
A Study on Brand Loyalty and Repurchase Intention of SPA Clothing Brand Related to Lifestyles of Female College Students

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The purposes of this study were to investigate the differences of post-purchase satisfaction, brand loyalty, and repurchase intention of SPA clothing brand according to lifestyles, and to disclose how lifestyles, post-purchase satisfaction, and brand loyalty influence the repurchase intention. The research method was a survey method using questionnaires. The subjects were 304 female college students residing in Seoul metropolitan area. The lifestyles were classified into six factors including pursuit of challenges, proactive interpersonal relationship, interest in sports, self-centeredness, interest in IT, and achievement orientation. Three female groups were derived by cluster analysis of the 6 lifestyle factors: active-activity type, passive-activity type, and achievement-pursuit type. Brand loyalty was classified into two factors including continuing loyalty and convenient loyalty. First, the active-activity group showed higher convenient loyalty than the other groups. The achievement-pursuit group showed higher post-purchase satisfaction than the other groups in appearance of clothing, while the passive-activity group showed lower satisfaction in every factor, in particular, its price satisfaction was very low. Second, senior students showed higher continuing loyalty than freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Students with more clothing expenses showed higher continuing loyalty as well as convenient loyalty than those with less clothing expenses. Their price satisfaction with SPA clothing brand as well as repurchase intention was higher. Third, repurchase intention was influenced by brand loyalty the most, and the next in the order by satisfaction level with brand, satisfaction with price, satisfaction level with appearance, and proactive interpersonal relationship. The brand loyalty was influenced by satisfaction level with price the most, and the next by satisfaction level with appearance.

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... Yaşam tarzı, insanların yaşama biçimini ya da belirli bir toplumun, grubun veya bireyin benzersiz yaşam tarzını ifade eder. Pazar bölümlendirme standartlarının, sosyal yönelim veya yaşam tarzı eğilimlerinin tahmini tüketici odaklı ürün geliştirme ve pazarlama stratejileri oluşturmak için kullanılırlar (Shin & Lee, 2012). Shin & Lee (2012), Erciş vd. ...
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Özet Müşteriler, satın almış oldukları ürün ve hizmetlerden duydukları memnuniyetsizlikleri işletmelere şikâyet adı verilen geri bildirimler ile iletirler. Geri bildirimler işletmelerin sürekli öğrenerek gelişmelerine katkı sağlayan armağanlardır. Şikâyetlerin işletmeler tarafından göz ardı edilmesi memnuniyetsizliğe ve buna bağlı olarak kar kaybına neden olurken, işletmelere ulaşan şikâyetlerin çözülmesi ve iyi yönetilmesiyle müşteri memnuniyet ve sadakati sağlanabilmektedir. Bu anlamda müşteri şikâyet yönetim sistemleri, problemlerin bir daha şikâyet konusu olmayacak şekilde çözülerek müşteri memnuniyeti ve sadakat oluşturmaya hizmet eden yapılardır. Araştırmada ISO 10002 Müşteri Memnuniyet Yönetim Sistemi kapsamındaki Müşteri Şikâyet Yönetim Performans Standartları kullanılmıştır. Türkiye'nin en kalabalık illerinden İzmir İl'inin 11 ilçesi arasından kota örneklemesiyle belirlenen Karabağlar, Göztepe, Karşıyaka, Basmane ilçelerinde Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren bankaların ürün ve hizmetlerini kullanan banka müşterilerinden kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ve gönüllülük esasına dayanılarak ulaşılan 562 denekten veri toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler SPSS ve AMOS istatistik programları ile analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda işletmelerin şikâyet yönetim performanslarının müşterilerin yeniden satın alma niyeti üzerine etkisinin olduğu, yaşam tarzı ve sadakatin müşteri şikâyet yönetim performansı değerlendirmesinde etkili olduğu ve ayrıca sadakate göre müşteri şikâyet yönetim performansının müşterilerin yeniden satın alma niyetleri üzerine etkisinin olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Abstract Customers convey their dissatisfaction with the products and services they have purchased to businesses with feedback called complaints. Feedbacks are gifts that contribute to the development of businesses by constantly learning. While ignoring the complaints by the businesses causes dissatisfaction and accordingly loss of profit, customer satisfaction and loyalty can be achieved by solving the complaints reaching the businesses and managing them well. In this sense, customer complaint management systems are structures that create customer satisfaction and loyalty by solving problems so that they will not be the subject of complaints again. Customer Complaint Management Performance Standards within the scope of ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System were used in the research. Data were collected from 562 subjects, who were reached on the basis of convenience sampling method and volunteerism, from bank customers using the products and services of banks operating in Turkey in Karabağlar, Göztepe, Karşıyaka and Basmane districts, which were determined by quota sampling among the 11 districts of İzmir, one of the most populated cities in Turkey. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS and AMOS statistical programs. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the complaint management performance of the businesses has an effect on the customers' repurchase intention, lifestyle and loyalty are effective in the evaluation of the customer complaint management performance, and also the customer complaint management performance according to the loyalty has an effect on the customers' repurchase intentions.
... Bazı çalışma ve kaynaklarda (Ö.Alper, 2011;Bozyiğit ve Akkan, 2011;Carter Jr., 2009;Hui ve Zhou, 2002;İslamoğlu, 2013;Özcan ve Argan, 2014; Uz ve Mutlu, 2020) da niyet kavramı yerine bazen eğilim kavramı kullanılmıştır.Yeniden satın alma niyetlerini araştıran, hem Türkiye'de(Erciş vd., 2017;Pinarbasi ve Türkyılmaz, 2017; E. Temeloğlu vd., 2017;E. T. Temeloğlu, 2015;Uslu ve Huseynli, 2018) hem dünyada(Hellier vd., 2003;Herjanto ve Amin, 2020;Patterson ve Spreng, 1997;Shin ve Lee, 2012; Soares vd., 2017) çeşitli çalışmalar vardır. Yeniden satın almayı, yeniden satın alma eğilimi olarak ele alıp araştırma yapan çalışmada ...
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Consumers report their dissatisfaction with the products or services they buy from businesses as "Complaints". These complaints are very valuable feedback for businesses. Good management of these feedbacks provides satisfaction and loyalty in customers, while poor management may lead to a decrease in market share and loss of earnings. In this study, consumer perceptions of consumer complaints about the handling and resolution processes by businesses were examined and the effect on their intention to repurchase products/services from the same business was investigated. Customer Complaint Management Performance Standards within the scope of ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System were used in the research. For this purpose, 204 consumers who complained about the products/services offered by internet service providers operating in Turkey were surveyed via the internet using convenience sampling method. With the help of the established Binary Level Logistic Regression model; It has been determined that the complaint management performance of the complained business in the steps of handling and resolving the complaint has a strong positive effect on consumers' intention to repurchase products/services for the same business.
The purpose of this study is to investigate various information relating to research on the dimensions of clothing used in the sale of products via the internet that used to target global SPA((Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) brands sold in Korea. A total of 12 SPA brands including seven global SPA brands and five national. SPA brands were surveyed in this study. Brands were chosen net sales and consumer preferences the last three years. In all SPA brands, literal size designation such as S, M, L and numeric size designation such as 0, 2, 4 or 32, 34, 36 etc. were mixed, but in case of Jean, the size codes mark waist circumference were dominant. European size codes were more common in case of European brands while literal codes were more dominantly used for American size codes with in the US brands. By reviewing the measurement information of the body and product size, the product measurement methods of UNIQLO, FOREVER 21 and TOPTEN were much more accountable and excellent than other brands. However, most of the others didn't offer proper information such as pictograms or figures about measurement methods relating body sizes and product sizes. In addition, most of global SPA brands offered size conversion chart which consumers could reference, however of none of the national SPA brands offered a conversion size chart on their website. Regardless of the type of clothing, the coverage of clothing size was higher than in global SPA brands such as H&M GAP compared to national SPA brands. In particular, 8seconds did not present apparel size ranges that fit consumers' individual clothes sizes.
The purposes of this study were to classify respondents by their fashion lifestyle and to investigate the differences in cognition, attitude and purchasing experience of SPA brands among fashion lifestyle groups. The convenience sample was drawn from females between the ages of 20 and 39 who lived in Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions from November 1^{st} and 15^{th} 2012. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Tukey test, and {\chi}^2 test were applied to analyze data from 255 respondents. Four clusters (fashion-oriented group, fashion indifferent group, conservative individuality-oriented group, conservative practicality-oriented group) were developed by 16 fashion lifestyle items. The attitude toward SPA brand was classified by six factors(fashionability/variety, good location, good quality, diverse promotions, low price, limited number of merchandise, sales person`s information). There were significant differences in cognition, five attitude factors (fashionability/variety, good location, good quality, low price, limited number of merchandise) and purchasing experience of SPA brands among types of fashion lifestyle. While the fashion-oriented group had the highest scores of cognition, attitude and purchasing experience of SPA brands, the fashion indifferent group or the conservative practicality-oriented group had the lowest scores. There were significant differences in age and marital status among the four groups while there were no significant differences in marital status, family monthly income, and job.
Automobile purchasers were surveyed about feelings toward their inputs to and outcomes from the sales transaction, as well as their perceptions of the inputs and outcomes of the salesperson. Structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation shows two concepts advanced in the equity literature, fairness and preference (advantageous inequity), to be related differentially to input and outcome judgments. No necessary symmetry is observed between the weights attached to inputs and outcomes or between those attached to self and salesperson. When framed in a larger perspective involving satisfaction with the salesperson, the fairness dimension mediates the effect of inputs and outcomes on satisfaction whereas preference does not. The fairness influence is robust against the simultaneous inclusion of disconfirmation in the satisfaction equation. Satisfaction, in turn, is related strongly to the consumer's intention cognitions. The findings suggest that the retail sales transaction may differ in substantive ways from the subject-peer and worker-coworker comparisons in other disciplines and that models of interpersonal satisfaction in the sales transaction should include the mediating effect of the fairness dimension of equity. The managerial implications of these findings are discussed.
Some concerns why is it important to satisfy customers are discussed. A three-phase approach to increasing customer satisfaction is developed which has important implications. Different actions are required to raise the satisfaction of customers of a family of products or services whose level of satisfaction differs. The company that will survive and flourish over the long term is the one that continually works to understand the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty for each of its customers, for each of its business units, and for each of the industries in which its competes.
This research investigates the antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction. We develop a model to link explicitly the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction in a utility-oriented framework. We estimate and test the model against alternative hypotheses from the satisfaction literature. In the process, a unique database is analyzed: a nationally representative survey of 22,300 customers of a variety of major products and services in Sweden in 1989–1990. Several well-known experimental findings of satisfaction research are tested in a field setting of national scope. For example, we find that satisfaction is best specified as a function of perceived quality and “disconfirmation”—the extent to which perceived quality fails to match prepurchase expectations. Surprisingly, expectations do not directly affect satisfaction, as is often suggested in the satisfaction literature. In addition, we find quality which falls short of expectations has a greater impact on satisfaction and repurchase intentions than quality which exceeds expectations. Moreover, we find that disconfirmation is more likely to occur when quality is easy to evaluate. Finally, in terms of systematic variation across firms, we find the elasticity of repurchase intentions with respect to satisfaction to be lower for firms that provide high satisfaction. This implies a long-run reputation effect insulating firms which consistently provide high satisfaction.
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