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Abstract and Figures

Background Unintended pregnancies may carry serious consequences for women and their families, including the possibility of unsafe abortion, delayed prenatal care, poor maternal mental health and poor child health outcomes. Although between 1993 and 2008, unintended births decreased from 42% to 37% in Ghana, the rate of decline is low, whilst levels are still very high. This raises the need to understand factors associated with unintended pregnancies, especially among women in rural settings where the rates and risks are highest to help improve maternal health. Method We collected data from 1,914 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic between January 2012 and April 2012 in four health facilities in the Mfantseman Municipal of the Central Region of Ghana. We used bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses to explore how socio-demographic characteristics, past reproductive health experiences, partner characteristics and relations, awareness and past experience with contraceptives, influenced the status of women’s current pregnancy (whether intended or unintended). Results The mean age of the 1,914 respondents in this study was 25.6 ± 6.5 years. Seventy percent (70%) said the pregnancies they were carrying were unintended. The odds of carrying unintended pregnancy among women with five or more children were higher than those with one to two children [AOR 6.06, 95% CI (3.24-11.38) versus AOR 1.48, 95% CI (1.14-1.93)]. Women with other marital arrangements showed significantly higher odds of carrying unintended pregnancy compared to those married by ordinance (Muslim or Christian wedding). Women not living with their partners exhibited increased odds of having unintended pregnancies compared to women who lived with their partners (AOR 1.72, 95% CI: 1.28 - 2.30). Awareness of traditional methods of family planning (withdrawal and rhythm) was associated with lower odds of having unintended pregnancy compared to non-awareness (AOR 0.66, 95% CI (0.49-0.89). Conclusions In this study, important risk factors associated with unintended pregnancies were: parity, living arrangements with partner, marriage by ordinance and awareness of traditional, non-pharmacological contraceptive methods. Family planning interventions targeting different groups of women, especially during the postpartum period, would be essential to reduce rates of unintended pregnancies and promote positive health outcomes.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Determinants of unintended pregnancies in
rural Ghana
Sebastian Eliason
, Frank Baiden
, Barbara A Yankey
and Kofi AwusaboAsare
Background: Unintended pregnancies may carry serious consequences for women and their families, including the
possibility of unsafe abortion, delayed prenatal care, poor maternal mental health and poor child health outcomes.
Although between 1993 and 2008, unintended births decreased from 42% to 37% in Ghana, the rate of decline is
low, whilst levels are still very high. This raises the need to understand factors associated with unintended
pregnancies, especially among women in rural settings where the rates and risks are highest to help improve
maternal health.
Method: We collected data from 1,914 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic between January 2012 and
April 2012 in four health facilities in the Mfantseman Municipal of the Central Region of Ghana. We used bivariate
and multivariate logistic regression analyses to explore how socio-demographic characteristics, past reproductive
health experiences, partner characteristics and relations, awareness and past experience with contraceptives,
influenced the status of womens current pregnancy (whether intended or unintended).
Results: The mean age of the 1,914 respondents in this study was 25.6 ± 6.5 years. Seventy percent (70%) said the
pregnancies they were carrying were unintended. The odds of carrying unintended pregnancy among women with
five or more children were higher than those with one to two children [AOR 6.06, 95% CI (3.24-11.38) versus AOR
1.48, 95% CI (1.14-1.93)]. Women with other marital arrangements showed significantly higher odds of carrying
unintended pregnancy compared to those married by ordinance (Muslim or Christian wedding). Women not living
with their partners exhibited increased odds of having unintended pregnancies compared to women who lived
with their partners (AOR 1.72, 95% CI: 1.28 - 2.30). Awareness of traditional methods of family planning (withdrawal
and rhythm) was associated with lower odds of having unintended pregnancy compared to non-awareness
(AOR 0.66, 95% CI (0.49-0.89).
Conclusions: In this study, important risk factors associated with unintended pregnancies were: parity, living
arrangements with partner, marriage by ordinance and awareness of traditional, non-pharmacological contraceptive
methods. Family planning interventions targeting different groups of women, especially during the postpartum
period, would be essential to reduce rates of unintended pregnancies and promote positive health outcomes.
Keywords: Unintended pregnancy, Family planning, Parity, Contraceptive methods
* Correspondence:
Department of Community Medicine, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261
Unintended pregnancies refer to pregnancies that are
not wanted or those that are mistimed at the time of
conception [1]. Out of the 208 million pregnancies
estimated worldwide, in 2008, 41% were unintended
[2]. Rates of unintended pregnancies though declining
world-wide are still high. Rates of unintended pregnan-
cies declined by 20% from 71 to 57 per 1000 from 1995
to 2008 among women aged 15 to 44 years in Low- and
Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) [3]. In 2008, 75 mil-
lion women in LMICs reported that their pregnancies
were unintended [4] with 23% of these pregnancies oc-
curring in Sub-Saharan Africa [5]. Guttmacher Institute
and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) esti-
mated the level of unintended pregnancies in 2008 at 49
per 1000 pregnancies in Asia, 72 per 1000 in Latin
America and the Caribbean and for women aged 15
44 years in Africa, 86 per 1000; that of Africa was rated
as the highest [6] and stated that in Ghana, 37 percent
of all births are unintended [7].
Unintended pregnancies may carry serious conse-
quences for women and their families, including possible
unsafe abortion, delayed prenatal care, poor maternal
mental health, reduced mother/child relationship quality,
poor developmental outcomes for children, physical abuse
and violence against women, increased risk of low birth
weight of babies as well as increased maternal morbidity
and mortality [2,8,9]. Available data suggests that induced
abortion and related complications are the most common
outcomes of unintended pregnancies [10]. It is estimated
that in Ghana, induced abortions account for about 12%
of maternal deaths, third after hemorrhage (22%) and un-
classified causes (14%) [10]; furthermore, the proportion
of unintended births also showed a decreasing trend:
From 1993 to 2008, unintended births decreased from
42% to 37% [11]. In-spite of this decrease, the rate con-
tinues to be high and is estimated to be about 0.7 per
woman [12,13].
The high rate of unintended pregnancies in Sub-
Saharan Africa, including Ghana, attests to poor access to
reproductive health care especially family planning, inad-
equate reproductive health rights and low empowerment
of women. Partly due to these prevailing situation, Ghana
and most Sub-Saharan African countries are not likely to
attain Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 3, 4 and 5.
Targeted interventions, especially during the postpartum
period when an unintended pregnancy can be of great risk
to mother and baby [14] would be essential, if the rates of
unintended pregnancies are to be reduced, to promote
positive health outcomes. To achieve this objective, factors
that are associated with unintended pregnancies need to
be investigated and understood. Studies conducted in the
United States, Asia, Middle East and Latin America have
revealed several demographic and socio-economic factors
as predictors of unintended pregnancies; among them are
contraceptive failure, lack of access to contraception,
religious beliefs and poor knowledge on contraception,
fertility and pregnancy, a history of previous unintended
pregnancy, insufficient reproductive health education, de-
sire for at least two children, parity of five, lack of com-
munication or support within the relationship, husbands
reluctance to limit family size, and sexual violence [15-18].
In Ghana, where the situation is critical, very few stu-
dies have been undertaken on unintended pregnancies.
For instance, one study [12] only detailed analysis of the
predictors of unintended pregnancies. Some are listed as
age, marital status, abode, educational status, profession,
gravidity and parity, poverty or inadequate resources for
raising a child, stigma against unmarried mothers, a
cultural preference for sons, completion of family size,
disagreement between spouses about family size, poor
access to family planning services, and poor understan-
ding of risks associated with unintended pregnancy
[3,12]. The objective of this study is to contribute to the
search for predictors of unintended pregnancies in Ghana
through a survey among pregnant women attending an-
tenatal clinics in rural and semi-urban health facilities in
the Mfantseman Municipal of the Central Region.
This study was part of a bigger study on the factors in-
fluencing the intention of women in rural Ghana to adopt
post-partum family planning (PPFP). The method has
been described in an earlier publication [19]. The study
was conducted at four health facilities in the Mfantseman
Municipal of the Central Region. The area was selected in
the Central Region because of consistent reports of ad-
verse maternal health/family planning (FP) outcomes: It
reported the highest level of teenage pregnancy (13.6% of
all pregnancies in 2010), high incidence of induced abor-
tions and low level of unmet need [11,20].
For this study, all pregnant Ghanaian women living in the
municipal and attending antenatal clinic at the Saltpond
Government Hospital, Mankessim Health Centre (located
in semi-urban settings - i.e.-demographically urban with
population of about 42,000, economically agro-based with
values, attitudes, tastes and behaviours characteristic of
both urban and rural settings) and the Biriwa and Anomabo
Health Centers (both rural) between January 2012 and
April 2012 were targeted for interview within the
premises of the health facilities, using a five-page
questionnaire. Questions related to socio-demographic
background, socio-demographic characteristics of male
partners, issues pertaining to the nature of relationships
between the respondents and the male partners, re-
spondentsreproductive history including status of
current pregnancy (whether wanted, unwanted or mis-
timed), awareness and ever use of various Family
Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 2 of 9
Planning (FP) methods and the intention to use FP after
A total of 1900 pregnant women were targeted to be
interviewed on the assumption that 50% of them will
have the intention to adopt PPFP. With 80% power, it
was possible to estimate the proportion of women wil-
ling to adopt PPFP within a margin of error of 3%. The
municipal recorded about 4000 deliveries in 2009.
Cleaned data were exported into STATA/IC (version
11.2) for analyses. Descriptive and bivariate logistic re-
gression analyses were conducted under the various sub-
themes of the questionnaire. Two models were used in
the bivariate logistic regression analyses. In Model I, tests
of association were conducted between eighteen (18) inde-
pendent variables and the outcome variable (unintended
pregnancy). Fifteen (15) of the independent variables were
found to be significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the out-
come variable; however, since P < 0.05 is not appropriately
robust to determine which associations were real and
which were by chance, given so many tests, a second
model (Model II) was introduced.
In Model II, the significance level threshold was set
higher to 0.003 by conducting a Bonferroni correction.
Factors found to be significantly associated with the main
outcome of interest, were included in a multivariate lo-
gistic regression model (Model III), to identify significant
independent predictors of unintended pregnancy. Tests of
covariance were conducted among all the significant va-
riables and those found to show covariance were dropped
from model III.
The outcome variable (unintended pregnancy) was de-
fined as any pregnancy that was not wanted at all at the
time it occurred or in the future, or mistimed i.e. wanted
at a later time but not at the time it occurred. An
intended pregnancy was defined as any pregnancy that
was wanted at the time it occurred or wanted at an ear-
lier time but occurred later.
Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Review
Committee of the Ghana Health Service (GHS). Insti-
tutional approval was also obtained from the Municipal
Health Directorate (MHD) and the heads of the facilities
where the survey was conducted. Written informed con-
sent was obtained from each participant before the admi-
nistration of questionnaires.
Background characteristics of respondents and their
relation to overall pregnancy status
A total of 1,914 pregnant women were interviewed. The
mean age of these women was 25.6 ± 6.5 years, with the
majority (29.7%) aged between 2024 years. Majority
(70%) indicated that the pregnancies they were carrying
were unintended (mistimed 39%, unwanted 31%). There
were more unintended pregnancies reported among
younger (90%) than older women (80%), (P < 0.001).
There was a trend towards reduced unintended preg-
nancies with increasing level of education. Prevalence of
unintended pregnancies was high among all religious
groups with the highest being among the traditionalists
(82%). Prevalence of intended pregnancies was relatively
higher amongst the Muslims (43%) and Catholics (36%),
(P < 0.001). Expectant mothers with five or more chil-
dren had high prevalence (61%) of unwanted pregnan-
cies compared to those with up to four children. Of the
256 respondents who were single, only a tenth of the
pregnancies were intended, in contrast to those who
were married. A third of those who were married tra-
ditionally, engaged or cohabiting had intended pregnan-
cies. The prevalence of unintended pregnancies among
students (n = 124) was noticeably high (90%) compared
to those who were employed in the formal sector as
civil/public servants (32% of the 84 respondents). Of
those in the informal sector (petty traders, fishmongers
and farmers), three out of every four pregnancies were un-
intended. Intended pregnancies amongst those living in the
two semi-urban settlements (Mankessim and Saltpond)
were higher than those in the rural areas (Biriwa and
Anomabo) (35% versus 20%), (P < 0.001) (Table 1).
Bivariate logistic regression analyses of unintended
pregnancies on independent variables
Unintended pregnancy (outcome variable) was regressed
on each of the identified independent variables (Table 2,
Model I). Only those independent variables that were
found to be significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with the out-
come were subjected to Bonferronis correction (Table 2,
Model II). Women aged 20 years and above, had signifi-
cantly lower odds of having unintended pregnancy (OR
0.83, 95% CI 0.77-0.89). Some factors that were found to
be significantly associated with increased odds of unin-
tended pregnancies are: not being married by ordinance
(Muslim or Christian wedding) (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.30-
1.52); partner not living in the same house as the woman
(OR 2.15, 95% CI 1.70 -2.72) and high parity (OR 1.20,
95% CI 1.12-1.29).
Respondents who were aware of modern and traditional
family planning methods, and had ever used traditional
methods showed significantly lower odds of carrying unin-
tended pregnancy [OR 0.40, 95% CI(0.25-0.62); OR 0.50,
95% CI(0.40-0.64); OR 0.68, 95% CI(0.55-0.82) respec-
tively]. Education was not found to be a significant factor
influencing unintended pregnancies in this study.
Multivariate logistic regression analyses
Controlling for all factors listed in Model III, increasing
parity was significantly associated with increasing odds of
unintended pregnancy. The odds of carrying unintended
pregnancy among women with five or more children were
Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 3 of 9
Table 1 Background characteristics by pregnancy status
Overall pregnancy status (%)
Demographic characteristics Sample size Percent of total sample size (%) Intended Mistimed Unwanted Unintended*
15-19 340 17.8 9.2 32.3 58.5 90.8
20-24 569 29.7 31.7 45.0 23.4 68.3
25-29 483 25.3 37.7 42.0 20.3 62.3
30-34 291 15.3 38.1 35.1 26.8 61.9
35-39 172 9.0 28.5 36.1 35.5 71.5
40+ 56 2.9 19.6 25.0 55.4 80.4
TOTAL 1914 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.4 70.4
Education level**
None 414 21.6 23.0 39.0 38.0 77.0
Primary 429 22.4 24.8 39.3 36.0 75.2
Middle/JSS 843 44.1 30.0 40.4 29.6 70.0
SSS/SHS/VOC 166 8.7 41.2 36.4 22.4 58.8
Tertiary 62 3.2 69.4 27.4 3.2 30.7
TOTAL 1,914 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.3 70.4
Christian 1,783 93.2 29.3 39.0 31.7 70.7
Muslim 88 4.6 39.8 36.4 23.9 60.2
Traditionalist 10 0.5 20.0 60.0 20.0 80.0
Other 33 1.7 22.6 41.9 35.5 77.4
TOTAL 1,914 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.3 70.4
1 -2 1,025 53.8 31.8 36.7 31.5 68.2
3 -4 531 27.9 30.5 46.9 22.6 69.5
5+ 348 18.3 21.6 34.2 44.3 78.5
TOTAL 1,904^ 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.4 70.4
0 673 35.2 30.9 31.1 38.0 69.1
1 -2 772 40.3 34.1 46.3 19.6 65.9
3 -4 353 18.4 23.1 42.2 34.8 76.9
5+ 116 6.1 11.2 27.6 61.2 88.8
TOTAL 1,914 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.4 70.4
Marital Status**
Married by Ordinance (Church/mosque) 236 12.4 49.6 32.6 17.8 50.4
Married (Traditional) 857 44.8 29.3 42.1 28.6 70.7
Engaged 282 14.7 38.1 40.2 21.7 61.9
Cohabitation 267 14.0 24.2 45.3 30.6 75.9
Divorced/Sep/Widowed 8 0.4 0.0 62.5 37.5 100.0
Single 256 13.4 9.6 26.7 63.8 90.4
Other 6 0.3 0.0 20.0 80.0 100.0
TOTAL 1,912^ 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.3 70.4
Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 4 of 9
higher than those with one to two children [AOR 6.06,
95% CI (3.24-11.38) versus AOR 1.48, 95% CI (1.14-1.93)].
Women with other marital arrangements showed signifi-
cantly higher odds of carrying unintended pregnancy com-
pared to those married by ordinance (Muslim or Christian
wedding). Single women showed the highest odds of
carrying unintended pregnancy [AOR 7.32, 95% CI (4.21-
12.75]. Women not living with their partners exhibited in-
creased odds of having unintended pregnancies compared
to women who lived with their partners (AOR 1.72, 95%
CI: 1.28 - 2.30). Awareness of traditional methods of family
planning (withdrawal and rhythm) was associated with
lower odds of having unintended pregnancy compared to
non-awareness (AOR 0.66, 95% CI (0.49-0.89) (Table 2
Model III).
Factors which were identified to be significantly asso-
ciated with the tendency to consider the pregnancy
which women were carrying at the time of the survey to
be unintended, included parity, marital arrangement,
living arrangement with partner and awareness of tra-
ditional methods of contraception.
High parity was significantly associated with unin-
tended pregnancy. The expectation was that the level of
unintended pregnancy would be lower with increasing
parity. The result indicating high odds of unintended
pregnancies with increasing parity among women is an
observation which would need further investigation des-
pite similar findings from other studies. [12,21,22]. The
relatively low exposure of rural women in Ghana to
modern family planning [10] could partly explain this
finding. Another possibility is that, couples looking for a
particular gender may end up having more children than
intended; there is evidence that parents wanting to ba-
lance the sex of their children will continue to give birth
if all the children are of the same sex and especially if
parents have a desire for a son. Chaudhuri, S, demon-
strated from a study in India that the desire for sons, or
not having any son, was associated with an increase in
parity progression [23]. This finding supports prior re-
search in South East Asia [24-27].
Studies have persistently demonstrated higher odds of
unintended pregnancy among partners with other marital
arrangements compared to married couples [28-31].
Lachance-Grzela & Genevieve Bouchard, explain that the
advantage of married couples generally having favourable
and healthier pregnancies than unmarried couples occurs
only when the pregnancies are intended [28]. The fin-
ding that, women who reported other forms of marital
Table 1 Background characteristics by pregnancy status (Continued)
Fishmonger 318 16.6 21.5 38.6 39.9 78.5
Farmer 67 3.5 19.4 43.3 37.3 80.6
Petty trader 913 47.8 28.1 42.3 29.6 71.9
Civil/Public Servant 84 4.4 67.9 23.8 8.3 32.1
Student 124 6.5 9.8 30.9 59.4 90.2
Other 406 21.2 39.0 37.0 24.0 61.0
TOTAL 1,912^ 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.3 70.4
Area of residence**
Saltpond 422 22.2 36.3 38.9 24.9 63.7
Biriwa 231 12.1 21.2 35.9 42.9 78.8
Anomabo 324 17.0 20.1 41.1 38.9 79.9
Mankessim 567 29.8 34.0 36.5 29.5 66.0
Other 358 18.8 28.8 43.6 27.7 71.2
TOTAL 1,902^ 100.0 29.6 39.1 31.3 70.4
Religious Denomination**
Catholic 199 11.2 35.68 32.16 32.16 64.3
Protestant/Charis/pent 1,361 76.9 30.05 39.75 30.2 70.0
Muslim 81 4.6 43.21 39.51 17.28 56.8
Traditionalist 74 4.2 17.57 48.65 33.78 82.4
No/other religion 54 3.1 22.22 46.3 31.48 77.8
TOTAL 1,769^ 100.0 30.53 39.46 30.02 69.5
*Unintended (mistimed + unwanted), (Pearson Chi2 Statistic - **p <0.001), ^observed differences in total sample sizes (1914) are due to missing values.
Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 5 of 9
Table 2 Binary logistic regression analyses: models I&II (bivariate analyses) and model III (multivariate analyses)
Model I Model II Model III
Variables OR (95% CI) Unadjusted
adjusted P-value
Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) P-value
Age (Ref: 1519) NA NA
20-24 0.83 (0.77-0.89) <0.001 <0.001
Educ status (Ref: none) NA NA
Primary 0.98 (0.92-1.03) 0.45 NA
Ethnicity (Ref: fante) NA NA
Others 1.00 (0.98-1.02) 0.89 NA
Religion (Ref: christian) NA NA
Muslim 1.04 (0.99-1.09) 0.15 NA
Parity (Ref: 0)
12 1.20 (1.12-1.29) <0.001 1.48 (1.14-1.93) 0.004
34 2.64 (1.88-3.71) <0.001
5+ <0.001 6.06 (3.24-11.38) <0.001
Marital status (Ref: by ordinance)
Traditional rites 1.41 (1.30-1.52) <0.001 <0.001 1.81 (1.33-2.45) <0.001
Engaged, yet to be married 1.58 (1.10-2.28) 0.014
Cohabitation 2.91 (1.96-4.31) <0.001
Single 7.32 (4.21-12.75) <0.001
Partner age (Ref: 1519) NA NA
20-29 0.97 (0.95-0.98) <0.001 <0.001
Partner religion (Ref: christian) NA NA
Muslim 1.25 (1.06-1.47) 0.009 0.135
Partner has Chn. from other women (Ref: yes) NA NA
No 1.33 (1.08-1.64) 0.008 0.120
Years of marriage/relationship (Ref: <1Yr.) NA NA
1-4 yrs 1.02 (1.00-1.05) 0.019 0.285
Partner lives in same house as woman (Ref: yes)
No 2.15 (1.70-2.72) <0.001 <0.001 1.72 (1.28-2.30) <0.001
Partner has other spouses (Ref: yes) NA NA
No 1.47 (1.06-2.23) 0.019 0.285
Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 6 of 9
arrangements had higher odds of unintended pregnancies
compared to those married under the ordinance, presents
an issue for further investigation within the Ghanaian con-
text. It is possible that forms of marital arrangements
could have implications for stability of marriage and there-
fore the possibility of planning pregnancies. The high odds
of unintended pregnancies among single or unmarried
women are not unexpected. This is especially so when
pregnancy is considered to be a prelude to marriage or for
solidifying a relationship [29]. Fear of infertility in future
marital unions is a major driver behind this in some
Two non-pharmacological contraceptive methods proved
beneficial in preventing unintended pregnancies in this
study. Women who were aware of withdrawal and rhythm
as protective measures against unintended pregnancy,
were less likely to have unintended pregnancies compared
to those who were not aware. The socio-cultural context
within the rural setting, myths and fear of side effects of
modern contraceptives possibly influenced this finding.
As observed by Ikamari and colleagues [21] also,
formal education was not significantly associated with
pregnancy intendedness, contrary to expectation on this
correlate. There was however, a trend towards reduced
unintended pregnancy with increasing level of education
(Table 1), which is consistent with other studies [12,32].
It could be an emerging issue which would need further
investigation within the Ghanaian context.
This study has highlighted several factors associated with
unintended pregnancy: parity, marital arrangement, li-
ving arrangement with partner and awareness of tra-
ditional, non-pharmacological contraceptive methods.
These results indicate that various categories of women
would need to be targeted differently for family planning
messages and services. For instance, the National Centre
for Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Health Service, reli-
gious bodies and Non-Governmental Organizations need
to intensify the campaign on the importance of couples to
opt for marriage by ordinance, since it has several advan-
tages over other forms of marital arrangement. This study
revealed that if partners lived together, the probability of
unintended pregnancies may reduce. Marriage by ordi-
nance may further strengthen this relationship and help to
reduce unintended pregnancies. Campaigns on sex balan-
cing aimed at encouraging parents to accept the sex of the
children they have could be carried out, in order to limit
the tendency to higher parity progression. This could be
fairly easy given the fact that there are no obvious sex
preferences in Ghana.
Family planning programmes may need to consider
promotion of traditional, non-pharmacological methods
alongside the modern methods, especially in rural set-
tings, to improve overall contraceptive prevalence rates.
For clients who do not want to adopt modern con-
traceptives despite all reassurances, the option of tra-
ditional methods should be offered them. This implies
that health workers may need to be trained adequately
to provide such services. Commitment from the Ghana
Health Service Family Planning Programme would be re-
quired if this is to succeed.
Unintended pregnancy may be of greatest risk to
mother and baby during the postpartum period. Family
planning interventions, especially targeting this period,
would be essential if the rates of unintended pregnancies
are to be reduced, to promote positive health outcomes.
In connection with this, pregnant women attending
Table 2 Binary logistic regression analyses: models I&II (bivariate analyses) and model III (multivariate analyses)
Gravidity (Ref: 12) NA NA
34 1.08 (1.12-1.14) 0.004 0.060
Previous abortions/miscarriages (Ref: yes) NA NA
No 1.00 (1.00-1.0045) 0.043 0.645
first pregnancy
Awareness of modern FP (Ref: no)
Yes 0.40 (0.25-0.62) <0.001 <0.001 0.70 (0.42-1.17) 0.173
Awareness of traditional FP (Ref: no)
Yes 0.50 (0.40-0.64) <0.001 <0.001 0.66 (0.49-0.89) 0.007
Ever use of modern FP (Ref: no) NA NA
Yes 0.78 (0.64-0.95) 0.014 0.210
Ever use of traditional FP (Ref: no)
Yes 0.68 (0.55-0.82) <0.001 <0.001 0.95 (0.75-1.21) 0.672
Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 7 of 9
antenatal clinic (ANC) need to be targeted for family
planning counseling before they deliver. Couple coun-
seling should be actively explored by health workers as
part of the routine antenatal care of each pregnant
woman. It should be made a part of standard ANC
protocol and health workers required to ensure adhe-
rence during facility and community based care.
Study limitations
The threat of selection bias existed, but was highly miti-
gated, by ensuring that, the data collectors explained the
study objectives and their implications very well to the re-
spondents, before asking for consent. The time for the
study was short; and this was imposed by limited funding
and strict reporting requirements by funding agency.
Some of the data collectors abandoned the study because
of inadequate remuneration. New data collectors had to
be trained to continue data collection. This brought about
some delays in data analysis and reporting.
ANC: Antenatal clinic; AOR: Adjusted odds ratio; CI: Confidence interval;
FP: Family planning; GHS: Ghana Health Service; LMIC: Low-and middle-income
countries; MDG: Millennium development goals; MHD: Municipal Health
Directorate; NCCE: National Commission for Civil Education; OR: Odds ratio;
PPFP: Postpartum family planning; UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
SE and FB were responsible for the conceptualization of the study. SE and FB
were responsible for its design and implementation. SE and BY were
responsible for production of the initial draft of the manuscript. SE was
responsible for finalizing the manuscript after critical review by KAA. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
SE is a Public Health Physician and Lecturer in the Department of
Community Medicine, university of Cape Coast, Ghana; FB is a Public Health
Physician and Seniour Researcher at Centre for Health Research and
Implementation Support; BY is a Pharmacist and PhD Candidate at Georgia
State University, Atlanta, USA; KAA is a Professor in Population and Health at
the Faculty of Social Science, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of pregnant women in all four
health facilities where the study was conducted. We also wish to recognize
the work of the interviewers in the respective facilities, the heads and staff of
the facilities who supported the conduct of the study in diverse ways. We
are particularly grateful to the Mfantseman Municipal Health Directorate and
the management of the Saltpond Municipal Hospital for allowing the study
to be undertaken in their facilities.
Author details
Department of Community Medicine, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast,
Centre for Health Research and Implementation Support, Accra,
Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA.
Department of Population
and Health, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
Received: 5 January 2014 Accepted: 28 July 2014
Published: 8 August 2014
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Cite this article as: Eliason et al.:Determinants of unintended pregnancies
in rural Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014 14:261.
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Eliason et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:261 Page 9 of 9
... Studies conducted in various African countries have identi ed a range of factors that contribute to unintended pregnancy, including age, parity, marital status, educational level, communication between partners regarding family planning, and contraceptive awareness. (4,11,(14)(15)(16)(17) The 2019 SLDHS provided invaluable data on the prevalence of unintended pregnancies. However, there is a lack of research on the speci c factors associated with this issue. ...
... Our nding regarding the association between nulliparity and unintended pregnancy contrasts with some studies from Ghana that reported higher odds of unintended pregnancy with increasing parity. (14,21) This discrepancy highlights the importance of considering local contexts when interpreting such associations. ...
... This nding aligns with growing evidence from other low-and middle-income countries emphasizing the importance of engaging men in family planning efforts. (14,17) Studies have identi ed factors such as awareness of traditional family planning methods, inter-partner communication, and women's limited autonomy as associated with unintended pregnancies. (14,17,28) Additionally, reproductive coercion, intimate partner violence, and exposure to partner violence have been linked to an increased risk of unintended pregnancies.(28, ...
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Background Unintended pregnancy remains a significant public health challenge in sub-Saharan Africa, with far-reaching consequences for maternal and child health. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of unintended pregnancy among antenatal women at a tertiary maternity hospital in Sierra Leone. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,005 pregnant women attending their first antenatal visit at Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, Freetown, from March to June 2024. Participants were selected using systematic sampling. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic regression. Results The prevalence of unintended pregnancy was 31.8% (95% CI: 29.0-34.7%), with 30.0% mistimed and 1.8% unwanted. Factors independently associated with unintended pregnancy included age below 20 years (aOR: 3.57, 95% CI: 2.30-5.55, p<0.001), non-married status (aOR: 3.73, 95% CI: 2.60-5.36, p<0.001), and unemployment or student status (aOR: 1.74, 95% CI: 1.25-2.42, p=0.001). Women who communicated with their partner about pregnancy (aOR: 0.10, 95% CI: 0.07-0.16, p<0.001) and whose pregnancy was desired by their partner (aOR: 0.05, 95% CI: 0.03-0.09, p<0.001) had significantly lower odds of unintended pregnancy. Conclusion The high prevalence of unintended pregnancy, particularly among younger, unmarried, and economically vulnerable women, underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions. Enhancing partner communication and male involvement in family planning could significantly reduce unintended pregnancies. These findings could inform the development of comprehensive reproductive health strategies in Sierra Leone and similar settings.
... Various factors have been associated with unintended pregnancy. These include non-use of contraceptives [10,11], place and location of region, education, age, parity, marital status, education, household socioeconomic status, access to mass media [10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. It should be noted that the effects of these determinants vary across counties and over-time. ...
... The prevalence rate is consistent with those found in Kenya [19,20], Ethiopia [21,22], South Africa [23], and Ghana [24], as well as in Pakistan [25]. However, it is moderately high in comparison with the rates reported in Ethiopia [15,26], Nigeria [27] and rural Ghana [14]. Nevertheless, it is lower than those reported in Malawi [28] and Namibia [29]. ...
... However, this finding warrants further investigation for a more comprehensive understanding. This finding may appear contradictory when compared to previous study in Nairobi [13], rural Ghana [14], and Ethiopia [15], which did not find a significant link between education and unintended pregnancies among women, while a study in Tanzania founds a significant negative association between education and unintended pregnancy in Tanzania [34] and also in a more recent study in Kenya [35]. ...
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Background: Unintended pregnancy is a significant health and social issue in Kenya. This study used data extracted from the 2022 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, involving 10,302 women aged 15-49 to investigate the prevalence and associated factors. Descriptive statistics and multilevel logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: The study revealed that 40% of the pregnancies were unintended. Unintended pregnancy was significantly associated with various factors. Woman’s age affected the likelihood of unintended pregnancy, with women aged at least 20 years having lower odds compared to younger women. Education also affected the likelihood of unintended pregnancy, with higher education levels linked to higher odds. Married and formerly married women had lower odds of unintended pregnancy. Women with 4 or more children, and those exposed to mass media had higher odds. Ever use of contraceptives and knowledge of the fertile period were associated with higher odds. Occupation also affected unintended pregnancy, with professional/managerial jobs having lower odds, while domestic work linked to higher odds. Middle and higher wealth statuses were linked to lower odds. Both places and region of residence also affected the likelihood of unintended pregnancy with rural residence was associated with lower odds, and significant regional variations observed. Conclusion: The study calls for comprehensive access to sexual and reproductive health services in order to reduce the high prevalence of unintended pregnancies in the country. Keywords: Multilevel analysis, factors, Unintended pregnancy, Kenya
... Single women were more likely to develop untended pregnancy than a married one. This study is supported by studies done in Gelemso [9], Wolaita zone [25], Mulago hospital [28], Ghana [29] and Kenya [24]. This might be due to women who are single or living alone are prone to unsafe sexual acts because of parents or families are important to monitor and support the behavior, and sexual and reproductive health of women. ...
... In this study, women who had three or more children were more likely to develop unintended pregnancy as compared to their counterpart. The same finding was observed in Felegehiwote, Bahir Dar [30], Gelemso [31], Hosanna town [21], rural Ghana [29] and Zambia [32] studies. This might be due to women having a large family size (children) spend time to take care of their children which may result in missing appointments and even delay to seek maternal health services. ...
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Objective Unintended pregnancy is one of the most public health issues in the world, and it is the major sexual and reproductive health problem which carries a higher risk of morbidity and mortality for women, often due to unsafe abortion. Even though family planning services are effective and available than ever before, unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion are the major public health problems in the study area. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the magnitude and associated factors of unintended pregnancy among pregnant women attending antenatal care follow up in Maichew town, northern Ethiopia. An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted on 329 pregnant women selected with a systematic sampling technique from April 5 to May 4, 2017. Result The magnitude of unintended pregnancy among pregnant women attending antenatal care in Maichew was found to be 29.7% (95% CI 24.30, 35.50). On the other hand, single in marital status (AOR = 38.6, 95% CI 10.07, 148.01), living alone (AOR = 9.9, 95% CI 1.80, 53.40) and having three or four children (AOR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.10, 11.04) were factors associated with an unintended pregnancy. Creating awareness about unintended pregnancy associated factors and implication of unintended pregnancy is highly recommended.
... The result indicating high rates of unintended pregnancies with increasing parity among women is linked to the fact that multi porous women have already attained the number of children that they would want and therefore considers any subsequent pregnancies unwanted. 24 Furthermore, the size of the family was found to be signi cantly associated with unintended the prevalence of pregnancy. Women with large families of more than six members were 0.27 times more likely to get unintended pregnancy than those with smaller families (Table 2). ...
... Inability to uses family planning consistently predisposes women in reproductive age to unwanted pregnancies as was observed in previous studies. 24 ...
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Introduction; Unintended pregnancies are among the most troubling health problems and a major reproductive health issue in low income countries, imposing appreciable socio-economic burden on individuals and society. To determine the prevalence and assess determinants of unintended pregnancies among pregnant women obtaining Antenatal Care services at a tertiary hospital in Western Uganda.
... Indeed, married women are less likely to have unintended pregnancy than unmarried women. In addition, study done in rural Ghana showed that there was inadequate reproductive health rights, low empowerment of women and poor access to family planning services 9 . The uptake of contraceptive in rural women in Ethiopia is 44.6% 61 whereas in rural Ghanaian's women is 27.8% 62 . ...
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Despite growing utilization of family planning in Ethiopia, many pregnancies in rural areas are still unintended and unintended pregnancy remains a major global challenge in public and reproductive health, with devastating impact on women and child health, and the general public. Hence, this study was aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of unintended pregnancy in rural women of Ethiopia. This study used a 2016 Ethiopian Demography and Health Survey data. A total weighted samples of 974 reproductive-aged rural women were included in this analysis. Multilevel mixed logistic regression analysis was employed to consider the effect of hierarchal nature of EDHS data using Stata version 14 to determine individual and community level factors. Variables significantly associated with unintended pregnancy were declared at p-value < 0.05 with adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of unintended pregnancy in rural women was 31.66% ( 95%CI 28.8%, 34.66%). Never had media exposure (AOR: 2.67, 95%CI 1.48, 4.83), don’t have work (AOR: 0.33, 95%CI 0.21, 0.52), being from household size of one to three (AOR: 0.44 95%CI 0.2, 0.96), being primiparous (AOR: 0.41, 95%CI 0.17, 0.99), women from poor families (AOR: 2.4, 95%CI 1.24, 4.56), lacking the intention to use contraceptive (AOR: 0.24, 95%CI 0.14, 0.44) were individual-level factors significantly associated with unintended pregnancy. Women from large central region (AOR: 4.2, 95%CI 1.19, 14.62) and being from poor community wealth status (AOR: 4.3, 95%CI 1.85, 10.22) were community-level factors statistically associated with unintended pregnancy. The present study prevalence of unintended pregnancy in rural women was relatively high. Maternal occupation, household size, media exposure, parity, women wealth, intention to use contraceptive, region and community level wealth were factors statistically associated with unintended pregnancy. Hence, demographer and public health practitioners has to give great emphasis on designing an intervention with implementation strategies to increase accessibility of media for reproductive-age women’s and improve women financial capacity, and strengthen maternal health services. These strategies helps to decrease adverse birth outcomes associated with unintended pregnancy in rural areas.
... Unintended pregnancy substantially increase in developing countries that leads to considerable adverse outcome to the mother, child, decrease mother to child relationship quality, induces physical abuse and Page 4/25 violence against women, women and girls may suffer from the cultural, religion and marital status stigma in the community [7][8][9]. In addition, unintended pregnant mothers are high risk to develop serious complication namely; unsafe abortion the main adverse outcome, increase crime rate, maternal depression, induces family and parent stress, decrease workforce productivity and limit job option, and decrease academic performance till derail from educational plan specially rural women. ...
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Despite growing utilization of family planning in Ethiopia, many pregnancies in rural areas are still unintended and it remains the main global public and reproductive health challenges with devastating impact on women and child health and general public. Hence, this study was sought to determine the prevalence and associated factors of unintended pregnancy in rural women of Ethiopia. This study used the 2016 Ethiopian Demography and Health Survey data. Total weighted samples of 974 reproductive-aged rural women were included in the analysis. Multilevel mixed logistic regression analysis was employed to consider the effect of hierarchal nature of EDHS data by using stata version 14 to determine individual and community level factors. Variables significantly associated with unintended pregnancy were declared with adjusted odds ratio with 95% CI at p-value < 0.05. The prevalence of unintended pregnancy in rural women was 31.66%( 95%CI: 28.8%, 34.66%). Have no media exposure (AOR: 2.67, 95%CI: 1.48, 4.83), not working (AOR: 0.33, 95%CI: 0.21, 0.52), household size of one to three (AOR: 0.44 95%CI: 0.2, 0.96), primiparous (AOR: 0.41, 95%CI: 0.17, 0.99), poor women (AOR: 2.4, 95%CI: 1.24, 4.56), didn’t have intention to use contraceptive (AOR: 0.24, 95%CI: 0.14, 0.44) were individual factors associated to unintended pregnancy. Large central region (AOR: 4.2, 95%CI: 1.19, 14.62) and poor community level (AOR: 4.3, 95%CI: 1.85, 10.22) were community level factors associated to unintended pregnancy. The present study prevalence of unintended pregnancy in rural women was high. Maternal occupation, household size, media exposure, parity, women wealth, intention to use contraceptive, region and community level wealth were factors statistically associated with unintended pregnancy. Hence, demographer and public health practitioners give great emphasis to set strategies to increase accessibility women to media and improve women financial capacity, and strengthen availability of maternal health service to decrease unintended pregnancy adverse outcome in rural areas.
Background In Ghana, several qualitative studies have explored users’ perspectives on conventional sources of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and factors which influence provision of and access in rural settings. However, there is a dearth of qualitative studies on healthcare provider (HCP) perspectives on factors that deter access to conventional sources of SRH information among young people in rural Ghana and innovative ways for addressing barriers. This study explored perspectives on barriers to traditional sources of SRH information and services and innovative ways of using mHealth technologies for addressing provision and access challenges among young people in rural Ghana. Methods This study used a qualitative approach using in-depth interviews. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with HCPs in rural areas in three regions of Ghana between May and August 2021. Participants were selected from rural communities using the convenience snowball sampling and were interviewed via Zoom. The interviews explored the experiences and perceptions of HCPs on conventional SRH information and services and young people’s access to this information and services. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed thematically using NVivo software version 12, following the approach outlined by Braun and Clarke. Results Twenty HCPs were interviewed for this study. The participants identified different sources of SRH information and services used by rural young people. Peers or friends, health facilities, health providers, and community settings were reported as the main services and sources of SRH information. Participants reported several barriers and challenges to the provision of and access to SRH information to young people, including socio-cultural norms, religious beliefs, unfriendly health facility environments, negative health providers’ attitudes, lack of privacy and confidentiality resulting in unfriendly youth SRH services, distance, and financial challenges due to costs of transportation which limits rural young people’s access to, and use of, SRH services. All the participants indicated that in addressing provision and access barriers, the use of mobile phones could be beneficial. Conclusion This study highlights several barriers and challenges that deter provision of, and access to, SRH information and services for young people in rural Ghana. The findings indicate the use of innovative mobile health (mHealth) technologies may be one solution to some of the barriers and challenges.
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Objective To investigate the trend and determinants of unplanned pregnancy among expectant women using the four Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) data (2000–2016). Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Secondary data analysis using EDHS data. Participants The number of weighted participants were 1451 in 2000, 1184 in 2005, 1205 in 2011 and 1135 in 2016. Primary and secondary outcome measures Unplanned pregnancy encompasses both mistimed (occurring earlier than desired) and unwanted (occurring when no further children are desired) forms of conception. Trend and multilevel logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results The rate of unplanned pregnancies in Ethiopia showed a significant decline, decreasing from 45.8% (95% CI 41.8 to 49.8) in 2000 to 29.7% (95% CI 25.3 to 34.4) in 2016, indicating an overall change of 16.1%. Several factors were positively linked to unplanned pregnancy, including being multipara (adjusted OR (AOR)=9.8; 95% CI 1.74 to 15.23) and grand multipara (AOR=12.2; 95% CI 1.62 to 19.3), expressing a lack of desire for additional children (AOR=2.82; 95% CI 1.30 to 6.12), unemployment (AOR=1.91; 95% CI 1.12 to 3.78) and being unmarried (AOR=7.23; 95% CI 4.71 to 15.5), whereas, women residing in the Afar (AOR=0.12; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.79) and Somalia (AOR=0.20; 95% CI 0.07 to 0.67) regions were associated with reduced likelihood of experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Conclusion The study discovered that unplanned pregnancies in Ethiopia decreased significantly from 2000 to 2016. However, around one-third of pregnant women are still affected, indicating a high rate. To address this, policymakers and stakeholders should propose and implement targeted interventions on identified risk factors.
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Background: Unintended pregnancy is one of the measures of quality of reproductive health service success or failure and is defined as a pregnancy that is not wanted and/or not planned at the time of conception. Unintended pregnancy remains a major public health problem in sub-Saharan countries including Ethiopia. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess the magnitude and determinants of unintended pregnancy among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics of Shashemene hospitals. Methods: An institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 380 pregnant women from March 25 to April 30/2019. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select the study participants. The data were collected through a pre-tested interviewer-administered questionnaire and it was entered into EPIdata 3.1 and exported to SPSS 24 for further analysis. Binary and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify significant factors. Variables with P-value < 0.05 were used to declare statistical significance. Result: The magnitude of unintended pregnancy was 31.1%. Age 35-45 years (AOR=0.2 95% CI; 1.057-0.8), parity ?3 (AOR= 9.7 95% CI; 2.0-47.7), poor knowledge of family planning (AOR= 2.85 95% CI; 1.54-5.3), being rural residence (AOR = 1.27 95% CI; 2.15-4.5), and low husbands educational level (AOR= 4.34 95%CI; 2.16-9.73) were some of factors which affect unintended pregnancy. Conclusion: The magnitude of unintended pregnancy is high in the study area. Low educational status of the husband, maternal age, parity, residence, and knowledge of mothers on family planning was the most important determinant factor of unintended pregnancy. Increase timely awareness and utilization of reproductive health care services like modern contraceptives are recommended for reducing the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy.
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Purpose: Adolescent pregnancy (ADOPREG), despite its serious public health & social concerns, are highly neglected worldwide especially in developing countries with restrictive abortion laws. While the concept of ADOPREG may have the same label across disciplines, locations & contexts, its representations and how it is lived vary greatly. Despite diverse representations, ADOPREG is still plagued with great debates and serious public health and socio-economic concerns including persistently high rates and associated consequences even lifetime. Thus this concept analysis of Adolescent pregnancy aimed at clarifying the meaning of the concept and develop an operational definition for it which is believed will lay a common ground for mutual understanding among stakeholders & ameliorate adolescent care. Materials and Methods: The 8-stage concept analysis theoretical model of Walker and Avant (1994) was used for this work. There was a systematic search & selection of literature in 4 phases:broad preliminary search, Mesh controlled language, revision using Boolean Logic operators OR, “AND” and “Not”. Secondly, literature search on 9 electronic databases, then manual search & finally experts’ consultation. Study selection was done by a review process guided by PRISMA. Quality appraisal was then done for each selected study separately using appropriate standard tools. Totally, 4090 record were identified & 68 included in final study. Findings: Key results revealed: ADOPREG has uses in Etymology, Literature; Health, Politics, & Sociology. As Attributes-prevalence, peripartum care, teenage friendly health centres, & role of health practitioner in reducing ADOPREG. As antecedents among others -biological factors (genes), demographic & socio-cultural factors (marital status,) & Health factors (contraception) ; non-constitutive family factors and socio-political factors. Short-term consequences of among others include increased frequency of neonatal complications (LBW) & maternal complications (hemmorhage, abortion), & low rates of CS. Major long-term consequences are socio-economic (rejection); health (suicide) & political (taxpayers drain). Empirical referents-pregnancy rates etc. Conclusively, ADOPREG here is defined as a state in which there is the development of a human being in an individual aged 10-19 from time of conception; thus, aligning with the embryologic definition. However, the dynamic nature of this concept cannot be totally ignored. Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: More high quality concept analyses should be carried out on related issues to ADOPREG to better inform policy makers who should work collaboratively on better and operational definitions of adolescent pregnancy and its related issues.
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Introduction: Despite a substantial rise in contraceptive use around the world, unplanned pregnancies and induced abortion continue to occur. Each year an estimated 19 million abortions are carried out outside the legal system, often by unskilled practitioners or under unhygienic conditions. This paper explores the relationship between contraceptive use and unplanned pregnancies in two completely different groups; Iran as developing region and New Zealand as developed region with different family planning services and different culture. Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional study That aims to investigate the extent and the causes of unplanned pregnancies, the use of contraceptive methods and the reasons for not using them in order to explore the risk factors of unplanned pregnancies and measuring the rate of unmet needs that all affect on the control of population growth rate. A random sample of 336 pregnant women (168 of each of the countries) was interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were completed by the participants. The data were analysed by Fisher Exact Test, χ2, Logistic Regression using SPSS software program and the significance level was based at P<0.05. Result: According to the results, the response rates were 89.3% and 75.0% in the group of Iran and New Zealand respectively. Among the respondents, 47(36.5) and 46 (31.3%) said that their pregnancy had been unplanned. About 23 (49%) and 36 (78.3%) of respondents were using contraception to prevent this pregnancy and the current pregnancy is from the failure of the contraceptive method or the users of contraceptives. Also 24 (51.1%) and 9 (19.6%) of them said that they did not plan to pregnant but they were not using contraception for some reasons. The low prevalence of contraceptive use in Tehran's sample indicates the failure of family planning clinic to motivate their target group. Also the high prevalence of unplanned pregnancies while using contraceptive methods In Wellington indicates the need for education to improve the women knowledge about how to use the methods. Depending on the condition of the societies, the risk factors of unplanned pregnancies are different. For example, in Wellington some demographic characteristics of women (age, marital status, and education) were associated with their unplanned pregnancies. Therefore the role of women in using family planning programmes is still very important. In Tehran, as a theocratic state, the demographic characteristics of women were not associated with unplanned pregnancies. The partner's educational status was the only risk factor from the demographic variables. In Iran, family planning programmes are based on the religious support of the leaders and the flexibility of Islam in dealing with social issues that is one of the most important reasons for the growth of the family planning programmes in the country. Therefore the role of the government is more important than of the individuals.
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With effective contraceptives available, unplanned pregnancies are preventable and educational interventions have been cited as a promising platform to increase contraceptive use through improving knowledge. However, results from trials of educational interventions have been disappointing. In order to effectively target future interventions, this study aimed to identify risk factors for unplanned pregnancy among young women in Mwanza, Tanzania. Data were analysed from the MEMA kwa Vijiana Trial Long-term Evaluation Survey, a cross-sectional study of 13&emsp14;814 young adults aged 15-30&emsp14;years in Mwanza, Tanzania. Potential risk factors for unplanned pregnancy were grouped under three headings: socio-demographic, knowledge of and attitude towards sexual health, and sexual behaviour and contraceptive use. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify predictors of reported unplanned pregnancy among all sexually active women. Increasing age, lower educational level, not being currently married, knowing where to access condoms, increasing number of sexual partners and younger reported age at sexual debut were associated with unplanned pregnancy. A number of demographic and sexual behaviour risk factors for pregnancy are identified which will help guide future intervention programmes aiming to reduce unplanned pregnancies. This study suggests effective measures to prevent unplanned pregnancies should focus on encouraging girls to stay in school.
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Uptake of postpartum family planning (PPFP) remains low in sub-Saharan Africa and very little is known about how pregnant women arrive at their decisions to adopt PPFP. This information is needed to guide the development of interventions to promote PPFP. We conducted a survey among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in a rural district in Ghana. We used univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to explore how knowledge of various family planning (FP) methods, past experience with their use and the acceptability of PPFP to male partners and close relations influenced the intention of pregnant women to adopt PPFP. We interviewed 1914 pregnant women in four health facilities. About 84% considered PPFP acceptable, and 70% intended to adopt a method. The most preferred methods were injectables (31.5%), exclusive breastfeeding (16.7%), and oral contraceptive pills (14.8%). Women whose first choice of PPFP method were injectables were more likely to be women who had had past experience with its use (O.R = 2.07, 95% C.I. 1.50-2.87). Acceptability of PPFP by the pregnant woman (O.R. = 3.21, 1.64-6.26), perception of partner acceptability (O.R. = 3.20, 1.94-5.48), having had prior experience with the use of injectables (O.R. = 3.72, 2.61-5.30) were the strongest predictors of the intention to adopt PPFP. Conversely women who knew about the diaphragm (O.R. = 0.59, 0.38-0.93) and those who had past experience with IUD use (O.R. = 0.13, 0.05-0.38) were less likely to want to adopt PPFP. Acceptability of PPFP to the pregnant woman, male partner approval, and past experience with the use of injectables are important factors in the PPFP decisions of women in this population. Antenatal and early postnatal care need to be adapted to take these factors into consideration.
Technical Report
This technical report was a report of the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 5 organized by Ghana statistical Service, Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service, USAID, Unicef, Danida, UNFPA, and Ghana AIDs Commission in which I was a Field Editor.
Context: Contraceptive prevalence in Bangladesh has been increasing, but for the last 6-7 years the total fertility rate has remained at 3.3 lifetime births per woman. Son preference is thought to be a constraint on further fertility decline. Methods: Data from the Matlab Demographic Surveillance System were used to investigate the effects of son preference on contraceptive use, abortion and fertility, and trends in these effects over time, in the Matlab maternal and child health and family planning project area and in a comparison area. A modified Arnold Index was used to estimate the increase or decrease in contraceptive prevalence, abortion or fertility that would occur in the population in the absence of sex preference. The level of sex-selective abortion was measured by the deviation from the expected ratio of males to females at birth. Results: Between the early 1980s and the middle 1990s, contraceptive use and recourse to abortion increased in Matlab, while fertility declined. Method use rose with parity in the project area. (Adequate data were not available for the comparison area.) At low parities, method use increased with the number of sons; among women with three or more children, however, it stabilized or decreased among those who had at least two sons. In the absence of sex preference, contraceptive use in the project area would have risen by 9% in 1983, by 8% in 1988 and by 6% in 1993. The abortion ratio increased with parity; within parities, it was generally lowest for women with no sons and was often highest for those with at least two sons and a daughter. In the absence of sex preference, the abortion ratio would have increased by 27% in 1982-1986, by 36% in 1987-1991 and by 55% in 1992-1995 in the project area, and by 36%, 37% and 38%, respectively, in the comparison area. The percentage of women giving birth declined as parity rose and, within parities, was highest for women without sons. Among women with more than two children, fertility was lowest for those who had sons and a daughter. In the absence of sex preference, fertility would have decreased by 9% in 1984-1986, by 10% in 1989-1991 and by 12% in 1994-1995 in the project area, and by 7%, 8% and 9%, respectively, in the comparison area. There was no evidence of sex-selective abortion in Matlab. Conclusions: Sex preference does not have a strong effect on contraceptive use in Matlab. Its absence, however, would probably increase recourse to abortion, which is used to limit fertility once couples have the number of sons they desire. The effect of sex preference on childbearing is becoming stronger as fertility declines, because couples must achieve their desired number of sons within a smaller overall number of children.
The preference of parents for sons has been observed to be unusually strong in the South Asian region, as well as in East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa (Arnold 1997; United Nations 1985). Virtually every study in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka (at both the national and local levels) has found son preference to be both pervasive and largely resistant to change. Sons are valued above daughters for their economic value in providing help on the family farm or in the family business, in providing security for their parents in old age, and in carry ing on the family line. In some South Asian cultures, other important reasons for wanting sons include the receipt of dowry payments at the time of marriage and the need for sons to perform certain religious duties. For example, according to Hindu tradition, sons are needed to light the funeral pyre when their deceased parents are cremated. By performing pind daan (making offerings to Brahmins and the poor), sons can also help in the salvation of their parents’ souls.
Cohabiting women are less likely to plan their pregnancies than married women. Research on marital and pregnancy statuses remains distinct and, consequently, the effects of both variables are confounded. The aim of the present study was to examine the moderational role of pregnancy planning in the relationship between marital status and future parents' well-being. A sample of 154 French-Canadian couples expecting their first child completed assessments of pregnancy planning and of well-being (i.e., anxiety, depression, satisfaction with life, and dyadic adjustment) during the third trimester of pregnancy. Results show that pregnancy planning efforts contribute to future parents' well-being only if they are married. Similarly, marriage offers more benefits than cohabitation, but only if partners have planned the pregnancy.
This study examined demographic, individual, and relational factors that differentiate adult couples facing an unplanned pregnancy carried to term from those facing a planned pregnancy. One hundred and eighteen couples expecting their first child completed, along with a demographic questionnaire, measures of personality, perceived stress, depression, attachment, and dyadic adjustment during the third trimester of the women’s pregnancy. Results showed that demographic risk factors for unplanned births included age, education level, annual income, length of relationship, and marital status. In addition, high levels of neuroticism, depression, and perceived stress, and low levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness were individual factors associated with unplanned pregnancies among pregnant women. Relational factors associated with unplanned pregnancies included low levels of secure attachment and high levels of anxious-ambivalent and avoidant attachment in men and women. The findings clearly suggest that the psychosocial environment of couples with unplanned pregnancies is problematic.