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Verification Case Studies in Mural


Abstract and Figures

This report is a companion report to [LK94a], which discusses issues in formal specification and verification techniques on the basis of case studies. It presents formal VDM developments of three of those case studies as entered into the mural proof-tool. Most of the report consists of presentations of proofs discharging the proof obligations associated with the specifications. The report also reflects on the experience gained in "proof engineering" while developing the case studies. Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 How to read this report : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 1.2 The case studies : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 1.3 Constructing VDM developments in mural : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 1.3.1 The specification tool : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 1.3.2 Translation of the specification : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :...
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No. 94-22
Erik van Keulen and Peter Lindsay
Verification Case Studies in Mural
August 1994
... below for discussion. The well-formedness proof obligation for the postcondition of Remind can be discharged (see KL94]): note that the well-formedness of birthdayOf (n) depends on the assumption that the conjunct n 2 friends holds: see KL94] and Section 4.6.3 below for discussion. ...
... below for discussion. The well-formedness proof obligation for the postcondition of Remind can be discharged (see KL94]): note that the well-formedness of birthdayOf (n) depends on the assumption that the conjunct n 2 friends holds: see KL94] and Section 4.6.3 below for discussion. ...
... proofs of the main well-formedness proof obligations will be given here. Full proofs are given inKL94]. The well-formedness proof obligations for the following speci cation components of the mural speci cation amount to little more than simple type-checking: the state invariant, the preconditions of the three operations, the postcondition of NewMSG. ...
This Technical Report presents a series of case studies in the formal, mathematical verification of formal specifications of sequential software systems. Each of the five case studies is formally specified in Z and VDM, and various issues in formal specification are discussed. Analysis and verification techniques from the two methods are applied to the case studies, and issues in the use of such techniques are discussed. Finally, suggestions are made about ways to combine the individual strengths of Z and VDM to make the verification task stronger and simpler.
Conference Paper
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For large software developments, process modelling can be used to guide and monitor the use of development tools. This paper explores the addition of behavioural properties to process models as a means for reasoning about the status of a software development as it evolves under a given process model. In this way, the behaviour of the process model may be given as a static meaning of each status, rather than having to evaluate the dynamic execution of the whole process model. These ideas are illustrated on a small case study. The process model is translated into VDM and standard VDM verification techniques are applied to show, among other things, that the behavioural properties are maintained by the process and that tools are invoked from the process model only when their preconditions are satisfied.
this document to describe Qu-Prolog in detail. However, since Ergo is implemented in Qu-Prolog, some comments about Qu-Prolog are required in order to use its syntax during interaction with the system. Furthermore, many users of Ergo will need to have sufficient knowledge of Qu-Prolog to be able to write simple tactics and heuristics. See [Robinson and Cheng, 1993] and [Staples, Robinson and Paterson, 1989] for a fuller discussion of Qu-Prolog. It is assumed the reader has some familiarity with standard Prolog. A suitable introductory Prolog text is [Bratko, 1986].