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One hundred ten heterosexual individuals (67 men; 43 women) responded to questions related to penis size and satisfaction. Men showed significant dissatisfaction with penile size, despite perceiving themselves to be of average size. Importantly, there were significant relationships between penile dissatisfaction and comfort with others seeing their penis, and with likelihood of seeking medical advice with regard to penile and/or sexual function. Given the negative consequences of low body satisfaction and the importance of early intervention in sexually related illnesses (e.g., testicular cancer), it is imperative that attention be paid to male body dissatisfaction.
(Perceived) Size Really Does Matter: Male Dissatisfaction With Penis Size
Lucy Johnston and Tracey McLellan
University of Canterbury
Audrey McKinlay
University of Canterbury and Monash University
One hundred ten heterosexual individuals (67 men; 43 women) responded to questions related to penis
size and satisfaction. Men showed significant dissatisfaction with penile size, despite perceiving them-
selves to be of average size. Importantly, there were significant relationships between penile dissatis-
faction and comfort with others seeing their penis, and with likelihood of seeking medical advice with
regard to penile and/or sexual function. Given the negative consequences of low body satisfaction and
the importance of early intervention in sexually related illnesses (e.g., testicular cancer), it is imperative
that attention be paid to male body dissatisfaction.
Keywords: penis size, body dissatisfaction, sexual illnesses
Although the focus within the literature on body-image percep-
tion has been on women, men are also known to experience
dissatisfaction with their physical appearance (Cohane & Pope,
2001;Hildebrandt, Langenbucher, & Schlundt, 2004;Pope,
Philips, & Olivardia, 2000;Tiggemann, Martins, & Churchett,
2008), with recent estimates of male body dissatisfaction preva-
lence being between 17% and 82%, dependent on the body part
being considered (Tiggemann et al., 2008). Indeed, for muscular-
ity, this discontent has become normative (Tiggemann et al.,
2008). Body image dissatisfaction among men has been linked to
low self-esteem and depression (e.g., Olivardia, Pope, Borowiecki
& Cohane, 2004) and impaired social relationships (e.g., Pope et
al., 2000).
The present research focuses on perceptions of penis size. There
is considerable anxiety among men in regard to penis size, with
between 45% (Lever, Frederick, & Peplau, 2006) and 68% (Tigge-
mann et al., 2008) reporting discontent with their penis size,
preferring it were larger. In many cultures, the penis symbolizes
attributes of masculinity, virility, and fertility (Wylie & Eardley,
2007). Indeed, in some cultures, a man’s penis is described as “his
manhood,” and anxiety accordingly arises when men equate man-
hood and masculinity with penis size (Kilmartin, 2000). It is not
surprising, then, that men often attach great importance to the size
of their penis and associate a larger penis with attributes such as
strength, dominance, power, and the capacity to love and be loved
(Wylie & Eardley, 2007). Men with a larger penis have a more
positive genital image, body image, and feel more sexually com-
petent (Francken, van de Wiel, Van Driel, & Weijmar Schultz,
2002;Winter, 1989). Further, the importance men place on penis
size has been shown to negatively predict appearance self-esteem
(Tiggemann et al., 2008). Concern about penis size may be linked
to sexual satisfaction and functioning (Ackard, Kearney-Cooke, &
Peterson, 2000;Faith & Schare, 1993) and have negative conse-
quences for relationships, as well as for physical and mental health
(Grov, Parsons, & Bimbi, 2010;Pope et al., 2000;Son, Lee, Huh,
Kim, & Paick, 2003).
There has been an increase in the number of men seeking
cosmetic procedures to increase penis size (Tiggemann et al.,
2008), indicating that at least some men are sufficiently worried
about their penis size to undergo costly and potentially risky
procedures. This increase coincides with popular media frequently
emphasizing the link between penis size, masculinity, and virility
(e.g., Frederick, Fessler, & Haselton, 2005;Lehman, 1993). There
has been an increase in accessibility of pornographic material that
may include “supersized” penises and exaggerated positive female
response to such, which may mislead men as to women’s prefer-
ences. It is noteworthy that men show a greater likelihood of
making size comparisons while viewing sexually explicit materials
(Lee, 1996). Internet marketing of penile enlargement medications
and techniques is now common, and there has been an increase in
spam e-mail messages focusing on penis size as a symbol of
masculinity and virility (Cukier, Cody, & Nesselroth, 2006). The
use of e-mail advertising heightens personal relevance; the mes-
sages arrive in a personal inbox, which implies that they are
targeted to the individual receiving them rather than simply being
general messages. Personalizing persuasive messages in this way
has been shown to increase the impact of the message on the
This article was published Online First February 10, 2014.
Lucy Johnston, Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s Office, and Tracey McLellan,
Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New
Zealand; Audrey McKinlay, Department of Psychology, University of
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, and School of Psychology and
Psychiatry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
The authors thank Leila Marie, who was funded through a University of
Canterbury Summer Scholarship, for her contributions to the reported
research. TMW is thanked for his small contribution to the research.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lucy
Johnston, Dean of Postgraduate Research, University of Canterbury, Pri-
vate Bag 4800, Christchurch 8410, New Zealand. E-mail: lucy
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Psychology of Men & Masculinity © 2014 American Psychological Association
2014, Vol. 15, No. 2, 225–228 1524-9220/14/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0033264
recipient compared with general messages (e.g., Rogers & Mew-
born, 1976).
Young men are reluctant for others to see their penis (Wylie &
Eardley, 2007). As well as the potential negative consequence for
the development of social and sexual relationships, this reluctance
may also contribute to medical concerns. Of particular concern in
New Zealand are increased rates of testicular and prostate cancer
and the importance of early detection for effective treatments.
Early detection requires men to engage in self-examination and, if
needed, to overcome their reluctance for others (e.g., medical
practitioners) to see their penis (Wylie & Eardley, 2007). In the
present research, we investigate penis size dissatisfaction, and
whether there is a relationship between penis size dissatisfaction
and comfort with others seeing one’s penis and with health-related
An important component of male dissatisfaction with penis size
is related to perceptions of female preferences (Winter, 1989;
Wylie & Eardley, 2007) and worry that their romantic partners are
dissatisfied with their penis size (e.g., Van Driel, Weijmar Schultz,
van de Wiel, & Mensink, 1998). Such anxieties are fueled by
advertisements for penile enlargement that focus on positive re-
sponses by women to their partners’ enhancements (e.g., Total Life
Enhancement, 2005) and may have a negative impact on sexual
relationships (e.g., Lever et al., 2006). To understand male dissat-
isfaction with penis size, it is important to identify whether men’s
beliefs and anxieties regarding female preferences are accurate or
not. Accordingly, a group of female participants was also included
in the present study to provide data regarding female beliefs and
One hundred ten heterosexual individuals (43 women; 67 men)
completed the questions on an online survey related to penis size.
Mean age of the total sample was 25 years 10 months (SD 6 years
11 months), with 81% self-identified as New Zealand European
keha), and 54% had an undergraduate degree or higher.
Procedure and Measures
Participants were recruited, through advertisements on the uni-
versity campus and via word of mouth, to take part in a study on
male body image and self-esteem. Data were collected via an
anonymous online survey and there was no compensation for
participation. This project was reviewed and approved by the
University of Canterbury Human Ethics Committee.
For penis length and circumference, in both a flaccid and erect
state, the participant was asked to indicate current size (men only),
ideal size, average size, and what others (same sex; other sex)
would consider ideal size.
All measures were in centimeters (cm).
Male participants were asked a number of additional questions: (a)
the extent to which he would like a longer and thicker penis, the
extent to which he thought women would prefer a penis longer and
thicker than his, and how comfortable he felt about other men and
women seeing his penis (all items rated on a 7-point scale from 1
[not at all]to7[very much]); (b) to what extent he believed that
penis size can be altered by diet, drugs, or exercise (not at all/
somewhat/very much); (c) whether he used e-mail and, if so, the
percentage of spam mail received in the preceding 2 weeks that
was related to penis size or sexual performance; (d) whether he
engaged in testicular self-examination and whether he had ever
consulted a medical practitioner regarding penis size or sexual
function. Female participants completed only (b) and (c).
Discrepancy Score: Erect Penis Length
A number of discrepancy scores
were computed for each male
participant, with a negative discrepancy score indicating the re-
spondent considered his current state to be less than ideal:
Current size versus perceived ideal size
Current size versus perceived average size
Current size versus size thought own sex considered ideal
Current size versus size thought other sex considered ideal
Except for current versus average length, mean discrepancy
scores were negative. Indeed, for the current-ideal discrepancy,
only two participants had a positive discrepancy score and 17 had
a zero discrepancy. Single-sample ttests comparing discrepancy
scores to zero (no dissatisfaction) revealed significant levels (p
.05) of dissatisfaction for the current-ideal (M⫽⫺2.05; SD
2.25), current-ideal other men (M⫽⫺2.23; SD 3.19), and
current-ideal women (M⫽⫺1.63; SD 3.37) discrepancy score,
but not for the current-average score (M.59; SD 3.20).
Table 1 shows the estimates of penis length provided by both
men and women. Male estimates of their own and the average
length are consistent with population norms, whereas women
slightly underestimated length (Wylie & Eardley, 2007). Male
ideals were greater than population norms, and significantly higher
than those of female participants, which were similar to population
norms, F(1, 133) 25.16, p.0001, ŋ
.159; Ms18.47
versus 15.47. For average length, there was no significant sex
For estimates of ideal length a 2 (participant sex) 2 (target
sex) ANOVA revealed a main effect of participant sex,
F(1, 132) 36.86, p.0001, ŋ
.218, and a significant
participant Sex Target Sex interaction, F(1, 132) 11.73, p
.001, ŋ
.082. Post hoc tests (Tukey, p.05) showed no
difference in the estimates of male ideal length by male and female
participants (Ms18.62 vs. 17.96), but that male estimates of
female ideal length were significantly larger than those made by
One hundred ninety-seven (96 female) participants partially completed
the whole survey. Partial completion of the survey results in differences in
the degrees of freedom in the reported analyses, but there were no sys-
tematic patterns in the unanswered questions across participants and these
were treated as missing values. Fifteen respondents who identified as
bisexual or homosexual were omitted due to low numbers and differences
in body image between heterosexual and homosexual men (Drummond &
Filiault, 2007).
Participants were also asked similar questions regarding height,
weight, and muscularity. Full details of these measures and the findings can
be obtained from the first author.
All four measures (penis length and circumference in a flaccid and
erect state) showed the same pattern of findings. Accordingly, details are
only provided for erect penis length. Full details of the other measures can
be obtained from the first author.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
female participants (Ms18.01 vs. 15.78). There was no differ-
ence in the estimates by male participants of male and female ideal
length, but for women, the estimate for male ideal length was
significantly higher than that for female ideal length.
Mean ratings of the extent to which men would like a longer
penis, indicating that they would like a longer penis (M4.47)
and believed that women would like them to have a longer penis
(M4.58). There was a significant correlation between own
current-ideal discrepancy score and ratings of preference for a
longer penis, r(61) .581, p.0001.
Penis Enlargement
Less than half of the participants believed that penis length
could not be altered by diet, exercise, or drugs (44% of male and
45% of female participants). A large proportion believed that there
was a possibility of such alteration in size (49% male; 44%
female), with a small percentage being sure that such alteration in
size was possible (7% male; 11% female). Those men who be-
lieved that penis enlargement was possible were, however, no
more or less likely to be dissatisfied with their own penis length.
Comfort With Others Seeing Penis
Mean ratings indicated a moderate level of comfort, but with
significantly higher comfort ratings for women than other men
seeing their penis, F(1, 61) 79.73, p.0001, ŋ
.567; Ms
4.98 versus 2.73. There were significant negative correlations
between comfort with other men seeing one’s penis and current-
ideal discrepancy, r(61) ⫽⫺.257, p.001; desire for a longer
penis, r(66) ⫽⫺.482, p.0001; and belief that women desire a
longer penis, r(66) ⫽⫺.316, p.01. There was similarly a
negative correlation between comfort with women seeing their
penis and desire for a longer penis, r(66) ⫽⫺.471, p.0001, and
with belief that women desire a longer penis, r(66) ⫽⫺.394, p
Spam E-Mails
The mean estimate of the percentage of spam e-mail that was
related to penis size and/or sexual function was 25.07% (range 0 to
85%). There were no significant correlations between the percent-
age of spam e-mail and either ideal penis length, discrepancy
scores, or comfort with others seeing one’s penis.
Testicular Self-Examination and Medical Consultation
Of the 65 men who answered the question, only 22 (34%)
reported engaging in testicular self-examination. There were no
significant differences in the penis discrepancy scores or comfort
scores between those participants who did and did not engage in
testicular self-examination. Of the 62 male participants who an-
swered the question, only 10 (16%) indicated that they had con-
sulted a medical practitioner regarding penis size or sexual func-
tion. Those who had consulted a medical practitioner were more
comfortable with other men or women seeing their penis than
those who had not consulted a medical practitioner, F(1, 60)
4.02, p.05, ŋ
.045, Ms3.70 versus 2.54, and F(1, 60)
4.52, p.05, ŋ
.070, Ms5.90 versus 4.81. There was also
a marginally significantly higher current-ideal discrepancy score
than those who had not, F(1, 60) 2.82, p.10, ŋ
Our data indicate that men experience significant levels of
dissatisfaction related to penis size. Despite men seeing themselves
to be of average size, and their estimates of average size being
consistent with population norms (Wylie & Eardley, 2007), their
ideal size was larger. Men also believed that both other men, and
women, would prefer a penis longer than their own. Female
participants, however, indicated that they did not consider a larger
than average penis to be desirable; their ideal lengths were com-
parable with population norms. Women were, however, aware that
men desired a longer penis. This discrepancy between women’s’
desires and men’s perceptions of female desires is consistent with
past research on perceptions of male muscularity (Pope et al.,
2000) and may contribute to tension or discomfort in intimate
relationships (e.g., Lever et al., 2006). Anxiety over penis size
may, in part, be reduced by a greater awareness of female satis-
faction with average penis size and, accordingly, a reduction in the
association between penis size and cultural conceptualization of
manhood and muscularity (e.g., Pleck, 1995).
Of concern is the potential impact of this dissatisfaction on
behavior (Ackard et al., 2000;Faith & Schare, 1993). Somewhat
surprisingly, given the highly educated nature of the sample, over
half of the participants believed that there was at least some
possibility that penis length could be altered by diet, exercise, or
drugs. There has been a large increase in men with normal penis
length seeking cosmetic procedures to enlarge penis size (Mon-
daini et al., 2002), and the finding that discrepancy scores were
related to comfort with others seeing one’s penis may have neg-
ative implications for the development of social and sexual rela-
tionships (Lever et al., 2006), and for engagement with medical
practitioners. Only a small proportion of male participants in the
present study indicated that they engaged in testicular self-
examination or had consulted a medical practitioner regarding
penis size or sexual function.
It is important to encourage self-
examination and, when appropriate, medical consultation, and
hence to ensure that lack of comfort with others seeing one’s penis
is not an inhibitory factor—in the present study, those who had
consulted a medical practitioner had significantly higher comfort
levels with others seeing their penis than those who had not.
Our findings add to a growing body of research indicating the
importance of attention being paid to body dissatisfaction among
young men. This is especially important in a context in which there
It is acknowledged that the number of young men needing medical
consultation is low.
Table 1
Mean Estimates of Ideal Penis Length
Erect length (cm)
Perceived ideal length 18.47 15.47
Perceived average length 15.79 13.46
Perceived ideal by men 18.62 17.96
Perceived ideal by women 18.01 15.78
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
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Received July 17, 2012
Revision received April 9, 2013
Accepted April 10, 2013
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
... Although there are different variations of shapes and sizes, culturally, the larger penis size is equated with a symbol of power, fertility, endurance, and even masculinity (Grov et al., 2010;Sharp & Oates, 2019). Some studies further suggest that there is a widespread belief that men with larger penises are more masculine and attractive (Johnston et al., 2014;Sharp & Oates, 2019;Youn, 2016). Corroborating our findings, Veale et al. (2015) noted that obsession with penis size can lead to psychological and sexual problems, such as anxiety and erectile dysfunction. ...
... Another relevant issue that arises in the manifestation of respondents is the negative influence of the media on male GSI. Consistent with what we observed, the increase in the accessibility of pornographic material that highlights the constant exposure to standardized, oversized, and preserved images of male genitalia in the media has favored a social pressure to conform to these standards, which can affect both self-esteem and GSI of men (Johnston et al., 2014;Sharp & Oates, 2019). Eljawad et al. (2021) observed that men of younger ages and lower educational levels are more likely to view pornography, suggesting that it may be associated with different outcomes, such as depression, loneliness, insomnia, anxiety, aggression, and poor parent-child relationships. ...
... Viewing pornography was also correlated with increased sexual violence (Bonino et al., 2006). In general, the results of previous studies highlight the importance of discussing the influence of the media on male body perception and satisfaction and developing prevention and intervention strategies to minimize its negative effects (Johnston et al., 2014;Sharp & Oates, 2019). ...
Full-text available
Genital self-image (GSI) involves subjective perceptions, experiences, and feelings of individuals regarding their genitalia. A negative GSI contributes to lower sexual esteem and, consequently, negative sexual experiences and sexual dysfunction. In men, self-perception may be influenced by several factors, including penis size or shape, personal experiences, body image, general health status, sex education, and even the media they consume. This study aimed to understand the reasons that lead to dissatisfaction with GSI among Brazilian men. With a mixed approach, we present male perceptions regarding dissatisfaction with GSI captured from the following question: “If you are dissatisfied with your genitals, tell us for what reason(s)? (Optional),” which integrated the last questionnaire element of the original survey. Brazilian men over 18 years of age from different Brazilian states were eligible. In this analysis, 376 responses were obtained. The data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The participants expressed the reasons for dissatisfaction, which were grouped into two categories: (1) anatomical aspects and beliefs in the construction of GSI and (2) functional aspects. The results offer an understanding of men’s perceptions of their genitals and may aid in clinical practice and research on how Brazilian men perceive their genitals. It is possible to improve knowledge about sexual health and increase positivity regarding genital perception by providing information about the reasons that lead to dissatisfaction with the genitals.
... Beliefs regarding the desired penis size are currently mainly based on information provided by peers and pornography [6]. Poorly sexually educated men may assume that pornographic actors are the paradigm of the human penises [6, [52][53][54][55], and they often worry that their penis is smaller than other men or that their partners are not satisfied [1, 56,57], frequently aiming to lengthen penises and/or to increase their size via surgery or other methods [57]. Interestingly, studies have reported that most men who complain about a small penis have a normal size penis [58], that women often do not have high requirements for penis size as the males seem to have [56], and that they are not rarely satisfied with their partner's penis size [1]. ...
... Poorly sexually educated men may assume that pornographic actors are the paradigm of the human penises [6, [52][53][54][55], and they often worry that their penis is smaller than other men or that their partners are not satisfied [1, 56,57], frequently aiming to lengthen penises and/or to increase their size via surgery or other methods [57]. Interestingly, studies have reported that most men who complain about a small penis have a normal size penis [58], that women often do not have high requirements for penis size as the males seem to have [56], and that they are not rarely satisfied with their partner's penis size [1]. The true micropenis is defined as penis length 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the average length of the general population of a certain race and age [59], or has been defined as a flaccid length lower than 4 cm, or with a stretched/erected, length lower than 7.5 cm [60]. ...
Full-text available
Background: This study aimed to assess the penile circumference in its flaccid and erect states using a Rigiscan monitoring device and Audiovisual Sexual Stimulation (AVSS) within a large Chinese male cohort to establish an objective standard. Methods: 1,134 men participated between January 2019 and June 2021. 803 men, achieving a hardness of 80% or more, were included. Circumferences of the penis’ base and tip in its flaccid and erect states were documented, and averages were compared across age groups and Chinese regions. Age-related correlations were explored. Results: Flaccid penile base and tip averaged 7.25 ± 0.60 cm and 7.20 ± 0.71 cm. At 80% erection, they were 9.70 ± 0.65 cm and 9.65 ± 0.75 cm. The increase in circumference from flaccid to 80% erect for the base and tip was approximately 25.31% and 25.47%, respectively. Correlations between flaccid and erect states were significant (tip: R = 0.807, base: R = 0.828, both p < 0.01). No significant age or regional variations in penile circumference were found. Conclusion: Our data on 803 subjects measured with Rigiscan showed that penile circumferences in flaccid and erect states show a strong correlation, in Chinese population. Penile size does not seem significantly influenced by age or region.
... For instance, research has shown men below average height are less satisfied with their appearance . Similarly, straight (i.e., heterosexual) men report being dissatisfied with their penis size, even if they perceive their penis size to be average-sized (Johnston et al., 2014). ...
... It may be that each of these concepts varies little between bisexual and gay men because men face common experiences regardless of their sexual identity. For instance, the consistent exposure to societal messages promoting the ideal man as someone with lower body fat, who is tall and has a sufficient (i.e., large) penis, may affect all men, regardless of sexual identity Johnston et al., 2014). Both cisgender men and women are consistently encouraged to have bodies defined by low body fat. ...
... Furthermore, prior studies on perceptions of normal penile dimensions have relied on participants generating a number based on preconceived ideas of penis size, without a visual aid. 10,14 To date, there has not been a study that has quantified how accurately or inaccurately individuals are able to visually perceive penis length and width. The purpose of this study was to assess the degree of accuracy with which people visually estimate the size of the human penis, including penile length, width, and girth. ...
... Two other potential surgical decision-making pitfalls for TM are that CM tend to relay a "greater than actual" measurement of their own penis length to others and that men tend to overestimate "average" penis length. 14,15 Common neophallus flap options include flaps from the radial forearm, anterolateral thigh, groin, and suprapubic areas. 16,17 The forearm has a lower anatomic ceiling for flap length as compared with the thigh, groin, or suprapubic areas; therefore, patients can undergo creation of an especially long penis per either their request or, when goal length is not agreed on preoperatively, the surgeon's discretion. ...
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Background Transgender men (TM) seeking gender-affirming phalloplasty and transgender women (TW) seeking vaginoplasty and desiring insertive intercourse must consider penis size. Evidence has shown that, at least among cisgender men (CM), penile dimensions tend to be poorly estimated. In transgender patients desiring gender-affirming surgery, inaccuracy in estimation of penis dimensions may lead to unnecessary morbidity: for TW, trauma to the neovagina; for TM with excess girth, an inability to insert. Studies on the accuracy with which transgender and cisgender patients estimate penis size are limited. Aim To assess the degree of accuracy with which CM and CW, as well as TM and TW, visually estimate the size of the human penis, including length, width, and girth. Methods There were 142 participants included (25 TM, 47 TW, 30 CM, and 40 CW; net mean ± SD age, 36.6 ± 11.2 years). Participants were shown these models and asked to estimate length, width, and midshaft girth by visual inspection of 6 realistic models of a penis and scrotum of varying lengths and widths. We evaluated the accuracy of the visual measurements by comparing mean perceived dimensions with the actual dimensions of each model. Outcomes We used a multivariate model of all 3 bias dimensions to test for differences in average bias among gender groups (CM, CW, TM, and TW). Results TM significantly overestimated length across the longest models. TW significantly overestimated length in the longer 3 models. All groups except for TM significantly underestimated girth in at least 1 model. No groups significantly underestimated width. CM, CW, and TM significantly overestimated width in all 6 models. Clinical Implications When transgender patients use numbers to express penis size (either in neophallus or vaginal depth based on perceived partner size), the result is likely to be larger than expected. Use of realistic penis models as a decision-making tool may help manage patient expectations and surgery decision making preoperatively and improve postoperative patient satisfaction and safety. Strengths and Limitations To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess visual estimation in penis size in TM and CM, as well as TW and CW. The penile models in our study were shown side by side and in the flaccid state despite having dimensions more consistent with an erect penis, which may have influenced estimations across all dimensions. Conclusion Men and women (cisgender and transgender) tend to significantly overestimate penis length and width.
... Since Antiquity, the penile size has been a significant issue for men (1). Some men experience distress either due to having micropenis or even with average-sized penis (2). ...
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Background and Objective Through the centuries the appearance of the male genitalia has always been an important concern for men, symbolizing virility, potency and sexual contentment. Correction of perceived deficiencies and deformities of the male genitalia can be addressed by aesthetic surgery as well as the enhancement its external aspect. If the social acceptance of cosmetic surgery, particularly of women’s breasts, dates from the early 1950s, male intimate cosmetic surgery emerged from the shadows about 10 years ago with a medical community still very suspicious and reproachful. The present paper aims to describe and discuss the current state of the art regarding male intimate cosmetic surgery. Methods A narrative review of the literature was performed using publications from January 2000 to September 2022. The publications were retrieved from the PubMed database using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and keywords. The authors’ goal is to narrate the aesthetic non-surgical and surgical enhancement procedures of the male apparatus. Key Content and Findings This narrative review examines the diverse procedures associated with male genitalia aesthetics. Conclusions Aesthetics of the male genitalia is now an unavoidable and important part of aesthetic surgery worldwide with an increasing demand. Nonsurgical and surgical techniques described in the literature should be reviewed.
... In recent times, penile enlargement surgeries have gained considerable popularity [1,[9][10][11][12]. Notably, individuals seeking these procedures typically possess average-sized penises and are motivated exclusively by aesthetic considerations, devoid of underlying psychopathology [5,7,11,[13][14][15][16][17]. ...
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Introduction Division of the suspensory ligament of the penis has emerged as a popular surgical approach for penile lengthening, but accurate preoperative predictions of lengthening outcomes remain elusive. This study aimed to identify readily measurable anatomical parameters associated with post-ligamentolysis penile length gain, facilitating more reliable preoperative estimations. Methods An experimental cross-sectional study was performed on 16 adult cadavers. Data collected before dissection included: age at death, ethnicity, height, length of the penis before dissection and width of the suspensory ligament of penis. Following the complete dissection of the suspensory ligament of penis, the depth of the pubic symphysis and the penile length after the procedure were measured. The absolute and relative length differences pre- and post-ligamentolysis were calculated. Correlation coefficients were used to study relations between these variables. Results Penile length increased uniformly after complete division of the suspensory ligament (average gain: 26.38 mm, SD = 14.83 mm; range 4–60 mm). Pearson correlation revealed a significant negative correlation between pre-ligamentolysis penile length and post-ligamentolysis increase ( r = − 0.601; p = 0.014), suggesting greater gains in individuals with shorter pre-ligamentolysis lengths. Age, ligament width, and pubic arch depth showed no significant correlations. Ethnicity did not impact post-ligamentolysis length increase ( t = − 0.135; p = 0.894). Conclusions This study highlights the potential to predict penile length gain post-ligamentolysis through measurable anatomical parameters. The ability to anticipate the outcome of this procedure could empower surgeons to provide informed counseling, potentially elevating patient satisfaction. An experimental cross-sectional study was performed to investigate the outcomes of penile lengthening surgery Penile lengthening was achieved in all subjects via complete dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis Penile length increase may be predicted preoperatively using easily measurable anatomical parameters No Level Assigned This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each submission to which Evidence-Based Medicine rankings are applicable. This excludes Review Articles, Book Reviews, and manuscripts that concern Basic Science, Animal Studies, Cadaver Studies, and Experimental Studies. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors
Background Negative genital self-image is associated with sexual unresponsiveness and dysfunction. Aim This study aims to determine the relationship between men’s genital self-image and premature ejaculation, with identifying influencing factors. Methods The research is designed as a descriptive and correlational study. The sample consists of 188 men aged 18 to 60 years who volunteered to participate in the study. Outcomes A negative correlation was observed between genital self-image and premature ejaculation (P < .05). Results The average age of the participating men was 39.5 ± 9.79 years (mean ± SD), with 91.5% being married. The average age of the participants’ first sexual encounter was 20.43 ± 4.01 years, and 38.3% reported experiencing premature ejaculation. The mean score for the Male Genital Self-image Scale was 21.10 ± 5.59, and that for the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool was 6.96 ± 3.73. As a result of the study, it was revealed that participants who experienced premature ejaculation were not at peace with their bodies and were dissatisfied with their sexual experiences and their genital size and function, with significantly lower levels of genital self-image (P < .05). Clinical Implications Identifying factors that affect men’s genital self-image is crucial for maintaining sexual functions. Strengths and Limitations In Turkey, sexuality is a taboo subject, often considered shameful and rarely discussed, making it challenging to find participants willing to engage in research. Conclusion Men’s genital self-image influences the characteristics of premature ejaculation.
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present an overview of the . . . debate about male gender role strain in the research and theoretical literatures of the last dozen years / distinguish the 3 major arguments inherent in the gender role strain model and describe how they have faired in recent research / develop the construct of masculinity ideology as a central "co-factor" in male gender role strain / analyze and respond to the criticisms on the gender role strain model made by a more recent theoretical perspective on masculinity, social constructionism / consider the recent revival of "male identityism" (the older dominant theory of masculinity) and reflect on the broader cultural contention between the strain and identity models of masculinity (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The media equate a man's penis size with his power and masculinity. Views about penis size were assessed in an Internet survey of 52,031 heterosexual men and women. Most men (66%) rated their penis as average, 22% as large, and 12% as small. Self-reported penis size was correlated positively with height and negatively with body fat level. Whereas 85% of women were satisfied with their partner's penis size, only 55% of men were satisfied with their penis size, 45% wanted to be larger, and 0.2% wanted to be smaller. Satisfaction did not vary across age groups from 18 to 65. Men reporting a larger-than-average penis rated their appearance most favorably, suggesting a possible confidence effect of perceived large penis size. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The present study examined body image and associated psychological traits in 154 college men. The comprehensive battery of measures included a novel computerized test of body image perception, the Somatomorphic Matrix, in which subjects could navigate through a range of body images, spanning a wide range of body fat and muscularity, to answer various questions posed by the computer. Subjects also completed paper-and-pencil instruments assessing depression, characteristics of eating disorders, self-esteem, and use of performance-enhancing substances. Findings suggest that contemporary American men display substantial body dissatisfaction and that this dissatisfaction is closely associated with depression, measures of eating pathology, use of performance-enhancing substances, and low self-esteem. Muscle belittlement, believing that one is less muscular than he is, presented as an important construct in the body dissatisfaction of men. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Conference Paper
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This paper is a pilot study that explores how the concept of genre can be applied to the massive set of digital documents known as ‘spam’. The authors studied 300 spam messages collected over 15 weeks from a university email system. Messages were coded based on content, form and specific features as well as on the manifest relationship to existing genres of communication. The paper argues that spam is not a single genre but many genres. For the most part, the genres evoked in spam are adaptations of print to Internet, including information artifacts, pamphlets, business cards, order forms, bulletins, advertisements, and "Nigerian letters". With spam, however, the concept of genre operates at several levels. Often, there is a contradiction between the manifest genre and the underlying purposes. The paper concludes that spam exploits genre by conforming to known forms while at the same time breaching those norms.
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Contemporary research regarding men’s body image has focused primarily on perceptions of muscularity and thinness, leaving aside other issues such as penis size. Despite pop cultural notions regarding the importance of penis size, and Western cultural notions more broadly regarding masculinity and the penis, little research has been done on men’s perceptions of penis size, and no work has been done on gay men’s perceptions of penis size. This article presents the results of three separate qualitative research projects conducted by the authors with openly gay men that considered body image and masculinity in the lives of gay men. Noteworthy is that all of the studies were conducted using the same methodology and data analysis procedures. This paper utilises rich descriptive text to highlight the issues surrounding gay men, penis size and constructions of masculinities. The primary aim of the paper is to provide a context within which future qualitative research can be conducted on issues relating to the penis among gay men, in addition to emphasising the importance of perceiving the penis as a legitimate body image issue which has rarely been discussed in qualitative research projects.
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Larger penis size has been equated with a symbol of power, stamina, masculinity, and social status. Yet, there has been little research among men who have sex with men assessing the association between penis size and social-sexual health. Survey data from a diverse sample of 1,065 men who have sex with men were used to explore the association between perceived penis size and a variety of psychosocial outcomes. Seven percent of men felt their penis was "below average," 53.9% "average," and 35.5% "above average." Penis size was positively related to satisfaction with size and inversely related to lying about penis size (all ps < .01). Size was unrelated to condom use, frequency of sex partners, HIV status, or recent diagnoses of HBV, HCV, gonorrhea/Chlamydia/urinary tract infections, and syphilis. Men with above average penises were more likely to report HPV and HSV-2 (Fisher's exact p <or= .05). Men with below average penises were significantly more likely to identify as "bottoms" (anal receptive) and men with above average penises were significantly more likely to identify as "tops" (anal insertive). Finally, men with below average penises fared significantly worse than other men on three measures of psychosocial adjustment. Though most men felt their penis size was average, many fell outside this "norm." The disproportionate number of viral skin-to-skin STIs (HSV-2 and HPV) suggest size may play a role in condom slippage/breakage. Further, size played a significant role in sexual positioning and psychosocial adjustment. These data highlight the need to better understand the real individual-level consequences of living in a penis-centered society.
An expanded, updated version of Peter Lehman's classic text that became the leading source for the study of masculinity, the male body, and sexuality in film.
"The Masculine Self" offers comprehensive coverage of contemporary concepts of gender and masculinity. It applies the psychology of men to mainstream personality theory, including theorists such as S. Freud, C. Jung, S. Bem, E. Maccoby, and C. Rogers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--New York University, 1989. Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-118). Photocopy.