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Influence of Storage Condition on Seed Oil Content of Maize, Soybean and Sunflower



The study was aimed to examine the changes in seed oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower from 2002 to 2006, in two types of storage conditions which differ in air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75% and 12°C/60%, respectively. Aff ected by storage longevity, in average, seed oil content decreased by 0.82% in maize, 2.19% in soybean and 8.53% in sunflower. Differences in oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes within crops. Storage longevity was negatively associated with oil content. At storage conditions at 12°C/60%, decreasing of seed oil content was less by 0.55% (maize), 1.30% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions at 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, then in soybean and the highest losses were in sunflower. Decreasing of seed quality losses is possible with suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower.
e study was aimed to examine the changes in seed oil content in di erent
genotypes of maize, soybean and sun ower from 2002 to 2006, in two types
of storage conditions which di er in air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75%
and 12°C/60%, respectively. A ected by storage longevity, in average, seed oil
content decreased by 0.82% in maize, 2.19% in soybean and 8.53% in sun ower.
Di erences in oil content a ected by storage longevity were signi cant among
tested crops and genotypes within crops. Storage longevity was negatively
associated with oil content. At storage conditions at 12°C/60%, decreasing
of seed oil content was less by 0.55% (maize), 1.30% (soybean) and 1.75%
(sun ower) than in storage conditions at 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest
seed quality losses were in maize, then in soybean and the highest losses were
in sun ower. Decreasing of seed quality losses is possible with suitable storage
conditions, particularly for soybean and sun ower.
Key words
oil content, genotypes, maize, soybean, sun ower, storage conditions,
storage longevity
Agriculturae Conspectus Scienti cus | Vol. 72 (2007) No. 3 (211-213)
In uence of Storage Condition on Seed
Oil Content of Maize, Soybean and
Sun ower
Branimir ŠIM 1( )
Aleksandra SUDARIĆ 1
Vlatka ROZMAN 2
Jasenka ĆOSIĆ 2
1 Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
2 University of J.J. Strossmayer, Faculty of Agriculture,
Trg sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Received: November 3, 2006 | Accepted: April 5, 2007
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 72 (2007) No. 3
212 Branimir ŠIMIĆ, Ruža POPOVIĆ, Aleksandra SUDARIĆ, Vlatka ROZMAN, Irma KALINOVIĆ, Jasenka ĆOSIĆ
Seed quality is a multiple criterion that encompasses
several important seed attributes: genetic and chemical
composition, physical condition, physiological germi-
nation and vigor, size, appearance and presence of seed-
borne pathogens, crop and varietal purity, weed and crop
contaminants and moisture content. During storage, seed
quality can remain at the initial level or decline to a level
that may make the seed unacceptable for planting purpose.
is is related to many determinants: enivronment condi-
tions during seed production, pests, diseases, seed oil con-
tent, seed moisture content, mechanical damages of seed
in proccessing, storage longevity, packaging, pesticides, air
temperature and relative air humidity in storage, biochemi-
cal injury of seed tissue and similar (Al-Yahya, 2001; Šimić
et al., 2004; Guberac et al., 2003; Heatherly and Elmore,
2004). Storage longevity may vary from six months (usu-
ally for maize, soybean and sun ower), up to 20 months
or longer if the seeds are to be carried over. Longevity of
seed in storage is in uenced by the initial quality of stored
seed as well as storage conditions. Irrespective of initial
seed quality, unfavourable storage conditions, particu-
larly air temperautre and air relative humidity, contribute
to acceleration of seed deterioration in storage. Hence, it’s
di cult to assess the e ective storage period because the
storability of the seed is a function of initial seed quality
and the storage conditions (Wych, 1988; Fabrizius et al.,
1999; Heatherly and Elmore, 2004). Intensity of quality
decrease of stored seed is di erent among plant species
and within plant species (genotypic variability), imply-
ing considerable in uence of genetic (heritable) compo-
nent on phenotypic expression of traits which determine
seed quality (Al-Yahya, 2001; Guberac et al., 2003; Vieira
et al., 2001). e objective of this study was to examine
the changes in seed oil content in maize, soybean, and
sun ower a ected by storage longevity under two levels
of storage conditions di ered in terms of air temperature
and relative air humidity.
Material and methods
is study was carried out from 2002 to 2006 at the
Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia) using basic seed of
three agricultural crops: maize, soybean and sun ower.
Selected maize hybrids (‘OSSK 596’, ‘OSSK 602’-FAO group
600), sun ower hybrids (‘Fakir’, ‘Apolon’-middle-early) and
soybean cultivars (‘Tisa’-maturity group (MG) I; ‘Kaja’-
MG 0) are creations of the Institute.  e testing began
a er harvest of sun ower, maize and soybean in 2002.
Samples of dried, cleaned and processed seeds for each of
tested crops were taken as follows: 2x500 kg for maize and
soybean, and 2x200 kg for sun ower. Before storage, seed
oil content of all tested genotypes were determined. Seed
samples were packed in bags and stored separately in two
small storages with controlled conditions: Storage 1– 75%
relative air humidity; 25oC air temperature and Storage 2
– 60% relative air humidity, 12oC air temperature. A er
four years of storage, from both storages, average seed sam-
ples were taken from each genotype for laboratory analy-
sis. Seed oil contents (% in absolutely dry matter-ADM)
were determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
analyzer.  e obtained experimental data were statisticly
processed using the Statistical Analysis System Version
8.2 computer program (SAS Institute, 1989).
Results and discussion
e means of seed oil content for tested genotypes of
maize, soybean and sun ower before and a er storage
in both type of storages with results of statistical analysis
are presented in Table 1. From the analysis of presented
data, it is obvious that analyzed seed quality traits varied
amongst tested agricultural crops as well as within crops
(genotype variation), with statistically high signi cant
di erences (P<0.01).  e mean value of seed oil content
before storage was 4.45% in maize, 23.29% in soybean and
50.55% in sun ower. A er four years for both storages,
average seed oil content was 3.63% in maize, 21.10% in
soybean and 42.02% in sun ower. By comparison of the
means of this trait before and a er storage, greater decline
of oil content was in sun ower (decreasing by 8.53%), than
in soybean (by 2.19%) and maize (by 0.82%). Di erences
in seed oil content a ected by storage longevity (between
years of storage) were statistically highly signi cant (P<0.01)
and consistent with tested crops. In Storage 1 the aver-
age decrease of oil content was 1.10% in maize, 2.84% in
soybean and 9.40% in sun ower. In Storage 2 the average
decrease of oil content was 0.55% in maize, 1.54% in soy-
bean and 7.65% in sun ower. It is obvious that changes in
oil content were less signi cant in Storage 2 by 0.55% in
maize, 1.30% in soybean and by 1.75% in sun ower than
in Storage 1. Di erences in the oil content a ected by dif-
ferent storage conditions were highly signi cant at level of
P<0.01 during the same period of storage consistent with
all tested crops. Analysis of variance showed that interac-
tion between tested crops and examined storage longevity,
and also between storage longevity and storage type were
highly signi cant (P<0.01).
e obtained results of this study showed that the e ect
of storage longevity is negative on level of seed oil content
in maize, soybean and sun ower, with signi cant di er-
ences amongst these crops in intensity of decreasing qual-
ity of stored seed.  us, on the average for both storages,
decreasing of oil content was less in maize in relation with
soybean and sun ower, suggesting higher stability of ana-
lyzed quality seed attributes during storage in maize than
in both soybean and sun ower, respectively. At the same
time, di erences in seed deterioration between soybean and
sun ower also existed, particularly in oil content. It could
be connected with di erences amongst crops in expression
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 72 (2007) No. 3
Influence of Storage Condition on Seed Oil Content of Maize, Soybean and Sunflower
of the protective system of enzymatic and non-enzymatic
processes which in uence the intensity of seed deteriora-
tion.  us, in oil crops, such as soybean and sun ower,
autooxidation of lipids and increase of the content of free
fatty acids during storage period are the main reasons for
rapid deterioration of the oil seed as presented by Reuzeau
and Cavalie (1995), Trawatha et al. (1995), and Balašević-
Tubić et al. (2005). Longevity of stored seed of any crops
considerably depends on the storage conditions, primarily
in terms of air temperature and relative air humidity in
storage. Results of our study showed that in the worst stor-
age conditions (25°C/75%) were higher seed quality losses
than in the storage with lower temperature and lower rel-
ative humidity (12°C/60%).  ese ndings corresponded
well to those reported elsewhere that unfavorable storage
conditions (high air temperature and high humidity of air)
accelerate seed deterioration, causing seed quality losses
and therein lower germinability percentage of stored seed
(Depaula et al., 1996; Al-Yahya, 2001).
In summary, data obtained in this study indicate that
e ect of storage longevity on seed oil content is more or
less negative and considerably a ected by storage condi-
tions. If suitable storage conditions are not, provided, qual-
ity and quantity losses increase. Decreasing these losses is
possible providing suitable storage conditions and storage
management, what enables the preserving seed quality at-
tributes, such as seed oil content, on the satisfactory level
acceptable for production purposes. Furthermore, over the
same storage period and under same storage conditions,
the intensity of seed quality declining is di erent among
plant species due to genetic diversity, which implies the
importance of creating suitable storage conditions accord-
ing to crop that will be stored.
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Balašević-Tubić, S., Đ. Maleić, M. Tatić, J. Miladinović.
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and Uses eds by Boerma H.R. and Specht, J.E.. 3rd Edition,
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*** Association of O cial Seed analysis, (1983): Seed vigor testing
handbook, no. 32, AOSA
Table 1. Seed oil content means (% in ADM) of tested
genotypes of maize, soybean and sun ower regarding storage
longevity (2002-2006) and storage conditions: S1 (25°C/75%);
S2 (12°C/60%)
Oil content in seed (% in ADM)
Crops Genotype
Storage 1 Storage 2
Begining of storage (2002)
OSSK 596 4.70 4.70 Maize
OSSK 602 4.20 4.20
Tisa 23.18 23.18 Soybean
Kaja 23.40 23.40
Fakir 47.76 47.76 Sunflower
Apolon 53.35 53.35
End of storage (2006)
OSSK 596 3.50 4.00 Maize
OSSK602 3.20 3.80
Tisa 20.70 22.00 Soybean
Kaja 20.20 21.50
Fakir 42.10 43.20 Sunflower
Apolon 40.20 42.60
LSD test
Sources of variation F test
0.05 0.01
Crops (A) 59537.441** 0.238 0.328
Storage longevity (B) 7128.33** 0.071 0.093
Storage type (C) 35.020** 0.058 0.077
... Although seed quality is generally determined by genetic and physiological factors, and physical attributes of the seeds, harvesting and handling process, seed storage also should be considered. Simic et al. (2007) reported that pests and disease infection, seed oil content, seed moisture content, mechanical damage, seed longevity, packaging, pesticides, air temperature and relative humidity are responsible for quality decline in seed under storage. Some packaging materials are commonly used for storing seeds, but their suitability depends on the kind or type of seeds and their protection ability to the seed in storage. ...
Conference Paper
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Despite the economic importance of castor seeds (Ricinus communis L.), there is little research attention on its storage. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of four different packaging materials (Jute, Polythene, polypropylene and Plastic bags) on proximate compositions of castor seeds. Proximate analysis was carried out following standard procedures. The pre storage proximate compositions obtained were: moisture content (2.71%), crude Fat (48.01%), crude Protein (13.16%) and Carbohydrate (30.69). After storage the %moisture content increased in jute bag (2.85%) and polythene (2.79%) but decreased in other containers from plastic (2.55%)> polypropylene (2.35%). However, there was increase in Crude fat and Protein but decrease in Carbohydrate. Jute bag has the highest fat (64.58%) and protein (23.16%) and least in carbohydrate (4.61%). Polythene was least in fat (58.08%) and plastic least in protein (15.67%). The result indicates that proximate compositions of the stored seed were affected by the packaging materials after three months.
... Storage under high temperature and/or high relative humidity can cause an increase in seed mass temperature, increase in acidity, intensification of respiration, degradation of reserves, alteration of fatty acid fractions, decomposition of membranes, peroxidation of lipids, among other factors, which culminate in loss of vigor and germination capacity (Šimić et al., 2007;Singh et al., 2017). Loss of viability usually occurs last, and seed vigor is the first parameter affected by deterioration during storage (Bewley et al., 2013), as shown in Figure 1. ...
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Creation, adjustments and adoption of tests and tools that help in the prediction of seed storability have been highly demanded. Therefore, this work aimed to analyze the efficiency of different artificial aging times in predicting the performance of soybean seeds after storage, using the GGE biplot method. Seeds of six genotypes were subjected to storage, under refrigerated and non-refrigerated conditions, and artificial aging, being artificially aged for periods of 0, 48, 96 and 144 hours. Seeds freshly harvested and after natural and artificial aging were subjected to germination and vigor tests. The experiments were analyzed separately, using means test, regression analysis and model identity test, and together, using the GGE biplot method. Artificial aging at a temperature of 41 °C for 96 hours has the potential to be used to predict the performance of soybean seeds after eight months of storage. The GGE biplot is a method that can be used as a tool to analyze the relationships between aging environments and visualize the ranking of genotypes regarding the performance of seeds subjected to natural and artificial aging.
... These researchers suggested that longer periods of storage lead to seed ageing, which results in the depletion of soluble carbohydrates, thereby affecting the overall quality of the seeds. Simic and collaborators [33] also reported a negative correlation between storage longevity and oil content, which was evident from the decrease in oil content by 8.53% in sunflower, 2.19% in soybean, and 0.82% in maize samples. In a study conducted by Wu and collaborators [34], a statistically significant and negative correlation of oil content with seed weight, but a positive correlation of oil content with the width and thickness of the kernel was reported for Jatropha curcas. ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate biogeographic variability in the fruit, kernel, kernel-oil and press-cake contents of 50 accessions of the beauty leaf tree (C. inophyllum L.) collected from 19 locations spanning 4000 km along the eastern and northern coasts of Australia (Northern Territory and Queensland). Mature fallen fruits of C. inophyllum were collected from individual trees and stored in a shed for over a year. The fruits were cracked open to extract the kernels, and the kernels were crushed to 5–10 mm. NIR spectra of crushed kernels were collected using FT–NIR. Results of this study showed large variation between individual trees and the provenances for oil, resin and cake contents. Most of the C. inophyllum genotypes were separated based on their NIR fingerprint using PCA and PLS-DA. It was concluded that NIR spectroscopy not only aids in the screening of large numbers of genotypes, but it also allows the preservation of the tested seeds for further propagation. This feature will have the greatest advantage in plant breeding and commercial cultivation, as only the seeds that contain high oil content could be sown to help establish plantations with high oil-production capacity. Overall, it was concluded that the differences between provenances for oil, resin and cake contents can be predicted using NIR spectra. Furthermore, NIR spectroscopy can be used as a tool to define provenance variations in the kernel oil content of the beauty leaf tree.
... Large genetic variation in seed longevity has been reported in soybean [11][12][13] and observed that black seed coat colour [12,[14][15][16] and small seed size [17] are associated with seed longevity. It has been documented that thin and delicate seed coat and high seed oil content makes the soybean more susceptible to deterioration under dry storage [18][19][20][21]. Soybean with black seed coat colour have been used as a traditional ingredient in medical treatments in many countries with many health benefits [6,22,23]. ...
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Seed longevity is an important trait in the context of germplasm conservation and economics of seed production. The identification of populations with high level of genetic variability for seed longevity and associated traits will become a valuable resource for superior alleles for seed longevity. In this study, Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)-single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) approach, simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers and agro-morphological traits have been explored to investigate the diversity and population structure of assembled 96 genotypes. The GBS technique performed on 96 genotypes of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) resulted in 37,897 SNPs on sequences aligned to the reference genome sequence. The average genome coverage was 6.81X with a mapping rate of 99.56% covering the entire genome. Totally, 29,955 high quality SNPs were identified after stringent filtering and most of them were detected in non-coding regions. The 96 genotypes were phenotyped for eight quantitative and ten qualitative traits by growing in field by following augmented design. The STRUCTURE (Bayesian-model based algorithm), UPGMA (Un-weighed Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean) and principal component analysis (PCA) approaches using SSR, SNP as well as quantitative and qualitative traits revealed population structure and diversity in assembled population. The Bayesian-model based STRUCTURE using SNP markers could effectively identify clusters with higher seed longevity associated with seed coat colour and size which were subsequently validated by UPGMA and PCA based on SSR and agro-morphological traits. The results of STRUCTURE, PCA and UPGMA cluster analysis showed high degree of similarity and provided complementary data that helped to identify genotypes with higher longevity. Six black colour genotypes, viz., Local black soybean, Kalitur, ACC Nos. 39, 109, 101 and 37 showed higher seed longevity during accelerated ageing. Higher coefficient of variability observed for plant height, number of pods per plant, seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight and seed longevity confirms the diversity in assembled population and its suitability for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping.
... The two species of genus Salvadora (Family: Salvadoraceae) namely Salvadora oleoides market value. Several studies have reported reduction in oil, protein and carbohydrate contents, as well as increased free fatty acid and peroxide values in fungal-infected oilseeds [11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
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Susceptibility of seeds to fungal invasion, proliferation and elaboration of mycotoxins is one of the major factors for the low quality and productivity. The present study was undertaken to investigate the impact of fungal infestation on biochemical content of seeds of two important oil-yielding species namely S. oleoides and S. persica as well as certain physicochemical characteristics of fatty oil. Seeds from ground lying fruits of the two species were collected and segregated into three groups based on level of infestation. Altogether eight dominant fungi were isolated and identified as Aspergillus candidus, A. flavus, A. niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizoctonia solani, Rhizopus nigricans and Sclerotium rolfsii based on specified characteristics. Results of the biochemical analysis showed significant decrease in fatty oil, crude protein and carbohydrate contents across the different infestation levels as compared to healthy seeds. The acid values of fatty oil from seeds of S. oleoides and S. persica constantly increased to a higher value all through at the level of infestation. Further increase in saponification value and decrease in iodine number of the fatty oils was also recorded all over the infestation levels. The results are in agreement with the previous studies on similar aspects with various other oilseeds.
... The physical properties and storage potential of seed were influenced to a very large extent by moisture content and the relative humidity of the atmosphere surrounding the seed (Kong et al., 2008). Poor storage conditions greatly affect seed vigor (Simic et al., 2007). Clay pots and gunny bags showed an increase in moisture content and sharp decline seed viability within a year of storage than air tight tin cans and air tight glass jar (Naznin, 2005). ...
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Soybean (Glycine max) seed loses its viability in the storage which causes shortage in supply of quality seed and consequently hinders the expansion of soybean cultivation in Bangladesh.Losses of seed viability of soybean (Glycine max) in traditional storage is very common in the tropical environment. An experiment was conducted at the Seed Laboratory, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Jamalpur in 2011 and 2012 to find out the effect of seed moisture content and types of storage container on soybean seed germination and seedling vigour. In 2011, soybean seed having 94% initial germination was stored at 8, 10 and 12% moisture levels but in 2012 seeds having 96% initial germination was stored at 6, 8, 10 and 12% initial moisture levels in four different types of storage containers viz., polythene bag, plastic pot, tin can and glass jar. weredays after storage ().The experiment was arranged in a factorial completely randomized design with three replications. In 2011, high germination of soybean seed (77-85%) was retained at 200 DAS for those stored at 8% initial seed moisture content (SMC) in any of the containers. Germination index and seedling dry matter decreased with increased initial seed moisture content irrespective of storage containers used. Tin preserved higher seed moisture contents of 9.93, 11.71 and 14.15% for seed stored at 8%, 10% and 12% initial seed moisture content, respectively. In 2012, 80-94% seed germination was retained at 200 DAS for those stored at 6% initial SMC in any of the containers. The germination declined to a range between 75.0 and 91.3% within 200 DAS at 8% initial SMC while those stored at 12% SMC showed rapid germination loss and the value showed down to between 9.3 and 22.0%. Vigour index and seedling dry matter decreased with increased initial seed moisture content irrespective of storage containers used. Tin also Seeds stored in tin container showed the higher final seed moisture contents irrespective of initial seed moisture content. Bangladesh Agron. J. 2018, 21(1): 131-141
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The present study investigated the impact of seed moisture content and packaging materials on the quality of maize hybrid PMH 1 seeds under ambient storage conditions. Maize seeds harvested four months prior were desiccated to various moisture levels (12%, 10%, and 8%) and stored in different packaging materials, including laminated polypropylene bags, non-laminated polypropylene bags, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bags. Seeds with 12% moisture content stored in cloth bags served as the control. The study found that seeds stored in laminated polypropylene bags, non-laminated polypropylene bags, HDPE bags, and cloth bags maintained germination rates above 90% for up to 13 months, meeting the Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards (IMSCS). However, germination rates gradually declined with extended storage, and no storage treatment could maintain germination above IMSCS after 13 months. Seed moisture content exhibited fluctuations corresponding to the relative humidity of the environment, with greater variation observed in seeds stored in cloth and polypropylene bags compared to those in HDPE bags. There was a consistent decline in α-amylase activity and antioxidant enzyme levels with prolonged storage, regardless of the packaging treatment. Food reserves, including sucrose, starch, oil, and total soluble proteins, decreased over time, while total free amino acids increased. Protein profiling revealed that the intensity of electrophoretic bands corresponding to polypeptides of molecular weights 44 and 52 kDa was higher in fresh seeds compared to seeds stored for 15 months under various packaging treatments. Despite statistical parity in germination rates across different packaging materials, polypropylene bags (both laminated and non-laminated) emerged as cost-effective and durable alternatives to cloth and HDPE bags, owing to their lower cost and higher flexural strength. Keywords: Antioxidant enzymes, Germination, Polypropylene, Protein profiling, Seed moisture
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The fast decline in the physiological quality of seeds during storage is a serious problem. It is known that the reduction of seed quality may be related to its biochemical constitution. However, the relationship between the composition and the mechanisms linked to the loss of vigor of soybean seeds during aging has not been elucidated yet. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the role of the biochemical composition of soybean seeds in the physiological quality and in the tolerance to deterioration due to natural and artificial aging. Seeds of six soybean genotypes were analyzed initially and after being submitted to natural aging, storage for eight months, and artificial aging, using the temperature of 41 °C and 100 % relative humidity for 96 h. Moisture content, germination and vigor tests were carried out. Also, there were measured the content of oil, total protein, soluble protein, malonaldehyde, and fatty acids palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic. It was verified that the physiological quality of soybean seeds decreased with both kinds of aging. However, the deterioration process occurs by distinct mechanisms. The biochemical composition of the seeds is associated with the physiological quality and their storage potential is changed by natural and artificial aging. The tolerance of the seed to deterioration is related to soluble protein and fatty acids content. Oleic fatty acid and soluble protein can be used as indicators of physiological quality in soybean seeds.
The aim of this study was to provide insights into parameters that affect the oil extraction from an industrially valuable raw material (milk thistle) using green solvent supercritical CO2. The effect of plant origin, cultivation year, and seeds storage on extraction yield has been explored. Furthermore, the effects of high-pressure unit design and initial plant material amount have been examined. Pressure (200–450 bar) and temperature (40–80 °C) have been tested to improve the recovery of essential fatty acids and phenolic compounds. Moreover, solid residues after the material pretreatment and supercritical CO2 extraction served as the substrates for waste valorization. The characterization of obtained high-value extracts has been carried out by chromatographic (using gas chromatographs combined with mass spectrometer and flame ionization detection) and spectrophotometric assays (for total phenolic and flavonoid compounds as well as a radical scavenging ability). It was shown that the tested supercritical CO2 extraction process parameters determined extraction kinetics and allowed the extract separation from raw milk thistle seeds and waste material (3–32 mass %) rich in linoleic acid (up to 515 mg/g) and total phenolic compounds (up to 30 mg GAE/g).
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p class="042abstractstekst"> Tomato seeds have a high commercial value, and the loss of seed physiological quality over time is demonstrated by their low storability unless hermetic conditions are used. This study aimed to store and preserve seed quality under ambient conditions using different packaging materials such as plastic bottles, glass bottles, paper envelope, earthen pot, polyethylene bag, galvanized iron tin. Freshly harvested seeds of four tomato genotypes were packed inside different containers and then sealed and stored for eight months under ambient humid tropical conditions. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and means were separated using Tukey’s HSD test at 5 % probability level. The result revealed that envelope and earthen pot were not ideal for tomato seed storage for long time, because seed stored in air tight containers maintained desired seed quality than non- airtight packaging materials. Glass bottle was identified as the best packaging material in maintaining seed quality of tomato throughout the storage period. Tomato seeds could be stored up to between 120 and 180 days under ambient conditions, depending on genotype and storage medium of the seed lot. </p
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Manipulation of corn seed from harvest throughout processing to disinfections is associated with seed damage. Such damage causes lower germination and germination energy. Seed damage, especially in the embryo and crown, are factors that decrease germination, especially under low temperatures. Also, damaged seed is inclined to infections by soil pathogens (Aspergillus, Pythium, Penicillium), causing seed and germ rotting. In some cases, plant density is seriously reduced by infestations so that resowing is required. Seed of five corn-inbred lines differing in form and type (A: shallow and round form of the dent type MO-17, Os6-2; B: deep and uniform of the semi-flint type B-73, Os84-28 and Os87-24) were tested for their quantity and damaged spots (crown, germ, back side and belly side). Seed damage following the manipulations ranged as follows: from 3.8 to 7.2% (harvest), from 36.2 to 52.8% (husking) and from 38.4 to 54.0% (the end of processing). Also, damage of different parts of seed following their processing was as follows: from 17.8 to 29.2% (crown), from 4.1 to 6.7% (germ), from 6.3 to 9.8% (back side) and from 5.7 to 8.3% (belly side). High negative correlation (from r = -0.620 to r = -0.960) between damage of seed and seed quality (germination energy, germination) and high positive correlation between germination energy and germination were found over the investigated years and for both lines.
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Reports that an Indonesian soyabean (Glycine max) line (TGm737p) shows greater seed storage longevity than an American cultivar (Bossier), and that the cross between them (TG×536–02D) is intermediate between the two parents in this regard, were investigated by growing all three genotypes under identical conditions (30°C/20°C, 12 h d-1 photoperiod) in a plastics house. Seeds were harvested when moisture content had declined naturally to 14–15% (wet basis), and then stored hermetically at five different moisture contents at 40°C. Analyses of the resultant seed survival curves revealed that the seed lot constant Ki (a measure of potential longevity) was greatest in TGm737p and least in cv. Bossier, the cross being much closer to the American parent in this regard. The negative logarithmic relation between σ (standard deviation of the frequency distribution of seed deaths in time) and moisture content did not differ (p > 0.10) among the three genotypes. Moreover, this relation was close to that predicted by earlier results for four different genotypes. Similarly, there was no significant difference (p > 0.25) among genotypes in the negative semi-logarithmic relation between σ and seed equilibrium relative humidity (rh): the regression slope was equivalent to a doubling of longevity for each 8.0% reduction in rh. Finally, comparison of the negative logarithmic relation between absolute longevity (50% viability period) and seed moisture content confirmed that TGm737p showed greatest longevity (p > 0.005), but failed to show a difference in absolute longevity between cv. Bossier and the cross (p > 0.25). The results confirm that the seed viability equation of Ellis and Roberts (1980a, b) provides a framework within which the seed longevity of different genotypes can be compared. They suggest too that there is considerable doubt as to whether or not the greater potential longevity of the Indonesian line TGm737p has been incorporated successfully into the cross TG×536–02D.Longevidad de la semilla de soja
Membrane integrity, as measured by electrical conductivity (EC), is suggested as an indicator of seed vigor in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] seeds. This study evaluated the effect of storage time and temperature on EC of six soybean seed lots (two lots each of high, medium and low vigor). All seed lots were adjusted to 120 g kg-1 seed moisture, sealed in aluminum foil packets and placed in storage at 10 and 20°C or stored unsealed in multi-wall paper bags in warehouse (WH) conditions at Lexington, KY, USA for 486 days. Four of the six seed lots were also stored unsealed at 10°C. All seed lots were sampled at 3-month intervals and evaluated for seed moisture (SMC), standard germination (SG) and vigor [accelerated aging (AA) and EC]. After 91 and 204 days in storage, samples initially stored at 20°C and WH were moved to 10°C and sampled at the same intervals. Seed moisture content for unsealed samples equilibrated at 107 g kg-1 (± 9 g kg-1) in both the WH and 10°C environments. No change in SG occurred for seeds stored sealed (120 g kg-1) at 10°C, except for the low vigor seed lots which declined significantly at the last sample date. The AA germination declined significantly for all seed lots stored sealed at 10°C, however the EC did not change during the same storage period. Seeds stored sealed at 20°C and unsealed in the WH showed rapid declines in AA and SG and significant increases in EC. When these seeds were moved to 10°C, however, the AA continued to decline while the EC remained at the same level (no significant change) for the remainder of the seed storage period. Thus whilst the AA declined in all environments, the EC only increased at higher temperatures (20°C, WH) but showed little change during storage at 10°C. Thus, precautions must be taken if using EC to measure soybean seed vigor following storage at 10°C.
Lipid peroxidation is thought to be an important factor in seed deterioration. This investigation was initiated to determine if changes in free fatty acids and peroxidation products are related to changes in seed quality during soybean [Glycine max (L.), Merr.] seed deterioration. Seed lots of three soybean cultivars (Century, Pennyrile, and Pharaoh) were stored at 20, 30, and 40°C, sampled periodically, and tested for seed germination and vigor. Embryonic axes excised from deteriorated seeds were tested for contents of total and free fatty acids and C 6 -aldehydes. Seed vigor, as measured by accelerated aging, conductivity, and cold tests, was the first seed quality component lost in all cultivars and storage environments, followed by a decline in percentage germination. Conductivity of seed leachates increased about two-fold during storage for all cultivars. The amount of total fatty acids in the lipid fraction did not change, while free linoleic and linolenic acids increased about two-fold during seed deterioration. E-2-hexenal increased two-fold but hexanal did not change during storage. Both free linoleic acid and E-2-hexenal content were correlated with seed quality, but little association was shown between lipoxygenase activity and seed quality. Free fatty acids may have contributed to seed deterioration by disrupting membranes and/or by toxicity of subsequent peroxidation products.
A method for predicting soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed germination during storage would benefit seed producers and the seed industry. This investigation evaluated the ability of the Ellis and Roberts deterioration model to predict seed germination after warehouse storage and the accuracy of a rapid-aging test to estimate initial seed quality (K(i). Seed lots with low levels of mechanical injury and Phomopsis longicolla (Hobbs) seed infection produced in 1990 and 1991 were stored more than 2 yr in multiwall paper bags in seed warehouses in Kentucky and Indiana. Warehouse temperature was monitored and seed moisture and germination were determined at 3-mo intervals. The rapid-aging test (40°C and 150 g kg-1 seed moisture [fresh weight basis]) was used to estimate K(i) for each seed lot. The model accurately ±10 percentage points) predicted germination of most seed lots after one carryover year of storage (1 yr after the first spring planting season, ≃430 d), when little deterioration had occurred. After 2 yr of carryover storage (≃800 d), when germination had declined, the model accurately predicted the germination of only six of 16 seed lots. The inaccurate predictions may have been related to variation in K(i) (substantial variation occurred between repeated determinations on the same seed lot) or to variation among seed lots in the rate of deterioration at constant temperature and seed moisture. These results suggest that some of the assumptions underlying the Ellis-Roberts seed deterioration model may be invalid and require further evaluation.
summaryChanges in the lipid peroxidation and the enzymatic activities of the oxygen radical detoxification were studied in dry seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and related to their germinability. There was a positive relationship between the total dehydrogenase activity extracted from whole seeds and germination at both 25 °C and 10 °C. Catalase and superoxide dismutase activities in embryonic axes and germination at 10 °C were negatively correlated. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and total peroxidase activities were higher in seeds showing high germination capacity. A high malondialdehyde content and a high total glutathione content, were found in cotyledons of dry seeds exhibiting no germination capacity. A net decrease (20%) in the activities of catalase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was found in these cotyledon fragments. Glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase activities were increased by 20 and 50%, respectively. Kinetic properties of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were also affected; the apparent Km for NAD+ was lower in seeds unable to germinate than in seeds with a high germination ability. Oxidative stress appeared to affect seed quality by lowering antioxidant defence capacity; the collapse of the oxygen radical detoxification system appeared to be the result of the ineffectiveness of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity; its potential role in oxidative stress tolerance and seed germination ability is discussed.
The function of the ascorbate‐glutathione (AsA/GSH) cycle was analyzed in seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovik) subjected to accelerated ageing at 43°C and 75% relative humidity for 1 to 11 days. The study was performed using dry seeds and seeds hydrated by imbibition in distilled water for 4 h at 25°C. Lipid peroxidation was also determined by measuring the malondialdehyde (MDA) level. As the ageing period increased, a progressive loss of seed viability became increasingly evident. Even though high levels of MDA were detected, the MDA level did not change during accelerated ageing, suggesting that lipid peroxidation might occur to some extent. The study of the ascorbate/glutathione (AsA/GSH) cycle revealed that the GSH system is the major detoxifying mechanism in both dry and imbibed sunflower seeds. The GSH system is mainly located in the embryo, and its protective role is mediated by reactions that consume the GSH pool and, thereby, minimize the increase of the oxidized form (GSSG). Seed imbibition activates cellular metabolism and allows some antioxidant enzymes like glutathione reductase (EC to act upon toxic agents. These reactions provide a reducing status, so that repair of damage becomes possible. However, prolonged ageing conditions (11 days) result in an irreversible damage, as evidenced by the appearance of dead seeds when the germination period ended. Multiple regression analysis revealed the effectiveness of the GSH system in aged seeds, especially upon imbibition and until the AsA/GSH cycle became completely functional.
Investigations of the influence of hermetic cereal seed storage on germination were carried out in the laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (Croatia) over 5 years (1992–96). Seeds of four species (winter wheat, winter barley, spring oat, and maize) were stored in hermetic glass containers at an air temperature of 20 °C and a relative humidity of 65 %. The moisture level in stored seeds was 13 %. After 5 years, statistically highly significant associations (P < 0.01) were found between storage longevity (five researched years) and seed germination of the four cereals. Germination of all investigated cereals was high (between 97.25 % for maize and 93 % for winter wheat) after harvest. The germination level decreased for all cereals, on average by 38 %, over the 5 years of storage. The highest germination values were found for wheat seeds (84.75 %) and the lowest germination values for maize seeds (36.0 %). The results showed that germination of all investigated cereals seeds was negatively correlated with storage longevity. The differences in germination found amongst the cereals were statistically highly significant (P < 0.01).
The percentage germination was determined for storage of wheat at four grain moisture contents (15, 18, 21 and 24 %). four temperature levels (4, 15, 25 and 40 degreesC) and three levels of mechanical damage (0, 15 and 30 %). The effect of each level of moisture was investigated using three replicates for each temperature and each level of mechanical damage. During storage, at 0.25, 0.5 and I % dry matter loss (DML), germination tests were carried out on samples taken from each of the above treatments. The percentage germination was compared statistically amongst treatments. The analysis showed significant differences among most of the treatments. The percentage germination decreased very slowly at a low moisture level (15 %), low temperature (4 degreesC) and low level of damage (0 %), while it decreased rapidly at a high moisture level (24 %), high temperature (40 degreesC) and high level of damage (30%). For example, the percentage germination was 41 % when the wheat was stored at 4 degreesC, 15 % mechanical damage and 24 % moisture content after a storage time of 36.5 days, while the percentage germination was 88.3 % when the wheat was stored at 4 degreesC, 15 % mechanical damage and 15 % moisture content after a storage time of 104 days.