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Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) a New Coral Species Endemic to Taiwan

  • Museum of Tropical Queesnland Townsville Australia

Abstract and Figures

Michel Pichon, Yao-Yang Chuang, and Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) a new coral species endemic to Taiwan. Zoological Studies 51(1): 93-98. Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. is a new siderastreid scleractinian coral collected in several localities in Taiwan. It lives on rocky substrates where it forms encrusting colonies. Results of morphological observations and molecular genetic analyses are presented. The new species is described and compared to P. tayamai and Siderastrea savignyana, and its morphological and phylogenic affinities are discussed. A siderastreid scleractinian coral was collected from several localities around Taiwan and nearby islands, where it is relatively rare. The specimens present some morphological similarities with Pseudosiderastrea tayamai Yabe and Sugiyama, 1935, the only species hitherto known from that genus, and with Siderastrea savignyana Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849, which is the sole representative in the Indian Ocean of the genus Siderastrea de Blainville, 1830. In order to ascertain its taxonomic position, morphological observations were carried out on a suite of 33 specimens at the Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville, Australia and at the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Molecular phylogenetic analyses were also conducted at the Biodiversity Research Center. The results presented below indicate that these specimens belong to a new species of Pseudosiderastrea, described as P. formosa sp. nov.
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Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) a
New Coral Species Endemic to Taiwan
Michel Pichon1, Yao-Yang Chuang2,3, and Chaolun Allen Chen2,3,4,*
1Museum of Tropical Queensland, 70-102 Flinders Street, Townsville 4810, Australia
2Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Nangang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
3Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei 106, Taiwan
4Institute of Life Science, National Taitung Univ., Taitung 904, Taiwan
(Accepted September 1, 2011)
Michel Pichon, Yao-Yang Chuang, and Chaolun Allen Chen (2012) Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov.
(Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) a new coral species endemic to Taiwan. Zoological Studies 51(1): 93-98.
Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. is a new siderastreid scleractinian coral collected in several localities in
Taiwan. It lives on rocky substrates where it forms encrusting colonies. Results of morphological observations
and molecular genetic analyses are presented. The new species is described and compared to P. tayamai and
Siderastrea savignyana, and its morphological and phylogenic afnities are discussed.
Key words: Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov., New species, Scleractinia, Siderastreid, Western Pacic
*To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed.;
A siderastreid scleractinian coral was
collected from several localities around Taiwan
and nearby islands, where it is relatively rare.
The specimens present some morphological
similarities with Pseudosiderastrea tayamai Yabe
and Sugiyama, 1935, the only species hitherto
known from that genus, and with Siderastrea
savignyana Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849,
which is the sole representative in the Indian
Ocean of the genus Siderastrea de Blainville,
1830. In order to ascertain its taxonomic position,
morphological observations were carried out on a
suite of 33 specimens at the Museum of Tropical
Queensland, Townsville, Australia and at the
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan. Molecular phylogenetic analyses
were also conducted at the Biodiversity Research
Center. The results presented below indicate
that these specimens belong to a new species of
Pseudosiderastrea, described as P. formosa sp.
Specimens were collected by scuba diving at
Wanlitung (21°59'48"N, 120°42'10"E) and the outlet
of the 3rd nuclear power plant (21°55'51.38"N,
120°44'46.82"E) on the southeastern coast
of Taiwan in Kenting National Park, Chi-Fai
(23°7'0.59"N, 121°23'49.58"E) in Taitung County,
and at Yeiyu (22°3'1"E, 121°30'35") at Orchid I.
(Lanyu in Chinese). Specimens for morphological
studies were bleached to remove soft tissues
by dipping them in household bleach (sodium
hypochlorite) for 24 h. They were then rinsed with
fresh water and thoroughly dried. Morphological
observations were carried out using a Leica
Zoological Studies 51(1): 93-98 (2012)
MX8 stereomicroscope, equipped with an ocular
graticule. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
was performed at James Cook Univ., Townsville,
Australia on a JEOL 5410LV instrument.
Samples for the molecular phylogenetic
analyses were collected from Bocas del Toro,
Panama (S. radians and S. siderea); Isla Uraba,
Panama (S. glynni); Brazil (S. stellata); Kiunga,
Kenya (S. savignyana); and Kaohsiung (P.
tayamai) and Wanlitung, Taiwan (P. formosa sp.
nov.). For each sample, a piece of about 5 × 5 cm
was stored in a modified guanidine solution or
75% ethanol. DNA extraction methods were as
specified by Fukami et al. (2004). Cytochrome
(Cyt) b sequences were amplied by a polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) with the primer set, AcCytbF
(Fukami et al. 2008), with the following PCR
conditions: 94°C for 2 min, followed by 35 cycles
at 94°C for 45 s, 50°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 60 s,
and ending with a nal phase at 72°C for 10 min.
PCR products were directly sequenced.
Se quenc es w ere aligned u si ng c odons ,
and their genetic distances were calculated
using MEGA5 (Tamura et al. 2011). Cyt b, a
highly variable mitochondrial coding region
in Siderastrea, was selected to analyze the
divergence of Pseudosiderastrea specimens
and their evolutionary status with the closely
related genus, Siderastrea (Fukami et al. 2008).
Using the nal dataset, which contained 16 Cyt b
sequences of 771 base pairs (bp), the best tting
evolutionary models were determined by the
Akaike information criterion (AIC) test in ModelTest
(Posada et al. 1998). A phylogenetic analysis
was performed using PhyML 3.0 (Guindon et al.
2010) for maximum-likelihood (ML) and MrBayes
(Ronquist et al. 2003) for Bayesian inference (BI),
under the GTR+I model of DNA evolution. The ML
was performed using Shimodaira and Hasegawa
(SH-like) branch support with 1000 bootstrap
replicates. Sequences obtained from this study
were submitted to GenBank with accession nos.
For the BI, 6 runs with 5 × 106 generations
each were calculated, while topologies were saved
every 100 generations. One-fifth of the 50,000
topologies were discarded as burn-in, and the
remaining ones were used to calculate posterior
Family Siderastreidae Vaughan and Wells, 1943
Genus Pseudosiderastrea Yabe and Sugiyama,
Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov.
Synonomy: Siderastrea savignyana Dai & Horng 2008, p. 165.
Material examined: Holotype: Museum of
Tropical Queensland G 64378 Taiwan, Wanlitung
21°59.85'N, 120°42.22'E. Depth 3 m, Coll.
A. Chen, 20 Nov. 2009. Paratypes: Museum
of Tropical Queensland. G 64374-7 Taiwan,
Wanlitung 21°59.85'N, 120°42.22'E. Depth 3 m,
Coll. A. Chen, 20 Nov. 2009.
Other material: Museum of Tropical Queens-
land. G 64352-64, Taiwan, Lanyu (Orchid I.); G
64365-73 Taiwan, Kenting. Biodiversity Research
Center Museum. ASIZC0000958-9, Taiwan, Chi-
Description: Colony small, thin, and tightly
encrusting substratum. Most specimens examined
being fragments of colonies up to 5 cm in
maximum dimension. Holotypic colony (fragment)
47 × 22 mm (Fig. 1). Growing margins very thin,
often showing incomplete calcification of corallite
structures. Corallites cerioid and uniform in
shape and size within each specimen examined.
Corallite shape possibly varying from subcircular to
polygonal and even squarish in some specimens.
In latter, arrangement of corallites tending to be
in linear rows. Corallite size range 1.8-4.4 mm in
calicular diameter (mean maximum diameter, 2.8
± 0.2 mm). Septa wedge-shaped (Fig. 2), and
hexamerally arranged in 3 cycles, sometimes part
of 4th (S1 and S2 > S3 and S4). Smaller corallites
with only 18 septa, whereas larger corallites with
up to 34 septa. S3 and S4 tending to curve and
flanking S1 and S2, sometimes deeply fused
in fossa. Such a fusion pattern never involving
more than 3 septa, and rarely present more than
twice in any given corallite. A number of corallites
completely lacking any septal fusion. Septa slightly
exserted, continuous, and convex over corallite
edge. Near corallite edge, septa only moderately
inclined towards calicular center, and then sloping
more steeply towards columellar pit. Septal axial
edges bearing conspicuous ornamentation (Fig. 2)
composed of 7-10 granules, sometimes flattened
transversally (Fig. 3). Septal faces entire and
ornamented with small, pointed granules (Fig.
3). Fossa up to 2 mm deep, containing a well-
developed, convex, massive columella. Columella
Pichon et al. – Pseudosiderastrea formosa in Taiwan94
circular and up to 1 mm in diameter (average
diameter, 0.8 mm) sometimes reaching up to 1/3
of corallite diameter (Fig. 4). However, some
corallites with a slightly elongate columella,
composed of 2-4 smooth elements. Columella
often visible below oral disc in live specimens.
Wall solid and similar in thickness to septal outer
edge (0.3 mm). Synapticular ring absent within
corallite wall. However, a few synapticulae
possibly present in some corallites, and in such
specimens, some synapticulae also present on thin
growing margin of corallum in a few incompletely
developed peripheral corallites. Corallum white to
light beige. Living colonies grayish-green, beige,
or pink.
Etymology: The species name formosa
(Latin formosus: beautiful, elegant) refers to the
regular and neat aspect of the corallum. It is also
reminiscent of the old name for Taiwan, where this
species is thought to be endemic.
Distribution: Known only from Taiwan and
nearby islands, incrusting bare rocky outcrops at
< 10 m deep (Fig. 5), where it may co-occur with
P. tayamai.
Remarks: Overall, skeletal characters display
Fig. 1. P. formosa sp. nov., holotype MTQ G 64378. Wanlitung,
5 mm
Fig. 3. P. formosa sp. nov. MTQ G 64373. Scanning electron
microscopic image. Note the laterally flattened septal
dentations and conical ornamentation on the septal sides.
100 μm
Fig. 2. P. formosa sp. nov. MTQ G 64365. Scanning electron
microscopic image. Note the exserted septa and well-
developed septal ornamentation.
1 mm
Fig. 4. P. formosa sp. nov., holotype. Note the non-exserted
septa, solid wall, and well-developed columella.
5 mm
Fig. 5. P. formosa sp. nov. from Wanlitung. A small colony
living on rocky substrate.
95Zoological Studies 51(1): 93-98 (2012)
little variation among specimens, and only minor
differences were observed. They principally
concern the size of the corallites and number
of septa, development of the septal margin
ornamentation, more or less exsert character
of the septa above the common wall, and the
size of the columella. The series of specimens
examined; however, is rather homogeneous, and
no significant variations among the 3 geographic
locations where the specimens were collected
were noted.
Molecular phylogenetic analyses
Fifty-two variable sites containing 50
parsimoniously informative sites were found in 16
sequences of the Siderastrea-Pseudosiderastrea
group examined. Pairwise genetic distances
were calculated under the setting of the Kimura
2-parameter model, and averaged 0.03 between
the Pseudosiderastrea and Siderastrea groups.
The overall distance within Siderastrea was
0.012, while that within Pseudosiderastrea was
only 0.003. Most species of Siderastrea occur in
the Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean and Brazil) (Budd
et al. 1994), and their pairwise genetic distance
was smaller than that found in the single Indo-
Pacific species S. savignyana (Atlantic group:
0.00037; S. savignyana: 0.00086). Within the
genus Pseudosiderastrea, the genetic distance
between P. tayamai and P. formosa sp. nov.
was 0.004, which is much higher than that of
species comparisons among Atlantic species of
Porites porites, Dendrophyllia sp., and
Stephanocoenia michelinii were used as outgroups
in the phylogenetic analysis. The resulting ML
and BI topologies were similar for the Siderastrea
and Pseudosiderastrea groups (Patristic distance
correlation = 0.95) (Fourment et al. 2006) (Fig.
6), and consisted of 4 clades: clade I included
Siderastrea species from the A tl an ti c Oce an
group (Forsman et al. 2005); clade II included all
specimens of S. savignyana collected from the
Indian Ocean; and clades III and IV contained all
specimens of Pseudosiderastrea. All clades had
strong statistical support (≥ 75%) in both the ML
(bootstrap) and BI (posterior probability) analyses.
The genus Pseudosiderastrea was estab-
lished by Yabe and Sugiyama (1935) for
the species P. tayamai from Aru Is., but
was subsequently treated as a subgenus of
Anomastraea (Vaughan and Wells 1943, Wells
1956). However, more recently it was again
treated as a genus in its full right (Veron and
Pichon 1979). In the original description, Yabe
Fig. 6. Phylogenetic analyses based on Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood of the partial mitochondrial cytochrome (Cyt) b
gene. Ten Siderastrea and 6 Pseudosiderastrea specimens were included and separated into 4 clades, including clades I and II for
Siderastrea and clades III and IV for Pseudosiderastrea. Stephanocoenia, Dendrophyllia, and Porites were chosen as outgroups.
Sgl_3108 Siderastrea glynni
Sra_2832 Siderastrea radians
Sra_2834 Siderastrea radians
Ssi_2831 Siderastrea siderea
Ssi_2832 Siderastrea siderea
Sst_2844 Siderastrea stellata
Sst_2846 Siderastrea stellata
Ssa_3155 Siderastrea savignyana
Ssa_3153 Siderastrea savignyana
Ssa_3154 Siderastrea savignyana
Psp_ 5350
Pta_5348 Pseudosiderastrea tayamai
Pta_2196 Pseudosiderastrea tayamai
Pta_5341 Pseudosiderastrea tayamai
AB441313 Stephanocoenia michelinii
AB441324 Dendrophyllia sp.
NC_008166 Porites porites
77/96 Pseudosiderastrea from Wanlitung
Pichon et al. – Pseudosiderastrea formosa in Taiwan96
and Sugiyama (1935) remarked that P. tayamai
was close to the Atlantic S. radians and S.
siderea, which were the only Siderastrea species
available for them to compare. According to Yabe
and Sugiyama (1935), the major morphological
differences between these 2 genera were the
absence of septal perforations and the reduced
development of synapticulae in Pseudosiderastrea.
They also remarked that Pseudosiderastrea has
similar features to Anomastraea, the latter differing
by the presence of perforated septa and septal
dentation increasing in size towards the center
of the calice, with a tendency to form pali-like
The relative regularity of the corallite shape
within each colony of P. formosa sp. nov., in
the material examined, is reminiscent of S .
savignyana Milne Edwards & Haime (1849), which
is particularly widespread in the western Indian
Ocean (Fig. 7). By comparison, Pseudosiderastrea
specimens most often display a more-irregular
corallite shape, although occasionally some
regularly shaped corallites were noted (see Veron
and Pichon 1979, fig. 145). However, the solid
walls and septa, and the almost total absence of
synapticulae and synapticular rings leave no doubt
as to the generic position of our specimens, which
clearly belong to the genus Pseudosiderastrea,
for which they represent a new species.
Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. differs from P.
tayamai (Fig. 8) in having more-regularly-shaped
corallites, a smaller number of septa which are
slightly wedge-shaped and seldom fused at their
inner margin, coarser septal ornamentation, and a
very developed, highly conspicuous columella.
Molecular phylogenetic afnities
The Pseudosiderastrea spp. clade grouped
as a sister group to Siderastrea spp. (Fig. 6),
and as such, the monophyletic status of both
genera is confirmed. Using cytochrome oxidase
subunit 1 (COI) and Cyt b, Fukami et al. (2008)
reexamined the familial and generic relationships
of many scleractinian representatives, and
found that the Pacific Siderastrea(samples
collected from Wanlitung, Taiwan), which in fact
belonged to P. formosa sp. nov., and the Atlantic
Siderastrea specimens were a monophyletic
group. The monophyletic origins of Siderastrea
and Pseudosiderastrea were also conrmed by the
COI phylogeny of scleractinian corals proposed
by Kitahara et al. (2010). Those results clearly
indicated that Pseudosiderastrea and Siderastrea
have a very recent common ancestor.
Following morphological observations
provided herein, the Cyt b phylogeny indicated
that P. formosa sp. nov. and P. tayamai belong to
the same genus based on monophyletic support
of Cyt b phylogeny (clades III and IV, Fig. 6). The
genetic distance of Cyt b between P. formosa sp.
nov. and P. tayamai (p = 0.004) was relatively
larger than the interspecific distance for species
in the Atlantic clade (clade I), which contains the
most recently diverged Siderastrea species from
the Atlantic Ocean, S. glynni (p = 0-0.0006 for Cyt
b in this study) (Forsman et al. 2005). The smaller
distance we showed in Pseudosiderastrea is due
to the slower evolution of mitochondrial DNA in
anthozoans (Shearer et al. 2002). Comparing our
results with others using the same marker, the
Fig. 7. Siderastrea savignyana. Specimen from Kuwait clearly
showing the well-developed synapticular rings. (Photo: P.
Fig. 8. Pseudosiderastrea tayamai (MTQ G 64630) from
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, showing irregularly shaped and sized
corallites and frequent fusion of the predominantly lamellar
97Zoological Studies 51(1): 93-98 (2012)
genetic distance between P. formosa sp. nov. and P.
tayamai was equivalent to the interspecic distance
of Cyt b found in Acropora (p = 0.004 between P.
formosa sp. nov. and P. tayamai, p = 0.0039 in
interspecic comparisons of Acropora; Chen et al.
2008). The genetic distance between P. formosa
sp. nov. and P. tayamai implies that the genetic
divergence of these 2 species is sufciently large
to support P. formosa sp. nov. being a different
species from P. tayamai.
Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge
the assistance of Dr. P. Muir (S.E.M. and pictures)
and Ms. B. Done (collection manager), both of
the Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville,
Australia. We are also grateful to Dr. H. Fukami
and Dr. Z. Forsman for gifts of Siderastrea DNA
samples from Panama, to Dr. D. Obura for
providing material from Kenya, his input in the
early stages of the project, and comments on the
manuscript, to Dr. P. Harrison for permission to
reproduce an illustration of S. savignyana, and
to 2 anonymous reviewers, Dr. D. Miller, and
members of the Coral Reef Evolutionary Ecology
and Genetics (CREEG) laboratory, Biodiversity
Research Center, Academia Sinica (BRCAS) for
constructive comments. A collection permit was
granted by the Kenting National Park, Ministry
of the Interior, Pingtung, Taiwan. This study was
made possible by grants from Academia Sinica
and the National Science Council, Taiwan to C.A.C.
This is the CREEG-BRCAS contribution no. 72.
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Pichon et al. – Pseudosiderastrea formosa in Taiwan98
... We complemented the species distribution with a few number of records in OBIS and GBIF with other publications [61][62][63][64][65] . Then, we qualitycontrolled the latitudinal and longitudinal extensions with species distribution reported in Corals of the World (http://www.coralsoftheworld. ...
... NOAA and related publications [63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76] . Extreme depth values reported in a single dataset that could not be corroborated from a second source were deleted to create a second, more conservative dataset. ...
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The deep sea (>200 m) is home to a surprisingly rich biota, which in some cases compares to that found in shallow areas. Scleractinian corals are an example of this – they are key species in both shallow and deep ecosystems. However, what evolutionary processes resulted in current depth distribution of the marine fauna is a long-standing question. Various conflicting hypotheses have been proposed, but few formal tests have been conducted. Here, we use global spatial distribution data to test the bathymetric origin and colonization trends across the depth gradient in scleractinian corals. Using a phylogenetic approach, we infer the origin and historical trends in directionality and speed of colonization during the diversification in depth. We also examine how the emergence of photo-symbiosis and coloniality, scleractinian corals’ most conspicuous phenotypic innovations, have influenced this process. Our results strongly support an offshore-onshore pattern of evolution and varying dispersion capacities along depth associated with trait-defined lineages. These results highlight the relevance of the evolutionary processes occurring at different depths to explain the origin of extant marine biodiversity and the consequences of altering these processes by human impact, highlighting the need to include this overlooked evolutionary history in conservation plans.
... Since the beginning of the so-called molecular revolution in scleractinian coral taxonomy and systematics (Stolarski & Roniewicz, 2001) the inconsistency of orders, the polyphyly of families and genera, the existence of cryptic taxa, of hybridization and of new species have been highlighted (Romano & Palumbi, 1996;Fukami et al., 2004Fukami et al., , 2008Combosch et al., 2008;Pinzon & LaJeunesse, 2010;Souter, 2010;Kitahara et al., 2010;Benzoni et al., 2011;Huang et al., 2011;Stefani et al., 2011;Lin et al., 2012;Pichon et al., 2012). New micromorphological and microstructural characters proved to be more phylogenetically informative than those traditionally used in hard coral taxonomy Budd & Stolarski, 2009Janiszewska et al., 2011;Stolarski et al., 2011). ...
... Since the type genus of the family and the type species of this genus are found in the Complex clade, while the genera Coscinaraea, Horastrea, Anomastraea and Craterastrea belong to the Robust corals, a new family is described to separate them. Although we did not include Pseudosiderastrea in our analyses, the recent work by Pichon et al. (2012) shows the close relationship of this taxon with Siderastrea based on the partial mitochondrial cytochrome (Cyt) b gene and confirms its placement by Benzoni et al. (2007) in the Siderastreidae in the Complex clade. Although Oulastrea belongs to the Robust corals, it is only distantly related to the Coscinaraeidae and was not included in the new family. ...
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The monotypic genus Craterastrea was assigned to the family Siderastreidae owing to the similarity of its septal micromorphology to that of Coscinaraea. Subsequently, it was synonymized with Leptoseris, family Agariciidae, based on corallum macromorphology. Since then, it has remained poorly studied and has been known only from a small number of specimens from relatively deep reef environments in the Red Sea and the Chagos archipelago, northern Indian Ocean. Access to museum collections enabled examination of type material and the recovery of coral skeletons from the Seychelles, Madagascar, and Mayotte, southern Indian Ocean. A recent survey in Mayotte allowed the in situ imaging of Craterastrea in shallow and turbid reef environments and sampling for molecular analyses. The molecular analyses were in agreement with the examination of micromorphology and microstructure of skeletons by revealing that Craterastrea levis, the only species in the genus, differs much from Leptoseris foliosa, with which it was synonymized. Moreover, Craterastrea is closely related to Coscinaraea, Horastrea and Anomastraea. However, these genera, currently ascribed to the Siderastreidae, are genetically distant to Siderastrea, the family's type genus, and Pseudosiderastrea. Hence, we restore the genus Craterastrea, describe the new family Coscinaraeidae due to its deep evolutionary divergence from the Siderastreidae, and provide revised diagnoses of the four genera in the family. The description of the new family Coscinaraeidae is a further step in the challenging but ongoing process of revision of the taxonomy of scleractinian corals as a result of the molecular systematics revolution.
... GLASEL, 1995).SMALLA et al., 1993;MORÉ et al., 1994;LEFF et al., 1995;MILLER et al., 1999;BÜRGMANN et al., 2001;SCUPHAM et al., 2007;ARIEFDJOHAN et al., 2010) e, geralmente, fornecem maiores quantidades de DNA com o aumento do número de esferas por g de material (MILLER et al., 1999;BÜRGMANN et al., 2001)Entre os agentes caotrópicos usados para isolar ácidos nucléicos, o tiocianato de guanidina tem sido considerado um potente sal, que eficientemente lisa as células e inibe a atividade de nucleases, assim promovendo uma maior recuperação de ácidos nucléicos de boa qualidade (CHIRGWIN et al., 1979;CHOMCZYNSKI & SACCHI, 1987;LIPPKE et al., 1987;CHOMCZYNSKI et al., 1997;DUDA et al., 2004). Notavelmente, DUDA et al.FOGARTY et al., 2012;PICHON et al., 2012SMALLA et al., 1993SALONEN et al., 2010;YUAN et al., 2012nos pontos mais rasos (1 a 4 m) as colônias apresentaram tanto este quanto o grupo A. Por sua vez, o grupo A é mais comumente registrado em águas rasas entre 0 a 5 m (LOH et al., 1998LOH et al., , 2001LAJEUNESSE, 2002)borda), corrobora as indicações prévias que sugerem extrema plasticidade no grupo. O grupo C se encontra geralmente associado a colônias ou parte de colônias em ambientes de baixa incidência luminosa (BAKER et al., 1997;IGLESIASPRIETO et al., 2004;GARREN et al., 2006)LIEN et al., 2012)SILVERSTEIN et al., 2012) e que a aquisição inicial parece ser bem pouco seletiva (COFFROTH et al., 2001), a disponibilidade e abundância local de simbiontes pode influenciar os grupos de simbiontes que se estabelecem na relação (VAN OPPEN et al., 2001;ULSTRUP & VAN OPPEN, 2003). ...
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Shallow water reef-building corals associate with photosynthesizing dinoflagellates in marine tropical regions. The main goal of this study is to investigate the molecular diversity of symbionts from the Brazilian genus Mussismilia Ortmann, 1890 using PCR- RFLP of the 18S and 28S rDNA and PCR-DGGE of the ITS2 rDNA techniques. Specifically, we aim to describe the zooxanthellae diversity present in host colonies sampled in different localities and depths. Also, zooxanthellae diversity is compared among the three species, M. hispida, M. harttii and M. braziliensis, among colonies of the same species, and between top and border of some colonies. The analyses indicate the presence of zooxanthellae from groups A and B in colonies of M. hispida from the southeastern Brazil, and from group C in those from the northeastern. We find no obvious differences among zooxanthellae groups neither from the top and the border of the majority of colonies of M. hispida from Bahia, nor between shallow and deep habitats as inferred by PCR-DGGE. All colonies of M. hispida and M. harttii from Bahia harbor symbionts from group C, while colonies of M. braziliensis harbor symbionts potentially from group A. The analyses of the 28S rDNA suggest that all colonies may harbor the group C and a subgroup of this group. This study provides an advance in the understanding of symbiont diversity from Brazilian corals.
... These findings indicate that the coral fauna of the GBR is still insufficiently known, and that additional sampling should specifically target rare and unknown species. Unrecorded coral species that can be expected to occur in the GBR may be small and deep-living, and those that have recently been described from elsewhere in the West Pacific and the Coral Triangle (Ditlev, 2003;Hoeksema, 2012cHoeksema, , 2014Pichon et al., 2012;Turak et al., 2012;Benzoni, 2013;Benzoni et al., 2014). The outcome may show that the coral species richness of eastern Australia, especially in the Gulf of Papua, may closely resemble that of the Coral Triangle and Vanuatu (Hoeksema, 2007(Hoeksema, , 2012b. ...
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Based on a study of mushroom coral species of eastern Australia, a decrease in species richness can be discerned from north to south. Eastern Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), is one of only few coral reef areas suitable for studies on large-scale latitudinal biodiversity patterns. Such patterns may help to recognize biogeographic boundaries and factors regulating biodiversity. Owing to the eastern Australian long coastline, such studies are a logistic challenge unless reliable distribution data are already available, as in museum collections. A large coral collection predominantly sampled from this area in the 1970s is present in the Museum of Tropical Queensland (MTQ). The scleractinian family Fungiidae (mushroom corals), representing about 10% of Indo-Pacific reef coral species, was selected as proxy. It was represented by 1,289 specimens belonging to 34 species with latitudinal ranges between 09°09´S and 31°28´S. The fauna of the northernmost reefs in the Gulf of Papua and the Torres Strait, and north of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), was represented by a maximum of 30 fungiids. From here a southward decline in species number was observed, down to Lord Howe Island with only one species. Together with previous records, the mushroom coral fauna of eastern Australia consists of 37 species, which is more diverse than hitherto known and similar to numbers found in the Coral Triangle. Future field surveys in the GBR should specifically target rarely known species, which are mainly small and found at depths > 25 m. In the light of global climate change, they may also show whether previously recorded species are still present and whether their latitudinal ranges have shifted, using the 1970s records as a baseline.
... These are exciting times for coral biodiversity research. Modern developments in phylogenetics have led to a multitude of taxonomic revisions, in many instances based on specimens collected from the SCS (Fukami et al. 2008;Huang et al. 2009aHuang et al. , 2011aHuang et al. , 2014Stefani et al. 2011;Lin et al. 2011Lin et al. , 2012aBenzoni et al. 2012aBenzoni et al. , 2014Pichon et al. 2012;Keshavmurthy et al. 2013). New species are also being discovered (e.g., Latypov 2006;Hoeksema 2009Hoeksema , 2014Licuanan and Aliño 2009;Benzoni et al. 2014) and new distribution records documented (e.g., Hoeksema 2009;Hoeksema and Koh 2009;Hoeksema et al. 2010). ...
The South China Sea in the Central Indo-Pacific is a large marine region that spans an area of more than 3 million km2 bounded by the coastlines of ten Asian nation states and contains numerous small islands. Although it abuts the western border of the Coral Triangle, the designated centre of maximum marine biodiversity, the South China Sea has received much less scientific and conservation attention. In particular, a consolidated estimate of the region’s scleractinian reef coral diversity has yet to emerge. To address this issue, we assemble a comprehensive species distribution data set that comprises 16 reef areas spread across the entire South China Sea. Despite containing less than 17 % of the reef area as compared to the Coral Triangle, this region hosts 571 known species of reef corals, a richness that is comparable to the Coral Triangle’s based on a standardised nomenclatural scheme. Similarity profile analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling demonstrate that most areas are compositionally distinct from one another and are structured according to latitude but not longitude. More broadly, this study underscores the remarkable and unexpected diversity of reef corals in the South China Sea.
... The advent of molecular taxonomy has challenged morphological taxonomy on many fronts, although, contrary to the claims of some, it is highly supportive of concepts and outcomes derived from in situ-based morphological taxonomy and biogeography, providing welcome tools to take these concepts to a higher level. Some authors (Benzoni et al., 2007(Benzoni et al., , 2010Forsman & Birkeland, 2009;Pichon, Chuang & Chen 2012;Schmidt-Roach et al., 2013a, to name a few) have elegantly combined both fields to produce thoughtful and progressive outcomes: taxonomy that will stand the test of time. Others appear to have scant knowledge of what they originally collected, or of any need to retain nomenclatorial stability, or of any broader context for their results. ...
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Coral taxonomy has entered a historical phase where nomenclatorial uncertainty is rapidly increasing. The fundamental cause is mandatory adherence to historical monographs that lack essential information of all sorts, and also to type specimens, if they exist at all, that are commonly unrecognizable fragments or are uncharacteristic of the species they are believed to represent. Historical problems, including incorrect subsequent type species designations, also create uncertainty for many well-established genera. The advent of in situ studies in the 1970s revealed these issues; now molecular technology is again changing the taxonomic landscape. The competing methodologies involved must be seen in context if they are to avoid becoming an additional basis for continuing nomenclatorial instability. To prevent this happening, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) will need to focus on rules that consolidate well-established nomenclature and allow for the designation of new type specimens that are unambiguous, and which include both skeletal material and soft tissue for molecular study. Taxonomic and biogeographic findings have now become linked, with molecular methodologies providing the capacity to re-visit past taxonomic decisions, and to extend both taxonomy and biogeography into the realm of evolutionary theory. It is proposed that most species will ultimately be seen as operational taxonomic units that are human rather than natural constructs, which in consequence will always have fuzzy morphological, genetic, and distribution boundaries. The pathway ahead calls for the integration of morphological and molecular taxonomies, and for website delivery of information that crosses current discipline boundaries.
The transitional coral ecosystem of Taiwan features tropical and temperate scleractinian coral species and suboptimal environmental conditions. As the largest continental island in the region, Taiwan is proposed as a stepping-stone for range expansion to higher latitudes of East Asia. In this chapter, we synthesize the literature and highlight the importance of the transitional role of Taiwanese coral ecosystem in sustaining its high-latitudinal counterparts in this era of changing climate. The boundary line separating tropical coral reefs and subtropical non-reefal coral communities stretches from south Penghu towards the Sandiao Cape in northeastern Taiwan. Between 1948 and 2020, the average seawater warming trend around Taiwan was 1.58 °C. This trend was not homogeneous; the region with non-reefal coral communities experienced a higher warming rate owing to gradually increasing winter sea surface temperatures. However, studies on the effect of typhoons, ocean acidification, and bioerosion on this transitional coral ecosystem are limited. To comprehensively understand how coral ecosystems in Taiwan respond to climate change, we recommended four research directions: (1) biodiversity formation, (2) the role of Kuroshio Current in reef formation and in connecting coral ecosystems of East Asia, (3) long-term ecological research of these coral ecosystems, and (4) the conservation and governance of transitional coral ecosystems using novel socio-ecological paradigms.KeywordsMarginal reefsBiogeographyPoleward migrationCold domeUpwelling
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Trait-based approaches advance ecological and evolutionary research because traits provide a strong link to an organism's function and fitness. Trait-based research might lead to a deeper understanding of the functions of, and services provided by, ecosystems, thereby improving management, which is vital in the current era of rapid environmental change. Coral reef scientists have long collected trait data for corals; however, these are difficult to access and often under-utilized in addressing large-scale questions. We present the Coral Trait Database initiative that aims to bring together physiological, morphological, ecological, phylogenetic and biogeographic trait information into a single repository. The database houses species- and individual-level data from published field and experimental studies alongside contextual data that provide important framing for analyses. In this data descriptor, we release data for 56 traits for 1547 species, and present a collaborative platform on which other trait data are being actively federated. Our overall goal is for the Coral Trait Database to become an open-source, community-led data clearinghouse that accelerates coral reef research.
Abstract The complete mitochondrial genomes of the Indo-Pacific scleractinians, Pseudosiderastrea formosa and P. tayamai, were sequenced. The mitochondrial genomes are 19,475 bp in length for both P. formosa and P. tayamai, representing the longest mitochondrial genome in the complex corals sequenced to date. The overall GC composition (36.3%) and the gene arrangement are similar to those of the other scleractinian corals, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes (rnl and rns) and 2 tRNA genes (tRNA-Met and tRNA-Trp). All genes, except tRNA-Trp, tRNA-Met, rnl, cox1, and atp8, are engulfed by a large group I intron in the nad5 gene. The second group I intron (970 bp) encoding a putative homing endonuclease is inserted in the cox1 gene, where insertion site is different from those of robust corals. Genes were separated by intergenic spacer regions for a total of 2593 bp, of which the cytb-nad2 region may correspond to the putative control region.
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Coral reef terraces are investigated in five localities around Marsa Alam on the Egyptian Red Sea Coast. The reefal limestones and the alternating terrigenous clastics are assigned to the Pleistocene Samadai Formation. Sixty-one scleractinian coral species belonging to 25 genera and 10 families were identified. Thirteen scleractinian species, for the first time recorded from the Egyptian Red Sea coastal plain, are systematically studied. The stratigraphic distribution of these fossils is illustrated and discussed. Six species are extended to the Miocene and five other species are recorded from the Pliocene and still living in the present Red Sea and the Indo-Pacific. The geographic distributions of the identified coral species are illustrated on maps. These maps show that, all the identified coral species are distributed only throughout the Indo- Pacific realm, increasing from the central part westwards across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. There are four species that are restricted to the Red Sea, Arabian region and West Indian Ocean.
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Comparative analysis of molecular sequence data is essential for reconstructing the evolutionary histories of species and inferring the nature and extent of selective forces shaping the evolution of genes and species. Here, we announce the release of Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 5 (MEGA5), which is a user-friendly software for mining online databases, building sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees, and using methods of evolutionary bioinformatics in basic biology, biomedicine, and evolution. The newest addition in MEGA5 is a collection of maximum likelihood (ML) analyses for inferring evolutionary trees, selecting best-fit substitution models (nucleotide or amino acid), inferring ancestral states and sequences (along with probabilities), and estimating evolutionary rates site-by-site. In computer simulation analyses, ML tree inference algorithms in MEGA5 compared favorably with other software packages in terms of computational efficiency and the accuracy of the estimates of phylogenetic trees, substitution parameters, and rate variation among sites. The MEGA user interface has now been enhanced to be activity driven to make it easier for the use of both beginners and experienced scientists. This version of MEGA is intended for the Windows platform, and it has been configured for effective use on Mac OS X and Linux desktops. It is available free of charge from
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Background: Classical morphological taxonomy places the approximately 1400 recognized species of Scleractinia (hard corals) into 27 families, but many aspects of coral evolution remain unclear despite the application of molecular phylogenetic methods. In part, this may be a consequence of such studies focusing on the reef-building (shallow water and zooxanthellate) Scleractinia, and largely ignoring the large number of deep-sea species. To better understand broad patterns of coral evolution, we generated molecular data for a broad and representative range of deep sea scleractinians collected off New Caledonia and Australia during the last decade, and conducted the most comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis to date of the order Scleractinia. Methodology: Partial (595 bp) sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene were determined for 65 deep-sea (azooxanthellate) scleractinians and 11 shallow-water species. These new data were aligned with 158 published sequences, generating a 234 taxon dataset representing 25 of the 27 currently recognized scleractinian families. Principal findings/conclusions: There was a striking discrepancy between the taxonomic validity of coral families consisting predominantly of deep-sea or shallow-water species. Most families composed predominantly of deep-sea azooxanthellate species were monophyletic in both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses but, by contrast (and consistent with previous studies), most families composed predominantly of shallow-water zooxanthellate taxa were polyphyletic, although Acroporidae, Poritidae, Pocilloporidae, and Fungiidae were exceptions to this general pattern. One factor contributing to this inconsistency may be the greater environmental stability of deep-sea environments, effectively removing taxonomic "noise" contributed by phenotypic plasticity. Our phylogenetic analyses imply that the most basal extant scleractinians are azooxanthellate solitary corals from deep-water, their divergence predating that of the robust and complex corals. Deep-sea corals are likely to be critical to understanding anthozoan evolution and the origins of the Scleractinia.
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PhyML is a phylogeny software based on the maximum-likelihood principle. Early PhyML versions used a fast algorithm performing nearest neighbor interchanges to improve a reasonable starting tree topology. Since the original publication (Guindon S., Gascuel O. 2003. A simple, fast and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood. Syst. Biol. 52:696-704), PhyML has been widely used (>2500 citations in ISI Web of Science) because of its simplicity and a fair compromise between accuracy and speed. In the meantime, research around PhyML has continued, and this article describes the new algorithms and methods implemented in the program. First, we introduce a new algorithm to search the tree space with user-defined intensity using subtree pruning and regrafting topological moves. The parsimony criterion is used here to filter out the least promising topology modifications with respect to the likelihood function. The analysis of a large collection of real nucleotide and amino acid data sets of various sizes demonstrates the good performance of this method. Second, we describe a new test to assess the support of the data for internal branches of a phylogeny. This approach extends the recently proposed approximate likelihood-ratio test and relies on a nonparametric, Shimodaira-Hasegawa-like procedure. A detailed analysis of real alignments sheds light on the links between this new approach and the more classical nonparametric bootstrap method. Overall, our tests show that the last version (3.0) of PhyML is fast, accurate, stable, and ready to use. A Web server and binary files are available from
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Modern hard corals (Class Hexacorallia; Order Scleractinia) are widely studied because of their fundamental role in reef building and their superb fossil record extending back to the Triassic. Nevertheless, interpretations of their evolutionary relationships have been in flux for over a decade. Recent analyses undermine the legitimacy of traditional suborders, families and genera, and suggest that a non-skeletal sister clade (Order Corallimorpharia) might be imbedded within the stony corals. However, these studies either sampled a relatively limited array of taxa or assembled trees from heterogeneous data sets. Here we provide a more comprehensive analysis of Scleractinia (127 species, 75 genera, 17 families) and various outgroups, based on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome b), with analyses of nuclear genes (ss-tubulin, ribosomal DNA) of a subset of taxa to test unexpected relationships. Eleven of 16 families were found to be polyphyletic. Strikingly, over one third of all families as conventionally defined contain representatives from the highly divergent "robust" and "complex" clades. However, the recent suggestion that corallimorpharians are true corals that have lost their skeletons was not upheld. Relationships were supported not only by mitochondrial and nuclear genes, but also often by morphological characters which had been ignored or never noted previously. The concordance of molecular characters and more carefully examined morphological characters suggests a future of greater taxonomic stability, as well as the potential to trace the evolutionary history of this ecologically important group using fossils.
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Evidence suggests that the mitochondrial (mt)DNA of anthozoans is evolving at a slower tempo than their nuclear DNA; however, parallel surveys of nuclear and mitochondrial variations and calibrated rates of both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions across taxa are needed in order to support this scenario. We examined species of the scleractinian coral genus Acropora, including previously unstudied species, for molecular variations in protein-coding genes and noncoding regions of both nuclear and mt genomes. DNA sequences of a calmodulin (CaM)-encoding gene region containing three exons, two introns and a 411-bp mt intergenic spacer (IGS) spanning the cytochrome b (cytb) and NADH 2 genes, were obtained from 49 Acropora species. The molecular evolutionary rates of coding and noncoding regions in nuclear and mt genomes were compared in conjunction with published data, including mt cytochrome b, the control region, and nuclear Pax-C introns. Direct sequencing of the mtIGS revealed an average interspecific variation comparable to that seen in published data for mt cytb. The average interspecific variation of the nuclear genome was two to five times greater than that of the mt genome. Based on the calibration of the closure of Panama Isthmus (3.0 mya) and closure of the Tethy Seaway (12 mya), synonymous substitution rates ranged from 0.367% to 1.467% Ma(-1) for nuclear CaM, which is about 4.8 times faster than those of mt cytb (0.076-0.303% Ma(-1)). This is similar to the findings in plant genomes that the nuclear genome is evolving at least five times faster than those of mitochondrial counterparts.
This revision is the result of a study of the genotype species, mostly of type or topotype specimens, of nearly every described scleractinian genus. The classification proposed rests primarily on the structure of the septa, but other skeletal structures as well as the soft parts are utilized and considered. The order Scleractinia is divided into five suborders: Astrocoeniida, Fungiida, Faviida, Caryophylliida, and Dendrophylliida. The first is quite distinct from the others and includes corals with septa composed of relatively few trabeculae. The other four include corals in which the septa consist of a relatively large number of trabeculae. The Fungiida is marked by the fundamentally fenestrate arrangement of the trabeculae, whereas the arrangement is laminar in the Faviida, Caryophylliida, and Dendrophylliida. In the Faviida the septal margins are dentate; in the Caryophylliida they are smooth; and in the Dendrophylliida some septa may become secondarily lacerate or dentate. The subdivision of the suborders into lesser categories is based upon the modification of septal structure and other skeletal elements, mode of colony - formation, form of the corallum, and phylogeny of the groups. The systematic classification is prefaced by an historical résumé of previous investigations of the Scleractinia and a brief discussion of the anatomy and morphology of the polyps and skeletal structures. The several different modes of sexual and asexual reproduction and increase are carefully analyzed because of their relation to growth form and from this is developed a discussion of morphogenesis of the corallum. Considerable attention is paid to the ecology of recent corals—much is known concerning the reef-building forms, but certain aspects of the ecology of the ahermatypic or non-reef-builders are here extensively considered for the first time. The distribution of fossil and recent scleractinian faunas is broadly analyzed and some suggestions concerning the evolution of the order are made. A classified list of over a thousand titles dealing with all aspects of the Scleractinia and fifty-one plates illustrating nearly three-fourths of the approximately 500 genera recognized conclude the work.
The genus Siderastrea contains only five extant species, including Siderastrea glynni, which is one of the few recognized species of endangered stony coral. Cloned sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region had low levels of intragenomic nucleotide diversity, and few alignment ambiguities, which allowed for the first species-level phylogenetic analysis of the genus. Results indicated an unexpected deep divergence between the Western-Pacific and Atlantic species. ITS region sequences indicated that S. glynni is not derived from S. savignyana, as previously thought. Instead, S. glynni shared identical sequence types with S. siderea in the Caribbean. Given a range of previously published evolutionary rates for the ITS region, it is unlikely that S. glynni represents the remnants of a population that was divided by the closure of the Central American Seaway (approximately 3–3.8MYA). It is more likely that S. glynni originated by a breach of the Isthmus (approximately 2MYA), or a contemporary introduction by ship.