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Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic Children--A Randomized Controlled Trial


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a weighted-blanket intervention in treating severe sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods: This phase III trial was a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover design. Participants were aged between 5 years and 16 years 10 months, with a confirmed ASD diagnosis and severe sleep problems, refractory to community-based interventions. The interventions were either a commercially available weighted blanket or otherwise identical usual weight blanket (control), introduced at bedtime; each was used for a 2-week period before crossover to the other blanket. Primary outcome was total sleep time (TST) recorded by actigraphy over each 2-week period. Secondary outcomes included actigraphically recorded sleep-onset latency, sleep efficiency, assessments of child behavior, family functioning, and adverse events. Sleep was also measured by using parent-report diaries. Results: Seventy-three children were randomized and analysis conducted on 67 children who completed the study. Using objective measures, the weighted blanket, compared with the control blanket, did not increase TST as measured by actigraphy and adjusted for baseline TST. There were no group differences in any other objective or subjective measure of sleep, including behavioral outcomes. On subjective preference measures, parents and children favored the weighted blanket. Conclusions: The use of a weighted blanket did not help children with ASD sleep for a longer period of time, fall asleep significantly faster, or wake less often. However, the weighted blanket was favored by children and parents, and blankets were well tolerated over this period.
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Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic
ChildrenA Randomized Controlled Trial
WHATS KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Children with autism sleep
poorly compared with their peers. Sensory integration, including
use of weighted blankets, is proposed as a means to reduce
arousal and stress. There is, however, no evidence that weighted
blankets can improve sleep for these children.
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: This is the rst robust study to evaluate
the impact of weighted blankets and show that they do not
improve sleep parameters in children with autism spectrum
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of a weighted-blanket interven-
tion in treating severe sleep problems in children with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD).
METHODS: This phase III trial was a randomized, placebo-controlled
crossover design. Participants were aged between 5 years and 16 years
10 months, with a conrmed ASD diagnosis and severe sleep problems,
refractory to community-based interventions. The interventions were ei-
ther a commercially available weighted blanket or otherwise identical
usual weight blanket (control), introduced at bedtime; each was used
for a 2-week period before crossover to the other blanket. Primary out-
come was total sleep time (TST) recorded by actigraphy over each 2-week
period. Secondary outcomes included actigraphically recorded sleep-
onset latency, sleep efciency, assessments of child behavior, family
functioning, and adverse events. Sleep was also measured by using
parent-report diaries.
RESULTS: Seventy-three children were randomized and analysis
conducted on 67 children who completed the study. Using objective
measures, the weighted blanket, compared with the control blanket,
did not increase TST as measured by actigraphy and adjusted for
baseline TST. There were no group differences in any other objective
or subjective measure of sleep, including behavioral outcomes. On
subjective preference measures, parents and children favored the
weighted blanket.
CONCLUSIONS: The use of a weighted blanket did not help children
with ASD sleep for a longer period of time, fall asleep signicantly
faster, or wake less often. However, the weighted blanket was favored
by children and parents, and blankets were well tolerated over this
period. Pediatrics 2014;134:298306
AUTHORS: Paul Gringras, MBChB, MRCP, MsC,
Dido Green,
DipCOT, MSc, PhD,
Barry Wright, MBBS, MD, FRCPsych,
Carla Rush, BSc,
Masako Sparrowhawk,
Karen Pratt,
Victoria Allgar, PhD, CStat, CSci,
Naomi Hooke,
Zenobia Zaiwalla,
and Luci Wiggs, DPhil,
Childrens Sleep Medicine, Evelina London Childrens Hospital,
St ThomasHospital, London, United Kingdom;
Centre for
Rehabilitation and
Department of Psychology, Oxford Brookes
University, Oxford, United Kingdom;
Lime Trees Child and Family
Unit, York, England; and
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology,
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom
autism spectrum disorder, severe sleep problems, weighted
blankets, total sleep time, children
ABCAberrant Behavior Checklist
ASDautism spectrum disorder
CONSORTConsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
CROScrossover analysis
CSDIComposite Sleep Disturbance Index
SCQSocial Communication Questionnaire
SOLsleep onset latency
SSPCQShort Sensory Prole Caregiver Questionnaire
TSTtotal sleep time
Professor Gringras was involved in the design of the study, the
funding application, development of the protocol, and
recruitment of patients as a local principal investigator; was
cochief investigator for the trial and a member of the trial
management group; and cowrote the article; Dr Wiggs
contributed to the design of the study, the funding application,
and development of the protocol; advised on the use of
actigraphy and patient-reported outcomes; was principal
investigator and cochief investigator for the trial; was
a member of the trial management group; and helped write the
article; Ms Rush coordinated the trial, recruited patients, scored
actigraphy, helped write the article, and was a member of the
trial management group; Ms Sparrowhawk and Ms Pratt
recruited patients, helped write the article, and were members
of the trial management group; Dr Wright helped recruit
patients and coordinate the trial, helped write the article, was
coprincipal investigator for the trial, and was a member of the
trial management group; Ms Hooke and Ms Moore helped
recruit patients, respond to family queries, and collect and
record data; Dr Allgar helped with the statistical analysis plan,
analyzing data, and writing the article; Dr Green contributed to
the design of the study, the funding application and ethical
submission, advised on the use of sensory questionnaires and
patient reported outcomes, helped write the article, and was
a member of the trial management group; and Dr Zaiwalla
helped with the initial study design and recruitment as lead
clinician from the Oxford Group and helped write the article.
(Continued on last page)
298 GRINGRAS et al by guest on December 23, from
Children with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) are more likely to have disturbed
sleep than typically developing children,
with a prevalence of sleep disturbance in
children with ASD between 40% and
The most commonly reported
sleep disturbances are increased sleep
latency (time to fall asleep) and frequent
night waking, which result in reduced
sleep duration.
The etiology of sleep
disorders in ASD is poorly understood.
Sleeping difculties are frequently
chronic, resulting in additional learning
and behavior problems
and affecting
the whole familys well-being. Behavioral
interventions work with some children,
but not all.
Pharmacological inter-
ventions, with exogenous melatonin, have
shown potential for reducing sleep latency
by 30 minutes but have a less signicant
impact on total sleep time (TST).
Weighted blankets are often recommen-
ded by professionals who work with young
people with ASD to assist with calming and
relaxation, as well as to assist with
The theory underlying the
reasons for using weighted blankets and
other weighted items for calming pur-
poses is based on sensory integration.
is hypothesized that the deep pressure
and more consistent sensory input pro-
vided by weighted items reduces the
bodys physiologic level of arousal and
stress, which might improve sleep. Al-
though weighted blankets potentially of-
fer a relatively cheap, nonpharmacologic
intervention, research on their efcacy in
children with ASD is lacking. This trial
was therefore conceived to establish
whether this novel intervention could in-
crease TST and improve other sleep
parameters in children with ASD.
Study Design and Oversight
This randomized, multicenter, controlled,
crossover phase III trial was undertaken
in 3 sites in England. The study was ap-
proved through the UK Integrated Re-
search Application System and the
review board of each participating center
and was conducted in accordance with
the International Conference on Harmo-
nization Good Clinical Practice Guidelines
and the Declaration of Helsinki. Written
informed consent was obtained from the
legal guardians of the children. Informed
written assent was also obtained from
competent study participants between 8
and 16 years of age.
Study Population
Children were eligible to participate if
they were aged between 5 years and 16
years 10 months and had an ASD di-
agnosis and if their parents reported
a sleep problem (as dened later), for at
least the previous 5 months. The di-
agnosis of ASD was reached if clinical
records from the local multidisciplinary
team agreed to an unequivocal ASD
diagnosis including autism, Asperger
syndrome, or pervasive developmental
disorder not otherwise specied. In
addition to consideration of school
reports and direct observations, these
teams used a range of standardized
diagnostic instruments reecting usual
ASD diagnostic practice in the United
Sleep problems were
characterized as failing to fall asleep
within 1 hour of lights offon 3 of
5 nights and/or achieving ,7hoursof
continuous sleep on 3 of 5 nights. Chil-
dren were not included if they were
known to suffer from obstructive sleep
apnea, night terrors, or other disorders
likely to have an impact on sleep. Two
amendments were made to the eligibility
criteria after trial commencement: the
age for inclusion was raised by 1 year to
16 years 10 months, and patients on
These changes were to maximize re-
cruitment without affecting trial delity.
A number of commercially available
weighted blankets in common use that
adhered to the original guidance on sen-
sory interventions as proposed by Ayres
(providing constant proprioceptive stim-
ulation distributed across the body) were
considered by the senior occupational
therapist of this study (DG). A specic
weighted blanket used in the United
States and United Kingdom was chosen.
The weighted blanket weighed 2.25 kg
(small) or 4.5 kg (large) and was heavy
without being thick (and therefore too
warm) through the use of 3-mm steel shot
pellets embedded evenly throughout the
blanket. Although we were aware that
blinding child and parent to the different
weights of study and control blanket was
impossible, we matched the control
blankets by size, color, and texture of the
material. Some children with ASD during
pilot stages were aware of the subtle
texture of the weighted blanketssteel
shot, and so we commissioned the sup-
pliers to incorporate lightweight plastic
beads identical in size to the steel shot
into the bespoke control blankets.
Two sizes of blankets (small: 147 376 cm;
large: 152 3152 cm) according to the
size of child were used, consistent with
recommendations by manufactures and
After screening and consent, eligible
participants began a baseline adapta-
tion and monitoring period of 7 to 21
During treatment phases, each blanket
was used for 12 to 16 days, with actigraphy
and sleep diary monitoring. After the rst
treatment phase, the researchers re-
moved the initial blanket, diaries, and
actigraph and provided the next blanket,
actigraph, and new sleep diaries. Care
was taken to ensure that the baseline and
intervention phases were conducted
during school-term time and that no
breaks occurred between interventions
(avoiding school holiday periods, for ex-
ample). All interviews and data collection
were carried out by the researchers and
PEDIATRICS Volume 134, Number 2, August 2014 299
by guest on December 23, from
visits took place in clinic, within desig-
nated schools, or whenever possible, the
Remote randomization was carried out by
Kings Clinical Trial Unit by using block
randomization with random variable block
lengths of 2 and 4, and stratied by center.
Randomization requests were generated
by the researchers, who then dispensed
the allocated treatments. Because of the
nature of t he treatment, research ers were
unblinded; however, all trial investigators
(PG, DG, LW, BW) and the statistician (VA)
were blind to treatment allocation
throughout the trial and analysis.
Measuring Sleep
The trial design included both objective
(actigraphy) and subjective (parent-
completed diary) measures of sleep as
recommended by Sadeh.
There are
benets with each approach and also
reasons the results may not be concor-
; for example, sleep diaries would
not detect periods when the child was
awake but not disturb the household (a
particular concern for determining sleep
onset latency [SOL]), and actigraphy may
interpret restless sleep as being awake.
The actigraph (Micro Mini Motionlog-
ger, Ambulatory Monitoring, Ardsley,
NY), an accelerometer, was worn on the
nondominant wrist, and movement was
monitored continuously and stored
within the unit. Subsequent analysis of
frequency and pattern of movement by
means of validated algorithms permits
detection of basic sleepwake pat-
Movements were scored in
1-minute epochs; all epochs that are
scored above a preset threshold using
an algorithm by Sadeh
are scored as
awakeand those that are below this
threshold are scored as sleep.
Study Outcomes
Various assessments of sleep parame-
ters, sensory proles, daytime behaviors,
and perceptions of blanket use were
conducted at different time points (Table1).
The primary outcome was TST, measured
by actigraphy. A minimum of 5 of 7 nights
actigraphy data (or $71% if .7nights
were captured) was required at baseline
and during each blanket phase, and
averages were calculated at each time
point. Children not meeting this re-
quirement were excluded from the data
analyses of the main research questions.
Secondary sleep outcomes included TST
measured by parental diary; SOL mea-
sured by diaries and actigraphy; and sleep
efciency (the proportion of time spent in
bed asleep) measured by actigraphy.
Three questionnaires were completed at
baseline and at the end of both in-
tervention periods: the Composite Sleep
Disturbance Index (CSDI; frequency and
duration of sleep problems),
Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC; to as-
sess behavioral problems),
and the
Sensory Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ;
sensory stimuli response prole).
Three questionnaires were only com-
pleted at baseline: the ChildrensSleep
Habits Questionnaire (a parent-report
validated sleep screening instrument),
the Social Communication Questionnaire
(SCQ; a screening instrument for ASD),
and the Short Sensory Prole Caregiver
Questionnaire (SSPCQ; a questionnaire
to establish a prole of childrenssen-
sory responses).
The trial owchart
Children and parents also completed
subjective ratings of sleep quality and
acceptability of the blanket. The sleep diary
contained a section for parents to estimate
in contact with the childsbody.
The frequency and severity of adverse
events were monitored carefully through
a 24-hour telephone number and weekly
parent reviews (face-to-face or telephone).
Statistical Considerations
The intention to treatprinciple was
used throughout, with analyses un-
dertaken by using SPSS (version 20; SAS
Institute, Cary, NC).
Missing data for
questionnaire responses were prorated
if ,10% was missing, and data were
excluded otherwise.
The TST primary outcome (actigraphy)
was analyzed by taking the average TST
over baseline and each of the 2-week
intervention periods. It was powered at
80% with a 5% signicance level to
detect a change from baseline of 40
minutes between the study blanket and
placebo blanket periods using a com-
mon SD of 1.7.
Allowing for 20%
missing data based on pilot work, 63 in
total were required.
The actigraphy data and sleep diary
outcomes were analyzed by taking the
average TST (actigraphy and diary) and
average SOL (actigraphyand diary) over
the baseline and each of the 2-week
intervention periods. At baseline a
TABLE 1 Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population
Baseline Characteristic Weighted Blanket First (n= 32) Control Blanket First (n= 35)
Male, n(%) 28 (88%) 26 (74%)
Age (y), mean (SD) 8.7 (3.3) 9.9 (2.8)
SCQ score, mean (SD) 19.7 (5.9), 1133 20.3 (6.0), 632
ASD diagnosis, n(%)
Autism 8 (25) 13 (37)
Asperger syndrome 16 (50) 17 (49)
ASD 8 (25) 5 (14)
Sensory prole (Dunn
) 108.62 (21.6) 117.60 (22.7)
Mean (SD), range 73154 65186
Sleep disorder, n(%)
Delayed sleep onset 29 (91) 31 (86)
Poor sleep maintenance 17 (53) 19 (54)
Poor sleep onset and maintenance 14 (44) 15 (43)
300 GRINGRAS et al by guest on December 23, from
descriptive summary was undertaken
between the randomization groups, with
mean (SD) or median (interquartile
range) for continuous data and n(%) for
categorical data. No statistical tests
were used to compare baseline data
(Consolidated Standards of Reporting
Trials [CONSORT]; http://www.consort-
The primary analysis was to compare
TSTwhen using weighted blanket versus
control blanket (actigraphy). To rule out
a period effect, a crossover analysis
(CROS) was undertaken. The sum of the
TST values was calculated for the time
period when using weighted blanket
and when using control blanket for each
subject. This was compared across the
sequence groups by means of an in-
dependent ttest. Where the test was
not signicant, this indicated that there
was no evidence of a period effect.
The second stage of CROS is to test the
difference between the weighted blanket
and the control blanket. The differences in
the TST were calculated between the rst
period and the second period, and this
difference was compared across the se-
quence groups by means of an in-
dependent ttest. This method of analysis
adjusts for the period effect and so
reduces the effect of any period difference.
This was then followed by the more con-
ventional analysis of a CROS by using
apairedttest to compare TSTwhen using
weighted blanket versus TST when using
control blanket, which was irrespective of
starting group. The existence of cross-
over effects must be ruled out before this
method is valid (see http://www.ncbi.nlm.
The same statistical procedures were
followed for secondary sleep data. For
data from the SPBQ, ABC, and CSDI,
a CROS was again undertaken, by using
Mann-Whitney tests to examine the
crossover effect. A Wilcoxon paired test
was then used to compare the study
blanket and control blanket scores,
irrespective of starting group where the
existence of crossover effects was ruled
out. Exploratory analysis of sensory
inuenceson TSTin responseto blankets
was undertaken by using repeated-
measures analysis of variance.
All analyses were performed on SPSS
(version 20; IBM SPSS Statistics, IBM
Corporation). P,.05 was considered
to indicate statistical signicance.
Seventy-three children were recruited
and followed up between August 2011
and October 2012.
The CONSORT diagram in Fig 2 shows the
screening, randomization, and follow-up
Trial owchart. T, time.
PEDIATRICS Volume 134, Number 2, August 2014 301
by guest on December 23, from
of the patients. Baseline characteristics
were similar between groups (see Table 1).
Seventy-three patients were random-
ized, and 6 were subsequently excluded.
Fourcould not tolerate or declined to use
the weighted blanket, 1 chose to with-
drawto attend an alternativeclinic,and 1
had an unrelated illness and could not
continue. The baselinecharacteristics of
the 2 groups can be seen in Table 1.
It is interesting to note that despite
agreed ASD diagnoses from multidisci-
plinary teams, 13 (19%) were not above
the recommended cutoff of 15 on the
SCQ, butof these 11 wereabove the cutoff
of 11 discussed in the review by Norris
and Lecavalier
as the cutoff with
maximum sensitivity and specicity.
Sleep Outcomes
The baseline average TSTwas 453.3 (60.0)
minutes, average SOL (latency) was 77.1
(44.8) minutes, average sleep efciency
was 72.6% (8.7), average duration of
wake after sleep onset was 85.4 (45.1)
minutes, and the average number of
night wakenings was 21.2 (8.1). There
were no differences at baseline between
the 2 randomization groups (see Table 2).
TST (Primary Outcome)
There was no evidence of a period effect
for TST (t
= 0.996, P= .324). When
testing for differences between the
weighted blanket and control blanket by
looking at the within subject differences
in the outcome by sequence groups,
there was no signicant difference (t
0.893, P= .376). For sequence group
weighted-control, the TST was only
slightly longer when using control com-
pared with weighted (mean difference
[weighted-control] = 0.7 [31.2]), and for
sequence group control-weighted, the
TST was slightly longer when using
CONSORT 2010 ow diagram. Participant ow through the study and reasons for dropout. T2, time 2; T4, time 4.
302 GRINGRAS et al by guest on December 23, from
control compared with weighted (mean
difference [control-weighted] = 7.7
[37.8]). This was conrmed by a paired
ttest comparing study blanket and
control blanket, irrespective of starting
group (t
= 0.896, P= .374). The mean
difference was 4.2 (34.5, 95% con-
dence interval 13.6 to 5.2). Hence,
overall there was no signicant differ-
ence in TST between the study blanket
and control blanket (see Table 3 for
details of primary and secondary sleep
Sleep Latency, Sleep Efciency, and
Wake After Sleep Onset (Secondary
Similarly there was no evidence of a
period effect, within subject differences
in the outcome by sequence groups, or
overall signicant differences between
study and control blanket for sleep la-
tency, sleep efciency, or measures of
wake after sleep onset (see Table 3 for
Sleep Diary
The baseline average TST was 531.8
(109.6) min, average SOL (latency) was
70.0 (47.6), the average time of the night
wake was 16.7 (12.8), and the average
proportion of nights with at least 1 wake
was 0.30 (0.34). There were no differences
at baseline between the 2 randomization
groups (see Table 2).
In keeping with the actigraphy, there
was no evidence of a period effect,
within-subject differences in the out-
come by sequence groups, or overall
signicant differences between study
and control blanket for TST, sleep la-
tency, measures of wake after sleep
onset, or parentsperception of per-
centage the blanket was worn each
night (see Table 3).
Questionnaire Outcomes
Table 4 summarizes the questionnaire
outcomes. The CSDI showed a clinically
small (0.74) but statistically signicant
(P= .010) lower score (better sleep)
during the control blanket period.
There were no signicant differences
for the total scores or subscales be-
tween the weighted blanket and the
control blanket for the SPBQ or ABC.
Table 5 summarizes results of the child
and parent scales used to assess per-
ceived sleep quality and blanket accept-
ability. More children chose the really
likedcategory for the weighted blanket
than control blanket (48% vs 31%). More
parents felt that sleep was very much/
much improved(51% vs 16%) and their
child calmer (35% vs 14%) with the
weighted blanket than control blanket.
Tolerability Outcomes
No serious adverse events were repor-
ted, and other thana 2-day skin rash on 1
child that may have been related to the
blanket,all others were unrelated illness
(eg, colds, fever, chicken pox, broken
bone in hand). No formal statistical tests
were undertaken, and the results for
each group appeared similar.
Exploratory Analyses
Results of exploratory analyses are
provided in Table 6. The treatment ef-
fect was not modied by age, weight,
baseline degree of sleep problems, SCQ
autism severity score, or initial sen-
sory prole on the SSPCQ.
In this randomized controlled CROS, a
weighted blanket intervention was found
to be no more effective than a control
(usual weight) blanket at improving TST
or any other commonly measured pa-
rameter of sleep quantity or quality. This
was regardless of whether parameters
were measured objectively by actigraphy
or subjectively with parent diaries. There
were no adverse events. Interestingly,
children were more likely to like the
weighted blanket and parents more
likely to rate their childs sleep as better,
despite no actigraphy or diary evidence
TABLE 2 Comparison of Trial Groups on Primary and Secondary Sleep Variables at Baseline
Baseline Mean
(SD), n
Weighted Mean
(SD), n
Control Blanket
Mean (SD), n
Mean Difference (SD)
(Weighted-Control), n
,P(Weighted Versus
Control) Comparison
TST, min 452.8 (59.7), 67 454.4 (62.4), 65 457.7 (64.6), 66 24.6 (33.3), 64 t
= 1.103, .274
SOL, min 76.5 (46.1), 60 74.3 (48.7), 59 69.9 (43.8), 59 1.4 (26.2), 57 t
= 0.390, .698
Sleep efciency,
% 72.7 (8.8), 60 73.4 (9.3), 59 74.2 (7.8), 59 20.2 (4.5), 57 t
= 0.321, .749
No. of night wakenings 20.9 (8.0), 67 19.1 (6.7), 65 19.5 (6.9), 66 20.3 (3.1), 64 t
= 0.892, .376
Time awake after sleep onset 85.7 (44.7), 67 84.1 (43.1), 65 83.8 (41.4), 66 20.1 (26.5), 64 t
= 0.043, .966
Sleep diary
% of time blanket in place 75.6 (25.4), 67 73.7 (25.7), 67 1.9 (18.4), 67 t
= 0.813, .419
TST 531.8 (109.6), 67 528.9 (127.1), 67 513.0 (154.1), 67 15.9 (93.0), 67 t
= 1.398, .167
SOL, min 69.9 (47.6), 67 55.6 (37.8), 67 57.2 (42.8), 67 21.6 (20.9), 67 t
= 0.631, .531
Proportion of nights with $1 wake 0.3 (0.3), 66 0.2 (0.3), 67 0.2 (0.3), 67 20.01 (0.21), 67 t
= 0.460, .647
Average time awake 16.7 (12.9), 66 15.6 (13.4), 67 14.6 (13.3), 67 001 (11.7), 67 t
= 0.013, .989
Calculated as number of minutes spent sleeping in bed/total number of minutes spent in bed 3100.
*** P,.001.
PEDIATRICS Volume 134, Number 2, August 2014 303
by guest on December 23, from
to support this. Parents also rated their
the weighted blanket. It is possible these
ndings are related to a perception of
improved sleep brought about by im-
proved bedtime behavior, positive attri-
butions about the intervention that
affected perceptions or parent child
interactions, or that parents were
inuenced by a desire to please the
study team or reinforce widely held
beliefs about weighted blankets. It is
also possible that parents were aware
of some qualitative change in the child
that our measures did not capture.
The strengths of our design include (1)
the rst randomized study specically
designed and powered to assess the
impact of a weighted blanket on TST in
children with ASD, (2) the purposive in-
clusion of a placebocontrol, (3) the use
of an objective assessment of sleep,
(4) the inclusion of secondary out-
comes that included sensory and
other daytime behaviors, and (5) nd-
ings generalizable to children diag-
nosed in community settings with ASD
and poor sleep.
Limitations include the following: (1)
the weighted blankets were obviously
heavier than the control blankets,
makingtrue masking of weighted versus
controlimpossible. This made a placebo
response more likely and was the main
reason we decided that subjective out-
comes such as sleep diaries would not
sufce, choosing instead actigraphy as
the most practical objective measure.
The run-in period helped maximize the
number of children who tolerated
actigraphy, and, in contrast to other
studies using the same methodology,
this technique provided robustobjective
primary outcome data across .95% of
the children recruited. (2) The parental
estimation of percentage of blanket
contact is likely to be extremely sub-
jective, and we acknowledge this, but we
believe it was important to have some
estimate of adherence and concor-
danceto treatment. If this study were
to be repeated, then concurrent in-
frared video would enable a more pre-
cise analysis. (3) Although the study
was powered to detect a 40-minute dif-
ference in TST with .63 patients, only
54 subjects were available for the
weighted blanketcontrol comparison.
The mean differences of 4 minutes,
however, were not signicant, and an
additional 9 patients would not have
altered the study outcome. (4) This was
a pragmatic trial, thus we did not
TABLE 3 Sleep Outcomes
Baseline Mean
(SD), n
Weighted Blanket
Mean (SD), n
Control Blanket
Mean (SD), n
Mean Difference (SD)
Between Weighted and
Control Blanket, n
,Pof Weighted Versus
Control Comparison
TST, min 453.3 (60.0), 62 452.8 (65.0), 57 455.4 (65.8), 62 24.2 (34.5), 54 t
= 0.896, .374
SOL, min 77.1 (44.8), 55 71.4 (48.2), 54 70.6 (44.3), 57 2.1 (26.8), 50 t
= 0.560, .578
Sleep efciency,
% 72.6 (8.7), 55 73.6 (9.5), 54 74.2 (8.0), 57 20.3 (4.), 50 t
= 0.422, .675
No. of night wakenings 21.2 (8.1), 62 19.5 (7.0), 57 19.5 (6.8), 62 20.2 (3.2), 54 t
= 0.466, .643
Time awake after sleep onset 85.4 (45.1), 62 84.6 (42.6), 57 84.5 (41.5), 62 22.5 (25.6), 54 t
= 0.706, .483
Sleep diary
% of time blanket in place 75.6 (25.4), 67 73.7 (25.7), 67 1.9 (18.4), 67 t
= 0.813, .419
TST, min 531.8 (109.6), 67 528.9 (127.1), 67 513.0 (154.1), 67 15.9 (93.0), 67 t
= 1.398, .167
SOL, min 69.9 (47.6), 67 55.6 (37.8), 67 57.2 (42.8), 67 21.6 (20.9), 67 t
= 0.631, .531
Proportion of nights with $1 wake 0.3 (0.3), 66 0.2 (0.3), 67 0.2 (0.3), 67 20.01 (0.21), 67 t
= 0.460, .647
Average time awake 16.7 (12.9), 66 15.6 (13.4), 67 14.6 (13.3), 67 0.01 (11.67), 67 t
= 0.013, .989
Calculated as number of minutes spent sleeping in bed/total number of minutes spent in bed 3100.
TABLE 4 Questionnaire Outcomes
Baseline Mean
(SD), n
Weighted Blanket
Mean (SD), n
Control Blanket
Mean (SD), n
Mean Difference (SD)
Between Blanket
Wilcoxon Test P(Weighted
Versus Control) Comparison
CSDI scale 018 12.2 (2.1), 62 10.8 (2.3), 58 11.4 (2.0), 62 20.74 (2.3), 58 .010
Total score 58.4 (26.3), 65 47.6 (25.5), 67 48.4 (25.2), 64 22.3 (12.3), 64 .191
Irritability, agitation, crying (scale 045) 16.0 (9.6), 67 13.3 (8.6), 67 14.3 (10.2), 67 20.9 (4.7), 67 .173
Lethargy, social withdrawal (scale 048) 11.0 (6.8), 66 8.1 (6.6), 67 8.7 (6.8), 65 20.7 (3.2), 65 .087
Stereotypic behavior (scale 021) 5.3 (4.7), 66 4.4 (4.0), 67 4.6 (4.5), 67 20.2 (2.1), 67 .368
Hyperactivity, noncompliance (scale 048) 22.3 (10.3), 67 18.4 (9.2), 67 19.1 (9.5), 66 21.0 (5.4), 66 .159
Inappropriate speech (scale 012) 4.0 (2.8), 67 3.3 (3.1), 67 3.4 (3.0), 67 20.1 (1.4), 67 .882
Frequency 82.2 (21.3), 64 77.3 (21.3), 65 78.6 (22.7), 65 21.7 (10.7), 64 .186
Impact 66.5 (22.6), 64 61.0 (21.5), 66 64.1 (24.6), 64 23.3 (12.2), 64 .090
Total score 148.8 (42.4), 64 138.6 (41.3), 65 142.4 (46.2), 64 24.9 (21.1), 63 .115
304 GRINGRAS et al by guest on December 23, from
exclude children who were on stable
medications and constant doses. It is
possible that some of these medications
could have altered sleep parameters.
However, the randomized crossover de-
sign means any effect would be present
during both arms. Baseline data show
that no child was on medication that was
normalizingsleep, and all subjects had
Weighted blankets are widely available
commercially, and anecdotal reports
promote their use in children with ASD.
The blankets will cost families in ex-
cess of £100/115EU/$150 and cannot
be returned to manufacturers if they
are not effective. Our ndings pro-
vide valuable evidence that although
weighted blankets in children with
ASD are safe and well perceived by
child and parent alike, there is no
measurable evidence they are bene-
cial for childrenssleep.
The Snuggledown Group acknowledges
the support from our funders, Research
Autism, the Waterloo Foundation, and the
Baily Thomas Charitable Foundation. The
group also expresses its gratitude to the
children and families who participated in
this study and the schools that kindly
hosted interviews: Milestone School,
Hawkedown Primary School, Alexandra
Infant School, and Sonning Primary
School. Finally, thank you to Rachael Fal-
lows for concept planning and Dr Sri Gada
for his help with recruitment of families.
This study was supported by the United
Kingdom Clinical Research Collabora-
tion-registered Kings Clinical Trials Unit
at Kings Health Partners, which is in part
funded by the NIHR Biomedical Research
Centre for Mental Health at South London
and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and
TABLE 5 Child and Parent Opinions
Questions Weighted Blanket Control Blanket Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
Test (TS, n,P)
Childs quality of sleep: Which best describes how you have felt
about your sleep over the past 2 weeks?
Smiley face 28 56 17 35 1.746, 44, 0.081
Neutral face 15 30 23 47
Unhappy face 7 14 9 18
Childrens blanket scale: Which best describes how you have felt
about the blue blanket you have been using over the past 2
Really liked the blanket 25 48 16 31 1.60, 48, .110
Blanket was just OK 19 37 20 39
Really disliked the blanket 8 15 15 29
Parents blanket scale: Compared with before the trial when child
was not using any special sensory blanket, my childs sleep is:
Very much improved 10 15 1 1 4.763, 67, ,.001
Much improved 24 36 10 15
Minimally improved 21 31 16 24
No change 9 13 33 49
Minimally worse 2 3 4 6
Much worse 1 1 3 4
Very much worse 0 0 0 0
Parents blanket scale: Compared with before the trial when my
child was not using any special sensory blanket, if my child
woke at night, he or she seemed:
More agitated (screaming, distressed, scared) 0 0 3 5 2.089, 65, .037
No different from usual 29 44 41 62
Calmer (happier and more content) 23 35 9 14
Not applicable as so few awakenings 14 21 13 20
TS, test statistic.
TABLE 6 Results of Exploratory Analyses
Blanket (TST)
Blanket (TST)
Differences Between
Mean (SD) nMean (SD) n
SCQ threshold
SCQ ,15 448.6 (53.2) 7 468.3 (55.4) 6 F
= 1.551, P= .218
SCQ $15 465.7 (58.3) 25 439.4 (60.8) 29
SCQ ,11 431.8 (76.3) 4 445.0 (73.5) 2 F
= 0.423, P= .518
SCQ $11 466.3 (56.2) 28 444.4 (60.6) 33
SSPCQ threshold
Typical 396.0 ()1
= 1.205, P= .277Probable 458.3 (64.0) 3 426.3 (74) 3
Denite 462.3 (59.4) 29 447.7 (60.1) 31
PEDIATRICS Volume 134, Number 2, August 2014 305
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(Continued from rst page)
This trial has been registered with the ISRCTN Register ( (identier ISRCTN05534585).
Accepted for publication Apr 30, 2014
Address correspondence to Paul Gringras, MBChB, MRCP, MsC, Evelina Childrens Hospital, St ThomasHospital, Lambeth Palace Rd, London, SE1 7EH, United Kingdom.
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Supported by Research Autism, the Waterloo Foundation, and the Baily Thomas Charitable Foundation.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conicts of interest to disclose.
306 GRINGRAS et al by guest on December 23, from
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-4285 originally published online July 14, 2014;
Pratt, Victoria Allgar, Naomi Hooke, Danielle Moore, Zenobia Zaiwalla and Luci
Paul Gringras, Dido Green, Barry Wright, Carla Rush, Masako Sparrowhawk, Karen
Trial A Randomized Controlled−−Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic Children
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by guest on December 23, from
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-4285 originally published online July 14, 2014;
Pratt, Victoria Allgar, Naomi Hooke, Danielle Moore, Zenobia Zaiwalla and Luci
Paul Gringras, Dido Green, Barry Wright, Carla Rush, Masako Sparrowhawk, Karen
Trial A Randomized Controlled−−Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic Children
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by guest on December 23, from
... Similar results were observed in a randomized trial in patients with psychiatric disorders that responders of weighted blanket intervention had a significant decrease in objective total time awake after sleep onset and an improvement in subjective sleep maintenance compared to non-responders [13]. The positive effects on reduced nighttime awakenings were also found in children with ADHD/ASD [18,52]. These findings suggested that weighted blanket may play a sleep-improving role primarily in reducing difficulties maintaining asleep. ...
Full-text available
Background Weighted blanket is an emerging non-pharmacotherapy for sleep disorders, but its effect on sleep among relatively healthy adults with insomnia remains uncertain. This study aimed to evaluate whether weighted blankets could better improve sleep quality and sleep-related symptoms among adults with insomnia. Methods In a prospective, pilot randomized controlled trial conducted in three tertiary hospitals in China, participants with clinical insomnia were randomized (1:1) to receive weighted blanket intervention or normal blanket intervention for 1 month by random-number tables. The primary outcomes were sleep quality assessed with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and insomnia severity assessed with Insomnia Severity Index. Subjective outcomes were measured at baseline, 1 week, and 1-month post-intervention. Sleep was also objectively monitored by actigraphy. We did analysis by intention to treat. Results A total of 102 participants were randomly assigned to receive weighted blanket intervention (n = 52) or normal blanket intervention (n = 50). 95 (93.1%) participants completed the follow-up, and 7 (6.9%) participants dropped out of the study. The weighted blanket group had significant improvements in sleep quality compared to the normal blanket group after 1 month of intervention (changes in the mean [SD] of PSQI score: -4.1 [4.1] vs. -2.0 [3.2], P = 0.006). Similar results were observed for daytime sleepiness, stress, anxiety, fatigue, and bodily pain (all P < 0.05). Recordings from actigraphy showed a decrease in the mean (SD) of the number of awakenings in weighted blanket group (-1.4 [9.5]) and an increase in normal blanket group (+ 1.0 [7.9]) (P = 0.280). No severe adverse events occurred. Conclusions Weighted blanket might be an effective, safe and promising non-pharmacotherapy tool for improving sleep-related symptoms among adults with insomnia, although validation with a larger sample size is needed. Trial registration Chinese Clinical Trial Registry: ChiCTR2300078011, date of registration: 11/27/2023, retrospectively registered.
... Research has demonstrated that the use of weighted blankets has positively impacted sleep quality in autistic children with sleep disorders (Gee et al., 2020). However, it is noteworthy that this intervention did not significantly affect sleep duration in children with autism (Gringras et al., 2014). Low threshold vestibular sensation may lead to increased activity during sleep in preschool children with autism, which can contribute to high activity during sleep among preschool children with autism (Kosaka et al., 2021). ...
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often co-occurs with sleep disorders, which can exacerbate core symptoms such as social impairments and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. Sleep is crucial for brain function, as it enhances cerebrospinal fluid circulation, clears metabolic toxins, and consolidates memories. Despite the high prevalence of these sleep issues in individuals with autism, the specific brain networks involved remain poorly understood. This study reviews recent advancements in identifying the brain network mechanisms underlying sleep disorders in ASD. By focusing on the interplay between autism-related sleep disturbances and brain network functionality, we synthesize current findings to highlight key mechanisms involved. Our research provides a preliminary theoretical framework that advances understanding of how sleep disorders impact brain networks in autism, offering a valuable reference for future investigations in this area.
Sleep disturbances are common in persons with intellectual disability and are known to exacerbate health, mental health, and behavioral problems. The treatment of sleep disturbances can greatly improve quality of life. Sleep health should be an element of all person-centered planning. Mental health professionals must be versed in a wide range of behavioral interventions to address the challenges faced by persons dually diagnosed with intellectual disability and sleep disturbances. This chapter reviews the treatments for sleep disturbances, highlighting the application of general treatment principles for persons with intellectual disabilities with a focus on clinical interventions for the mental health professional.
Background Weighted blankets are one method to provide deep pressure touch sensations, which are associated with a calming effect on the nervous system. Weighted blankets have been reported to elicit a calming effect during stressful dental encounters and routine prophylactic visits in older adolescents and adults. Preliminary research suggests that weighted blankets are safe and feasible for children in both hospital and home settings; this, however, has not yet been examined in a paediatric dental environment. Aim To examine the feasibility, acceptability, and perceived effectiveness of a weighted blanket during paediatric dental care. Design This cross‐sectional study examined child, caregiver, and dentist‐reported responses to survey questions asking about their experience with the weighted blanket during care ( n = 20 each per child and caregiver group, n = 9 dentists). Results The use of a weighted blanket is feasible, acceptable, and appropriate as reported by caregivers and dentists (means ≥ 4.70 on the Feasibility of Intervention, Acceptability of Intervention, and Intervention Appropriateness Measures). Few problems were described, and all groups overwhelmingly responded with enthusiasm, noted the blanket's potential for future use, and perceived that a weighted blanket improved care (means ≥ 4.10). Conclusions Study findings support the feasibility and acceptability of using a weighted blanket during routine, noninvasive paediatric dental care.
Importance: Sleep disorders are associated with a range of health conditions, with poor sleep often further exacerbating individuals’ health, well-being, and ability to participate in daily occupations. Weighted blankets offer a potentially simple nonpharmacological sleep intervention option. Objective: To summarize available literature on instrumentation and outcomes associated with overnight use of weighted blankets for therapeutic purpose. Evidence Review: A scoping review following the PRISMA review guidelines was conducted. Sources included MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Scopus, Embase, and Google. Included studies reported on overnight use of weighted blankets. Critical appraisal of studies was conducted with standardized tools. Findings: Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Positive outcomes were reported for adults, including improved sleep, reduction in medication use, and improved mood. Sleep outcomes were mixed for children and adolescents but included improved occupational performance. Methodological quality of included studies regarding effectiveness was variable. Ten studies included details of the intervention, whereas only one study reported on implementation. No specific guidelines for use were included. Conclusions and Relevance: Weighted blankets are used as a sleep intervention for individuals across the life span experiencing a range of health conditions. Currently, there is more evidence of effectiveness with adults, although parents are favorable regarding weighted blanket use for children. Implementation and recommendation of weighted blankets are typically led by occupational therapists, with knowledge of the intervention facilitating use. This review provides information to inform occupational therapists’ clinical decision-making and continued implementation of weighted blankets for individuals with sleep problems. Plain-Language Summary: This scoping review summarizes what is known about the use of weighted blankets as a sleep intervention for people of all ages. There is more evidence for overnight use of weighted blankets for adults, with improvements reported in sleep, mood, medication use, and pain. Although there is little evidence of improvement in sleep for children, some children show improvement in everyday functioning, and parents report positive outcomes from overnight use of weighted blankets. These findings suggest that occupational therapists should consider offering or recommending weighted blankets as a sleep intervention option for people of all ages, alongside consideration of individuals’ preferences. Development of practice guidelines that incorporate current research findings is urgently needed to support occupational therapists’ use of weighted blankets.
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Background Deep pressure therapy (DPT) is widely used to reduce anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but evidence of its efficacy is limited. Objective This study aims to design a usable, nonstigmatizing compressive armchair that can be easily controlled, electronically, by the user. Methods A user-centered approach was used to assess the usability of the device. Testing was carried out in a day hospital for children with ASD in France, with a convenience sample of children with severe forms of ASD and intellectual deficiency (N=39). The Witteman design guideline was used. The System Usability Scale and time of use were reported. Results The final product is a compressive armchair designed to be user centered, with 4 different cells that can be inflated to induce tailored pressure on the body. The pressure level is recorded electronically. Usability was between good and excellent. The device was used by 39 children, once or twice weekly, over a period of 31 months. Each session lasted between 3 and 20 minutes. The armchair takes up less space than a hug machine. Performing sessions with the chair is feasible. Conclusions First clinical impressions show a decrease in anxiety, improved emotional regulation, and improved attention. DPT is widely used in occupational therapy and frequently requested by parents, but efficacy studies are too scarce to make evidence-based recommendations for its use. The results presented here support further controlled efficacy studies of DPT in the treatment of anxiety in children with ASD.
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Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of melatonin in treating severe sleep problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Design 12 week double masked randomised placebo controlled phase III trial. Setting 19 hospitals across England and Wales. Participants 146 children aged 3 years to 15 years 8 months were randomised. They had a range of neurological and developmental disorders and a severe sleep problem that had not responded to a standardised sleep behaviour advice booklet provided to parents four to six weeks before randomisation. A sleep problem was defined as the child not falling asleep within one hour of lights out or having less than six hours’ continuous sleep. Interventions Immediate release melatonin or matching placebo capsules administered 45 minutes before the child’s bedtime for a period of 12 weeks. All children started with a 0.5 mg capsule, which was increased through 2 mg, 6 mg, and 12 mg depending on their response to treatment. Main outcome measures Total sleep time at night after 12 weeks adjusted for baseline recorded in sleep diaries completed by the parent. Secondary outcomes included sleep onset latency, assessments of child behaviour, family functioning, and adverse events. Sleep was measured with diaries and actigraphy. Results Melatonin increased total sleep time by 22.4 minutes (95% confidence interval 0.5 to 44.3 minutes) measured by sleep diaries (n=110) and 13.3 (−15.5 to 42.2) measured by actigraphy (n=59). Melatonin reduced sleep onset latency measured by sleep diaries (−37.5 minutes, −55.3 to −19.7 minutes) and actigraphy (−45.3 minutes, −68.8 to −21.9 minutes) and was most effective for children with the longest sleep latency (P=0.009). Melatonin was associated with earlier waking times than placebo (29.9 minutes, 13.6 to 46.3 minutes). Child behaviour and family functioning outcomes showed some improvement and favoured use of melatonin. Adverse events were mild and similar between the two groups. Conclusions Children gained little additional sleep on melatonin; though they fell asleep significantly faster, waking times became earlier. Child behaviour and family functioning outcomes did not significantly improve. Melatonin was tolerable over this three month period. Comparisons with slow release melatonin preparations or melatonin analogues are required. Trial registration ISRCT No 05534585.
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A comprehensive literature search was performed to collate evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) with two primary objectives. First, features of mitochondrial dysfunction in the general population of children with ASD were identified. Second, characteristics of mitochondrial dysfunction in children with ASD and concomitant mitochondrial disease (MD) were compared with published literature of two general populations: ASD children without MD, and non-ASD children with MD. The prevalence of MD in the general population of ASD was 5.0% (95% confidence interval 3.2, 6.9%), much higher than found in the general population (≈ 0.01%). The prevalence of abnormal biomarker values of mitochondrial dysfunction was high in ASD, much higher than the prevalence of MD. Variances and mean values of many mitochondrial biomarkers (lactate, pyruvate, carnitine and ubiquinone) were significantly different between ASD and controls. Some markers correlated with ASD severity. Neuroimaging, in vitro and post-mortem brain studies were consistent with an elevated prevalence of mitochondrial dysfunction in ASD. Taken together, these findings suggest children with ASD have a spectrum of mitochondrial dysfunction of differing severity. Eighteen publications representing a total of 112 children with ASD and MD (ASD/MD) were identified. The prevalence of developmental regression (52%), seizures (41%), motor delay (51%), gastrointestinal abnormalities (74%), female gender (39%), and elevated lactate (78%) and pyruvate (45%) was significantly higher in ASD/MD compared with the general ASD population. The prevalence of many of these abnormalities was similar to the general population of children with MD, suggesting that ASD/MD represents a distinct subgroup of children with MD. Most ASD/MD cases (79%) were not associated with genetic abnormalities, raising the possibility of secondary mitochondrial dysfunction. Treatment studies for ASD/MD were limited, although improvements were noted in some studies with carnitine, co-enzyme Q10 and B-vitamins. Many studies suffered from limitations, including small sample sizes, referral or publication biases, and variability in protocols for selecting children for MD workup, collecting mitochondrial biomarkers and defining MD. Overall, this evidence supports the notion that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with ASD. Additional studies are needed to further define the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in ASD.
Our study of 477 children with autism (1–15 years, IQs 9–146) showed that parent reported sleep problems are found in most children with autism and are not significantly related to age, IQ, gender, race, parent occupation, neuropsychological functioning, and learning ability. However, sleep problems increased with severity of autistic symptoms and with severity of parent reported symptoms known to be associated with autism (i.e., oppositional behavior, aggression, explosiveness, attention deficit, impulsivity, hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and mood variability). This suggests that sleep disturbance is part of the autism symptom complex and increases with increasing autism severity. The strongest predictors of sleep disturbance were parent ratings of autism severity, hyperactivity, mood variability, and aggression. The most frequent sleep problems were difficulty falling asleep and restlessness during sleep. Daytime sleepiness was not significantly correlated with sleeping less than normal, but was associated with sleeping more than normal. Children who were sleepier during the day were also sleepier at night. Medical practitioners and clinicians should be aware of the risk of sleep disturbance in children with autism and should routinely screen for this. Empirically proven interventions (e.g., behavior therapy and melatonin) are available to improve sleep in children with autism.
The development of a questionnaire to be completed by parents for use in screening preschool children is described. Ninety per cent of children attending a psychiatric clinic were identified when the criteria were a score of 11 or more points on the behaviour scale and/or inability to speak in 3-word phrases, and/or speech which was very difficult to understand. The questionnaire could be used as a basis for collecting information systematically about preschool children, and as a screening device for identifying children with behaviour difficulties and developmental delay.
Sleep disturbances in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities are common and frequently difficult to treat with conventional pharmacological and behavioural methods. Melatonin is a pineal hormone known to be important in the regulation of the circadian rhythm, including the sleep-wake cycle. This systematic review of available evidence from randomized clinical trials assesses whether melatonin plays a beneficial role in these children and, in particular, its effect on total sleep time, time to sleep onset (sleep latency), and number of awakenings. We also looked at a parental view of the effect. Randomized clinical trials were identified where oral melatonin was compared with a placebo in children with any type of neurodevelopmental disability and associated sleep disturbance. Only three studies, reporting a total of 35 children, fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. The two studies that reported time to sleep onset showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in this specific outcome where melatonin was compared with a placebo. There was no significant effect of melatonin compared with a placebo on the other outcome measures of total sleep time, night-time awakenings, and parental opinions. Despite the extremely limited randomized clinical trial data, melatonin appears to remain a commonly prescribed drug for disturbed sleep in children with neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
The aim of this study was to investigate melatonin-related findings in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), including autistic disorder, Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders, not otherwise specified. Comprehensive searches were conducted in the PubMed, Google Scholar, CINAHL, EMBASE, Scopus, and ERIC databases from their inception to October 2010. Two reviewers independently assessed 35 studies that met the inclusion criteria. Of these, meta-analysis was performed on five randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, and the quality of these trials was assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. Nine studies measured melatonin or melatonin metabolites in ASD and all reported at least one abnormality, including an abnormal melatonin circadian rhythm in four studies, below average physiological levels of melatonin and/or melatonin derivates in seven studies, and a positive correlation between these levels and autistic behaviors in four studies. Five studies reported gene abnormalities that could contribute to decreased melatonin production or adversely affect melatonin receptor function in a small percentage of children with ASD. Six studies reported improved daytime behavior with melatonin use. Eighteen studies on melatonin treatment in ASD were identified; these studies reported improvements in sleep duration, sleep onset latency, and night-time awakenings. Five of these studies were randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover studies; two of the studies contained blended samples of children with ASD and other developmental disorders, but only data for children with ASD were used in the meta-analysis. The meta-analysis found significant improvements with large effect sizes in sleep duration (73 min compared with baseline, Hedge's g 1.97 [95% confidence interval {CI} CI 1.10-2.84], Glass's Δ 1.54 [95% CI 0.64-2.44]; 44 min compared with placebo, Hedge's g 1.07 [95% CI 0.49-1.65], Glass's Δ 0.93 [95% CI 0.33-1.53]) and sleep onset latency (66 min compared with baseline, Hedge's g-2.42 [95% CI -1.67 to -3.17], Glass's Δ-2.18 [95% CI -1.58 to -2.76]; 39 min compared with placebo, Hedge's g-2.46 [95% CI -1.96 to -2.98], Glass's Δ-1.28 [95% CI -0.67 to -1.89]) but not in night-time awakenings. The effect size varied significantly across studies but funnel plots did not indicate publication bias. The reported side effects of melatonin were minimal to none. Some studies were affected by limitations, including small sample sizes and variability in the protocols that measured changes in sleep parameters. Melatonin administration in ASD is associated with improved sleep parameters, better daytime behavior, and minimal side effects. Additional studies of melatonin would be helpful to confirm and expand on these findings.