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Abstract and Figures

Three bacterial strains were isolated from industrial effluents of Penang, Malaysia. The strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 were identified as Pantoea sp. RL32.2, Salmonella enterica, and Enterobacter sp. OCPSB1, respectively, based on morphological observation, biochemical, physiological characterization, and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 removed 89.89, 82.10, and 89.14% of cadmium, respectively, when the 100 μg/mL of cadmium was added in the medium. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 were 750, 410, and 550 μg/mL, respectively. Cured strain showed resistance and sensitivity against some range of antibiotics. The molecular weights of induced proteins were 35 and 25 kDa in the presence of cadmium which points out a possible role of this protein in cadmium removal. Overall, these strains could be useful for the removal of cadmium in industrial wastewater.
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Isolation and characterization of Cd-resistant bacteria
from industrial wastewater
Syed Zaghum Abbasa, Mohd. Rafatullaha, Norli Ismaila & Japareng Lalunga
a Division of Environmental Technology, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia, Tel. +604 653 2111; Fax: +604 657 3678
Published online: 23 Jul 2014.
To cite this article: Syed Zaghum Abbas, Mohd. Rafatullah, Norli Ismail & Japareng Lalung (2014): Isolation and
characterization of Cd-resistant bacteria from industrial wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI:
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Isolation and characterization of Cd-resistant bacteria from industrial
Syed Zaghum Abbas, Mohd. Rafatullah*, Norli Ismail, Japareng Lalung
Division of Environmental Technology, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia,
Tel. +604 653 2111; Fax: +604 657 3678; emails: (S.Z. Abbas),, (M. Rafatullah), (N. Ismail), (J. Lalung)
Received 7 January 2014; Accepted 27 June 2014
Three bacterial strains were isolated from industrial effluents of Penang, Malaysia. The
strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 were identified as Pantoea sp. RL32.2, Salmonella enterica, and
Enterobacter sp. OCPSB1, respectively, based on morphological observation, biochemical,
physiological characterization, and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The strains RZ1, RZ2, and
RZ3 removed 89.89, 82.10, and 89.14% of cadmium, respectively, when the 100 μg/mL of
cadmium was added in the medium. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of strains
RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 were 750, 410, and 550 μg/mL, respectively. Cured strain showed resis-
tance and sensitivity against some range of antibiotics. The molecular weights of induced
proteins were 35 and 25 kDa in the presence of cadmium which points out a possible role
of this protein in cadmium removal. Overall, these strains could be useful for the removal
of cadmium in industrial wastewater.
Keywords: Absorbance; Antibiotics; Bioremediation; Cadmium; Isolation
1. Introduction
Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal contaminant in
the environment. Extensive data suggest Cd is the
most toxic heavy metal and it is included in the black
list of several international agreements established to
regulate the input of Cd into the environment [1]. It is
extensively used in the industry for a number of
applications, including electroplating, protection
against corrosion, and stabilizing plastic [2]. Wastewa-
ters of these industries contain Cd ranging from 10 to
100 mM [3]. Cd can enter the human food chain
through plants, smoking materials, and diet [4]. Cd is
carcinogenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic, and mutagenic
and may cause hyperglycemia, reduced immunopo-
tency, and anemia, due to its interference with iron
metabolism [5]. The toxicity of Cd has also been well
documented in selective types of almost all major
phyla of eukaryotes [6].
Conventional methods such as precipitation, oxida-
tion, or reduction have been commonly used to
remove heavy metals from industrial wastewater [7].
They are ineffective and expensive. So, substitute
methods of Cd removal and revival based on biologi-
cal resources have been considered [8]. Among micro-
organisms, bacteria, yeast, and protozoa are generally
the first category to be exposed to Cd present in the
environment [9]. The Cd-resistant bacteria have been
isolated in a number of studies which explain the
mechanism of Cd uptake in bacteria [10]. Moreover, it
*Corresponding authors.
1944-3994/1944-3986 Ó2014 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.
Desalination and Water Treatment (2014) 1–10
doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.941304
Downloaded by [Universiti Sains Malaysia] at 21:48 23 July 2014
is also indicated that Gram-negative bacteria are
highly resistant to Cd ions and metabolize great
amounts of Cd during growth. Gram-positive bacteria
on the other hand, show a heterogeneous behavior
and the intracellular pool reaches a plateau on increas-
ing Cd concentration [11].
Bacterial genes that are involved in Cd-resistant
are located on plasmids that harbor many genes
against many metals [12]. In Cd-resistant bacteria four
different mechanisms are present to resist the Cd. First
one is efflux mechanism in which CadA and CadB
genes are involved and they resist against zinc (Zn)
and Cd. Second mechanism is based on enzymes that
make the bacterial cell wall impermeable to Cd in
which manganese transport system and zinc transport
system are involved. Both systems are coded by chro-
mosome. Third mechanism is the conversion of Cd
into non-toxic form of enzymes. After bioconversion,
the Cd undergoes valency change as a result less toxic
and volatile compounds have been produced in many
cases. Fourth, Cd-resistant bacteria have developed
mechanisms to bind Cd to surface factor or intracellu-
lar binding. A mutant Citrobacteri isolated from
metal-polluted area accumulates Cd inside the cell as
insoluble cell-bound CdHPO
during the growth in
the presence of glycerol 2-phosphate and Cd. The sur-
face of the cell is most important for the precipitation
of metal [13]. In some cases, Cd has been shown to
bind to the capsular surface in Klebsiella aerogenes and
in Arthrobacter viscosus [14]. Binding of Cd by thiols:
this mechanism is important in the eukaryotic organ-
isms but in case of bacteria, polythiols Cd binding
peptide is analogous to metallothionein of animal cells
Although different Cd-resistant bacterial species
are used for the removal of Cd, the isolation of poten-
tial Cd-resistant bacteria and characterization of Cd
removal properties are still required in order to
remove the Cd contaminant from environment. The
aim of this study was to isolate bacterial strains with
high Cd-resistance. The physiological, biochemical,
and molecular features were used to characterize the
strains. Phylogenetic analysis, based on 16S rDNA
gene sequence data, was also used to reveal the
genetic relationship between the strains and others.
The protein-profiling technique was also used to char-
acterize strains on protein level.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Chemicals
Lauria bertani (LB) broth and LB agar were pur-
chased from Hi-media laboratories (India), cadmium
chloride (CdCl
) was procured from Sigma Aldrich
(USA), penicillin (10 IU), tetracycline (30 μg), amoxicil-
lin (10 μg), gentamycin (10 μg), cephalexin (30 μg),
erythromycin (15 μg), streptomycin (10 μg), ciprofloxa-
cin (5 μg), and M9 acetate minimal medium (0.5 g/mL
yeast extract, 0.2 g/mL MgSO
, 5.0 g/mL sodium ace-
tate, 0.001 g/mL FeSO
, 0.001 g/mL CaCl
(as agglom-
erating agent), 0.5 g/mL K
(potassium and
phosphorous source), and 1.0 g/mL NH
2.2. Sampling
Wastewater effluent samples of Globetronics
Industries Sdn. Bhd. and Ever-prosper Battery & Tyres
Sdn. Bhd. Penang, Malaysia were collected from Ba-
yan Lepas zone/area located at about 1 km away from
the source of wastewater effluent. A total of four sam-
ples were taken from both localities in sterilized
screw-capped bottles and brought to the microbiology
laboratory of Universiti Sains Malaysia. The parame-
ters such as pH, temperature, longitude, latitude, and
Cd concentration were noted.
2.3. Isolation of Cd-resistant bacteria
LB agar plates (pH adjusted to 7 ± 7.5) containing
with Cd concentration 10 μg/mL were used to
select Cd-resistant bacteria and 20 μL of each wastewa-
ter sample was spread on agar plates and incubates at
37˚C for 24 h [16]. Bacterial colonies growing on agar
plates were purified by streaking and re-streaking.
2.4. Identification of bacterial isolates based on classical
taxonomy and 16S rDNA
Among the selected bacterial strains which can
remove Cd, the morphological, physiological, and bio-
chemical characteristics were evaluated. For morpho-
logical and physiological characterization like colony
color was observed under 10X lens, shape and nature
of strains either Gram-negative or Gram-positive were
observed under light microscope after Gram’s stain-
ing. The ability of bacterial isolates of spore forming
or non-spore forming was checked by endospore
staining. The motility of isolated strains was checked
by motility test. In this test, semi-solid agar was pre-
pared in the test tubes and stabbed by inoculating
needle that was already charged with bacterial culture.
These test tubes were incubated at 37˚C for 24 h. Taxo-
nomic identification of those isolates was carried out
using Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology.
Confirmation of the taxonomical status of the selected
strains was done by molecular methods. For further
2S.Z. Abbas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
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identification, the genomic DNA was extracted using
Sigma’s GenElute Bacterial Genomic Kit according to
the manufacturer’s instructions and the 16S rDNA
gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) using the universal 16S rDNA primers 27F
tion conditions were as follows: 95˚C for 3 min; 32
cycles: 94˚C for 1 min, 56˚C for 1 min and 72˚C for
2 min; 72˚C for 10 min and 4˚C pause. PCR products
corresponding to the expected size of amplified 16S
rDNA (1.5 kb) were purified with a Gel Extraction Kit
(Invitrogen) and sent to Center of Chemical Biology,
Universiti Sains Malaysia Co. Ltd. for sequencing.
2.5. Phylogenetic analysis
16S rDNA sequence was submitted to the database
of GenBank and compared with similar sequences by
BLAST analysis. Phylogenetic trees of 16S rDNA were
constructed using the software Clustal W [3].
2.6. Cd removal
The 20 μL of bacterial culture was added in each
flask which consisted of 100 μg Cd/mL. Subsequently,
these flasks were placed on shaking incubator at 37˚C
and aliquots (1 mL) were taken after every 4 h inter-
vals up to 24 h for Cd estimation [18]. Each time the
cultures were spun using centrifuge machine (Hermle,
Ind Co. Ltd. China) at 6,000 rpm/min to remove bacte-
rial cells, and the supernatant was used to determine
Cd concentration by GBC932 atomic absorption spec-
trophotometry (Pantech Instruments, Blackburn, Victo-
ria, Australia) at 228.8 nm using a Cd lamp. The
amount of Cd in samples after various intervals of
time was estimated using a standard curve, which
was prepared by taking various known concentrations
of Cd in the medium. Reduction in the amount of Cd
in the medium after growth of bacteria was taken as
the Cd uptake ability of the isolates.
2.7. Effect of pH and temperature on the removal of Cd
To see the effect of pH and temperature on the Cd
removal the bacterial isolates. The 50 mL LB broth was
taken in each conical flask to test the effect of different
pH (1.0–13.0) and temperatures (5–45˚C) on Cd
removal by bacterial isolates. These flasks were inocu-
lated with 20 μL of bacterial culture followed by incu-
bation at the desired temperatures and adjusted with
particular pH. These experiments were performed in
triplicates. At each pH and temperature, the bacterial
cells and supernatant were separated to check the Cd
concentration by using atomic absorption spectropho-
tometry at 228.8 nm using a Cd lamp.
2.8. Determination of optimum growth conditions
For optimum growth of the bacterial isolates, two
parameters, i.e. temperature and pH, were considered
in both control and Cd-stressed conditions. For each
bacterial isolate, 5 mL LB broth was added into 18
sets, each set consisted of three test tubes. The tubes
were autoclaved and inoculated with 20 μL of the
freshly prepared culture of each bacterial isolate
grown over night at 37˚C. The nine sets of tubes with-
out Cd-stress and nine sets of tubes with Cd-stress
(100 μg/mL) were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, and 45˚C, respectively. After an incubation period
of 12 h, their absorbance was measured at 600 nm
using a LAMBDA 650 UV/vis spectrophotometer
(Perkin Elmer, New York, USA). To determine the
optimum pH, test tubes having 5 mL LB broth was
prepared in 12 sets, each containing 3 test tubes and
their pH was adjusted to 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, and 13.0
and then autoclaved. These tubes were inoculated
with 20 μL freshly prepared cultures of each bacterial
isolate. The six sets of test tubes were incubated with
Cd-stress (100 μg/mL) and six sets of test tubes were
incubated without Cd-stress. After an incubation per-
iod of 12 h, their absorbance was measured at 600 nm.
2.9. Effect of Cd on bacterial growth
The growth curves of bacterial isolates were deter-
mined in LB broth with 100 μg/mL of Cd and in con-
trol medium. For each bacterial isolate, 50 mL medium
was taken in one set consisting of three flasks, auto-
claved and then inoculated with 20 μL of the freshly
prepared inoculums. The cultures were incubated at
37˚C in a shaker at 80–100 rotation/min. An aliquot of
culture was taken out in an oven-sterilized tube at
regular intervals of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 32 h.
Absorbance was measured at 600 nm and growth was
plotted graphically.
2.10. Determination of Cd-tolerance
The growth measurement is used to evaluate
the resistant properties of bacterial strains. The Cd-
resistance of bacterial isolates was determined using
stock solutions of 10 μg/mL of CdCl
. The Cd-resistance
was checked by increasing the concentration of
S.Z. Abbas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 3
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respective Cd in a stepwise manner with 50 μg/mL of
Cd-checked resistance in the M9 acetate minimal
medium Culture flasks containing 100 mL of medium
and Cd
ions were inoculated with 20 μL overnight
bacterial cultures and incubated at 37˚C for 24 h.
Growth was measured as optical density at 600 nm.
2.11. Determination of antibiotic resistance
These strains were tested for their sensitivity
against eight antibiotics that were given above. The
0.1 mL bacterial culture was plated onto LB agar
plates. The antibiotic disks were placed on the plates
and incubated at 37˚C for 1–2 d.
2.12. Protein profiling
In conical flasks, 20 mL LB broth was taken in trip-
licates and steam sterilized. Bacterial isolates were
stressed with concentrations of Cd 350 μg/mL with
control and were incubated for 16 h at 37˚C in shaking
incubator and cells were harvested by centrifugation.
The pellet was dissolved in 100 μL of 1X loading dye
and then heat shock was given for 5 min, eppendorf
was shifted on ice for 2 min and then was centrifuged
at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. Supernatant was transferred
to a new eppendorf, then the final centrifugation was
done at 12,000 rpm for 10 min, and the supernatant
was shifted to a new eppendorf. The bacterial proteins
were resolved by SDS-PAGE. Electrophoresis was
performed in vertical mini-slab gel (Mini-Protean III;
BioRad) with a gel thickness of 0.75 mm and gel size
8×7 cm. The gels were composed of 10% resolving gel
and 4% stacking gel and run at constant voltage of
200 V for 50 min. Amounts of 10 μL of bacterial protein
extracts were loaded into each well of the gel. After
electrophoretic separation, the gel was stained with
Coomassie blue solution (0.01% Coomassie brilliant
blue R250, 45% (v/v) methanol and 10% (v/v) glacial
acetic acid) for 30 min at room temperature and
subsequently placed in the destaining solution (50%
(v/v) methanol and 2% (v/v) acetic acid) for 1 h. The
gel image was captured and analyzed using VersaDoc
Imaging System (BioRad) [19].
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Sampling and isolation of Cd-resistant bacteria
The parameters of industrial wastewater samples
were noted as shown in Table 1. On the basis of mor-
phology and color, three Cd-resistant bacterial strains
were isolated and named as strains RZ1, RZ2, and
3.2. Taxonomical identification and 16S rDNA
All the selected bacterial strains RZ1, RZ2, and
RZ3 were morphologically, physiologically, and bio-
chemically characterized. The investigated bacteria
form mostly round colonies onto the agar surface. The
colors of colonies vary from off-white to white and
were slightly yellow. The cells of the isolated bacteria
were mostly cocci shape. Most of the part of the iso-
lates were Gram-negative, non-spore-forming bacteria
and mostly were motile. After physiologo-biochemical
tests, that were carried out, it comes to the next more
important characteristics of the tested bacteria as
shown in Table 2. All three strains could not degrade
the hydrogen peroxide and urea and were also unable
to hydrolyze gelatin. The strain RZ1 failed to ferment
carbohydrate but strains RZ2 and RZ3 were able to
ferment carbohydrate. Both strains RZ1 and RZ2
showed negative on MRVP test but strain RZ3 showed
positive results for mixed acid fermentation. The
strains RZI and RZ2 were unable to use citrate as a
carbon source while strain RZ3 was metabolized eas-
ily. All the three strains were non-pathogenic, fastidi-
ous, and lactose fermenting. The taxonomic status of
these isolates was determined using Bergey’s Manual
of Determinative Bacteriology [20], and showed that
Table 1
Collection of water samples
S. no. Industries Samples pH Temp. (˚C) Longitude Latitude
concentration (mg/L)
1 Globetronics Industries Sdn. Bhd. Sample 1 6.0 30 5˚.07617´N 100˚.386119´E 0.36
Sample 2 7.0 29 5˚.38400´N 100˚.302104´E 0.52
2 Ever-prosper Battery & Tyres Sdn. Bhd. Sample 3 6.0 35 5˚.41264´N 100˚.325307´E 0.67
Sample 4 7.0 33 5˚.329379´N 100˚.482284´E 0.82
4S.Z. Abbas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
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strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 belong to genus Pantoea,
Salmonella, and Enterobacter, respectively.
“Universal” eubacterial primers were used to
amplify 1.5 kb of 16S rDNA of the strains RZ1, RZ2,
and RZ3. The PCR products obtained were purified
and sequenced by using BLAST to compare its
sequence to all sequences in the NCBI database
( The 16S rDNA genes
of strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 were 97% homologous
to Pantoea sp. RL32.2 (Accession number: GU056355),
97% homologous to Salmonella enterica (Accession
number: KF056927), and 95% homologous to Entero-
bacter sp. OCPSB1 (Accession number: JN119828),
3.3. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene
has been considered a fast and accurate method to iden-
tify the phylogenetic position of bacterial strains.
The full-length 16S rDNA of strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3
were sequenced and used to construct phylogenetic
development trees as shown in Fig. 1. We found that
strain RZ1 was classified in the branch of Pantoea sp. It
has 97% similarity with Pantoea sp. RL32.2 as shown in
Fig. 1(a). The RZ2 strain has 97% similarity with
S. enterica subsp. Entericaserovar typhi, which is classified
under the family of Enterobacteriaceae 1736 as shown
in Fig. 1(b). The strain RZ3 was classified under
Enterobacter, it has 95% similarity with Enterobacter sp.
3.4. Cd estimation
These results showed that all the three strains were
efficient in the removal of Cd as shown in Fig. 2. The
three different strains showed different efficiency in
removing Cd. The strains RZ1 and RZ2 were more
efficient during the late log phase and less efficient
during the early log phase, while strain RZ3 was less
efficient in the late log phase and more efficient in the
early log phase. Within 4 h of inoculation, strain RZ3
removed 52% while 8% removal in the presence of
strain RZ1 and 10% removal in the presence of strain
RZ2. After 8 h of incubation, strains RZ1 and RZ2
showed 58 and 40% reduction in the Cd, respectively,
while strain RZ3 showed only 1% Cd removal. After
24 h, this reduction ranged between 82 and 89% in the
three strains. Generally, the process of micro-organism
removal of heavy metals includes biosorption and bio-
accumulation. Biosorption process means metal ions
are adsorbed by micro-organisms through the bio-
chemical reactions including complex, chelate, ions
exchange, and adsorption. Zeng et al. [3] described
that Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain E1 uses these two
mechanisms for the removal of Cd from industrial
wastewater. Both living and non-living cells have bio-
sorption. Bioaccumulation happens only in living cells.
It is an active process and needs energy provided by
the metabolism of micro-organisms [21].
3.5. Effect of pH and temperature on Cd removal
Maximum removal of Cd was observed 89.89,
82.10, and 89.14% by strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 at pH
7.0 because pH 7.0 was the optimum pH of these bac-
terial strains, and at low and high pH no Cd removal
was noted as shown in Figs. 3–5. The medium pH
affects the solubility of metals and the ionization state
of the functional groups (carboxylate, phosphate, and
amino groups) of the microbial cell [22]. The Cd
removal was decreased at higher and lower than opti-
mum temperature 35˚C because at optimum tempera-
ture the biomass of bacteria was high as shown in
Figs. 4and 6. Bioaccumulation of Cd
ions decreased
with increasing temperature. At low temperatures, the
binding of heavy metal ions to micro-organism is by
passive uptake [23]. Similar conclusions were also
found by El-Deeb [24] and Mohamed [25]. The ther-
mal-resistant bacteria effectively removed the Cd due
to the production of enzymes like aldolase, RNA, and
DNA polymerases which can perform their normal
metabolism at the extremely higher temperature.
Chang et al. [26] isolated Vibrio parahaemolyticus which
showed higher thermal stability and survived in the
Table 2
Morphological and biochemical characteristics of bacterial
Colony color Off-white Yellow White
Gram nature Negative Negative Negative
Cell morphology Cocci Cocci Cocci
Motility Positive Positive Positive
Colony shape Round Round Round
Spore formation Negative Negative Negative
Biochemical tests
Catalase test Negative Negative Negative
Urease test Negative Negative Negative
Gelatin hydrolysis test Negative Negative Negative
Carbohydrate test Negative Positive Positive
MRVP test Negative Negative Positive
Citrate test Negative Negative Positive
Blood agar test Positive Positive Positive
Chocolate agar test Positive Positive Positive
MacConkey agar test Positive Positive Positive
S.Z. Abbas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 5
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range of 0–70˚C and also removed 85% of Cd from
3.6. Bacterial growth patterns against Cd
The growth patterns of these bacterial strains were
not significantly different from those of controls, but
the growth rate was lower in the presence of Cd
ions. The growth patterns were shown in Fig. 7. This
could be explained by the toxicity of Cd, which causes
retardation in the growth of the strains due to less
enzymatic activities. Similar conclusions were reached
by Filali et al. [27].
3.7. Cd-resistance
The strain RZ1 was found resistant against Cd up
to a concentration of 750 μg/mL, but strain RZ2 can
tolerate the Cd-stress up to 410 μg/mL and resistance
level of strain RZ3 was 550 μg/mL. A common
property of many bacteria capable of growth in the
presence of Cd is their ability to prevent accumulation
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic development trees based on 16S rDNA analysis: (a) strain RZ1, (b) strain RZ2 and (c) strain RZ3.
6S.Z. Abbas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
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of free intracellular metal. At least two alternative
mechanisms are possible. One is that the membrane of
resistant bacteria acts as an impermeable barrier for
toxic metals while allowing the passage of physiologi-
cal cations. Cobbett and Goldsbrough [28] described
such differences in spheroplasts prepared from
Cd-sensitive or Cd-resistant strains of S. aureus.He
suggested that exclusion of toxic ions was dependent
upon conformational changes in the membrane.
Alternatively, specific sites for the continuous efflux of
Cd may operate and hence minimize the intracellular
Cd concentration. Such a system operated in Cd-resis-
tant S. aureus cells, since only the resistant strain eff-
luxed the metal when cells were transferred from a
medium containing Cd to a Cd-free medium [29].
Based on our results, the possible mechanism existed
in these strains was accumulation of Cd
ions inside
bacterial cells, and formed CdHPO
. The formation of
occurred during the growth of bacteria in the
presence of glycerol 2-phosphate and Cd. This was
confirmed by the decrease in the concentration of Cd
at different time intervals in the medium.
0 4 8 1216202428
% Cd contents in the medium
Time (hours)
Strain RZ1
Strain RZ2
Strain RZ3
Fig. 2. Removal of Cd after inoculation of the three bacte-
rial isolates. The medium containing the same original
amount of Cd but without inoculation was taken as con-
trol. The initial concentration of Cd
ions in the medium
was 100 μg/mL.
% Cd content in the medium
Strain RZ1
Strain RZ2
Strain RZ3
Fig. 3. The effect of various pH on the removal of Cd
ions by three bacterial isolates. The initial concentration of
ions in the medium was 100 μg/mL.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
% Cd content in the medium
Temperature (oC)
Strain RZ1
Strain RZ2
Strain RZ3
Fig. 4. The effect of various temperatures on the removal
of Cd
ions by three bacterial isolates. The initial concen-
tration of Cd
ions in the medium was 100 μg/mL.
Absorbance (at 600 nm)
Strain RZ1 (control)
Strain RZ1 (Cd-stress)
Strain RZ2 (control)
Strain RZ2 (Cd-stress)
Strain RZ3 (control)
Strain RZ3 (Cd-stress)
Fig. 5. The optimum pH of bacterial isolates in the pres-
ence and absence of Cd.
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3.8. Antibiotic susceptibility
In order to determine the resistance to antibiotics,
the reactions of eight antibiotics were examined by the
disk diffusion method. All three strains were sensitive
against tetracycline, gentamycin, streptomycin, and
ciprofloxacin but resistant against amoxicillin, erythro-
mycin, and penicillin. Against cephalexin, strain RZ1
was resistant while strains RZ2 and RZ3 were sensi-
tive as shown in Table 3. Under environmental condi-
tions of Cd-stress, micro-organisms might have
developed various mechanisms to resist antibiotics
and tolerate metals. Microbes surviving in polluted
water usually change intrinsic biochemical and struc-
tural properties, physiological, and genetic adaptation.
According to some findings, metal resistance is associ-
ated with multiple antibiotic resistances on R plasmid
3.9. Protein bands
To study the protein profile of bacteria under
stressed and non-stressed conditions, total cell pro-
teins of bacteria were isolated after 16 h of Cd expo-
sure. The Cd-stress to bacteria was given after their
optical density reached at 0.3 indicating that bacteria
have entered into a log phase. The protein gel of
stress organisms indicated new protein bands in
front of 35 and 25 kDa. This indicated that the
Cd-resistance proteins in bacteria were inductive pro-
teins and they expressed only in the stressed condi-
tions as shown in Fig. 8. The nature of the 35 and
25 kDa proteins system remains unknown and may
be the result of Cd-resistance or its cause. The
35 kDa protein appeared upon adaptation to Cd and
may therefore be a protein which controls intracellu-
lar Cd concentrations. It may be a new form of a
preexisting transport protein (33 kDa protein) with
altered specificity such that Cd uptake is reduced.
Alternatively, it may be a new protein capable of
exchanging internal Cd
ions for external cations
and hence preventing Cd accumulation. These results
were in agreement with SDS-PAGE analysis by
´et al. [32]. They studied the membrane
proteins of adapted and non-adapted bacterial cells
and found that in adapted cells, inducible proteins
were present in membrane with molecular weight of
34.5 and 25 kDa.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Absorbannce (at 600 nm)
Temperature (oc)
Strain RZ1 (control)
Strain RZ1 (Cd-stress)
Strain RZ2(control)
Strain RZ2 (Cd-stress)
Strain RZ3 (control)
Strain RZ3 (Cd-Stress)
Fig. 6. The optimum temperature of bacterial isolates with
and without Cd-stress.
0 4 8 121620242832
Absorbance (at 600 nm)
Time (hours)
Strain RZ1 (Control)
Strain RZ1 (Cd-treated)
Strain RZ2 (Control)
Strain RZ2 (Cd-treated)
Strain RZ3 (control)
Strain RZ3 (Cd-treated)
Fig. 7. The effect of Cd on the growth patterns of bacterial
Table 3
Resistance of antibiotics by cadmium resistant bacterial
Antibiotics RZ1 RZ2 RZ3
Tetracycline (30 μg) 21 mm (S) 24 mm (S) 25 mm (S)
Amoxicilin (10 μg) R R R
Penicillin (10 units) R R R
Gentamycin (10 μg) 20 mm (S) 16 mm (S) 20 mm (S)
Cephalexin (30 μg) R 14 mm (S) 16mm (S)
Erythromycin (15 μg) R R R
Streptomycin (10 μg) 17 mm (S) 13 mm (S) 15 mm (S)
Ciprofloxacin (5 μg) 30 mm (S) 35 mm (S) 17 mm (S)
Notes: S: Sensitive; R: Resistant.
8S.Z. Abbas et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
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4. Conclusions
The isolated bacterial strains were Gram-negative,
coccus, and highly resistant to Cd. Based on the
strains characterizations and the 16S rDNA sequence
comparison, those bacterial strains were identified as
Pantoea sp. RL32.2, S. enterica, and Enterobacter sp. OC-
PSB1. They also showed excellent Cd removal ability,
i.e. 89.89, 82.10, and 89.14%, respectively. Thus, these
bacterial isolates can be exploited for the bioremedia-
tion of Cd containing wastes due to high resistance
against Cd and potential to remove the Cd from
industrial wastewater.
The authors acknowledge the research grant pro-
vided by the Universiti Sains Malaysia under the
Short Term Grant Scheme (Project No. 304/PTE-
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... Salmonella enterica, and Enterobacter sp. OCPSB1 (Abbas et al., 2015). Another report stated that the bacterial isolate (MH1, MH4, MH6 MH15 and MH21) enumerated from electroplating and metal manufacturing factories contaminated sites showed considerable tolerance ranging from 50 to 200 mg L − 1 concentration chromium, copper, lead, and cadmium (Mustapha and Halimoon, 2015). ...
The purpose of this study was to find the most cadmium (Cd2+) tolerant and remediated bacteria isolate from KNO3 processing unit contaminated soil. One isolate out of 19 isolates possessed excellent Cd2+ tolerance than others, which was recognized as Enterobacter hormaechei SFC3 through molecular characterization (16S rRNA sequencing). The identified E. hormaechei SFC3 contained 55% and 45% of GC and AT content, respectively. The wild and acridine orange mutated E. hormaechei SFC3 exhibited excellent resistance to Cd2+ up to the concentration of 1500 μg mL-1. Furthermore, the wild E. hormaechei SFC3 and mutated E. hormaechei SFC3 showed 82.47% and 90.21% of Cd2+ remediation on 6th days of treatment respectively. Similarly, the Cd2+ tolerant wild and mutated E. hormaechei SFC3 showed considerable resistance to all the tested antibiotics. The findings indicate that E. hormaechei SFC3 isolated from KNO₃ processing unit contaminated soil is a promising candidate for microbial remediation of Cd2+ contamination.
... The Pseudomonas strains normally use these strategies for the removal of Hg from wastewater. The biosorption process also needs the energy provided by microbial metabolism [19]. ...
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Mercury (Hg) is present in the environment due to the natural processes and from anthropogenic sources. The amount of Hg mobilized and released into biosphere has increased with the increase of industrial age. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize the Hg-resistant strains from industrial wastewater of Penang, Malaysia, in terms of Hg processing and uptake ability. These bacterial isolates were designated as CZ1 and CZ2 after isolation. These were identified as Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri on the basis of morphological, biochemical and 16S rDNA characterization. The optimum pH for Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri was 7.0 and 8.0, respectively. The optimum temperature for both bacterial strains was 35°C. The growth patterns of both isolates were similar with control (without Hg stress) but greatly affected by Hg. Both strains were mostly resistant against antibiotics but sensitive against penicillin. The Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri could remove the Hg up to 70% and 90%, respectively. The Hg bioaccumulation ability of Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri was 76% and 90%. The Hg induced bands were observed with molecular weight of 28 kDa (Pseudomonas stutzeri) and 98 kDa (Acinetobacter junii). This study shows that these bacterial strains can be employed as an efficient bioremediation tool to recover and remove the Hg from industrial wastewater.
... After electrophoretic separation, the gel was stained with 0.01% Coomassie blue solution, methanol (45% v/v) and glacial acetic acid (10% v/v) for 30 min at room temperature and consequently placed in the destaining solution methanol (50% (v/v) and acetic acid (2% v/v) for 1 h. The gel image was analyzed and captured by using VersaDoc Imaging System (BioRad) [16]. ...
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The oil degrading bacterial strains were isolated from marine sediments collected from fuel oil–polluted coastal area in Penang, Malaysia. Bioremediation is an ideal tool to be applied as biological treatment of oil pollution due to it is cost-effective and eco-friendly. However the bacteria used in the bioremediation are highly important because they should achieve high efficient biodegradation rate and not pathogenic or virulence toward the environment. Two bacterial strains TZ1 and TZ2 were selected as potential oil-degrading isolates and were identified as Chryseobacterium sp. strain AJ0 and Escherichia sp. strain UIWRF0110, respectively. The emulsification index (E24) and microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons (MATH) values of Escherichia sp. strain UIWRF0110 59.51 ± 5.56 and 28.40 ± 1.92 were slightly higher than Chryseobacterium sp. strain AJ0 values 45.12 ± 10.86 and 19.11 ± 2.10, respectively. The degradation efficiency of Escherichia sp. strain UIWRF0110 was 90% as compared with Chryseobacterium sp. strain AJ0 with 84%. Overall, these strains could be useful for the bioremediation of oil-polluted sediments.
... The sediment oxidized layer surface inhibits diffusion of most toxic metals into the marine water. The industries like electronic and electroplating are causing a major issue of pollution by generating wastewater containing contaminants like toxic metals pose a serious danger to animals, humans and the environment (Abbas et al., 2015;Xia et al., 2015). Therefore, it is compulsory to treat industrial wastewater consisting toxic metals before to its discharge. ...
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Aims: To study the performance of SMFC in the terms of power generation and toxic metals removal. This study was also focused on the characterization of SMFC electro-microbiology. Methodology and results: A SMFC was designed and loaded with sediment and overlying water. This SMFC was synchronized with wireless data logger acquisition system. The toxic metals removal capacity was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The characterization of SMFC bacteria was done by 16S rRNA. In this study the experiments were carried out in a dual-chamber SMFC with external resistances 30 kO-50 O. The SMFC was produced power about 630 mV with maximum power density 40 mW/m² and current density 250 mA/m². After 120 days of operation, SMFC removed cadmium and copper about 22.6 and 150 mg/kg, respectively. The SMFC also showed high cadmium (86%) and copper (90%) removal at pH 7.0 and temperature 40 °C. The most dominant bacterial community at anode and cathode was identified as Pseudomonas spp. which could be function as exoelectrogen. Conclusion, significance and impact of the study: The results indicated that the SMFC system could be applied as a long term and effective tool for the removal of cadmium and copper contaminated sediments and supply power for commercial devices. The Pseudomonas spp. may be used as a genetic donor for the other non-exoelectrogens strains.
... The above results also imply that the resistant bacteria/bacterial consortium can survive in high heavy metal(loid) contaminated environment and can remove appreciable amounts of heavy metal(loid) from ambience probably due to having higher uptake and resistance capacity, which might play a pivotal role in bioremediation process of metalloid and/or heavy metal in environment (Mejias Carpio et al. 2016;Kvasnova et al. 2017). The metal(loid)-resistant bacteria, in particular a mixed consortia are therefore a promising tool to remove metals from an aqueous phase (Bhakta et al. 2012a(Bhakta et al. , b, 2014Carpio et al. 2014;O'Brien and Buckling 2015;Abbas et al. 2015;Mejias Carpio et al. 2016;Kvasnova et al. 2017). Indeed, Singh et al. (2012) proposed mixed bacterial consortia as an emerging tool to remove hazardous trace metals. ...
Frequent exposure of microbes to hazardous metalloids/heavy metals in contaminated environment results in the development of heavy metal(loid)-resistance properties. The study attempted to assess the profile of elevated arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg)—resistant bacterial community structures of sludge (S1, India), sludge and sediment (S2 and S3, Japan) and sediment (S4, Vietnam) samples by metagenomic-DNA fingerprinting using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) for monitoring and bioremediation of hazardous metal(loid) contamination in environment. The results revealed that As-resistant bacteria were dominant compared to Cd- and Hg-resistant bacteria with higher species diversity (Lysinibacillus sp., Uncultured soil bacterium clone, Staphylococcus sciuri, Bacillus fastidiosus, Bacillus niacini, Clostridium sp. and Bacillus sp.) in S1 and S4 than that of S2 and S3 samples. The occurrence of dominant As-resistant bacteria may indicate arsenic contamination in the investigated coastal habitats of India, Japan and Vietnam. The As-, Cd- and Hg-resistant bacteria/bacterial consortiums showed appreciable uptake ability of respective metal(loid) (0.042–0.125 mg As/l, 0.696–0.726 mg Cd/l and 0.34–0.412 mg Hg/l). Therefore, it might be concluded that the profiling of metalloids/heavy metal-resistant bacterial community structure by metagenomic-DNA fingerprinting using PCR–DGGE could be used to explore high metal(loid)-resistant bacteria for applying in metal(loid) bioremediation and as an indicator for monitoring hazardous metal(loid) contamination in environment.
... Many reports that environmental microbes can easily build electrochemical signaling with solid electrodes have rapidly led to the microbial fuel cells (MFCs) development [4]. An MFC is a device that converts the chemical energy of organic and inorganic compounds into electricity using bacteria, and in this device, pollutant treatment and electricity generation are simultaneously achieved [5]. Sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are a special application of MFCs for sediment remediation and electricity production. ...
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Due to lack of a membrane and completely anoxic, sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are different from microbial fuel cells. The simultaneous production of renewable energy, bioremediation of contaminants and moderate functioning parameters, SMFCs have attracted the attention of many researchers. For power generation, many exoelectrogens in SMFCs have the ability to transfer electrons from electrodes by using four ways of natural electron shuttles. The most dominant mechanism is long-range electron transfer via conductive pili. The powering by microbes is an emerging technique for the remediation of contaminants from sediments. The pathways for transferring electrons in electrotrophs operate in the opposite direction from those in exoelectrogens.This review briefly targets on the SMFC prototype, power generation and contaminants remediation.
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The industrial contamination of marine sediments with chromium, copper and nickel in Penang, Malaysia was addressed with bio-remediation, coupled with power generation, using in situ sediment microbial cells (SMFCs) under various conditions. The efficiency of aerated sediment microbial fuel cells (A-SMFCs) and non-aerated sediment microbial fuel cells (NA-SMFCs) was studied. The A-SMFCs generated a voltage of 580.5 mV between 50 and 60 days, while NA-SMFCs produced a voltage of 510 mV between 60 and 80 days. The cell design point for A-SMFCs was 2 kΩ, while for NA-SMFCs it was 200 Ω. In both SMFCs, the maximum current values relating to forward scanning, reverse scanning and oxidation/reduction peaks were recorded on the 80th day. The anode showed maximum additional capacitance on the 80th day (A-SMFC: 2.7 F cm⁻²; and NA-SMFC: 2.2 F cm⁻²). The whole cell electrochemical impedance using the Nyquist model was 21 Ω for A-SMFCs and 15 Ω for NA-SMFCs. After glucose enrichment, the impedance of A-SMFCs was 24.3 Ω and 14.6 Ω for NA-SMFCs. After 60 days, the A-SMFCs reduced the maximum amount of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) ions (80.70%) and Cu(II) to Cu(I) ions (72.72%), and showed maximum intracellular uptake of Ni(II) ions (80.37%); the optimum remediation efficiency of NA-SMFCs was after 80 days toward Cr(VI) ions (67.36%), Cu(II) ions (59.36%) and Ni(II) ions (52.74%). Both SMFCs showed highest heavy metal reduction and power generation at a pH of 7.0. SEM images and 16S rRNA gene analysis showed a diverse bacterial community in both A-SMFCs and NA-SMFCs. The performance of A-SMFCs showed that they could be exercised as durable and efficient technology for power production and the detoxification of heavy metal sediments. The NA-SMFCs could also be employed where anaerobic fermentation is required.
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Since the last few decades, cadmium anthropocentric sources have been increased drastically. Various chemical and physical approaches for cadmium remediation have been proposed, but these techniques are quite expensive, not healthy for the environment and not efficient at the low concentration of cadmium. Thus, in the last few years, the cadmium removal by biological approaches has received a great interest. Many bacteria can resist against high concentration of cadmium through different mechanisms. The cadmium-resistant bacteria can be grouped into three levels. The main group consists of bacteria which efflux the cadmium from the cells. The bacteria of the other two groups are capable of detoxifying or binding cadmium. The cadA and cadB gene systems are involved in efflux mechanism, and these encode different efflux pump proteins, while the functional groups such as amine, carboxyl, phosphate and hydroxyl facilitate cadmium binding to bacterial surface such as chemisorption. Many enzymes are involved in the detoxifying the cadmium and make the membrane impermeable against cadmium. This paper also reviews the industrial application of cadmium-resistant bacteria and the future perspectives of genetic engineering, bioelectrochemical system, microbial aggregates and biosorption of cadmium by algae.
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A total of twenty heavy metal resistant bacteria were isolated from industrial effluents, sewages, garages and petrol pumps of Barak valley region of Assam, India, against copper, zinc, and lead. Decrease in total count and microbial population diversity with increasing metal concentrations were observed. The predominant isolates obtained were Pseudomonas sp., Klebsellia sp. and Bacillus sp. with minimum inhibitory concentration for heavy metals as 60µg/ml (for copper), 180µg/ml (for lead) and 1800µg/ml (for zinc). The present study demonstrated that the isolates having higher tolerance to heavy metals have high resistance pattern towards a group of antibiotics. Pot experimental studies suggest that the isolated bacterial communities live in association with rhizosphere soil and able to withstand high heavy metal concentrations in contaminated soil. Further, it has been observed that a significant increase in shoot length of Oryza sativa in contaminated soil when inoculated with heavy metal resistant bacterial strains.
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The biosorption of lead by two Gram-ve bacteria, either non-capsulated (Citrobacter freundii ) or capsulated (Klebsiella pneumoniae) was characterised. Lead biosorption was found to be influenced by the pH of the solution, initial metal concentration, and amount of the dried powdered cells and contact time. Thus, the optimum biosorption capacity, by the two tested bacteria, was attained at pH 4, initial lead concentration of about 481.2 mg/ℓ and contacted with 2 g dried cells/ℓ for 100 min. However, the dried powdered cells of both organisms can be safely stored for long periods (125 d) at room temperature (25 ± 2ْC) without any loss of their biosorption efficiency, i.e. their binding sites not affected by storage. The results revealed that the presence of capsule (K. pneumoniae) increased the biosorption efficiency of the bacterium. Water SA Vol.31 (3) 2005: pp.345-350
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The common filamentous fungi can sorb heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Ni, Ag, Th, Ra & U) from aqueous solutions to varying extents. Fungal biosorption largely depends on parameters such as pH, metal ion and biomass concentration, physical or chemical pretreatment of biomass, and presence of various legends in solution. When compared with commercial ion exchange resins, carbons and metal oxides, fungal derivatives generally perform well. Biomass can be regenerated by using various elutants. The availability of variety of biomass and their metal binding potential makes it a economical and sustainable option for developing effluent treatment process for removal and recovery of heavy metals.
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A total of twenty heavy metal resistant bacteria were isolated from industrial effluents, sewages, garages and petrol pumps of Barak valley region of Assam, India, against copper, zinc, and lead. Decrease in total count and microbial population diversity with increasing metal concentrations were observed. The predominant isolates obtained were Pseudomonas sp., Klebsellia sp. and Bacillus sp. with minimum inhibitory concentration for heavy metals as 60µg/ml (for copper), 180µg/ml (for lead) and 1800µg/ml (for zinc). The present study demonstrated that the isolates having higher tolerance to heavy metals have high resistance pattern towards a group of antibiotics. Pot experimental studies suggest that the isolated bacterial communities live in association with rhizosphere soil and able to withstand high heavy metal concentrations in contaminated soil. Further, it has been observed that a significant increase in shoot length of Oryza sativa in contaminated soil when inoculated with heavy metal resistant bacterial strains.
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During last two decades, extensive attention has been paid on the management of environmental pollution caused by hazardous materials. A number of methods has been developed for removal of such substances like precipitation, evaporation, ion-exchange etc. However these methods have several disadvantages. This review highlights the alternative biological agent abundantly present in nature i.e Microalgae as a potential sink for removal of such toxic substances from the surrounding. Microalgal biomass has also been used to remove heavy metal and in wastewater treatment facilities, the microalgae can be used to reduce the amount of toxic chemicals needed to clean and purify water The microalgae either accumulate or adsorb or metabolise these noxious elements into substantial level.
The implant material hydroxylapatite (HA) has been shown in numerous studies to be highly biocompatible and to osseointegrate well with existing bone; however, the molecular mechanisms at work behind this osseointegration remain largely unexplored. One possibility is that the implant, exposed to the patient's blood during surgery, adsorbs known cell adhesive proteins such as fibronectin and vitronectin from the serum. Osteoblast precursors could then adhere to these proteins through integrin‐mediated mechanisms. In the present study, we have used a quantitative ELISA assay to test the hypothesis that hydroxylapatite will adsorb more fibronectin and vitronectin from serum than two commonly used hard‐tissue materials, commercially pure titanium, and 316L stainless steel. We further used the ELISA, as well as a standard cell adhesion assay, to test the hypothesis that increased protein adsorption will lead to better binding of purified integrins α5β1 and αvβ3 and osteoblast precursor cells to the HA than to the metals. Our results show that fibronectin, vitronectin, α5β1, αvβ3, and osteoblast precursor cells do indeed bind better to HA than to the metals, suggesting that improved integrin‐mediated cell binding may be one of the mechanisms leading to better clinical bone integration with HA‐coated implants. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 57: 258–267, 2001
Combination of genetic systems of degradation of xenobiotic compound and heavy metal resistance is one of the approaches to the creation of polyfunctional strains for bioremediation of soil after co-contamination with organic pollutants and heavy metals. A bacterial strain Pseudomonas putida PhCN (pPhCN1, pPhCN2) has been obtained. This bacterium contains two plasmids, a 120-kb catabolic plasmid that encodes for breakdown of phenol (pPhCN1) and pPhCN2 plasmid that codes for cadmium and copper resistant. Cyanide assimilation by this bacterium is encoded by chromosomal genes. The inhibitory effect of cadmium (Cd2+) or copper (Cu2+) on the degradation of phenol by P. putida strains PhCN and PhCN1 (contained pPhCN1) were investigated in the presence of phenol and cyanide as a sole carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. The resistant strain PhCN showed high ability to degrade phenol and cyanide in presence of Cd2+ or Cu2+ as compared to the sensitive strain PhCN1. In addition, Cd2+ or Cu2+ was also found to exert a strong inhibitory effect on the C23O dioxygenase enzyme activity in the presence of cyanide as a nitrogen source. However, the presence of heavy metal resistance plasmid alleviated the inhibitory effect of metals on the enzyme activity in resistant strain.
The growing health hazardous impact of arsenic (As) contamination in environment is the impetus of the present investigation. Application of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water has been reported. This study was performed in order to isolate and characterize the Asresistant LAB from mud and sludge samples for using as efficient As uptaking probiotic. Isolation of As-resistant LAB colonies was performed by spread plate technique using bromocresol purple impregnated-MRS (BP-MRS) agar media provided with As @ 50 μg/ml. Isolated LAB were employed for probiotic characterization process, acid and bile tolerance, lactic acid production, antibacterial activity and antibiotic tolerance assays. After As-resistant and removal characterizations, the LAB were identified using 16S rDNA sequencing. A total of 103 isolates were identified as As-resistant strains of LAB. The survival of 6 strains (As99-1, As100-2, As101-3, As102-4, As105-7, and As112-9) was found after passing through the sequential probiotic characterizations. Resistant pattern pronounced hollow zones at As concentration >2000 μg/ml in As99-1, As100-2, and As101-3 LAB strains, whereas it was found at ~1000 μg/ml in rest 3 strains. Among 6 strains, the As uptake efficiency of As102-4 (0.006 μg/h/mg wet weight of cell) was higher (17 - 209%) compared to remaining LAB. 16S rDNA sequencing data of 3 (As99- 1, As100-2, and As101-3) and 3 (As102-4, As105-7, and As112-9) LAB strains clearly showed 97 to 99% (340 bp) homology to Pediococcus dextrinicus and Pediococcus acidilactici, respectively. Though, there was no correlation between the metal resistant and emoval efficiency of LAB examined but identified elevated As removing LAB would probably be a potential As uptaking probiotic agent. Since present experiment concerned with only As removal from pure water, As removal and removal mechanism in natural condition of intestinal milieu should be assessed in future studies.
The purpose of the present study was to isolate and identify the metal-resistant lactic acid bacteria from sediments of coastal aquaculture habitats for removal of cadmium and lead from ambience. Collected sediment samples were used to isolate the cadmium- and lead-resistant bacterial colonies by spread plate technique using agar media (De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe) supplemented with cadmium or lead at 50 mg/l. Isolates were identified by bacterial colony polymerase chain reaction and sequencing of 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid. Metal removing probiotic was determined by characterizing the lactic acid yield in culture media, viability in fish intestine, metal-resistant and metal-removal efficiencies. 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing data of five (Cd10, Cd11, Pb9, Pb12 and Pb18) and other all isolates clearly showed 99 % similarities to Enterococcus faecium and Bacillus cereus, respectively. The Pb12 exhibited higher lactic acid yield (180 mmol) than that of the remaining E. faecium strains and excellent viability without pathogenicity; therefore, further study was carried out using Pb12 strain. The selected Pb12 strain showed elevated metal resistant (minimum inhibitory concentrations 120 and 800 mg/l for cadmium and lead, respectively) and removal efficiencies [Cadmium 0.0377 mg/h/g and lead 0.0460 mg/h/g of cells (wet weight)]. From the viability and metal removal points of view, it can be concluded that isolated metal-resistant E. faecium Pb12 strains might be used as potential probiotic strains for removing heavy metals from fish intestinal milieu to control the progressive bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the fish.