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A Study on Level of Knowledge Regarding Cybercrime Among Elderly Residing in Homes and Old Age HOMES



As the Internet, mobile phones, and other computer technologies have flourished, criminals have found ways to use them for old-fashioned goals such as theft, fraud, intimidation, and harassment. Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (Chat rooms, emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS Cybercrime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary means of commission. Cybercrime includes any type of illegal scheme that uses one or more components of the Internet (chat rooms, email, message boards, websites, and auctions) to conduct fraudulent transactions or transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme. The more and more use of internet by elderly has enabled them to make active role especially in health care, while the internet has contributed to the societal change and provided opportunities to revolutionized health care. For elderly, use of internet is more of an evolution than revolution. Elderly are found to be disproportionately affected by the cyber crime, and as they have more free time to spend on internet they are likely to have more chances of falling victims to cyber crime The finding of the study indicates that level of knowledge of cybercrime is medium among elderly residing in their homes whereas there is low level of knowledge among elderly residing in Old Age homes because of lack of availability of internet facilities. The aim of the study was to assess the level of knowledge of cyber crime among elderly residing in their homes and old age homes. A cross sectional study was used for data collection. 60 elderly residing in their homes and 60 elderly residing in old age homes were selected from different areas of Lucknow city. Total sample size was 120. The purposive random sampling technique was used to collect the data. After the collection of data, it was analyzed with SPSS (version 20) for Mean, Standard Deviation, and chi-square test. The study revealed that there is highly significant difference between level of knowledge and place of residence of respondents (the chi-square value for elderly residing in homes is 38.400 and Elderly residing in Old Age homes is 6.667) and df =1 at 5% level of significance.
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... In Arfi and Agarwal (2014a), information security literacy among elders in India was examined. According to the authors, the residence type of elderly people has an effect on their level of knowledge. ...
... For this study responses from students were collected both in written form through direct questionnaires and online survey using Google forms. The questions were adopted from Arfi and Agarwal (2014a) and corrected taking into account the Kyrgyz Republic Penal Code. ...
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In this paper we present the information security awareness rate of students in Kyrgyz Republic, where there is a rapid pace of formation and development of the information society. The survey was conducted with a sample of 172 students from different departments. Our research study showed that despite the huge number of reports about computer crimes in the web, the knowledge about cybercrime is quite low and students are mostly not aware of many aspects of computer crime. Analysis was done to determine dependence of information security awareness rate on computer literacy rate and the education field of students. We conclude that although information technology is of wide usage, the information security topics need to be taught to prevent them from becoming victims of cybercrime.
Currently cybercrime awareness education tends to be generic, which is not useful for certain demographics, such as older adults, who are at a higher risk of victimisation due to their potential unfamiliarity with cyberspace norms and practices. The Cybercrime Awareness Clinic team carried out focus groups and interviews with older adults with the aim of gaining a better understanding of their cybercrime perceptions and experiences. Fifteen older adults over 60 years participated in focus groups or semi-structured interviews and discussed their experiences of using the internet and dealing with cybercrime. The study concluded that older adults have specific cyberawareness resource requirements, which reinforces the need for more tailored prevention and reporting mechanisms. Education in relation to cyber-risks and prevention is crucial, but can only be effective when co-designed with those that are supposed to receive this training in a grassroots way.
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In general, people are poorly protected against cyberthreats, with the main reason being user behaviour. For the study described in this paper, a questionnaire was developed in order to understand how people's knowledge of and attitude towards both cyberthreats and cyber security controls affect intention to adopt cybersecure behaviour. The study divides attitude into a cog-nitive and an affective component. Although only the cognitive component of attitude is usually studied, the results from a questionnaire of 300 respondents show that both the affective and cognitive components of attitude have a clearly positive, albeit varying, influence on behavioural intention, with the affective component having an even greater effect on attitude than the cog-nitive aspect. No correlation was found between knowledge and behavioural intention. The results indicate that attitude is an important factor to include when developing behavioural interventions, but also that different kinds of attitude should be addressed differently in interventions.
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Cyber Crime and the Victimization of Women: Laws, Rights and Regulations is a unique and important contribution to the literature on cyber crime. It explores gendered dimensions of cyber crimes like adult bullying, cyber stalking, hacking, defamation, morphed pornographic images, and electronic blackmailing. These and other tactics designed to inflict intimidation, control, and other harms are frequently committed by perpetrators who, for many reasons, are unlikely to be identified or punished. Scholars, researchers, law makers, and ordinary women and their supporters will gain a better understanding of cyber victimization and discover how to improve responses to cyber crimes against women.
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Abstract: Narcolepsy is a chronic disorder of impaired expression of wakefulness and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, reported more in adults as they have less sleeping hours because of busy work schedules whether in office or at home. There are studies indicating narcolepsy among old people as they suffer from different diseases due to their age but studies showing narcoleptic adults are lacking. The purpose of present study is to know about this under-recognized disease during adulthood. Pathophysiological studies have shown that the disease is caused by the early loss of neurons in the hypothalamus that produce hypocretin, a wakefulness-associated neurotransmitter present in cerebrospinal fluid. Only cataplexy exhibits a high specificity for diagnosis of narcolepsy. While the natural history is poorly defined, narcolepsy appears to be lifelong but not progressive. Mild disease severity, misdiagnoses or long delays in cataplexy expression often cause long intervals between symptom onset, presentation and diagnosis. Only 15-30% of narcoleptic individuals are ever diagnosed or treated, and nearly half first present for diagnosis after the age of 40 years.Treatment includes counselling as to the chronic nature of narcolepsy, the potential for developing further symptoms reflective of REM sleep dyscontrol, and the hazards associated with driving and operating machinery. Nonpharmacological management also includes maintenance of a strict wake-sleep schedule, good sleep hygiene, the benefits of afternoon naps and a programme of regular exercise. Thereafter, treatment is highly individualised, depending on the severity of daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and sleep disruption.It is important that general practitioners and other primary health-care workers identify abnormal daytime sleepiness early. Keyword: sleeping disorder, cataplexy, narcolepsy, non-pharmacological therapy.
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Cybercrime is a kind of crime that happens in "cyberspace", that is crime that happens in the world of computer and the Internet. Although many people have a limited knowledge of "cybercrime", this kind of crime has the serious potential for severe impact on our lives and society, because our society is becoming an information society, full of information exchange happening in "cyberspace". Elderly is that vulnerable group who has been deprived from any information regarding latest technologies and innovation especially in the area of computer and internet and is likely to become an attractive target of cybercrime. It is estimated that knowledge of cybercrime is high among elderly residing in their own homes as they are more in touch with the internet world because of the various technical facilities provided at home as compared to elderly residing at Old Age homes. The main objective was to assess the knowledge of cyber crime among elderly across residence. The research design was cross-sectional in nature. 60 respondents each residing in their homes and old age homes respectively were selected from different areas of Lucknow city. Total sample size was 120. The purposive random sampling technique was used to collect the data. Finding of the study revealed that majority of respondents who are residing in their own homes have more knowledge about cyber crime.
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Cybercrime is a kind of crime that happens in "cyberspace", that is, happens in the world of computer and the Internet. Although many people have a limited knowledge of "cybercrime", this kind of crime has the serious potential for severe impact on our lives and society, because our society is becoming an information society, full of information exchange happening in "cyberspace". There studies indicating cybercrime in present scenario, cybercrime and their laws and cybercrime during adolescent. As the Internet, mobile phones, and other computer technologies have flourished, criminals have found ways to use them for old-fashioned goals such as theft, fraud, intimidation, and harassment that's why cybercrime is becoming even more serious. Elderly is that vulnerable group who has been deprieved from any information regarding latest technologies and innovation especially in the world of computers and internet . The purpose of the present study is to assess the knowledge of cybercrime among elderly.
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Cybercrime is a kind of crime that happens in "cyberspace", that is crime that happens in the world of computer and the Internet. Although many people have a limited knowledge of "cybercrime", this kind of crime has the serious potential for severe impact on our lives and society, because our society is becoming an information society, full of information exchange happening in "cyberspace". Elderly is that vulnerable group who has been deprieved from any information regarding latest technologies and innovation especially in the area of computer world and has lack of knowledge about internet and become the victim of different types of cybercrime. The main objective was to assess the types of cyber crime faced by the elderly. The research design was cross-sectional in nature. 60 respondents each residing in their homes and old age homes respectively were selected from different areas of Lucknow city. Total sample size was 120. The purposive random sampling technique was used to collect the data. Finding of the study revealed that majority of respondents reported that they were not affected by cyber pornography, phishing, money laundering, password sniffer, credit card fraud and even web jacking either residing in own homes or old age homes.
Internet crime and the Elderly
  • B J Bick
B.J. Bick, "Internet crime and the Elderly", New Jersey Law, 2(4), pp. 1-2, 2011.
The Elderly and the Internet: A case study
  • R J Campbell
  • J Wabby
R.J. Campbell, J. Wabby, "The Elderly and the Internet: A case study", The Internet Journal of Health, 3(1), 2003.