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Backcountry visitors’ Leave No Trace attitudes.



This study examined overnight backcountry visitors' attitudes regarding 22 common backcountry behaviors. Each behavior corresponded with a specific Leave No Trace Principle for Responsible Recreation. Insight and further understanding of backcountry visitors' attitudes regarding common backcountry behaviors can assist in the development of more effective visitor education strategies, potentially resulting in the reduction of visitor-induced recreation impacts. Data were collected via a mail-back questionnaire from visitors to Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, Glacier National Park, Montana, and Olympic National Park, Washington. Results indicate widespread variability in the perceived appropriateness of several common backcountry activities, indicating that backcountry behaviors may also vary.
DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3 International Journal of Wilderness 21
Backcountry Visitors’
Leave No Trace Attitudes
Abstract: This study examined overnight backcountry visitors’ attitudes regarding 22 common
backcountry behaviors. Each behavior corresponded with a specific Leave No Trace Principle for
Responsible Recreation. Insight and further understanding of backcountry visitors’ attitudes
regarding common backcountry behaviors can assist in the development of more effective visitor
education strategies, potentially resulting in the reduction of visitor-induced recreation impacts. Data
were collected via a mail-back questionnaire from visitors to Cumberland Island National Seashore,
Georgia, Glacier National Park, Montana, and Olympic National Park, Washington. Results indicate
widespread variability in the perceived appropriateness of several common backcountry activities,
indicating that backcountry behaviors may also vary.
Park and protected
area managers face
many difficult and
diverse management
challenges. As an
example, the U.S.
National Park Service
(NPS) is mandated to
balance resource pro-
tection and visitor
enjoyment while addressing challenges including incompat-
ible adjacent land use, invasive species, climate change, and
improper human behavior, among others. Managing visitor
behaviors is further compounded, as sensitive environments
found in many protected areas may be vulnerable to signifi-
cant degradation from nominal recreational use (Leung and
Marion 2000) and cumulative impacts can be substantial
(Hammitt and Cole 1998).
To help mitigate negative impacts, natural resource
managers typically employ a multipronged strategy of edu-
cation and/or enforcement to help meet management
objectives (Hendee and Dawson 2002; Lucas 1983;
Manning 2003). Education is usually preferred over
enforcement, as it provides managers “light-handed”
options for lessening visitor-induced impacts and is con-
sidered to be more in line with the spirit of the Wilderness
Act (Hendee and Dawson 2002). Further, research has
shown that education-based programs are preferred by
both managers (Washburne and Cole 1983) and visitors
(Hendee, Stankey, and Lucas 1990) for protecting resources
and reinforcing appropriate visitor behavior over enforce-
ment. Yet the task of effectively educating the public
regarding appropriate behaviors can be a complex assign-
ment, with challenges including noncaptive nature of
audiences, limited contact time between park personnel
and the public, and others (Orams 1997). To assist in over-
coming these impediments, agencies have employed social
marketing and educational campaigns such as Woodsy
Owl’s “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute,” Smokey Bear’s “Only
You Can Prevent Forest Fires,” and Leave No Trace.
Wade and Brooke Vagias kayaking in western
Maryland. Photo courtesy of Wade Vagias. Robert Powell
in the Everglades.
22 International Journal of Wilderness DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3
Leave No Trace
The most pervasive minimum-impact
visitor education program used in pro-
tected area contexts today is Leave No
Trace (LNT), a program designed to
educate recreationists about minimum-
impact practices with the end goal of
protecting resources (Harmon1997;
Marion and Reid 2001). Currently,
the LNT message consists of the seven
LNT principles:
1. Plan ahead and prepare.
2. Travel and camp on durable sur-
3. Dispose of waste properly.
4. Minimize campfire impacts.
5. Leave what you find.
6. Be considerate of other visitors.
7. Respect wildlife.
The LNT program can be traced
back to the 1960s when the U.S.
Forest Service (USFS) began to
encourage “pack it in—pack it out
messages to users (Marion and Reid
2001). Through partnership with the
National Outdoor Leadership School,
the LNT message continued to develop
throughout the 1990s. Leave No Trace
(now called the Leave No Trace Center
for Outdoor Ethics, or just The Center)
was incorporated as a 501©(3) non-
profit organization in 1994. The
mission statement of The Center states
that it is “dedicated to the responsible
enjoyment and active stewardship of
the outdoors by all people, worldwide”
( Also in 1994, a memo-
randum of understanding was signed
with the USFS, Bureau of Land
Management, Fish and Wildlife
Service, and NPS to formally adopt
LNT as the primary minimum-impact
visitor education message promoted
on federal lands. Other adopters of the
LNT program have included various
state-level land management agencies,
including the recent adoption by all 50
state park managers representing some
5,000-plus state parks, as well as sev-
eral foreign countries, including
Ireland, New Zealand, Canada,
Australia, Montenegro, Hong Kong,
South Korea, Greece, Scotland,
Argentina, Mexico, and Taiwan (www. For a review of the history
and evolution of LNT, see Marion and
Reid (2001), and see Manning (2003)
for a review of studies investigating the
role of education as a visitor manage-
ment tool in protected areas.
Behavior Association
When using education to protect
resources, protected area managers
usually desire to influence or reinforce
visitors’ knowledge, attitudes, and/or
behaviors (KAB). Knowledge refers to
information we possess, or “what we
know.” Attitudes are defined as the
“psychological tendency that is
expressed by evaluating a particular
entity with some degree of favor or
disfavor” (Eagly and Chaiken 1993, p.
1). Behavior, which is a broad umbrella
term, refers to any number of actions a
person may undertake.
To influence KAB, early learning
theorists operated under the assump-
tion that the link between learning and
behavior was simplistic or directly
related, a link occasionally referred to as
the “learning leads to loving hypoth-
esis” (Ham 2009, pers. comm.). Under
this model, information traveled one
way, from the sender (provider of infor-
mation) to the receiver (recipient of
information). According to Ham, the
assumption educators make can be
described as: “If they know what we
know, they’ll care as we care” (in press,
p. 4, ). However, this assumption has
proven incorrect (Hungerford and Volk
1990), and advances in psychology and
social psychology have provided alter-
native models for understanding the
relationship between education and
human behavior (Heimlich and Ardoin
2008; Ham 2009). And although
understanding, predicting, and influ-
encing human behavior is particularly
complex and context specific, social-
psychological theory suggests that one
important driver of behavior is a per-
son’s attitude regarding the behavior of
interest (Ajzen 1991; Ajzen and Fishbein
1980; Kraus 1995). Thus to effectively
change behavior, particularly environ-
mental behaviors, researchers have
shown that education should target
individuals’ attitudes or the salient belief
structures that underpin those attitudes
(Ajzen 1991; Pooley and O’Connor
2000; Ajzen and Fishbein 2005).
This study examined NPS over-
night backcountry visitors’ attitudes
regarding the “appropriateness” of 22
common backcountry behaviors. Each
behavior corresponded with a specific
LNT Principle for Responsible
Recreation. If attitudes are an impor-
tant determinant of behavior, as
social-psychological research contends
(e.g., Ajzen 1991; Ajzen and Fishbein
1973, 2005), insight and further
understanding of backcountry visitors’
attitudes regarding common back-
country behaviors can assist in the
development of more effective visitor
education strategies, potentially
Focused context-specific educational messages
designed to inform NPS visitors regarding specific
practices may need to be used to complement the
more prevalent general LNT educational effort
DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3 International Journal of Wilderness 23
resulting in the reduction of visitor-
induced recreation impacts (Ham et
al. 2007).
Three NPS units were selected for
inclusion in this research:
Cumberland Island National
Seashore (CINS), Georgia; Glacier
National Park (GNP), Montana; and
Olympic National Park (ONP),
Washington. The three study loca-
tions were selected because all contain
wilderness/de facto wilderness areas,
are popular NPS backpacking desti-
nations that attract a significant
volume of overnight backcountry
visitors annually, require permits for
all overnight backcountry visitors,
and mandate pretrip check-ins with
ranger staff.
A systematic sampling strategy
was employed to ensure both represen-
tativeness and a more accurate estimate
of the error (Babbie 2005). Individuals
and groups were intercepted as they
registered/picked up their backcountry
permits at the backcountry offices/
ranger stations within the three respec-
tive NPS units. All adult group
members present were asked to pro-
vide their contact information. This
strategy allowed for the sampling of all
party members, not just the registered
trip leader, as past studies have shown
that less experienced backcountry trav-
elers rely on more experienced
individuals as sources of information
(Ramthun 1998). Questionnaires were
subsequently mailed approximately
one month after contact and followed
a modified Tailored Design Method
(Dillman 2007). An adjusted response
rate of 65% (N = 162) for CINS, 68%
for GNP (N = 279), and 73% (N =
312) for ONP was achieved.
Our principle interest in con-
ducting this study was to explore the
mean scores of respondents’ attitudes
regarding the behaviors of interest as
well as the variability (spread in
scores) as evidenced by standard devi-
ations (SD). Global perceptions of
LNT as a program were measured via
two Likert-type statements anchored
from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 =
strongly agree. The appropriateness of
specific LNT practices were measured
using 22 Likert-type statements
anchored from 1 = very inappropriate
to 7 = very appropriate. Only atti-
tudes pertaining to LNT Principles
2–7 were investigated, because LNT
Principle #1 addresses behaviors that
occur prior to the wilderness recre-
ational experience. Each item was
written to solicit maximum variation
in responses. For example, one item
reads “having a campfire.” Having a
campfire in the backcountry has been,
and will likely continue to be,
common practice among many back-
country campers, yet LNT principles
recommend foregoing a fire to lessen
environmental impact (
In fact, all 22 of the specific items are
considered inappropriate backcountry
behaviors under strict interpretation
of LNT.
Greater than 63% of the GNP sample
was male, with a mean age of 36.2
years; approximately 60% of ONP
respondents were male, with an average
age of 41.4; and 62% of CINS respon-
dents were male, with an average age
of 40.3 years. More than 95% of the
total sample was white, and more than
90% of the respondents in each unit
reported having a college degree or
higher. Slightly more than half of
respondents were registered as the trip
leader. For 76% of GNP respondents
and 63% of CINS respondents, this
was their first trip to the respective
NPS unit. This contrasts sharply with
ONP, where 66% of respondents indi-
cated visiting ONP at least once prior
to being contacted for participation in
this study.
Awareness and Global
Perceptions of Leave No
The majority of GNP, ONP, and CINS
respondents reported they had heard
of LNT (94%, 97%, and 89%, respec-
tively). As a follow-up, respondents
who answered yes were asked to indi-
cate the year they first heard of LNT.
ONP respondents indicated having
heard of the LNT in 1992.5 (mean
year), and GNP and CINS respon-
dents both indicated 1995.
Overall, support for the LNT pro-
gram appears high, with a majority of
GNP, ONP, and CINS respondents
answering either “6” or “7” to the item
“it is important to use minimum-
impact/LNT techniques when in the
backcountry” (91%, 93%, and 89%,
respectively). Likewise, a predomi-
nance of respondents indicated that
they believe the LNT practices help
reduce environmental harm.
Approximately 68% of GNP respon-
dents (M = 1.65), 69% of ONP
respondents (M = 1.56), and 62% of
CINS respondents (M = 1.74) “strongly
disagreed” with the statement:
“Minimum-impact/LNT techniques
do not reduce the environmental harm
caused by backcountry travel.”
Attitudes Regarding
Specific LNT Principles
Attitudes toward LNT Principle #2,
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces,
were evaluated by eight statements (see
table 1). Mean scores as well as stan-
dard deviations varied widely. For
example, “moving rocks and/or logs to
make a campsite more comfortable” is
viewed by GNP respondents as slightly
inappropriate (M = 3.59), but slightly
appropriate by both ONP and CINS
24 International Journal of Wilderness DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3
respondents (M = 4.25 and 4.35,
respectively). The standard deviation
(SD) was ≥ 1.6 points for each of the
units investigated, indicative of wide-
spread divergence in attitudes regarding
the appropriateness of this behavior.
Similar items that had mean scores
close to neutral with relatively large
SD included “camping along the edge
of a stream or lake” and “walking
around muddy spots on the trail.”
However, respondents from all three
units reported attitudes more closely
aligned with recommended LNT prac-
tices regarding the behaviors “walking
side by side on trails” (see figure 1) and
“camping in undisturbed and pristine
Respondents were fairly consistent
across the study sites in their attitudes
regarding waste management practices
(Principle #3, table 2). Of particular
interest for managers is the finding
that “burying used toilet paper” is
viewed as slightly appropriate in all
units (CINS M = 4.75, GNP M =
4.17, ONP M = 4.46). Further, the
SD for this item was at least 2, indi-
cating widespread variability among
respondents about the appropriateness
of this behavior. For example, approxi-
mately 18% of GNP respondents,
14% of ONP respondents, and 10%
of CINS respondents indicated this as
“very inappropriate” (scoring this item
a “1”), whereas 24% of GNP respon-
dents, 25% of ONP respondents, and
27% of CINS respondents indicated
this as a “very appropriate” behavior
(scoring the same item a “7”). Also of
interest are attitudes regarding uri-
nating on vegetation, with means
ranging from 3.2 to 3.7. Although on
the “inappropriate” side of the scale,
the scores are close to neutral and may
reflect a level of complacency about
this action. Particularly in alpine envi-
ronments, urinating on vegetation
deposits salts that subsequently may be
dug up by animals, killing the plant.
Results pertaining to various wil-
derness backcountry practices related
to LNT Principle #4, Minimize
Table 1—Means and standard deviations of attitudes under
LNT Principle #2: Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces.
Walking around muddy spots on
the trail
1Mean score based on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = very inappropriate, 4 = neutral, 7 = very appropriate).
2Lower mean score reflects attitude more congruent with behavior/LNT principle.
GNP 273 4.31 1.7
ONP 308 4.02 1.6
CINS 157 4.67 1.5
GNP 275 2.88 1.7
ONP 308 2.93 1.6
CINS 159 3.55 1.6
GNP 271 4.22 1.9
ONP 309 3.78 1.9
CINS 159 4.22 1.9
GNP 275 4.37 1.6
ONP 308 4.74 1.7
CINS 159 4.94 1.5
GNP 273 3.59 1.7
ONP 308 4.25 1.7
CINS 158 4.35 1.6
GNP 271 2.14 1.6
ONP 306 2.07 1.4
CINS 158 2.81 1.7
GNP 273 1.77 1.2
ONP 309 1.77 1.2
CINS 159 2.31 1.4
GNP 269 4.90 1.7
ONP 301 4.67 1.8
CINS 153 5.07 1.4
Item Unit N Mean1, 2 SD
Hiking side by side with my friends
on existing backcountry trails
Camping along the edge of a stream
or lake
Moving rocks from where I plan to
place my tent
Moving rocks and/or logs to make a
campsite more comfortable
When camping in heavily used
areas, placing the tent in an undis-
turbed spot
In popular backcountry areas,
camping where no one has camped
Camping two nights in a pristine
Table 2—Means and standard deviations of attitudes under
LNT Principle #3: Dispose of Waste Properly..
Burying used toilet paper
1Mean score based on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = very inappropriate, 4 = neutral, 7 = very appropriate).
2Lower mean score reflects attitude more congruent with behavior/LNT principle.
GNP 274 4.17 2.2
ONP 308 4.46 2.1
CINS 158 4.75 2.0
GNP 273 3.15 1.6
ONP 304 3.46 1.7
CINS 159 3.70 1.9
GNP 274 3.16 1.9
ONP 309 3.84 2.1
CINS 159 4.08 1.9
GNP 275 1.89 1.2
ONP 310 1.95 1.3
CINS 158 2.13 1.4
GNP 275 1.55 1.1
ONP 309 1.58 1.1
CINS 159 1.86 1.3
GNP 275 1.52 0.9
ONP 310 1.53 1.0
CINS 159 1.45 0.9
Item Unit N Mean1, 2 SD
Urinating on vegetation
Burning paper trash in the campfire
Using soap in streams as long as
there are currents to help dilute the
Depositing human waste on top of
the ground so it will decompose
Disposing of dishwater in streams or
DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3 International Journal of Wilderness 25
Campfire Impacts, suggest widespread
variation across individuals and the
three units (see table 3). Campfires
have long been a part of the back-
country experience, and the results of
this study show general acceptance for
fires, with more than 50% of individ-
uals from the three units indicating a
neutral to very appropriate response
for the item “having a campfire” and
relatively wide variation on scores
within the unit. Results regarding the
three other campfire attitudinal items
were similar (see figure 2). The item
“building a fire ring if one is not
present” received the lowest mean
scores across all units with scores below
4. However, 33.4% of CINS respon-
dents, 16.9% of GNP respondents,
and 22.7% of ONP respondents indi-
cated this behavior was appropriate (5
or higher).
The appropriateness of leaving
what is found in the backcountry
(Principle #5) was evaluated via the
item “keeping a single small item like
a rock or feather as a souvenir.” A
majority of individuals across the three
units indicated that the behavior was
slightly inappropriate to very inappro-
priate. However, 19% of GNP
respondents, 28% of ONP respon-
dents, and 36% of CINS respondents
indicated that this behavior was slightly
appropriate to very appropriate (M =
2.91, 3.52, and 3.70, respectively).
Principle #6, Be Considerate of
Other Visitors, was evaluated with the
statement: “camping with large groups
(8 or more people) in the backcountry.”
The LNT message espouses that
groups should be kept small and large
groups broken into small groups. Mean
scores ranged from 2.98 at ONP to
3.81 at CINS (GNP M = 3.10).
The seventh LNT Principle,
Respect Wildlife, was evaluated with
two items: “dropping food on the
ground to provide wildlife a food
source” and “feeding wildlife” (see
table 4). Scores between GNP and
ONP were quite similar across both
items, with CINS visitors indicating
slightly higher scores for both items.
Overall, respondents indicated that
the behaviors were very inappropriate.
Discussion and
Management Implications
The purpose of this study was to
examine overnight backcountry visi-
tors’ attitudes regarding the
“appropriateness” of 22 common back-
country behaviors. Each investigated
behavior corresponded directly with a
specific LNT Principle for Responsible
Recreation. A number of important
findings emerged that transcended
study sites and are worthy of further
discussion. At a global level, respon-
dents were very positive and supportive
of using LNT techniques. This sug-
gests they are largely supportive of the
Figure 1—Braided trail made by users avoiding a muddy trail tread. Photo by Ben Lawhon.
Table 3—Means and standard deviations of attitudes under
LNT Principle #4: Minimize Campfire Impacts.
Having a campfire
1Mean score based on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = very inappropriate, 4 = neutral, 7 = very appropriate).
2Lower mean score reflects attitude more congruent with behavior/LNT principle
GNP 269 4.15 1.7
ONP 305 4.10 1.8
CINS 158 4.37 1.8
GNP 274 3.84 1.9
ONP 308 3.72 1.9
CINS 159 4.21 1.8
GNP 273 2.41 1.9
ONP 308 2.80 2.0
CINS 159 3.25 2.3
GNP 272 3.88 1.9
ONP 307 4.13 1.9
CINS 157 4.55 1.7
Item Unit N Mean1, 2 SD
Cooking over a campfire in the back-
Building a fire ring if one is not
Leaving charred wood contained in
the fire ring
26 International Journal of Wilderness DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3
message and the corresponding behav-
iors in a general sense. However, as can
be seen in the discrepancy in mean
scores between the two global items
and 22 specific items, positive global
attitudes do not necessarily equate to
attitudes congruent with specific rec-
ommended LNT behaviors. For
example, attitudes toward LNT
Principle #2, Travel and Camp on
Durable Surfaces, measured by items
such as “moving rocks and logs to
make a camp more comfortable,” or
“walking around muddy spots on the
trail” (both inappropriate), received
both supportive and unsupportive
responses. The first item, “moving
rocks and/or logs to make a campsite
more comfortable” is viewed by 32.6%
of GNP respondents as appropriate,
19% had a neutral response, and
48.3% felt the behavior was inappro-
priate. Similarly, in CINS, 59% of
respondents felt it was appropriate to
“walk around muddy spots on the
trail,” 22% were neutral, and 19% felt
it was inappropriate.
The relatively high variability (SD)
in scores on certain behaviors suggests
that certain recommended practices
may not be fully understood and/or
supported by backcountry visitors. This
incongruity between visitors’ positive
global support for the LNT message
and the more varied attitudes toward
specific behaviors suggests that oppor-
tunities exist to improve educational
efforts. Social psychological theory and
communication theory suggests that
educational efforts aimed at influencing
behaviors must be targeted and specific
for the context, audience, and behavior
(Ajzen 2005; Ham and Krumpe 1996).
In other words, additional specific and
targeted education efforts that comple-
ment general LNT messaging may need
to target a specific “problem” behavior.
Although a general message may pro-
mote a general philosophy and ethic, it
may not necessarily translate into sup-
port and adoption of specific
Attitudes toward the specific recom-
mended LNT behaviors varied, at times
widely. These results suggest that educa-
tional efforts need to target not only the
seven general LNT principles but, more
importantly, the specific behaviors that
underpin each principle. In particular,
this research suggests that additional or
focused context-specific educational
messages designed to inform NPS visi-
tors regarding specific practices may
need to be used to complement the
more prevalent general LNT educa-
tional efforts. This appears particularly
important in areas where visitors mis-
takenly undertake behaviors that
negatively impact valuable resources
due to ignorance or misunderstanding
regarding the application of the LNT
We thank Garry Oye, chief, Wilderness
Stewardship Division, and Rick Potts,
chief, Conservation and Outdoor
Recreation Division, NPS, for their
support. The Wilderness Stewardship
Division of the NPS funded this
Table 4—Means and standard deviations of attitudes under
LNT Principle #7: Respect Wildlife.
Dropping food on the ground to
provide wildlife a food source
1Mean score based on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = very inappropriate, 4 = neutral, 7 = very appropriate).
2Lower mean score reflects attitude more congruent with behavior/LNT principle
GNP 275 1.19 0.7
ONP 310 1.19 0.7
CINS 159 1.33 0.8
GNP 273 1.16 0.6
ONP 310 1.21 0.8
CINS 159 1.30 0.7
Item Unit N Mean1, 2 SD
Feeding wildlife
Figure 2—Campfire ring and evidence of past use. Photo by Ben Lawhon.
DECEMBER 2010 • VOLUME 16, NUMBER 3 International Journal of Wilderness 27
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Research Paper INT-304 Ogden, UT:
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WADE M. VAGIAS is a natural resource
specialist in the Wilderness Stewardship
Division of the National Park Service,
Washington, D.C.; email: Wade_Vagias@
ROBERT B. POWELL is an assistant pro-
fessor in the Department of Parks,
Recreation, and Tourism Management and
Department of Forestry and Natural
Resources, Clemson University, Clemson,
South Carolina.
... backcountry areas are typically accessed through hiking, biking, canoeing, skiing or kayaking. In response to the negative impacts that humans can cause while camping (either in frontcountry or backcountry areas) research has been conducted to investigate how backcountry overnight visitors mitigate these negative impacts through lowimpact camping practices (Vagias & Powell, 2010). However, little research has focused on the millions of frontcountry overnight visitors. ...
... While the principles identified by LNT were initially developed for the backcountry, the concepts can and are being applied to frontcountry camping areas (Leave No Trace Centre for Outdoor Ethics, 2012). Increased understanding of park visitors' attitudes may help to predict and encourage pro-environmental behaviours, therefore this study examines overnight visitors to Canadian provincial parks and their knowledge of and attitudes toward LNT practices (Ajzen, 1991;Pooley & o'Connor, 2000;Vagias & Powell, 2010). To address this agenda, this study compared both frontcountry and backcountry users within two Canadian provinces, Alberta and Ontario. ...
... Attitudes are understood as the level or degree of favorableness or unfavourableness with respect to a psychological object, such as a behaviour (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2000). When seeking to understand park visitor's likelihood to engage in LNT behaviours, attitudes have become a more accepted measure (Lawhon et al., 2019;Schwartz et al., 2018;Sharp, Maples, & Gerlaugh, 2018;Taff, Newman, Vagias, & Lawhon, 2014;Vagias & Powell, 2010;Vagias, Powell, Moore, & Wright, 2014). Attitudes develop through the attainment of information and knowledge about an object or topic, they evolve and change as new information influences beliefs (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2000). ...
... Research has explored LNT in diverse settings. For example, Vagias and Powell (2010) examined the attitudes of people who stayed overnight in the backcountry in Glacier and Olympic National Parks as well as Cumberland Island National Seashore, finding that attitudes aligned with LNT Principles. Taff et al. (2014) extended this research to compare the Vagias and Powell (2010) findings with people who only entered the front country in Rocky Mountain National Park, finding that the attitudes of people who went into the backcountry were slightly more congruent with LNT Principles, but largely the same between the backcountry and front country groups. ...
... For example, Vagias and Powell (2010) examined the attitudes of people who stayed overnight in the backcountry in Glacier and Olympic National Parks as well as Cumberland Island National Seashore, finding that attitudes aligned with LNT Principles. Taff et al. (2014) extended this research to compare the Vagias and Powell (2010) findings with people who only entered the front country in Rocky Mountain National Park, finding that the attitudes of people who went into the backcountry were slightly more congruent with LNT Principles, but largely the same between the backcountry and front country groups. Backman et al. (2018) extended this research across multiple protected areas, including U.S. state parks, national forests, and national parks finding similar results across these settings. ...
Leave No Trace (LNT) is globally the most widely accepted minimum impact program and has been linked to behavior change and the maintenance of a range of ecological measures. Critiques of LNT have emerged, including that LNT ignores wider impacts that contribute to climate change and diverse world views. Many outdoor education students carefully follow LNT practices. When students encounter these critiques, they often conclude either that LNT is effective and the detractors are misplaced or that LNT should be abandoned, thereby avoiding deep engagement. Education must prepare students for the contested project of creating a sustainable future. We argue that LNT shows considerable promise as a context for learning through dialectical approaches where students must engage with divergent articles and examples. LNT can be used to help students understand that taking informed action is important. LNT can also be used to show that there are no innocent actions.
... Many theories to explain human behaviour explore synergistic determinants such as attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and values. The relationship between knowledge and behaviour is complex, and acquiring knowledge doesn't necessarily translate into behaviour change (Settina, Marion, & Schwartz, 2020;Vagias & Powell, 2010). ...
... Previous studies have used survey questionnaires when investigating adoption and knowledge of LNT and attitudes toward NNIPS Blye & Halpenny, 2020;Lawhon et al., 2013;Newman et al., 2003;Vagias & Powell, 2010). The survey instrument was developed and adapted from similar measures employed in these studies. ...
Hiking and backpacking on American National Scenic Trails has increased in popularity in recent years. To encourage responsible and sustainable outdoor recreation on these much-loved trails, direct and indirect management strategies must be employed by managerial agencies. The Leave No Trace (LNT) education program aims to protect natural resources by promoting minimum-impact behaviours that lessen environmental impacts. The accidental introduction and dispersal of non-native invasive flora by hikers is little studied but can have a detrimental environmental impact on protected areas. The purpose of our study was to understand whether Appalachian Trail thru-hikers are: 1) aware of this problem, 2) adhering to LNT principles to reduce this problem, and 3) willing to learn and adopt minimum-impact behaviours to address this problem. We found that thru-hiker knowledge of invasive plants was limited and that very few thru-hikers adopted low-impact practices to minimise plant introduction and spread. Promisingly, we found that most thru-hikers, once aware of the problems, were willing to learn and apply low-impact practices to minimise plant introduction and spread. We discuss the barriers to their adoption of these behaviours and present a comprehensive list of suggested LNT practices to limit invasive plant introduction and spread. We conclude that, whilst challenging, protected area managers can help deter the spread of invasive plants along trails by improving educational messaging, signage, personal communication, and providing supporting infrastructure that encourages visitors to adopt specific practices to minimise invasive plant introduction and spread within protected areas. Management implications •Protected areas and trail systems worldwide are threatened by human-mediated, non-native plant invasion. •Most Appalachian Trail (A.T.) thru-hikers generally lack the knowledge and resources to identify invasive plants. •Few A.T. thru-hikers understand the connection between brushing footwear and managing invasive plants, and even fewer are aware of the various low-impact practices targeting invasive plant introduction and dispersal. •Along the A.T., information on plant invasion problems and associated low-impact practices is minimal, inconsistent, and only superficially included in most core Leave No Trace (LNT) messaging efforts. •Public awareness about low-impact practices is a useful tool in invasive plant management. A.T. managers need to better inform visitors about the full range of specific practices they could adopt to reduce invasive plant introduction and spread, e.g., through educational messaging, signage, personal communication, and providing supporting infrastructure.
... Given that most of these negative impacts primarily arise from the improper behaviour of tourists (Lee & Jan, 2015a;Mason, 2015), encouraging tourists' proenvironmental behaviour could significantly mitigate or prevent social and environmental impacts Vagias et al., 2014;Vagias & Powell, 2010). Accordingly, considerable research focuses on tourists' pro-environmental behaviour, how they are engaged in environmental protection, and actions to mitigate the negative impacts and promote more sustainable behaviour among tourists (e.g. ...
... The term is frequently used interchangeably with sustainable behaviour, ecological behaviour, responsible behaviour and environmental behaviour Mobley et al., 2010). This study describes the actions, such as recycling products, leave-no-trace behaviours, buying green products, power and water conservation, and donating money, aim to protect the environment or reduce the negative effects of human/tourist activities on the environment, either on-site or longer term (Buonincontri et al., 2017;Iwata, 2001;Mobley et al., 2010;Steg & Vlek, 2009;Vagias & Powell, 2010). In the context of tourism, many researchers have attempted to conceptualize pro-environmental behaviour. ...
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Tour guides play a central role in the implementation of sustainable tourism practices through maximizing tourists’ appreciation and enjoyment of the destination and minimizing their negative impacts. Utilizing Stimulus–Organism–Response framework, this study aims to examine how tour guide performance directly and indirectly predicts tourists’ pro-environmental behaviour. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling were used to test a pro-environmental behaviour model using a sample of 396 tourists who visited Serengeti, Lake Manyara, Tarangire national parks and Ngorongoro conservation area in northern Tanzania. The results indicated that tour guides positively and significantly influenced tourists’ experience, satisfaction and pro-environmental behaviours. Further, tourists’ experience is found to positively mediate the relation between tour guide and pro-environmental behaviour. The study presents managerial implications, limitations and future research directions in light of the results.
... Each principle is a broad rule to practice while recreating in the outdoors; the principles incorporate many actions that should be avoided. A study was conducted to examine the attitudes of overnight backcountry visitors' regarding 22 common backcountry behaviors, with each relating to an LNT principle (Vagias et al., 2010). This study suggests that "educational efforts need to target not only the seven general LNT principles but, more importantly, the specific behaviors that underpin each principle" (Vagias et al., 2010, p. 26). ...
... Master Educator courses also offer the ability to be activity-specific, while trainer courses do not. Vagias (2010) found that in order to make LNT educational efforts more effective, methods must target specific behaviors that are under the umbrella of the seven general LNT principles, meaning the LNT educational method must be context-specific to result in visitor behavior change. Every natural space and every visitor demographic are different in regard to which LNT principles will be most applicable for visitors. ...
Leave No Trace (LNT) is imperative in the field of outdoor recreation to protect natural spaces and preserve them for generations to come. Exposure to LNT is pivotal in the development of environmental stewardship in children and adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the educational methods utilized by the LNT Center for Outdoor Ethics to determine the best practices to cultivate and instill the principles of LNT. The research was conducted using a best practices instrument, developed by the researcher, to evaluate the attributes present in LNT educational methods by the LNT Center. This study found that LNT educational programs that are skills-based, location-, activity-, behavior-, context-, and age-specific are the most effective forms of LNT education. This study can function as a guide in developing effective frontcountry and backcountry LNT educational programs.
... The survey instrument was developed through a collaborative, iterative review process among the researchers, NPS staff, and other key partners. It included items stemming from established Leave No Trace-focused questions [26,[32][33][34]. Moral norms measures were also included, as they can be additive measures when the behavior in question is rooted in underlying morally or ethically grounded beliefs or attitudes [35]. ...
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Abstract: Outdoor recreation continues to be persistently high in national parks across the United States, particularly as the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased use. In popular frontcountry destinations such as national park campgrounds managers are challenged with new issues more familiar to urban settings. One of these challenges is waste management. The largest source of visitor- generated waste in national parks is campgrounds. This research uses a mixed-methods approach to develop and test strategic communications designed to increase recycling and minimize trash to the landfill by altering campground visitor behaviors. Intercept surveys were used to create theory-based messages, and a quasi-experimental approach was used to evaluate message effectiveness. Our results show that messages emphasizing ease concepts were two times more effective at changing campground visitor waste disposal behaviors than control conditions. The results help inform the management of visitors as national parks strive to meet sustainability goals.
... These principles have become prominent education intervention approaches in US protected areas. Posted signage and web-based messages encourage "correct behavior" and discourage depreciative behavior (Harmon, 1997;Marion & Reid, 2001, 2007Vagias & Powell, 2010). Messages as they relate to the three common compliance issues-off-trail walking, litter, and dogs off-leashinclude "travel on durable surfaces," "dispose of waste properly," "respect wildlife," and "be considerate of other visitors" (Marion & Reid, 2007). ...
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Depreciative park visitor behaviors in protected areas can alter the relationship between humans, wildlife, and ecosystems and provide new opportunities for pathogens to cause illness in people. We created communication interventions that illustrate to park visitors the impact of off-trail walking, dogs off-leash, and littering. We aimed to uncover reasons behind park visitor decision-making and to compare differences in responses between messaging treatments. Our study in Great Falls Park (Potomac, MD) exposed 1207 park visitors to one of three messaging treatments: a choice-based digital simulation, a video, or a booklet. Participants either experienced or observed the role of park visitor behaviors in disease transmission to humans. All participants answered Likert-type questions that gauged their perceptions of the link between humans, animals, and disease. Participants in simulation and video treatments also ranked reasons for non-compliant behaviors. We compared changes in Likert scores by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests, and compared rank data with Chi square analysis. Key findings suggest that participants selected reasons for non-compliant behaviors that aligned with their “self-interests.” This study applies a social marketing lens to a One Health problem and demonstrates the need for educational interventions that employ game-based learning to convey associations between human and wildlife health.
... Direct management techniques aim to influence visitor behaviors through enforcement, such as closures or fines (Kidd et al., 2015). Indirect management techniques aim to prevent undesirable behavior by influencing visitors' cognitive processes through such things as interpretive approaches and messaging through signage (Plummer, 2009;Vagias & Powell, 2010). Evidence shows that managers and visitors alike prefer indirect techniques because they are less intrusive and often are more cost effective (Manning et al., 2017). ...
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Past research has extensively studied interpretive messaging and visitor conflict within parks and protected areas. However, comprehensive understanding of how to identify trailside interpretive sign locations is lacking. The purpose of this study was to introduce an approach using geographic information systems (GIS) that supplements decision-making regarding sign placement. The study site was Grand Canyon National Park’s Rim to Rim (R2R) corridor. To identify sign placement locations, two analytical phases were conducted. First, GPS data loggers were distributed to visitors and their travel patterns were analyzed for spatial behaviors and spatial interactions that are known to influence the likelihood of recreation conflict. Specifically, locations with a high variance of visitor travel speeds and locations with concentrated visitor use were identified. Second, geographic data were analyzed to identify locations for a combination of features that together influence the likelihood of recreation conflict. Specifically, popular bidirectional trail segments with significant elevation change were identified. We reported these locations and areas using GPS coordinates for evaluation by future research. This research was a necessary step towards comprehensively understanding how to identify locations for interpretive signs.
... However, the relationship between knowledge and behavior is complex (Hwang et al., 2000;Manning, 2003). Knowledge does not necessarily translate to behavior change (Hungerford & Volk, 1990;Hwang et al., 2000;Manning, 2003;Petty et al., 1992), and this is particularly true of Leave No Trace-related behaviors (Vagias & Powell, 2010). ...
The efficacy of different Leave No Trace (LNT) communication interventions designed to persuade forest visitors to practice low-impact camping behaviors were evaluated. Three depreciative campsite behaviors—littering, tree damage, and surface disposal of human waste—were evaluated by before-and-after resource condition assessments. Three LNT communication interventions were evaluated against a control: (1) an LNT brochure and poster display (non-personal), (2) personal LNT communication by a forest naturalist, and (3) a combination of both non-personal and personal methods. The study population was overnight campers using dispersed road-accessed campsites in Western Maryland’s Green Ridge State Forest. LNT communication successfully improved resource conditions for the targeted depreciative behaviors. For litter and human waste, personal communication by a forest naturalist was effective, but the non-personal method was ineffective. In contrast, tree damage was significantly reduced by both non-personal and personal communication methods. Combining personal and non-personal communication efforts did not result in an increased benefit. The core implication of this study is that several camping resource impacts can be measurably reduced when uniformed staff personally communicate the desired low impact practices.
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「無痕山林運動」源起於 1960 年代的美國自然環境界,主要內容是針對山林環境之保育行為,說明人類應該善盡應有的關懷行動與對自然界的責任感,並減少對於自然環境之中衝擊及破壞生態保護的活動,以達成愛護山林、友善山林,以及保育山林的模式。為推動陽明山國家公園之無痕山林之親環境行為研究,依據「尊重野生動植物」之保育行為觀察,進行親環境行為理論驗證。本研究中,依據調查方法進行問卷分析,並依據推論性統計,以獨立樣本 t 檢定、結構方程式模型驗證分析,瞭解不同變項之間的關聯性。研究團隊於 2019 年 1 至 6 月回收 434 份有效問卷,針對造訪陽明山國家公園的遊客對於尊重野生動植物的態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、行為意圖,以及行為表現進行調查分析。結果顯示「聽說或知道無痕山林尊重野生動植物的相關內容」之遊客,其態度與知覺行為控制呈現顯著差異,導致其親環境行為。本研究以結構方程式驗證理論架構,顯示計畫行為理論雖可解釋陽明山國家公園遊客「尊重野生動植物」之親環境行為路徑,然而計畫行為理論中的「主觀規範」構面,對「行為意圖」並沒有顯著的影響;陽明山國家公園遊客尊重野生動植物之環境行為,主要是受到「態度」與「知覺行為控制」之影響,其中又以「知覺行為控制」影響更高。藉由無痕山林教育,提升「知覺行為控制」,可促進造訪陽明山國家公園的遊客對於尊重野生動植物環境行為之有效方法。建議可行之方式可能包括:以環境保護案例和實際行動,強化遊客認知到親環境行為之可行性,以提高遊客之控制信念,推動環境保護。
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Keywords Tilden, beliefs, attitudes, behavior, elaboration likelihood model of persuasion (ELM), theory of planned behavior (TPB) Abstract Perhaps the most oft-cited phrase in all the interpretation literature is a sentence written by an anonymous U.S. National Park Service ranger in an obscure administrative manual a half century ago: Through interpretation, understanding; through understanding, appreciation; through appreciation, protection. When Freeman Tilden quoted the manual in Interpreting Our Heritage, little did he know that those few words would evolve into a philosophical orientation around which interpreters all across the globe would soon rally. In this article, Tilden's claim is reexamined in light of contemporary cognitive and social psychology. Does the chain of events Tilden describes really stand up, or is it just a nice, warm, and fuzzy phrase? Is there a substantiated theoretical basis for claiming that "interpretation" can create a kind of "understanding" that would indeed lead people to "protect" the places they visit? According to the weight of evidence from cognitive science, the answer is yes.
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Abstract—This paper ,reviews ,the body ,of literature ,on recreation resource impacts and their management in the United States, with aprimary,focus on research ,within designated ,wildernesses ,during the past 15 years since the previous review (Cole 1987b). Recreation impacts have become a salient issue among wilderness scientists, managers and advocates alike. Studies of recreation impacts, re- ferred to as recreation ecology, have expanded and diversified. Research,has shifted its focus ,more ,towards ,questions ,driven ,by wilderness,and ,park ,planning ,frameworks ,such ,the Limits of Acceptable,Change ,and ,the Visitor Experience ,and Resource ,Pro- tection. This paper ,begins by providing ,an overview ,of recreation impacts and their significance in wilderness, followed by a review of research,approaches ,and ,methods. ,Major ,findings ,from ,recent studies are summarized. ,The contribution of this ,knowledge ,base to management,decisionmaking ,and practices is examined. ,The paper concludes,with a discussion ,of major ,knowledge ,gaps and suggested areas for future research. The passage ,of the ,Wilderness ,Act in 1964 and ,the cre-
The main focus of environmental education programs has been to change environmental behavior through increasing environmental knowledge. As many environmental studies have failed to apply successfully attitude theory in researching environmental attitudes, the present study investigated the cognitive and effective bases of environmental attitudes to indicate that it is what people feel and believe about the environment that determines their attitudes toward it. The findings suggest that for environmental educators interested in changing environmental attitudes, emotions and beliefs, rather than knowledge, need to be targeted as sources of information on which to base their environmental programs.
One view of environmental education suggests that its goal is to ‘develop a world population that … has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations and commitment to work individually and collectively towards solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones’ (UNESCO‐UNEP 1976). Embedded within this charge is the teaching of skills and motivations to implement skills, where a skill refers to performance of an act acquired through extended practice and training (Ericsson and Oliver 1995). However, it is often difficult to articulate clearly what skills we teach in conservation education and environmental education focusing on behavior change or influence. It can be equally challenging to describe the behaviors we are ultimately seeking, identified in the Tbilisi Declaration as ‘new patterns of behavior’ (UNESCO 1978). At a basic level, it is important to explore the grounding for teaching toward behavior – often referred to as behavior change – that supports the work of the field. This literature review attempts to provide a foundation for behavior‐related discussions in environmental and conservation education. A number of the behavior theories, concepts and models discussed in this review have been explored extensively elsewhere; therefore, this review is not exhaustive, but rather is intended to be broadly representative of the literature.