
Human motion perception through video model-based tracking

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As computer vision enables the robot to be aware of its human counterpart, such algorithms could help machines to achieve human-like interaction. However, many video tracking algorithms are not able to cope with some robot vision requirements. The articulated tracking system we develop solves some of those issues. It relies on model-based algorithms, which we believe are more suitable to robot vision than appearance-based ones. Indeed, as they update all the relevant parameters of a surrounding world model, results include some knowledge of the camera and objects relative positions. Our system relies on 3D model silhouette matching and runs in real time. We increase the algorithm robustness by introducing a pre-processing step based on image moments. This allows the iteration refinement to start in a better position by roughly estimating the body motion from one frame to the next.

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A new view-based approach to the representation and recognition of action is presented. The basis of the representation is a temporal template --- a static vector-image where the vector value at each point is a function of the motion properties at the corresponding spatial location in an image sequence. Using 18 aerobics exercises as a test domain, we explore the representational power of a simple, two component version of the templates: the #rst value is a binary value indicating the presence of motion, and the second value is a function of the recency of motion in a sequence. We then develop a recognition method which matches these temporal templates against stored instances of views of known actions. The method automatically performs temporal segmentation, is invariant to linear changes in speed, and runs in real-time on a standard platform. We recently incorporated this technique into the KidsRoom: an interactive, narrative play-space for children. 1 Introduction The recent shift...
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Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
This paper presents a novel method for hand tracking. It uses a D model built from quadrics which approximates the anatomy of a human hand. This approach allows for the use of results from projective geometry that yield an elegant technique to generate the projection of the model as a set of conics, as well as providing an efficient ray tracing algorithm to handle self-occlusion. Once the model is projected, an Unscented Kalman Filter is used to update its pose in order to minimise the geometric error between the model projection and a video sequence on the background. Results from experiments with real data show the accuracy of the technique.
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Conference Paper
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