
Approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structures on semistable principal Higgs bundles

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We generalize the Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence between semistability and the existence of approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structures to the case of principal Higgs bundles. We prove that a principal Higgs bundle on a compact Kaehler manifold, with structure group a connected linear algebraic reductive group, is semistable if and only if it admits an approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structure.

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... This is a Higgs bundle version of the Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau theorem [8,27]. In [5,6,7], it shows that a Higgs bundle is semistable if only if it is admits approximate Hermitian-Einstein structure, i.e., for every positive ε, there is a Hermitian metric h ε on E such that ...
... In fact, the existence of approximate Hermitian-Einstein structure on semistable Higgs vector bundle was proved by Cardona [6] when dim(X) = 1, and by Li-Zhang [15] for arbitrary dimension, Bruzzo-Otero [5] used Li-Zhang's result to prove the semistable principal Higgs bundles case. The existence of stable (semistable) Higgs bundles is depends on the geometry of the underlying manifold. ...
In this article, we study the Higgs G-bundles (E,θ)(E,\theta) on a compact Calabi-Yau manifolds X. Our main result is that there is non-existence Higgs fields θ\theta on a semistable Higgs G-bundle over a compact connected Calabi-Yau surface. The vanish theorem can extends to higher dimensional Calabi-Yau compact n-folds, but we should addition the principal E with vanishing Chern-classes. In particular, the G-bundle E must be a semistable bundle in both cases.
... compact Kähler manifolds. There are many interesting generalized Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondences (see [1][2][3][4][5][7][8][9][10]12,18,20,21,23,26,[28][29][30][31]33,34,36,46], etc.). It is natural to hope that geometric results dealing with closed manifolds will extend to yield interesting information for manifolds with boundary. ...
The purpose of this paper is twofold. We first solve the Dirichlet problem for α-Hermitian–Einstein equations on I±-holomorphic bundles over bi-Hermitian manifolds. Second, by using Uhlenbeck–Yau’s continuity method, we prove that the existence of approximate α-Hermitian–Einstein structure and the α-semi-stability on I±-holomorphic bundles over compact bi-Hermitian manifolds are equivalent.
... Later, Simpson [29] proved an analogue of the Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau theorem for the Higgs bundle over higer dimensional Kähler manifolds, influenced by the work of Hitchin. In the compact case, the Higgs version of Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau has been extensively studied during the last two decades, see references [1,2,5,6,12,13,16,17,23]. ...
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Let V be an asymptotically cylindrical Kahler manifold with asymptotic cross-section D\mathfrak{D}. Let (ED,ϕDE_{\mathfrak{D}},\phi_{\mathfrak{D}}) be a stable Higgs bundle over D\mathfrak{D}, and (E, ε) a Higgs bundle over V which is asymptotic to (ED,ϕDE_{\mathfrak{D}},\phi_{\mathfrak{D}}). In this paper, using the continuity method of Uhlenbeck and Yau, we prove that there exists an asymptotically translation-invariant projectively Hermitian Yang-Mills metric on (E,ε).
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Given a compact Kähler manifold M and a connected reductive algebraic group G over ℂ, a principal G-bundle over M admits an Einstein-Hermitian connection if and only if the principal bundle is polystable. If M is a projective manifold, a Higgs G-bundle over M admits an Einstein-Hermitian connection if and only if the Higgs bundle is polystable.
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In this paper, using Donaldson's heat flow, we show that the semi-stability of a Higgs bundle over a compact K\"ahler manifold implies the existence of approximate Hermitian-Einstein structure on the Higgs bundle.
This paper is a continuation of “Stable vector bundles on algebraic surfaces” [10]. For simplicity we deal with non-singular projective varieties over the field of complex numbers. Let W be a variety whose fundamental group is solvable, let H be an ample line bundle on W , and let f: V → W be an unramified covering. Then we show in section 1 that if E is an f*H -stable vector bundle on V then f * E is a direct sum of H -stable vector bundles. In particular f * L is a direct sum of simple vector bundles if L is a line bundle on V .
We establish a Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for the stable Higgs sheaves on a compact Kahler manifold. Using it, we also obtain a Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for the stable Higgs G-sheaves, where G is any complex reductive linear algebraic group.
We establish a Kobayashi–Hitchin correspondence for the stable Higgs sheaves on a compact Kähler manifold. Using it, we also obtain a Kobayashi–Hitchin correspondence for the stable Higgs G-sheaves, where G is any complex reductive linear algebraic group.
Let (E,φ)(E,φ) be a Higgs vector bundle over a compact connected Kähler manifold X. Fix any filtration of EE by coherent analytic subsheaves in which each sheaf is preserved by the Higgs field, and each successive quotient is a torsionfree and stable Higgs sheaf. Denote by GG the direct sum of these stable quotients, and let the singular set of GG be called S⊂XS⊂X. We construct a 1-parameter family of filtration preserving C∞C∞ isomorphisms Φt:G|X∖S→E|X∖SΦt:G|X∖S→E|X∖S, and a Hermitian metric h on G|X\SG|X\S, such that as t→+∞t→+∞, the Chern connection for the Hermitian Higgs bundle (Φt⁎E,Φt⁎φ,h)|X\S converges, in the C∞C∞ Fréchet topology over any relatively compact open subset of X\SX\S, to the direct sum of the Yang–Mills–Higgs connections on the direct summands in GG. We also prove an analogous result for principal Higgs G-bundles on X.
A general equation, for a pair (A, Φ), where A is a connection on a principal bundle and Φ a section of an associated bundle, is studied. It is shown how it includes the case of Higgs bundles, the Vafa-Witten equation and others.
Einstein-Hermitian vector bundles are defined by a certain curvature condition. We prove that over a compact Khler manifold a bundle satisfying this condition is semistable in the sense of Mumford-Takemoto and a direct sum of stable Einstein-Hermitian subbundles.
We study the basic properties of Higgs sheaves over compact K\"ahler manifolds and we establish some results concerning the notion of semistability; in particular, we show that any extension of semistable Higgs sheaves with equal slopes is semistable. Then, we use the flattening theorem to construct a regularization of any torsion-free Higgs sheaf and we show that it is in fact a Higgs bundle. Using this, we prove that any Hermitian metric on a regularization of a torsion-free Higgs sheaf induces an admissible structure on the Higgs sheaf. Finally, using admissible structures we proved some properties of semistable Higgs sheaves.
Let E_G be a principal G-bundle over a compact connected K\"ahler manifold, where G is a connected reductive complex linear algebraic group. We show that E_G is semistable if and only if it admits approximate Hermitian-Einstein structures.
We review the notions of (weak) Hermitian-Yang-Mills structure and approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structure for Higgs bundles. Then, we construct the Donaldson functional for Higgs bundles over compact K\"ahler manifolds and we present some basic properties of it. In particular, we show that its gradient flow can be written in terms of the mean curvature of the Hitchin-Simpson connection. We also study some properties of the solutions of the evolution equation associated with that functional. Next, we study the problem of the existence of approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structures and its relation with the algebro-geometric notion of semistability and we show that for a compact Riemann surface, the notion of approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structure is in fact the differential-geometric counterpart of the notion of semistability. Finally, we review the notion of admissible hermitian structure on a torsion-free Higgs sheaf and define the Donaldson functional for such an object.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate canonical metrics on a semi-stable vector bundle E over a compact Kahler manifold X. It is shown that, if E is semi-stable, then Donaldson's functional is bounded from below. This implies that E admits an approximate Hermitian-Einstein structure, generalizing a classic result of Kobayashi for projective manifolds to the Kahler case. As an application some basic properties of semi-stable vector bundles over compact Kahler manifolds are established, such as the fact that semi-stability is preserved under tensor product and certain exterior and symmetric products.
MM. Ozeki et Hano ont récemment démontré [3] que tout sous-groupe connexe de Lie du groupe linéaire GL(n, R), n≧2 , peut être réalisé comme groupe d’holonomie d’une certaine connexion linéaire dans un espace affine de dimension n .
Let k be an algebraically closed field, and X a nonsingular irreducible protective algebraic variety over k . These assumptions will remain fixed throughout this paper. We will consider a family of vector bundles on X of fixed rank r and fixed Chern classes (modulo numerical equivalence). Under what condition is this family a bounded family? When X is a curve, Atiyah [1] showed that it is so if all elements of this family are indecomposable. But when I is a surface, he showed also that this condition is not sufficient. We give the definition of an H -stable vector bundle on a variety X . This definition is a generalization of Mumford’s definition on a curve. Under the condition that all elements of a family are H -stable of rank two on a surface X , we prove that the family is bounded. And we study H -stable bundles, when X is an abelian surface, the protective plane or a geometrically ruled surface.
We provide notions of numerical effectiveness and numerical flatness for Higgs vector bundles on compact K\"ahler manifolds in terms of fibre metrics. We prove several properties of bundles satisfying such conditions and in particular we show that numerically flat Higgs bundles have vanishing Chern classes, and that they admit filtrations whose quotients are stable flat Higgs bundles. We compare these definitions with those previously given in the case of projective varieties. Finally we study the relations between numerically effectiveness and semistability, establishing semistability criteria for Higgs bundles on projective manifolds of any dimension.
  • S Kobayashi
  • K Nomizu
S. Kobayashi and K. Nomizu, Foundations of differential geometry. Vol. II, Wiley Classics Library, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1996. Reprint of the 1969 original, A Wiley-Interscience Publication.
  • I Biswas
  • S B Bradlow
  • A Jacob
  • M Stemmler
I. Biswas, S. B. Bradlow, A. Jacob and M. Stemmler, Automorphisms and connections on Higgs bundles over compact Kähler manifolds, Diff. Geom. Appl., 32 (2014), pp. 139-152.
  • A Jacob
A. Jacob, Existence of approximate Hermitian-Einstein structures on semi-stable bundles. arXiv:1012.1888v2 [math.DG].
  • J Li
  • X Zhang
J. Li and X. Zhang, Existence of approximate Hermitian-Einstein structures on semi-stable higgs bundles. arXiv:1206.6676 [math.DG].
Reprint of the 1969 original
  • S Kobayashi
  • K Nomizu