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This is a pre-print of the paper published in
Journal Annales UMCS
adfa, p. 1, 2011.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Cheap and easy PIN entering using eye gaze
Pawel Kasprowski, Katarzyna Harężlak
Institute of Informatics
Silesian University of Technology
Gliwice, Poland
Abstract. PINs are one of the most popular methods to perform simple and fast
user authentication. PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, which may
have any number of digits or even letters. Nevertheless, 4-digit PIN is the most
common and is used for instance in ATMs or cellular phones. The main ad-
vantage of the PIN is that it is easy to remember and fast to enter. There are
however some drawbacks. One of them – addressed in this paper – is a possibil-
ity to stole the PIN by a technique called ‘shoulder surfing’. To avoid such
problems a novel method of the PIN entering was proposed. Instead of using
a numerical keyboard, the PIN may be entered by eye gazes, which is a hands-
free, easy and robust technique.
Keywords: PIN security, shoulder surfing, eye movements
1 Introduction
Proper identification of a person getting access to some resources is an important and
still challenging problem of nowadays systems. There are plethora of techniques used
starting with simple passwords, through graphical passwords, tokens and ending with
various biometric authentication methods. One of the simplest methods utilized in
many access points is using a password that consists of 4-digits. It is commonly
named PIN (for Personal Identification Number) and is used for instance for credit
cards identification at ATMs. One of the main security problems while authenticating
at ATM is possibility that somebody may see the PIN that was entered by the authen-
ticating person. It is commonly known as shoulder surfing, and it may be for example
done by using properly placed video camera or even e.g. by analyzing keyboard tem-
perature directly after the PIN was entered.
To avoid shoulder surfing many techniques has been proposed like adding some
obfuscators (not important information entered together with a password) [8] or using
graphical passwords [2].
The solution presented in this paper gives opportunity to enter the PIN number
without any keyboard. It uses gaze point information (e.g. information where the per-
son is looking at) and transforms gaze points into a sequence of digits.
There were similar solutions proposed in earlier studies but they used very expen-
sive eye trackers and complicated experiment setups what made such solutions rather
This is a pre-print of the paper published in
Journal Annales UMCS
academic ones, not usable in a practice. The solution presented here shows how to
build a complete and robust setup that costs less than $100 and analyzes if it is possi-
ble to enter the PIN using eyes in time comparable to normal key-typed PIN entering.
2 Related research
Eye contingent interfaces have been the subject of studies for many years [5]. How-
ever, the main problems of developing such interfaces is that human eyes are used by
people as an input device and a human brain is not accustomed to use them to control
something. In poorly designed eye contingent interface a person automatically clicks
everything she looks and such interface becomes very annoying and not usable. This
phenomenon is commonly named a ‘Midas touch problem’ [6]. It is possible to use
eyes as ‘brain output’ but it must be done attentively and precisely. In most applica-
tions users issue commands by looking at a particular point (e.g. button on screen) for
some time. It is called a ‘dwell’. The crucial parameter for such system is how to
choose a correct dwell time that triggers action [7]. Of course longer dwell times are
expected to give more accurate results. On the other hand shorter dwell times result in
faster human-computer communication.
The main idea of the work presented in this paper is to use eye gazes as input for
an authentication application (like ATM). There are some research that utilize the idea
of using information about eye movements to enter a password. For instance Weaver
et al [9] created software that enables entering an alphanumeric password using eye
gazes. It was tested for a specific complicated password and for different dwell times.
The best results were obtained for static dwell times (80%) but the algorithm pro-
posed for determining appropriate time adaptively didn’t work sufficiently well
(45%). Similarly Kumar et al [7] proposed EyePassword software, which may be used
for a password entering. They’ve utilized two scenarios: a gaze-based, when user just
gazes at some particular point for some time and a trigger-based, when user looks at
some points and clicks the button. Surprisingly the latter gave much worse results
(15% of errors comparing to 3% for the gaze-based).
Another important contribution was a paper by DeLuca [4]. They performed both
gaze-based and click-based scenarios and compared it to gaze gestures, which is yet
another way to enter information using a gaze. Their work was continued in [3].
The main problem for gaze-based interfaces is its usability. Even if it is more se-
cure it won’t be used if it is not convenient to users. An interesting study of usability
of gaze-based interfaces may be found in [1].
Most studies mentioned above started with a priori defined dwell time threshold.
The participants looking at the specified point were informed by a sound or visually
that their choice has been registered. The most common such registration duration
was longer than 10 seconds [4][1].
In the research described in the paper slightly different approach, in which a partic-
ipant decides himself how long to focus at the point, has been applied.
3 Experiment
The main objective of the presented studies was to check how fast may the PIN be
entered using eyes and whether this time may be comparable to a keypad entering
time. Therefore, no a priori dwell time was defined and no feedback was given to the
users as it could influence the results of the experiments. Additionally, it is worth
emphasizing that the registration of eye movements was done using the EyeTribe eye
tracker (, which may be purchased for less than $100 what
makes the solution accessible for ordinary users.
Before each experiment the device was tuned with 7 points calibration that lasted
approximately 7 seconds. This process was followed by two different types of trials
(‘click-based’ and ‘gaze-based’) using a screen with 10 buttons marked by successive
digits 0-9 as it is presented in Fig. 1.
There were overall 370 trials performed with 23 participants including 185 trials
for ‘click-based’ and 185 trials for ‘gaze-based’ trials (see explanation of types be-
low). To achieve reliable results, the experiments were not conducted in a laboratory
environment but in a crowded place with people trying to do ‘shoulder surfing’.
Fig 1. Main application screen
The user’s task in the first type of trial (‘click-based’ type) was to click a key (trig-
ger) while simultaneously looking at subsequent digit of the PIN. The last click, after
pointing with eyes all four digits, finished the trial. The participants activities - eye
movements and click moments - were recorded for further analysis.
The second type of trial (‘gaze-based’ type) included only two clicks. First one was
done to start a trial, and second one to finish it. Between clicks users’ task was to look
for some time at four subsequent digits of their PIN. As it was mentioned earlier, the
users were instructed to look at the specified digit for ‘some time’ without any feed-
back from the system that a time was sufficient to recognize user’s intention. Similar-
ly, like in the previous experiment, all eye movements were recorded together with
moments of initial and final clicks.
This is a pre-print of the paper published in
Journal Annales UMCS
Every single run consisted of three or four ‘click-based’ trials and three or four
‘gaze-based’ trials. Users were encouraged to try to enter the PIN number consisting
of four digits as correct as possible but – in the same time – as fast as possible. Be-
cause every trial was recorded, the users had opportunity to examine results directly
after every run, what should supposedly improve an accuracy of their activities in
subsequent trials. The results were presented as a list of scanpaths (see Fig. 2) in con-
junction with a final score being a sum of Levenstein distances between the expected
PIN and the PIN entered by a user, independently for every trial. Trials total time was
calculated and provided as well.
Fig 2. Example of a recorded scanpath (the task was to enter PIN ‘1286’)
The analysis of collected samples was performed using two algorithms developed
for each of the experiments’ types.
The algorithm processing clicks and searching for related gaze points worked as fol-
• Find three gaze points recorded directly before the click and three gaze points rec-
orded directly after the click.
• For every found gaze point calculate distances to all digits displayed on screen and
choose the closest one as point’s ‘value’.
• Choose the most frequently repeated value for points analyzed as the value of the
The result is a sequence of four digits – one for every click. The algorithm was ap-
plied to all ‘click-based’ trials. If the sequence consisted of four digits, exactly the
same as the ones that were supposed to be entered, the trial was marked as ‘correct’.
Different and more complicated algorithm was developed to retrieve the PIN num-
ber from processed gaze points without any information about the clicks. It tries to
build a sequence of digits based on found fixations – moments when eye is almost
stable. It takes three parameters:
• window – size of a window defining number of points to be considered when eval-
uating the point as a part of fixation. Initially it is set to 3 points.
• threshold - the longest distance between points to be recognized as one fixation –
initially it is defined as 3 degrees.
• sequence – sequence of currently recognized digits. Initially empty (length=0)
The main loop of the algorithm tries to find sequence of length 4. If the run is not
successful (sequence is shorter than 4) it decreases window by one, increases thresh-
old by 0.4 and repeats the run until sequence length is equal to 4 or window reaches 1
and threshold reaches 10 degrees. The run consists of the following steps:
• For every recorded gaze point classify it as part of fixation (F) if window previous
points are closer than threshold degrees of each other.
• Join neighboring F points into fixations.
• Calculate the fixation position as the average position of points belonging to the
• For every fixation calculate distances to all digits displayed on screen and choose
the closest one as fixation’s ‘value’.
• Merge neighboring fixations that have the same value (the same digit assignment)
into one fixation.
• While number of fixations is higher than 4 – remove the shortest fixation.
• Build a sequence of digits from a sequence of fixations.
The end result is a sequence of 0 to 4 digits. Similarly to the previous algorithm, if the
sequence consists of four digits, exactly the same as the ones that were supposed to be
entered, the trial is marked as ‘correct’.
The algorithm described above was applied to both types of trials: ‘click-based’
and ‘gaze-based’.
4 Results discussion
All conducted tests aimed at checking if not guided eye movement can be useful in
the PIN delivering. The first parameter that provides such knowledge is the percent of
correct trials (accuracy) - i.e. trials when user entered the correct sequence of numbers
- to the overall number of trials. Surprisingly, when considering data from ‘click-
based’ type of trials, the algorithm that processed each trial taking user’s click mo-
ments into account (CBc) gave worse results than algorithm considering the same
signal but using only information about gaze points (CBg). Such outcome can result
from two reasons: (1) imprecise users’ coordination of clicking and looking or (2) eye
tracker delay. The best results were achieved for ‘gaze-based’ trials when user didn’t
have to worry about clicking during the trial. However, the differences in accuracy
were not significant (p>0.05).
Another interesting factor was the total time of each trial. As it can be seen in Ta-
ble 1 the average time of runs was significantly shorter for ‘gaze-based’ (GB) trials.
This is a pre-print of the paper published in
Journal Annales UMCS
Table 1. The accuracy and the time for different types and algorithms
Type Average time Accuracy Rejection
percent Accuracy
after rejection
CBc 6.5s (+/- 2.45s) 61.1 % - -
CBg 66.5 % 9% 73,2%
GB 4.36s (+/- 1.27s) 68.6 % 15% 80.4%
For both CBg and GB types the algorithms returned from 0-4 digits. The number of
digits was lower than four when, in spite of changing the thresholds (window and
threshold), it was not possible to find four dominating fixations. Such situation oc-
curred for 9% of ‘click-based’ and 15% of ‘gaze-based’ trials (see: Rejection percent
in Table 1). Such error is easy to detect, contrary to an error when the algorithm re-
turns wrong combination of four digits. If the number of digits is lower than 4 – the
trial may be automatically rejected and user may be asked to do another attempt.
Therefore, the results were analyzed once again after rejecting all too short combina-
tions (see: Accuracy after rejection in Table 1). It obviously could not be done for
algorithm analyzing clicks because it always returns four digits sequence (as there are
always four clicks).
Comparing the results for different users, it can be noticed that they vary signifi-
cantly as shown in Fig. 3. There were two participants that were able to achieve 100%
score – all their attempts were successful (with 16 and 8 trials respectively). But there
were also four participants with a lack of correct attempts. Three of them took part in
8 trials and one in 16 trials.
Fig. 1. Accuracies for different participants
When analyzing the possible causes of errors it seemed obvious that incorrect trails
could result from too fast trial realization – i.e. too short dwells duration on subse-
quent digits. It must be remembered that users were not instructed to dwell at the digit
for some specified time and there was no direct feedback that their dwell has been
accepted (as in similar works mentioned in section 2). They were told just to ‘point’
the digit with their eyes. Surprisingly, it occurred that the average time for the correct
trials is lower for both types of experiments and both algorithms used for determining
sequences (Tab 2) and is significantly lower (p<0.05) for both algorithms with ‘click-
based’ (CB) type .
Table 2. The time and the accuracy for the correct trials
Type Correct Incorrect
CBm 6.21s (+/- 2.44s) 6.95s (+/- 2.43s)
CBg 6.07s (+/- 1.56s) 7.35s (+/- 3.5s)
GB 4.33s (+/- 1.23s) 4.42s (+/- 1.36s)
The findings of the studies presented so far show that the algorithms developed in the
research are able to find a correct sequence using a very low number of recordings. In
fact it occurred that the shortest correctly entered trial was 1.97 sec. and 16% of cor-
rect trials were entered in less than 3 sec. Taking into account, that sequence of digits
was not known to the participants before experiments started, it can be expected that
in case of well-known numbers arrangement, percentage of the correct results featur-
ing by short time of its entering will be higher.
Further analyses revealed that the distribution of accuracy characterizes by higher
density near boundary values.
Fig. 2. The distribution of users accuracies
There were five participants with the result less than 10% (0% for 4 of them) but ma-
jority of participants were able to achieve accuracy higher than 75%. As it could be
expected users get used to the application and their later attempts were more success-
ful than the first ones. Correlation between a number of attempts and a percentage of
This is a pre-print of the paper published in
Journal Annales UMCS
correct trials per user is 0.213, which indicates that users with more attempts tend to
have better results.
5 Summary and future work
Using eye movement to control chosen areas of a humans’ life is an interesting and
challenging task. The experiment presented in the paper aimed at developing methods
and tools making entering the PIN number using eyes possible. This basic goal of the
research was extended with the analyses of time, which has to be spent to correctly
point out appropriate sequence of digits. It was checked if it is possible to enter the
PIN number using only eyes in time comparable with usage of classic keyboard and
without any direct feedback from the application.
There were two types of experiments proposed. First of them assumed providing
the PIN digits using eye movement signal confirmed by clicks. In the second solution
users were expected, for the same purpose, to utilize only their eyes. Analysis of the
obtained results allowed for drawing some interesting conclusions.
1. It was confirmed that utilizing eye movements as an output signal is possible even
if not very expensive eye-tracker is used.
2. Such signal turned out to be valuable even for participants that used eye tracking
for the first time (as most of the participants during the experiment). It may be ex-
pected that more experienced participants, that have tried eye pointing multiple
times, would achieve better results. It was partially confirmed during this research
but more comprehensive conclusions require more extensive experiments.
3. Time measured during experiments proved to be comparable with that, which is
needed using keyboard.
4. Allowing users to decide how long to gaze at a given digit occurred to be a good
idea, shortening time of performed task. User didn’t have to wait for a signal to
continue a task. The findings show that shorter duration of experiment not neces-
sary must result in worse result. On the contrary: correct trials were related to
shorter task realization.
5. Comparison of results calculated based on clicking and without it indicated that
necessity of correlating eyes and hand can lead to worse outcomes.
The studies presented in the paper will be continued and will concern deeper anal-
yses of user’s dwell durations to find if there are significant differences among people
as it was suggested in [9]. Furthermore the possibility of defining one universal dwell
threshold will be checked. Moreover, spatial errors of fixations should be analyzed to
determine the minimal size of components, which may be pointed by gaze.
Another important problem is calibration of the device. Currently the calibration
lasts 7 seconds – it will be verified if the same results could be achieved using a tem-
plate calibration as it was suggested in [7].
Entering PIN using eye movements seems to be an interesting alternative to classic
keyboard based methods. Firstly, it may be easier for people who for some reason
have difficulties with keyboards (like disabled people). Secondly, it reduces a ‘shoul-
der surfing’ problem. However, it must be emphasized, that it is still possible to steal
PIN number entered using eye gazes. An impostor should place two cameras, one in
front of the person (e.g. under a screen) and one pointing at the screen. Proper syn-
chronization of images from both cameras, together with ensuring a high quality im-
age from the camera located in front of the person, should give sufficient amount of
information to resolve the PIN. It is also theoretically possible to use only one camera
in front of the person to obtain some valuable information about PIN. However, this
methods are more complicated than a classic shoulder surfing so, in general, eye gaze
based PIN entering may be treated as more secure than keyboard based one.
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This is a pre-print of the paper published in
Journal Annales UMCS
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