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Monitoring Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) Populations in Poland: Methods and Results

  • Reseach Station, Polish Hunting Association, Poland

Abstract and Figures

The grey partridge (Perdix perdix) population in Poland is monitored by the Polish Hunting Association. Apart from information on hunting bag in the whole country (1981-2002), also demographic data are collected every year in selected areas (50-150 km2) located in various regions of Poland (three such areas in 1987-1990, 12 in 1991-1997, and 19-41 in 1998-2003). In the monitoring areas, spring partridge density (call counts in March/April), reproductive success (counts of adult and young birds in August) and annual survival rate of adult birds were estimated. The annual partridge hunting bag in Poland varied from 24,000 to 293,000 individuals between 1981 and 1992, and decreased to 20-22,000 birds in the years 2000-2002. In the 1990s, the average spring density of grey partridge in Poland showed a 3-fold decrease. In the early 2000s, 0.5 to 10.5 pairs per km2 were recorded in individual areas. The reproductive success of partridges (annual values ranging between 1.2 and 3.4 young per adult) decreased through the years 1987 to 2002. The annual survival rate of adult birds (annual values ranging between 25 and 38%) did not show any significant trends during the monitoring period. The decrease of reproductive success and consequently the observed population decline probably resulted mainly from increased abundance of nest and hen predators, particularly red foxes.
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Wildl. Biol. Pract., December 2006 2(2): 72-78
M. Panek
Polish Hunting Association, Game Research Station, Sokolnicza 12, 64-020 Czempiń, Poland
Perdix perdix;
Hunting bag;
Reproductive success;
The grey partridge (Perdix perdix) population in Poland is monitored by
the Polish Hunting Association. Apart from information on hunting bag in
the whole country (1981-2002), also demographic data are collected every
year in selected areas (50-150 km2) located in various regions of Poland
(three such areas in 1987-1990, 12 in 1991-1997, and 19-41 in 1998-2003).
In the monitoring areas, spring partridge density (call counts in March/
April), reproductive success (counts of adult and young birds in August)
and annual survival rate of adult birds were estimated. The annual partridge
hunting bag in Poland varied from 24,000 to 293,000 individuals between
1981 and 1992, and decreased to 20,000 - 22,000 birds in the years 2000-
2002. In the 1990s, the average spring density of grey partridge in Poland
showed a 3-fold decrease. In the early 2000s, 0.5 to 10.5 pairs per km2 were
recorded in individual areas. The reproductive success of partridges (annual
values ranging between 1.2 and 3.4 young per adult) decreased through the
years 1987 to 2002. The annual survival rate of adult birds (annual values
ranging between 25 and 38%) did not show any significant trends during the
monitoring period. The decrease of reproductive success and consequently
the observed population decline probably resulted mainly from increased
abundance of nest and hen predators, particularly red foxes.
Data on grey partridge (Perdix perdix) hunting bag in Poland have been collected
since the beginning of the 1960s. In the years 1960 through 1978 the annual hunting
bag varied widely from 62,000 to 744,000 birds, but no long-term declining tendency
was observed in this period. However, at the end of the 1980s, a considerable decrease
in the hunting bag was noted [1]. A restriction of grey partridge hunting possibilities
was an incentive for hunters to implement actions to increase the number of these
birds on hunting grounds. The right selection of such actions required knowledge of
the factors affecting the situation of partridges. Therefore, detailed population studies
were carried out in the second half of the 1980s [2] and at the beginning of the
1990s the Polish Hunting Association initiated a grey partridge monitoring program
in order to provide current information about changes in their density in Poland and
the demographic mechanism causing such changes. The project is co-ordinated by
the Game Research Station of the Polish Hunting Association in Czempiń.
This paper presents methods and results of grey partridge monitoring in Poland, in
what concerns the range and changes in the hunting bag in the years 1981-2002 and
the basic demographic data (spring density, reproductive success and annual survival
rate) in the years 1987-2003.
Monitoring methods
Hunting bag
Data on partridge hunting bag were obtained from annual reports provided by all
hunting districts leased by hunting clubs. The reports covered about 90% of hunting
districts in Poland. They were prepared after each hunting year (April-March) and
included, among other information, data on the hunting bag of all game animals
harvested during the previous year. The reports were sent to the Game Research
Station in Czempiń where they were processed and analysed.
Demographic data
Partridge populations were monitored on agricultural areas ranging in size from 50 to 150
km2, located in various parts of Poland. In the years 1987-1990 demographic data were
collected in three areas, and in the years 1991-1997 there were 12 permanent monitoring
areas. Since the year 1998 their number increased and varied between 19 and 41. The
monitoring areas were selected among hunting districts characterized by hunting bag of
partridges (thus probably also their density level), which allowed obtaining close to average
density values for a given region.
Spring counts of grey partridges were conducted and data about the composition of
their population in August were gathered to evaluate the reproductive success. The
spring density was estimated by call counts carried out from the 15th of March to
the 15th of April. The call counts were made in the morning or evening during good
weather conditions, at 10 points selected randomly on agricultural areas. Observers
arrived at the selected points before the expected period of most intensive partridge
calls (before sunrise or after sunset), and stayed there to the end of this period. The
number of males heard at the selected point was recorded. As the same individual
might be heard at several places, the principle of simultaneous identification was
applied to distinguish between males, especially those heard close to one another
[3]. The density of partridge pairs (D) was calculated according to the formula:
D = 1.45x1.16, where x is the mean number of males heard at the selected points [3].
In August, the records included information about the size and age composition of all
partridge coveys detected, integrating family groups or groups of adult birds without
brood [4]. The annual number of observations registered in the whole country ranged
from 174 to 503. The field work sessions were carried out by trained hunters.
The changes of average spring density of grey partridge in Poland were described
with an use of relative values, as the monitoring areas partially changed year by
year. The density value for the year 1998 (when there was an increase in the number
of monitoring areas) was assumed as 1, and the values for previous and subsequent
years were determined proportionally to the changes in the average density calculated
for areas where call counts took place in two consecutive years. Using August data,
the reproductive success of grey partridge in the country was calculated as the
young/adult ratio among all observed birds. The annual survival rate (S) of adult grey
partridges was calculated according to the formula: S = Dn+1/[Dn×(1+R)], where Dn
and Dn+1 are respectively relative densities for a given and subsequent spring, and R
is the reproductive success ([5], modified).
Temporal changes in partridge demographic variables were analyzed using simple
correlation analysis.
Hunting bag
In the 1980s the annual hunting bag of grey partridge in Poland varied from 24,000
to 223,000 birds and the average value for this decade was 2.5 times lower than that
registered for both of the previous decades (Fig. 1). At the beginning of the 1980s
as well as in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s some increase was observed, and
consequently the hunting bag reached 293,000 individuals in the year 1992. However,
a subsequent continuous decrease was recorded and in the years 2000-2002 only
20,000-22,000 grey partridges were hunted in Poland (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Hunting bag of grey partridge in Poland in the years 1960-2002 (1960-1980 data were
available in [1]).
Demographic data
The relative spring density of grey partridge in Poland increased at the end of the
1980s and it was virtually stable at the beginning of the 1990s. However, in the
middle 1990s a considerable decrease was recorded. In the late 1990s the relative
density was about 3 times lower than that recorded at the beginning of the decade.
In the years 1998-2003, a slight increasing tendency was observed (Fig. 2). At the
beginning of the 1990s, the average spring densities ranged from 4.6 to 18.7 partridge
couples per km2 across permanent monitoring areas (n = 12), and at the beginning of
the 2000s, these values ranged from 0.5 to 10.5 couples per km2 (n = 34). Densities
in central and eastern Poland were higher than those noted in western, northern and
southern regions of the country (Fig. 3).
Fig. 2. Relative spring density of grey partridge population in Poland in the years 1987-2003
(the value for the year 1998 is assumed as 1).
Fig. 3. Average spring densities of grey partridge (pairs per km2) in individual monitoring
areas (n = 34) in Poland in the years 2000-2003.
The reproductive success of grey partridges in Poland in the years 1987-2002 varied
from 1.2 to 3.4 young per adult (Fig. 4A) and showed a significant decreasing
tendency (r = - 0.531, df = 14, P = 0.03). The annual survival rate of adult partridges
ranged from 25% to 38% (Fig. 4B) and no significant changes were found during the
study period (r = 0.248, df = 14, P = 0.4). The annual changes of the relative spring
density of partridges in the country were positively correlated with the reproductive
success (r = 0.834, df = 14, P < 0.001), but not with the annual survival rate of adult
birds (r = 0.461, df = 14, P = 0.07).
Fig. 4. Basic demographic variables of grey partridge population in Poland in the years 1987-
2002. A. reproductive success; B. annual survival rate of adult birds.
The results of grey partridge monitoring in Poland showed that the population decline
in the 1990s was connected with the decrease of reproductive success. According to a
more detailed analysis, the decline in the reproductive success was a result of changes
both in brood production rate and in chick survival rate [6].
The brood production rate in grey partridge depends on the availability of nesting
sites and on the abundance of nest and incubating hen predators [4]. The second
factor seems to be the most important in Poland during the 1990s. In this decade the
number of foxes in the country increased considerably [7]. It is possible that in this
period also the abundance of other predators increased, for example racoon dog and
mustelids, since their hunting bag in Poland increased significantly [8]. On the other
hand, radiotelemetry studies conducted in western Poland revealed that the main
cause of clutch and incubating female losses was predation by carnivores (81%),
mainly red foxes [9]. Thus, the increased fox pressure during breeding season was
probably one of the main reasons or even the most important reason for the decrease
in partridge populations in Poland in the 1990s.
The major known phenomenon causing a long-term declining tendency of chick
survival rate in grey partridge is an intensification of pesticide use [4]. In Poland,
the use of pesticides per agricultural land unit decreased in the late 1980s and in the
early 1990s, but later an increase was noted and in the second half of the 1990s, the
pesticide use was 40% higher than in the first half of the decade [10]. This increase
may have been another reason for the decrease of reproductive success and for the
observed population decline.
According to the results of grey partridge monitoring in Poland, a project to improve
the situation of this bird in the country should be, first of all, focused on measures that
would allow increasing partridge reproductive success, such as reducing the predation
pressure on nests and incubating females. The effectiveness of such measures have
been confirmed experimentally elsewhere [11]. In Poland, the control of common
predators operating during breeding season, especially red foxes, seems to be the
most relevant management measure towards partridge conservation.
1. Pielowski, Z. & Pinkowski, M. 1988. Situation of the partridge population in Poland. In: Pielowski, Z.
(ed.), Proceedings of the Common Partridge International Symposium, Poland 1985. Polish Hunting
Association, Warsaw, pp. 15-32.
2. Panek, M. 1992. Mechanisms determining population levels and density regulation in Polish grey
partridges (Perdix perdix). In: Birkan, M., Potts, G.R., Aebischer, N.J., Dowell, S.D. (eds.), Perdix VI,
First International Partridge, Quail and Francolin Symposium. Gibier Faune Sauvage 9: 325-335.
3. Panek, M. 1998. Use of call counts for estimating spring density of the grey partridge Perdix perdix.
Acta Orn. 33: 143-148.
4. Potts, G.R. 1986. The Partridge. Pesticides, Predation and Conservation. Collins, London.
5. Reitz, F. 1992. Adult survival and reproductive success in abundant populations of grey partridge
(Perdix perdix) in North-Central France. In: Birkan, M., Potts, G.R., Aebischer, N.J., Dowell, S.D.
(eds.), Perdix VI, First International Partridge, Quail and Francolin Symposium. Gibier Faune Sauvage
9: 313-324.
6. Panek, M. 2005. Demography of grey partridges Perdix perdix in Poland in the years 1991-2004:
reasons of population decline. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 51: 14-18.
7. Bresiński, W. & Panek, M. 2000. The condition of fox population in Poland at the end of the nineties
(monitoring results). In: Kubiak, S. (ed.), Zwierzyna Drobna Jako Elementy Bioróżnorodności
Środowiska Przyrodniczego. Włocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Włocławek, pp. 163-171.
8. Panek, M. 2005. Sytuacja zwierzyny drobnej w Polsce w latach 2001-2005 (wyniki monitoringu).
(The status of small game species in Poland in the years 2001-2005 (monitoring results)). In: Budna,
E., Grzybowska, L., Żytecka-Karolak, M. (eds), Leśnictwo 2005. Główny Urząd Statystyczny,
Warszawa, pp. 124-126.
9. Panek, M. 2002. Space use, nesting sites and breeding success of grey partridge (Perdix perdix) in two
agricultural management systems in western Poland. Game and Wildlife Science 19: 313-326.
10. GUS. 2001. Environment 2001. Central Statistical Office, Warsaw.
11. Tapper, S.C., Potts, G.R. & Brockless, M.H. 1996. The effect of an experimental reduction in predation
pressure on the breeding success and population density of grey partridges Perdix perdix. J. Appl.
Ecol. 33: 965-978.
... Reduction of chick survival and suitable nesting cover and as a consequence increased predation are the factors believed to reduce Grey Partridge numbers by the late 20 th century to less than 10% of those in 1950s (Aebischer & Kavanagh, 1997). Over the last two decades Grey Partridge densities remain under 5 pairs/km 2 over the most lowland territories in many European countries (Bro et al., 2005;Newson et al., 2005;Panek, 2006;Ronnenberg et al., 2016;Šálek et al., 2002) while breeding densities > 20 pairs/km 2 are scarce and derived from local habitat factors more likely established by chance (Bro et al., 2005;Šálek et al., 2004). Recently reported results from long-term studies show continuing decrease in some reproduction parameters of the species (Panek, 2019). ...
... The average estimates of these parameters in the present study, as well as estimates of the CSR, are similar to those observed after applying special habitat management in some areas of United Kingdom and Ireland (Buckley et al., 2021;Draycott, 2012;Ewald et al., 2012), although the chick survival tend to be higher in continental Europe than in Britain, due to the different climatic characteristics of these regions (Potts, 1988). Observed reproductive success is higher than the one reported in 1980s in Poland (Panek, 2006). ...
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The Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) is a common gamebird which population decreased dramatically across Europe, including Bulgaria as well. While recent studies report continuing declines in numbers, sufficient data on basic demographic parameters of the species in Bulgaria are scarce or lacking. Main objective of the present study is to provide up-to-date information on Grey Partridge demography in the arable lands of the Upper Thracian Plain (south Bulgaria). Breeding density was 6.27 ± 4.73 SD (min-max 0-20) pairs/km 2 and density in August averaged 57.32 ± 41.82 SD (min-max 0-148.06) individuals/km 2 during the monitored period (2018-2020). The Generalized Linear Model showed significant decrease of both breeding (Wald stat. = 65.47, p < 0.0001) and August (Wald stat. = 533.860, p < 0.0001) densities from west to east. However, direct reproduction parameters showed no geographic gradients and had relatively high mean levels as mean brood size was 9.0 ± 5.3 SD (min-max 1-26) young/successful pair (n = 163), chick survival rate up to six weeks of age was 0.56 ± 0.22 SD (min-max 0.19-0.94), brood production rate was 84.6 ± 20.9 SD (min-max 0-100%) and reproductive success was 3.96 ± 1.85 SD (min-max 0-8.5) young/adult bird. The present study shows highly unequal Grey Partridge breeding densities within the study area and suggests that diverse approach for management and restoration of the Grey Partridge will be needed across different parts of the Upper Thracian Plain.
... Many of the declining species in Europe such as the grey partridge (Perdix perdix) (Gregory et al. 2019;Kuijper et al. 2009;Panek 2006) or European brown hare (Lepus europaeus) (Smith et al. 2005) not only compose an important part of the trophic web in agroecosystems, but also have direct economic value as game species. Populations of hares have declined Europewide since the 1960s (Łabudzki et al. 2009;Panek 2013;Smith et al. 2005). ...
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Decreases in the diversity of farmland communities reported at various scales and across taxonomic groups have fueled searches for ultimate reasons, primarily focusing on aspects of agricultural land use. However, the importance of individual external factors as drivers of population dynamics may vary across populations. We used density estimates of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) from a study site near Czempiń, western Poland, covering a time series of 50 years, to analyse long-term trends in overwinter survival. We employed an autoregressive population model to test associations between cereals yields (as a proxy for agricultural land use), fox predation, winter climate and hare density, and compared our results to those reported for a Danish population exposed to an oceanic climate and a Czech population exposed to a more continental climate. We found that at the Polish study site, hare density was negatively associated with fox density, but there were no associations with cereals yield or winter climate. Using generalized additive models, we found nonlinear trends in autumn and spring hare densities also showing a gradual increase in overwinter survival from the 1970s to 2009. We did not detect any decreased juvenile productivity over the study period. We conclude that survival during the breeding season was the most significant demographic trait driving hare dynamics. Our study provides evidence of strong spatial variability in the importance of individual extrinsic factors as drivers of hare population trends.
... In this paper, the grey partridge, a typical small galliform inhabiting cereal ecosystems in Europe (Potts 2012, was chosen as a case study. Grey partridge populations have been monitored for decades in several countries for hunting management purposes (Panek 2006-Poland, Ewald et al. 2009-UK, Bro 2016. Long-term monitoring reports an ongoing population decline in Europe (BirdLife International 2015, PECBMS 2021b) and a global downward trend in its reproductive success (Panek 2005, Grubešić et al. 2006, Godin and Reitz 2019. ...
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Several ground‐nesting bird species living in European farmlands are experiencing a persistent decline. Poorer reproductive success is suspected to be the main demographic driver. We developed a model to quantify to what extent such recent change may impact the viability of their populations. We took the grey partridge Perdix perdix, a typical farmland species, as a well‐documented case study, but the model can be adapted to other species. We built a model based on our in‐depth demographic knowledge of this species and the large database compiled from our long‐term population monitoring programme. We took into account environmental and demographic stochasticity as well as density‐dependence processes. We investigated the impact of recent changes in reproductive success on the viability of (unharvested) populations. For this purpose, we considered two periods: 1979–2004 as ‘Past’ and 2005–2014 as ‘Present’ (we used data of subsequent years to test the model's goodness of fit). During the ‘Past’ period, the simulated population was increasing with a mean stochastic growth rate λmean = 1.01 (25% of decreasing trajectories), whereas λmean = 0.89 during the ‘Present’ period (74% of decreasing trajectories). We provide detailed results and discuss the possible environmental causes, with a focus on extreme weather events. In a further step, we used our model as a tool to investigate the impact of four hunting bag management strategies on exploited populations. The hunting bag was assumed to be an additive cause of mortality. Hunting leads to a decrease in λmean but the amplitude (from minor to substantial) depends upon the strategy and the setting‐up of parameters. We deliver our model as a tool to support decision‐making for sustainable population management and provide the script (ULM software) as Supplementary information.
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The chapter of this book (available in English and French languages) document the conservation status and management of Rock partridge populations, that are listed in the Annex II/A of the Birds Directive, in the various countries of its European distribution.
Technical Report
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Executive summary Farmland birds are in decline in Europe and hence urgent action is needed to halt and reverse this decline. From mid-2016 to mid-2023, the Interreg PARTRIDGE project, improved the area of ten 500-hectare farmland demonstration sites - two each in Belgium-Flanders, The Netherlands, Germany, Scotland, and England - by enhancing existing and creating new wildlife-benefitting habitats, such as flower blocks with PARTRIDGE wild-bird mixes, and beetle banks, to levels above 7% of the farmed areas. In addition, we provided supplementary winter food through feeders, where feasible. The habitat improvements were tailored to our flagship and farmland biodiversity umbrella species the grey partridge and provided more and better breeding habitats for a wide range of farmland wildlife in summer, and more food and shelter overwinter. To demonstrate the expected effects of the project’s habitat improvements, we monitored grey partridges, breeding, and overwintering farmland birds. and hares. To determine the effect of feeders, we monitored their use by the different species and assessed the effect of best-practice management. Our key results show that: 1. significantly more grey partridges were observed in the managed demonstration sites compared to the reference sites where no or very little habitat management took place. 2. the number of breeding territories of farmland birds (abundance) and the number of species (diversity) were higher where the farmland habitat was enhanced with PARTRIDGE measures. Farmland bird species that live in small-scaled farmland landscapes with numerous hedgerows, wood edges, orchards benefited the most. Iconic farmland birds such as yellowhammer (30%), skylark (30%) and grey partridge (70%) had clearly more breeding territories in our demonstration sites than in the reference sites. 3. the number of wintering birds (abundance) and the number of wintering species (diversity) were higher where the farmland habitat was enhanced with wildlife benefitting habitats. Birds that rely heavily on seeds during winter benefited the most. 4. increased good quality habitat coverage had a positive impact on local hare populations. 5. our data showed that when our best-practice guidelines for supplementary winter feeding were followed, the visits of ‘un-welcome’ species, such as rodents, were strongly reduced. The data also validated our recommendation that the use of feeders is most important from February through to the end of April.
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Translocations and releases of farm-reared birds are considered among the major drivers of genetic pollution with consequent loss of genetic diversity in wild populations. In this study, we aimed to assess the extent of hybridization and introgression in the Italian partridges as a consequence of translocation. We surveyed two mitochondrial markers and one nuclear marker of Alectoris and Perdix from collections (museums and private collections), extant wild populations and farms. Consistent with previous studies, we found haplotypes of allochthonous species within the same genus, likely due to introductions for hunting activities. In addition, we found hybrids between Perdix and Alectoris species with genetic markers from both genera in single individuals. Such introgression was bidirectional and in both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Counterintuitively, most of the hybrid samples came from collections before the 1950s, when large-scale translocations started, from wild populations where Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) and Rock Partridge (Alectoris graeca) overlap in their distribution, whereas only one hybrid occurred among the farmed birds. Our results suggest that Perdix and Alectoris species can hybridize in nature and that artificial translocations and releases of farm-reared birds for restocking or reintroduction purposes may be only partially responsible for the genomic mismatches of Italian partridges.
1. A 6-year experiment is described which was designed to test whether or not predation control, as practised by traditional and currently legal methods, increases (i) the breeding success and autumn numbers of partridges, and (ii) the subsequent breeding density. 2. In the experiment, predation control effort was highly seasonal and designed to reduce partridge breeding season losses by killing resident predators of selected species. 3. The predation control significantly reduced the abundance of foxes, carrion crows and magpies during the critical partridge nesting period. 4. After the nesting period, predators re-established themselves each year, during late summer and early autumn. 5. The predation control significantly increased the proportion of partridges that bred successfully and the average size of their broods, thus substantially improving the production of young. Excluding effects of site and year predation control increased August numbers by 75%. Incorporating the effects on breeding stocks in subsequent years this led to an overall 3.5-fold difference between autumn populations with and without predation control. 6. Predation control significantly increased partridge breeding stocks the following year. Breeding stocks in years following predation control were 36% larger than stocks in years that did not follow predation control-excluding the effects of year and site. After 3 years this had produced a 2.6-fold difference in breeding density between the sites with and without predation control. 7. These results suggest that predators play a key role in limiting production and subsequent breeding density of partridges.
Grey partridge Perdix perdix populations were monitored in the years 1991–2004 in ten agricultural areas (100–200km2 each) located in various regions of Poland. Spring density (call counts in March/April) and parameters describing reproductive success (counts of adult and young birds in coveys found in August) were estimated, and annual survival rate of adult birds was calculated. In the 1990s, the mean spring density of grey partridge in Poland showed a threefold decrease. In 1993 (the year of the highest mean density), from 4.6pairs/km2 to 20.0pairs/km2 were found in individual areas; whereas in 2004, there were from 0.4pairs/km2 to 8.3pairs/km2. The mean brood-production rate in individual years ranged from 29% to 49% (overall mean 36.8%), the chick-survival rate from 31% to 56% (43.1%), the young production from 1.6 to 2.8 young per adult (2.32 young/adult) and the annual survival rate of adult birds from 25% to 33% (28.3%). The population decrease in the 1990s was connected with the drop of reproductive success, including both the brood-production rate and the chick-survival rate, as well as with the decline of annual survival rate of adult birds. The decrease of brood-production rate and adult-survival rate probably resulted mainly from increased abundance of nest and incubating female predators (particularly foxes). Fluctuations in chick-survival rate were related to weather conditions, but also slight long-term decline was recorded, probably due to more intensive pesticide use.
Adult survival and reproductive success in abundant populations of grey partridge (Perdix perdix) in North-Central France
  • F Reitz
Reitz, F. 1992. Adult survival and reproductive success in abundant populations of grey partridge (Perdix perdix) in North-Central France. In: Birkan, M., Potts, G.R., Aebischer, N.J., Dowell, S.D. (eds.), Perdix VI, First International Partridge, Quail and Francolin Symposium. Gibier Faune Sauvage 9: 313-324
Situation of the partridge population in Poland
  • Z Pielowski
  • M Pinkowski
Pielowski, Z. & Pinkowski, M. 1988. Situation of the partridge population in Poland. In: Pielowski, Z. (ed.), Proceedings of the Common Partridge International Symposium, Poland 1985. Polish Hunting Association, Warsaw, pp. 15-32.
Sytuacja zwierzyny drobnej w Polsce w latach
  • M Panek
Panek, M. 2005. Sytuacja zwierzyny drobnej w Polsce w latach 2001-2005 (wyniki monitoringu).
Mechanisms determining population levels and density regulation in Polish grey partridges (Perdix perdix)
  • M Panek
Panek, M. 1992. Mechanisms determining population levels and density regulation in Polish grey partridges (Perdix perdix). In: Birkan, M., Potts, G.R., Aebischer, N.J., Dowell, S.D. (eds.), Perdix VI, First International Partridge, Quail and Francolin Symposium. Gibier Faune Sauvage 9: 325-335.
The status of small game species in Poland in the years
(The status of small game species in Poland in the years 2001-2005 (monitoring results)). In: Budna, E., Grzybowska, L., Żytecka-Karolak, M. (eds), Leśnictwo 2005. Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Warszawa, pp. 124-126.
The Partridge. Pesticides
  • G R Potts
Potts, G.R. 1986. The Partridge. Pesticides, Predation and Conservation. Collins, London.
The condition of fox population in Poland at the end of the nineties (monitoring results)
  • W Bresiński
  • M Panek
Bresiński, W. & Panek, M. 2000. The condition of fox population in Poland at the end of the nineties (monitoring results). In: Kubiak, S. (ed.), Zwierzyna Drobna Jako Elementy Bioróżnorodności Środowiska Przyrodniczego. Włocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Włocławek, pp. 163-171.