k). When this happened, they changed their resource allocations (a higher
proportion of the population engaged in food acquisition versus elite activities
such as science and architecture), or moved to another region.
Nevertheless, the critical elements of their culture survived. Chontal
Maya appears to have persisted as a written language despite the cultural
challenges from the Yucatecan Maya and Spanish. Was this persistence
supported by small groups of knowledgeable scribe/scientists that were
dispersed around the region, and even shifting through time? Perhaps this
occurred in a manner similar to the retention of Latin as in modern science
and religion? If this written language survived, what pockets of wisdom still
remain uncovered by modern anthropologists and biologists? The local
extirpation of both human and wildland resources as a function of hurricanes
or other natural disasters and re-establishment by regarding the region as a
continually fluctuating mosaic bears further careful examination. These
elements are complex, but probably hold the keys to their long-term survival
as a culture, and to the maintenance of natural biodiversity of a heavily
populated region.
If anything is to be learned from the changing Maya world, it is that
understanding space and time is absolutely critical to human persistence.
There is no absolute k value to which we, or any culture, can strive. The k
value is variable. Humans must allow for fluctuations in both wildland and
agricultural use of lands. This must incorporate patchy land use, in both short-
term and long-term utilization. This solution resides at the landscape scale of
occupation and has been eloquently described by Naveh (1998) as
homeorhesis-that is, the shifting landscape patches that cycle in different
stages of succession and human use.
Another solution resides in the creation of corridors at a regional scale
for sustainability of populations and the migration of plants and animals. The
Sian Ka’an an-Calakmul corridor project (World Bank 2000) is one example
of such an effort. Another is the effort of the El Edén Ecological Reserve to
establish linkages stretching across the wetlands from Yum Balam to Sian
Ka’an. It is only in this context that we can understand the Maya world, and
develop models for global human survival.
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... By one estimate 50%-80% of the forests in New England are on former agricultural fields [8]. Locations that have traditionally been thought of as sparsely populated and fairly pristine prior to European colonization, such as the Americas, are now known to have been significantly altered by ancient humans [9,10]; hence, the concept of "virgin" forests is now relatively obsolete [11,12]. Evidence suggests that vast tracks of forest had been cleared for agriculture or burned by indigenous humans prior to western arrival in the New World [13][14][15]. ...
... The time since a land use has been abandoned and allowed to revert back to a natural state is a determinant of the type and extent of the legacy present [1,2,10]. In European forests, agricultural legacies have been shown to endure over a millennium after abandonment, with species composition in secondary forests that regenerated over former agricultural fields lacking native species found in ancient forests [13,19]. ...
... Another example of ancient land use legacies continuing today is found in Central America with the Maya civilization. A large percentage of forests in Central America are secondary forests that have regenerated after the collapse of the Maya civilization [10,20]. Studies have suggested these forests contain trees species that were of economic importance to the ancient Maya, which may persist as remnants of the Maya orchard-gardens [21]. ...
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Human land use legacies have significant and long-lasting ecological impacts across landscapes. Investigating ancient (>400 years) legacy effects can be problematic due to the difficulty in detecting specific, historic land uses, especially those hidden beneath dense canopies. Caracol, the largest (~200 km 2) Maya archaeological site in Belize, was abandoned ca. A.D. 900, leaving behind myriad structures, causeways, and an extensive network of agricultural terraces that persist beneath the architecturally complex tropical forest canopy. Airborne LiDAR enables the detection of these below-canopy archaeological features while simultaneously providing a detailed record of the aboveground 3-dimensional canopy organization, which is indicative of a forest's ecological function. Here, this remote sensing technology is used to determine the effects of ancient land use legacies on contemporary forest structure. Canopy morphology was assessed by extracting LiDAR point clouds (0.25 ha plots) from LiDAR-identified terraced (n = 150) and non-terraced (n = 150) areas on low (0°–10°), medium (10°–20°), and high (>20°) slopes. We calculated the average canopy height, canopy openness, and vertical diversity from the LiDAR returns, with topographic features (i.e., slope, elevation, and aspect) as covariates. Using a PerMANOVA procedure, we determined that forests growing on agricultural terraces exhibited significantly different canopy structure from those growing on non-terraced land. Terraces appear to mediate the effect of slope, resulting in less structural variation between slope and non-sloped land and yielding taller, OPEN ACCESS
... The human imprint on seemingly natural areas was convincingly argued by Denevan (1992) in his critique of the "pristine myth" of the pre-Columbian Americas. Additional work by geographers, archaeologists, historians, and others continues to illustrate the ways that indigenous people of the Americas and elsewhere shaped the landscapes they inhabited (Balée 1998a;Denevan 2001;Doolittle 2000;Gómez-Pompa et al. 2003;Head 1989Head , 2000Kay & Simmons 2002;Lentz 2000;Minnis & Elisens 2000;Peacock 1998;Willis et al. 2004), a fact often missed by colonial observers who wrote at a time of dramatic population decline and severe social disruption. European colonial accounts have other potential problems, including misunderstanding or falsely representing indigenous practices. ...
... In the Solomon Islands, population decline and reforestation occurred within the past 200 years. The Maya forest and the wealth of archaeological, paleocological, and ecological studies that have been conducted present the opportunity to explore an example of longterm forest history and the dynamics of people, plants, landscape, and climate (Gómez-Pompa et al. 2003, Turner et al. 2004 Maya: deforestation and recovery. In the Maya Lowlands, where a series of lake core studies (primarily from the Petén) complements decades of archaeological survey and excavations, four general periods in the Holocene history of the forests can be discerned (Brenner et al. 1990, Curtis et al. 1998, Dunning et al. 1998, Islebe et al. 1996, Leyden 1987 3. A period of increased deforestation detected as a dramatic drop in tree pollen abundance (both mature and secondary forest taxa), a rise in grass, weeds, and maize pollen, as well as widespread soil erosion, seen as a thick layer of "Maya clay" in many of the lake cores; and finally 4. Reforestation, when both high and secondary forest taxa rebounded. ...
... Instead, the abandonment of major centers and shifts in population took place at different times and at different rates (Webster 2002). Thus Allen et al. (2003) observe that forest resources may have been depleted in some areas while recovering in others, resulting in a shifting mosaic that helped to preserve biodiversity. ...
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Ecologists have increasingly turned to history, including human history, to explain and manage modern ecosystems and landscapes. The imprint of past land use can persist even in seemingly pristine areas. Archaeology provides a long-term perspective on human actions and their environmental consequences that can contribute to conservation and restoration efforts. Case studies illustrate examples of the human history of seemingly pristine landscapes, forest loss and recovery, and the creation or maintenance of places that today are valued habitats. Finally, as archaeologists become more involved in research directed at contemporary environmental issues, they need to consider the potential uses and abuses of their findings in management and policy debates.
... This heterogeneity is also now recognized as partially a result of the history of human activity in each region (Fedick and Ford, 1990;Atran, 1993;Dunning, 1996;Fedick, 1996a;Campbell et al., 2006). There is considerable archaeological evidence for the use of many different land and other natural resource management strategies across the Maya landscape (e.g., Atran, 1993;Fedick, 1996b;Faust, 2001;Allen et al., 2003). Geointensive agricultural practices such as terracing and raised fields may have allowed an increase in corn production without a corresponding expansion of agricultural fields. ...
This paper uses stable isotopic research on faunal remains from archaeological sites in the Maya area to describe ancient environments through time in the region. Carbon isotope signatures of white-tailed deer remains recovered from the Petexbatún and Motul de San José polities in Guatemala are combined with other published data to provide a regional diachronic perspective on variations in availability of maize, a C4 plant, to herbivores. These data are used as a proxy for the extent of agricultural fields through time across the Maya world and the results indicate considerable temporal and spatial heterogeneity, likely linked to natural environmental heterogeneity and local land-use histories. The local nature of variations underscores the need for greater detail in paleoenvironmental studies at the drainage-basin or site level. Preliminary oxygen isotope research on white-tailed deer from the Motul de San José polity is also presented as the basis for discussion of the role of archaeologically linked oxygen isotope signatures in correlating large scale climate shifts with other site-specific evidence for environmental change over the period of Maya occupation. Together discussions of the two isotopic data sets emphasize the importance of paleoenvironmental and particularly isotopic research on materials from well-dated archaeological contexts.
... Moreover, ethnographic and ethnohistoric evidence suggests that land-cover changes were not always associated with human activity. This ethnographic and ethnohistoric evidence suggests that diverse, low-impact practices used today, such as house gardening, arboriculture, multicropping, secondary succession management, as well as non-extensive agricultural methods such as raised fields and terracing, were also used in ancient times (e.g., Allen, Gómez-Pompa, Fedick, & Jiménez-Osornio, 2003;Atran, 1993;Faust, 2001;Fedick, 1996). ...
Tropical forest animals are at high risk worldwide as a result of over-exploitation and forest clearing. Zooarchaeological studies of animal use by the ancient Maya of the southern lowland regions of Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and Mexico provide long-term historical information on animal populations under conditions of human population growth and climatic change that is valuable to both archaeology and conservation biology. In this paper, zooarchaeological data from 35 chronologically defined faunal sub-samples recovered from 25 ancient Maya archaeological sites are used to assess the effects of ancient hunting on animal populations of the Maya region between the Preclassic and Colonial periods (2000 BC–AD 1697). The variations in species abundance are used as a proxy for describing changes in ancient Maya hunting practices and hunted animal populations, interpreted on the basis of hunting efficiency models from foraging ecology. A significant reduction in the proportion of large mammals, particularly Odocoileus virginianus, in zooarchaeological assemblages between the Late Classic (AD 600–850) and Terminal Classic/Postclassic periods (AD 850–1519) suggest that over-hunting during the Late Classic may have led to a reduction in availability of these animals to the ancient Maya hunters in the later periods. This finding is discussed in relation to important social and environmental variations to evaluate the impact of hunting and other factors such as forest clearance and climate on ancient animal populations in the Maya region.
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The impact of ancient urban occupations on sustainability has recently become a topic of interest for archaeologists as well as many other scholars. Much of this archaeological research has focused on documenting the longevity of ancient cities and elucidating the social and economic strategies employed at the urban and regional scales to promote urban sustainability. In this article, we add to this discussion by addressing the issue of sustainability by considering the impact of environmental legacies left by ancient cities after their abandonment. Using a series of cases from pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica [OMYK (Coba), Kiuic, Lagunas de Yalahau, and Tlaxcallan], we show through ethnoecological and historical ecological research that in some cases pre-Hispanic people, living in urban zones, affected "intermediate" disturbances that increased biodiversity, biomass, and sustainability by creating second natures that have endured for centuries.
The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Diet aims to provide a survey of both the diversity of human diet in the past as well as providing solid information on the many approaches to the topic. Thus the aim was not just to present what we know, but how we gain that understanding. The first section presents research on the diets of non-human primates and ancestral humans using a variety of approaches to explore their environmental, biological and cultural contexts. The second section aims to show how human diet has diversified along with human expansion across the globe, from Africa to Eurasia, the Americas and Oceania. The third section focuses on human diet, health and disease across the lifespan and includes ethnographic and clinical studies as well as bioarchaeological approaches to assessing growth, health and disease in the context of diet. Each chapter combines a specific methodological approach with key research questions about past dietary adaptations.
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We focus on pre-Columbian agricultural regimes in the Maya Lowlands, using new datasets of archaeological wood charcoal, seeds, phytoliths, and starch grains; biological properties of plants; and contemporary Indigenous practices. We address inherited models of agriculture in the lowlands: the limitations of the environment (finding more affordances than anticipated by earlier models); the homogeneity of agricultural strategies (finding more heterogeneity of strategies across the lowlands than a single rigid template); the centrality of maize in agriculture (finding more reliance on root crops and tree crops than historically documented); the focus onthe milpa system as food base (finding more agroforestry, homegardening, horticulture, and wild resource management than previously documented); the dominance of swidden strategies in agricultural practices (finding more diverse practices than accounted for in most models); and the foregrounding of maize crop failure in collapse models (finding more evidence of resilience and sustainable agricultural practices than predicted).
This innovative study argues that the collapse of Classic Maya civilization was driven by catastrophic drought. Between A.D. 800 and 1000, unrelenting drought killed millions of Maya people with famine and thirst and initiated a cascade of internal collapses that destroyed their civilization. Linking global, regional, and local climate change, the author explores how atmospheric processes, volcanism, ocean currents, and other natural forces combined to create the dry climate that pried apart the highly complex civilization in the tropical Maya Lowlands in the ninth and tenth centuries. Drawing on knowledge of other prehistoric and historic droughts, The Great Maya Droughts is a useful study of the relationship of humans to their natural and physical environment. The author tries to understand why the Classic Maya failed to adjust their behavior and culture to the climatic conditions and why civilizations in general sometimes collapse in the face of radical environmental change.
A long low mound of rubble incompletely surrounds part of the central zone at the Classic Period site of Chunchucmil, Yucatan, Mexico. This wall was hastily built from stone robbed from nearby buildings and roadbeds and it clearly served as a defensive barricade. All indications are that the barricade represents a one-time event whereupon the site was attacked, overrun, and abandoned. Re-analysis of other known fortified sites across Yucatan"s northern plains show some fundamental similarities. I suggest that all sites with barricades still standing suffered wars of annihilation rather than wars of conquest and subjugation by the victors. I suggest that the Chunchucmil distribution node was annihilated because its proximity to consumption centers in nuclear Mesoamerica reduced the competitiveness of other Yucatecan coastal trade sites that were located further away along the Gulf Coast maritime trade route.