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Functional genioplasty in growing patients


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To evaluate the role of age as a moderator of bone regeneration patterns and symphysis remodeling after genioplasty. Method: Fifty-four patients who underwent genioplasty at the end of their orthodontic treatment were divided into three age groups: younger than 15 years at the time of surgery (group 1), 15 to 19 years (group 2), and 20 years or older (group 3). Twenty-three patients who did not accept genioplasty and had a follow-up radiograph 2 years after the end of their orthodontic treatment were used as a control group. Patients were evaluated at three time points: immediate preoperative (T1), immediate postoperative (T2,) and 2 years postsurgery (T3). Results: The mean genial advancement at surgery was similar for the three age groups, but the extent of remodeling around the repositioned chin was greater in group 1, less in group 2, and still less in group 3. Symphysis thickness increased significantly during the 2-year postsurgery interval for the three groups, and this increase was significantly greater in group 1 than in group 3. Remodeling above and behind the repositioned chin also was greater in the younger patients. This was related to greater vertical growth of the dentoalveolar process in the younger patients. There was no evidence of a deleterious effect on mandibular growth. Conclusion: The outcomes of forward-upward genioplasty include increased symphysis thickness, bone apposition above B point, and remodeling at the inferior border. When indications for this type of genioplasty are recognized, early surgical correction (before age 15) produces a better outcome in terms of bone remodeling.
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Original Article
Functional genioplasty in growing patients
Sylvain Chamberland
; William R. Proffit
; Pier-Eric Chamberland
Objective: To evaluate the role of age as a moderator of bone regeneration patterns and
symphysis remodeling after genioplasty.
Method: Fifty-four patients who underwent genioplasty at the end of their orthodontic treatment
were divided into three age groups: younger than 15 years at the time of surgery (group 1), 15 to
19 years (group 2), and 20 years or older (group 3). Twenty-three patients who did not accept
genioplasty and had a follow-up radiograph 2 years after the end of their orthodontic treatment
were used as a control group. Patients were evaluated at three time points: immediate preoperative
(T1), immediate postoperative (T2,) and 2 years postsurgery (T3).
Results: The mean genial advancement at surgery was similar for the three age groups, but the
extent of remodeling around the repositioned chin was greater in group 1, less in group 2, and still
less in group 3. Symphysis thickness increased significantly during the 2-year postsurgery interval
for the three groups, and this increase was significantly greater in group 1 than in group 3.
Remodeling above and behind the repositioned chin also was greater in the younger patients. This
was related to greater vertical growth of the dentoalveolar process in the younger patients. There
was no evidence of a deleterious effect on mandibular growth.
Conclusion: The outcomes of forward-upward genioplasty include increased symphysis
thickness, bone apposition above B point, and remodeling at the inferior border. When indications
for this type of genioplasty are recognized, early surgical correction (before age 15) produces a
better outcome in terms of bone remodeling. (Angle Orthod. 2015;85:360–373.)
KEY WORDS: Genioplasty; Inferior border osteotomy; Lip function; Facial proportions
Inferior border osteotomy of the mandible for chin
augmentation was first reported by Trauner and
in 1957 and has become widely used as
an isolated procedure or in combination with other
maxillo-mandibular osteotomies. Although the chin can
be repositioned in any direction with this procedure,
simultaneous advancement and upward movement to
correct both a horizontal deficiency and vertical excess
is the most common. Precious and Delaire
forward-upward repositioning of the chin as a ‘‘func-
tional genioplasty’’ because it provides a beneficial
change in lip function and helps to obtain lip compe-
tency at repose.
It also tends to reduce lip pressure
against the lower incisors.
When orthodontic treatment
has created mandibular incisor protrusion, improving
the relationship between the chin and mandibular
incisors (the Holdaway ratio in cephalometric analysis)
is thought to improve the chance of incisor stability—
and one way to do that is to advance the chin rather than
retracting the incisors. This can be particularly helpful
when the improvement in occlusion in Class II patients
was achieved largely by tooth movement because of
minimal or unfavorable mandibular growth.
These functional and stability benefits stand, of
course, in addition to the esthetic improvement
enjoyed with genioplasty. Facial appearance can be
a serious psychosocial handicap, even early in life,
and functional genioplasty offers a means to improve
esthetics, function, and stability in conjunction with
orthodontic treatment.
Although a number of publications on inferior body
osteotomy for genioplasty have appeared, only a few
Private practice, Quebec, Canada.
Kenan Distinguished Professor, Department of Orthodontics,
School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
PhD student, Department of Psychology, Universite´du
Que´bec a` Trois-Rivie`res, Trois-Rivie` res, Quebec, Canada.
Corresponding author: Dr Sylvain Chamberland, 10345 Boul
de l’Ormiere Quebec, Qc G2B 3L2, Canada
Accepted: June 2014. Submitted: March 2014.
Published Online: July 31, 2014
G2015 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation,
DOI: 10.2319/030414-152.1360Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
studies have data for this procedure in adolescents,
and none include follow-up of a control group who
were evaluated as potentially benefiting from func-
tional genioplasty but rejected it. The optimum age
for genioplasty has been somewhat controversial. The
positive psychosocial reaction to improved facial
appearance would suggest earlier treatment for
severely affected patients
; concerns about possible
negative effects on growth and decreased stability
would be the major reason for waiting until little or no
growth remained.
Martinez et al.
reported in 1999
that there is better regeneration of symphysis thick-
ness in patients younger than age 15 than in older
nongrowing individuals. More recently, Frapier et al.
suggested that early genioplasty could improve the
direction of mandibular growth and might increase
nasal breathing because of improved lip function, but
these assertions were based on samples that were too
small and diverse for broad generalization.
An isolated lower border osteotomy requires general
anesthesia, but not overnight hospitalization, and is
commonly done as a day-op procedure either in a
hospital or a free-standing surgical center. In the United
States, genioplasty is usually part of a larger orthog-
nathic surgery plan because medical insurance will
almost never cover the cost of an isolated procedure.
This is not the case in Canada, where medical coverage
is provided. The aims of the study were to clarify the
optimal time for functional genioplasty from evaluation
of (1) the pattern of bone remodeling at the chin after
functional genioplasty and (2) the pattern of postsurgical
stability in growing and nongrowing patients.
Patient Sample
All participants in this research project were treated in
the private orthodontic practice of the senior author. The
surgery patients had lateral cephalometric radiographs
at three timepoints: T1, immediately prior to genioplasty,
which was doneat the end of their orthodontic treatment;
T2, immediately after the genioplasty; and T3, at 2-year
follow-up. The initial sample was all of the 59 patients
who had this surgery between June 1992 and December
2012; five were excluded because of missing radio-
graphs, for a final sample size of 54. This group was
divided into three age groups: younger than 15 years at
time of surgery (group 1, n 528), 15 to 19 years (group
2, n 516), and 19 years or older (group 3, n 510;
Table 1). Skeletal age (maturation of vertebrae) was not
used because chronologic age is more likely to predict
the peak of adolescent growth,
and age 15 was the
cutoff point in the only previous report of age-related
changes in symphysis remodeling after genioplasty.
It is difficult to assess exactly how many patients
were offered a genioplasty and declined it, but we were
able to find 23 patients who did not accept genioplasty
and had a follow-up radiograph 2 years after the end of
their orthodontic treatment. This control group (group
4) had only two observation time points: at the end of
orthodontic treatment and 2-year follow-up. They were
similar to the younger surgical patients (group 1) in
age, percentage female, a-p and vertical chin position,
and symphysis thickness at baseline and therefore are
comparable to that group. Five of the control group
eventually joined the surgery group because they
decided to accept genioplasty after their 2-year
postorthodontics records had been obtained.
Surgical Procedure
A mandibular lower border osteotomy was per-
formed with the patient under general anesthesia at
Hoˆpital l’Enfant-Je´ sus, Que´bec, Canada, by the same
oral-maxillofacial surgeon, following the technique
described by Precious and coworkers.
Anterior and
superior repositioning of the chin was achieved by
sliding the chin to its new position. For 49 of the 54
patients, wire osteosynthesis was achieved with at
least three transosseous double strands of 28-gauge
stainless-steel wire. The other five patients had bone
screws. Neither the wire nor screw fixation was
Cephalometric Data
Lateral cephalometric radiographs for patients partic-
ipating in this study prior to mid-2008 were taken on an
Orthophos Ceph machine (Siemens, Beinsheim, Ger-
many); afterward, an OP100 (Instrumentarium, Tuusula,
Finland) unit was used. All radiographs were traced by
the senior author with Quick Ceph Studio (Quick Ceph
Systems, San Diego, Calif). Magnification was calibrated
Table 1. Patient Characteristics
Baseline Age at T1 (Years) /1-APg (u) ADH (mm) FMA (u)
Group N Mean SD Range % Female Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD
Group 1 (,15 years) 28 14.00 0.67 12.62 to14.95 32 3.01 1.49 0.4 to 5.3 44.88 2.67 37.1 to 50.7 34.06 4.14
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 16.65 1.05 16.16 to18.61 44 3.67 1.74 21.2 to 6.5 45.92 3.27 40.1 to 51.1 32.46 3.39
Group 3 (.19 years) 10 28.65 4.96 22.35 to 36.16 40 2.73 1.90 20.3 to 5.6 48.00 4.76 36.9 to 53.1 34.74 6.35
Group 4 (control) 23 14.31 1.41 11.46 to 16.44 39 3.18 1.56 1.0 to 5.8 43.90 2.39 39.5 to 49.6 31.97 4.25
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
Figure 1. Cephalometric landmarks and dimensional measurements. Symphysis thickness was evaluated by measurement of the distance
between the anterior and posterior borders 4 mm below the apex of the lower incisors (ACP-PCP). Vertical chin height was evaluated by the
perpendicular distance from the mandibular plane to the lower incisor tip (ADH). Remodeling of the area above the repositioned chin was
evaluated by change at B point and symphysis thickness increase; remodeling of the area on the inferior border was evaluated by the change of
the depth of the notch at the posterior limit of the osteotomy cut, by measuring the perpendicular distance from PGP to the mandibular plane (MP).
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
for both the older scanned films and newer digital
radiographs. An x–y cranial base coordinate system
was constructed through sella with the x-axis drawn 7uto
the sella-nasion line and the y-axis passing through sella,
perpendicular to the x-axis (Figure 1).
For all subjects, the recommendation for genioplasty
was based on clinical evaluation of the prominence and
vertical position of the soft tissue chin relative to the lips
and midface. Cephalometric data for pretreatment a-p
chin deficiency relative to the lower incisors, the vertical
Figure 2. Facial changes before and after functional genioplasty for a typical patient. Note the improvement in facial proportions, improved lip
closure at repose, and improved display of the incisors on smile. Moving the chin up also moves the lower lip upward and decreases the display
of lower incisors.
Table 2. Change at Surgery (mm)
Genial Advancement at
Surgery T1–T2 Genial Vertical Reduction T1–T2 /1-APg Change T1–T2
Group n Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range
Group 1 (,15 years) 28 6.45 2.2 2.6 to 10.6 2.93 2.5 22.1 to 7.4 21.61 1.08 22.9 to 2.6
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 5.88 1.77 1.5 to 9.2 3.53 2.77 20.5 to 8.2 22.04 0.70 23.1 to 20.4
Group 3 (.19 years) 10 5.25 2.79 1.4 to 10.7 3.83 1.88 0 to 7.3 21.64 0.85 22.8 to 20.5
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
distance from the incisors to the bottom of the chin, and
the mandibular plane angle are shown in Table 1. To
evaluate postsurgical changes in the chin, the focus was
on four measurements (Figure 1): symphysis thickness,
vertical height of the chin relative to the lower incisors,
and remodeling above and behind the chin.
Statistical Analysis
The distribution of the sample was evaluated and
judged to be close enough to normal to use mean,
standard deviation, and range as descriptive statistics.
The study design involved comparison among the three
age groups who underwent genioplasty (groups 1, 2,
and 3) and comparison of the youngest group (group 1)
to an age-matched control group (group 4) with the
same characteristics. For both comparisons, changes
scores between time points were analyzed with multi-
variate analysis of covariance, in which gender effect
was evaluated as a covariate. Although gender did not
contribute to the differences, we kept this effect in the
model to adjust the conclusions for gender. One-sample
t-tests were used to evaluate the chance that data for
each time point were different from zero; pairwise
comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments for multiple
comparisons were used to evaluate the change between
groups. Unlike the Tukey adjustment, the Bonferroni
method does not need correction because of the
unbalanced sample size between groups. The level of
significance was set at P,.05. All of these analyses
were conducted with IBM SPSS Statistics (version 21).
To assess the method error, 15 cephalograms were
redigitized. An analysis of variance showed that there
was no significant difference between the first tracing
and the redigitized tracing. The coefficient of fidelity for
all variables was .9997. The coefficient of fidelity for
the symphysis thickness change and remodeling of the
inferior border (PGP) was .9231. The analysis of the
method error was conducted with SAS 9.4 (SAS
Institute Inc, Chicago, Ill).
Change at Surgery (T1–T2)
Changes at surgery for a typical functional genio-
plasty patient are shown in Figure 2, and the data are
summarized in Table 2. There were no significant
differences in genial advancement or vertical reduction
between the three age groups (Table 2). The changes
were highly statistically significant (,.0001 for both).
Change from Surgery to Follow-up (T2–T3)
Changes in symphysis thickness. Symphysis thick-
ness increased significantly for all three surgical
groups and showed a small but significant decrease
for the controls (Table 3; Figure 3). Pairwise compar-
isons between groups 1 and 3, controlling for different
sample size, showed a significant difference (P5
.004) between these two groups for the symphysis
thickness change.
When there is considerable variability in treatment
outcomes, as there often is, the percentage of patients
with clinically significant change can provide a better
understanding of the data.
Figure 3 shows that
39% of the youngest patients (group 1) had a 2- to 4-
mm increase in symphysis thickness during the 2 years
postsurgery, and 28% had a .4-mm increase.
Therefore, two-thirds of the youngest patients had a
more than 2-mm increase in symphysis thickness. The
percentage with change .2 mm was smaller in group
2, but two of those patients (7%) had a .4-mm
Figure 3. The percentages of patients with .2- and .4-mm changes
in symphysis thickness after genioplasty. Note the differences in the
genioplasty age groups and the contrast to the control patients.
Table 3. Symphysis Thickness at Each Time Point (mm)
T1 T2 T3 T2–T3 T1–T3
n Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Group 1 (,15 years) 28 8.39 1.62 8.50 1.57 11.73 2.86 3.24 2.68 3.44 2.51
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 8.14 1.78 8.29 1.84 10.35 2.58 2.06 1.24 2.15 1.88
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 8.13 2.37 8.07 2.48 9.18 2.21 1.11 1.02 1.04 1.16
Group 4 (controls) 23 8.84 2.20 8.46 2.25 20.44 0.67
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
increase. No patients in the oldest group (group 3) had
a.4-mm change, and only two (20%) had a .2-mm
change. In contrast to the genioplasty groups, no
patient in the control group had an increase in
symphysis thickness from the end of treatment to 2-
year recall, and seven (30%) had a 1-mm or greater
Changes in coordinate positions and dimensional
relationships. Data for changes in coordinate positions
for points B, Pg and Me are displayed in Tables 4 and
5, and the changes for Pg and Me are shown
graphically in Figures 4 and 5. It is important to keep
in mind that these changes are due to a combination of
mandibular growth and surface remodeling at and near
the chin.
Horizontal growth change at Pg after genioplasty
(T2–T3) of group 1 was less than the control group, but
the difference was not statistically significant. Group 1
showed a significant forward growth change, while for
groups 2 and 3, the horizontal change at Pg was not
significant (Figure 4). Vertical growth change at Me
after surgery was similar to the control group, and the
vertical change was significant for group 1, group 2, and
controls (Figure 5). Figure 6 shows the pattern of
vertical dentoalveolar change postgenioplasty. All
changes were statistically significant from zero for each
group, but for group 1, the T2–T3 change was
significantly different from groups 2, 3, and 4. One
should keep in mind that this vertical change at Me was
balanced by posterior facial growth: the mandibular
plane angle change for group 1 was not significant.
Pairwise comparisons are shown in Table 6. This
confirms that remodeling in group 1 is different from
remodeling in groups 3 and 4.
Three variables were significantly correlated to the
postsurgical change in symphysis thickness: the
amount of genial advancement, the amount of vertical
dentoalveolar growth, and the age at surgery. The
Rvalue of these three variables taken together was
.47 (r
5.22), and their influence was significant at the
Table 4. Horizontal Changes in Coordinate Position
Group n
T2–T3 (Postsurgery to 2 Years) T1–T3 (Presurgery to 2 Years)
Mean SD
Significance Mean SD
Horizontal change
DB point Group 1 (,15 years) 28 3.72 2.89 ,.001 4.21 3.47 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 2.13 1.92 ,.001 2.33 1.65 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 1.90 1.42 .004 1.68 1.74 .020
Group 4 (controls) 23 2.47 2.57 ,.001 2.47 2.57 ,.001
DBPg to MP Group 1 (,15 years) 28 1.06 1.33 ,.001 21.35 1.39 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 0.85 1.14 .009 21.59 2.40 .018
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.69 1.00 n.s. 20.78 1.70 n.s.
Group 4 (controls) 23 20.36 0.58 .007 20.36 0.58 .007
DPg Group 1 (,15 years) 28 1.17 2.89 .042 7.57 3.90 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 20.21 1.42 n.s. 6.13 1.99 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.48 2.06 n.s. 5.70 2.75 ,.001
Group 4 (controls) 23 2.67 2.85 .005 2.67 2.85 .005
DSymphysis thickness Group 1 (,15 years) 28 3.24 2.68 ,.001 3.44 2.51 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 2.06 1.24 ,.001 2.15 1.88 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 1.11 1.02 .011 1.04 1.16 .027
Group 4 (controls) 23 20.44 0.67 .004 20.44 0.67 .004
DMe Group 1 (,15 years) 28 0.78 2.78 n.s. 7.68 3.81 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 0.00 1.71 n.s. 6.79 2.27 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.68 1.69 n.s. 6.42 3.38 ,.001
Group 4 (controls) 23 2.38 2.82 ,.001 2.38 2.82 ,.001
DPg relative to N
perpendicular to FH
Group 1 (,15 years) 28 20.48 2.54 n.s. 5.60 3.31 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 20.86 1.25 .015 5.32 1.70 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 20.24 2.25 n.s. 4.93 3.14 .002
Group 4 (controls) 23 0.77 2.07 n.s. 0.77 2.07 n.s.
Sagittal relationship
DABOP occlusal
Group 1 (,15 years) 28 20.69 1.57 .028 21.31 1.75 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 19 21.44 2.09 .015 21.19 1.47 .005
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 21.17 1.46 .043 21.79 1.67 .012
Group 4 (controls) 23 20.37 1.64 n.s. 0.37 1.64 n.s.
D/1-APg Group 1 (,15 years) 28 0.80 0.85 ,.001 20.87 1.01 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 20.03 0.73 n.s. 22.18 0.53 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.38 0.65 n.s. 21.39 0.69 ,.001
Group 4 (controls) 23 0.43 0.91 .033 0.43 0.91 .033
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
P,.05 level (P5.03). When the predictor variables
were ranked by the standardized coefficient beta, the
result clearly showed that the younger the age at
surgery and the greater the dentoalveolar growth as
incisors erupted, the more the symphysis would
increase in thickness due to bone apposition. The
amount of genial advancement was not a determinant.
Remodeling changes. Remodeling of the symphysis
after genioplasty involves bone apposition above the
repositioned chin, with changes leading up to and even
beyond point B, and removal of bone adjacent to the
notch in the lower border of the mandible that is
present after the chin has been moved (Figures 7 and
8). Figure 8 illustrates the typical pattern of remodeling
in the younger patients. Statistical analysis showed
that the decrease in the depth of the notch at the
inferior border was significant for groups 1 and 2, but
no significant change was noted for the adult group
(Figure 7; Table 5). There was no significant change of
the inferior border in the control group.
Ranking the predictor variables confirmed that the
greater the dentoalveolar growth postsurgery, the
more complete the remodeling in both areas, but
neither the amount of genial advancement nor the age
at surgery were significant predictors. It is clear,
therefore, that age at genioplasty, which affects the
amount of incisor eruption afterward, does make a
difference in the extent of both bone apposition and
remodeling, with more apposition and remodeling in
patients younger than 15 years, less in late adoles-
cents, and still less in adults.
Stability of the Surgical Repositioning
It is important to keep in mind that postsurgical
changes in the position of the chin were due to a
combination of mandibular growth and surface remode-
ling at and near the chin. For the younger patients, this
is best evaluated by comparing the change in group 1
with the control group. The mean A-P change at Pg after
genioplasty (T2–T3) of group 1 was less than the control
group (ie, the genioplasty patients were slightly more
stable), but the difference was small and not statistically
significant (see Figure 4). The vertical change at Me
after surgery also was similar to the control group (see
Figure 5).
The data show, therefore, that forward and down-
ward growth at the chin in this sample was not
significantly affected by genioplasty and that the
changes in chin position produced by the genioplasty
were maintained in growing patients.
The data from this study make it clear that both the
amount of new bone formation after genioplasty and
the extent of remodeling around the repositioned chin
Table 5. Vertical Changes in Coordinate Position
T2–T3 (Postsurgery to 2 Years) T1–T3 (Presurgery to 2 Years)
Group n Mean SD
Significance Mean SD
Vertical change
DB point Group 1 (,15 years) 28 21.75 2.49 .001 21.93 2.73 .001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 20.53 3.70 n.s. 20.67 3.50 n.s.
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 20.09 2.90 n.s. 20.02 2.47 n.s.
Group 4 (controls) 23 22.89 3.65 .001 22.89 3.65 .001
DPg Group 1 (,15 years) 28 24.10 3.36 ,.001 21.75 3.59 .016
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 22.71 2.32 ,.001 0.01 2.69 n.s.
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 21.04 2.52 n.s. 1.86 3.12 n.s.
Group 4 (controls) 23 23.69 4.08 ,.001 23.69 4.08 ,.001
DMe Group 1 (,15 years) 28 25.01 3.09 ,.001 22.14 3.30 .002
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 22.57 2.43 .001 0.90 3.69 n.s.
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 21.26 2.35 n.s. 2.60 2.83 .025
Group 4 (controls) 23 24.46 4.61 ,.001 24.46 4.61 ,.001
DFMA Group 1 (,15 years) 28 0.40 1.61 n.s. 25.89 2.50 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 0.86 0.90 .002 25.48 2.25 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.39 1.28 n.s. 26.14 2.07 ,.001
Group 4 (controls) 23 20.72 1.62 .044 20.72 1.62 .044
DADH (anterior dental height) Group 1 (,15 years) 28 3.11 1.93 ,.001 22.78 1.98 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 1.20 1.13 .001 24.86 2.39 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.74 0.89 .036 25.29 1.92 ,.001
Group 4 (controls) 23 1.84 1.86 ,.001 1.84 1.86 ,.001
DPGP to MP Group 1 (,15 years) 28 1.17 1.29 ,.001 22.84 1.88 ,.001
Group 2 (15–19 years) 16 0.62 0.88 .013 23.26 1.75 ,.001
Group 3 (.19 years) 9 0.30 1.00 n.s. 23.79 1.27 .025
Group 4 (controls) 23 0.14 0.61 n.s. 0.14 0.61 n.s.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
are greater in patients who are still in mid-adolescence
than in late adolescents and adults. Our results both
confirm and extend the earlier report by Martinez that
showed better healing in patients younger than age 15
and support other findings
that after genioplas-
ty, bone remodeling occurs at the inferior border of the
proximal segment between the distal point of the
osteotomy cut and the advanced distal segment. Our
groups 1 and 2 showed a statistically significant mean
reduction of this notch (1.2 61.3 mm and 0.6 6
0.9 mm, respectively), while the adult group had a
modest nonsignificant reduction of 0.3 61.0 mm.
In this study, the control group had a slight but
significant resorption at B point (0.4 60.6 mm), which
is consistent with the usual pattern of growth at the
chin in adolescence. Following genioplasty, as in Park
et al.,
Shaughnessy et al.,
and Precious et al.,
we found that bone apposition occurred at B point, with
a similar change in all three age groups (0.7 to
1.0 mm). Bony angles above the repositioned chin
became rounded, and rough edges became smooth.
Shaughnessy et al.
suggested that the autogenous
bone grafts from the iliac crest that they placed in this
area were responsible for the improved contours.
Since none of the patients of the present study
received a graft and all had significant apposition at
B point, we question the indication for grafting bone
into that area, particularly with bone from a donor site
such as the iliac crest that requires invasive surgery.
Would it have made a difference if we used skeletal
age instead of chronologic age in separating the three
groups? It would have been possible to do that without
additional radiation by using maturation of the cervical
vertebrae. The conclusion of a recent review of
methods to establish peak growth at adolescence,
however, concluded that chronologic age is better.
is possible that the group younger than 15 years had
some relatively mature girls, while the age 15–19
group had some relatively immature males, but that
would have minimized rather than augmented the
differences we observed.
The increased remodeling of the facial alveolar bone
above the osteotomy site is important in the context of
bone support for the lower incisors, because lower
incisors tend to be proclined in individuals with a
deficient chin even without treatment. This often is
Figure 4. Horizontal change at Pg. The younger genioplasty patients and the controls showed significant forward growth at Pg; the change at Pg
for groups 2 and 3 was nonsignificant. The growth change of group 1 was not statistically different from the controls (ie, there was no evidence of
decreased forward growth in the young genioplasty patients).
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
Figure 5. Vertical change at Me. Vertical growth change at Me after surgery (T2–T3) was significant for groups 1 and 2 and was similar to the
control group, showing that vertical growth at Me was not affected by genioplasty.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
increased during their orthodontic treatment as the
lower arch is expanded to align crowded incisors and/
or Class II elastics are used to correct the occlusion.
The result can be bone dehiscence and stripping of
gingival tissue. Our data show that as the bone
remodels after genioplasty, there is formation of new
alveolar bone facial to the teeth at a higher level in the
younger patients, and this can be attributed to
postgenioplasty eruption of the teeth as face height
increases more in the younger group.
Our patients also had formation of new bone on
the lingual side behind the prominence of the chin, with
a greater increase in symphysis thickness in the
younger patients that persisted during the first 2 years
Figure 6. Vertical alveolar dental change. All changes were statistically significant for each group. Note that the mean 6-mm difference between
the young genioplasty patients and controls created by surgery was maintained at 2-year recall.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
posttreatment. The symphysis is a highly stressed
area during normal function. Is greater symphysis
strength a long-term outcome of genioplasty via lower
border osteotomy? We have no data to support that
possibility, but there is nothing to indicate that
genioplasty before the completion of mandibular
growth weakens the chin.
Does repositioning the chin have a deleterious effect
on mandibular growth? That is a valid concern and has
been a major reason for delaying it until growth is
essentially completed. Our control group of mandibular
deficient young patients who did not accept genioplasty
allows a comparison of mandibular growth in treated
and untreated individuals with similar mandibular
morphology. Growth at the chin is largely due to growth
of the mandible, but in the normal growth pattern, the
chin becomes more prominent, not by apposition in the
pogonion area, but by resorption above pogonion that
extends upward toward point B.
In a growing individual
with an indication for forward-upward genioplasty, data
from our control group show that lip incompetency
persists, facial convexity is maintained, bone resorption
occurs at point B, and symphysis thickness has a
tendency to decrease. Change or the lack of it in a
typical control patient is shown in Figure 9.
Although our data show no evidence to support a
negative effect on mandibular growth from a lower
border osteotomy, whether it is done in early adoles-
cence or later, it will be important to follow the younger
patients until the end of the normal growth period to be
sure that there is no residual effect, and this is
planned. The mandibular plane angle decreases
slightly during normal adolescent growth, and this is
what we observed in both the younger genioplasty
patients and the controls. It can be difficult to avoid
unerupted permanent teeth during a lower border
osteotomy in a child, and this is a contraindication for
early genioplasty. Eruption of mandibular canines,
usually around age 12–13 years, removes that
limitation for most individuals.
Most previous studies of stability after genioplasty
have reported that it is the most stable of the
orthognathic surgery procedures and that significant
relapse is almost never observed.
using a different surgical procedure than the one in
this study, reported greater relapse (about a 40%
change) for young patients. Martinez et al.
also noted
greater relapse in their younger group (a 16% change),
but it was neither clinically nor statistically significant.
Our findings do not support a greater relapse at Pg for
younger growing patients. Since almost all of our
patients (91%) had wire fixation, better postsurgical
stability with more costly bone screws may not be a
consideration for this type of genioplasty.
NBenefits of genioplasty via a lower border osteotomy
that moves the chin forward and upward (a functional
genioplasty) include increased symphysis thickness,
bone apposition at B point, and remodeling at the
inferior border. Better bone apposition and remodel-
ing is observed in younger patient compared with
Table 6. Pairwise Comparisons Between Groups
T2–T3 T1–T3
1–Group 4
1–Group 2
1–Group 3
2–Group 3
1–Group 4
1–Group 2
1–Group 3
2–Group 3
Horizontal change
DB point n.s. n.s. .012 n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
DBPg to MP ,.001 n.s. n.s. n.s. .002 n.s. n.s. n.s.
DPg .069 n.s. n.s. n.s. ,.001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
DSymphysis thickness ,.001 n.s. .004 n.s. ,.001 n.s. .002 n.s.
DMe .049 n.s. n.s. n.s. ,.001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
DPg relative to N perpendicular to FH n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. ,.001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
Vertical change
DB point n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s.
DPg n.s. n.s. .006 n.s. n.s. n.s. .018 n.s.
DMe n.s. .022 .003 n.s. n.s. n.s. .013 n.s.
DFMA .017 n.s. n.s. n.s. ,.001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
DADH (anterior dental height) .021 ,.001 ,.001 n.s. ,.001 .013 .003 n.s.
DPGP to MP ,.001 n.s. .156 n.s. ,.001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
Sagittal relationship
DABOP occlusal relationship .028 n.s. n.s. n.s. .001 n.s. n.s. n.s.
D/1-APg n.s. .004 n.s. n.s. ,.001 ,.001 n.s. .012
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
Figure 7. Remodeling at the inferior border. The notch at the inferior border of the proximal segment between the distal point of the osteotomy cut
and the advanced distal segment was significantly reduced for groups 1 and 2 (1.2 61.3 mm and 0.6 60.9 mm, respectively), while the adult
group had a modest nonsignificant reduction of 0.3 61.0 mm. The net outcome at T3 showed a significant decrease of the depth of this notch
when comparing group 1 to adults (P5.018).
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
NWhen indications for such a genioplasty are recog-
nized, early surgical correction (before age 15)
produces a better outcome in terms of bone remodel-
ing. This is related primarily to greater vertical growth of
the dentoalveolar process in the younger patients.
NThere is no difference in postsurgical stability in
younger and older genioplasty patients.
We thank Dr Dany Morais for his surgical excellence, Mr.
Warren McCollum for creating the graphs and charts, Ms
Ramona Hutton-Howe for preparation of photographs for
publication, Mr David Emond of Laval University for statistical
consultation, and the Orthodontic Fund of the Dental Foundation
of North Carolina for support of production costs. The junior
author is supported by a doctoral scholarship from the
Desjardins Foundation, the Quebec Research Fund on Society
and Culture, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research
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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
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Figure 9. Facial changes in a typical untreated control patient, who was age 15 years 10 months at the end of orthodontic treatment and age
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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 85, No 3, 2015
... The sample was divided into 3 groups by their age at the time of surgery: \15 years (group 1, n 5 34), 15-18 years (group 2, n 5 23), and $19 years (group 3, n 5 18) to replicate the age groupings in the previous reports. 5,22 Twenty-five patients who were offered and who declined genioplasty were used as a control group. The results for these patients were observed at 2 time points, which were at the end of their orthodontic treatment and on the 2-year follow up visit (Table I). ...
... 1,[12][13][14][15]17,18,20 An x-y cranial base coordinate system was constructed through sella with the x-axis drawn 7 to the sella-nasion line and the y-axis passing through sella, perpendicular to the x-axis. 5 Score changes of hardtissue and soft-tissue landmarks were evaluated vertically and horizontally from this system of reference planes that were not altered by the surgery allowing the ability to obtain reliable results. 20 All radiographs were traced by the same operator (S.C.) with Quick Ceph Studio (Quick Ceph Systems, San Diego, Calif). ...
... Our results support our previous finding that a functional genioplasty does not affect the growth pattern. 5 The increase of softtissue thickness at Me of group 1 compared with the control group can be explained by less muscular contracture of the surgical group. The reduction of the symphysis thickness of the control group compared with the augmentation in group 1 confirms the advantage of early intervention. ...
Abstract: Introduction This study aimed to determine the vertical and horizontal soft-tissue vs hard-tissue changes after isolated functional genioplasty and to revisit hard-tissue remodeling at the symphysis. Methods Seventy-five patients who underwent genioplasty as an isolated procedure at the end of their orthodontic treatment were divided into 3 groups on the basis of their age at surgery: <15 years (group 1), 15-18 years (group 2), and ≥19 years (group 3). Patients were evaluated at 3 time points: immediately before surgery (T1), immediately after surgery (T2), and 2 years after surgery (T3). In addition, 25 patients who did not accept genioplasty, were age-matched with group 1, and had a follow-up radiograph 2 years after the end of their orthodontic treatment were used as a control group. Results From T2 to T3, group 1 showed less forward horizontal hard-tissue and soft-tissue changes at pogonion (Pg) than the control group; however, no difference was noted for vertical changes at Me & Me'. From T1 to T3, the horizontal hard-tissue and soft-tissue changes at Pg were 6.39 mm and 6.72 mm, respectively, for surgical groups. Vertical hard-tissue change at menton (Me) showed a reduction of 1.63 mm (95% confidence interval [CI], −3.37 to 0.11) and 3.89 mm (95% CI, −5.83 to −1.95) in nongrowing female and male patients, respectively. The vertical soft-tissue change reduction was similar for nongrowing male and female patients (1.7 mm [95% CI, −2.96 to −0.45]). Soft-tissue thickness change at Pg (0.33 mm) was not significant. In contrast, a small but significant increase in soft-tissue thickness was noted at Me (0.54 mm). Linear regressions were calculated for all groups and allowed for predicting long-term soft-tissue changes (T3-T1) using the amount of surgical displacement (T2-T1). Conclusions The horizontal hard-tissue change was stable for nongrowing patients, and the horizontal soft-tissue change was 92% of hard-tissue. Vertical soft-tissue change is less predictable. Variation of soft-tissue thickness after genioplasty can be explained by skeletal changes and the achievement of an unforced labial occlusion. These results support the functional and esthetic benefits of this surgery. Comparison with the control group showed that genioplasty does not change the growth pattern, and bone remodeling is likely to explain the difference noted at Pg.
... Even if posterior intrusion achieves a positive overbite, issues such as a long lower anterior face, vertical excess at the symphysis, or a retrusive chin may persist, as in Case 2. A minimally invasive functional genioplasty can be used to achieve ideal vertical and sagittal skeletal relationships while improving the chin-throat contour, facial convexity, lip curl, lip competency at rest, and smile display. 21 Bone apposition over the incisor roots, along with the reduction in mentalis strain, may result in an improved appearance of the attached gingiva after the genioplasty (Figs. 8,12). ...
Skeletal anchorage now provides a nonsurgical option for resolving a combination of open-bite malocclusion with vertical maxillary excess. Dr. Chamberland describes a double-arch molar intrusion method using palatal and buccal miniscrews. Two cases of nongrowing patients are presented to illustrate the technique.
... Genioplasty is a maxillofacial procedure that surgically alters the bony morphology of the chin, with a corresponding change in the position and form of the overlying soft tissues. In addition to cosmesis, functional genioplasty is indicated for lip incompetence (as may occur in vertical excess of the lower anterior facial height), residual facial deformities in cleft lip or palate, and in stabilisation of orthodontic treatment by normalising the myocutaneous and bony elements of the lower face [8][9][10]. Without objective methods of measuring chin morphology, recommendation for genioplasty currently relies on subjective clinical assessment. ...
IntroductionCephalometric analysis is an essential tool in the diagnostics and planning of orthognathic surgery. No objective criterion exists to facilitate decision making regarding genioplasties. Differing opinions amongst clinicians therefore leads to wide variability amongst treatment options offered to potentially suitable patients. This study has three aims. The first was to quantify the distribution of chin morphology amongst the average population using cephalometric analysis. Secondly, we sought to determine whether cephalometric parameters could be used to predict overlying soft tissue changes. Lastly, we consider the use of a new cephalometric angle, BNPg, for pre- and post-operative assessment of genioplasty patients.Methods This study retrospectively analysed 231 lateral cephalograms. The angle between the landmarks: B point, Nasion and Pogonion was measured to generate ‘BNPg’ a novel unit to quantify bony chin protrusion.ResultsThe mean BNPg from all 231 samples was 1.12 degrees with a standard deviation of ± 1.35. Comparison between sexes showed no significant differences between male and females (P = 0.108). Furthermore, bony chin protrusion was found to strongly positively correlate with soft tissue chin appearance (r = 0.731), however, BNPg was found not to correlate with skeletal malocclusion (ANB, r = 0.085).Conclusion The novel unit BNPg may serve as a useful tool in contributing to the determination of treatment thresholds in osseous genioplasty for desirable aesthetic outcomes and may be used post-operatively to assess outcomes also. As this is a pilot study, further clinical studies would be required to validate this parameter in genioplasty patients, both pre- and post-operatively.
... La génioplastie d'avancée modifie la convexité du visage et permet d'obtenir une harmonie faciale, des lèvres compétentes au repos et une augmentation de la longueur cou-menton (Figs. 3B et C) 2,3,7 . Dans notre étude, la plupart des patients avaient les lèvres fermées sur la téléradiographie initiale (T1), ce qui signifie qu'il y avait vraisemblablement une contraction musculaire des lèvres et du menton dans les mesures initiales. ...
RÉSUMÉ – Introduction : Cette étude avait pour but de déterminer les modifica- tions verticales et horizontales des tissus cutanés par rapport aux tissus osseux après une génioplastie fonctionnelle isolée et d’évaluer le remodelage des tissus osseux au niveau de la symphyse. Méthodes : Soixante-quinze patients qui ont subi une génio- plastie comme procédure isolée à la fin de leur traitement orthodontique ont été divisés en trois groupes sur la base de leur âge au moment de la chirurgie : moins de 15 ans (groupe 1), de 15 à 18 ans (groupe 2) et de 19 ans et plus (groupe 3). Les patients ont été évalués à trois moments : immédiatement avant la chirurgie (T1), immédiate- ment après la chirurgie (T2) et deux ans après la chirurgie (T3). En outre, 25 patients qui n’ont pas accepté la génioplastie, dont l’âge correspondait à celui du groupe 1 et qui ont subi une téléradiographie de profil de contrôle deux ans après la fin de leur traite- ment orthodontique ont été utilisés comme groupe témoin. Résultats : De T2 à T3, le groupe 1 a montré moins de changements horizontaux des tissus durs et mous vers l’avant au niveau du pogonion (Pg) que le groupe témoin ; cependant, aucune diffé- rence n’a été notée pour les changements verticaux au niveau de Me & Me’. De T1 à T3, les changements horizontaux des tissus osseux et cutanés à Pg étaient respective- ment de 6,39 mm et 6,72 mm pour les groupes chirurgicaux. La modification verticale des tissus osseux au niveau du menton (Me) a montré une réduction de 1,63 mm (IC 95 %, -3,37 à 0,11) et de 3,89 mm (IC95 %, -5,83 à -1,95) chez les patients féminins et masculins sans croissance, respectivement. La réduction verticale de la modification des tissus mous était similaire chez les patients homme et femme qui ne sont pas en croissance (1,7 mm [IC 95 %, -2,96 à -0,45]). La modification de l’épaisseur des tissus mous à Pg (0,33 mm) n’était pas significative. En revanche, une augmentation faible mais significative de l’épaisseur des tissus cutanés a été observée à Me (0,54 mm). Des régressions linéaires ont été calculées pour tous les groupes et permettent de prédire les changements à long terme des tissus cutanés (T3-T1) en utilisant la quantité de déplacement chirurgical (T2-T1). Conclusions : Le changement horizontal des tissus osseux est stable pour les patients qui ne grandissent pas et le changement horizontal des tissus mous représente 92 % des tissus durs. Le changement vertical des tissus cutanés est moins prévisible. La variation de l’épaisseur des tissus cutanés après une génioplastie peut s’expliquer par les changements squelettiques et l’obtention d’une occlusion labiale non forcée. Ces résultats confirment les avantages fonctionnels et esthétiques de cette chirurgie. La comparaison avec le groupe témoin a montré que la génioplastie ne modifie pas le schéma de croissance et le remodelage osseux est susceptible d’expliquer la différence constatée à Pg.
... This is consistent with Frapier et al. 2011 (23) and Chamberland et al.2015(42). Frapier and Al in 2010 (24) and 2011 (23), reported that genioplasty performed during the growth promotes change in the direction of mandibular growth towards anterior rotation with a sagittal gain, which is beneficial for increasing pharyngeal dimension and improvement of ventilation, Chamberland and al. reported same results in 2015 (42). ...
Full-text available
Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is considered to be a real public health problem, often unrecognized or underdiagnosed, requiring multidisciplinary care including orthodontics that plays an essential role in the screening and the management of ventilation. Objective: The aim of our study is to explain the important place of orthodontic therapies, whether orthopedic or surgical, in the multidisciplinary management of OSA and in the improvement of nasal breathing through a systematic review. Material and methods: A search of the literature was performed in the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library . The search was limited to publications written in English and French from 2010 to January 2022. Results: On the basis of the keywords, eighty-three references were initially identified. After the elimination of duplicates, the number of articles was reduced to seventy-nine. The study of the titles and abstracts made it possible to select fifty articles. After reading the full text, sixteen publications were included in this systematic review. Eight studies have investigated rapid maxillary expansion (RME), five studies have evaluated the effect of mandibular advancement (MA) and three studies have investigated the effect of genioplasty in children with OSA. Conclusion: Orthodontic arsenal, whether orthopedic, orthodontic, or surgical correction of jaws, is well suited and extremely beneficial for OSA treatment.
Conference Paper
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the indications for “functional” genioplasty, as described by J. Delaire, and to analyze the implications of this surgical procedure on the choices the orthodontist must make regarding orthodontic treatment (extractions, anchorage, mechanics, etc.). In fact, this surgery modifies the position of the pogonion, the inferior reference point of the Apogonion line, which is fundamental for a correct calculation of spaces. Introduction: “Functional” genioplasty was first described by J. Delaire in 1983. This surgical procedure is indicated for individuals with Class II highangle malocclusion. The purpose of this procedure is not only to improve the aesthetics of patients with long, retruded chins, but also to promote labial competence by reducing the lower facial height. “Functional” genioplasty modifies both the labio-lingual neuromuscular balance and skeletal structure and, with it, some important cephalometric points and planes: Menton, Gnathion and pogonion, mandibular plane, facial axis, facial plane and A-Pogonion line. The orthodontist should carefully analyze these changes when evaluating treatment planning, especially when extractions are indicated and a new A-Pogonion line is to be drawn in the V.T.O (Visual Treatment Objectives). Materials and methods: The possibility of correcting a long, retruded chin by functional genioplasty and the reliability of cephalometric reevaluation with the described method are presented on a typical clinical case treated. The authors suggest specific timing for the orthodontic and surgical approach to high-angle Class II patients to achieve the best results. Results: The patient should undergo genioplasty as soon as the lower canines are erupted. Then it is important to wait 12–18 months to allow the improved labial competence to have an effect on the front dentition. Only at this point will it be possible to calculate orthodontic movements according to the new A-Pogonion line. Conclusions: “Functional” genioplasty is a low-impact, low-risk, and welltolerated surgical procedure. It corrects both neuromuscular and skeletal abnor- malities. However, the orthodontist must carefully consider these changes be- cause of the new orientation of the A-pogonion line.
Introduction: - Functional genioplasty aims to achieve lip competence at rest and reduces lip pressure against the mandibular incisors. The purpose of this study was to describe the radiographic changes in alveolar bone of the mandibular incisors after functional genioplasty. Materials and methods: - Cone beam CT images from 36 patients were compared between immediate (T0) and delayed postoperative period (T1). The mean time to complete the second imaging was 10.9 ± 4.7 months. Dental and bone parameters were assessed: the vestibular bone height (BH), the bone thickness (BT) with regard to the apex of the central incisor (BT2) and at equidistance between the cementoenamel junction and the dental apex (BT1). The existence of fenestrations, the apical-root resorption and the incisor-mandibular plane angle (IMPA) were also collected. Results: - No significant change occurred in the BH. BT was improved of a mean 47.9% and 53.6% at the BT1 level on #31 and #41, respectively (p1=0.01 and p2=0.02, respectively); and of 53.0% at the level of the apex of both mandibular central incisors (p1=0.003 on #31 and p2=0.009 on #41). No difference in the number of fenestrations was observed between T0 and T1. A significant decrease in the root length on both mandibular incisors was observed on the delayed CBCT (from 21.96 ± 1.35 to 21.68 ± 1.32 mm for #31, p=0.0007; from 22.26 ± 1.66 to 21.96 ± 1.48 mm for #41, p=0.002). Finally, the IMPA remained stable between the two examinations with a mean 106.1 ± 7.38° vs 105.8 ± 6.51° (p=0.38). Conclusion: - Functional genioplasty favours the alveolar bone formation of the mandibular central incisors, probably by direct bone grafting, but also by the relaxation of the perioral and chin musculature.
Background Following mandibular reduction, bone regeneration in the angle region is a problem that can affect facial aesthetics and lead to revision surgery. The bone regeneration rate (BRR) varies between individuals and is difficult to predict. However, studies focusing on preoperative patient-related factors are lacking. As bone regeneration is closely related to the inflammatory and immune status of the organism, according to in vitro and in vivo evidence, preoperative inflammatory indicators were included in this study as potential predictors.Methods Demographic and preoperative laboratory data were included as independent variables. The BRR calculated from computed tomography data was included as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to determine the key factors influencing the BRR. The ROC curves were used to analyse the corresponding predictive efficacy.Results23 patients (46 mandibular angles) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The mean bilateral BRR was 23.82 ± 9.90%. Preoperative monocyte count (M) was an independent positive factor for BRR, and age was a negative factor. Only M had a good predictive ability, and its optimal cut-off point to distinguish patients with BRR greater than 30% was 0.305 × 109/L. Other parameters were not significantly correlated with BRR.Conclusions Patient age and preoperative M may influence BRR, with M having a positive effect and age having a negative effect. According to the preoperative blood routine tests that are readily available, using the diagnostic threshold (M = 0.305 × 109/L) derived from this study, surgeons can better predict BRR and identify patients whose BRR is greater than the mean level.Level of Evidence IVThis journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors
The main objective of this study was to evaluate long-term stability of rigid osteosynthesis in the context of advancement genioplasty. Bone stability was defined as a long-term bone loss of less than 2 mm. Measurements were performed on lateral cephalograms, in the sagittal and vertical planes, at three times: preoperative (T0, less than one month before surgery), early postoperative (T1, at least one month post-operatively) and late postoperative (T2, at least one year after surgery). 25 patients were included in the study, with a mean follow-up of 3.47 years (range 1-9.42 years). The mean sagittal bone advancement at T1 was 4.06 mm ± 1.34, with a bone loss of 0.65 mm at T2 (p = 0.001). The mean vertical bone movement was 1.25 mm ± 0.47 at T1, with a relapse at T2 of 0.34 mm (p = 0.27). The soft-to-hard tissue ratio was 78% in the sagittal plane. Rigid osteosynthesis offers long-term stability, with very little change in clinical outcome, in advanced genioplasty.
This retrospective study was conducted to determine the difference in the cost of genioplasty according to the osseous fixation technique used. A retrospective study among orthognathic surgery patients treated over a 54-month period ending in June 30, 2011 was conducted. Immediately post surgery, panoramic and cephalometric radiographs of these patients were assessed to determine the presence of genioplasty procedure and the type of fixation used. The cost of the actual fixation used by the surgeons was compared with that which the cost would have been had the surgeons used the criteria described in the hypotheses, for plate and screws fixation when genioplasty is performed. A review of 1,498 orthognathic surgery patients revealed that 473 of these patients underwent genioplasty. Out of 473 patients, 425 had genioplasty to either advance and-or superiorly reposition the chin. Of these, 230 had wire osteosynthesis and 243 had some form of rigid fixation. The unit cost of fixation for genioplasty when wire osteosynthesis is used is less than C5.00.ThemeanunitcostestimateinourpatientgroupwhenprebentplatesareusedwasC5.00. The mean unit cost estimate in our patient group when pre-bent plates are used was C542.00. All 230 patients in whom wire osteosynthesis was used demonstrated stable fixation of the bony parts and no immediate postsurgical adjustment was required in any patient. For patients requiring genioplasty to advance and-or superiorly reposition the chin, it is possible to use wire osteosynthesis to achieve accurate and stable fixation while reducing the fixation cost by more than C$500.00 per case. The surgeon should include cost considerations in the selection of treatment methods.
INTRODUCTION: Sequential stages in the development of the hand, wrist, and cervical vertebrae commonly are used to assess maturation and predict the timing of the adolescent growth spurt. This approach is predicated on the idea that forecasts based on skeletal age must, of necessity, be superior to those based on chronologic age. This study was undertaken to test this reasonable, albeit largely unproved, assumption in a large, longitudinal sample. METHODS: Serial records of 100 children (50 girls, 50 boys) were chosen from the files of the Bolton-Brush Growth Study Center in Cleveland, Ohio. The 100 series were 6 to 11 years in length, a span that was designed to encompass the onset and the peak of the adolescent facial growth spurt in each subject. Five linear cephalometric measurements (S-Na, Na-Me, PNS-A, S-Go, Go-Pog) were summed to characterize general facial size; a sixth (Co-Gn) was used to assess mandibular length. In all, 864 cephalograms were traced and analyzed. For most years, chronologic age, height, and hand-wrist films were available, thereby permitting various alternative methods of maturational assessment and prediction to be tested. The hand-wrist and the cervical vertebrae films for each time point were staged. Yearly increments of growth for stature, face, and mandible were calculated and plotted against chronologic age. For each subject, the actual age at onset and peak for stature and facial and mandibular size served as the gold standards against which key ages inferred from other methods could be compared. RESULTS: On average, the onset of the pubertal growth spurts in height, facial size, and mandibular length occurred in girls at 9.3, 9.8, and 9.5 years, respectively. The difference in timing between height and facial size growth spurts was statistically significant. In boys, the onset for height, facial size, and mandibular length occurred more or less simultaneously at 11.9, 12.0, and 11.9 years, respectively. In girls, the peak of the growth spurt in height, facial size, and mandibular length occurred at 10.9, 11.5, and 11.5 years. Height peaked significantly earlier than both facial size and mandibular length. In boys, the peak in height occurred slightly (but statistically significantly) earlier than did the peaks in the face and mandible: 14.0, 14.4, and 14.3 years. Based on rankings, the hand-wrist stages provided the best indication (lowest root mean squared error) that maturation had advanced to the peak velocity stage. Chronologic age, however, was nearly as good, whereas the vertebral stages were consistently the worst. Errors from the use of statural onset to predict the peak of the pubertal growth spurt in height, facial size, and mandibular length were uniformly lower than for predictions based on the cervical vertebrae. Chronologic age, especially in boys, was a close second. CONCLUSIONS: The common assumption that onset and peak occur at ages 12 and 14 years in boys and 10 and 12 years in girls seems correct for boys, but it is 6 months to 1 year late for girls. As an index of maturation, hand-wrist skeletal ages appear to offer the best indication that peak growth velocity has been reached. Of the methods tested here for the prediction of the timing of peak velocity, statural onset had the lowest errors. Although mean chronologic ages were nearly as good, stature can be measured repeatedly and thus might lead to improved prediction of the timing of the adolescent growth spurt.
Lip pressures before and after orthognathic surgery were studied to evaluate the relationship between posttreatment soft-tissue adaptation and incisor stability. After all surgical procedures, physiologic adaptation resulted in the maintenance of pressures during speech and swallowing. When the maxilla was advanced by LeFort I osteotomy, a significant decrease in resting pressure of the upper lip was observed instead of the expected increase and incisor stability did not seem related to soft-tissue influences. When the mandible was advanced by sagittal split osteotomy, resting pressure did not increase as expected-, but there was a tendency for incisors to become more upright after fixation release, perhaps as a rebound from labial tipping in fixation. When soft tissues were relaxed as the mandible rotated forward following superior repositioning of the maxilia, resting pressures decreased and lower incisors tended to be positioned forward as predicted by equilibrium theory.
This retrospective study evaluated the skeletal and soft tissue facial profile changes as well as the predictability and the short-term stability of the soft-tissue response to advancement genioplasty in Class I dental arch relationship patients. The study included 14 adult patients who presented a Class I dental arch but a Class II skeletal arch relationship and underwent advancement genioplasty exclusively. Lateral cephalograms taken immediately preoperatively (T1), immediately postoperatively (T2) and 1 year postoperatively (T3) were analysed. The hard tissue pogonion was sagittally advanced by an average of 7.9 mm (p<0.001) (T1-T2). The soft tissue chin followed the sagittal skeletal chin movement and exceeded chin advancement due to the initial soft tissue swelling. In the vertical dimension, the skeletal chin moved 3.0mm (p<0.01) upwards whilst the soft tissue chin moved only 2.1mm upwards (p<0.01). All profile convexity angles increased significantly (p<0.001), implying that the profile was straightened by the advancement of the chin. In the short term, advancement genioplasty was a predictable and stable procedure for chin correction. A ratio of 1:1 may be used to predict the sagittal soft tissue to bony movements for the period from before to 1 year after surgery.
During facial growth, the maxilla and mandible translate downward and forward. Although the forward displacement of the maxilla is less than that of the mandible, the interarch relationship of the teeth in the sagittal view during growth remains essentially unchanged. Interdigitation is thought to provide a compensatory (tooth movement) mechanism for maintaining the pattern of occlusion during growth: the maxillary teeth move anteriorly relative to the maxilla while the mandibular teeth move posteriorly relative to the basilar mandible. The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that the human chin develops as a result of this process. Twenty-five untreated subjects from the Iowa Facial Growth Study with Class I normal occlusion were randomly selected based on availability of cephalograms at T1 (mean = 8.32 yr) and T2 (mean = 19.90 yr). Measurements of growth (T2 minus T1) parallel to the Frankfort horizontal (FH) for the maxilla, maxillary dentition, mandible, mandibular dentition, and pogonion (Pg) were made. Relative to Pg (a stable bony landmark), B-point moved posteriorly, on average 2.34 mm during growth, and bony chin development (B-point to Pg) increased concomitantly. Similarly, the mandibular and maxillary incisors moved posteriorly relative to Pg 2.53 mm and 2.76 mm, respectively. A-point, relative to Pg, moved posteriorly 4.47 mm during growth. Bony chin development during facial growth occurs, in part, from differential jaw growth and compensatory dentoalveolar movements.
The purpose of this prospective study was to determine whether combined functional genioplasty and orthodontic treatment in patients with vertical mandibular growth can be beneficial not only in achieving an esthetic outcome and orthodontic stability but also for the multi-disciplinary management of oral ventilation. Twenty-five non-obese adolescents (mean age: 14.6 ± 1.4 years) with vertical excess of the lower third requiring genioplasty received surgery following orthodontic treatment. All were predominantly mouth-breathers despite ENT treatment and rehabilitation. The functional before-after impact of genioplasty was examined in a clinical setting using polysomnography. Before genioplasty, 52% of the adolescents presented an upper airways resistance syndrome (UARS) with obstructive hypopnea and poor sleep quality. Three to 6 months after genioplasty, the mode of ventilation shifted from oral to nasal (p < 0.001). Lip seal was significantly restored with no contraction of the labio-mental muscles. All nighttime symptoms improved. The proportion of patients suffering from ronchopathy (pathological snoring), dry mouth and disturbed sleep dropped significantly (p = 0.08, p = 0.001, p = 0.0009, respectively). Respiratory events and sleep pattern became normal. Below, we present two clinical reports involving obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Genioplasty performed during puberty promotes spontaneous lip closure and helps restore nasal ventilation. It improves the obstructive disorder and its manifestations during sleep.
Genioplasty has been validated for the correction of mandibular vertical excess and is generally performed at the end of the growth period, either alone or in association with other forms of osteotomy. Our aim was to assess whether genioplasty performed at an earlier age can impact mandibular growth. This comparative prospective study included 25 high-angle, mouth-breathing adolescents following orthodontic and ENT treatment. Subjects were divided into two groups according to their stage of puberty, either early (group 1: Tanner's stage 3, n=12) or late stage (group 2: Tanner stage 4-5, n=13). Genioplasty was performed in both groups. Cephalometric comparison was made on the overall population and for each group, before and after genioplasty (at 1, 6, 12 and 18months). In the immediate postoperative period, significant variation of all the cephalometric measures was observed within each group showing reduction of the vertical dimension and sagittal augmentation. Eighteen months post-surgery, only group 1 exhibited a significant increase in SNPog. Augmentation of the SNB and anterior mandibular rotation were also significantly greater in group 1. The difference in the direction of growth of the mandible before genioplasty (18months of orthodontics) and postgenioplasty (18months of postoperative monitoring) was also significant. Early genioplasty permits redirection of mandibular growth conducive to orthopedic correction of high angle Class II.
In mandibular deficient patients, mandibular growth is not expected after the adolescent growth spurt, so mandibular advancement surgery is often carried out at 13 years. To test if the long-term stability for younger patients is similar to that for adult patients, the authors compared cephalometric changes from 1-year postsurgery (when changes due to the surgery should be completed) to 5-year follow up. 32 patients who had early mandibular advancement with or without simultaneous maxillary surgery (aged up to 16 for girls and 18 for boys), and 52 patients with similar surgery at older ages were studied. Beyond 1-year postsurgery, the younger patients showed significantly greater change in the horizontal and vertical position of points B and pogonion, the horizontal (but not vertical) position of gonion, and mandibular plane angle. 50% of younger patients had 2-4mm backward movement of Pg and another 25% had >4mm. 15% of older patients had 2-4mm change and none had >4mm. Long-term changes in younger patients who had two-jaw surgery were greater than for mandibular advancement only. Changes in younger groups were greater than for adult groups. Satisfaction with treatment and perception of problems were similar for both groups.