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A catshark nursery in a deep gorgonian field in the Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico


Abstract and Figures

The habitat functions of Gulf of Mexico gorgonians are still poorly known and understood. Benthic transects were conducted at three deep-water (> 200 m) sites in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico in September 2003: Viosca Knoll (Lease Block 826–340 m), Green Canyon (Lease Block 354–538 m), and Mississippi Canyon (Lease Block 885–533 m) using the Sonsub Innovator ROV aboard the R/V Ronald H. Brown. Octocorals were present at all three sites and were the dominant benthic megafauna at one of the three dive sites. Colony heights were estimated to be 25–50 cm tall, with a mean height of ~35 cm. In total, 296 catshark egg cases were attached to 117 colonies (11% of the total). All egg cases observed appeared to be the same size and shape, suggesting that a single scyliorhinid species was responsible for depositing the eggs.
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BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENC E, 81(3): 553–559, 2007
Bulletin of Marine Science
© 2007 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
of the University of Miami
Peter Etnoyer and Jon Warrenchuk
Gorgonian corals (Anthozoa: Alcyonaria: Gorgonacea) are a conspicuous compo-
nent of the deep-water benthic megafauna in the Gulf of Mexico (Alcyonaria: Deich-
mann, 1936; Bayer, 1954; Giammona, 1978; MacDonald et al., 1996; Cairns and Bayer,
2002). Callogorgia spp. primnoid colonies in particular are widespread throughout the
Gulf, with one endemic species in the Mississippi delta region, Callogorgia americana
delta Cairns and Bayer, 2002. Primnoid octocorals in the North Pacific are considered
habitat-forming because they grow large enough to provide substrate and shelter for
associated species of fish and invertebrates (Krieger and Wing, 2002; Etnoyer and Mor-
gan, 2003, 2005). e habitat functions of Gulf of Mexico gorgonians are still poorly
known and understood.
e nature of the relationship between deep-water corals and fish in general is
unclear. Deep scleractinian reefs [Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) and Oculina
varicosa (Lesueur, 1821)] may provide nursery habitat for deep-water redfish Sebastes
viviparous (Kroyer, 1885) (Fossa et al., 2002), gag grouper [Mycteroperca microlepsis
(Goode and Bean, 1879)], and scamp Mycteroperca phenax Jordan and Swain, 1884
(Gilmore and Jones, 1992), but evidence of fish using gorgonian corals as nursery
habitat is limited. Krieger and Wing (2002) noted that most large rockfish occur near
boulders and corals on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Alaska. e question re-
mains whether gorgonian habitat for fishes is obligate or facultative (Auster, 2005).
An early woodcut print of a single egg case attached to a seafan from Lydekker’s
Royal Natural History (1896) shows a shallow gorgonian serving as nursery habitat
for a skate, ray, or oviparous shark, but physical specimens and in situ reports of this
habitat function are rare. One Paragorgia sp. colony with tendrils from a single egg
case attached to a branch resides at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
(Id. no. 24471 CH, location unknown) (B. Horvath, Westmont College, pers. comm.).
Another Paragorgia sp. colony from the North Atlantic hosts a dozen catshark egg
cases at the Canadian Shark Research Laboratory (S. E. Campana, Bedford Institute
of Oceanography, pers. comm.). Submersible observations documented egg cases of
the chain catshark Scyliorhinus retifer (Garman , 1881) attached to soft corals, hy-
droids, and derelict fishing gear in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Able and Flescher, 1991).
To date, catsharks using deep gorgonians as nursery habitat has not been document-
ed in the deep Gulf of Mexico.
Egg cases of an unknown species of scyliorhinid catshark were found in abundance
on a low-relief mound at 533 m depth in a large field of C. a. delta (family Primnoidae)
in the Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico during exploratory surveys in September
2003. A smaller field of Acanella sp. Gray, 1870 octocorals (Gorgonacea: Isididae)
without egg cases was also encountered at 340 m depth on Viosca Knoll (Fig. 1). Two
species of Acanella are known from the Gulf of Mexico. Acanella eburnea (Pourtalès,
1868) is common in the northern Gulf of Mexico between 283 and 1829 m, whereas
Acanella arbuscula (Johnson, 1862) was described from only one preserved speci-
men (Giammona, 1978). Areal coverage and density for both species are unknown
(Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 1982).
Video transects were conducted at three deep-water (> 200 m) sites in the northwestern
Gulf of Mexico in September 2003: Viosca Knoll (Lease Block 826–340 m), Green Canyon
(Lease Block 354–538 m), and Mississippi Canyon (Lease Block 885–533 m) using the Son-
sub Innovator ROV aboard the R/V R H. B. A 2.5-km round trip linear video
transect was conducted on September 31, 2003 in the southwest saddle of the Mississippi
Canyon (28°3.9´N, 89°43.1´W) on a low-relief knoll at 533 m depth. e linear transect mea-
sured 1.25 km, but the ROV deviated from this path several times. e ROV was positioned
approximately 1 m off the bottom and stopped intermittently to collect samples and conduct
close-up video taping with a Sony TRV900 3-chip camera recording to Mini-DV tape. e
total survey time was 7 hrs 3 min. e dominant macrofauna along the entire transect was
the primnoid octocoral C. a. delta. Colony heights were approximated by comparison with
the known measures of the ROV and its tools, e.g., the manipulator claws and arms. Colony
density was estimated based upon the number of colonies in the field of view. Nearly 51% of
the dive was spent motionless, making observations and collections, and waiting for visibility
to improve.
e dive site on Viosca Knoll (29°06´N, 88°23´W) was surveyed on September 23, 2003. is
site is also a low-relief knoll, 200 km to the northeast of Mississippi Canyon, slightly shallower
than the previous site. e total elevation of the feature was ~70 m height. e ROV survey was
conducted at depths of 300–350 m in a series of eight east-west parallel belt video transects
Figure 1. Map of Callogorgia spp. occurrences in the Gulf of Mexico, illustrating the range and
distribution of primnoid habitat. Callogorgia americana delta is endemic to the Mississippi
Delta region, but Callogorgia spp. primnoid corals are widespread. Octocoral occurrence data
from Smithsonian NMNH, Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection (TCWC), and Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Institution. Bathymetry data from Smith and Sandwell, 1997.
~200 m in length across a northeast trending spur of the knoll with two rises. e area surveyed
at Viosca Knoll was 50,000 m2 in a 1.85-km linear distance over an 8 hr period.
Octocoral samples and attached epibionts were collected. Branched segments of octocoral
colonies were preserved in 90% ethanol; duplicate collections were deposited at the California
Academy of Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
(USNM 1085704 and 1085705). Acanella sp. was not collected. Four egg case specimens were
collected with the ROV’s suction device and preserved in 70% ethanol for identification. ese
could not be identified because eggs had hatched, and no embryos were present. e video
transect was analyzed by quantifying the numbers of octocoral colonies with and without egg
cases and the number of egg cases per colony.
Octocorals were present at all three sites and were the dominant benthic megafau-
na at one of the three dive sites. Callogorgia americana delta was the most conspicu-
ous benthic megafauna in Mississippi Canyon, while C. a. delta, Acanella sp. bamboo
corals, and Leiopathes spp. black corals were all observed in surveys of Viosca Knoll.
e scleractinian L. pertusa dominated some crests and mounds at Viosca Knoll
(Schroeder, 2006). Only two species of zoantharian black corals, Stichopathes sp.
Brook, 1889, and Leiopathes sp. were collected from third deep site at Green Canyon.
ese occurred as isolated or scattered individuals.
e epibenthos at the Mississippi Canyon site was heavily silted. No hard bottom
substrate was evident, though the presence of C. a. delta implied buried hard attach-
ment surfaces. A total of 1010 individual colonies of C. a. delta were counted along
the 2.5 km round trip transect. Colonies were sparsely spaced, between 1 and 2 m
apart on average, with several colonies visible at any given time. e greatest number
of visible colonies at any one time along the transect was 18. Colony heights were
estimated to be 25–50 cm tall, with a mean height of ~35 cm. In total, 296 egg cases
were attached to 117 colonies (11% of the total). A maximum of 17 cases were ob-
served on a single colony and the mode was 1 egg case per colony (Figs. 2, 3). Octoc-
orals with egg cases appeared to be somewhat clustered, that is, corals with egg cases
tended to be located near other corals with egg cases. No egg cases were observed in
the field of Acanella sp. at Viosca Knoll.
All egg cases observed appeared to be the same size and shape, suggesting that a
single scyliorhinid species was responsible for depositing the eggs. All four egg cases
collected were hatched and did not contain embryos. e cases ranged from 48–57
mm in length and 18–22 mm in width, consistent with the description of the chain
catshark S. retifer (Castro et al., 1988). However, egg cases of many other scyliorhinid
species have yet to be described, no sharks were definitively identified in situ, and no
living embryos were obtained, so the species identification remains inconclusive.
Scyliorhinid catsharks are a specious group of small benthic sharks that range
throughout the deep-sea (Compagno, 1988). eir egg cases are distinctive, with
long tendrils, and a bulging fusiform shape. Scyliorhinids reported from the Gulf
of Mexico (Kiraly et al., 2003; Froese and Pauly, 2006) include: smallfin catshark
Apristurus parvipinnis Springer and Heemstra, 1979; broadgill catshark Apristurus
riveri Bigelow and Schroeder, 1944; the marbled (aka roughtail) catshark Galeus arae
(Nichols, 1927); chain catshark S. retifer (Garman , 1881); the Iceland catshark Apris-
turus laurussonii (Saemundsson, 1922); and the Campeche catshark Parmaturus
campechiensis Springer, 1979. Of these, the egg cases of only S. retifer and A. riveri
have been described (Castro et al., 1988; Compagno, 1988).
Elasmobranch egg cases have been found attached to several types of substrates,
including octocorals, but to our knowledge, this is the first in situ documentation of
a shark nursery in a deep gorgonian field. Unfortunately, embryos were not collected
but the characteristics of the egg case fit the known description of S. retifer. Scyliorhi-
nus retifer is a small, slender oviparous benthic catshark (Nichols, 1931) with a strik-
ing charismatic pattern and fluorescent coloration (Matz, 2005) found commonly
along North Atlantic continental shelf and slope at depths of 50–750 m (Sminkey
and Tabit, 1992). In captivity, mature S. retifer females lay eggs every 14–17 d. e
observed egg-laying behavior shows that egg case tendrils extending from the cloaca
must snag on a structure as the shark passes close, then the shark circles the struc-
ture until the egg case is pulled from the cloaca and the egg case is attached (Castro
et al., 1988).
Callogorgia americana delta colonies on average are elevated above the sediment
by nearly 35 cm, with likely benefits of increased survivorship for the shark embryos
due to increased water circulation and perhaps reduced predation. e branches of
C. a. delta are strong and flexible. Colonies are plumose, with broadly spaced pinnate
branches. ey have a uniform proteinaceous axis with heavily-armored retractile
polyps arranged in whorls. e polyps are protected by on all sides by large roughly
textured calcitic scales (Cairns and Bayer, 2002). ese factors may contribute to the
shark’s choice of C. a. delta nursery substrate.
Callogorgia spp. primnoid corals differ greatly from Acanella spp. bamboo coral
colonies in form and character. Acanella spp. colonies have a bushy appearance, with
an alternating axis of calcitic internodes and gorgonaceous nodes. Colonies branch
from the nodes. In contrast to the primnoids, isidid polyps are fleshy and non-re-
Figure 2. Callogorgia americana delta colonies with catshark egg cases attached. Depth 533 m.
ROV suction hose on the left is 15.25 cm (6 in) in diameter.
tractile, protected only by eight small spines projecting from the mesenteries (Ver-
rill, 1883; Kukenthal, 1924; Bayer, 1990). erefore, the texture of Callogorgia spp.
branches is rough, while the texture of bamboo coral branches is fleshy and smooth.
e rough texture of Callogorgia spp. primnoid corals may enhance egg case adhe-
is occurrence demonstrates that large (> 1 km) monotypic fields of gorgonian
octocorals on low relief mounds can provide nursery habitat to fish species in the
Gulf of Mexico. Yet, this one occurrence is insufficient to determine whether cat-
shark nursery habitat is substrate-specific, taxon-specific, or site-specific. Callogor-
gia spp. primnoids are widespread throughout the Gulf of Mexico (Cairns and Bayer,
2002) (see Fig. 1). Catshark nursery habitat may or may not be widespread. Egg cases
have not been reported on other commonly occurring benthic megafauna in the Gulf
of Mexico such as antipatharian black corals. Deep scleractinian thickets are rare in
the Gulf, therefore, gorgonians may provide essential fish habitat for catsharks sim-
ply due to a lack of alternatives. Future research and management of catshark popu-
lations should consider the status and distribution of deep-water gorgonian fields, as
they may have an important role in the life history of sharks. Widespread and local
anthropogenic impacts to gorgonian communities, such as bottom trawling, longlin-
ing, and ocean dumping may inadvertently impact deep-water nursery habitat for
catshark populations.
e authors thank the scientists and crew of the 2003 Gulf of Mexico Deep Habitat Expe-
dition. We thank M. Wicksten, J. MacEachran, and R. A. Martin for sharing their expertise
on scyliorhinid sharks. We also thank F. M. Bayer, S. D. Cairns, and T. Coffer of Smithso-
nian NMNH for identifying and curating octocoral specimens and D. Opresko for identifying
black corals specimens. Special thanks to J. Reed of Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institu-
tion and M. Wicksten of the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection at Texas A&M University
for octocoral data. Finally, we express our gratitude to the editors and three anonymous re-
Figure 3. Frequency of Callogorgia americana delta colonies in Mississippi Canyon with cat-
shark egg cases attached.
viewers. NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration provided funding for the research through grant
number NA03OAR4600118.
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A: (P.E.) Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 6300
Ocean Dr., Unit 5869, Corpus Christi, Texas 78421. (J.W.) Oceana, 175 South Franklin Street,
Suite 418, Juneau, Alaska 99801. C A: (P.E.) E-mail: <peter.etnoyer@>.
... Indeed, individuals of different sizes do not display the same vulnerability to stressors during their lifespan, and it is therefore suspected that early-life stages are more habitat-dependent than adults (Werner and Gilliam, 1984;Olson, 1996). Small fish are often restricted to structurally complex micro-habitats that provide shelter, small prey availability, and protection from predation (Auster et al., 2003, Costello et al., 2005, Etnoyer and Warrenchuk, 2007, Moore et al., 2008, Roberts et al., 2009. Conversely, certain large fish can be less specialized, as they have greater mobility and capacity to cover large distances, and can therefore take advantage of a wider range of habitats than small fish (Bergstad, 2009). ...
... Habitat-forming CWCs are considered deep-sea ecosystem engineers as they locally increase structural and biological complexity in homogeneous deep-sea environments, create biogenic habitats for many benthic species, and support diverse and productive ecosystems (Roberts et al., 2006, Auster, 2007, Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2010. Deep-sea coral habitats are ecologically important as they provide local feeding, resting, shelter and nursery areas for benthic communities, especially in hard-bottom ecosystems Hoskin, 1987, Husebø et al., 2002;Auster, 2005, Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2005, Costello et al., 2005, Roberts et al., 2006, Stone, 2006Auster, 2007, Etnoyer and Warrenchuk, 2007, Ross and Quattrini, 2007, Moore et al., 2008, Roberts et al., 2009, Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2010, Baillon et al., 2012, Baker et al., 2012a, Stone, 2014, de Clippele et al., 2015. Most CWCs and other epifaunal suspension feeders settle on rocky substrates in high-current environments, and are generally regarded as ecosystem engineers in these environments (e.g., Desmophyllum pertusum and Madrepora spp. ...
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Many fish species undergo ontogenetic habitat shifts as they grow to fulfill new biological, ecological and environmental requirements. While relationships between fishes and large hard-substrate cold-water corals (CWC) (e.g., Desmophyllum pertusum reefs) have frequently been studied, there are relatively fewer studies examining the relationships of fish with habitats specifically provided by smaller corals (e.g., sea pens) in softbottom environments. Despite this knowledge gap around soft-bottom corals, growing evidence of their importance has nonetheless justified their inclusion as conservation targets in numerous Marine Protected Areas (MPA), including the Canadian Laurentian Channel MPA. Here, we performed ROV and near-seabed drift-camera system surveys within the Laurentian Channel MPA in 2017 and 2018 to assess the influence of fish body size and habitat type on fish small-scale distribution in a low-relief deep-sea soft-sediment environment. We compared the local size structure of the four most abundant deep-sea demersal fish taxa of the channel (Redfish (Sebastes spp.), Witch Flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), Marlin-Spike Grenadier (Nezumia bairdii) and Longfin Hake (Phycis chesteri)) across one barren and five structural benthic habitats defined by the presence of nine dominant epibenthic invertebrates (actiniarians and CWCs). We used generalized additive models to identify biotic (benthic habitats) and abiotic (depth, bottom types) covariates of size for each taxon. We observed 15,381 fish within the 43.6-ha study area, of which 7,511 fish were measured. Juveniles represented 99% of all fish measured, with a notable increase in average fish size in 2018. While we did not find any associations between benthic habitats and fish life stages, the analysis revealed a significant increase in fish size within sea pen habitats for all four taxa. Conversely, we found a taxon-specific influence of bottom type on fish size for all taxa. In addition, Redfish and Longfin Hake size was positively correlated with depth. For deep-sea demersal fish taxa of the MPA, our results suggest that 1) sea pens provide nursery habitat for early-life stages, 2) fish undergo ontogenetic shifts in microhabitat use and specialization, and 3) fish-habitat associations appear to be facultative rather than obligate. Through the use of in-situ video data, this study provided evidence that small and large fish do not use the same micro-habitats, and that sea pens contribute significantly to fish habitat despite providing less habitat heterogeneity than reef-forming scleractinians or large gorgonians. These results contribute to empirical understanding of fish-habitat relationships at different fish life stages and may inform fisheries management, as well as monitoring efforts in the MPA and other protected deep-sea environments.
... a) Dron aéreo o UAV; b) Toma aérea obtenida mediante un dron en la que se observa la agregación de tiburones punta negra (C. limbatus); c) Dron submarino o ROV; d) Toma obtenida con un ROV a >500 m de profundidad en la que se observan huevos de tiburones de la familia Scyliorhinidae (Tomado de Ayres et al. 2021;Etnoyer & Warrenchuk 2007 Datos confiables sin sesgos ocasionados por la presencia humana. ...
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Debido a que muchas especies de tiburones cuentan con poblaciones compartidas entre varios países del POT, resulta indispensable contar con programas estandarizados que permitan la comparación de datos en la región y ayuden a establecer políticas de manejo y conservación regionales adecuadas. En este sentido, los programas de marcaje y monitoreo de tiburones tienen el potencial de proporcionar información valiosa sobre la historia de vida y patrones de movimiento de los tiburones, contribuyendo a la toma de decisiones para su protección y manejo sostenible. Sin embargo, su efectividad depende en gran medida del diseño y la aplicación de buenas prácticas. Un programa de marcaje y monitoreo mal diseñado o ejecutado puede llevar a resultados inservibles, sesgados e incluso al daño irreversible de los tiburones marcados. El presente documento tiene como objetivos: 1) describir los conceptos biológicos y ecológicos básicos de las áreas de crianza de tiburones; 2) describir las metodologías y técnicas utilizadas para el estudio de tiburones neonatos y juveniles; 3) generar un protocolo estandarizado para la caracterización y monitoreo de las potenciales áreas de crianza; y 4) promover las buenas prácticas que garanticen la calidad y comparabilidad de los datos obtenidos así como la supervivencia de los tiburones. Esperamos que este documento sea de utilidad tanto para investigadores como para las personas interesadas en el estudio y la conservación de las áreas de crianza de tiburones.
... C. delta is common along the continental slope in the Gulf of Mexico between 400 and 900 m depth, where it is often the dominant habitat-forming coral species 45,46 . Like many deep-sea coral species, C. delta colonies create habitats for numerous animal species, including Asteroschema ophiuroids and the chain catshark, Scyliorhinus retifer, which lay their eggs directly on C. delta colonies 47 . ...
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Microbes perform critical functions in corals, yet most knowledge is derived from the photic zone. Here, we discover two mollicutes that dominate the microbiome of the deep-sea octocoral, Callogorgia delta, and likely reside in the mesoglea. These symbionts are abundant across the host’s range, absent in the water, and appear to be rare in sediments. Unlike other mollicutes, they lack all known fermentative capabilities, including glycolysis, and can only generate energy from arginine provided by the coral host. Their genomes feature several mechanisms to interact with foreign DNA, including extensive CRISPR arrays and restriction-modification systems, which may indicate their role in symbiosis. We propose the novel family Oceanoplasmataceae which includes these symbionts and others associated with five marine invertebrate phyla. Its exceptionally broad host range suggests that the diversity of this enigmatic family remains largely undiscovered. Oceanoplasmataceae genomes are the most highly reduced among mollicutes, providing new insight into their reductive evolution and the roles of coral symbionts.
... Scleractinian CWCs like D. pertusum form complex reef structures that increase habitat heterogeneity and thus contribute to an overall increase in regional biodiversity. These structures can be thousands to millions of years old, underscoring the long-term contributions of CWCs to deep-sea ecosystem health [4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. CWCs also have reproductive methods and larval phases that are conducive to long-range dispersal, resulting in complex genetic connectivity patterns. ...
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Objective The connectivity and genetic structuring of populations throughout a region influence a species’ resilience and probability of recovery from anthropogenic impacts. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of population connectivity, more effective management can be prioritized. To assess the connectivity and population genetic structure of a common cold-water coral species, Desmophyllum pertusum (Lophelia pertusa), we performed Restriction-site Associated DNA Sequencing (RADseq) on individuals from nine sites ranging from submarine canyons off New England to the southeastern coast of the United States (SEUS) and the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). Fifty-seven individuals and 3,180 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were used to assess genetic differentiation. Results High connectivity exists among populations along the SEUS, yet these populations were differentiated from those to the north off New England and in Norfolk Canyon along the North Atlantic coast of the United States, as well as those in the GOM. Interestingly, Norfolk Canyon, located just north of North Carolina, and GOM populations exhibited low levels of genetic differentiation, corroborating previous microsatellite analyses and signifying gene flow between these populations. Increasing sample sizes from existing populations and including additional sampling sites over a larger geographic range would help define potential source populations and reveal fine-scale connectivity patterns among D. pertusum populations.
... These forests support a highly diverse invertebrate fauna, including polychaetes, squat lobsters and serpent stars (Parimbelli 2020; Maxwell et al. 2022). Colonies can also act as nurseries for a range of taxa, including elasmobranchs (Etnoyer and Warrenchuk 2007;Morrissey et al. 2023a), cephalopods (Vecchione 2019) and basket stars (Neves et al. 2020). Despite their ecological importance, the taxonomy of octocorals, particularly in the deep sea, is poorly developed, in contrast to other taxonomic groups. ...
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Deep-sea corals are rarely identified to species due to a lack of taxonomic expertise and paucity of sampling. Herein we describe a new genus from the family Keratoisididae collected from the Northeast Atlantic. Using both nuclear (2010 conserved element loci) and complete mitogenome phylogenies, we found this genus to be closely related to the genera Dokidisis and Jasonisis. In the nuclear phylogeny, each genus occupied a distinct well-supported clade. All three genera lack thorned- or double-star sclerites in the pharynx; instead they have flattened rods, a potential unifying feature of the keratoisidid group J3 of Watling et al. (2022). The newly described genus Explorisis gen. nov. has a unique sclerome including spindles and tapered rods that differentiates it from its sister genera. Explorisis katharina sp. nov. is characterised by volcano to cylindrical shaped polyps, striated rods and spindles in the polyp body, and elongated flattened rods in the coenenchyme, whereas Explorisis poppyae sp. nov. has heavily granulated spindles and rods in both the polyp body and coenenchyme. Genetic variation within the mitogenomes across both Explorisis gen. nov. species is limited with mutations in just 3 of 14 protein coding regions.
... Desmophyllum pertusum] (Etnoyer & Warrenchuk 2007). In addition, at depths of between 173 m -252 m, occurring in areas dominated by exposed and sediment covered bedrock, the most characteristic and dominant species observed was the temperate alcyonacean gorgonian Eunicella verrucosa (Gorgoniidae) occurring with up to 12 colonies per 100 m 2 . ...
... Desmophyllum pertusum] (Etnoyer & Warrenchuk 2007). In addition, at depths of between 173 m -252 m, occurring in areas dominated by exposed and sediment covered bedrock, the most characteristic and dominant species observed was the temperate alcyonacean gorgonian Eunicella verrucosa (Gorgoniidae) occurring with up to 12 colonies per 100 m 2 . ...
Technical Report
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ICES received a special request for information on the list of areas where Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) are known to occur, or are likely to occur, and on the existing deep-sea fishing areas in EU waters of the Outermost Regions subject to the EU deep-sea access regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/2336). The nine Outermost Regions of the EU (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion Island, and Saint-Martin (France), Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain)) have not previously been part of ICES deliveries. ICES has responded to this request by offering step-wise deliverables, with the first phase, a scoping technical service (review) in the form of this workshop (Workshop on the Occurrence of VMEs (Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems) and Fishing Activities in EU waters of the Outermost Regions; WKOUTVME). WKOUTVME has laid the foundations for subsequent work which could deliver the coordinates of the list of VME locations, and of the fishing activity in the EEZs of the Outermost Regions.
... In particular, among elasmobranchs, batoid species appear extremely vulnerable probably due to the large body and to gregarious behaviour, which makes them vulnerable to almost every fishing gear for demersal species, from trammel nets to coastal and offshore trawls (Ellis et al., 2010). Consequentially, the need for management plans seems be urgent, management measures directed to by-catch species, implemented according to the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM, Garcia et al., 2003) as well as the identification and protection of those Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) that act as nursery and spawning grounds (Walker, 2005;Etnoyer and Warrenchuk, 2007;Heupel et al., 2007;D'Onghia et al., 2019;Pacoureau et al., 2021) ...
The Gulf of Mexico is a semi-enclosed sea that borders the USA and Mexico and covers approximately 1.5 million square kilometers. The northern Gulf is topographically complex and is a rich source of oil and gas deposits, which has led to a great deal of research on benthic ecosystems from the coastal zone to the deep sea. While not fully explored, the distribution of cold seeps and deep corals in the northern Gulf is reasonably well described. The eastern Gulf has a moratorium on energy industry development and consequently less exploration and research has been conducted in this region; however, recent explorations have revealed deep scleractinian reefs on the west Florida slope and extensive octocoral gardens on the deep escarpment. The Gulf is a productive sea with lucrative fisheries in addition to oil and gas. Exploitation of natural resources and potential climate change impacts threaten vulnerable ecosystems in the Gulf, including those in the deep sea. This chapter describes the oceanography and geology of the Gulf of Mexico, presents the current state of the knowledge of cold-water coral distribution, physiology and ecology, and provides an assessment of the threats to these vulnerable ecosystems.
The southeastern United States (SEUS), from North Carolina through southern Florida, has the most extensive cold-water coral reefs, including coral mounds and coral gardens, in the US Exclusive Economic Zone. In fact, a region extending from off central Florida to Georgia has been named the “Million Mounds” area and is estimated to contain tens-of-thousands of coral mounds. Oceanographic patterns in this region are dominated by the Gulf Stream and associated oceanographic events (i.e., eddies, meanders, intrusions). Therefore, corals in the SEUS often experience strong currents and rapid changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature and salinity. The Gulf Stream also serves as a conduit for dispersal of larvae, and thus coral populations throughout the area are highly connected, although there are some signatures of differentiation across a bathymetric gradient. The faunal community in the region is diverse and includes a characteristic deep-reef fauna that differs from areas off reef. While resource extraction activities in deep water are present in the region, the most significant anthropogenic threat to cold-water corals in the SEUS is climate change. Future research efforts should focus on our understanding of the interplay between changing environmental conditions and coral development, growth, physiology, and persistence. In addition, we need to better understand both abiotic and biotic processes that govern cold-water coral ecosystems in the region.
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Reproduction, embryonic development, and general biology are described from more than 100 chain dogfish, Scyliorhinus retifer, a common catshark found on the continental slopes of the western North Atlantic. Females and males reached sexual maturity at about 520 mm TL and 500 mm TL, respectively. Follicles are ovulated in pairs when they reach 18 mm diameter. In the laboratory, females lay one egg pair at approx. 15.3 d intervals, attaching the eggs to bottom structures. Development at 11.7-12.8 C in artificial seawater averaged 256 d (±SD 8 d, n = 62) to hatching. Embryos averaged 106 mm (±SD 5 mm, n = 63) at hatching. In the wild, juveniles are often found in large numbers over smooth bottoms. Adults congregate in areas with upright structures which females use for egg attachment. Chain dogfish feed on squid, small bony fishes, polychaete worms, and crustaceans.
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Abstract Mid-nineteenth century naturalists once considered the abyssal seafloor a barren, lifeless plain akin to terrestrial deserts. However, in 1872, the H.M.S. Challenger began a four year expedition of the oceans, collecting specimens and revealing for the first time the extensive marine life found below 200 meters. Subsequent deep-sea exploration has discovered that life extends to the hadal depths of the oceans (greater than 10,000m), and that these profound waters are home to a diverse assemblage uniquely adapted to their extreme environment. Few people know,of the vast extent of dep sea corals in temperate waters of the US when, in fact, these corals extend over a much,greater area of the US exclusive economic,zone than the much,more familiar tropical coral reefs. Habitat-forming deep-sea corals, octocorals, hexacorals, and hydrocorals in the Phylum Cnidaria,
Of the three species of Callogorgia now recognized in the western Atlantic, one that had been misidentified as Callogorgia verticillata, an eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean species, is now established as a new species in its own right, comprised of two subspecies. A second, C. gracilis, originally reported from Guadeloupe, is redescribed on the basis of type material and additional specimens. A third species, C. linguimaris, is described as new. Records of all three species preserved in the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., are reported, and the species are illustrated by scanning electron micrography.
Few in situ observations have been made of deepwater corals and, therefore, little is known about their biology or ecological significance. Deepwater corals (Primnoa spp.) were observed from a manned submersible at 11 sites in the Gulf of Alaska from 1989 to 1997 at depths of 161–365 m. We identified 10 megafaunal groups that associate with Primnoa to feed on the coral, use the coral branches for suspension feeding, or for protection. Predators on Primnoa polyps included sea stars, nudibranchs, and snails. Sea stars were the main predators, consuming 45% and 34% of the polyps at two sites. Suspension-feeders included crinoids, basket stars, anemones, and sponges. Most suspension-feeders observed at depths >300 m were associated with Primnoa. Protection seekers included rockfish, crab, and shrimp. Six rockfish species were either beneath, among, or above Primnoa. Shrimp were among the polyps, and a pair of mating king crabs were beneath Primnoa. These observations indicate Primnoa are important components of the deepwater ecosystem and removal of these slow-growing corals could cause long-term changes in associated megafauna.