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Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance among Community-Dwelling Elderly in China

SAGE Publications Inc
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

Abstract and Figures

Tofu is a soy product which is commonly consumed in Asian countries, such as China and Indonesia. Several studies found negative associations of high tofu consumption with cognitive function in older Asian populations. However, the effect of tofu on cognitive function remains disputed as it was not found in Western populations. In the present study, the effect of weekly tofu intake on cognitive performance was investigated in an observational cross sectional study of 517 Chinese elderly from Shanghai. Similar to earlier studies, results showed that a higher weekly intake of tofu was associated with worse memory performance using the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (β = -0.10, p = 0.01) after controlling for age, gender, education, being vegetarian, and weekly intake of fruit/juice, green vegetables, and orange/red vegetables. Furthermore, among older elderly (≥68 years of age), high tofu intake increased the risk of cognitive impairment indicative of dementia (OR = 1.27, 95% CI = 0.99-1.64, p = 0.04), after adjusting for all covariates. Consumption of meat and green vegetables independently also reduced risk of dementia. To conclude, high intake of tofu was negatively related to cognitive performance among community-dwelling elderly in China. Similar findings were reported in Indonesia and in Japanese Americans in the US. These findings suggest that the effect of tofu on cognition in elderly should be further investigated.
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Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 43 (2015) 669–675
DOI 10.3233/JAD-141593
IOS Press
Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor
Cognitive Performance among
Community-Dwelling Elderly in China
Xin Xu
, Shifu Xiao
, Tri Budi Rahardjo
and Eef Hogervorst
Psychology Division, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, UK
Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, Shanghai Mental Health Center, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong
University, Shanghai, China
Centre for Ageing Studies, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Memory, Ageing and Cognition Center, Department of Pharmacology, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Accepted 26 June 2014
Abstract. Tofu is a soy product which is commonly consumed in Asian countries, such as China and Indonesia. Several
studies found negative associations of high tofu consumption with cognitive function in older Asian populations. However,
the effect of tofu on cognitive function remains disputed as it was not found in Western populations. In the present study,
the effect of weekly tofu intake on cognitive performance was investigated in an observational cross sectional study of 517
Chinese elderly from Shanghai. Similar to earlier studies, results showed that a higher weekly intake of tofu was associated
with worse memory performance using the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test ( = 0.10, p = 0.01) after controlling for age, gender,
education, being vegetarian, and weekly intake of fruit/juice, green vegetables, and orange/red vegetables. Furthermore, among
older elderly (68 years of age), high tofu intake increased the risk of cognitive impairment indicative of dementia (OR = 1.27,
95% CI = 0.99–1.64, p = 0.04), after adjusting for all covariates. Consumption of meat and green vegetables independently also
reduced risk of dementia. To conclude, high intake of tofu was negatively related to cognitive performance among community-
dwelling elderly in China. Similar findings were reported in Indonesia and in Japanese Americans in the US. These findings
suggest that the effect of tofu on cognition in elderly should be further investigated.
Keywords: China, cognition, dementia, memory, tofu
Soy products containing isoflavones, such as tofu,
are common foods consumed in Asian countries. How-
ever, the effects of soy products on cognition remain
debatable. Several authors suggested that higher soy
consumption is associated with worse cognitive per-
formance in Asian populations over the age of 65 years
[1–3]. For instance, high tofu consumption was asso-
Correspondence to: Xin Xu and Eef Hogervorst, Applied Cog-
nitive Research, Psychology Division, School of Sport, Exercise and
Health, Brockington Building, Ashby Road, Loughborough Univer-
sity, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK. Tel.: +44 1509 223020; Fax:
+44 1509 223940; E-mail:
ciated with worse memory using the Hopkins Verbal
Learning Test (HVLT) [4] in a community-based study
conducted in Indonesia [3]. This negative association
of tofu and global cognitive function was also reported
in two longitudinal studies in the US among Japanese
Americans [1, 2]. On the other hand, a better perfor-
mance on cognitive tests measuring processing speed
(but worse verbal memory performance) was reported
in a longitudinal study conducted in the US among
Asian females during and after menopausal transition
with high phytoestrogen intake [5]. Similarly, genis-
tein, the most potent isoflavone or phytoestrogen, was
reported to be positively related to cognitive abil-
ity among middle-aged participants, but had negative
ISSN 1387-2877/15/$27.50 © 2015 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
670 X. Xu et al. / Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance among Community-Dwelling Elderly in China
associations in elderly subjects [6, 7]. In addition, supe-
rior memory performance was associated with high
consumption of another type of soy product, tempe,
in several studies in Indonesia [3, 8]. There are also
some studies reporting no association between soy
consumption and cognition, especially among older
European and American people [6, 8, 9]. Age, gender,
type of test used for assessment, level of consump-
tion, ethnicity, being an equol producer, and/or type of
product consumed may explain some of the differences
Intervention studies also reported different results
of soy isoflavones on cognitive function. Improve-
ment of cognitive function, including attention [10,
11], language [12, 13], executive function [11, 12],
and visual memory [10, 13–15] were reported after
daily soy supplement interventions (ranging from
60–2000 mg/day, 1.5–6 months total duration). Yet
no effect of isoflavone intake on cognitive function
was reported with soy supplementation interventions
ranging from 60–160 mg/day, within a total duration
of intervention period from 4 to 12 months [16–20].
Noticeably, among all the reported intervention stud-
ies mentioned, only one of these was conducted in an
Asian sample [18], whereas all the other studies were
conducted in Western countries.
The relatively low treatment dosage here may
have had no effect because the Asian participants
would have already consumed more daily isoflavones
[21]. Soy product intake is generally relatively higher
in Asian countries which may affect isoflavone
metabolism and/or their subsequent effect on the brain.
Only very few studies looked into the effect of tofu
on cognition among Chinese elderly people in com-
munity settings. In a recent study no association of
tofu and cognitive function was found in Chinese
elderly [22]. However, this study was conducted among
elderly above 90 years of age and survival bias may
have played a role. Hence, the current study fur-
ther explored the association between tofu intake and
cognitive ability among community-dwelling elderly
people in Shanghai, China. We used the same mem-
ory test earlier found to be sensitive to phytoestrogen
intake and that found in saliva samples [3, 7, 8]. This
test was also found to have very good sensitivity and
specificity for dementia, in particular for its early stages
[8, 23–25]. Because inter-rater reliability for dementia
is often moderate at best [26] and many older people
who were thought to have mild cognitive impairment
will reverse to normal function [25], in this study we
used the cut-off for that test which best indicated early
dementia rather than the clinical diagnoses.
The present observational cross-sectional study was
carried out between June 1 and August 31, 2011. All 50
to 95-year old persons born between June 1, 1916, and
August 31, 1961, and registered for census purposes in
Shanghai were invited to take part in the study. A total
of 517 participants were recruited from urban sites in
the North Xin Jing District of Shanghai, China. Ethical
approval was obtained from Shanghai Mental Health
Centre before the study was initiated.
Prior to the study, all community elders and staff
at local community health centers had been informed
of the survey based study. Participants were commu-
nally talked to by the community center supervisor and
told about the study, its aims and procedures, as well as
time and other commitments required for participation.
Any questions were answered. The informed consent
sheet was read and then signed by both participants and
their caregivers when they wanted to take part (100%
consented). Testing was done by the trained and super-
vised research assistants between 8–11 am to avoid the
effects of time of day.
The survey consisted of the following elements.
General demographics covered a wide variety of
information (e.g., age, gender, education, (past or
present) occupation, and living arrangements). The
food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is a standard-
ized questionnaire investigating participant’s dietary
consumption habits and frequency of consumption of
particular foods [27]. Using the FFQ, consumption
of foods, such as bread, rice, fruit/juice, green veg-
etables, orange/red vegetables, meat, tofu, and tempe,
were surveyed using daily, weekly, and monthly fre-
quency intakes. In the current study, food intake
frequencies were calculated on a weekly basis (cal-
culated from daily, weekly and monthly, e.g., food
intake once/day, every day = 7 times/week; food intake
once/month = 0.25 times/week, etc.).
The HVLT [4] is widely used to detect memory func-
tion and is a word learning test consisting of 12 words
from 3 low frequency categories. It has 6 parallel ver-
sions but in our study only version A was used. Words
from these 3 categories (‘human shelter’, ‘animals’,
and ‘precious stones’) were repeated 3 times for the
total immediate recall (IR). Delayed Recall was not
included in analyses, as earlier work found this vari-
X. Xu et al. / Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance among Community-Dwelling Elderly in China 671
able to be less sensitive than the IR to associations with
tofu consumption [7].
After cognitive testing, an extensive medical exami-
nation was conducted by trained and qualified medical
clinicians, which led to a consensus diagnosis of
dementia. Dementia and mild cognitive impairment
(MCI, a precursor of dementia) [28] were diag-
nosed according to standard clinical diagnostic criteria,
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) [29] and the
revised Petersen’s diagnostic algorithm for MCI [28],
Using a combination of cognitive tests and the
clinical investigations, three groups were established
consisting of no cognitive impairment (NCI), MCI, and
Data analysis
To establish whether the cut-off on the HVLT IR
obtained in Indonesia [8], the UK [23], and the US
[4] of 18/19 also had good sensitivity and specificity
for dementia in China, receiver operating characteris-
tic (ROC) analyses was employed including MCI and
dementia (possible dementia or DEM) versus controls
Descriptive analyses were performed for fre-
quencies and percentages for demographic, lifestyle
variables, and cognitive performance in the whole
group and between participants who ate tofu and those
who did not. The analyses were done using Chi Square
tests for percentages (e.g., for gender) and indepen-
dent t-tests for continuous data. The demographics
variables were gender, age, education, occupation, and
living status (whom the participants were living with
and whether this was an institution or in the com-
munity), the sample was also described for cognitive
scores on the HVLT IR. Linear regression analysis was
employed to investigate the effect of tofu on HVLT per-
formance using the HVLT IR scores (continuous data
as these showed a normal distribution) as the depen-
dent variable, adjusting for demographic and other
dietary variables, including age, gender, education,
being vegetarian (yes or no to eating meat), and weekly
intake of fruit/juice, green vegetables, and orange/red
Subsequently, having possible dementia based on
the HVLT cut-off was used in logistic regression analy-
ses as dependent variable, controlling for demographic
and other dietary variables including age, gender, edu-
cation, being vegetarian (yes or no), and weekly intake
of fruit/juice, green vegetables, and orange/red vegeta-
bles. Analyses were also stratified by median age (68
years of age) to investigate previously found effects of
age [3]. All data analyses were performed using SPSS
21.0., using a p value of <0.05 for significance.
Table 1 shows the descriptive analyses of the cohort
split into those with possible dementia (DEM) and
those without (NCI). DEM was categorized using
the HVLT total recall (IR) performance. The optimal
Table 1
Descriptives of demographic and lifestyle variables and HVLT performance in DEM and NCI groups
DEM Group NCI Group p value
115 (22.1%) 406 (77.9%)
Demographic Variables
Age 73.8 ± 9.9 65.7 ± 9.6 <0.001
Gender (Female %) 69 (60.0%) 215 (53.0%) NS
Education <0.001
No education or only primary level 69 (60.0%) 93 (22.9%)
Secondary and above level 46 (40.0%) 313 (77.1%)
Profession NS
No job or manual 81 (70.4%) 267 (65.8%)
Non manual 34 (29.6%) 139 (34.2%)
Dietary Habit Variables
Vegetarian (Yes %, not eating meat) 74 (64.3%) 202 (49.8%) 0.006
Type of Food (times/week)
Tofu (mean weekly intake) 1.6 ± 1.5 1.8 ± 1.6 NS
Fruit/Juice (mean weekly intake) 2.7 ± 1.9 2.7 ± 1.9 NS
Vegetables (mean weekly intake) 8.7 ± 4.4 9.9 ± 3.4 0.007
HVLT Performance
HVLT IR 11.8 ± 6.6 25.4 ± 7.1 <0.001
trend level significance. HVLT IR, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test Immediate Recall; DEM, possible dementia;
NCI, no cognitive impairment; NS, not significant.
672 X. Xu et al. / Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance among Community-Dwelling Elderly in China
Table 2
Linear regression analyses in 2 steps: step1, entering weekly tofu
consumption (times per day/month × 7) controlled for age, gender,
and education; step 2, also controlled for other dietary intake
Step 1 Step 2
p value p value
Tofu (weekly) 0.11 0.009 0.10 0.01
Age 0.34 <0.001 0.31 <0.001
Gender 0.05 NS 0.03 NS
Education 0.27 <0.001 0.3 <0.001
Not being vegetarian 0.16 <0.001
Fruit/Juice (weekly) 0.06 NS
Green vegetables (weekly) 0.17 <0.001
Orange/Red vegetables 0.004 NS
HVLT IR, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test Immediate Recall; NS, not
Fig. 1. Relationship between mean HVLT IR score and weekly tofu
cut-off score of the HVLT in discriminating between
NCI and MCI and dementia cases was generated
by applying ROC. A HVLT score of equal or less
than this cut-off score (19 in the current study)
was defined as “possible dementia (DEM) (Area
Under Curve (AUC) = 0.92, 95% CI = 0.89–0.94), this
rendered 90.0% sensitivity and 79.6% specificity when
distinguishing DEM cases (dementia and MCI) from
NCI cases. This cut-off score was further adopted in
the current study to define cognitive impairment. This
score is similar to that found in earlier studies inves-
tigating dementia in Oxford and Indonesia and also
predicted diagnoses independent of education, age,
gender, and depression [8].
Participants in the DEM group were more likely to
be older (74 versus 66 years, on average) and less edu-
cated (60% versus 23%) but had equal proportions
of females as the NCI. Reflecting the cut-off score,
there was a 13-point difference between DEM and
NCI groups on the HVLT IR performance (12 ver-
sus 25 word recalled) whereas an 8-point difference
was observed on the HVLT Delayed Recall perfor-
mance between these 2 groups (1 word recalled for
DEM versus 9 for NCI, data not shown) (Table 1).
Linear regression models (see Table 2) demonstrated
that weekly tofu intake was negatively associated
with immediate recall memory on the HVLT IR
after controlling for demographic (age, gender, and
education) and other food intake variables (being veg-
etarian, weekly intake of fruit/juice, green vegetables,
and orange/red vegetables). Eating meat (not being
vegetarian) was independently associated with better
memory function, as was consumption of green veg-
etables (Table 2).
A bar graph showed an overall trend for increasing
weekly tofu intake to be negatively and linearly asso-
ciated with subject’s worse performance on the HVLT
IR test (Fig. 1).
A logistic regression model using DEM as a binary
outcome investigated the predictive value of weekly
tofu intake, controlling for demographic variables and
other types of food consumed weekly. These analy-
ses indicated that there was a trend for weekly tofu
intake to increase the risk for cognitive impairment by
20% (OR = 1.20, p = 0.08) after adjusting for age, gen-
der, education, vegetarian habits, and weekly intake of
fruit/juice and green/orange/red vegetables. In our pre-
vious study [3], tofu intake was mainly negatively asso-
ciated with dementia risk and worse memory perfor-
mance among ‘older’ elderly (>68 years of age). There-
fore, in the current study stratification using a median
age split (68 years of age) was applied (see Table 3).
From Table 3 we can see that among younger par-
ticipants, there was no significant association of tofu
consumption with DEM, whereas an increased risk of
almost 30% was seen among older elderly (68 years
of age) (OR = 1.27, 95% CI = 0.99–1.64, p = 0.04) after
adjusting for all the other covariates. Independently,
not being vegetarian (eating meat) decreased risk for
cognitive impairment almost 4-fold and eating green
vegetables reduced the risk by almost 20%. Education,
but not gender or age, also reduced the risk indepen-
dently in this older group.
In the present study, higher intake of tofu was neg-
atively associated with learning ability and immediate
memory performance on the HVLT. Furthermore,
X. Xu et al. / Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance among Community-Dwelling Elderly in China 673
Table 3
Logistic regression analyses stratified for age using the median split (68 years of age), controlled for age, gender, and education in step 1, and
dietary habits in step 2
<68 years of age 68 years of age
Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2
Odd Ratio (95% CI), p value
Weekly Tofu intake NS NS 1.24 (0.97–1.57), p = 0.08
1.27 (0.99–1.64), p = 0.04
Age NS NS 1.10 (1.01–1.18), p = 0.02 NS
Education 0.90 (0.84–0.96), 0.87 (0.81–0.94), p < 0.001 0.85 0.83 (0.74–0.93),
p = 0.002 (0.76–0.94), p = 0.001 p = 0.001
Gender (Male) NS NS 0.49 (0.27–0.90), p = 0.02 0.54 (0.28–1.04), p = 0.06
Being vegetarian NS 3.80 (1.87–7.70), p < 0.001
Weekly fruit/juice intake NS NS
Weekly green vegetables intake 0.83 (0.75–0.92), p < 0.001 0.81 (0.73–0.89), p < 0.001
Weekly orange/red NS NS
vegetables intake
trend for significance. NS, not significant.
among elderly who were 68 years of age or older,
higher weekly tofu intake was a significant risk factor
which increased the risk of possible dementia, inde-
pendent of the other covariates, including demographic
variables and other dietary habits. Similar results could
be found in another earlier study conducted in Indone-
sia, where high tofu intake was associated with poor
memory using the same test [3]. The authors also
reported that in that cohort tempe intake, a fermented
whole soybean food, was significantly related to better
memory [3, 8]. However, tempe is not a popular type
of food in China and only a very limited number of par-
ticipants reported eating tempe (5 out of 521, less than
1% of the whole sample), hence consumption of tempe
was not included in the current analyses. Tempe, sim-
ilar to green vegetables, contains folate which reduces
homocysteine, a risk factor for dementia and cognitive
decline [30]. Not being vegetarian, e.g., eating meat,
in elderly was associated with a four-fold decrease in
risk of possible dementia. In contrast, one earlier study
noted that meat eaters had a doubled risk of demen-
tia [31]. This may be because meat contains saturated
fats, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease,
and risk factors for cardiovascular disease are risk fac-
tors for dementia [32]. However, meat also contains
cobalamin which can further help reduce homocys-
teine levels [30]. This means that a well-balanced diet
with little protein, such as tofu and lean meats, but
plenty of vegetables are probably best suited for elderly
to prevent dementia. On the other hand in Indonesia,
high green vegetable consumption was associated with
increased dementia risk [3], which was possibly due to
pollution and heavy use of pesticides. Hence, moder-
ation of overall food intake is probably best advised,
similar to earlier advice regarding the consumption of
fatty (polluted) fish.
There were several limitations to the current study.
Firstly, the results from the current study may have lim-
ited representativeness. The socioeconomic status was
not different for those with possible dementia and those
without. However, overall socioeconomic status of the
cohort investigated was quite low (the current sam-
ple was drawn from a relatively underdeveloped area
in Shanghai, China). Because the present study was
conducted in a cross-sectional community setting, it is
not possible to examine whether elderly who eat more
tofu actually also deteriorated cognitively. A follow-up
study thus needs to be performed. In addition, the cur-
rent sample was constituted of Chinese elderly only.
Therefore results might not apply to Western countries
as several earlier studies did not find these types of
associations in non-Asian populations. Lastly, it may
well be that lower quantities of tofu consumption do
not lead to cognitive impairment and an optimal dosage
needs to be investigated to maintain optimal health
and cognitive function in the elderly. Our graphs in
China and Indonesia did not suggest optimal intakes
of tofu for elderly, although for those of middle-age
optimal levels of genistein associated with better cog-
nitive function were detected in Indonesia [7]. This
may be associated with its estrogenic effects on brain
function, which may be positive in middle-aged peo-
ple but which may worsen pathology in the old [7]. In
sum, further research needs to investigate whether tofu
really is associated with worse cognitive function and
increased risk for dementia in those over 68 years of age
and whether a balanced diet and exercise particularly
in midlife can affect this risk in later life [33].
674 X. Xu et al. / Tofu Intake is Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance among Community-Dwelling Elderly in China
The authors thank all study participants for their
participation. They also thank the research team
from Shanghai Mental Health Center for data col-
lection. This study was funded by China Science
and Technology Ministry. National Pillar Program
Authors’ disclosures available online (http://www.j-
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... Diet is one of these modifiable risk factors, and different food groups are related to cognitive functions in healthy adults [17,18]. Regarding memory function, the consumption of fruits and vegetables has been associated with better verbal memory [19,20], whereas fish intake appears to have a beneficial role in memory as well [21]. Mixed results exist for dairy intake and memory functions, with some studies supporting a harmful role of milk intake on verbal memory performance [22] and others indicating a possible protective role of dairy in visuospatial memory [23] or incidence of AD [24]. ...
... The consumption of fruits and vegetables, fruits alone, as well as fruits with high vitamin C and vegetables, has been positively associated with adults' verbal memory in the 13-year Supplementation en Vitamines et Mineraux Antioxydants 2 (SU.VI.MAX 2) prospective study [19]. In a previous study with community-dwelling elderly in China, green vegetables intake was positively associated with higher verbal episodic memory scores and reduced the risk for cognitive impairment by almost 20% [20]. However, based on the most recent meta-analysis, the intake of fruits and vegetables was significantly associated with the prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia in general, but there was no association with the prevalence of AD particularly [102]. ...
... However, based on the most recent meta-analysis, the intake of fruits and vegetables was significantly associated with the prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia in general, but there was no association with the prevalence of AD particularly [102]. On the other hand, high tofu consumption, a soy-based food, has been associated with impaired memory and verbal learning in old age [20,103,104]. ...
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(1) Background: Many studies link food intake with clinical cognitive outcomes, but evidence for brain biomarkers, such as memory-related limbic white matter (WM) tracts, is limited. We examined the association between food groups, limbic WM tracts integrity, and memory performance in community-dwelling individuals. (2) Methods: We included 117 non-demented individuals (ALBION study). Verbal and visual episodic memory tests were administered, and a composite z-score was calculated. Diffusion tensor imaging tractography was applied for limbic WM tracts (fornix-FX, cingulum bundle-CB, uncinate fasciculus-UF, hippocampal perforant pathway zone-hPPZ). Food intake was evaluated through four 24-h recalls. We applied linear regression models adjusted for demographics and energy intake. (3) Results: We found significant associations between (a) higher low-to-moderate alcohol intake and higher FX fractional anisotropy (FA), (b) higher full-fat dairy intake and lower hPPZ FA, and (c) higher red meat and cold cuts intake and lower hPPZ FA. None of the food groups was associated with memory performance. (4) Conclusions: Despite non-significant associations between food groups and memory, possibly due to participants’ cognitive profile and/or compensatory mechanisms, the study documented a possible beneficial role of low-to-moderate alcohol and a harmful role of full-fat dairy and red meat and cold cuts on limbic WM tracts.
... The isoflavone constituents of fermented soy products are known to exhibit estrogenic protective properties, potentially contributing to the neuromodulatory effects of these products in women [336]. Conversely, certain studies have underscored negative outcomes associated with tofu consumption, linking it to diminished cognitive perfor-mance in multiple cross-sectional observational investigations [337,338]. It has been posited that formaldehyde, utilized in tofu production to enhance shelf stability, may lead to oxidative damage, thereby influencing cognitive decline [337]. ...
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The increasing global burden of morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases related to poor diet quality, coupled with the unsustainable depletion of vital planetary resources by current food production systems, threatens future food security and highlights the urgent need to transition to high-quality plant-based diets as a viable solution to mitigate economic, health, and environmental challenges. Taking into consideration the significant role that fermented vegetables may play as a sustainable, healthy, long-lasting, and plant-based nutritional resource, this narrative review analyzes their production and benefits. For this purpose, the mechanisms of the fermentation process are explored, along with the importance of probiotic cultures in plant-based fermented foods, and with the implications of fermentation on food safety within the broader framework of low-impact, organic, plant-derived nutrition. Additionally, the health benefits of fermented vegetables and probiotics are examined, including their effects on mental health. Vegetable fermentation is a versatile method for enhancing food preservation, nutritional quality, and safety. This ancient practice prolongs the shelf life of perishable items, reduces the toxicity of raw ingredients, and improves digestibility. Specific starter cultures, particularly lactic acid bacteria, are essential for controlling fermentation, ensuring safety, and maximizing health benefits. Fermented vegetables, rich in probiotics, support gut health and immune function. Emerging research indicates their potential to alleviate adverse mental health symptoms such as stress and anxiety, highlighting their significance in modern dietary guidelines and chronic health management.
... However, the results are not consistent with studies in Chinese older adults showing a negative association between high consumption of soy products such as tofu and cognitive function. The effect of tofu on cognitive function remains controversial as it has not been found in Western populations [26]. A synthesis of previous research reveals that many studies have been conducted on MVPA and psychological symptoms in university students, with an overall consensus that there is a negative correlation between MVPA and the occurrence of psychological symptoms [27,28]. ...
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Introduction Declining physical activity among university students has become a concern, with increasingly poor dietary behaviors and other unfavorable factors having an impact on the occurrence of psychological symptoms. Previous studies have analyzed the association between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and psychological symptoms, but few studies have investigated the association between soy product consumption and these symptoms. In addition, the associations between physical activity and soy product consumption with psychological symptoms have not been investigated. Methods In this study, 7267 university students from different regions of China were surveyed regarding physical activity, soy product consumption, and psychological symptoms. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the associations among MVPA, soy product consumption, and psychological symptoms. A generalized linear model (GLM) was applied to further analyze the associations of MVPA and soy product consumption with psychological symptoms in this population. Results The detection rate of psychological symptoms among Chinese university students was 17.9%, with the rate among female students (18.9%) higher than that among male students (16.6%). The proportion of university students with MVPA < 30 min/d, 30–60 min/d, and > 60 min/d was 76.1%, 19.3%, and 4.6%, respectively, and the proportion with soy product consumption ≤ 2 times/wk, 3–5 times/wk, and ≥ 5 times/wk was 25.8%, 42.4%, and 31.7%, respectively. The GLM showed that compared with university students who had MVPA < 30 min/d and soy product consumption ≤ 2 times/week, those with the lowest risk of developing psychological symptoms had MVPA > 60 min/d and soy product consumption ≥ 6 times/week (OR = 0.198, 95% CI: 0.100–0.393, P < 0.001). This group was followed by university students with MVPA > 60 min/d and soy product consumption 3–5 times/week (OR = 0.221, 95% CI: 0.102–0.479, P < 0.001). Conclusion In terms of research, there is an association between physical activity and soy product consumption and psychological symptoms among university students. The results of our study suggest that integrated intervention for psychological symptoms among university students is needed from the perspectives of physical activity and dietary behavior to promote good mental health in this population.
... Regarding dietary patterns, a healthy dietary pattern which included soy products was associated with decreased dementia risk in elderly Japanese [10]. Among individual soy products, high tofu intake increased [11,12] or decreased [13] the risk of cognitive impairment, whereas fermented soy product intake decreased [13,14] or was not associated [8] with risk. Regarding fermented soy products eaten in Japan, natto contains bioactive components, such as polyamine [15] and nattokinase [16]: polyamine (spermidine) has been shown to protect against neurodegeneration and cognitive decline [17], and nattokinase protects the hippocampus against β-amyloid-induced neuronal damage [18,19] in animal experiments. ...
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Purpose We evaluated the association between total soy, soy product (natto, miso and tofu) and isoflavone intake and incident disabling dementia in a Japanese population. Methods We conducted a population-based prospective study in 18,991 men and 22,456 women. Intake of soy products and isoflavone was calculated using a validated food frequency questionnaire when participants were 45–74 years old (1995 and 1998). Incident disabling dementia was defined by the daily living disability status related to dementia in the long-term care insurance program of Japan from 2006 to 2016. Multivariate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of disabling dementia were calculated by quintiles of total soy, individual soy product and isoflavone intake, using Cox proportional hazard regression models. Results Total soy product intake was not associated with disabling dementia risk in both men and women. By individual soy products, natto intake was marginally inversely associated with disabling dementia in women (trend P = 0.050). When we stratified by age, this inverse association was clearer in women aged under 60 years (multivariate HR for the highest versus lowest quintile was 0.78, 95% CI 0.59–1.04, trend P = 0.020 for those aged under 60 years and 0.90, 95% CI 0.77–1.05, trend P = 0.23 for those aged 60 years and older, respectively). Any soy product or isoflavone intake was not associated with disabling dementia risk in men. Conclusions Although total soy product intake was not associated with disabling dementia risk, natto intake may contribute to reducing the risk of disabling dementia in women, especially in those aged under 60 years.
... Certain diets are very important to optimizing cognition and reducing the prevalence of cognitive disorders. For example, the consumption of strawberries, tofu, and edible mushrooms has been found to be associated with the abated prevalence of cognitive disorders (12)(13)(14). Overall, these studies demonstrate an association between the intake of fruits and vegetables and a lower prevalence of dementia and cognitive decline. However, published meta-analyses have paid less attention to older adults and have not evaluated the dose-response relationship thoroughly (15)(16)(17). ...
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Objectives The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the quantitative associations between fruit and vegetable intake and cognitive disorders in older adults. Design A meta-analysis. Setting and Participants We used the PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases for a literature search to 12 April 2022. We preliminarily retrieved 11,759 studies, 16 of which met the inclusion criteria including six cross-sectional studies, nine cohort studies and one case-control study, incorporating 64,348 participants and 9,879 cases. Methods Using the three databases, we identified observational studies exploring the association. The pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using a random effects model. Results Sixteen studies were included in the meta-analysis, and the results showed that increased fruit and vegetable consumption in older adults was associated with a decline in the prevalence of cognitive disorders (OR: 0.79, 95% CI: 0.76–0.83). Moreover, intake of fruits (OR: 0.83, 95% CI: 0.77–0.89) and vegetables (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.70–0.80) alone were both associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive disorders. Subgroup analyses indicated that the intake of fruits and vegetables was associated with the prevalence of cognitive impairment (OR: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.76–0.80) and dementia (OR: 0.84, 95% CI: 0.78–0.91) but not Alzheimer’s disease (OR: 0.88, 95% CI: 0.76–1.01). Conclusion and Implications Our meta-analysis provides evidence that the intake of fruits and vegetables is inversely proportional and linearly associated with the prevalence of cognitive disorders in older adults. Future research is required to further investigate the preventive effects of the frequency, quantity, and duration of eating vegetables and fruits on cognitive disorders in older adults.
Objective: The study aimed to explore the association of dietary flavonoids intake with global cognition, domain-specific cognition and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in middle-aged and older adults in China. Design:...
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Introduction Apolipoprotein E (APOE) epsilon 4 is regarded as the most significant genetic contributor linked to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Daily life elements might also influence cognitive abilities to some extent. This research aimed to investigate whether carrying APOE ε4 alters the effects of lifestyle on cognitive ability. Methods The research included 1871 senior community members with APOE gene data, all participating in clinical, neuropsychological, and daily living factor assessments. Based on their APOE ε4 status, they were categorized into two groups: the APOE ε4 group (n = 362) and the non-APOE ε4 group (n = 1,509). Subsequently, a multivariate logistic regression analysis was employed to investigate the link between cognitive deficits and APOE ε4, along with lifestyle patterns. Results Our research revealed a reduced incidence of MCI (OR = 0.745, 95% CI: 0.587–0.945, p = 0.015) and dementia (OR = 0.422, 95% CI: 0.259–0.688, p = 0.001) in the non-APOE ε4 carriers. Furthermore, the general linear regression analysis revealed a notable interplay between APOE ε4 and sleep disturbances, potentially impacting cognitive deterioration together (F = 6.817, p = 0.001). Conclusions The research indicates that possessing APOE ε4 alters the impact of everyday life factors on cognitive decline. In addition, there is a significant interaction between APOE ε4 and sleep disorders, which may jointly lead to the appearance of cognitive impairment.
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Dementia is a global health priority, with huge human and financial costs. Over 50 million people worldwide live with dementia, a figure which is set to rise to 130 million by 2050. The current cost of dementia to the global economy is a staggering $1 trillion per year. Around 60% of people with dementia live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), countries in which population ageing is occurring at the most rapid rate and which already have the least capacity to cope. Key challenges in these regions include limited reliable epidemiological data, poor public understanding of dementia, inadequate health and social care systems and a lack of coherent, national or transnational dementia strategies. These challenges require concerted effort towards innovative, collaborative and technology-driven solutions involving clinicians, academics, engineers, economists and policymakers. LMICs also present new opportunities for globally relevant dementia research: for example, the study of novel genetic and environmental factors that modify vulnerability and resilience to disease, as well as innovative approaches to dementia diagnosis and care in resource-poor situations. Whilst some established institutions in the developing world are already engaged in exploring these research opportunities, there is enormous potential for benefit from greater international exposure and collaboration. The 2015 World Health Organization First Ministerial Conference on dementia concluded that “A sustained global effort is required to promote action on dementia and address the challenges posed by dementia and its impacts. No single country, sector or organization can tackle these challenges alone.” The aim of this Research Topic is to bring together, in one volume, research addressing problems that specifically relate to the impact of dementia in the developing world. In doing so, we hope to identify new challenges for future investigation. We welcome submissions from a broad range of disciplines and are particularly interested in work that illustrates the collaborative coming together of disciplines and centers. Topics that will be considered include, but are not restricted to, epidemiology, diagnosis (clinical, neuropsychology, biomarkers, imaging), genetics, modifiable risk factors, treatment, diversity and under-represented populations, health economics, social science and public policy. Whilst submissions covering the full range of article types are encouraged, we are particularly interested in Original Research on dementia that specifically addresses issues relating to the LMIC context.
Meat consumption is gradually increasing and its impact on health has attracted widespread attention, resulting in epidemiological studies proposing a reduction in meat and processed meat intake. This review briefly summarises recent advances in understanding the effects of meat or processed meat on human health, as well as the underlying mechanisms. Meat consumption varies widely among individuals, populations, and regions, with higher consumption in developed countries than in developing countries. However, increasing meat consumption may not be the main cause of increasing incidence of chronic disease, since the development of chronic disease is a complex physiological process that involves many factors, including excessive total energy intake and changes in food digestion processes, gut microbiota composition, and liver metabolism. In comparison, unhealthy dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle with decreasing energy expenditure are factors more worthy of reflection. Meat and meat products provide high‐value protein and many key essential micronutrients. In short, as long as excessive intake and overprocessing of meats are avoided, meat remains an indispensable source of nutrition for human health. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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A new test of verbal learning and memory, the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test, was developed. The test consists of three trials of free-recall of a 12-item, semantically categorized list, followed by yes/no recognition. Six parallel forms yielded equivalent results in normals. The performance of patients with Alzheimer's disease and chronic amnesia is described. The test is likely to be useful in patients too impaired for more comprehensive memory assessments and where repeated testing is necessary.
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Objective: Eating habits may have a key influence on cognitive function, however, the relationship between dietary intake and cognitive impairment in the elderly Chinese population has not been explored. The present study investigated the association between cognitive impairment and eating habits in elderly Chinese subjects >90 years of age. Methods: This study comprised data from subjects included in the 2005 Project of Longevity and Ageing in Dujiangyan, China. Subjects were divided into two groups: cognitive impairment group and normal group. Sociodemographic and dietary habit data were collected and cognitive function was assessed in all subjects using the Mini-Mental State Examination. Results: Data from 763 subjects (249 men, 514 women) were included. There was no statistically significant difference in eating habits between the two groups. Education level in the cognitive impairment group was significantly lower than in the normal group. Significant between-group differences were detected in factors relating to subjects' professions. Conclusions: Eating habits were not related to cognitive impairment in elderly Chinese people >90 years of age.
Tofu is regarded by some as a ‘superfood’ and many positive health benefits are attributed to its consumption, which is high is the East and on the increase in the West. Animal and cell culture studies suggest that phytoestrogens, abundant in soy products such as tempe and tofu, could protect the aging brain. With dementia prevalence increasing due to an aging population, these findings need confirmation in humans. Some observational studies have reported no effects of phytoestrogen consumption on cognitive function (Kreijkamp-Kaspers et al. 2007; Franco et al. 2005), but these findings were mainly in low-intake populations. However, other observational studies in Asian populations, which are characterized by a high average intake of tofu, have reported a negative association with cognitive function in those over 65 years of age (Rice et al. 2000; White et al. 2000). Similarly, in an Indonesian cohort of 719 elderly, we found that participants over 68 years of age who consumed tofu daily or more had worse memory function and a greater risk of dementia. It is unclear whether this association could be attributed to potential toxins added to tofu or to tofu’s phytoestrogens levels. On the other hand, phytoestrogen treatment studies in middle-aged women have shown time-limited positive effects on cognition function, and optimal phytoestrogen levels were associated with optimal memory functions in women of this age group in our Indonesian cohort. Effects of phytoestrogens on cognition may thus be modified by phytoestrogen levels obtained and age. These findings reflect those of estrogen treatment, where negative effects are found on cognition in older women and protective effects on cognition may occur in middle-aged women. Future studies should validate these findings and investigate potential mechanisms conferring risk and potential protective effects of phytoestrogens on the aging brain.
Editors' introduction Hogervorst and colleagues review the complex topic of soy effects on cognition and risk of dementia. In an attempt to address one aspect of this complexity, they conducted a comparative analysis of fermented (e.g., tempe) versus non-fermented (e.g., tofu) forms. Results of their analyses indicate that high intake of tofu was associated with lower cognitive function and an increased risk for dementia, particularly in those participants who were older than 68 years of age. These findings are consistent with previous analyses of hormone therapy and tofu consumption. They also found a complex association with genistein levels. Relatively younger participants (52-68 years of age) appeared to have optimal genistein levels relating to optimal memory function, whereas persons older than 68 years of age with high genistein levels exhibited lower cognitive performance and an increased risk of dementia. These results are reminiscent of the window of opportunity theory (Chapters 4 and5) or the healthy cell bias theory (Chapter 6). Higher folate levels within tempe (which contains high phytoestrogen levels) may be a mediating factor for its reported protective effects. Further studies to determine the interaction between serum phytoestrogens and folate levels and their relationship to dementia risk are suggested.
This review indicates that possible preventative activities and lifestyle changes undertaken to maintain cognitive health and prevent dementia in old age may be particularly important in middle age. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease are the same as those for dementia, including its most common form, Alzheimer''s disease. Treating high blood pressure, high cholesterol and thyroid hormone deficiency, maintaining a normal weight, having a healthy diet and engaging in resistance or aerobic exercise can all potentially help to sustain cognitive health. Long-term treatment with estrogenic compounds (> 1 year) does not seem to be indicated and may actually confer risks for dementia in older women over the age of 65 years. The same may be the case for phytoestrogens. The possibility that folate can offset some of the negative effects of phytoestrogens merits more research in this area. Whether there is an optimum age to engage with these types of lifestyle behaviors is currently unclear and also requires additional research.
To determine the cognitive effects of long-term dietary soy isoflavones in a daily dose comparable to that of traditional Asian diets. In the double-blind Women's Isoflavone Soy Health trial, healthy postmenopausal women were randomly allocated to receive daily 25 g of isoflavone-rich soy protein (91 mg of aglycone weight of isoflavones: 52 mg of genistein, 36 mg of daidzein, and 3 mg glycitein) or milk protein-matched placebo. The primary cognitive endpoint compared between groups at 2.5 years was change from baseline on global cognition, a composite of the weighted sum of 14 neuropsychological test score changes. Secondary outcomes compared changes in cognitive factors and individual tests. A total of 350 healthy postmenopausal women aged 45-92 years enrolled in this trial; 313 women with baseline and endpoint cognitive test data were included in intention-to-treat analyses. Adherence in both groups was nearly 90%. There was no significant between-group difference on change from baseline in global cognition (mean standardized improvement of 0.42 in the isoflavone group and 0.31 in the placebo group; mean standardized difference 0.11, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.13 to 0.35). Secondary analyses indicated greater improvement on a visual memory factor in the isoflavone group (mean standardized difference 0.33, 95% CI 0.06-0.60) but no significant between-group differences on 3 other cognitive factors or individual test scores, and no significant difference within a subgroup of younger postmenopausal women. For healthy postmenopausal women, long-term dietary soy isoflavone supplementation in a dose comparable to that of traditional Asian diets has no effect on global cognition but may improve visual memory. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that long-term dietary supplementation with isoflavone-rich soy protein does not improve global cognition of healthy postmenopausal women.