... For example, to say "I love you" with numbers in the "letter to number" code that includes the zero, the corresponding numbers are (using bold for capital letters, here the first letter, while adding an empty space to separate the words, and a dash to concatenate letters within the same word): 8 11-14-21-4 24-14-20 The same word in the encryption lacking zero will be: 9 12-15-22-5 25- 15-21. 2 In the same way that 'organically' the Maya represented the numbers, we are going to review how to use our ten fingers in mnemonics to remember the most simpler 'letter to number' code; and by analogy, to also remember the genetic code. We are also going to use our four extremities, our two arms and our two legs, to remember the four foundational nucleotides of the genetic code: A, T, C, G. 3 The "letter to number" hand-code 'dictionary' that we are going to use next does not include the zero as its starting point, we rather start with the number one, so a mnemonics letter to number the code that could be used in this 'letter number' translation is proposed in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 shows that by using both of our hands as tools in mnemonics to remember the "letter to number" code, we use five letters or numbers to be memorized through each finger, except the thumbs that are used to memorize the last six of them. We start with the little finger (the 'pinky'), then with the ring, the middle, the index, and thumb finger, from the inside of the hand, and in the inside from top to bottom as follows: distant phalanx, followed by the middle phalanx, and then by the proximal phalanx at the bottom of each finger, continuing with the next number, or letter, from the outside of the finger in the same relative position where we left as illustrated (in the outside from bottom to top); here, to identify which hand is which, as it was done with the Mayan numerals in Fig. 1, just observe your own hands (right hand at the center, left at the extremes of Fig. 2). ...