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A study was conducted on the dogs with moderate to serious illness coming for treatment at the Dog Ward of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, West Bengal, India, to find out possible correlation between fasting blood sugar level with breed, sex and age of dogs. The study result implicated that the blood sugar level was not having any general tendency to increase with advancement of age of ailing dogs. The blood sugar level of ailing dogs was higher in small breeds of dogs, particularly in 0 to <4 year age group. The large breeds showed highest level of sugar in blood in disease condition at above the age 12 years or more. The blood sugar level of ailing dogs had a gender bias, as it was found more in females than males in all breeds and age groups.
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Research Article
Shibabrata Pattanayak1, Subashis Batabyal*2, Amlan Patra3
ABSTRACT: A study was conducted on the dogs with moderate to serious illness coming for treatment
at the Dog Ward of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, West Bengal, India, to
find out possible correlation between fasting blood sugar level with breed, sex and age of dogs. The
study result implicated that the blood sugar level was not having any general tendency to increase
with advancement of age of ailing dogs. The blood sugar level of ailing dogs was higher in small
breeds of dogs, particularly in 0 to <4 year age group. The large breeds showed highest level of sugar
in blood in disease condition at above the age 12 years or more. The blood sugar level of ailing dogs
had a gender bias, as it was found more in females than males in all breeds and age groups.
The ailing dogs arriving to the hospitals with
moderate to severe level of illness are expected
to have different blood sugar level than normal
dogs. In one side, infections in the body can
drive blood sugar levels high. On the other hand,
dogs with moderate and severe level of disease
may not eat food sufficiently, so the fasting
animals may have a reduced level of blood
sugar. It was postulated that infections or
diseased conditions can modify blood sugar
levels, which may be due to pancreatitis
resulting inability to produce insulin
( blood sugar),
influence of change of intestinal microflora
(Akerblom et al., 2002). The gut immune
system likely plays a central role in the
pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes, because
accumulating evidence suggests that the
manifestation of autoimmune diabetes can be
modifed by factors which influence the gut
immune system. (Vaarala 1999). The gut and
the pancreas are probably immunologically as
well as anatomically linked and influenced by
environmental factors such as intestinal
microflora, infections and dietary factors. The
1 Assistant Director, ARD (Microbiology), Institute of Animal Health & Veterinary Biologicals (R&T),
37, Belgachia Road, Kolkata - 700037,West Bengal, India.
2 Associate Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, West Bengal University of Animal &
Fishery Sciences, 37, Belgachia Road, Kolkata- 700037,West Bengal, India.
3 Department of Animal Nutrition, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37, Belgachia
Road, Kolkata - 700037, West Bengal, India.
*Corresponding author. e-mail:
Explor Anim Med Res,
Vol.4, Issue - 1, 2014, p. 33-43 ISSN 2277- 470X (Print), ISSN 2319-247X (Online)
Key Words: Dog, Blood sugar, Disease.
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.4, Issue 1, June, 2014
environmental risk factors that are frequently
implicated in type 1 diabetes are enteroviral
infections and exposure to cow’s milk proteins,
both trigger the gut immune systems (Akerblom
et al., 2002).
Although extensive pancreatic damage is
responsible for the development of diabetes in
28% of diabetic dogs, evidence of acute or
chronic pancreatitis is found in a larger
proportion (40%) of diabetic dogs. Obesity
affects one quarter to one third of dogs
presented to veterinary practices (Mason 1970,
Anderson 1973, Edney and Smith 1986) and is
associated with increased risk of pancreatitis
(Hess et al., 1999). As pancreatitis appears to
be a common cause of diabetes in dogs
(Alejandro et al., 1988), this relationship
between obesity and pancreatitis in dogs has
relevance to the pathogenesis of canine diabetes
(Rand et al., 2004). The majority of diabetic
dogs appear to have a form of type 1 diabetes
analogous to the latent auto-immune diabetes
of adults (LADA) in humans ( Fleeman and
Rand 2001). At least 50% of diabetic dogs
would be classified as type 1, because this
proportion has been shown to have antibodies
against beta cells (Hoenig and Dawe 1992, Elie
and Hoenig 1995, Davison et al., 2003) The
remainder probably has ‘other specific types of
diabetes’ resulting from pancreatic destruction
or chronic insulin resistance, or they have
diestrus-induced diabetes (Rand et al., 2004).
The prevalence of diabetes in dogs has been
estimated to be 0.32% in the UK (Catchpole et
al., 2005). The prevalence of canine diabetes
has been estimated to be anywhere between
0.0005% and 1.5% (Catchpole et al., 2005).
It is hypothesized that chronic ingestion of a
high-carbohydrate diet promotes obesity and
increases the demand on β-cells for insulin
secretion, thereby predisposing individuals to
hyper insulinemia, apoptosis, β-cell failure, and
development of diabetes (Porte 1991). The
present study was planned to study whether
there is any effect of age, breed and sex on the
blood sugar level of dogs in disease conditions.
No dogs with any previous report of chronically
suffering of Diabetes Mellitus were included
in our study.
Animals: The study was performed on the
dogs (Canis familiaris) arrieved for treatment
during the period of August 2011 to January
2014 in the Dog Ward of West Bengal
University of Animal and Fishery Sciences,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India with serious illness.
The study was performed on 323 dogs. Dogs
with no disease or with minute ailments were
excluded from the study.
Procedures: Blood samples from the ailing
dogs coming for treatment were obtained for
estimation of blood glucose level. Glucose was
estimated by using GOD-POD method
described by Trinder (1969) using commercially
available Glucose Test Kit (Span Diagnostics
Limited, India). In the test, glucose oxidase
oxidizes glucose present in the serum samples
to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In
presence of enzyme peroxidase, released
hydrogen peroxide is coupled with phenol and
4 – amino antipyrine to form colored
quinoneimine dye. Absorbance of colored dye
was measured at 505 nm and it is directly
proportional to glucose concentration in the
serum samples tested.
Study Parameters:
1 . Study of effect of age
For statistical analysis, dogs were grouped
into four age groups: 0 to <4 years, 4 years to
<8 years, 8 years to <12 years and 12 years.
Then the data analysis was performed to
observe the effect of age on all types of ailing
dogs, on male and female dogs and also on
different breed types of dogs.
2. Study of effect of breed type of dog
The dogs were classified into small, medium
and large sized breed dogs. Small breed group
included Pug, Lhasa Apso, Pomeranian,
Dachshund, Chihuahua and Spitz. Medium
breed group included Labrador, Rottweiler,
Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Beagle,
Whippet, Dalmatian and Mongril, while large
breed group included Alsetian, German
Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane and
Iris setter.
Then data analysis was performed on small,
medium and large dog groups at all ages and
also on small, medium and large dogs separately
at different age groups.
3. Study of effect of gender
This study was performed by observing the
comparative effect of males and females as a
whole as well as separately at each age group.
The breed, age and sex of the ailing dogs
were noted along with fasting blood sugar level.
The collected raw data was analyzed using SAS
(1999). Least square mean values of blood sugar
have been presented in the Tables.
From our study, it appears that there is no
direct detectable correlation between age and
blood sugar level of ailing dogs (Table 1). But
if we proceed towards detail analysis, some very
interesting trends come out. In overall breed
type analysis, the mean values for small,
Age (years)
0 to <4 years
4 to <8 years
8 to <12 years
12 years
Breed type
Mean Value
Standard Error
No.of observation
Table 1: Effect of overall age, breed type and gender of ailing dogs on blood sugar (mg/dl).
A study on effect of age, breed and sex on blood sugar level of diseased dogs.
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.4, Issue 1, June, 2014
medium and large breed of dog were 105.60,
95.24 and 81.68 mg/dl, respectively, but the
statistical effect was 0.14. It may be due to high
variation in the range of data with standard error
of 10.79 in the large breed of dogs (Table 1).
The smaller breeds had a tendency to have
higher blood sugar than medium breeds, and
medium breeds had same tendency than the
large breeds of dogs in disease condition.
A statistically significant effect (P=0.019)
was found on the effect of sex on blood sugar
level of diseased dogs. The female dogs had a
mean value is 104.56 in contrast to the mean
blood sugar of 86.10 for male dogs (Table 1).
In the detail group based analysis, in the age
group of 0 to <4 years, a significant effect
(P=0.056) was observed for sex with the mean
values of 80.66 and 109.88 for male and female,
respectively (Table 3). The same tendency was
found in 8 to <12 years age group (P = 0.10,
sugar levels of 79.94 and 104.06 for male and
female, respectively) (Table 3). The difference
was not significant but wide for the age group
of 12 years and more (male 89.06 and female
105.67) (Table 3), but such large difference was
not found in 4 to <8 years group (93.88 and
99.61mg/dl. for male and female, respectively)
(Table 3).
A highly significant effect (P= 0.0097) was
observed in the blood sugar level among the
breeds of dogs in 0 to <4 years of age group.
The estimated values of least squire means for
Table 2: Effect of breed type in the different age groups of ailing dogs on blood sugar
0 to <4 years
4 to <8 years
8 to <12 years
12 years
Mean Value
Standard Error
No.of observation
small, medium and large breed of dogs of this
age group were 135.21, 85.34 and 74.66,
respectively (Table 2). Though not significant
(P= 0.39), but the same type of decreasing
tendency was also found in the 8 to <12 years
age group with mean values of 104.14, 92.00
and 77.95 for small, medium and large breed
of dogs, respectively (Table 2). But in the 4 to
<8 years age group, the blood sugar level of
small breeds was more than large breeds, but
Gender Mean Value Standard Error No.of observation P-value
0 to <4 years
Male 80.66 11.21 30 0.056
Female 109.88 10.06 35
4 to <8 years
Male 93.88 10.32 44 0.66
Female 99.61 8.30 68
8 to <12 years
Male 79.94 11.74 39 0.10
Female 104.06 9.09 65
12 years
Male 89.06 16.25 15 0.41
Female 105.67 12.11 27
Table 3: Effect of gender in the different age groups of ailing dogs on blood sugar
Table 4: Effect of age of the males and females ailing dogs on blood sugar (mg/dl).
Mean Value Standard Error No.of observation P-value
0 to <4 years 80.66 7.36 31 0.64
4 to <8 years 91.54 6.10 44
8 to <12 years 82.15 7.47 39
12 years 89.06 10.92 15
0 to <4 years 135.21 18.85 16 0.76
4 to <8 years 100.17 15.26 22
8 to <12 years 101.44 13.16 49
12 years 97.24 15.26 29
A study on effect of age, breed and sex on blood sugar level of diseased dogs.
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.4, Issue 1, June, 2014
medium sized breeds showed highest level of
blood sugar (93.18, 101.38 and 71.44 for small,
medium and large breeds, respectively)
(Table 2). Interestingly, in the highest range of
age (12 years and above), the result was
opposite. The medium breeds had lowest level
of sugar followed by small breeds and then large
breeds (small 97.24, medium 89.40 and large
158.33). In that age group, the large breed of
ailing dogs showed a high level of blood sugar
(mean value was 158.33) (Table 2).
It was observed that among the large breeds
of dogs, the blood sugar level increased with
advancement of age (P= 0.0034), and
particularly above 8 years of age. The mean
values were 74.66, 71.47, 80.71 and 158.33 for
0 to <4, 4 to <8, 8 to <12, and 12 and more
ages, respectively (Table 5). But among the
small breeds, the mean value was highest in
0 to <4 age group and then decreased (135.21,
100.17, 101.44, and 97.24) (Table 5). On the
other hand, the highest value was found in the
4 to <8 years age group among the medium
sized breeds (107.82) (Table 5).
A very little number of reports of systematic
study on blood sugar of dogs are available, and
study on blood sugar level of ailing dogs is
scanty. So our study report may be compared
with the previous studies related with canine
diabetes. It is reported that diabetes typically
occurs in dogs between 5 and 12 years of age,
with a median age of 9 years, illustrating that
canine diabetes is generally a disease of middle-
aged and older dogs (Catchpole et al., 2005).
In a study for insurance claim for dog diabetes,
it was found that the mean age at 1st insurance
claim for the diabetic dogs was 8.6 years (Tove
Fall et al., 2007).
Mean Value Standard Error No.of observation P-value
Small breeds
0 to <4 years 135.21 18.85 16 0.39
4 to <8 years 100.17 15.26 22
8 to <12 years 101.44 13.16 49
12 years 97.24 15.26 29
Medium breeds
0 to <4 years 85.34 9.40 40 0.077
4 to <8 years 107.82 7.00 81
8 to <12 years 75.62 12.27 35
12 years 89.40 20.17 10
Large breeds
0 to <4 years 74.66 11.56 09 0.0034
4 to <8 years 71.46 8.95 15
8 to <12 years 80.71 9.27 14
12 years 158.33 20.03 03
Table 5: Effect of age of the different breed types of ailing dog on blood sugar (mg/dl).
Fig.1: Effect of overall age of ailing dogs on blood sugar (mg/dl).
Fig.2: Effect of breed type of ailing dogs on blood sugar (mg/dl).
In our study, we did not find any such
correlation of increase level of blood sugar in
middle or older aged ailing dogs as a whole
(Table 1 and Fig.1), but the highest level of
blood sugar was found in the 0 to <4 year age
group among small sized dogs (mean value
135.21), 4 to <8 year age group among middle
sized dogs (mean value 107.82) and 12 years
A study on effect of age, breed and sex on blood sugar level of diseased dogs.
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.4, Issue 1, June, 2014
Fig.3: Effect of gender of ailing dogs on blood sugar (mg/dl).
Fig.4: Effect of breed type in different age groups of ailing dogs on blood sugar (mg/dl).
and above age group among large sized dogs
(mean value 158.33). (Table 5).
Though female ailing dogs showed a
tendency of having higher level of blood sugar
irrespective of age than male (Table 4), the study
reveals that dogs, as a species, failed to show
any significant effect of age on blood sugar
level during illness (Table 1). This result did
not correlate the previous study performed on
dogs for identification of diabetes, as stated
earlier. Small type of dogs showed higher level
of blood sugar at 0 to <4 year of age group in
our study (Table 5), but according to the
previous reports juvenile onset of diabetes is
not common in dogs (Catchpole et al., 2005)
though most of the cases of diabetes in dog is
due to Type 1 diabetes with antibodies against
beta cells (Rand et al., 2004).
In previous reports of study on canine
diabetes, breed of dogs is considered as a
predisposing factor for diabetes (Catchpole
et al., 2013). Breeds predisposed to diabetes
include the Samoyeds, Tibetan Terrier and Cairn
Terrier (Catchpole et al., 2008), Australian
Terriers, Swedish Elkhounds, and Swedish
Lapphunds (Tove Fall et al., 2007), Miniature
Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles, Pugs, Toy
Poodles (Hess et al.,2000), Beagles,
Dachshunds (www., High blood
sugar in dogs 2013), Cocker Spaniel,
Keeshounds (, Signs of
hyperglycemia in dogs 2013).
Boxer, German Shepherd and Golden
Retriever dogs are likely to be less susceptible
(Catchpole et al., 2008). Diabetes is seen
infrequently in Cocker Spaniels, Shepherds and
Collies, (
DogsWithDiabetes.htm 2013), Cavalier King,
Charles Spaniel, Doberman, Jack Russell
Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Mixed Breed,
Rottweiler, West Highland Terrier (Wikipedia
Diabetes in dogs 2013).
Breed differences in susceptibility to diabetes
mellitus in dogs suggest an underlying genetic
component to the pathogenesis of the disease
and associations were found with three specific
haplotypes. This haplotype is common in
diabetes-prone breeds (Samoyed, Cairn terrier
and Tibetan terrier) but rare in diabetes resistant
breeds (Boxer, German shepherd and Golden
retriever), which could explain differences in
the prevalence of diabetes in these different
Fig.5: Effect of gender of ailing dogs of different age groups on blood sugar (mg/dl).
A study on effect of age, breed and sex on blood sugar level of diseased dogs.
Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, Vol.4, Issue 1, June, 2014
breeds (Catchpole et al., 2008). Diabetes
mellitus in dogs has been associated with major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II
genes (dog leucocyte antigen; DLA), with
similar haplotypes and genotypes being
identified in the most susceptible breeds
(Catchpole et al., 2013).
The blood sugar pattern of ailing dogs has
some levels of similarity with previous reports
of dog diabetes study where differences in
breeds have effect on susceptibility to diabetes
(Catchpole et al., 2013). The dog breeds with
small sized body showed highest level of sugar
in blood followed by medium and then large
sized dogs as a whole (Fig. 2) as well as in the
0 to -<4 year age group (Fig. 4).
Effect of gender among diabetic dogs was
different in different studies. Among the
diabetic dogs, females were 72% in a study
(Tove Fall et al., 2007), but it was reported 53%
in another study (Catchpole et al., 2005). It was
also reported that the proportion of females with
diabetes varied significantly among breeds.
Dogs of Swedish Elkhound, Beagle, Norwegian
Elkhound, and Border Collie breeds that
developed diabetes were almost exclusively
females (Tove Fall et al., 2007). In our study,
the female ailing dogs showed higher level of
blood sugar as a whole (Fig.3) as well as in
different age groups (Fig.5).
From our study, it was revealed that the blood
sugar level of ailing dogs was higher in small
breeds of dogs, particularly in 0 to <4 year age
group. The large breeds showed highest level
of sugar in blood in disease condition at the
age of 12 years or more. The blood sugar level
of ailing dogs was found more in females than
males in all breeds and age groups.
The authors acknowledge the Vice
Chancellor, West Bengal University of Animal
and Fishery Sciences, West Bengal, India for
providing necessary facilities for the study
related with this article.
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*Cite this article as: Pattanayak S, Batabyal S, Patra A (2014) A study on effect of age, breed
and sex on blood sugar level of diseased dogs. Explor Anim Med Res 4(1): 33-43.
A study on effect of age, breed and sex on blood sugar level of diseased dogs.
... Sex, age and breed did not vary capillary and VBG levels. Our results are in agreement with those reported on both healthy (Chang et al., 2016;Connolly et al., 2020) and sick dogs (Pattanayak et al., 2014 (Radisavljevic et al., 2017). The latter work confirmed that there was no effect of both sex and age on VBG levels. ...
Full-text available
Blood glucose measurement is one of the most commonly performed clinical diagnostic tests used to monitor glycaemia in several animal diseases. Usually, these laboratory analyses are performed on blood venous samples in remote laboratories, and the results are delayed, at best. The use of portable glucometers could evidently solve many constraints but veterinary‐use glucometers are not usually available. The present study aimed to compare blood glucose levels obtained by Bionime glucometer to the reference method using glucose oxidase. Venous blood was collected from a total number of 140 healthy dogs (72 males and 68 females), of different breeds (28 German Shepherd, 27 Pitt bull, 21 Boxer, 24 Rottweiler and 40 cross‐bred dogs) and different ages (range: 3 months–14 years) for glucose measurement using the reference laboratory method. Capillary blood samples were used to conduct a glucose measurement with a human‐use glucometer. Our results revealed that there was no significant difference between the mean capillary blood glucose (CBG) measured with the human‐use glucometer (5.06 ± 0.84 mmol/L) and the mean venous blood glucose (VBG) measured with the laboratory reference method (4.90 ± 0.73 mmol/L) (p = 0.42). Similarly, there was no significant difference of the mean CBG and VBG in male dogs (5.11 ± 0.88 and 4.97 ± 0.75 mmol/L, respectively) and female dogs (5.01 ± 0.81 and 5.07 ± 0.72 mmol/L, respectively) (p = 0.73 and 0.21, respectively), and no correlation to neither age (5.43 ± 0.90 and 5.20 ± 0.70 mmol/L in 3 to 6 month‐old dogs, 5.03 ± 0.82 and 4.94 ± 0.79 mmol/L in 6 months to 1 year‐old, 4.94 ± 0.67 and 5.13 ± 0.66 mmol/L in 1 to 4 year‐old dogs; 4.88 ± 0.94 and 4.80 ± 0.75 mmol/L in dogs older than 4 years, respectively, p < 0.05), nor to breed (4.94 ± 1.01 and 4.99 ± 0.79 mmol/L in German Shepherd, 5.13 ± 0.84 and 4.99 ± 0.79 mmol/L in Pitt Bull, 5.07 ± 0.94 and 5.07 ± 0.77 mmol/L in Boxer, 5.40 ± 0.59 and 5.48 ± 0.55 mmol/L in Rottweiler and 4.89 ± 0.75 and 4.77 ± 0.59 mmol/L in cross‐bred dogs, respectively, p < 0.05). The present study confirms that human glucometer can be used to measure glucose in dogs with a good accuracy.
... variation in blood glucose levels between the three different age groups of Labrador Retriever dogs. The findings of the present study were in agreement with the observations of Comazzi et al. (2004) in canines and Pattanayak et al. (2014) in dogs. Further, the present study revealed that the total protein content did not vary significantly (P>0.05) between different age groups which were in agreement with the reports of Ariyibi et al. (2002) in Alsatian and local dogs of the tropical climate. ...
A study was conducted to assess the thyroid hormones and lipid profile in Labrador Retriever male dogs presented to the Veterinary College Hospital, Bengaluru for routine health check up and vaccination. Based on their age, they were randomly divided into Group I, Group II and Group III that consisted of one to three years age (young age), more than three years to six years age (middle age) and more than six to nine years age (old age), respectively. In all the dogs the body weight was recorded. The profile of thyroid hormones such as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) were estimated by using ELISA kits. The lipid profile parameters such as triglycerides, cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were estimated by using biochemical reagent kits. The values of LDL and VLDL cholesterol were calculated by using Friedewald formula. Further, the blood glucose level was estimated using the Glucochek® glucometer and serum total protein level by using reagent kit. Results revealed that the increased body weight was observed as age advanced. The T3 levels did not vary significantly among different age groups. Whereas, in the advanced age groups there was reduction in T4 levels and increase in TSH levels which was suggestive of hypothyroidism. Triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL and VLDL levels were significantly higher in older dogs followed by middle age group compared to young age group. However, the alterations in blood glucose and serum total protein levels were non significant between different age groups. It was concluded that the Labrador Retriever male dogs could be more prone to hypothyroidism and hyperlipidemia and therefore master health check-up could be taken up at least once in a year as a precautionary measure to avoid complications of hypothyroidism and hyperlipidemia.
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Type 1 diabetes is considered to be an autoimmune disease in which T lymphocytes infiltrate the islets of pancreas and destroy the insulin producing beta cell population. Besides antigen specificity, the quality of immune reactivity against islet cell antigen(s) is an important determinant of the beta cell destruction. Much evidence indicates that the function of the gut immune system is central in the pathogenesis, as the regulation of the gut immune system may be aberrant in type 1 diabetes. The role of virus infections in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes has been supported by substantial new evidence suggesting that one virus group, enteroviruses, may trigger the beta-cell damaging process in a considerable proportion of patients. The latest evidence comes from studies indicating the presence of viral genome in diabetic patients and from prospective studies confirming epidemiological risk effect. If this association holds still true in ongoing large-scale studies, intervention trials should be considered to confirm causality. Of the dietary putative etiological factors, cow's milk proteins have received the main attention. Many studies indicate an association between early exposure to dietary cow's milk proteins and an increased risk of type 1 diabetes. The question will be answered by a large scale, prospective, randomized, international intervention trial. Another dietary factor in need of more studies is the deficiency of vitamin D. Among toxins, N-nitroso compounds are the main candidates. An interaction of genetic and environmental factors is important in evaluating the possible role of a certain environmental factor in the etiology of type 1 diabetes.
In 1960, immunoassays of insulin first demonstrated significant quantities of circulating hormone in non-insulin-dependent (type II) diabetes and for 30 yr have fostered debate as to whether a β-cell abnormality plays an etiological role in this syndrome. Early efforts to determine the adequacy of islet β-cell function showed that obesity and its associated insulin resistance were major confounding variables. Subsequently, it was recognized that glucose not only directly regulated insulin synthesis and secretion but moderated all other islet signals, including other substrates, hormones, and neural factors. When both obesity and glucose are taken into account, it becomes clear that patients with fasting hyperglycemia all have abnormal islet function. Type II diabetes is characterized by a defect in first-phase or acute glucose-induced insulin secretion and a deficiency in the ability of glucose to potentiate other islet nonglucose β-cell secretagogues. The resulting hyperglycemia compensates for the defective glucose potentiation and maintains nearly normal basal insulin levels and insulin responses to nonglucose secretagogues but does not correct the defect in first-phase glucose-induced insulin release. Before the development of fasting hyperglycemia, only first-phase glucose-induced insulin secretion is obviously defective. This is because progressive islet failure is matched by rising glucose levels to maintain basal and second-phase insulin output. The relationship between islet function and fasting plasma glucose is steeply curvilinear, so that there is a 75% loss of β-cell function by the time the diagnostic level of 140 mg/dl is exceeded. This new steady state is characterized by glucose overproduction and inefficient utilization. Insulin resistance is also present in most patients and contributes to the hyperglycemia by augmenting the glucose levels needed for compensation. Decompensation and absolute hypoinsulinemia occur when the renal threshold for glucose is exceeded and prevents further elevation of circulating glucose. The etiology of the islet β-cell lesion is not known, but a hypothesis based on basal hyperproinsulinemia and islet amyloid deposits in the pancreas of type II diabetes is reviewed. The recent discovery of the islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) or amylin, which is the major constituent of islet amyloid deposits, is integrated into this hypothesis. It is suggested that pro-IAPP and proinsulin processing and mature peptide secretion normally occur together and that abnormal processing, secondary to or in conjunction with defects in hormone secretion, lead to progressive accumulation of intracellular IAPP and pro-IAPP, which in cats, monkeys, and humans form intracellular fibrils and amyloid deposits with a loss of β-cell mass. This process is accelerated by increased β-cell demand from insulin resistance. Thus, type II diabetes is reviewed as a heterogenous disorder in which islet dysfunction plays a critical role. Insulin resistance interacts to produce the final syndrome, in which deposition of pancreatic islet amyloid is probably an important long-term contributor.
Diabetes mellitus is a common endocrinopathy in companion animals, characterised by hyperglycaemia, glycosuria and weight loss, resulting from an absolute or relative deficiency in the pancreatic hormone insulin. There are breed differences in susceptibility to diabetes mellitus in dogs, with the Samoyed breed being overrepresented, while Boxers are relatively absent in the UK population of diabetic dogs, suggesting that genetic factors play an important role in determining susceptibility to the disease. A number of genes, linked with susceptibility to diabetes mellitus in humans, are associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus in dogs, some of which appear to be relatively breed-specific. Diabetes mellitus in dogs has been associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes (dog leucocyte antigen; DLA), with similar haplotypes and genotypes being identified in the most susceptible breeds. A region containing a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) and several polymorphisms have been identified in the canine insulin gene, with some alleles associated with susceptibility or resistance to diabetes mellitus in a breed-specific manner. Polymorphisms in the canine CTLA4 promoter and in other immune response genes are associated with susceptibility to diabetes mellitus in a number of pedigree breeds. Genome wide association studies are currently underway that should shed further light on the genetic factors responsible for the breed profile seen in the diabetic dog population.
Purified beta cells from a radiation-induced transplantable rat insulinoma were used to detect beta cell antibodies in serum from untreated diabetic dogs. Serum from dogs in which anti-beta cell antibodies were induced by injecting a purified beta cell suspension subcutaneously was used as positive control. Following incubation with test sera, fluorescein-labeled anti-dog immunoglobulins were used to visualize binding between the beta cells and dog gamma globulins. Nine of the 23 diabetic dogs showed a strongly positive reaction which was characterized by a ring fluorescence, three showed a weak reaction and 11 were negative, i.e. they showed diffuse fluorescence. In contrast, 14 of the 15 healthy dogs showed diffuse fluorescence and one dog showed a weakly positive reaction. Thyroid, liver and kidney cells did not elicit ring fluorescence. Although females (spayed and intact) represented the majority of the diabetic dogs, there was no correlation between sex and the occurrence of antibodies in the diabetic dogs. There was also no correlation to the age of the dogs. In conclusion, we have developed a specific test for anti-beta cell antibodies. The test is reproducible and economical to perform on a large number of samples.
In 1960, immunoassays of insulin first demonstrated significant quantities of circulating hormone in non-insulin-dependent (type II) diabetes and for 30 yr have fostered debate as to whether a beta-cell abnormality plays an etiological role in this syndrome. Early efforts to determine the adequacy of islet beta-cell function showed that obesity and its associated insulin resistance were major confounding variables. Subsequently, it was recognized that glucose not only directly regulated insulin synthesis and secretion but moderated all other islet signals, including other substrates, hormones, and neural factors. When both obesity and glucose are taken into account, it becomes clear that patients with fasting hyperglycemia all have abnormal islet function. Type II diabetes is characterized by a defect in first-phase or acute glucose-induced insulin secretion and a deficiency in the ability of glucose to potentiate other islet nonglucose beta-cell secretagogues. The resulting hyperglycemia compensates for the defective glucose potentiation and maintains nearly normal basal insulin levels and insulin responses to nonglucose secretagogues but does not correct the defect in first-phase glucose-induced insulin release. Before the development of fasting hyperglycemia, only first-phase glucose-induced insulin secretion is obviously defective. This is because progressive islet failure is matched by rising glucose levels to maintain basal and second-phase insulin output. The relationship between islet function and fasting plasma glucose is steeply curvilinear, so that there is a 75% loss of beta-cell function by the time the diagnostic level of 140 mg/dl is exceeded. This new steady state is characterized by glucose overproduction and inefficient utilization. Insulin resistance is also present in most patients and contributes to the hyperglycemia by augmenting the glucose levels needed for compensation. Decompensation and absolute hypoinsulinemia occur when the renal threshold for glucose is exceeded and prevents further elevation of circulating glucose. The etiology of the islet beta-cell lesion is not known, but a hypothesis based on basal hyperproinsulinemia and islet amyloid deposits in the pancreas of type II diabetes is reviewed. The recent discovery of the islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) or amylin, which is the major constituent of islet amyloid deposits, is integrated into this hypothesis. It is suggested that pro-IAPP and proinsulin processing and mature peptide secretion normally occur together and that abnormal processing, secondary to or in conjunction with defects in hormone secretion, lead to progressive accumulation of intracellular IAPP and pro-IAPP, which in cats, monkeys, and humans form intracellular fibrils and amyloid deposits with a loss of beta-cell mass.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Manual and automated methods for the determination of blood glucose have been devised using an oxidase/peroxidase system, with dl adrenaline, a non-carcinogen, as oxygen acceptor. The manual technique employs a stable single solution protein precipitant and the other reagents used are also stable. The automated methods are operated at 40/hr sample speed and washover between samples, over a very wide concentration range, is negligible.
The origin of beta-cell specific autoimmunity is not known in Type 1 diabetes. Several studies of this disease in animal models indicate that the manifestation of autoimmune diabetes can be modified by factors which influence the gut immune system. Some indirect evidence from studies in patients with Type 1 diabetes also suggests that aberrant function of the gut immune system may be involved in the development of this disease. These studies have encouraged the search for treatments interfering with mucosal immunity for the prevention of Type 1 diabetes. Our understanding of the function of the gut immune system in humans is, however, limited and the use of drugs (e.g. oral antigens or immune adjuvants) which modify the function of the gut immune system may involve serious problems. In this review, the possible role of the gut immune system in the development of beta-cell autoimmunity and Type 1 diabetes is discussed with special reference to the putative therapeutic implications.
To determine which dog breeds are at low and high risk for developing diabetes mellitus (DM). Cohort study. Hospital population of 221 dogs with DM and 42,882 dogs without DM during 5.5 years. 165 breeds (including a mixed-breed category) were represented in the hospital population. Breed-specific expected numbers of dogs with DM were calculated by multiplying the proportion of all dogs admitted to the hospital that were determined to have DM during the study period by the breed-specific totals during the study period. Breeds or breed groups evaluated in the analysis (n = 20) were restricted to those that had a combined observed and expected count > 5 to document breeds at low and high risk for developing DM. Proportionate changes in the risk of developing DM by breed were calculated and presented using exact odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and P values. Mixed-breed dogs were chosen as the reference breed. Samoyeds, Miniature Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles, Pugs, and Toy Poodles were at high risk for developing DM. Dog breeds found to be at low risk for developing DM were German Shepherd Dog, Golden Retriever, and American Pit Bull Terrier. The finding that certain dog breeds are at low or high risk for developing DM suggests that some genetic defects may predispose dogs to development of DM, whereas other genetic factors may protect dogs from development of DM.
The majority of diabetic dogs appear to have a form of type 1 diabetes analogous to the latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) in humans. Evidence of acute or chronic pancreatitis occurs in about 40% of diabetic dogs. Blindness caused by cataract formation eventually occurs in the majority of diabetic dogs and is not dependent on glycemic control. Insulin is the mainstay of therapy for diabetic dogs, and a conservative approach to insulin therapy is crucial. Most diabetic dogs require twice-daily dosing with lente or NPH insulin to adequately control their clinical signs. The diet fed should primarily be palatable and nutritionally balanced. Improved glycemic control may be achieved in some dogs if the diet contains increased insoluble fiber.