ABSTRACT The development ,and the evaluation of multimodal ,interactive systems on mobile phones remains a difficult task. In this paper weaddress,this problem ,by describing a component-based approach, called ACICARE, for developing and evaluating multimodal,interfaces ,on mobile ,phones. ,ACICARE is dedicated,to the ,overall iterative design ,process of mobile multimodal interfaces, which consists of cycles of designing, prototyping,and ,evaluation. ACICARE is based ,on two complementary,tools that are combined: ICARE and ACIDU. ICARE is a component-based ,platform for rapidly developing multimodal,interfaces. We adapted ,the ICARE components ,to run on mobile phones and we connected them to ACIDU, a probe that gathers customer’s usage ,on mobile ,phones. By reusing and assembling components, ACICARE enables the rapid development ,of multimodal ,interfaces as well ,as the automatic capture of multimodal,usage for in-field evaluations. Weillustrate ACICARE using our contact manager system, a multimodal,system running on the SPV c500 mobile phone. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User