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Human Factors of Wayfinding in Navigation


Abstract and Figures

We travel through the environment to reach places that satisfy our needs and wants. Successful travel requires that we know where to go and how to get there; it also requires that we can move along the intended route in the intended direction without having accidents or getting unnecessarily delayed. Taken together, these are requirements of navigation: coordinated and goal-directed movement through the environment. Navigation occurs over a wide spectrum of spatio-temporal scales. We navigate to the other side of the room, to the post office, to visit our relatives in another town, or to vacation half way around the world. In order to navigate effectively, we apply our psychological skills of perception, cognition, and motor behavior, within the contexts of physical and social environments, and with the assistance of technologies of information and transportation. There are consequently a host of human factors issues relevant to navigation. Attention to these issues can result in improvements to the design of technologies, environments, and training procedures that increase the ease, accuracy, efficiency, comfort, and safety of navigation.
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Human Factors of Wayfinding in Navigation
Daniel R. Montello1 and Corina Sas2
1Departments of Geography and Psychology,
University of California,
Santa Barbara, California 93106, U.S.A.
Tel. +1 (805) 893 8536. Fax: +1 (805) 893 3146.
2Computing Department
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4WA, UK
Tel. +44 (0) 15245 10318. Fax: +44 (0) 15245 10492.
1. The Psychology of Human Wayfinding
We travel through the environment to reach places that satisfy our needs and wants. Successful
travel requires that we know where to go and how to get there; it also requires that we can move
along the intended route in the intended direction without having accidents or getting
unnecessarily delayed. Taken together, these are requirements of navigation: coordinated and
goal-directed movement through the environment. Navigation occurs over a wide spectrum of
spatio-temporal scales. We navigate to the other side of the room, to the post office, to visit our
relatives in another town, or to vacation half way around the world. In order to navigate
effectively, we apply our psychological skills of perception, cognition, and motor behavior,
within the contexts of physical and social environments, and with the assistance of technologies
of information and transportation. There are consequently a host of human factors issues
relevant to navigation. Attention to these issues can result in improvements to the design of
technologies, environments, and training procedures that increase the ease, accuracy, efficiency,
comfort, and safety of navigation.
1.1. Wayfinding and Locomotion: Two Components of Navigation
Navigation may be conceptualized as consisting of the two components of wayfinding and
locomotion [1]. Wayfinding refers to our requirement to know where to go and how to get there.
It is the efficient goal-directed and planning part of navigation (some researchers use the term
“navigation” more or less synonymously with “wayfinding”). Wayfinding requires a goal
destination, a place we want to reach. This destination is typically located outside of our
immediate surrounds. Thus, wayfinding is largely coordinated distally, beyond the local
surrounds directly accessible to our sensory and motor systems at a given moment. Hence
memory, stored internally in nervous systems and externally in artifacts such as maps, plays a
critical role in wayfinding. Wayfinding requires us to solve problems involving explicit
decision-making—choosing routes to take, orienting toward nonperceptible landmarks, creating
shortcuts, and scheduling trips and trip sequences.
In contrast, locomotion refers to the necessarily real-time part of navigation in which we move
successfully in the direction we intend without injuring ourselves or moving into obstructions. It
requires coordination to the immediate surrounds directly accessible to our sensory and motor
systems at a moment in time. Locomotion requires us to solve problems such as identifying
surfaces of support, avoiding obstacles and barriers, and directing our movement toward
perceptible landmarks. Locomotion occurs in various modes, either aided by machines
(automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, and so on) or not (walking, running, and so on). There are
clearly many human-factors issues relevant to locomotion, including the design of running shoes
and automobile seats, the placement and appearance of dashboard gauges and building
entranceways, and the banking of curves in roads.
Most acts of navigation involve both locomotion and wayfinding components, generally as
part of an integrated system that can only be separated conceptually. But you can have one
without the other, as when a person nervously paces about without bumping into walls but also
without “going anywhere” (only locomotion), or conversely when a person plans a trip that is
never taken (only wayfinding). In this essay, we discuss human-factors issues relevant to the
wayfinding component of navigation and do not consider locomotion issues further.
Successful wayfinding means that our goal destination adequately or optimally meets our
needs, and that we reach it efficiently. To achieve this, we must have information about what is
in the environment and where it is. As noted above, this may be stored internally in cognitive
maps (belonging to the traveler or to other people who communicate it to the traveler) or
externally in information displays. Effective wayfinding requires this information to be
sufficiently accurate, precise, complete, and up-to-date. Furthermore, we must be able to access
this information and reason with it appropriately, according to the situation we are in. It is
important that the information is sufficient but not more than sufficient. For instance,
excessively complete information can prevent us from focusing on relevant information by
distracting us with irrelevant information. Also, the form and modality of the information is
often important to the success of wayfinding.
1.2. Orientation during Wayfinding
A fundamental information requirement of wayfinding is that travelers are aware of their
location relative to their destination, and to other places or objects (such as where important
decision points are located along their route). That is, they must be oriented. Orientation with
respect to locations on the earth's surface, required when people wayfind, is geographic
orientation. But a wayfinder need not be geographically oriented completely or with great
precision; in some situations, the orientation required for successful wayfinding may be quite
coarse and partial. What is important is that travelers know enough to get to their destinations
efficiently. It is also important that they know they have this knowledge, in part because of the
negative affect that results when people are uncertain about where they are located or which way
they need to go to reach a destination. This uncertainty is geographic disorientation—getting
lost. Geographic disorientation may be long-lasting and very serious, even life threatening; Hill
[2] presents behavioral science research relevant to the professional search and rescue that may
take place in such cases. But geographic disorientation of a minor and temporary nature is very
common; probably no one can truthfully say they never experience minor disorientation.
Individuals with a poor sense-of-direction [3] may experience such disorientation on a regular
basis. Even minor episodes of disorientation can generate anxiety, frustration, and tardiness, and
during automobile travel, they contribute importantly to fuel waste, pollution, accidents, and
traffic congestion.
Humans maintain orientation as they move (they update) via a combination of two processes:
landmark-based and dead-reckoning processes. Landmark-based updating involves recognizing
specific features or places in the world, which requires internal or external memory. Dead-
reckoning updating involves keeping track of components of locomotion, including velocity or
acceleration (which, as vector quantities, include heading information) and travel duration (dead
reckoning is sometimes called path integration). An important limitation of dead reckoning by
itself is that it only provides information about the location of a new place relative to the location
of another place at which one was recently located. Also, dead reckoning accumulates error if it
is not periodically corrected via landmark-based processes.
1.3. Attention and Automaticity of Wayfinding Tasks
Wayfinding tasks vary in their demands on attentional resources. But unlike most locomotion
tasks, which are relatively automatic, most wayfinding tasks are relatively controlled or effortful.
Dead reckoning over relatively short distances does not use much working-memory capacity.
And wayfinding during familiar trips, such as driving between home and work, becomes
automatized over time, leaving attention for other activities (though more attention is required at
moments when active wayfinding decisions are being made). In contrast, maintaining
orientation in unfamiliar environments over more than short distances demands attention.
Considerable attentional resources are needed when giving and interpreting verbal route
directions. In general, wayfinding requires controlled, explicit strategies and working-memory
processes when people are in unfamiliar places, including when they are lost. These are more
accurately described as reasoning processes than perceptual processes.
2. The Environment in Wayfinding
Navigation occurs in environments, the visual and structural characteristics of which influence
the ease of wayfinding [4]. Terrestrial environments are different than aquatic and aerial
environments. Relatively flat environments are different than mountainous or underground
environments. These environments differ in the information they make available for wayfinding,
the information about them that is required for wayfinding, and the information they provide for
mapping and verbal description. An important distinction in this respect is that between built
environments, created by humans, and natural environments, created relatively freely of human
agency. Although this distinction is imperfect, some useful generalizations about its implications
for wayfinding can be made. Built environments have more “regular” patterns, like straight lines
and right angles. In many built environments, for example, the road network consists entirely of
rectilinear grids or symmetric radial patterns. The presence of more curved, irregular, and
asymmetric shapes in natural environments gives them a greater visual complexity in one sense,
but at some point, this creates visual homogeneity as compared to the more minimalist character
of built environments. Structures in built environments can vary greatly in terms of color and
height, or they may lack variation to an extreme degree. An important difference between built
and natural environments is that the first often come equipped with signs that (potentially) aid
Three major environmental factors have been identified that affect the ease of orientation and
wayfinding [5]. The three factors are: (1) differentiation, (2) visual access, and (3) layout
complexity. Differentiation is the degree to which different parts of an environment look the
same or different. Environments may be differentiated with respect to size, shape, color,
architectural style, and so on. Generally, more differentiated environments support wayfinding
because the differentiated parts are more distinct and memorable. At some point, however,
differentiation could be taken to an extreme that would be disorienting. The second factor of
visual access is the degree to which different parts of an environment can be seen from various
viewpoints. From which locations can travelers see their start locations, their destinations, and
various landmarks along the way? Greater visual access obviously makes orientation easier.
Layout complexity is a heterogeneous notion that is difficult to express in formal terms. More
complex layouts typically make wayfinding more difficult. But exactly what constitutes a
“complex” layout in this sense is a question for research. A more articulated space, broken up
into more different parts, is generally more complex, though the way the different parts are
organized is critical. It is clear that certain patterns of path networks are more or less complex in
this sense; for example, oblique turns are more disorienting than orthogonal turns. What is
difficult here, though, is that the overall shape or “gestalt” of a path layout can determine
whether a particular element is disorienting. A curved street may be understood better when it
fits within a radial network pattern, as long as that radial pattern is apprehended. A grid pattern
may be disorienting if its axes do not run north-south and east-west—at least for those travelers
who incorporate cardinal directions in their wayfinding.
Signage can be considered a fourth environmental factor. Signs (including posted maps)
represent meaning symbolically in order to aid wayfinding. The design and placement of signs
in the environment clearly affect orientation [6]. Unfortunately, signs can disorient too.
Effective signage must be legible from a distance, must be clear and simple in design, must have
enough but not too much information, and must be placed where the traveler needs information
(at decision points, for instance). The challenge of designing comprehendible iconic symbols for
signs is especially great; does an arrow pointing straight up mean “go forward” or “go up one
floor?” With signs, as with layout complexity, many contextual factors influence effectiveness.
A perfectly clear sign may be confusing if it is placed in a sea of competing visual clutter. And
even the best-designed and placed signs cannot entirely make up for poor characteristics of the
other three environmental factors.
3. Information Displays for Wayfinding
As a symbol system, signs may be considered information displays rather than environmental
features. Information technologies are central to effective wayfinding. In different travel
contexts and for different wayfinders, the optimal mixture of verbal and graphical information
varies. The optimal sensory modality in which to present the information varies as well. Of
primary importance is the question of visual vs. auditory information, though tactile information
can be useful too, especially for travelers with visual impairments. Questions about the optimal
form and modality for providing wayfinding information have recently become focused by the
development of In-Vehicle Navigation Systems (IVNS), part of the broader topic of Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS). These systems present navigational information to automobile
drivers via digital displays and descriptions. They incorporate satellite Global Positioning
System (GPS) technology, inertial sensors for heading, and digital geographic information
systems (GIS). Their use invites a host of human-factors research questions [7]. They make
traditional cartographic questions about what to display and how to avoid cognitive overload
more important than ever. Furthermore, digital technologies provide a unique opportunity to
tailor information displays to the individual abilities, preferences, and wayfinding styles of the
Usability studies have investigated questions about the optimal display form, modality, and
layout for IVNS in different contexts (e.g., [8]). Providing map information to the driver in the
visual modality has serious drawbacks if the driver attempts to read the map while steering the
car. Maps are quite useful in certain driving situations, however, and preferred by some drivers.
They are especially powerful for communicating complex routes. Visual displays may also
present written verbal directions or symbols such as sequences of guidance arrows. The location
of the visual display relative to the driver’s field-of-view is important too. Head-up displays
(HUD) have greater usability than low-positioned displays, since they enable drivers to access
information from the display while maintaining visual contact with the road and its surroundings.
Auditory displays may be especially functional as compared to maps because they free up the
driver’s visual processing for driving and provide information sequentially in a timely manner, at
the moment the driver needs it. Auditory displays differ in sound quality; they can provide
synthesized speech or digitized voice messages previously recorded. A general conclusion is
emerging that the most functional and usable systems will display information multimodally,
combining visual and auditory displays.
3.1. Verbal Route Directions
Verbal route directions, either written or spoken, are often the best way to provide wayfinding
information. Some research investigates travelers’ preference for verbal directions of different
styles (e.g. [9]). Again, the advent of automated systems for wayfinding assistance motivates
much of this research. Which types of features should be included in verbal directions and how
should these features be described? Should the verbal directions focus exclusively on landmarks
and turn instructions, or should distance be included too? Which objects in the environment
should serve as landmarks? Perhaps information about error correction or overshoots should be
included. Differences among individual travelers are again important. In particular, some
people prefer “route” information that focuses on describing a sequential chain of landmarks and
simple turn actions; others can understand and prefer some “survey” information about direct
quantitative spatial relations among places in the environment.
3.2. Wayfinding with Maps
Cartographic maps are the quintessential example of information displays for wayfinding. There
are a host of design issues for optimizing map effectiveness, such as legend and symbol design.
The degree of schematic abstraction in map design is relevant. Maps used to wayfind need not
communicate extremely detailed and precise metric information about distances and directions.
Particularly when the map is used to navigate on a constrained path network, such as a subway
system, most travelers may only want to know the connections among network segments—the
quantitative distance between stops may be irrelevant, for instance. However, even though a
subway map may not depict metric information accurately, it is a graphical display that
necessarily depicts metric information, and some users of the map may interpret its metric
relations inappropriately.
An important issue for maps used to wayfind is their orientation, in particular which direction
on the map is placed at the top [10]. When maps are used outside the context of a particular
surrounding environment, their orientation is primarily a mater of convention—orientations that
differ from common convention (e.g. north at the top) do cause difficulties in such cases. But
when a map is being used to actively guide navigational decisions in the surrounding
environment, most people perform faster and more accurately when the top of the map is aligned
with the forward direction of movement. In this case, the bottom is aligned with the backward
direction, and left and right on the map are left and right in the surrounds. This is known as
“forward-up” or “track-up” alignment. For most people, maps not so aligned must be physically
or imaginally reoriented, that is if their misalignment is recognized (a minority of people are able
to apply feature-matching strategies that obviate the need for realignment). These processes are
cognitive costly and in fact lead to disorientation. The error and extra time caused by using
misaligned maps is called an alignment effect. Figure 1 shows an example of misaligned you-
are-here (YAH) maps.
Figure 1. The orientation in which YAH maps are mounted leads to misaligned maps (from
Levine, M. et al. Environment and Behavior, 16, 144, 1984. With permission).
Map alignment effects have implications for the design of digital navigation systems for
automobiles and cell phones [11]. Even though track-up alignments are best for most people,
research has shown that a significant minority of people prefers navigation maps such as these to
be aligned in a fixed orientation, such as “north-up,” probably because of the familiarity of
looking at the map in a constant orientation. An interesting possibility is that a fixed alignment
may better facilitate using maps to acquire knowledge of spatial layout—to form cognitive maps.
This suggests that optimal design for navigation systems should allow both variable and fixed
orientations, controllable by the traveler.
3.3. Wayfinding Technologies for the Visually Impaired
Providing for individuals with disabilities leads to some unique human factors issues. With
respect to wayfinding, people with visual impairments (including blindness) face considerable
difficulties wayfinding in cities, public buildings, and transit systems [12]. There is a fairly long
history of research and development on the human factors of locomotion for those with visual
impairments, including work on long canes, guide dogs, and auditory crossing signals. There is
surprisingly little on the human factors of wayfinding for those with visual impairments, despite
the powerful social, economic, and emotional importance of independent travel. Interestingly,
tasks within the domain of locomotion for most of us are in a sense transformed into tasks within
the domain of wayfinding for people with severe visual impairments. It is challenging to provide
wayfinding information to those with visual impairments about opportunities in the environment
and how to reach them. Clearly the information must be communicated in the auditory and
tactile modalities. Technologies being developed and tested include so-called Personal Guidance
Systems (PGS) that incorporate detailed spatial databases, GPSs, and inertial compasses,
combined into a unit worn or carried by the traveler. Another example is Remote Infrared
Auditory Signage (RIAS); the traveler carries a receiver that picks up infrared signals when
pointed at transmitters posted around public environments (the presence of the transmitters is
detected by a “sweeping” motion of the receiver). The transmitter sends information about the
place where it is posted (such as the line number of a bus or the door of a public restroom); the
information is communicated as speech to the traveler.
4. Wayfinding in Virtual Environments
Virtual environments (VEs) are computer-generated “worlds” that respond in real time to user
behaviors. Users travel through “navigable VEs.” Navigable VE systems come in a variety of
types, including desktop, partially immersive, and fully immersive systems; differences among
these types have important implications for wayfinding performance (and, of course, locomotion
performance). Hardware and software characteristics of VEs limit the information they convey.
Depending on their type, they provide limited visual detail, field-of-view, depth information, and
sensorimotor channels (notably, with respect to orientation, limited kinesthetic and vestibular
input). Even the most sophisticated fully immersive systems currently have such limitations.
Research has investigated how to increase the usability of navigable VEs, attempting to
develop design guidelines for supporting orientation during wayfinding. Some research has
investigated orientation in VEs in and of themselves; other research has investigated the
effectiveness with which knowledge acquired in VE simulations transfers to the real world.
Issues have included the fidelity or realism of the interface, the quality and amount of training in
the system, the effects of various types of orientation cues, and the relevance of differences
among individual users [13-15]. Wayfinding in VEs is improved when their design is informed
by the same principles we discussed above that influence orientation in real environments,
including differentiation, visual access, and layout complexity. Studies have indicated the
importance of the presence, appearance, and location of landmarks in VEs, perhaps indicating
they are even more important than in real environments. The availability of well-designed and
placed maps, signs, and other semiotic wayfinding devices are important too. Furthermore, some
research has investigated wayfinding aids and challenges unique to VEs, such as teleportation,
rapid scale transformations, and flexibly modifiable maps and models that can be integrated
within the virtual spaces they represent. Trails or footprints of user’s trajectories could usefully
guide search tasks in VEs.
These various insights about how to ensure effective wayfinding in VEs have not yet been
sufficiently exploited in their design and construction, however. Instead, attention has focused
almost exclusively on technological aspects. Furthermore, much greater attention needs to be
paid to ways that individuals differ with respect to wayfinding in VEs, which have been shown
to account for large amounts of variance in performance in a given VE system or layout. These
design shortcomings with respect to wayfinding are partly explained by the novelty of VE
technologies and the challenges faced by their designers.
5. Conclusions
In this essay, we introduce the construct of navigation, and its components of wayfinding and
locomotion. We summarize human factors associated with wayfinding, the goal-directed and
planning component of navigation. We outline factors related to human psychology, such as
orientation, attention, and the automaticity of wayfinding tasks; factors related to the
environment, such as differentiation, visual access, layout complexity, and sign placement; and
factors related to technology, such as the design of information displays in vehicle navigation
systems. We specifically contrast verbal route directions and wayfinding with maps, and
consider wayfinding technologies for those with visual impairments and for navigation in VEs.
While theoretical work strives to improve our understanding of wayfinding, tools and
applications that have been developed attempt not only to support wayfinding behavior but also
to train spatial skills (VEs are promising in the latter respect). Applications are limited mainly
because they are insufficiently connected with the body of literature on theories of wayfinding
and attend almost exclusively to its technological aspects. This may be partly explained by the
novelty of these technologies and the technological challenges faced by their designers. It is
clear, however, that the design of applications must be informed by basic research if it is to be
An important example is the issue of individual differences with respect to wayfinding
behavior. This has been largely ignored in the development of applications. Several individual
differences, such as gender, computer experience, and spatial skills have been identified as
significantly impacting wayfinding performance. However, a large percentage of variation in
performance is still unexplained. We conjecture that spatial behaviors expressed in particular
detailed movement patterns could offer new insight into explaining individual differences.
Fortunately, market constraints are forcing greater attention because individual differences
impact directly on the use of wayfinding support systems. Thus, in order to reach their potential,
wayfinding applications require extensive usability studies. Even if traditional route following
and map reading can largely be carried out without specific additional training, as part of our
cultural inheritance, the use of some in-car navigation systems and VEs do require training in
specific skills.
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... In theory, people acquire spatial knowledge through processes of cognitive mapping, which is a component of spatial cognition that relates to how individuals represent or structure a given spatial environment, based on their personal experiences, learning abilities, and problem-solving skills. According to Montello and Sas (2006), internal representations of spatial knowledge (regarding new locations) evolve overtime, through the process of knowledge acquisition that is stored, recalled, and decoded via cognitive mapping. New information is constantly acquired and integrated into already-existing knowledge within these cognitive maps (Montello, 1998;Ishikawa and Montello, 2006). ...
... Unlike route knowledge, survey knowledge possesses a metric quality, with representations of both distance and direction. Survey knowledge includes components such as velocity or acceleration, which monitor movement during travel; for example, noting the time that it takes to travel between landmarks (Montello and Sas, 2006). It therefore enables individuals to rapidly integrate data that includes information about the distance and directional associations between the various landmarks (Ishikawa and Montello, 2006;Chiang et al., 2023). ...
... DWAs offer users significant benefits, as they can help wayfinders navigate the environment independently and confidently, and can substantially reduce the psychological and physical load that is entailed in reaching a target location (Montello and Sas, 2006;Morag and Pintelon, 2021). Yet the literature also demonstrates that increased reliance on such navigational aids impacts the users' engagement with the environment, reducing their need to acquire and retain spatial knowledge. ...
... Although the definition of wayfinding can encompass movement through space [3], wayfinding is more often taxonomically separated from locomotion [4,5]. One aspect of wayfinding is route planning, an activity often undertaken with a map that provides access to maximal spatial information. ...
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From a daily commute to military operations in hostile territory and natural disaster responses, people frequently move from place to place. Cognition (e.g., wayfinding) occurs in conjunction with behavior (e.g., locomotion) to facilitate spatial navigation–intentional movement through space. People often use maps to plan routes, which is part of wayfinding. Time pressure is common during navigation, even during route planning, for example from time constraints (e.g., a deadline), waiting periods (e.g., technological problems), or imposed urgency (e.g., someone tells you to hurry up). Route planning requires knowing where to go, determining how to get there, and managing transient stressors that can influence performance. Across cognitive and behavioral domains, time pressure is often conceptualized as a stressor and examined with a single operationalization. As a result, we do not know to what extent time constraints, waiting periods, and imposed urgency independently or interactively a) contribute to the sense of subjective stress, and b) impact spatial performance. Our work addressed these knowledge gaps using a computerized spatial task that centrally involved planning and tracing routes on maps. We describe this new methodology for studying route planning and demonstrate experimental effects of urgency messaging on increased subjective stress and decreased time between map presentation and first click (planning time). When participants took longer to plan or drew longer routes, they reported greater subjective stress. Results carry implications for the design and implementation of time pressure manipulations, route planning in stressful conditions, and mitigating or optimizing stress effects on performance.
... Each agent mimics a pedestrian walking from a source to a destination. We model each agent with wayfinding behavior according to Montello and Sas [63]. The agent starts from the source. ...
Wayfinding signs play an important role in guiding users to navigate in a virtual environment and in helping pedestrians to find their ways in a real-world architectural site. Conventionally, the wayfinding design of a virtual environment is created manually, so as the wayfinding design of a real-world architectural site. The many possible navigation scenarios, as well as the interplay between signs and human navigation, can make the manual design process overwhelming and non-trivial. As a result, creating a wayfinding design for a typical layout can take months to several years. In this paper, we introduce the Way to Go! approach for automatically generating a wayfinding design for a given layout. The designer simply has to specify some navigation scenarios; our approach will automatically generate an optimized wayfinding design with signs properly placed considering human agents' visibility and possibility of making mistakes during a navigation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating wayfinding designs for different layouts such as a train station, a downtown and a canyon. We evaluate our results by comparing different wayfinding designs and show that our optimized wayfinding design can guide pedestrians to their destinations effectively and efficiently. Our approach can also help the designer visualize the accessibility of a destination from different locations, and correct any "blind zone" with additional signs.
... Although these two components can be described separately, they rarely occur independently and can, therefore, be described as a dual task (Brunyé et al., 2018). Separating locomotion and wayfinding only occurs when walking aimlessly or planning a game move that is not executed (Montello and Sas, 2006). Thus, successful navigation involves efficiently reaching a specific destination without causing physical harm. ...
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Soccer is a competitive sport that relies on distinct motor skills and cognitive processes. However, cognitive aspects are often overlooked, with a focus mainly on motor skills. Limited research has explored screening tests within motor-cognitive navigation dual-task (DT) paradigms. This study aims to validate a sensitive approach for assessing soccer-specific dribbling by evaluating the Trail-Dribbling Test (TDT) as a method to differentiate high-performance (HP) from low-performance (LP) players. Two hundred and seventy-five participants (41 females) aged between 12 and 34 completed the Trail-Making Test (TMT), the Trail-Walking Test (TWT), and the soccer-specific TDT under three levels of cognitive load. Results indicated shorter TDT durations for HP compared to LP players, with increased cognitive load accentuating differences (TDT-M: p = 0.044, d = 0.260; TDT-A: p < 0.001, d = 0.449; TDT-B: p < 0.001, d = 0.653). The TDT effectively discriminated between HP and LP players in the 14–15 (AUC = 0.712–0.820) and 16–17 age groups (AUC = 0.634–0.839). In conclusion, the ecologically valid TDT demonstrates the potential for quantifying soccer-specific dribbling, offering insights into motor and cognitive aspects of dribbling performance, especially among soccer players aged 14–17.
... On a separate note, this proposal based on the complexity-learnability binomial also supports the idea of implementing a differentiated approach in the area of digital lexicography (Bothma 2011(Bothma , 2017Bothma et al. 2016) whose interest would be focused, beyond optimal searching, in the navigational (browsing) processing of the lemma set. According to the psycho-cognitive and organizational foundations of Neuroergonomics (Lapeyre et al. 2011;Li and Klippel 2016;Montello 2005;Montello and Sas 2006), navigation in less complex (irrespective of the formal definition of complexity applied) and thus more regular environments promotes spatial awareness and the creation of more complete and precise cognitive maps that facilitate orientation and, thereby, the understanding of the environment or search space considered, in our case, the lemma corpus. ...
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This paper analyzes the algorithmic complexity (also known as Kolmogorov complexity or descriptive complexity) of the lemma corpus included in the Wortfamilienwörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache (WfWG; Augst 2009) as a function of its macrostructural arrangement. The results show that, compared to the alphabetical order, the WfWG word-family arrangement produces an algorithmically more compressible, and therefore less complex version of the lemma corpus. This observation points to a higher degree of learnability and cognitive accessibility of the lemma corpus arranged in word families.
... In real-world situations, however, successful wayfinding depends on both cognitive functions (e.g., decision-making) and behaviors (e.g., executing the decisions) (Arthur & Passini, 1992). Accordingly, in this study, wayfinding is defined as "a goal-directed (Montello & Sas, 2006) spatial problem-solving process (Arthur & Passini, 1992) under uncertainty in which one finds a route to a particular target and recognizes the target when approaching it (Chen et al., 2009); this process depends on perception, information processing, and decision execution" (Jamshidi & Pati, 2020, p. 291). ...
The purpose of this study was to identify the elements of the interior environment and their attributes that contribute to interior wayfinding. While the majority of the literature on wayfinding has examined specific causal relationships, few studies have systematically investigated the wayfinding process of users to uncover several environmental elements and attributes that may influence wayfinding, particularly from a qualitative approach. Thus, an exploratory research design comprising qualitative methods and quantitative descriptive techniques was adopted. Eleven participants (female, n = 6; male, n = 5) were asked to locate 12 destinations in two university buildings. The primary data types were a think-aloud protocol and digital video recording. Findings showed that the environmental elements that contributed to wayfinding were landmarks, corridors, nodes, regions, stairs, central spaces, courtyards, entrances, connecting halls, voids, doors, interior windows, and outdoor views. The attributes of identified environmental elements that influence wayfinding are reported. The outcomes of the present study are expected to further our theoretical understanding of the phenomena and provide a foundation for additional investigations to develop guidelines and recommendations for design decision-making in practice.
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As global urbanization accelerates, the integration, readability, and connectivity of urban spaces are becoming focal points of international concern, particularly in rapidly developing regions like Asia. The inadequacies of urban wayfinding systems directly affect pedestrians’ wayfinding experiences within city spaces. Pedestrian wayfinding signage, as a critical element supporting pedestrian navigation and urban readability, is often neglected in vehicle-centric urban planning. This study explores the visual preferences of pedestrians regarding wayfinding signage and how these perceptions can be incorporated into the design process. A photo-based survey consisting of 385 pedestrians in Nanning, China, reveals that while many wayfinding signs provide cognitive information, they score lower in visual preference due to poor sensory perception and difficulty in conveying meaning. This study also highlights that the material, color, graphics, and text on signage are key physical attributes influencing the visual preferences of pedestrians. Demographic factors such as age, gender, and professional background also impact these preferences. These findings underscore a broader urban design issue: wayfinding signs must not only clearly communicate navigational information but also enhance the aesthetic and cultural expressions of urban spaces. Current signage systems often neglect these aesthetic and cultural needs, potentially leading to visual fatigue or cultural disconnection, thereby affecting navigation efficiency and urban experience. The results provide empirical foundations for optimizing wayfinding signage designs in urban areas, aiding urban planners and designers in integrating pedestrian preferences to create clearer, more attractive navigation systems, thus improving walking experiences and significantly enhancing the daily lives of city residents.
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Finding one’s way around complex and large buildings, such as hospitals, airports, and educational facilities, can be challenging. Using maps and signage to address wayfinding issues in such buildings is one of the most common solutions. Despite extensive research on maps and signage, few studies have systematically explored how and when people use maps and signage in real-world situations during interior wayfinding. To address this gap, an exploratory, qualitative approach was adopted. Eleven participants were tasked with finding 12 targets within two university buildings. Participants were asked to voice out their thoughts (think-aloud protocol) while carrying out the tasks. Their think-aloud protocol and behavior were recorded and analyzed. The results revealed that the type of initial information available about the target could influence participants’ preferences for maps over signage or vice versa. Maps were not often used as the first strategy during wayfinding. Participants were perplexed when they consulted maps in different corridors because each map rotated differently to align with the adjacent corridor. Design issues regarding maps and signage were identified and discussed.
We know little about the ability to explore and navigate large-scale space for people with intellectual disability (ID). In this cross-syndrome study, individuals with Down syndrome (DS), individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) and typically developing children (TD; aged 5-11 years) explored virtual environments with the goal of learning where everything was within the environment (Experiment 1) or to find six stars (Experiment 2). There was little difference between the WS and DS groups when the goal was simply to learn about the environment with no specific destination to be reached (Experiment 1); both groups performed at a level akin to a subset of TD children of a similar level of non-verbal ability. The difference became evident when the goal of the task was to locate targets in the environment (Experiment 2). The DS group showed the weakest performance, performing at or below the level of a subset of TD children at a similar level of non-verbal ability, whilst theWSgroup performed at the level of the TD subset group. The DS,WSand TD group also demonstrated different patterns of exploration behavior. Exploration behaviour in DS was weak and did not improve across trials. In WS, exploration behavior changed across trials but was atypical (the number of revisits increased with repeated trials). Moreover, transdiagnostic individual difference analysis (Latent Profile Analysis) revealed five profiles of exploration and navigation variables, none of which were uniquely specific to DS or to WS. Only the most extreme profile of very poor navigators was specific to participants with DS and WS. Interestingly, all other profiles contained at least one individual with DS and at least one individual with WS. This highlights the importance of investigating heterogeneity in the performance of individuals with intellectual disability and the usefulness of a data-driven transdiagnostic approach to identifying behavioral profiles.
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Participants learned the layout of large-scale "virtual buildings" through extended navigational experience, using "desk-top" (i.e., nonimmersive) virtual environments (VEs). Experiment 1 recreated a study performed in a real building (P. W. Thorndyke & B. Hayes-Roth, 1982). After overcoming initial disorientation, participants ultimately developed near-perfect route-finding abilities. Their ability to judge directions and relative distances was similar to that found with the real building. Two further experiments investigated the effect of localized landmarks. Colored patterns had no effect on participants' route-finding accuracy. However, participants were more accurate in their route finding when familiar objects were used as landmarks than when no landmarks were used. The implications of the findings for the design of VEs are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Participants learned the layout of large-scale "virtual buildings" through extended navigational experience, using "desk-top" (i.e., nonimmersive) virtual environments (VEs). Experiment 1 recreated a study performed in a real building (P. W. Thorndyke & B. Hayes-Roth, 1982). After overcoming initial disorientation, participants ultimately developed near-perfect route-finding abilities. Their ability to judge directions and relative distances was similar to that found with the real building. Two further experiments investigated the effect of localized landmarks. Colored patterns had no effect on participants' route-finding accuracy. However, participants were more accurate in their route finding when familiar objects were used as landmarks than when no landmarks were used. The implications of the findings for the design of VEs are discussed.
One potentially significant yet little investigated criterion for postoccupancy evaluation is the "legibility" of a setting—the degree to which a building facilitates the ability of users to find their way within it. The present study evaluated the legibility of a sample of ten university buildings. Self-report data indicated way-finding to be a problem for a substantial minority. The impact upon way-finding of several theoretically derived visual/spatial variables was also assessed. Two aspects of the floor plan configurations of these settings, as judged from highly significant relationships to frequency of disorientation. One of these variables, judged simplicity of floor plan configuration, was able to account for 56% of the variance in these data. One other potentially important variable, respondents' own familiarity with these buildings, was able to account for but 9% of the variance in frequency of disorientation data.
This article describes two experiments that investigate the cognitive processes used during map reading. The experiments examine the hypothesis that local- ization using a map is the product of a cognitive alignment between two reference frames-an ego-centered reference frame that corresponds to the forward perceptual view of the world and a world-centered reference frame that corresponds to a location in a map. Mental rotation is seen as a central cognitive operation in this alignment. The data also suggest the existence of two sequential mental rotations of the map-one to bring the map into a track-up alignment and one to bring it forward so the image of the map is congruent with the forward view. These two experiments provide evidence that mental rotation is more than a laboratory phenomenon and may be generalized to navigation tasks. Data are also presented, however, that indicate mental rotation is a rather fragile process and is not used when the compari- sons between the map and the forward view become difficult.
In today's complex maze of urban structures, wayfinding is no longer simply a matter of putting up directional signs, it is multi-faceted problem that requires sharp design skills. This text spells out the principles of wayfinding and applies them to architectural design. beginning with spatial, orientation, and perception factors, the book shows how well-designed routes and destinations must integrate a wide range of stimuli - graphic, verbal, auditory, and tactile. Plus, convenient checklists show how to prevent potential wayfinding problems in the design stage and to troubleshoot them in existing structures. Supported by numerous real-life examples and hundreds of lively illustrations, this book is a complete guide to spatial direction and logical orientation in buildings and public spaces - jam-packed with proven techniques for helping people find their way through today's confusing world.
A theory of spatial problem solving led to the prediction that the ease of use of you-are-here maps would depend upon where they were placed in relation to the terrain. Two experiments were performed. One was carried out in symbolic form in the laboratory; the other was performed in the field, as wayfinding in a large building. Both experiments confirmed the prediction.
Notes that wayfinding--how living organisms make their way from an origin to a destination and back--is an issue in which environment and behavior are indisputably intertwined. This chapter focuses on human wayfinding and its flipside, disorientation, which is noted to be a problem in many environments. This chapter, written from the vantage point of long-time interdisciplinary wayfinding consultants, seeks to broaden the view of wayfinding held by environmental psychologists. It is argued that if design and behavioral professionals are to play a role in improving wayfinding in a variety of settings, wayfinding needs to be perceived as a macro issue involving the physical and operational environments in which it occurs, rather than being understood as something dealing only with individual perception, cognition, and behavior. This chapter explores behavioral, design, and operational elements of the wayfinding system, examining obstacles to and recommendations for improvement in each of these areas. Two case studies--one of wayfinding research that influenced design, and one of a wayfinding design review that changed design--are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This paper presents a brief overview of current human factors research into route guidance systems. A short description of different interface styles is given and a review of two road-based studies of three existing route guidance systems is provided. A general discussion then highlights a range of issues of relevance to driver-system interfaces, drawing on results both from the studies carried out, and other research. Specific aspects addressed include the content and means of presenting route guidance information, and the potential effect of interface design on driver visual behaviour and performance.
To compare the effectiveness of navigational aids, drivers attempted to follow routes in unfamiliar environments using either customized route maps, vocal directions, or both. The customized route maps, which included only information relevant to the particular route, were drawn to scale, used colour, included interturn mileages, and showed landmarks. The route to be driven was traced in red. To obtain vocal directions, drivers operated a tape recorder that permitted them to play the next or the previous instruction. Instructions were generated by a set of rules with roughly one set of instructions per turn. Information that was not on the map was not included in the vocal instructions. Drivers who listened to directions drove to destinations in fewer miles, took less time, and showed about 70% fewer errors than the map drivers. The performance of drivers with route maps and voice directions was between that of the map only and voice only drivers.