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Electrosmog and species conservation
Alfonso Balmori
Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León, C/Rigoberto Cortejoso, 14, 47071 Valladolid, Spain
•Studies have shown effects in both animals and plants.
•Two thirds of the studies reported ecological effects.
•There is little research in this area and further research is needed.
•The technology must be safe.
•Controls should be introduced to mitigate the possible effects.
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 5 May 2014
Received in revised form 14 July 2014
Accepted 16 July 2014
Available online xxxx
Editor: P. Kassomenos
Electrom agnetic radiation
Phone masts
Non thermal effects
Despite the widespread use of wireless telephone networks around the world, authorities and researchers have
paid little attention to the potential harmful effects of mobile phone radiation on wildlife. This paper briefly
reviews the available scientific information on this topic and recommends further studies and specific lines of
research to confirm or refute the experimental results to date. Controls must be introduced and technology
rendered safe for the environment, particularly, threatened species.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Since the introduction of wireless telecommunication in the 1990s,
the roll-out of mobile phone networks has led to a massive increase in
environmental exposure to electromagnetic radiation (Levitt and Lai,
2010). The existing standards of public health protection only consider
the effects of short-term thermal exposure; however, biological effects
resulting from electromagnetic radiation might depend on dosage,
including long-term chronic effects, and there is considerable experi-
mental evidence for non-thermal biological effects (Hyland, 2000).
Researchers have also paid little attention to the potential harmful
effects of microwaves from mobile phone mast radiation on wildlife.
In about two thirds of the reviewed studies ecological effects of
RF-EMF were reported, at high as well as at low dosages, linking
the hazards with different modes and extents of exposure (Cucurachi
et al., 2013). Although the species conservation implications are
unclear, current evidence indicates that chronic exposure to electro-
magnetic radiation, at levels that are found in the environment, may
particularly affect the immune, nervous, cardiovascular and reproduc-
tive systems (Balmori, 2009). Animals exposed to radiation emissions
from nearby antennas may suffer changes in the enzyme activities
that disappear when they are moved away from the source (Hässig
et al., 2014), and underlying plausible explanations at the cellular level
have been proposed in the findings (Pall, 2013).
There are now calls for action from government agencies, both in the
U.S. and Europe. In the U.S. the Director of the Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance of the United States Department of the Interior
sent a letter (Feb, 2014) to the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration in the Department of Commerce which
addressed the Interior Department's concern about the negative impact
of cell tower radiation on the health of migratory birds and other
wildlife. The Interior Department accused the Federal government of
employing outdated radiation standards set by theFederal Communica-
tions Commission (FCC) (United States Department of the Interior,
2014). The European Environment Agency states: «Independent
research into the many unknowns about the biological and ecological
effects of RF are urgently needed, given the global exposure of over
5 billion people and many other species, especially those, like bees
and some birds whose navigation systems are possibly being affected
Science of the Total Environment 496 (2014) 314–316
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by such radiations and effects on breeding of wild birds» (European
Environment Agency, 2013).
The following are some of the potential effects of anthropogenic
electromagnetic radiation on wildlife:
1.1. Effects on behaviour and navigation
Insects and birds are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
Insects use several senses to forage, detecting visual cues such as colour,
shape, etc., but also floral electric fields can be discriminated by bumble-
bees and this sensory modality may facilitate rapid and dynamic com-
munication between flowers and their pollinators (Clarke et al., 2013).
In an electric field of about 1 V/m, the microwaves may have a disas-
trous impact on a wide range of insects using olfactory and/or visual
memory (i.e., on bees and ants). This experimentally generated electro-
magnetic field had a realistic (and even lower) power intensity than
those usually encountered by living organisms near phone masts
(Cammaerts et al., 2012), and, for this reason, the insects can be used
as bioindicators to reveal biological effects from some wireless appara-
tus (Cammaerts and Johansson, 2013). The audiograms and spectro-
grams revealed that active mobile phone handsets had a dramatic
impact on the behaviour of the bees, namely, by inducing the worker
piping signal (in natural conditions, worker piping either announces
the swarming process of the bee colony or is a signal of a disturbed
bee colony) (Favre, 2011). The migratory birds (Erithacus rubecula)
are also unable to use their magnetic compass in the presence of
urban electromagnetic noise and fully double-blinded tests document
a reproducible effect of anthropogenic electromagnetic noise on birds
(Engels et al., 2014).
1.2. Effects on distribution and habitat loss
A possible effect of long-term exposure to low-intensity electromag-
netic radiation from mobile phone base stations on the number of house
sparrows (Passer domesticus) was studied in Belgium and Spain and
both studies reached the same conclusion: fewer house sparrows
were seen at locations where electric fields were stronger (Everaert
and Bauwens, 2007; Balmori and Hallberg, 2007). In large cities, such
as London, a huge decline in some house sparrow populations has
been found in the last 15–20 years (De Laet and Summers-Smith,
2007), so thepossible relationship between this decrease and the prolif-
eration and increase in electromagnetic radiation as one of several fac-
tors at play should be thoroughly investigated. In a study looking at
factors associated with extirpation of sage-grouse (Centrocercus sp.), of
the five variables most associated with extirpated and occupied ranges,
one was the distance to base stations, and this strong association was an
especially interesting result (Wisdom et al., 2011). Bat activity is also
significantly reduced in habitats exposed to electromagnetic radiation,
which elicit an aversive behavioural response and can be used as a
possible method of discouraging bats from approaching wind turbines
to prevent fatalities (Nicholls and Racey, 2007, 2009).
1.3. Reproduction effects and recruitment reduction
In several research conducted with different animal groups, the
exposure to microwave radiations from mobile phone (GSM) base
stations caused sperm head abnormalities in mammals, and the radia-
tion from a mobile phone decreased the ovarian development in insects,
the amino acid composition changed and the DNA was damaged
(Otitoloju et al., 2010; Lu et al., 2010; Panagopoulos, 2012). However,
other studies have not found effects on the reproductive capacity of
invertebrates exposed to such radiation (Vijver et al., 2013). There are
some scientific views that deny any evidence or possibility of effects
on human reproduction (Lerchl, 2013), which goes against most of
what has been published on this topic (Adams et al., 2014).
In the vicinity of mobile phone base stations, it is possible that micro-
waves are interfering with the reproduction of birds such as storks and
may affect the development and increase the mortality rate of exposed
amphibians (Balmori, 2005, 2010). For instance, in chicken eggs
exposed over the entire incubation period in laboratory, a significantly
higher percentage of embryo mortality was observed (Batellier et al.,
2008), although other studies have shown lack of adverse effects of
this radiation on rat foetuses (Takahashi et al., 2009).
1.4. Adverse influence of radio-frequency background on trees and plants
A very limited number of studies have addressed the effects of elec-
tromagnetic radiation on plants. The findings of these studies indicate
that the effects depend on the plant family, growth stage involved and
the radiation characteristics, among other factors (Jayasanka and
Asaeda, 2013). High-frequency electromagnetic fields alter the chloro-
phyll in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) seedlings and in duckweeds
(Lemna minor) exposed (Sandu et al., 2005; Jayasanka et al., 2013). In
tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum), which were exposed to
low-level (5 V/m) electromagnetic fields for a short period (10 min),
changes were found in the abundance of three specific mRNAs after
exposure, strongly suggesting that they were the direct consequence
of application of radio-frequency fields (Roux et al., 2007). The similar-
ities of the changes to wound responses suggest that this radiation is
perceived by plants asan injurious stimulus and causes them cell stress
in the vicinity of radio-frequency irradiating antennas (Monselise
et al., 2011). On 18 February, 2011, the first symposium on this
topic, ¨The effect of electromagnetic radiation on trees¨, which presented
results showing disturbing effects on trees, was held in the Netherlands
2. Conclusion
At the present time, there are reasonable grounds for believing that
microwave radiation constitutes an environmental and health hazard. It
is necessary to open specific lines of research to confirm or refute the
experimental results cited above, since similar findings were obtained
in studies with cattle (Hässig et al., 2014) and humans (Khurana et al.,
2010; Dode et al., 2011; Gómez-Perretta et al., 2013), although
some governmental reports denied that electromagnetic radiation
has adverse effects on human health (e.g. ARPANSA, 2014).
Electromagnetic radiation is among the potential pollutants with an
ability to affect wildlife adversely. It is therefore a new area of enquiry
deserving of immediate funding and research (Levitt and Lai, 2010).
Despite its remarkable expansion in the last twenty years, the rate
of scientific activity on the effects of phone masts on wildlife has
been very small compared with topics like roads, power lines or
wind turbines. The few studies that have been conducted address
the impact of collisions (Longcore et al., 2012, 2013), but not the
second significant issue associated with phone masts that involves
the effects from non-ionising electromagnetic radiation (United
States Department of the Interior, 2014). Concerning the exposure
to electromagnetic fields, the precautionary principle is needed and
should be applied to protect species from environmental non-
thermal effects (Zinelis, 2010). Controls must be introduced and
technology renderedsafe to the environment, since thisnew ubiquitous
and invisible pollutant could deplete the efforts devoted to species
The author is grateful to J.L. Tellería, D.O. Carpenter, R. Carbonell,
S. Wright and two anonymous reviewers for their help and advice.
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