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Abstract and Figures

Genomic tools and genetic mapping are assisting the understanding of the lentil genome and have made possible the use of marker assisted selection for breeding purposes. Although some important traits are conferred by single genes most are determined by quantitative trait loci (QTL) and influenced by environmental factors. Genes for several traits have been genetically mapped and shown to be linked to molecular markers. These include resistance to fusarium wilt, ascochyta blight, anthracnose, and stemphylium blight. Winter hardiness and tolerance to frost have also been mapped. It is now feasible to use the linked markers in a marker assisted selection breeding program. Proteomics and metabolomics are emerging technologies that can be used to better characterize the functional mechanisms behind breeding targets.
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Biotechnology and gene mapping in lentil
by Rebecca FORD1*, Barkat MUSTAFA1, Prabhakaran SAMBASIVAM1, Michael BAUM2and P.N. RAJESH
Abstract: Genomic tools and genetic mapping are
assisting the understanding of the lentil genome
and have made possible the use of marker assisted
selection for breeding purposes. Although some
important traits are conferred by single genes
most are determined by quantitative trait loci
(QTL) and influenced by environmental factors.
Genes for several traits have been genetically
mapped and shown to be linked to molecular
markers. These include resistance to fusarium wilt,
ascochyta blight, anthracnose, and stemphylium
blight. Winter hardiness and tolerance to frost
have also been mapped. It is now feasible to use
the linked markers in a marker assisted selection
breeding program. Proteomics and metabolomics
are emerging technologies that can be used to
better characterize the functional mechanisms
behind breeding targets.
Key words: abiotic stress resistance, disease
resistance, functional genes, genetic mapping,
metabolomics, molecular markers, proteomics,
quantitative trait loci, recombinant inbred lines
Significant advances in the availability of
genomics tools towards understanding the
function and selection of specific
components of the lentil genome have
recently been made. Several advanced
breeding programs worldwide have
implemented and are currently using
molecular assisted breeding technology.
However, this has to date been limited to the
selection of rather few traits, mostly likely
due to lack of resources for broad validation
and implementation. Nevertheless, high
throughput marker generation and
genotyping that is functionally associated,
together with novel tools such as next
generation sequencing and available genome
maps, are illuminating the complex and
intertwined nature of responses to biotic and
abiotic stimuli in the lentil genome.
1The University of Melbourne, Sustainable Society
Institute / Melbourne School of Land and
Environment, Melbourne, Australia
2ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria
3USDA-ARS and Department of Crop and Soil
Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
Genomics and functional gene
Global gene expression profiling at the
mRNA level has been used to identify
functionally-associated genes. Characte-
rization of the RNA population under a
particular environmental and/or
developmental condition enables
understanding of the dynamic functioning of
genes as well as their mutual role in specific
regulatory networks. This approach may be
used to dissect regulatory mechanisms and
transcriptional networks involved in defence
responses to pathogen and physiological
responses to abiotic stress such as drought,
cold and salinity.
Differential gene expression methods
include cDNA-amplified fragment length
polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) (1),
suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH)
(6), serial analysis of gene expression
(SAGE) (30), differential display (18.31),
massively parallel signature sequencing
(MPSSTM) and microarray technology (25).
Of these, microarrays have become the
method of choice for large scale systemic
analysis of differential gene expression
profiling. This method is semi-quantitative,
sensitive to low abundance transcripts that
are represented on a given array and has
been successfully used to study plant
responses to various biotic and abiotic
factors in Arabidopsis thaliana (3, 22,26),
Medicago truncatula (11,17), soybean (Glycine
max) (19,28) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) (5,
Most recently, this method was used to
elucidate the functional response to attack
from Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta
lentis Vassilievsky, an important fungal
disease worldwide (8).
Differentially expressed genes were identified
among resistant (Ill7537) and susceptible
(ILL6002) genotypes, which may serve as
accurate selection tools in the future
development of varieties with increased and
sustainable resistance. For this, a cDNA
microarray was used to observe substantial
difference in functional category and timing
of gene expression among the two
genotypes, often referred to as the
Pathogen/Microbe-Associated Molecular
Pattern (P/MAMP). In particular, large
differences were observed in early up-
regulation of Resistance Gene Analogues
(RGA; Figure 1), as well as several classes of
mycotoxic producing genes such as PR4 and
PR10.In ILL7537 (resistant), RGAs were
switched on very early and quickly down
regulated before being up-regulated again.
Conversely, the same genes were up-
regulated 24 hours later in ILL6002
(susceptible) and at much higher levels. Thus
the question arises as to whether these genes
act as „surveillence molecules‟ or
recognition/receptors to quickly initiate
subsequent defence signalling cascades in the
resistant genotype and it‟s a case of a little
too much, too late in the susceptible
genotype? Perhaps the failure to quickly
recognise the invading pathogen prior to
colonisation leads to the high susceptibility
Similarly, in the early stage of invasion,
several other classes of defence responses are
seen to be initiated much faster in the
resistant ILL7537 genotype. In fact, the
classic symptoms associated with an
hypersensitive response (HR), such as
browning of tissue and necrosis around the
point of invasion, is not seen at all in
ILL6002, and less frequently in ILL5588 (cv.
Northfield; moderately resistant), when
compared to ILL7537. Early evidence of this
differential response is seen by tracking
expression of superoxide dismutase, a
enzyme used in the “mopping up” process
of reactive oxygen species (ROS) following
an oxidative burst, whereby the gene is
expressed much sooner and at higher levels
in ILL7537 than in ILL6002 (Figure 2).
GRAIN LEGUMES No. 57 July 2011
A major current limitation of microarray
technology for lentil is the lack of pre-
requisite lentil-specific functional genome
data (cDNA/EST sequences) to place as
probes upon the arrays. However, several
research teams (AgriFood, Canada and
VicDPI, Australia) are preparing large lentil
EST data sets, as well as developing single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers
that may be used for genotype-phenotype
association and validation study. Once these
tools are available, high-throughput
functional genomic assessment using arrays
will be next leap in lentil biotechnology
towards faster, smarter and more sustainable
trait selection. However, prior to the
accurate use in selection programs of
molecular markers, that have been
functionally validated, their genomic
positioning is required.
Mapping the lentil genome
Although some agronomically important
traits are governed by single genes, most are
governed by quantitative trait loci (QTL),
influenced by both genetic and
environmental factors. Since the expression
of a QTL is likely to vary among populations
and environments, their genomic location
and effect must be determined for a specific
genetic background and environment (2).
The previous “orphan” status of the lentil
genome has meant that most existing
framework genome maps contain many non-
functional RAPD, AFLP, ISSR and SSR-type
markers, which are effective for saturating
the entire genome but are not directly related
to desirable traits or QTL. However, the
newly developed gene/locus specific EST
and SNP markers are reproducible and
represent definite genomic regions. Their
placement on existing maps will draw
together the functional and physical
association for ultimate accurate trait
Mapping the lentil genome
Although some agronomically important
traits are governed by single genes, most are
governed by quantitative trait loci (QTL),
influenced by both genetic and
environmental factors. Since the expression
of a QTL is likely to vary among populations
and environments, their genomic location
and effect must be determined for a specific
genetic background and environment (2).
The previous “orphan” status of the lentil
genome has meant that most existing
framework genome maps contain many non-
functional RAPD, AFLP, ISSR and SSR-type
markers, which are effective for saturating
the entire genome but are not directly related
to desirable traits or QTL. However, the
newly developed gene/locus specific EST
and SNP markers are reproducible and
represent definite genomic regions. Their
placement on existing maps will draw
together the functional and physical
association for ultimate accurate trait
The current status of marker-
assisted breeding
Using non-functional markers (7), there
were first mapped five QTL for height of the
first ramification, three for plant height, five
for flowering, seven for pod dehiscence, one
for shoot number and one for seed diameter.
Subsequently, QTL have been identified
conditioning winter survival and injury,
however, only one of five QTL was
expressed in all environments assessed. QTL
conditioning resistance to ascochyta blight
(23), stemphylium blight (24), rust and white
mould have also been mapped. Also, the
major QTL underpinning physical seed
quality traits such as size, shape and colour
have been mapped (Inder et al., Melbourne
University, unpublished). However, ideally,
the “candidate” gene(s) actually controlling a
trait of interest would be used for marker-
assisted selection (MAS). Hence, genomic
regions where the trait is mapped should be
characterized at high resolution (since
recombination rates may vary at different
genomic regions) and be validated across
genetic backgrounds, in order to determine
their utility in MAS and to potentially
uncover the functional gene(s) themselves.
This has been made more of a possibility
with next generation sequencing of genomic
fragments, such as BACs, associated with the
QTL region of interest.
Figure 1. The differential timing of expression of RGA sequences among seedlings inoculated
and un-inoculated with
Ascochyta lentis
(left) ILL7537 and (right) ILL6002 genotypes
Figure 2. Evidence of (left) a differential early HR between ILL7537 and ILL6002 to
Ascochyta lentis inoculation and (right) HR symptoms seen in ILL7537 including browning,
necrosis, cell wall thickening (CWT) and cytoplasmic aggregation (CA).
6h 24h 48h 72h 96h
IlLL7537 (R)
ILL6002 (S)
6h 24h 48h 72h 96h
IlLL7537 (R)
ILL6002 (S)
Differential expression ratio
GRAIN LEGUMES No. 56 April 2011
Meanwhile, there are several markers
available for different traits that have the
potential for use in MAS and gene
pyramiding (Table 2). These include
SCARW19 and SCARB18 linked to and
flanking the AbR1A. lentis resistance loci
(27). These enabled successful pyramiding of
the AbR1 and ral2A. lentis resistance loci
together with the LCt2Colletotrichum
truncatum (anthracnose) resistance loci (23).
Most recently the sequence related amplified
polymorphism (SRAP) marker, ME4XR16c,
has been validated for utility in selecting
resistance to stemphylium disease (24).
The future of lentil
Without doubt, reports using
biotechnology approaches such as
proteomics and metabolomics will soon
begin to emerge for lentil, in order to
discover and better characterize the
functional mechanisms behind the breeding
targets. This will include a thorough
investigation of pathogen effector and host
recognition factors involved in disease
defence. In particular, the whole genome
sequence of the Ascochyta lentis genome has
recently become available and is currently
being annotated (Ford and Lichtensvieg,
unpublished). This will be searched for
possible effector-related sequences in
comparative studies for respective gene
expression and protein/metabolite molecules
to determine lentil host recognition factors.
Also, it is envisaged that next generation
sequencing technologies will uncover
families of host transcription factors (i.e. Myb
genes) and downstream genes that are key in
the specific biochemical pathways for many
stress tolerance and quality traits. With the
advancement in functional genomics,
expression QTL (eQTL) can be identified
for the traits of interest by coupling global
genome expression profiling and suitable
genetic materials. Since eQTL affect the
expression of the genes for the trait of
interest, the markers linked to this eQTL will
have enormous reliability in MAS compared
to the markers identified by traditional QTL
analysis. Ultimately, and with sufficient
funding, precise formulation of superior and
high yielding genotypes will emerge through
the combination of lentil „omics‟ approaches
that will be delivered to a multitude of
environments and market preferences.
Table 1 Published genetic linkage maps for lentil; mapping populations and types of markers
Population mapped
Marker types mapped
Interspecific F2
RFLP, isozymes, morphological
Havey and Muehlbauer, 1989
Inter-subspecific RIL
Eujayl et al., 1998
Intraspecific F2
Rubeena et al., 23
Intraspecific RIL
Kahraman et al., 24
Inter-subspecific F2
Durán et al., 24
Inter-subspecific RIL
Hamwieh et al., 25
Intraspecific RIL
Phan et al., 27
Intraspecific RIL
Saha et al., 2010
Table 2 Molecular markers closely associated with desirable lentil breeding traits for use in
marker-assisted selection
Trait mapped
Associated molecular markers
Fusarium wilt resistance (Fw)
Eujayl et al., 1998
Ascochyta blight resistance (AbR1)
RV01, RB18, SCARW19
Ford et al., 1999
Ascochyta blight resistance (ral2)
UBC227, OPD-10
Chowdury et al., 2001
Ascochyta blight resistance (mapped as a QTL)
C-TTA/M-AC (QTL1 and QTL2), M20 (QTL3)
Rubeena et al., 2003
Anthracnose resistance (Lct2)
OPE06, UBC704
Tullu et al., 2003
Frost tolerance (Frt)
Eujayl et al., 1999
Winter hardiness
Kahraman et al., 2004
Fusarium wilt resistance (Fw)
SSR59-2B, p17m30710
Hamwieh et al., 2005
Stemphylium resistance
SRAP ME5XR10 and ME4XR16c
Saha et al., 2010
GRAIN LEGUMES No. 57 July 2011
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GRAIN LEGUMES No. 56 April 2011
Lentil among legumes has a significant place in crop production and rotation, and the nutritional security of growing human population. Current lentil cultivars have a narrow genetic base and are challenged with many biotic and abiotic stresses. The pressures from changing climate necessitate more efforts to find durable resistance sources for biotic and abiotic stresses. Distant landraces and wild lentil species which are less explored are known to possess such genes to develop resilient cultivars, one of the best adaptation strategies for climate change. The research efforts are currently focusing on enhancing lentil grain yield and resilience to climate change through introgression of desired genes from other gene pools. The current lentil-breeding efforts have concentrated upon conventional plant breeding techniques for the inclusion of the cultivated lentil gene pool only. Unlike other crops, genomics-assisted breeding remains one of the areas to be further explored to speed-up the climate-smart high-yielding cultivars development process, which is reliant on the extensive genomic resources. Several lentil linkage maps have been developed and quantitative trait loci for tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses have been identified. However, advances in molecular markers, next-generation sequencing, genomewide sequencing, and bioinformatics will further help to precisely identify genes of interest that can be best utilized to breed climate-resilient cultivars for higher production and quality through genetic engineering and plant breeding.
Lentil (Lens culinaris) is one of the most important staple food crops of developing countries. Transcriptome based global gene expression profiling followed by validation of expression of important genes through quantitative real time-PCR (qRT-PCR) has achieved significance in recent years. However, there is a severe scarcity of information regarding stable reference genes in lentil, which is mandatory for qRT-PCR data normalisation. Hence, the present study was under-taken to identify the most stable reference gene(s) in lentil. Expression stability of eight candidate genes viz. ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase large subunit (Rbcl), ribosomal protein L2 (RPL2), 18S rRNA, tubulin (Tub), elongation factor 1α (EF1α), glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), heat shock protein (HSP70), and Maturase (mat K) was evaluated in five varieties of lentil at three different stages of leaf development and abiotic stress conditions using qRT-PCR. The results were analysed using four types of statistical software viz., geNorm, BestKeeper, NormFinder and RefFinder; all softwares identified RPL2 as most stable under abiotic stress conditions and developmental stages followed by Tub and Rbcl; while, HSP70 was identified as least stable. Relative expression of the target genes, defensin and PR4, was evaluated under abiotic stress conditions and data normalisation was done using two stable reference genes, RPL2 and Tub, either alone or in combination and with two least stable genes, HSP70 and 18S. The present work provides a list of potential reference genes in lentil, which will help in selection of appropriate reference gene for qRT-PCR data normalization depending upon the experiment.
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Stemphylium blight (caused by Stemphylium botryosum Wallr.) is one of the major diseases of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in South Asia and North America. The objective of the study was to identify linkage map position of the genes conferring resistance to stemphylium blight and the markers linked to the genes for its utilization in marker‐assisted breeding. A population of 206 F7–derived recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from a cross between ILL‐6002 (resistant) and ILL‐5888 (susceptible). The RILs were planted in disease‐screening plots at Ishurdi, Bangladesh in the 2006–2007 and 2008–2009 winter cropping seasons. Significant variation was detected among RILs for disease scores and frequency distributions suggested complex inheritance. An intraspecific linkage map was constructed that comprised 139 markers; 21 simple sequence repeats (SSR), 27 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), 89 sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers and 2 morphological markers distributed over 14 linkage groups. One significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) was detected based on disease scores from the 2006–2007 experiment while three significant QTLs were detected from the 2008–2009 experiment. The QTL QLG480–81 was common in both years and accounted for 25.2 and 46.0% of the variation of disease scores in 2006–2007 and 2008–2009 experiments, respectively. Two SRAP markers, ME5XR10 and ME4XR16c, and one RAPD marker, UBC34, located on linkage group 4, were significantly associated with the QLG480–81 in both crop years. After validation, the more tightly linked ME4XR16c marker may be used for marker assisted selection for stemphylium blight resistance.
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A genetic linkage map of lentil (Lens sp.) based on RAPD and AFLP markers using recombinant inbred lines Abstract A genetic linkage map oens sp. was con-structed with 177 markers (89 RAPD, 79 AFLP, six RFLP and three morphological markers) using 86 re-combinant inbred lines (F :) obtained from a partially interspecific cross. The map covered 1073 cM of the lentil genome with an average distance of 6.0 cM be-tween adjacent markers. Previously mapped RFLP markers were used as anchor probes. The morphologi-cal markers, pod indehiscence, seed-coat pattern and flower-color loci were mapped. Out of the total linked loci, 8.4% showed segregation distortion. More than one-fourth of the distorted loci were clustered in one linkage group. AFLP markers showed more segrega-tion distortion than the RAPD markers. The AFLP and RAPD markers were intermingled and clustering of AFLPs was seldom observed. This is the most exten-sive genetic linkage map of lentil to-date. The marker density of this map could be used for the identification of markers linked to quantitative trait loci in this population.
Full-text available
 A genetic linkage map of Lens sp. was constructed with 177 markers (89 RAPD, 79 AFLP, six RFLP and three morphological markers) using 86 recombinant inbred lines (F6:8) obtained from a partially interspecific cross. The map covered 1073 cM of the lentil genome with an average distance of 6.0 cM between adjacent markers. Previously mapped RFLP markers were used as anchor probes. The morphological markers, pod indehiscence, seed-coat pattern and flower-color loci were mapped. Out of the total linked loci, 8.4% showed segregation distortion. More than one-fourth of the distorted loci were clustered in one linkage group. AFLP markers showed more segregation distortion than the RAPD markers. The AFLP and RAPD markers were intermingled and clustering of AFLPs was seldom observed. This is the most extensive genetic linkage map of lentil to-date. The marker density of this map could be used for the identification of markers linked to quantitative trait loci in this population.
A genetic linkage map of lentil comprising 333 centimorgans (cM) was constructed from 20 restriction fragment length, 8 isozyme, and 6 morphological markers segregating in a single interspecific cross (Lens culinaris × L. orientalis). Because the genotypes at marker loci were determined for about 66 F2 plants, linkages are only reported for estimates of recombination less than 30 cM. Probes for identification of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were isolated from a cDNA and EcoRI and PstI partial genomic libraries of lentil. The cDNA library gave the highest frequency of relatively low-copy-number probes. The cDNAs were about twice as efficient, relative to random genomic fragments, in RFLP detection per probe. Nine markers showed significant deviations from the expected F2 ratios and tended to show a predominance of alleles from the cultigen. Assuming a genome size of 10 Morgans, 50% of the lentil genome could be linked within 10 cM of the 34 markers and the map is of sufficient size to attempt mapping of quantitative trait loci.
The method of cDNA-AFLP allows detection of differentially expressed transcripts using PCR. This report provides a detailed and updated protocol for the cDNA-AFLP procedure and an analysis of interactions between its various parameters. We studied the effects of PCR cycle number and template dilution level on the number of transcript derived fragments (TDFs). We also examined the use of magnetic beads to synthesise cDNA and the effect of MgCl2 concentration during amplification. Finally, we determined the detection level of the cDNA-AFLP method using TDFs of various sizes and composition. We could detect TDFs corresponding to a single copy per cell of a specific transcript in a cDNA-AFLP pattern, indicating high sensitivity of the method. Also, there was no correlation between concentration of detectable TDF and the fragment size, stressing the high stringency of the amplification reactions. Theoretical considerations and specific applications of the method are discussed.
Foliar resistance to Ascochyta lentis is controlled at a single major locus by a dominant gene (AbR 1 ) in the lentil accession ILL5588 (cv ‘Northfield’). Flanking RAPD markers that are closely linked to the resistance locus in coupling phase were identified by bulked segregant analysis. Out of 261 decanucleotide primers screened 7 produced a polymorphic marker that segregated with the resistance locus, and all markers were found to exist within a single linkage group. Five of the seven RAPD markers were within 30 cM of the resistance locus. Log likelihood analysis for detecting QTL associated with the foliar resistance revealed that a single narrow peak accounted for almost 90% of the variance of resistance between the bulks. Preliminary mapping in an F3 population revealed that the closest flanking markers were approximately 6 and 14 centiMorgans (cM) away from the resistance locus. These markers should be useful for the discrimination of resistant germplasm through marker-assisted selection in future breeding programmes and represent the first essential step towards the map-based cloning of this resistance gene.
Ascochyta blight caused by the fungus Ascochyta lentis Vassilievsky and anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum truncatum [(Schwein.) Andrus & W.D. Moore] are the most destructive diseases of lentil in Canada. The diseases reduce both seed yield and seed quality. Previous studies demonstrated that two genes, ral1 and AbR1, confer resistance toA. lentis and a major gene controls the resistance to 95B36 isolate of C. truncatum. Molecular markers linked to each gene have been identified. The current study was conducted to pyramid the two genes for resistance to ascochyta blight and the gene for resistance to anthracnose into lentil breeding lines. A population (F6:7) consisting of 156 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from across between ‘CDC Robin’ and a breeding line ‘964a-46’. The RILs were screened for reaction to two isolates (A1 and 3D2) ofA. lentis and one isolate (95B36) ofC. truncatum. χ2 analysis of disease reactions demonstrated that the observed segregation ratios of resistant versus susceptible fit the two gene model for resistance to ascochyta blight and a single gene model for resistance to anthracnose. Using markers linked to ral1 (UBC 2271290), to AbR1(RB18680) and to the major gene for resistance to anthracnose (OPO61250),respectively, we confirmed that 11 RILs retained all the three resistance genes. More than 82% of the lines that had either or both RB18680 and UBC2271290markers were resistant to 3D2 isolate and had a mean disease score lower than 2.5. By contrast, 80% of the lines that had none of the RAPD markers were susceptible and had a mean disease score of 5.8. For the case of A1 isolate of A. lentis, more than 74% of the lines that carriedUBC2271290 were resistant, whereas more than 79% of the lines that do not have the marker were susceptible. The analysis of the RILs usingOPO61250 marker demonstrated that 11out of 72 resistant lines carried the marker, whereas 66 out of 84 susceptible lines had the marker present. Therefore, selecting materials with both markers for resistance to ascochyta blight and a marker for resistance to anthracnose can clearly make progress toward resistance in the population.
Resistance to ascochyta blight of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus),caused by the fungus Ascochyta lentis, is determined by a single recessive gene, ral 2, in the lentil cultivar Indian head. Sixty F2 individuals from a cross between Eston (susceptible) and Indian head (resistant) lentil were analyzed for the presence of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to the ral 2gene, using bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Out of 800 decanucleotide primers screened, two produced polymorphic markers that co-segregated with the resistance locus. These two RAPD markers, UBC2271290and OPD-10870, flanked and were linked in repulsion phase to the gene ral 2 at 12 cm and 16 cm, respectively. The RAPD fragments were converted to SCAR markers. The SCAR marker developed from UBC2271290 could not detect any polymorphism between the two parents or in the F2. The SCAR marker developed from OPD-10870 retained its polymorphism. The polymorphic RAPD marker UBC2271290 and the SCAR marker developed from OPD-10870 can be used together in a marker assisted selection program for ascochyta blight resistance in lentil.