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Studies on the effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of bread



Breads were prepared with various combinations of maize, brown rice and wheat flours in the basic formulation of bread. The baking properties and chemical composition of bread were evaluated and analysed, respectively. The bread volume decreased, where as bread weight and moisture content increased with the increasing level of maize and brown rice flour. The crumb and crust colour of breads were improved with addition of 8% maize and 8% brown rice flour in bread formulation. The protein content and other nutrients of breads were increased by addition of maize and brown rice flours. The effects of various levels of yeast, sugar, fat, improver and salt on the quality of breads prepared with maize and brown rice flour were evaluated. Bread quality in respects of bread volume and crumb texture were improved by using 2.5% yeast, 5% sugar, 5% fat and 0.6% improver. The analysis of bread containing added 8% maize and 8% brown rice flours showed protein 9.76%, fat 4.10%, ash 2.10%, crude fibre 5.16%, sugar 2.26% and total carbohydrates 46.91%. Bread having 8% maize and 8% brown rice flour had most acceptable flavour, texture, colour and overall acceptability when compared with other bread with maize and brown rice flour.
J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 9(2): 297–304, 2011 ISSN 1810-3030
Studies on the effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of
M. Z. Islam1 and M. Shams-Ud-Din2 and M. A. Haque3
1Department of Food Engineering and Tea Technology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-
3114, 2Department of Food Technology and Rural Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh and
3Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Santosh, Tangail-1902, Email:
Breads were prepared with various combinations of maize, brown rice and wheat flours in the basic formulation of
bread. The baking properties and chemical composition of bread were evaluated and analysed, respectively. The
bread volume decreased, where as bread weight and moisture content increased with the increasing level of maize
and brown rice flour. The crumb and crust colour of breads were improved with addition of 8% maize and 8% brown
rice flour in bread formulation. The protein content and other nutrients of breads were increased by addition of maize
and brown rice flours. The effects of various levels of yeast, sugar, fat, improver and salt on the quality of breads
prepared with maize and brown rice flour were evaluated. Bread quality in respects of bread volume and crumb
texture were improved by using 2.5% yeast, 5% sugar, 5% fat and 0.6% improver. The analysis of bread containing
added 8% maize and 8% brown rice flours showed protein 9.76%, fat 4.10%, ash 2.10%, crude fibre 5.16%, sugar
2.26% and total carbohydrates 46.91%. Bread having 8% maize and 8% brown rice flour had most acceptable
flavour, texture, colour and overall acceptability when compared with other bread with maize and brown rice flour.
Keywords: Bread, Brown rice flour, Maize flour, Wheat flour
Brown rice is the entire grain with only the inedible outer husk removed. The nutritious, high-fiber bran
coating gives it a light tan color, nutlike flavor and chewy texture. Whole-grain brown rice flours add a
different flavor and chewy texture to baked products. Such flours from raw, untreated rice grains have
limited shelf-life stability, due chiefly to lipase activity (initiated in bran layers during flour milling), which
causes enzymatic hydrolysis of lipid components to free fatty acids. Several methods exist for stabilizing
rice bran separated during the raw milled rice (Sayre et al. 1982). The rice bran contains 12-16% protein
which has high nutritional value. The addition of rice bran improves the lysine content of baked product
and also contributes a bland pleasant flavor (Lynn, 1969).
Maize is a high energy food having highly digestible carbohydrate, high protein content composed of
amino acids essential for human nutrition, cholesterol free oil and good quantity of trace minerals (Martin
and Leonard, 1967). Maize is a fairly rich in vitamins-B and the yellow kernel is also good source of the
pro-vitamin-A, beta-carotene, which can prevent human blindness. It contains 11.2% protein, 66.2%
carbohydrates, 3.6% fat, 1.5% minerals and 2.7% fiber (Gopalan et al. 1981). In our country maize is
confined in roasted cob, a poultry feed, fodder, starch and snacks. Other forms of food using maize flour
alone or mixed with flours from other cereals and pulses include bread, chapati, parota, pulse puri, soup,
mixed food, bhutta polao etc. thus the development of the technology for effective utilization of non-
wheat flour like brown rice flour, maize flour may be a part of the subject of research in the field of cereal
processing technology in the country.
Bread is the most widely used breakfast items in urban and sub-urban areas in Bangladesh. Around the
world bread is the principal food and provides more nutrients than any other single food source. In most
European countries it is the source of half of the total carbohydrates requirements, one third of the protein
requirements, and over 50% of the B-vitamins and 75% of vitamin-E requirements (Pomeranz and
Shellenberger, 1971). As a result of changing food habits, increasing population and urbanization the
consumption of leavened wheat bread has risen dramatically in many developed countries including
Bangladesh. On the other hand for climatic reason many developing countries can not grow wheat
suitable for bread making. Thus partial substitutions of wheat flour with flour from indigenous crops or the
production of alternative wheat less bread may be the subject of research.
298 Effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of bread
Taking the above points in considerations the present study was undertaken with the following objectives:
i. to develop dietary fiber-enriched baked product such as bread by incorporation of brown rice,
maize and wheat flour in the formulations;
ii. to study the effect of various levels of brown rice and maize flour on loaf quality, composition and
sensory properties of prepared bread.
Materials and Methods
The investigation was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Food Technology and Rural
Industries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. The maize, raw paddy (pajam)
and commercial wheat flours were collected from local market. Brown rice flour was processed from
pajam variety by removing the husk. Maize flour was processed from the straw yellow varieties of maize,
free from immature, field damage and black maize. The samples were grounded to powder in a flour mill.
The initial samples of brown rice and maize flour were analyzed for moisture content, ash, protein and fat
as per the methods of AOAC (2004). All the determinations were done in triplicate and results were
expressed as the average value in Table 1. The breads were prepared with various levels of brown rice
and maize flour in the formulation. The replacements of wheat flour in the formulation were made with 0,
5, 8, 11 and 14% of brown rice and maize flour respectively.
Table 1. Formulation of Bread
Bread Formulation
Ingredients A B C D E
Wheat flour (g) 100 90 84 78 72
Maize flour (g) 0.0 5 8 11 14
Brown rice flour (g) 0.0 5 8 11 14
1Dry yeast (g) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2Salt (g) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
3Sugar (g) 2 2 2 2 2
4Fat (g) 2 2 2 2 2
Water (ml) 65 65 65 65 65
*Bread improver (g) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
*Bread improver consists of a mixture of potassium bromate 0.30g, ascorbic acid 0.50g, calcium sulphate 7.5g,
ammonium chloride 5.0g and malt flour 36.07g.
1Dry yeast were added at the level of 0.25 to 3% on the flour weight basis.
2Salt were added at the level of 0.5 to 3% on the flour weight basis.
3Sugar were added at the level of 1to 6% on the flour weight basis.
4Fat were added at the level of 1 to 6% on the flour weight basis.
*Bread improver were added at the level of 0.2 to 0.70% on the flour weight basis.
Breads were prepared as per the procedures described by kent (1984). Bread volume was initially used
as an important parameter of bread quality. The bread volume was determined by seed displacement
method (ott, 1987). The results were expressed in cc (ml) and the values were average of three
replications. Loaf weight, moisture content, colour, crust and crumb quality were also determined with the
following standard methods described by Kent (1984) and ott (1987).
Results and Discussion
Composition of brown rice and maize flour: The results of the proximate composition analysis of
brown rice and maize flour are presented in Table 2. The Table showed that brown rice flour contained
moisture 10.75%, protein 8.24%, fat 2.65%, ash 1.5%, crude fibre 2.25% and total carbohydrate 76.86%.
The findings of this analysis are in agreement with that of Grist (1965) who reported 9.67-9.54% protein,
2.0-2.54% fat, 1.19-1.9% ash, 0.16-0.4% crude fibre and 79-91.4% total carbohydrate. Julialo (1972)
reported that 7.1-15.4% proetin, 0.6-4.0% fat, 0.2-2.6% fibre, 0.5-2.1% ash. McCall et al. (1951)
observed the range of moisture of brown rice was 9.1-12.6%.
Islam et al. 299
The prepared maize flour was analyzed for its composition. The results are presented in Table 2. The
analysis showed that the maize flour contained moisture 8.98%, protein 9.0%, fat 3.50%, ash 1.48% and
total carbohydrate 78.04%. The moisture, protein, fat and ash content were more or less similar and
carbohydrate contents higher than those reported by Kent (1990). He reported that the maize flour
contains 12.6% moisture 9.4 % protein 4.1% fat, 1.4% ash, and crude fibre 2.0% and 72.1%
carbohydrates. All results are also shown in dry basis (db).The differences observed in these
compositions may be due to the following reasons are varietal differences, agro-ecological condition,
extent of drying, fertilizer use and methods of analysis etc.
Table 2. Composition of brown rice and maize flour
Components Brown rice flour Maize flour
Moisture (%) 10.75 (12.04db) 8.98 (9.86 db)
Protein (%) 8.24 (8.98 db) 9.00 (9.88 db)
Fat (%) 2.65 (2.97db) 2.50 (2.75 db)
Ash (%) 1.50 (1.68db) 1.48 (1.63 db)
Crude fibre (%) 2.10 (2.35db) 2.25 (2.47 db)
Total carbohydrates (%by
difference) (%) 76.86 (86.12db) 78.04 (85.74db)
The parenthesis values (db) indicate dry basis
The effect of maize and brown rice flour on bread properties
Physical properties of breads incorporating brown rice and maize flour: The effects of maize and
brown rice flour on the breads are presented in Table 3. It can be seen from Table 3. that the control
bread gave higher volume (512cc) than those other breads prepared with 5, 8, 11 and 14 levels of brown
rice and maize flour. It was also observed that the bread volume progressively decreases with the
increasing of brown rice and maize flour in the formulation. Since brown rice and maize flour does not
contain gluten, its substitution in wheat flour reduced the gluten content in the dough. This might be due
to decrease in volume of bread containing brown rice and maize flour. The breads with different levels of
maize and brown rice flour had higher moisture contents (36.25-40.10 %) than that of the control bread.
The moisture content of the bread samples gradually decreases with reducing the level of maize and
brown rice flour in dough. This might be due to the fact that higher moisture content in composite flour
bread contained higher amount of fibre (cellulose, hemicelluloses, or pentosans, lignin and other dietary
fiber components) which are contributed by maize and brown rice flour in the dough. These might hold
the water which may contribute to the higher moisture content of the maize and brown rice flour
containing bread. Similarly the weights of the bread prepared with different level of maize and brown rice
flours in the formulation observed that all the bread samples (230-246gm) had higher weights than that of
control bread (220 g).
Table 3. Effect of maize and brown rice flour on volume, weight, specific volume and moisture
content of bread
Bread with Volume
(cc) Weight
(g) Specific volume
(cc/g) Colour
Moisture content
Maize flour=0
Brown rice flour =0 512 220 2.327 Light
brown 35.16
Maize flour=5
Brown rice flour =5 498 230 2.165 Light
brown 36.25
Maize flour=8
Brown rice flour =8 490 237 2.067 Light
brown 37.17
Maize flour=11
Brown rice flour =11 475 240 1.979 Red
brown 39.15
Maize flour=14
Brown rice flour =14 470 246 1.91 Red
brown 39.71
300 Effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of bread
Physical Properties of bread: General appearance, crust and crumb characteristics of bread containing
brown rice and maize flour are presented in Table 4. It is observed that control bread had better
appearance compared with 5, 8, 11 and 14% brown rice and maize flour containing bread. The crust
colour of the bread containing 5% brown rice and 5% maize flour and the bread containing 8% brown rice
and 8% maize flour were deeper than those of the control bread and other bread samples. The bread
containing 11% maize and 11% brown rice flour and bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice
flour had harder crust compared to both the control and the bread containing 8% brown rice and 8%
maize flour. The overall crust characteristics of the bread containing 8% brown rice and 8% maize flour
seemed to be better than other samples. In general, the differences in crust colour between different
bread samples become larger as the substitution levels of maize and brown rice flour increased in dough.
Crumb colour of the breads containing different level of maize and brown rice flour is presented in Table
4. Colour evaluation was made with interior slices. As shown in Table 4. the crumb colour of bread
containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice flour was generally yellowish than the control sample. As a
whole, the bread containing 5% maize and 5% brown rice flour and bread containing 8% maize and 8%
brown rice flour had better crumb colour than those obtained from different levels of maize and brown rice
flour. This might be due to the yellow colour of the maize flour. The decrease in the levels of maize and
brown rice flour substitution changed the crumb colour of the samples from yellowish to white yellow. A
good colour regardless of kinds of bread is always desirable.
A significant differences in texture was observed between bread without maize and brown rice flour and
bread having 14% maize and 14% brown rice flour and this differences increased with increasing the
levels of maize and brown rice flour.
Uniformity of size with thin walled cell is most desirable for crumb grain. Coarseness, thick walled cells,
uneven cell size and large holes are indicative of poor grain. As shown in the Table 4. The bread
containing 11% maize and 11% brown rice flour and the bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice
flour were contained these properties. The characteristics of air cell observed for the experimental breads
containing brown rice and maize flour and that of control are presented in Table 4. The air cell size in the
bread containing 11% maize and 11% brown rice flour and bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown
rice flour were slightly larger than other breads.
Table 4. Effects of maize and brown rice flour on general appearances, crust and crumb
characteristics of bread
General appearance Crust characteristics Crumb characteristics
Bread with Evenness Edges Centre Colour Consistency Colour structure Texture Odour Presence of
large air cell Shape and
Maize flour=0
Brown rice flour =0 Even Medium Medium Light
brown Tender White-
yellow Fine even soft
silky Appetizing None or very
walled cells
Maize flour=5
Brown rice flour =5 Even Medium Medium brown Tender White-
yellow even Light
Silky Sweet Very few Uniform
Maize flour=8
Brown rice flour =8 Even Medium Medium Light
brown Tender Slightly
yellow even light,
silky Appetizing Very few Uniform
Maize flour=11
Brown rice flour =11 Medium
Even Low Low Brownish
tender Yellowish Coarse
even Light
silky Medium
fresh Very few Less
Maize flour=14
Brown rice flour =14 Uneven Too low Low deep
brown Medium
Tough Yellowish Coarse
even Light silky Slightly
fresh few Non -
The effect of maize and brown rice flour on the composition of bread: In the present study five
different samples of bread were processed and chemical properties were measured to assess the quality.
The bread samples were analyzed for moisture, protein, fat, ash, crude fiber and total carbohydrates
content. The moisture contents of five different bread samples processed with different levels of maize
and brown rice flour were shown in Table 5 and showed that the moisture content of the bread without
maize and brown rice flour (35.16%) was lower than those of the other bread. The highest moisture
content 40.1% was found in the bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice flour. It can be seen
Islam et al. 301
that the moisture content of the bread gradually increases with increasing levels of maize and brown rice
flour. This might be due to the high concentration of fibers significantly increasing in water holding
capacity of the higher portion of maize and brown rice flour bread. In present study it was observed that
the protein contents of all samples were 7.89-6.79% much lower than that of the bread without maize and
brown rice flour 8.50%. It was observed that protein content in bread decreases with increasing levels of
brown rice and maize flour. The might be due to the higher percentage of protein content in wheat flour
(12% protein reported by Kent, 1990). Fat content was highest (4.29%) in sample S5 where wheat flour
was substituted by 14% maize and 11% brown rice flour and lowest (1.60%) in controlled sample. The fat
contents of the bread samples increased with increasing the percentage of maize flour in dough. Since
maize flour contains approximately 3.50 % fat where as brown rice and wheat flour contain 2.65%, 0.91%
fat respectively. Where as McCall et. al. (1951) found that brown rice contained 1.4-2.6% fat and Gopalan
et al., 1981 found that maize flour and wheat flour contained 3.6 and 1.6% of fat respectively.
The maximum ash was found in bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice flour 2.42% and lowest
in the bread without maize and brown rice flour 0.85%. Increasing the amount of brown rice and maize
flour in breads gave increased ash content of samples. This might be due to the dry matter content of the
maize and brown rice flour. In Table 5. it was shown that the highest fibre content 5.86% was obtained in
the bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice flour and the lowest fibre content was obtained in
the bread without maize and brown rice flour 0.65%. This is due to the addition of increasing amount of
brown rice and maize flour. The total sugar content of bread was also evaluated. The higher value 2.46%
of sugar was observed in brown rice and maize flour containing bread and lower value 1.85% in bread
without maize and brown rice flour.
Table 5. Composition of bread containing different levels of maize and brown rice floura
Bread with
Components 0% maize and
brown rice flour 5% maize and
brown rice flour 8% maize and
brown rice flour 11% maize and
brown rice flour 14% maize and
brown rice flour
Moisture (%) 35.16
(54.22 db) 36.25
(56.86 db) 37.13
(59.08 db) 39.75
(65.97 db) 40.10
(66.94 db)
Proteinb 8.50
(13.11 db) 7.89
(12.37 db) 7.55
(12.00 db) 6.92
(11.48 db) 6.79
(11.33 db)
Fat (%) 1.60
(2.46 db) 3.96
(6.12 db) 4.10
(6.52 db) 4.21
(6.987 db) 4.29
(7.16 db)
Ash (%) 0.85
(1.312 db) 1.96
(3.074db) 2.10
(3.34 db) 2.26
(3.75 db) 2.42
(4.04 db)
Crude fibre 0.65
(1.002 db) 4.96
(7.78 db) 5.16
(8.21 db) 5.42
(8.99db) 5.86
(9.78 db)
Total sugar 1.85
(2.85 db) 2.13
(3.34 db) 2.26
(3.59 db) 2.39
(3.966 db) 2.46
(4.10 db)
Total carbohydrate
(% by difference) 53.89
(83.122 db) 48.21
(75.62 db) 46.91
(73.16 db) 43.91
(72.87db) 43.07
(71.90 db)
The parenthesis values (db) indicate dry basis.
aValues are an averages of three determination.
b6.25 was used as a conversion factor from nitrogen to protein.
Effect of various levels of sugar, on the quality of bread containing different level of maize and
brown rice flour: The optimum level of sucrose enhanced the flavor of bread but more sugar contents
decreased the acceptability of bread. Different levels of maize and brown rice flour were incorporated into
standard wheat flour in the bread formulation and sugar was added at the rate of 1% to 6% on the flour
weight basis. Volume, specific volume, weight and moisture content were evaluated for different type of
breads from Table 6. It was observed that increasing level of sugar addition increases the bread volume,
weight, moisture content.
302 Effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of bread
Table 6. Effects of various levels of sugar addition on the quality of bread containing maize and
brown rice flour
Type of breads
Bread with 5% maize and 5%
brown rice flour Bread with 8% maize and 8%
brown rice flour Bread with 11% maize and 11%
brown rice flour Bread with 14% maize and 14%
brown rice flour
Level of
addition Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Wt.
1 492 227.5 2.163 35.50 489 233 2.098 36.19 488 234 2.085 36.0 485.5 237 2.049 35.15
2 493 228 2.162 36.16 490 233.5 2.098 36.90 489 234 2.080 37.5 486 238 2.042 36.5
3 493 228.5 2.156 36.93 491 234 2.098 36.99 489 235.5 2.076 37.76 487 238.5 2.042 37.79
4 494 229 2.157 36.97 491 235 2.089 37.14 490 236.5 2.071 37.92 487.5 239 2.040 38.87
5 495 230.5 2.148 37.99 492 235 2.094 38.04 491.5 237 2.073 38.2 488 240 2.033 39.1
6 496 231 2.147 38.00 493 236 2.089 38.12 491 237.5 2.067 38.4 4 489 241 2.029 39.2
Effects of various levels of yeast on the quality of bread containing maize and brown rice flour:
Yeast was added in the bread formulation at the rate of 0.25% to 3% on the flour weight basis. Volume,
weight and moisture content were evaluated for different type of breads and the results are given in Table
7. It was observed that the bread volume increases gradually with increasing level of yeast addition from
0.25 to 3.00%. It is found that the highest volume of the bread was found at highest level of yeast addition
(i.e. 3.0%). The most acceptable level of yeast were found to be 2.5%, in 8% maize and 8% brown rice
flour containing bread and 2.0% in other breads. These levels of yeast addition give smooth, uniform and
soft texture with the most acceptable volume of bread.
Table 7. The effects of various levels of yeast addition on the quality of bread containing maize
and brown rice flour
Type of breads
Bread with 5% maize and 5%
brown rice flour Bread with 8% maize and 8%
brown rice flour Bread with 11% maize and 11%
brown rice flour Bread with 14% maize and 14%
brown rice flour
Level of
addition Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Wt.
0.25 485 227 2.136 33.5 480 231 2.078 34 484 230 2.104 34.5 476 232 2.051 35.8
0.50 487 227.5 2.140 34.27 481 232 2.073 35.5 485 231 2.099 35.0 479 234.5 2.043 36.0
1.00 490 228 2.149 35.61 485 233.5 2.078 37.14 488 233 2.094 36.75 483 236 2.047 37.27
1.5 493 229 2.153 36.7 489 235 2.080 37.9 491 234.5 2.094 37.98 485 238.5 2.034 38.42
2.0 495 230 2.152 36.97 492 237 2.080 38.14 492 235 2.094 37.14 487 239 2.034 38.90
2.5 496 231 2.147 37.08 493 238 2.071 38.25 492 235.5 2.089 37.9 488 240 2.033 39.05
The effects of various levels of improver on the quality of maize and brown rice flour containing
bread: Improver was added in the bread formulation at the rate of 0.2% to 0.7% on the flour weight basis.
Volume weight, specific volume and moisture content were evaluated for different type of maize and
brown rice flour containing bread and the results are given in Table 8. It was observed that the bread
volume increases gradually with increasing level of improver addition from 0.2 to 0.7%. In case of 8%
maize and 8% brown rice flour containing bread the optimum level of improver was found to be 0.6% in
order to achieve acceptable volume, texture and structure of bread.
Table 8. The effects of various levels of improver addition on the quality of bread containing
maize and brown rice flour
Type of breads
Bread with 5% maize and 5%
brown rice flour Bread with 8% maize and 8%
brown rice flour Bread with 11% maize and 11%
brown rice flour Bread with 14% maize and 14%
brown rice flour
Level of
addition Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Wt.
0.2 494 228.5 2.162 36.53 485 238.9 2.030 38.5 491 233 2.107 37.06 484 238 2.033 37.07
0.3 495 229 2.162 36.91 485 239 2.029 38.70 492 233.5 2.107 37.21 485 239 2.029 37.52
0.4 496 229 2.166 37.09 486 239.5 2.029 38.87 494 234 2.111 37.59 486.5 239.5 2.031 37.7
0.5 498 230 2.165 37.14 487 239.5 2.033 39.0 495 235 2.106 37.88 487 240 2.029 38.4
0.6 499 231 2.160 37.90 488 240 2.033 39.1 495 236 2.106 38.12 488.5 240.5 2.031 38.56
0.7 500 232 2.155 38.01 489 241 2.023 39.2 496 236.5 2.097 38.20 489 241 2.029 38.70
Islam et al. 303
Effects of various level of fat on the quality of bread: The breads were prepared by adding 1 to 6%
fats on the flour weight basis. The volume, weight, specific volume and moisture content of the prepared
bread were evaluated and results are given in Table 9. It was observed that the bread volume increases
gradually with increasing level of improver addition from 1 to 6%. With the addition of 1 to 2% level of fat
on the flour weight basis, the volume of bread increases slowly and the addition of 3 to5% level of fat on
the flour weight basis, the volume of bread increases sharply. The highest weight of the bread containing
maize and brown rice flour was found at 6% level of fat addition and the lowest weight was obtained at
the lowest level of fat addition (i.e. 1%). This might be due to the highest water content of the bread. At
various level of fat the specific volume of bread were approximately same for each sample. The moisture
content of bread ranges from 34 to 39.50% with the addition of different level of fat on the flour weight
Table 9. The effects of various levels of fat addition on the quality of bread containing maize and
brown rice flour
Type of breads
Bread with 5% maize and 5%
brown rice flour Bread with 8% maize and 8%
brown rice flour Bread with 11% maize and 11%
brown rice flour Bread with 14% maize and 14%
brown rice flour
Level of
addition Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Weight
Content Volume
(CC) Weight
content Volume
(CC) Wt.
1 492 228 2.158 34.00 489 234.5 2.072 35.00 486 232 2.108 35.19 485 238.5 2.036 36.9
2 493 229 2.153 34.14 489 235 2.070 36.77 486.5 233 2.098 35.52 485 239 2.030 37.47
3 493 229.5 2.148 35.32 490 236 2.063 37.01 487 233.5 2.098 36.34 486 239 2.033 38.11
4 495 230 2.152 36.90 491 237 2.063 37.57 489 234 2.098 37.20 487 239.5 2.033 38.83
5 495 231 2.143 37.87 492 237.5 2.063 38.13 489.5 234.5 2.098 38.38 8 488 240 2.033 39.10
6 496 231 2.147 37.99 493 238 2.058 38.20 490 235 2.098 38.50 488.5 241 2.027 39.50
Sensory Evaluation of bread containing maize and brown rice flour: From the results of mean
sensory score, it was apparent that there was significant (P<0.05) difference in overall acceptability
among the breads. The results (Table 10) indicate that the overall acceptability of control bread and the
bread containing 8% maize and 8% brown rice flour were equally acceptable. The DMRT test for overall
acceptability preference was performed and the results are given in Table 10. The bread without maize
and brown rice flour scored the highest score for overall acceptability among the other bread containing
maize and brown rice flour. The overall acceptability of bread containing 11% maize and 11% brown rice
flour and the bread containing 14% maize and 14% brown rice flour were equally acceptable. These
bread were significantly different from the bread without maize and brown rice flour, bread containing 8%
maize and 8% brown rice flour and the bread containing 5% maize and 5% brown rice flour. It was also
observed that the bread containing 8% maize and 8% brown rice flour secured the highest scored overall
acceptability among the samples with maize and brown rice flour while bread containing 14% maize and
14% brown rice flour obtained the lowest among breads.
Table 10. Mean sensory scores of breads for control and the breads containing maize and brown
rice flour
Sensory attributes Bread with Colour Flavour Texture Overall acceptability
0% maize and brown rice flour 8.813a 8.688a 8.250a 8.813a
5% maize and brown rice flour 7.938b 7.563b 7.188b 7.875b
8% maize and brown rice flour 8.563a 7.940b 7.687b 8.500a
11% maize and brown rice flour 7.188c 6.438c 6.375c 6.750c
14% maize and brown rice flour 7.063c 5.875d 6.188c 6.438c
LSD (P<0.05) 0.2873 0.3171 0.5386 0.3317
Mean with same superscript within a column are not significantly different at p<0.05
304 Effect of brown rice and maize flour on the quality of bread
AOAC. 2004. Official method of Analysis of the Association of official Analytical chemists. 15th Ed. Washington. DC.
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... moisture content of raw brown rice, microwave dried and hot air dried instant brown rice was 9.64, 6.08 and 7.16 percent, respectively. The moisture content in raw brown rice observed in the present study was found in agreement with the findings of Islam et al., 2012 [8] and Toan and Vinh, 2018 [22] . The lower moisture content in microwave dried instant brown rice may be due to application of faster heat transfer that leads to subsequent reduction in moisture content. ...
... The crude protein content of raw brown rice was found to be 8.29 percent. The similar findings for crude protein content was observed by Chen et al., 2012 [3] and Islam et al., 2012 [8] . The higher protein content in microwave dried instant brown rice as compared to hot air dried instant brown rice could be attributed to the phenomena of uniform and rapid heating in microwave drying. ...
... It might be due to the fact that microwave drying eliminate oil and concentrated lipids like trans fatty acids. The similar findings of crude fat were reported by Moongangarm and Sateung, 2010 [14] and Islam et al., 2012 [8] . Crude fibre values in raw brown rice, microwave dried and hot air dried instant brown rice were found to be 1.19, 1.17 and 1.14 percent, respectively. ...
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The present investigation was carried out with the objective to study the effect of drying methods on physico-chemical composition of instant brown rice. Regardless of any drying technique (hot air oven and microwave drying), the instant dried samples demonstrated a significant increase in carbohydrates and energy content but decrease in moisture and crude fat as compared to the raw brown rice. The moisture and crude fat content (6.08 and 2.26 percent) of microwave dried instant brown rice was significantly lower in comparison to hot air dried instant brown rice (7.16 and 2.39 percent). A significantly higher protein content, crude fibre content, ash content, and energy content was observed in microwave dried instant brown rice (7.93, 1.17, 1.52 percent and 380.90 kcal/100 g) as compared to hot air dried instant brown rice. Further, microwave drying had the best results for the minerals and colour (L*, a* and b*) values. Therefore, according to the results obtained, it can be concluded that microwave drying was found superior in maintaining chemical composition and colour attributes during formation of instant brown rice when compared to hot air drying technique.
... 71.43 and 37.04% respectively which is higher than that of raw samples i.e., 77.77, 69.94 and 36.09% respectively. The increased carbohydrate content in roasted samples might be due the increased protein, fat and ash content in roasted samples [6], [14]. The energy value in roasted brown rice, oats and flaxseeds were found to be 392.6, ...
... 385.56 and 529.41 kcal/ 100g, respectively which is higher than that of raw brown rice, oats and flaxseeds i.e., 368.72, 380.91 and 526.79 kcal/ 100g, respectively. Similar results have been reported by [23], [14]. ...
Roasting is a process of dry heat treatment which involves high temperature and short time which lead to an increase in characteristic aroma, colour and texture in the food grains. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of roasting on the physico-chemical properties and bioactive components of brown rice, oats and flaxseeds. The effect of roasting on physico-chemical properties (colour values viz., L*, a*, b*, moisture, protein, fat, fibre, ash content, carbohydrates and energy value) and bioactive components (total phenolic content and antioxidant activity) was evaluated. The changes in colour values were observed and it was found that the L* value of brown rice, oats and flaxseeds decreased from 56.23, 75.20 and 44.36 to 53.78, 69.63 and 33.15, respectively, whereas a* values increased after roasting. The bioactive components viz., total phenolic content and antioxidant activity became higher in roasted brown rice, oats and flaxseeds and the values for total phenolic content increased from 75.21 to 76.03 mg GAE/100g, 95.00 to 96.29 mg GAE/100g and 3.75 to 4.28 mg GAE/100g, respectively, whereas the values for antioxidant activities increased from 49.78 to 50.39 %, 14.28 to 15.86 % and 76.19 to 76.92 %, respectively for brown rice, oats and flaxseeds.
... 71.43 and 37.04% respectively which is higher than that of raw samples i.e., 77.77, 69.94 and 36.09% respectively. The increased carbohydrate content in roasted samples might be due the increased protein, fat and ash content in roasted samples [6], [14]. The energy value in roasted brown rice, oats and flaxseeds were found to be 392.6, ...
... 385.56 and 529.41 kcal/ 100g, respectively which is higher than that of raw brown rice, oats and flaxseeds i.e., 368.72, 380.91 and 526.79 kcal/ 100g, respectively. Similar results have been reported by [23], [14]. ...
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Roasting is a process of dry heat treatment which involves high temperature and short time which lead to an increase in characteristic aroma, colour and texture in the food grains. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of roasting on the physico-chemical properties and bioactive components of brown rice, oats and flaxseeds. The effect of roasting on physico-chemical properties (colour values viz., L*, a*, b*, moisture, protein, fat, fibre, ash content, carbohydrates and energy value) and bioactive components (total phenolic content and antioxidant activity) was evaluated. The changes in colour values were observed and it was found that the L* value of brown rice, oats and flaxseeds decreased from 56.23, 75.20 and 44.36 to 53.78, 69.63 and 33.15, respectively, whereas a* values increased after roasting. The bioactive components viz., total phenolic content and antioxidant activity became higher in roasted brown rice, oats and flaxseeds and the values for total phenolic content increased from 75.21 to 76.03 mg GAE/100g, 95.00 to 96.29 mg GAE/100g and 3.75 to 4.28 mg GAE/100g, respectively, whereas the values for antioxidant activities increased from 49.78 to 50.39 %, 14.28 to 15.86 % and 76.19 to 76.92 %, respectively for brown rice, oats and flaxseeds.
... Therefore, our research proved that the gluten-free rice bread produced from red rice flour could improve the crude fibre content within final products. In addition, several past studies revealed that bread supplemented with maize flour has a high crude fibre level, ranging from 4.96% to 5.86% [70,71]. ...
... [34,97]. On the other hand, Islam et al. [70] reported that the introduction of whole grain brown rice flour in bread usually produces baked products with a chewy texture. Therefore, since F1 gluten-free bread was made from 100% rice flour, its chewiness was more pronounced compared to other formulations. ...
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Current gluten-free food development trends tend to favour pigmented rice flour. Bario Merah Sederhana is a type of red-pigmented rice that is indigenous to Sarawak, Malaysia. This research investigates the nutritional, texture, and sensory properties of gluten-free rice bread produced from a composite of BMS rice flour and potato starch, producing samples referred to as F1 (100:0), F2 (90:10), F3 (80:20), and F4 (70:30). The gluten-free rice bread formulations demonstrated higher ash and crude fibre content and lower carbohydrate content than wheat bread. However, the crude protein content of the bread decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with a decreased amount of rice flour, owing to wheat flour containing greater protein. The crumb of rice bread appeared to be darker due to the red pigment of rice flour; in contrast, the crust was lighter than the control sample, possibly due to a lower Maillard reaction. Among rice bread formulations, F4 demonstrated the lowest hardness in dough and bread, as well as the highest stickiness and springiness in dough and bread, respectively. The wheat bread received the highest rating (p < 0.05) in the sensory test; nonetheless, among the rice breads, F4 was considered to be an acceptable formulation owing to its high score in colour (7.03), flavour (5.73), texture (6.03), and overall acceptability (6.18). BMS has potential in gluten-free rice breads; the formulation of 70% rice flour combined with 30% potato starch was indicated to be acceptable.
... Bario Adan Halus (8.35%) had the lowest moisture content. These moisture values are in accordance with past studies, in which the moisture content of various rice ranged from 8% to 9.61% and from 8.44% to 10.04%, respectively [30,31]. However, few previous studies obtained lower moisture contents between 4.25% and 5.06%, and between 5.46% and 7.08%, respectively [32,33]. ...
... The highest crude protein content was presented by Bario Merah Sederhana (9.43%), and the lowest was from Bario Celum (6.89%). In accordance with the present results, previous studies have investigated that rice flour's protein content was from approximately 6% to 9% [24,30,42]. On the contrary, Nicholas et al. [18] reported that the protein content of Bario rice flour ranges from 5.85% to 7.30%. ...
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Gluten-free grains have been intensively studied as alternatives to wheat flour. Bario rice, an indigenous crop from Sarawak, Malaysia, is noted for its excellent aroma and taste. This research examined the nutritional and physicochemical properties of Bario rice flour variations. Four Bario varieties—Bario Adan Halus (white), Bario Tuan (brown), Bario Celum (black), and Bario Merah Sederhana (red)—were analysed against the reference sample. The results revealed Bario samples containing moisture contents from 8.35% to 8.69%, ash contents from 0.27% to 1.25%, crude protein contents from 6.89% to 9.43%, crude fat contents from 0.16% to 2.45%, crude fibre contents from 0.21% to 0.87%, and carbohydrate contents from 79.17% to 82.13%. All Bario rice flour contains high amylose contents (26.67% to 36.52%), which positively impact loaf volume. The water absorption capacity (1.20 g/g to 1.26 g/g) of all samples shows no significant difference (p > 0.05). The swelling capacity was significantly (p < 0.05) high in non-pigmented rice flour. In contrast, pigmented Bario rice flour presented a greater water solubility index than non-pigmented Bario rice flour. The Bario rice flour gelatinisation onset (71.43 °C to 76.49 °C) and peak (77.03 °C to 79.56 °C) temperature were lower than those of the control sample. Higher gelatinisation enthalpy was presented by Bario rice flour (1.23 J/g to 2.59 J/g) than by the control (0.79 J/g). Retrogradation onset (42.65 °C to 50.79 °C), peak (53.64 °C to 56.15 °C) temperatures, and enthalpy (0.19 J/g to 0.87 J/g) were greater in Bario rice flour compared with those in the control. The research suggests that Bario rice flour has potential for use in gluten-free bread mainly due to the relevant carbohydrates, crude proteins, amylose, and swelling capacity.
... Straight dough method and recipe as presented in Table 1 was used in baking of the bread (Islam et al., 2011). Flour and all other ingredients were weighed accordingly and placed into an electrical Kenwood mixer. ...
... Loaf volume was measured by rapeseed displacement method while the Loaf weight was determined by simple weighing using an electronic balance. The Straight dough method as modified by (Islam et al., 2011) Specific volume was obtained by dividing the loaf volume of bread by its corresponding loaf weight. Specific volume (cm 3 /g) = Loaf volume Loaf weight ...
... The proximate composition of maize flour also agrees with the ones reported by Edema et al. [31] and Islam et al. [32] except in protein which was lower in this work. In cassava flour, the proximate composition is also similar to the results reported by Fakir et al. [33] except in protein which was lower in the present study. ...
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The effects of some leguminous seed flour (LSF) on the viscoelastic properties of wheat, maize and cassava flours were investigated. The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of the LSF on the pasting characteristics of the flours. There were significant differences in the proximate composition of the flours used in this study. Three LSF namely Brachystegia eurycoma, Detarium microcarpum, and Mucuna sloanei flours were used in this study. The LSF were added differently at 0 and 2% to wheat, maize and cassava flours on dry weight bases, the 0% addition served as the control. The viscoelastic properties were determined using Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). The results showed that the LSF significantly affected the pasting properties of the wheat, maize and cassava flours. The LSF significantly increased (p>0.05) the breakdown, final, trough and peak viscosities of the wheat and maize flours. However, the LSF significantly (p>0.05) reduced the peak, breakdown and setback viscosities of cassava flour compared to the control.
... Bread is a staple food in many countries around the world. In most European countries, it is the source of half of the total carbohydrate requirements, one-third of the protein requirements, and over 50% of the Bvitamins and 75% of the vitamin-E requirements (Islam and Haque, 2011). It is a good source of nutrients, such as macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and micronutrients (minerals and vitamins) that are all essential for human health. ...
A simplex-centroid design was used to evaluate the effect of proportions (0 to 100%) of whole wheat flour (WWF), whole mung bean flour (WMF) and whole rice flour (BRF) on the quality of cookies savory. The dough cut in the shape of a disks (37 mm × 2 mm) showed a 13% retraction in diameter when they contained exclusively WWF, it was less intense (5%) with BRF and null (0%) with WMF. The dough expansion occurred only vertically, the thicknesses of the WWF, WMF and BRF biscuits were 5.33, 2.79 and 2.13 times greater than the initial dough height, respectively. This characteristic showed high correlations with volumetric expansion (r = 0.95), specific volume (r = 0.90), hardness (r = 0.92), fracturability (r = 0.93) and spread factor (r = −0.96). BRF increased the value of the color difference of the biscuits up to 17.70, the effect of WMF was smaller (6.51). Only the radial expansion index correlated with the trough (r = 0.76), final viscosity (r = 0.79) and setback (r = 0.77) parameters. Considering the main desirable physical characteristics in savory biscuits, the highest global desirability obtained was for the proportion of 49% WWF, 24% WMF and 27% BRF.
Applied Food Science Manual
  • D B Ott
Ott, D.B. 1987. Applied Food Science Manual. Michigan State University. Pergramon press, USA.
Edible rice bran Foods
  • J Lynn
Lynn, J. 1969. Edible rice bran Foods. In protein enriched cereal Foods for world needs. M. Milner (Editor). Amer. Assoc, Cereal Chem., St. Paul, Minn.
The rice caryopsis and Lts composition Rice Chemistry and Technology
  • B O Juliano
Juliano, B.O. 1972. The rice caryopsis and Lts composition; In; Houston, D.F. (Ed), Rice Chemistry and Technology. Am. Assoc. Cereal chemistry, Inc. St. Paul. Minn. 16.
Technology of cereal: An introduction for students of food science and agriculture
  • N L Kent
Kent, N.L. 1984. Technology of cereal: An introduction for students of food science and agriculture, 3rd edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
The chemical composition of rice. A literature review
  • Elizabeth Mccall
  • R Hoff
  • Carrol Pauir
  • L Skau
  • B Dororthy
Mccall, Elizabeth, R., Hoff., Pauir, Carrol, L. and Skau; Dororthy, B. 1951. The chemical composition of rice. A literature review. U.S. Dept. Bur. Agr. Ind. Chem. Mimco Cire. AIC-312,49.
Bread science and Technology
  • Y Pomeranz
  • Shellenerger
Pomeranz, Y. and Shellenerger. 1971. Bread science and Technology, 2nd Ed. Westport, Connecticut.