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Graphene oxide amplifies the phytotoxicity of arsenic in wheat

Springer Nature
Scientific Reports

Abstract and Figures

Graphene oxide (GO) is widely used in various fields and is considered to be relatively biocompatible. Herein, "indirect" nanotoxicity is first defined as toxic amplification of toxicants or pollutants by nanomaterials. This work revealed that GO greatly amplifies the phytotoxicity of arsenic (As), a widespread contaminant, in wheat, for example, causing a decrease in biomass and root numbers and increasing oxidative stress, which are thought to be regulated by its metabolisms. Compared with As or GO alone, GO combined with As inhibited the metabolism of carbohydrates, enhanced amino acid and secondary metabolism and disrupted fatty acid metabolism and the urea cycle. GO also triggered damage to cellular structures and electrolyte leakage and enhanced the uptake of GO and As. Co-transport of GO-loading As and transformation of As(V) to high-toxicity As(III) by GO were observed. The generation of dimethylarsinate, produced from the detoxification of inorganic As, was inhibited by GO in plants. GO also regulated phosphate transporter gene expression and arsenate reductase activity to influence the uptake and transformation of As, respectively. Moreover, the above effects of GO were concentration dependent. Given the widespread exposure to As in agriculture, the indirect nanotoxicity of GO should be carefully considered in food safety.
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Graphene oxide amplifies the
phytotoxicity of arsenic in wheat
Xiangang Hu
, Jia Kang
, Kaicheng Lu
, Ruiren Zhou
& Qixing Zhou
Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental Criteria (Ministry of Education), Tianjin Key Laboratory of Environmental
Remediation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China,
College of Life Science, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China,
Institute of Agro-environmental Protection, Ministry of
Agriculture, Tianjin 300191, China.
Graphene oxide (GO) is widely used in various fields and is considered to be relatively biocompatible.
Herein, ‘‘indirect’’ nanotoxicity is first defined as toxic amplification of toxicants or pollutants by
nanomaterials. This work revealed that GO greatly amplifies the phytotoxicity of arsenic (As), a widespread
contaminant, in wheat, for example, causing a decrease in biomass and root numbers and increasing
oxidative stress, which are thought to be regulated by its metabolisms. Compared with As or GO alone, GO
combined with As inhibited the metabolism of carbohydrates, enhanced amino acid and secondary
metabolism and disrupted fatty acid metabolism and the urea cycle. GO also triggered damage to cellular
structures and electrolyte leakage and enhanced the uptake of GO and As. Co-transport of GO-loading As
and transformation of As(V) to high-toxicity As(III) by GO were observed. The generation of
dimethylarsinate, produced from the detoxification of inorganic As, was inhibited by GO in plants. GO also
regulated phosphate transporter gene expression and arsenate reductase activity to influence the uptake and
transformation of As, respectively. Moreover, the above effects of GO were concentration dependent. Given
the widespread exposure to As in agriculture, the indirect nanotoxicity of GO should be carefully considered
in food safety.
raphene oxide (GO) nanosheets, a novel engineered nanomaterial, have been applied in various fields,
such as biology, chemistry, medicine, exploration and environmental protection
. Before using GO in
such applications, it is essential to scientifically understand ecological risk and health significance of this
material. The interactions of GO with biological molecules (DNA and proteins) as well as its cytotoxicity, uptake,
pharmacokinetics and hematopathology have mainly been examined in animal experiments
, while its phyto-
toxicity remains largely unexplored. Considering that plants are the primary producers in ecosystems, under-
standing the interactions between nanomaterials and plants is crucial for comprehending the impact of
nanomaterials on ecosystems and food safety. However, little progress has been made in this arena
The direct nanotoxicity of GO observed in living organisms suggests that GO is relatively biocompatible. For
instance, GO acts as a general enhancer of cellular growth by increasing cell attachment and proliferation
Further investigations based on histological examination of organ slices and hematological analyses revealed
that GO toxicity in the treated animals was insignificant
. The positive impacts of 400 mg/L of GO included
significant improvement of the plant health status indicated by decreased levels of H
and lipid and protein
. In fact, exposure of living organisms to multi-toxicants or pollutants is generally concomitant in the
natural environment, rather than occurring in single exposure events. For instance, multiwalled carbon nano-
tubes and fullerenes increase the accumulation of pesticides in agricultural plants, with implications for food
. Fullerenes also increase the toxicity and bioaccumulation of xenobiotic organic compounds in algae and
. Diuron sorbed onto carbon nanotubes enhances toxicity to Chlorella vulgaris
. Nano-Fe
significantly enhances the toxicity and accumulation of arsenic (As) (V) compounds in Ceriodaphnia dubia
These results all indicate toxic amplification of toxicants or pollutants by nanomaterials. Herein, this phenom-
enon is defined as ‘‘indirect’’ nanotoxicity.
In addition to the amplification of uptake indicated above, ‘‘indirect’’ nanotoxicity can involve multiple
phenomena, such as toxic amplification of coexistent toxicants via the regulation of transformation, metabolism,
genes, proteins and enzymes. As is a ubiquitous toxic element and shows the potential to pose a great risk to
animal and human health
. GO, which has a large hydrophilic-specific surface, can directly adsorb and indirectly
transform As species
. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important food crops globally and is a
recommended model organism in the guidelines for chemical testing proposed by the Organization for Economic
13 May 2014
30 July 2014
19 August 2014
Correspondence and
requests for materials
should be addressed to
Q.Z. (zhouqx@nankai.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 1
Co-operation and Development (OECD)
. Widespread As contam-
ination in wheat is a global issue
. The influence of GO on the
uptake, transformation, metabolism and molecular toxicity of As in
wheat is a critical issue in food safety. However, there is little available
information related to this topic.
The primary goals of this study were to thoroughly assess the
indirect nanotoxicity of GO in relation to As in wheat. Specifically,
we determined: (i) the effects of GO on phytotoxicity of As, including
growth inhibition and oxidative stress; (ii) the metabolic regulation
of toxicity amplification; (iii) the influence of cell structure damage
and permeability on the uptake of GO and As; (iv) the regulation of
As uptake and transformation through the chemical interactions of
GO; and (v) the regulation of As uptake and transformation through
the biological interactions of GO, such as through gene expression
and enzymes catalysis.
Characteristics of GO. The surface chemistry of GO is described in
Figure S1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) images showed
that GO included 59.99% C1s, 36.57% O1s and 3.44% N1s. C1s was
shown to be a composite of C-C (46.79%), C-H (42.59%) and C-O-C
(10.62%), while O1s was a composite of C5O (75.24%) and O5C-O
(24.76%) and N1s was attributed to N-C (88.20%) and N5C
(11.80%). These oxygen- and nitrogen-containing groups result in
the hydrophilic surface of GO. The characteristics of GO are further
analyzed in Figure S2. A peak at 230 nm and a peak shoulder from
approximately 280 to 300 nm, which are the typical adsorption peaks
of GO, were observed. There was no obvious alteration of spectra
after 8 days in the GO (10 mg/L) solution, suggesting that GO is very
stable in the aqueous phase. This excellent stability represents a
benefit for the interactions between GO and organisms. Field
emission transmission electron microscopy images showed
irregular folds on GO nanosheets, which reflected the flexibility of
GO. Atomic force microscope imaging demonstrated that the
thickness of GO nanosheets was approximately 0.8–1 nm. The
diameter ranged from approximately 1–5 mm. Hence, as a wide
size distribution would increase the nondeterminacy of the
nanotoxicity test GO was treated using ultrasound (150 W,
30 min) prior to nanotoxicity testing, leading to a narrow size
distribution (465–486 nm, centered on 476 nm). The Raman
spectrum was used to characterize the structure of GO, as shown
in Figure S3. The typical D and G bands of graphene, located at
approximately 1355 and 1602 cm
, were detected; these bands
reflect the disordered structure and ordered sp
carbon system of
graphene, respectively
. Other features included the 2D band
and combined-mode D 1 G band located at approximately 2747
and 2939 cm
, respectively. The positions and intensity of the 2D
bands reflect the number of graphene layers
: the 2D band of
single-layer graphene centers around 2679 cm
, and the 2D/G
intensity ratio of single-layer graphene is .1.6
. In this work, the
2D peak was located at approximately 2747 cm
, and the 2D/G
intensity ratio was found to be 0.6 for the single-layer GO.
Compared to pristine graphene, the disagreement likely was due to
the oxygen-containing groups in GO
GO amplifies the toxicity of As(V). The effects of GO and As(V) on
wheat seed germination are presented in Figure 1. Compared with
the control, As(V) and GO did not significantly inhibit seed
germination, by having assessed using the fresh weight, the
germination rate, the root length, the root number and the shoot
length, as shown in Figure 1a. Concerning positive effects, As(V)
slightly increased the germination rate and the root number. The
shoot length significantly reduced with an increase in the GO
concentration in the AsGO groups. It appears that GO directly
affected the shoot length and As(V) enhanced the impact of GO
under the condition of As(V) and GO co-exposure. AsGO 0.1
markedly (P , 0.05) reduced the shoot length and this reduction
was more intensive with an increase in GO concentrations. AsGO 10
significantly reduced both the fresh weigh and the shoot length.
Chlorophyll biosynthesis, malondialdehyde (MDA) contents and
the activities of peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase
(SOD) exhibited similar effects to growth inhibition, as shown in
Figure 1b. There were no significant differences between the
control and As(V) groups. GO directly affected the SOD and POD
activities, and the toxicity was significantly amplified by the co-
exposure of As(V) and GO. AsGO induced a significant reduction
of chlorophyll contents, especially that of chlorophyll b. The activity
of SOD increased with an increase in the concentration of GO in the
AsGO groups. The changes in MDA as an indicator of lipid
peroxidation were not significant among all groups. The above
results suggested that the relatively biocompatible GO markedly
enhanced the phytotoxicity of As.
Metabolism regulates the amplification of nanotoxicity. Com-
pared with proteins and genes, metabolic changes directly reflect
biological processes
. Herein, metabolomics analyses were
conducted to elucidate the mechanisms of indirect nanotoxicity of
GO in the presence of As. A total of 200 peaks in each sample were
analyzed, and 65 metabolites were identified, as shown in Tables S1
and S2. Compared with other results from metabolic analyses (e.g.,
H NMR technology), the applied extraction procedure and gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry with the
derivatization method were effective for analyzing the multiclass
metabolites of plant cells
. These metabolites correspond to the
main metabolic pathways involved in carbohydrate, amino acid and
fatty acid production, secondary metabolism and the urea cycle. The
metabolites were analyzed using t-tests in Multiple Experiment
Viewer 4, and the metabolites that were found to show significant
differences (P , 0.05) in the roots and shoots, which are listed in
Figure 2a and 2b, respectively. Based on hierarchical clustering
(HCL) analysis, the root metabolites were divided into two
clusters: the control and As/GO/AsGO. Furthermore, the As/GO/
AsGO cluster was divided into two sub-clusters: As and GO/AsGO.
Similarly, the shoot metabolites were divided into two clusters: the
control and As/GO/AsGO; and As/GO/AsGO was further divided
into two sub-clusters: As/GO and AsGO. Principal component
analysis (PCA) was also employed to illustrate the metabolic
specificity among different groups (Figure 2c). The samples were
divided into two groups: the control and As/GO/AsGO. The
discrete scores suggested that the metabolism displayed significant
differences among the As, GO and AsGO groups. The above results
demonstrated that AsGO markedly altered the metabolism in the
control, As and GO groups.
The results in Figure 1 suggest that the root number and chloro-
phyll b content were sensitive to AsGO toxicity in the roots and
shoots, respectively. To further assess metabolic regulation, using
both the root number and chlorophyll b as Y variables, an orthogonal
partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) model was
implemented (Figures S4–6). In the roots, 7 of 23 metabolites showed
a positive coefficient CS (coeffCS) value, indicating that these meta-
bolites made positive contributions to the observed root number.
Among these 7 metabolites, AsGO reduced the contents of xylose,
maltose, aspartic acid and aconitic acid with a VIP (variable import-
ance for the projection) of more than 0.7. Accordingly, the remaining
metabolites made negative contributions to the observed root num-
ber. AsGO increased the contents of 16 metabolites, and the meta-
bolites exhibiting a VIP of more than 1.4 included naphthalene,
monopalmitin, asparagine, galactose and cyclononasiloxane octade-
camethyl-. In the shoots, 9 of 57 metabolites with a positive coeffCS
made positive contributions to the anabolism of chlorophyll b.
Among these 9 metabolites, AsGO decreased the contents of galac-
topyranoside and galactose, which showed a positive coeffCS with a
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 2
VIP of more than 1.3. The remaining 48 metabolites made negative
contributions to the anabolism of chlorophyll b. AsGO enhanced the
contents of the 48 metabolites, and the metabolites with a VIP of
more than 1.3 included monopalmitin, galactofuranoside, pentaric
acid, propanoic acid, alkane, lysine, serine, threonine, phenylalanine,
leucine and isoleucine. The identified high-VIP metabolites are orga-
nized in Figure 3, which indicates the effects of AsGO on the main
metabolic pathways of cells. Compared with the control and the
As-only and GO-only treatments, AsGO inhibited carbohydrate
metabolism, enhanced amino acid and secondary metabolism and
disturbed fatty acid metabolism and the urea cycle. These results are
the first to reveal the mechanisms underlying indirect nanotoxicity
using metabolomics.
Promoted damage of the cell structure by uptake of GO and As. To
investigate the structural damage to the cell wall and plasma mem-
brane, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra
and electrolyte leakage in root cells were studied. Compared with the
control/As-only/GO-only treatments, AsGO increased the abun-
dance of amino groups, hydroxyl groups, cellulose and polysaccha-
rides on the cell surface (Figure 4a), indicating structural damage to
the cell wall and plasma membrane. Electrolyte leakage was further
used to detect membrane permeability. As shown in Figure 4b, As
and GO did not induce obvious electrolyte leakage. However, AsGO
led to significant electrolyte leakage, which increased with the GO
concentration. Furthermore, transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) images confirmed the structural damage to the cell wall
Figure 1
Growth inhibition and oxidative effects in wheat exposed to As and GO. Number of replicates, n 5 3. In Figure 1a and b, * represents
significant differences (P , 0.05) compared with the control and As groups. The units for the enzyme activities of POD and SOD are U/mg/protein and
U/mg/protein, respectively. The units for chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and MDA are mg/g. GO0.1–10, graphene oxide 0.1–10 mg/L; As, arsenic(V),
10 mg/L; POD, peroxidase; SOD, superoxide dismutase; MDA, malondialdehyde.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 3
and plasma membrane (Figure 5). The plasma membrane was close
to the cell wall in the control, and slight plasmolysis occurred in the
As sample. However, remarkable plasmolysis was observed in the
GO sample and especially for the AsGO sample, as indicated by the
pink arrows in Figure 5a–d. The elliptical outlines of root cells
changed to irregular outlines in the GO and AsGO images. In the
shoot TEM images from the control, As and GO groups, elliptical
chloroplasts adhered to the plasma membrane and regular
thylakoids in the chloroplasts were visible. However, the elliptical
chloroplasts became circular and were distant from the plasma
membrane, and the structure of the thylakoid was damaged in
shoot TEM images from the AsGO group, as indicated by the
yellow and black arrows in Figure 5e–g. In addition, plasma
membrane folding was observed, as indicated with a blue circle in
an AsGO image. It is possible that GO increased the permeability of
plant cells and then enhanced the uptake of GO and As via passive
transport across the plasma membrane. Compared with the control
and As samples, remarkable GO deposition was observed in roots
exposed to GO and AsGO, as indicated by the green arrows.
Compared with GO (Figure 5g), AsGO induced a great deal of GO
deposition, which is indicated in the cytoplasm with blue arrows
(Figure 5h) for shoot samples.
There is no question of the intracellular uptake of As, but the
uptake of GO in plant cells remains unclear. To characterize the
uptake of GO, the compositions of the dark dots in plant cells
shown in Figure 5d (root) and h (shoot) were characterized using
the Raman spectra, as shown in Figure 6. The typical D and G
bands of GO located at 1,349 and 1,590 cm
were detected in the
dark dot compositions of the root samples. In contrast, ther e were
no obvious GO peaks outside of the dark dots. Similar results were
found in the shoot samples, although the signals were very weak.
These results demonstrated that GO entered the plant cel ls.
Furth ermore, TEM-EDX was used to semi-quantita tively analyze
the uptake of As (Figure 7). In the root sampl es, the co ntent of As
inside and outside of the dark dots was 0.5% and 0.1%, respect -
ively. For the shoot samples, the content of As inside and outside
of the dark dots was 0.4% and 0.0%, respectively. The above
results demonstrated that As loaded onto GO was taken up via
co-transport. In summary, ce ll structure damag e enhanced the
uptake of GO and As.
Figure 2
Metabolic analysis of plant cells exposed to GO and As(V). The relative contents of metabolites are represented by heat maps for root (a) and
shoot (b) samples. These metabolites show significant differences (P ,0.05) between the tested groups. Cluster analysis of the metabolites was carried out
using HCL. (c) Cluster analysis of the metabolites using PCA. GO, graphene oxide; HCL, hierarchical clustering; PCA, principal component analysis.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 4
GO regulates As uptake and transformation through genes and
enzymes. The uptake and transformation of As(V) were further
quantified using the liquid chromatograph-inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometer (HPLC-ICP-MS). The uptake rate of As
was high in the plants, as shown in Figure 8a. Compared with the
19.9% rate of As uptake recorded without GO exposure, the uptake
rate of As increased to 24.6% and 32.1%, then decreased to 16.1% in
the presence of GO concentrations of 0.1, 1 and 10 mg/L,
respectively. Therefore, the regulation of uptake of As by GO was
concentration dependent. Both of As(V) and As(III) were detected in
all groups, suggesting transformation of As(V) to As(III) in vivo.
Moreover, DMA was detected in the group exposed to As(V)
alone. GO enhanced the accumulation ratio of As(III) in the roots,
with root-to-shoot concentration ratio of 14.0, 10.9, 16.8 and 22.1
being observed in the As, AsGO 0.1, AsGO 1 and AsGO 10 groups,
respectively. The accumulation ratio for As(V) was 4.2, 9.1, 11.4 and
7.2 in As, AsGO 0.1, AsGO 1 and AsGO 10 groups, respectively,
showing concentration dependence. In summary, the generation of
DMA to detoxify inorganic As was inhibited by GO, and GO led to
the accumulation of high-toxicity As(III) in wheat roots.
To identify roles of direct chemical regulation in As uptake and
transformation by GO, the interaction of GO with As(V) in the
aqueous phase was investigated (Figure 8b). In the As-only group,
13.4% of As(V) was transformed to As(III). In the other groups, GO
did not significantly alter transformation of As(V). However, 73.5–
76.6% of the transformed As(III) was absorbed on GO, and the rate
of transformation was not significantly different in the different
groups. The ratio of absorbed As to total As increased with the GO
concentration, with values of 3.1, 8.9 and 12.1% being obtained in
GO 0.1, GO 1 and GO 10, respectively. These results showed that As,
especially As(III), was adsorbed onto GO, but GO played a limited
role in transformation of As through direct chemical reactions. To
further identify the functions of biological regulation in As uptake
and transformation by GO, the intracellular activities of key enzymes
and gene expression were quantified, as shown in Figure 8c. GO at
low and moderate concentrations (0.1 and 1 mg/L) enhanced the
expression of phosphate transporter genes that transport As through
the plasma membrane, but their expression decreased under a high
concentration of 10 mg/L GO. The activity of arsenate reductase,
which plays an important role in transformation of As(V) to
As(III), showed similar changes to the expression of phosphate
transporter genes. The activity of arsenate reductase was enhanced
and then inhibited by increasing GO concentrations. These results
demonstrated that GO regulated As uptake and transformation
through both chemical and biological processes and this regulation
was concentration dependent.
In general, GO is thought to be relatively biocompatible compared
with metal nanoparticles and other carbon nanomaterials
Figure 3
Effects of AsGO on the main metabolic pathways of plant cells. The metabolites labeled with arrows showed significant differences (P , 0.05)
between the tested groups. Compared with the control, As-only and GO-only groups, AsGO induced metabolic changes with a high VIP in roots and
shoots, which are indicated with blue and red arrows, respectively. The directions of the arrows indicate the up-regulation and down-regulation of
metabolites. The filled and dotted black arrows represent direct and indirect reactions, respectively. VIP, variable importance for the projection; GO,
graphene oxide; As, arsenic.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 5
adverse effects of GO on the growth and biomass of higher plants,
such as cabbage, tomato, red spinach and lettuce, have been observed
at concentrations below 400 mg/L
. Treatment with GO dosages
ranging from 0.1 to 10 mg/L does not significantly disturb seed
germination in wheat, as demonstrated based on the growth, biomass
and oxidative stress of the plants. Although GO slightly reduced root
growth, the reduction was not remarkable. The amino groups on
biological cells could interact with GO, resulting in GO wrapping
or adsorbing around cells; the cells were then isolated from the cul-
ture medium, leading to a reduction in plant growth
. Treatment
with As(V) at a concentration of 10 mg/L also did not induce sig-
nificant adverse effects, but considerable adverse effects were
observed when wheat was exposed to As(V) and GO together, even
at a very low dose (0.1 mg/L) of GO. Compared with that in the
control, the application of 0.1 mg/L of GO with As triggered a reduc-
tion of shoot length and chlorophyll b contents and a increase of SOD
activity. Similarly, when the 24-h mortality of Ceriodaphnia dubia
was assessed, 2.4–3.2 mg/L As(V) led to an increase from 2.5–37.5%
without nanoparticles to 43–65% in the presence of 10–50 mg/L
and nano-Al
. Given that As contamination is wide-
spread in agricultural plants such as wheat, rice and corn
, the
impact of ‘‘indirect’’ nanotoxicity on food safety should be
The potential benefits of applying metabolomics to reveal molecu-
lar mechanisms of nanotoxicology and nanomedicine are only start-
Figure 4
Structural damage to the cell wall and plasma membrane.
Fourier transform infrared spectra (a) and electrolyte leakage (b) in root
cells. GO10 and GO1 are cells exposed to 10 and 1 mg/L GO, respectively.
As, arsenic (V) 10 mg/L; GO, graphene oxide. The chemical groups in the
Fourier transform infrared spectra refer to previous work
Figure 5
Transmission electron microscopy images of plant cells. Pink
arrows indicate the cell wall in (a)–(d). Green arrows indicate GO
deposition in the cytoplasm for (c) and (d). Yellow arrows indicate
chloroplasts in (e)–(h). Black arrows indicate thylakoids in (e)–(h). Blue
arrows indicate GO deposition in the cytoplasm for (g) and (h) images.
The blue circle indicates the plasma membrane in (h). Cw, cell wall; Pm,
plasma membrane; Chl, chloroplast; Thy, thylakoid. Scale bar, 5 mm.
Figure 6
Raman spectra of the dark dot compositions of the plant cells
shown in Figure 5d (root) and h (shoot) exposed to AsGO. GO, graphene
oxide. The chemical groups in the Raman spectra refer to previous
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 6
ing to be realised
. Compared with the control/As-only/GO-only
treatments, AsGO inhibited carbohydrate metabolism, except for
galactofuranoside. The inhibition of carbohydrate metabolism was
linked to the insufficiency of energy supplementation, which was
consistent with growth inhibition. Carbohydrate metabolism is also
considered to be an indicator of osmoprotection
. Thus, the results
depicted in Figure 4b indicate that AsGO increased cellular electro-
lyte leakage. There is extensive and unequivocal evidence that amino
acid metabolism and secondary metabolism in plants are associated
with the cellular response to the stress
. AsGO enhanced amino
acid and secondary metabolism, including that of leucine, glycine,
phenylalanine, naphthalene and octadecamethyl-cyclononasiloxane.
Compared with that in the other groups, AsGO significantly
enhanced the accumulation of a saturated fatty acid (alkane).
Increases in saturated fatty acids are linked to the reduction of mem-
brane fluidity
, which most likely led to the membrane structure
damage depicted in Figures 4 and 5. AsGO also disturbed the urea
cycle and induced the accumulation of amino acids, such as lysine,
threonine, asparagine and isoleucine. Specifically, the pathway of
nitrogen storage was altered. These metabolic responses may be
helpful for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying
toxicity amplification from the co-exposure of As(V) and GO to
The mechanisms of the uptake of GO, and even carbon nanoma-
terials, into plant cells remain obscure at present. Fullerenes up to
100 nm in diameter enter the gaps between the cell wall and the
plasma membrane
, suggesting that nanomaterials can penetrate a
cell wall even when they are larger than the cell wall pores
shown in Figure 5c and d, uptake of GO was observed in TEM images
and was confirmed by the Raman spectra presented in Figure 6.
Generally, the uptake of nanomaterials is increased by the enhance-
ment of permeability
. AsGO triggered structural damage to the cell
wall and plasma membrane and increased electrolyte leakage
(Figure 4), which generally occurred for very high concentrations
(more than 100 mg/L) of GO exposure to cells
. Moreover,
Figure 5c and d demonstrates that plasmolysis occurred. It has been
proposed that carbon nanotube and nano-ZnO materials enter the
roots of seedlings by increasing the permeability of plant cell walls
After the uptake of GO and As, the damage and structural alterations
observed in organelles were considerable, including destruction of
chloroplasts, which corresponded to a decrease of chlorophyll
Another important finding was that As accumulated on GO in
cells (Figure 7), demonstrating that GO increased the uptake of As
via co-transport. Figure 8a shows that 0.1 and 1 mg/L GO enhanced
the uptake of As, whereas 10 mg/L GO reduced As uptake.
Figure 7
Energy dispersive spectra of the dark dot compositions of the plant cells from Figure 5d (root) and h (shoot) exposed to AsGO.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 7
Concerning direct chemical interactions, our results showed that As,
and especially As(III), could be absorbed on GO, and the absorption
increased with the GO concentration (Figure 8b). These findings
implied that the uptake of As involved pathways other than chemical
interactions alone. It has been reported that As is taken up by plants
via phosphate transporters
. Recently, the genotoxicity of graphene-
based materials has attracted much attention
. Figure 8c shows
that low concentrations of GO increased the expression of phosphate
transporter genes, while high concentrations of GO decreased their
expression. Therefore, GO influenced the uptake of As via at least
three pathways: permeability regulation, co-transport and trans-
porter gene regulation. DMA is a less toxic methylated form of inor-
ganic As
. GO inhibited the formation of DMA in plants and then
enhanced the phytotoxicity of As, as shown in Figures 1 and 8a.
As(III) is more toxic in terms of ecological and health risks than
. Figure 8a shows that the ratio of As(III) to As(V) first
increased and then decreased with the GO concentration in both
the roots and shoots. Concerning direct chemical reactions, as indi-
cated in Figure 8b, GO increased the transformation of As(V) to
As(III), but there was no significant change associated with the GO
concentration. Arsenate reductase activity is considered to play a
critical role in the transformation of As(V) to As(III) in plants
GO regulated the transformation of As through arsenate reductase
activity (Figure 8c). Therefore, GO regulated the uptake and trans-
formation of As through chemical and biological processes together.
In conclusion, ‘‘indirect’’ nanotoxicity is defined as toxic amp-
lification of other toxicants or pollutants by nanomaterials. This
work comprehensively analyzed ‘‘indirect’’ nanotoxicity of the rela-
tively biocompatible GO, which amplified the phytotoxicity of wide-
spread As in wheat. The indirect nanotoxicity of GO involved at least
five components, as described in Figure S7: (i) enhancement of
growth inhibition and oxidative stress; (ii) regulation of key forms
of metabolism, such as carbohydrate, amino acid and secondary
metabolism; (iii) increasing damage to cell structures and permeab-
ility; (iv) regulation of As uptake and transformation via chemical
interactions, such as through As loading onto GO entering the cell;
and (v) regulation of As uptake and transformation via biological
interactions, such as transporter gene expression and enzyme cata-
lysis. Given the widespread exposure to As in agriculture, ‘‘indirect’’
nanotoxicity of GO should be considered in relation to food safety.
Characteristics of GO nanosheets. GO nanosheets were obtained from Nanjing
XFNANO Materials Tech Co., Ltd., China. XPS measurements were conducted using
the Axis Ultra XPS system (Axis Ultra DLD, Kratos) with a monochromatic Al Ka X-
ray source (1486.6 eV). The spectra were analyzed with Casa-XPS V2.3.13 software.
Samples were prepared and dispersed in absolute ethanol, and atomic force
microscopy (AFM) and field emission TEM measurements were then conducted on a
Veeco Nanoscope 4 or JEM-2010 FEF, respectively. UV spectra were obtained using a
TU-1901 spectrophotometer with UVWin5 software. The size distribution was
detected through wide-angle light scattering (BI-200SM, Brookhaven). Raman
spectrometry (Thermo Scientific, DXR) with a 514 nm laser was used to analyze GO
Seed germination experimen t. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds were sterilized
for 20 min using 2% H
. Subsequently, the seeds were completely rinsed using pure
water (18.2 V/cm). Double-layer filter paper (diameter, 9 cm) was placed in a culture
dish. In a same volume of 6 mL, 10 mg/L As(V); 0.1–10 mg/L GO; 10 mg/L As(V)
plus 0.1–10 mg/L GO; and pure water were added to different culture dishes,
respectively. In each culture dish, 15 seeds with the same diameter and shape were
germinated. For uniformity, the seeds were arranged on the plates with consistent
growth spacing. The culture dishes were placed in a climate chamber at 3000 Lx
irradiation under a temperature of 24uC temperature 80% humidity.
Plant growth and oxidative stress. To avoid the influence of other factors, the culture
medium, temperature and spacing were kept uniform for all groups, such that these
factors did not have adverse effects on plant growth during germination. To reduce
differences among m anipulations, four dishes were prepared for each group.
Germination was performed for eight days. The fresh weight, leaf length, root length
and root number were recorded using a plant analyzer (EPSON Perfection V700
Photo, SilverFast STD4800). The content of chlorophyll a, the activities of SOD/POD
and content of MDA were analyzed using a TU-1901 spectrophotometer, as described
Figure 8
GO-regulated As uptake and transformation. GO-regulated As
uptake and transformation in roots and shoots (a). GO-regulated As
uptake and transformation in the aqueous phase (b). GO-regulated
activity of arsenate reductase and the expression of phosphate transporter
genes (c). GO, graphene oxide; AsGO0.1–10, 10 mg/L As(V) with GO
ranged from 0.1–10 mg/L. DMA, dimethylarsinate.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 8
. The concentration of lipid peroxides was quantified in terms of the
MDA concentration. As monitored at 560 nm, SOD activity was assayed by
measuring the ability of the enzyme extract to inhibit the photochemical reduction of
nitrotetrazolium blue chloride. After the enzyme extract reacted with H
activity was measured based on the H
decomposition rate, using guaiacol as a
hydrogen donor, and CAT activity was estimated based on the decrease in absorbance
at 240 nm.
Metabolic analyses. To obtain representative material from large plant tissues, root
and shoot tips (length, 1 cm) were collected from more than 30 random plants using a
sharp knife. To avoid metabolic alterations during preparation, the root and shoot
tips (0.1 g) were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and then ground with 2 mL of a
solution of methanol5chloroform5water (volumetric ratio 5 2.55151) and 0.2 mg/
mL ribitol (50 mL) as an internal standard. Metabolites were intensively extracted
using ultrasound (200 W, 30 min) in an ice bath, then centrifuged for 10 min at
9,000 g at 4uC. The supernatant was subsequently collected, and the sediment was
extracted again using 1 mL of a methanol5chloroform solution (volumetric ratio 5
151), after which ultrasound and centrifugation were performed as described above.
This supernatant wa s mixed with the previously collected supernatant, and water
(500 mL) was added, followed by centrifugation at 9,000 g for 5 min. The lower phase
was dried through nitrogen blow-off. For the upper phase, methanol was removed via
nitrogen blow-off, and the remaining water was lyophilized. Methoxamine
hydrochloride (20 mg/mL, 50 mL) and N-methyl-N-
(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (80 mL) were added as derivatives. Samples (1 mL)
were injected into the gas chromatography column in split mode (1525). Gas
chromatography (Agilent 6890N, Agilent Technologies, USA) linked with quadruple
mass spectrometry (Agilent 5973, Agilent Technologies, USA) was applied to analyze
metabolites. The detection and identification of metabolites were performed in a
previous study by our group
Electron microscopy and spectroscopy analysis. TEM was used to investigate the
cellular ultrastructure. Tips of roots and shoots were thoroughly washed using water,
prefixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 2 h,
dehydrated in a graded ethanol series and then embedded in epoxy resin (ETON 812).
Ultrathin sections (80 nm) were cut using an ultramicrotome with a diamond knife
(Leica EM FC7). TEM images were obtained on Hitachi HT7700 TEM. TEM coupled
EDX (JEM-2010FEF, phoenix 60 t) was conducted to detect elements in the roots and
shoots. The operation parameters were as follows: 200.00 kV, 45.00 azimuth, 51.2
ampT Sutw-sapphire detector type, with a resolution of 137.25. A Raman
spectrometer was used to analyze the GO compositions in the cells, which were
recorded on a Thermo Scientific DXR Raman microscope using 780 nm excitation
from a diode-pumped, solid state (DPSS) laser. FTIR was conducted to analyze the
chemical groups on the cellar surface, and the results were recorded on a Bruker
Tensor 27 infrared spectrometer with a resolution of 2 cm
at 4,000–400 cm
measured amount of biomass was mixed with potassium bromide (mass ratios 5
2598). The mixture was ground into fine particles and compressed into a translucent
sample disk with a manual hydraulic press. The di sks were then fixed in the FTIR
apparatus for analysis.
Electrolyte leakage. Electrolyte leakage was measured to detect membrane
permeability and assessed as described in a previous report
. Root samples were
washed three times using pure water to remove surface-adhered electrolytes. The
roots were placed in closed vials containing 10 mL of pure water and incubated at
25uC on a shaker at 500 rmp for 24 h, after which the electrical conductivity of the
solution (EC
) was determined. The samples were then autoclaved at 120uC for
20 min, and the final electrical conductivity (EC
) was obtained after equilibration at
25uC. Electrolyte leakage was defined as follows: electrolyte leakage (%) 5 [EC
3 100.
Detection of As uptake and transformation. Samples of the roots and shoots with
a fresh weight of 0.1 g were lyophilized. The samples were then ground in 5 mL of
methanol and water (volume ratio, 251). As was extracted using ultrasound at
150 W for 30 min. Subsequently, the samples were centrifuged at 8,000 g for
15 min, and the supernatant was collected. The sediments were extracted and
centrifuged again, and the two supernatants were combined. After filtration
through a 0.22 mm membrane, 1 mL of the sample was injected into HPLC-ICP-
MS (Agilent 1260/7700X). As a sub-experiment, the direct interactions of GO with
As were studied in the aqueous phase. As(V) at 10 mg/L reacted with a GO at 0.1–
10 mg/L in the same incubator as was used for seed germination. The suspension
was filtered to separate GO (diameter, 465–486 nm, center at 476 nm) with an
ultrafilter (3KD, approximately 10 nm pore, Millipore). The filtrate was directed
analyzed using HPLC-ICP-MS. The adsorbed As was successively eluted using
0.5 mL of 1 M NaOH, 0.5 mL of 1 M HCl and 0.5 mL of water. The eluent was
analyzed through HPLC-ICP-MS. In all samples, As(V), As(III), dimethylarsinate
and monomethylarsinate were detected.
Arsenate reductase activity. Arsenate reductase activity was assayed using the
coupled enzymatic reaction described by Duan et al
. The assay was performed in
50 mM 3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid, 50 mM 2-(N-
morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid, pH 6.5, containing 1.5 mM nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate, 1 unit of yeast glutaredoxins, 1 mM glutathione and 10 mM
sodium arsenate, in a total volume of 1.5 mL. All of the measurements were
performed at 30uC. The oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
was monitored by recording the decrease in absorbance using a TU-1901
spectrophotometer with UVWin5 software.
Expression of phosphate transporter genes. The analysis of phosphate transporter
gene expression was described in detail previously
. Briefly, based on known high-
affinity phosphate transporter sequences, degenerate polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) primers were designed against highly conserved regions identified through
sequence alignment. A combination of two upstream primers (59-TTYTTYCANG-
downstream primer (59-GGNCCRAARTTNGCRAARAA-39) were chosen for PCR.
For phosphate transporter sequences, first-strand cDNA synthesis was performed on
1 mg of total RNA as a template with 5 pmol of the antisense primer 59-
GGNCCRAARTTNGCRAARAA-39. For 18S RNA reactions, the antisense primer
59-CACTTCACCGGACCATTCAATCG-39 was employed for first-strand synthesis
using 0.5 mg of total RNA as a template.
Statistical analyses. All treatments included three replicates, and the mean 6 SD
(standard deviation) is presented with error bars. A t-test with Welch approximation
for unequal group variances with P-values based on the t-distribution was performed
with a cutoff of P , 0.05 in Multiple Experiment Viewer 4. PCA and OPLS-DA were
performed using SIMCA-P 11.5 software. A heat map was generated using MeV 4.8.1
software. The default distance metric for HCL was Pearson correlation, and the
linkage method selection was average linkage clustering.
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We thank Dr Yuming Chen, Mr Shaohu Ouyang, Dr Junjie Du and Ms Yuanyuan Gao for
their help in the characteristics of GO nanosheets and cells. This work was financially
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant Nos: U1133006,
21037002 and 21307061), the Ministry of Education of China (grant No. IRT 13024),
Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (grant No. 14JCQNJC08900), the Doctoral Program of
Higher Education of China (grant No. 2013003112016), the Postdoctoral Science
Foundation of China (grant No. 2014M550138) and the Fundamental Research Funds for
the Central Univ ersities (grant no. 65121006).
Author contributions
H.X. and Z.Q. designed the research; H.X., M.L., Z.R., L.K. and K.J. performed the research;
H.X. and M.L. analyzed the data; H.X. wrote the paper; and Z.Q. revised the manuscript.
Additional information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Hu, X. et al. Graphene oxide amplifies the phytotoxicity of arsenic
in wheat. Sci. Rep. 4, 6122; DOI:10.1038/srep06122 (2014).
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 4 : 6122 | DOI: 10.1038/srep06122 10
... There has also been evidence that the surface functional groups of CNMs influence phototoxicity. [158] For example, CDs with different functional groups were compared. [159] The gCDs (synthesized in glycerol) with rich hydroxyl groups showed no toxicity while wCDs (synthesized in water) with higher amounts of amine and carboxyl displayed mortality. ...
... A study found that GO that have oxygenand nitrogen-containing groups magnified the phytotoxicity of arsenic (As) in wheat. [158] This GO could accelerate the uptake of As, leading to cellular structure damage and electrolyte leakage. Moreover, GO could also promote the transformation of As 5+ to high-toxicity As 3+ . ...
Full-text available
Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs), comprising carbon dots, graphene‐related materials, and carbon nanotubes, have significant potential for enhancing agricultural productivity. Their compositional compatibility and exceptional properties intrigue a great deal of explorations in agricultural applications, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and regulators of plant growth. However, the evaluation of their agricultural applicability often lacks quantitative sustainability metrics, with insufficient scrutiny on the carbon footprint and scalability of the manufacturing. This review attempts to provide a quantitative ranking system for evaluating the manufacturing processes of the CNMs by applying the twelve principles of Green Chemistry, particularly in the context of agriculture applications. The review also offers a systematically organized account of CNMs' effects on plant systems, encompassing nutrient enhancement, photosynthesis, soil amelioration, disease resistance, and phytotoxicity, which can provide design rationales for the further development of CNMs.
... The stress molecules like reactive oxygen species were also increased, resulting in the necrosis of plants except lettuce. Hu et al. [27] found that 0.1-10 mg/L GO exposure boosted the adversative properties of As(V) in wheat seeds, leading to considerable loss of the fresh mass, shoot length, and chlorophyll content of treated plants. Furthermore, the study also indicated that the activity of peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) was amplified in a concentration-dependent mode, which indicates the stress response (Table 1). ...
The employment of nanotechnological tools is increasing at a very rapid pace in modern agricultural systems. Among a gamut of nanoparticles employed, carbon nanoparticles are also being explored as potential tools for increasing plant productivity. Due to their broad spectrum biocidal activity, they are projected as future biocontrol agents. However, the multifarious approach not only reduces the chances of resistance in pathogens but also puts forward the potential off-target effects of using these nanoparticles. The practice of agriculture is highly reliant on plant–microbe symbiotic relations. Therefore, nanoparticle accumulation in agricultural systems could disrupt this relationship. The interference of nanoparticles with the genetic material of plants and microbes can lead to the generation of mutant strains and serotypes with unpredictable outcomes. Additionally, the repetitive exposure of rhizosphere microbes to carbon nanomaterials can lead to significant alterations in the rhizosphere microbiome that might significantly change plant productivity. In the current chapter, we have highlighted toxicity associated with the nanomaterials originating from carbon and potential harmful effects that might alter plant productivity. We have also tried to highlight the potential mechanism governing their off-target effects on the beneficial soil microbes.
... Herbicide resistance in plants has developed to the point that they are no longer controllable by chemicals as a result of the plant community being exposed to various herbicides continuously and at various periods of the year. Utilizing NP encapsulation techniques, particular receptors in the roots of target weeds are targeted by target-specific herbicide molecules, which impede glycolysis and cause the target weed to starve to death [92]. Vapor loss from herbicide application could occur in rainfed areas with minimal soil moisture. ...
Chapter 7 Unveiling the effects of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on crop: an in-depth critical analysis Abstract: Nanotechnology is an emerging field that has the potential to revolutionize agriculture by improving crop yields, disease resistance, and nutrient uptake. Recently , several nanotechnology-based methods for managing and enhancing crops have been developed. One method involves using nanomaterials such as nanopar-ticles and nanotubes to deliver fertilizers, insecticides, and growth-promoting chemicals , as well as to improve soil quality and water retention. Nanotechnology also offers new approaches for crop genetic manipulation through nano-vectors for gene transport and gene editing. These technologies could help to create crops that are more resistant to biotic and abiotic stress, and better adapted to changing environmental factors. However, concerns exist regarding the safety, environmental effects, and potential health risks of nanomaterials. Therefore, further research is necessary to assess the safety and effectiveness of nanotechnology-based technologies.
The indiscriminate release of heavy metals and endocrine disrupting chemicals are continuously on the increase due to the rapid growth and urbanization of society. They accumulate in soils and pose threat to food security, human health, and the environment. The adverse effects of their indiscriminate discharge on environmental quality and public health require priority attention on a global scale. This review will provide insight into the concept of heavy metals and endocrine disrupting chemicals. It will also take a holistic overview on the use of nanotechnology, a current technology to remediate heavy metals and endocrine disrupting chemicals. The effects of remediating contaminated soil environments using nanotechnology on public health including effect on crops and soil enzymes were presented as well as current studies on Nano technological clean-up of the aforementioned environmental wastes. Finally, the paper presented the prospects of using nanomaterials research in the remediation of heavy metals and endocrine disrupting chemicals contaminated soils.
Heavy metals (HMs) are among the most dangerous environmental variables for a variety of life forms, including crops. Accumulation of HMs in consumables and their subsequent transmission to the food web are serious concerns for scientific communities and policy makers. The function of essential plant cellular macromolecules is substantially hampered by HMs, which eventually have a detrimental effect on agricultural yield. Among these HMs, three were considered, i.e., arsenic, cadmium, and chromium, in this review, from agro-ecosystem perspective. Compared with conventional plant growth regulators, the use of nanoparticles (NPs) is a relatively recent, successful, and promising method among the many methods employed to address or alleviate the toxicity of HMs. The ability of NPs to reduce HM mobility in soil, reduce HM availability, enhance the ability of the apoplastic barrier to prevent HM translocation inside the plant, strengthen the plant's antioxidant system by significantly enhancing the activities of many enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants, and increase the generation of specialized metabolites together support the effectiveness of NPs as stress relievers. In this review article, to assess the efficacy of various NP types in ameliorating HM toxicity in plants, we adopted a ‘fusion approach’, in which a machine learning-based analysis was used to systematically highlight current research trends based on which an extensive literature survey is planned. A holistic assessment of HMs and NMs was subsequently carried out to highlight the future course of action(s).
Full-text available
The 21 st century marked an increased reliance on the emerging and most promising field-Nanotechnology. A technology that is carried on a nanoscale level provides promising applications and solutions at the macro level for the issues that occur in the real world. This field has laid the foundation for industries that includes medicine, cosmetics, food, agriculture, environmental health, and technology. The implementation of nanotechnology on a commercial level for the production of marketable products is still limited and rare. Providing novel insights on how this can be improved is currently at the forefront. A field that provides appropriate functioning with vigilance to the things around and within us is known as Artificial Intelligence. It was formally termed as Artificial Intelligence commonly referred as AI, at the Dartmouth University Conference in year 1956, which captured worldwide interest. AI is the accumulation of knowledge from various fields such as biology, physiology, logic, psychology, computer science, etc., and employs this knowledge to achieve human intellectual activities. Nanotechnology is a thread of AI; these two critical technologies together satisfy the need to or provide solutions to various problems. Resource-inefficient agriculture is still a matter of concern in developing and underdeveloped countries. AI and Nanotechnology are anticipated to be the critical tools to solve this global problem. Farmers worldwide are adapting to this technology to enhance crop yield and activity. The technology captures and synthesizes data for farmers eventually progressing toward economic growth.
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Graphene oxide (GOx) is a nanomaterial with demonstrated capacity to remove metals from water. However, its effects on organic pollutants and metal(loid)s present in polluted soils when used for remediation purposes have not been extensively addressed. Likewise, few studies describe the effects of GOx on edaphic properties and soil biology. In this context, here we assessed the potential of GOx for remediating polluted soil focusing also on different unexplored effects of GOx in soil. To achieve this, we treated soil contaminated with concurrent inorganic (As and metals) and organic pollution (TPH and PAHs), using GOx alone and in combination with nutrients (N and P sources). In both cases increased availability of As and Zn was observed after 90 days, whereas Cu and Hg availability was reduced and the availability of Pb and the concentration of organic pollutants were not significantly affected. The application of GOx on the soil induced a significant and rapid change (within 1 week) in microbial populations, leading to a transient reduction in biodiversity, consistent with the alteration of several soil properties. Concurrently, the combination with nutrients exhibited a distinct behaviour, manifesting a more pronounced and persistent shift in microbial populations without a decrease in biodiversity. On the basis of these findings, GOx emerges as a versatile amendment for soil remediation approaches.
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Calcium (Ca) has an important role in plant physiology, including involvement in the responses to salt stress, and controls numerous processes. To overcome the negative impact of high salinity, the addition of supplemental Ca to the growth medium as an ameliorative agent could be necessary. Atriplex halimus subsp. schweinfurthii and Atriplex canescens subsp. linearis were grown in hydroponic conditions to investigate the effectiveness of supplementary calcium chloride (CaCl2) applied into nutrient solution on plants grown at high (400 mM) sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration. Treatments were: 1) nutrient solution alone [control (C)]; 2) nutrient solution plus 400 mM sodium chloride (NaCl); and 3) nutrient solution and 400 mM NaCl plus supplementary 40 mM CaCl2 supplied in nutrient solution (NaCl + CaCl2). The experiment was set up as a completely randomized design, consisting of two species (A. halimus and A. canescens), three treatments (control, NaCl, and NaCl + CaCl2), and five replicates. Dry weight and chlorophyll content of plants grown at high NaCl were lower than those at normal nutrient solution. Supplementary CaCl2 ameliorated the negative effects of salinity on plant growth in both species. Root hydraulic conductivity (L0) decreased with elevated NaCl and increased with supplementary CaCl2 compared to the stressed plants. Membrane permeability increased with high NaCl application and these increases in root membrane permeability decreased with supplementary CaCl2 compared to the NaCl treatment. Sodium (Na) concentration in plant tissues increased in both species in high NaCl level. Application of supplementary CaCl2 lowered Na concentration. Concentrations of calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) were at deficient ranges in the plants grown at high NaCl levels and these deficiencies were corrected by supplementary CaCl2.
It is well known that graphene (G) induces nanotoxicity towards living organisms. Here, a novel and biocompatible hydrated graphene ribbon (HGR) unexpectedly promoted aged (two years) seed germination. HGR formed at the normal temperature and pressure (120 days hydration), presented 17.1% oxygen, 0.9% nitrogen groups, disorder-layer structure, with 0.38 nm thickness ribbon morphology. Interestingly, there were bulges around the edges of HGR. Compared to G and graphene oxide (GO), HGR increased seed germination by 15% root differentiation between 52 and 59% and enhanced resistance to oxidative stress. The metabonomics analysis discovered that HGR upregulated carbohydrate, amino acid, and fatty acids metabolism that determined secondary metabolism, nitrogen sequestration, cell membrane integrity, permeability, and oxidation resistance. Hexadecanoic acid as a biomarker promoted root differentiation and increased the germination rate. Our discovery is a novel HGR that promotes aged seed germination, illustrates metabolic specificity among graphene-based materials, and inspires innovative concepts in the regulation of seed development.
Graphene and its derivatives are promising candidates for important biomedical applications because of their versatility. The prospective use of graphene-based materials in a biological context requires a detailed comprehension of the toxicity of these materials. Moreover, due to the expanding applications of nanotechnology, human and environmental exposures to graphene-based nanomaterials are likely to increase in the future. Because of the potential risk factors associated with the manufacture and use of graphene-related materials, the number of nanotoxicological studies of these compounds has been increasing rapidly in the past decade. These studies have researched the effects of the nanostructural/biological interactions on different organizational levels of the living system, from biomolecules to animals. This review discusses recent results based on in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity and genotoxicity studies of graphene-related materials and critically examines the methodologies employed to evaluate their toxicities. The environmental impact from the manipulation and application of graphene materials is also reported and discussed. Finally, this review presents mechanistic aspects of graphene toxicity in biological systems. More detailed studies aiming to investigate the toxicity of graphene-based materials and to properly associate the biological phenomenon with their chemical, structural, and morphological variations that result from several synthetic and processing possibilities are needed. Knowledge about graphene-based materials could ensure the safe application of this versatile material. Consequently, the focus of this review is to provide a source of inspiration for new nanotoxicological approaches for graphene-based materials.
This study investigates the impact of different single-bilayer graphene oxide sheet (hereafter 'graphene oxide', GO; size: 0.5-5μm) concentrations (0, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600mgL(-1)) and underlying potential mechanisms in germinating faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seedlings. The study revealed both positive and negative concentration-dependent GO-effects on V. faba. Significant negative impacts of GO concentrations (ordered by magnitude of effect: 1600>200>100mgGOL(-1)) were indicated by decreases in growth parameters and the activity of H2O2-decomposing enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase, APX; catalase, CAT), and by increases in the levels of electrolyte leakage (EL), H2O2, and lipid and protein oxidation. The positive impacts of 400 and 800mgGOL(-1) included significant improvements in V. faba health status indicated by decreased levels of EL, H2O2, and lipid and protein oxidation, and by enhanced H2O2-decomposing APX and CAT activity, and increased proline and seed-relative water content. V. faba seedlings-polypeptide patterns strongly substantiated these GO-concentration effects. Overall, the positive effects of these two GO concentrations (800>400mgL(-1)) on V. faba seedlings indicate their safe nature and allow to suggest further studies.
The effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) or C60 fullerenes on the uptake of weathered chlordane or DDx (DDT+metabolites) by Cucurbita pepo (zucchini), Zea mays (corn), Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and Glycine max (soybean) was investigated. The plants were grown in 50-g of soil with weathered chlordane (2,150 ng/g) and DDx (118 ng/g) that was amended with 0, 500, 1000 or 5000 mg/kg MWCNT or C60. After 28-d, the root and shoot content of chlordane components and DDx was determined by GC-MS. Zucchini and tomato growth were unaffected by carbon nanomaterial co-exposure, although C60 at 500 mg/kg reduced corn and soybean biomass by 36.5-45.0%. Total chlordane content ranged from 1,490 (tomato) to 4780 (zucchini) ng; DDx amounts ranged from 77.8 (corn) to 395 ng (zucchini). MWCNT co-exposure decreased chlordane and DDx accumulation 21-80% across all crops, depending on species and nanotube concentration. Conversely, C60 had species- and contaminant-specific effects on pesticide uptake, ranging from complete suppression of DDx uptake (corn/tomato) to 34.9% increases in chlordane accumulation (tomato/soybean). The data show that pesticide accumulation varies greatly with crop species and carbon nanomaterial type/concentration. These findings have implications for food safety and for the use of engineered nanomaterials in agriculture.
A novel photocatalyst, graphene oxide (GO) functioned aptamer, was covalently synthesized and characterized as being composed of photosensitive GO and target recognition aptamer. Aptamer enhanced photocatalytic activities of GO were studied under broad visible-light spectrum. The complex photocatalyst effectively inactivated viruses, and damaged the proteins capsid and nucleic acids of viruses in irradiation. Subsequently, the proteins posed carbonylation and the nucleic acid bases (especially for guanosine) received oxidized modification. GO was reduced by loss of oxygen elements. GO-aptamer and viruses constituted a redox system under visible-light irradiation. The photocatalysis paths involved energy transfer (generation of singlet oxygen), electron transfer (generation of anion radicals) and water dissociation (generation of the precursor to the hydrated electron). GO-aptamer is a smart photocatalyst to selectively photocatalyze of nucleic acids and proteins, which is attractive in environment protection, biochemical engineering and phototherapy.
Abstract Inorganic arsenic (iAs) at high exposures is a human carcinogen, affecting mainly the urinary bladder, lung and skin. We present an assessment of the mode of action (MOA) of iAs's carcinogenicity based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency/International Programme on Chemical Safety (USEPA/IPCS) framework, focusing primarily on bladder cancer. Evidence is presented for a MOA involving formation of reactive trivalent metabolites interacting with critical cellular sulfhydryl groups, leading to cytotoxicity and regenerative cell proliferation. Metabolism, kinetics, cell transport, and reaction with specific proteins play a critical role in producing the effects at the cellular level, regardless of cell type, whether urothelium, lung epithelium or epidermis. The cytotoxicity induced by iAs results in non-cancer toxicities, and the regenerative cell proliferation enhances development of epithelial cancers. In other tissues, such as vascular endothelium, different toxicities develop, not cancer. Evidence supporting this MOA comes from in vitro investigations on animal and human cells, from animal models, and from epidemiological studies. This MOA implies a non-linear, threshold dose-response relationship for both non-cancer and cancer end points. The no effect levels in animal models (approximately 1 ppm of water or diet) and in vitro (>0.1 µM trivalent arsenicals) are strikingly consistent. Cancer effects of iAs in humans generally are not observed below exposures of 100-150 ppb in drinking water: below these exposures, human urine concentrations of trivalent metabolites are generally below 0.1 µM, a concentration not associated with bladder cell cytotoxicity in in vitro or animal models. Environmental exposures to iAs in most of the United States do not approach this threshold.
Metal and metalloid contamination constitutes a major concern in aquatic ecosystems. Thus it is important to find rapid and reliable indicators of metal stress to aquatic organisms. In this study, we tested the use of (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) - based metabolomics to examine the response of Daphnia magna neonates after a 48h exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of arsenic (49μgL(-1)), copper (12.4μgL(-1)) or lithium (1150μgL(-1)). Metabolomic responses for all conditions were compared to a control using principal component analysis (PCA) and metabolites that contributed to the variation between the exposures and the control condition were identified and quantified. The PCA showed that copper and lithium exposures result in statistically significant metabolite variations from the control. Contributing to this variation was a number of amino acids such as: phenylalanine, leucine, lysine, glutamine, glycine, alanine, methionine and glutamine as well as the nucleobase uracil and osmolyte glycerophosphocholine. The similarities in metabolome changes suggest that lithium has an analogous mode of toxicity to that of copper, and may be impairing energy production and ionoregulation. The PCA also showed that arsenic exposure resulted in a metabolic shift in comparison to the control population but this change was not statistically significant. However, significant changes in specific metabolites such as alanine and lysine were observed, suggesting that energy metabolism is indeed disrupted. This research demonstrates that (1)H NMR-based metabolomics is a viable platform for discerning metabolomic changes and mode of toxicity of D. magna in response to metal stressors in the environment.
Arsenic (As) contamination is a severe problem in the intertidal zones of the Bohai Sea (China) with wide salinity variation. In the present study, we combined proteomics and metabolomics to characterize the differential responses of arsenic in clam Ruditapes philippinarum under different salinities (31.1, 23.3 and 15.6psu). Both proteomic and metabolomic responses indicated that varying salinities could significantly affect the toxicological responses of clams to As. Metabolic biomarkers revealed that the environmentally relevant arsenic (20μgL(-1)) exposure induced disturbance in energy metabolism and/or osmotic regulation under different salinities, whereas protein biomarkers indicated oxidative stress, cellular injury and apoptosis and disturbance in energy metabolism. In addition, the up-regulated proteins including ATP synthase, succinyl-CoA synthetase and nucleoside diphosphate kinase were validated by related metabolites, succinate and ATP, which confirmed the disturbance in energy metabolism in clam gills at low salinity (15.6psu). These findings provide important insights into toxicological effects of environmental contaminant at molecular levels using combined proteomics and metabolomics.