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Gasoline Risk Management: A Compendium of Regulations, Standards, and Industry Practices


Abstract and Figures

This paper is part of a special series of publications regarding gasoline toxicology testing and gasoline risk management; this article covers regulations, standards, and industry practices concerning gasoline risk management. Gasoline is one of the highest volume liquid fuel products produced globally. In the U.S., gasoline production in 2013 was the highest on record (API, 2013). Regulations such as those pursuant to the Clean Air Act (CAA) (Clean Air Act, 2012: § 7401, et seq.) and many others provide the U.S. federal government with extensive authority to regulate gasoline composition, manufacture, storage, transportation and distribution practices, worker and consumer exposure, product labeling, and emissions from engines and other sources designed to operate on this fuel. The entire gasoline lifecycle-from manufacture, through distribution, to end-use-is subject to detailed, complex, and overlapping regulatory schemes intended to protect human health, welfare, and the environment. In addition to these legal requirements, industry has implemented a broad array of voluntary standards and best management practices to ensure that risks from gasoline manufacturing, distribution, and use are minimized.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Gasoline risk management: A compendium of regulations, standards,
and industry practices
Derek Swick
, Andrew Jaques
, J.C. Walker
, Herb Estreicher
American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005, United States
RegNet, 1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036, United States
Keller and Heckman LLP, 1001 G Street, N.W., Suite 500W, Washington, DC 20001, United States
article info
Article history:
Available online 1 July 2014
Gasoline regulation
Risk management
Voluntary standards
Best management practices
Gasoline lifecycle
This paper is part of a special series of publications regarding gasoline toxicology testing and gasoline risk
management; this article covers regulations, standards, and industry practices concerning gasoline risk
management. Gasoline is one of the highest volume liquid fuel products produced globally. In the U.S.,
gasoline production in 2013 was the highest on record (API, 2013). Regulations such as those pursuant
to the Clean Air Act (CAA) (Clean Air Act, 2012: § 7401, et seq.) and many others provide the U.S. federal
government with extensive authority to regulate gasoline composition, manufacture, storage, transpor-
tation and distribution practices, worker and consumer exposure, product labeling, and emissions from
engines and other sources designed to operate on this fuel. The entire gasoline lifecycle—from manufac-
ture, through distribution, to end-use—is subject to detailed, complex, and overlapping regulatory
schemes intended to protect human health, welfare, and the environment. In addition to these legal
requirements, industry has implemented a broad array of voluntary standards and best management
practices to ensure that risks from gasoline manufacturing, distribution, and use are minimized.
Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
1. Introduction
Gasoline is a liquid fuel intended for use in spark-ignition,
internal combustion engines and the U.S., gasoline production in
2013 was the highest on record (API, 2013). It is typically composed
of hundreds of paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydro-
carbons (generally referred to as PONA) refined from petroleum
(crude oil) in the C4–C12 carbon-chain length range (API, 2008).
In addition to the hydrocarbon base, gasoline also can contain a vari-
ety of blending components, such as oxygenates (e.g., alcohols,
ethers). During gasoline manufacture, crude oil is fractionated, the
fractions are chemically modified, and resulting refinery process
‘‘streams’’ are blended to meet specific physical and chemical prop-
erty requirements (e.g., octane rating, sulfur limits, oxygen content,
etc.), which comply with government regulations and industry per-
formance and quality specifications. The property requirements, in
turn, influence the chemical composition of gasoline.
This article summarizes current U.S. risk management measures
for gasoline at selected stages in its lifecycle (see Fig. 1)—from the
point where the gasoline is produced at a refinery, through its
delivery at the retail station pump, and concluding with its use
as a motor fuel. It highlights both regulatory controls and current
industry standards and practices during the lifecycle. The start
and end points chosen for this analysis are appropriate for evaluat-
ing gasoline risk management from the viewpoint of a chemical
regulatory framework. Accordingly, this analysis focuses on the
management of gasoline, including:
Registration requirements, including testing and formulation
requirements, for gasoline, its components and additives;
Controlling potential safety and environmental risks from gaso-
line during refining and distribution operations;
Hazard communication and protecting occupational safety and
health during manufacturing and handling operations; and
Controlling potential risks of gasoline to end-users/consumers.
2. Regulation of gasoline and gasoline additives
Federal regulations administered by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) control the constituents in gasoline and
the gasoline additives in order to minimize the environmental
and public health consequences, and ensure proper performance
when used as a motor fuel. Gasoline regulations may require the
reduction of certain constituents (e.g., benzene) during refining,
0273-2300/Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Swick), (A. Jaques), (J.C. Walker), (H. Estreicher).
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
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or the inclusion of oxygenates and additives, such as detergents,
prior to retail sale. Individual states may impose further, more
stringent controls to address local air quality concerns. As a result
of these layered requirements, the range of gasoline and additive
formulations available for manufacture, distribution, and use is
strictly controlled.
In addition to government regulations, industry contracting and
purchasing specifications generally require that gasoline meet
third-party voluntary performance and quality standards, such as
those developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) International. As some standards are incorporated into
state fuel quality regulations, these third-party standards effec-
tively are mandatory. As gasoline must be used in, and subjected
to, a wide variety of mechanical, physical, and chemical environ-
ments, its formulation must provide satisfactory engine perfor-
mance over a wide range of operating conditions.
The Clean Air Act (CAA) (Clean Air Act, 2012: § 7401, et seq.)is
the primary mechanism by which EPA may seek to ‘‘control or pro-
hibit the manufacture, introduction into commerce, offering for
sale, or sale’’ of any motor vehicle or non-road engine fuel or fuel
additive if, in its judgment and after considering the available sci-
entific and economic data, the Agency determines that a fuel, fuel
additive, or their emissions could endanger public health or impair
the operation of motor vehicle emission control devices (Clean Air
Act, 2012: § 7545(c)). The CAA specifies criteria that gasoline must
meet prior to retail sale, and prohibits the presence or use of cer-
tain constituents and mandates the addition of others to ensure
gasoline presents minimal impact on human health and the
EPA effectuates this mandate through its implementing ‘‘Fuels
Regulations’’ found at 40 C.F.R., Parts 79 and 80. Any manufacturer
or importer seeking to introduce gasoline or gasoline additives into
commerce must first register the product with the Agency.
Depending on the type and nature of the gasoline or additive, the
Agency may require an extensive battery of environmental fate
and human effects testing as part of the registration process. In
addition to the fuel registration requirements, over time EPA has
regulated the properties of gasoline and gasoline additives in a
number of ways such as the following (all of which are discussed
in greater detail in Section 2.2):
Banning the use of lead-containing additives in automotive
Requiring the use of detergent additives to prevent engine
Regulating volatility (vapor pressure) to reduce evaporative
emissions from gasoline;
Limiting the average and maximum sulfur content of gasoline;
Limiting the average and maximum benzene content of
Requiring the use of reformulated gasoline (RFG) in certain geo-
graphic areas; and
Setting anti-dumping requirements that limit emissions of
specified pollutants from gasoline.
2.1. Testing requirements for registration
Companies seeking to register gasoline or gasoline additives
into U.S. commerce must submit to EPA a chemical description of
their product, as well as technical, marketing, and health-effects
information (Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: §
79.51). This information is intended to allow EPA to determine
the likely combustion products and other emissions that may be
released into the environment during the distribution, sale, and
Fig. 1. The gasoline lifecycle.
D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
use of the gasoline or additive. Specifically, all registrants must
provide basic registration data, including product and manufac-
turer identification, intended use and concentration, and the spe-
cific composition of the product. In addition, the registrant must
provide EPA with information on the product’s distribution and
use profile, including data on total annual production and market-
ing distribution (Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: §
79.59(b)). Beyond the basic registration data, the Agency’s infor-
mation requirements follow a three-tiered approach. The first
two tiers generally apply to most gasoline and gasoline additive
manufacturers with limited exceptions for certain specialized
additives and small businesses.
As part of the Tier 1 data requirements, gasoline and additive
manufacturers must submit to EPA the identity and concentration
of certain emission products and any available information on
health and welfare effects from exposure to the whole and speciat-
ed emissions from the gasoline or additive to be registered
(Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: § 79.52). Tier 1 data
requirements include both literature and health effects database
searches, as well as emissions characterization data. The literature
and database searches should provide to EPA all the information
available on the product, including the chemical composition and
potential adverse effects of the whole combustion and evaporative
emissions, relevant combustion emission fractions, as well as the
individual emission products. The search must extend back at least
30 years before the registration application, and also must capture
data on ‘‘welfare’’ effects such as plant and animal responses to the
emissions exposures.
For Tier 1, gasoline and additive manufacturers also must sub-
mit to EPA information characterizing emissions from the evapora-
tion and combustion of gasoline or the additive/gasoline mixture in
a motor vehicle. Manufacturers are responsible for generating, col-
lecting, and sampling the combustion emissions and, if applicable,
the evaporative emissions of their product, and to determine the
identity and concentration of individual emission products. This
includes characterizing:
combustion emissions, by determining the concentration of
total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (NO
and particulates;
total evaporative hydrocarbon emissions;
individual volatile hydrocarbon compound species, aldehydes,
ketones, alcohols, ethers, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
(PAH) compounds, and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
bon (NPAH) compounds, as defined in 40 C.F.R. § 79.52 (b)); and
semi-volatile and particulate phases of combustion emissions to
identify concentrations of PAH detected to 0.001 micrograms,
and poly-chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans
(PCDD/PCDFs) detected to one part per trillion (ppt) in the air
of the combustion emissions.
Manufacturers may rely on existing characterizations in lieu of
conducting new tests provided that the data were obtained from
tests of either the product in question or a gasoline or gasoline/
additive mixture that meets the grouping criteria as defined in
40 C.F.R. § 79.56. The existing characterization information also
must have been generated with the use of laboratory practices that
are of high quality (per 40 C.F.R. § 79.52 (b)) and properly docu-
mented, also per the procedures set out in 40 C.F.R. § 79.52 (b).
Manufacturers must submit Tier 2 data, if they determine that
the Tier 1 literature and data searches have failed to yield compara-
ble existing information (as defined in the rule) from previously per-
formed studies. EPA retains final authority to determine whether the
Tier 1 data are adequate based on criteria set out in the rule, includ-
ing the age of the literature search data, as well as the scope and
quality of the prior studies. The Tier 2 data must be obtained through
testing designed to detect potential adverse health effects from the
inhalation of gasoline or gasoline/additive emissions. This generally
involves producing emissions from a vehicle or engine in a labora-
tory setting, exposing laboratory test animals to these whole emis-
sions, and conducting a 90-day subchronic inhalation study to
examine general systemic and organ toxicity, including pulmonary
effects (Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: § 79.53).
Ancillary tests that allow the assessment of several specific health
effect endpoints (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity,
reproductive toxicity, and neurotoxicity) also may be conducted
within the same exposure schedule. In addition, a fertility assess-
ment also may be coordinated within the same time frame in order
to assess reproductive and teratogenic effects.
Following the submission of Tier 1 and Tier 2 data, EPA may at its
discretion require gasoline and additive manufacturers to conduct
additional health-effects testing if the Agency determines that
remaining uncertainties concerning the significance of observed
health effects, welfare effects, and/or emissions exposures prevent
it from reasonably estimating the potential risks of exposure from
the gasoline or additive (Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives,
2013: § 79.54). These may include additional carcinogenicity, repro-
ductive, and neurotoxicity tests. The Agency may also require the
submission of additional technical and marketing information. The
purpose of these submissions is to ensure that EPA has a comprehen-
sive suite of information on the likely effects from the evaporation or
combustion of gasoline and gasoline additives. In addition to the
health-effects data and testing requirements under the Fuel and Fuel
Additives Registration Program, EPA also requires manufacturers to
submit a quarterly and annual report on gasoline and additive pro-
duction volumes and the concentration range of each additive used
in a designated fuel in order to maintain their registration(s)
(Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: § 79.5).
A public website is being created that will permit viewing of the
reports submitted to EPA under the CAA 211(b) registration pro-
gram. That website address will be
These reports can also be accessed at with Docket
ID Number: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0065.
2.2. Physical, chemical and emission standards
Section 211 of the CAA directs EPA to implement specific
numerical limitations on particular gasoline components and
physical and emission properties to further address health and
environmental risks. EPA has codified these standards at 40 C.F.R,
Part 80. Part 80 establishes protective limitations and conditions
for gasoline and gasoline/additive mixtures, as well as recordkeep-
ing and reporting requirements.
Subpart B of Part 80 prohibits the introduction of leaded auto-
motive gasoline into U.S. commerce and establishes controls con-
cerning certain measures of gasoline volatility (Regulation of
Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: §§ 80.22–80.33).
Volatility is a property of a liquid fuel that influences its evap-
orative characteristics. EPA limits the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP)
of gasoline introduced into commerce during the Summer months
in order to reduce evaporative emissions of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs)
that contribute to ground-level ozone
(Volatility Regulations for Gasoline and Alcohol Blends Sold in
Calendar Years 1992 and Beyond, 1990: 23,658).
Section 211(k) requires cities classified as ‘‘severe’’ with respect
to non-attainment of the ozone national ambient air quality stan-
40 C FR § 51.100(s) defines ‘‘vol atile organic compound s (VOCs)’ as any
compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid,
metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, whi ch participates in
atmospheric photochemical reactions. Further to the definition, there is a list of
specific chemicals exempt from the VOC definition because they have ‘‘negligible
photochemical reactivity.’’
S82 D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
dard to use reformulated gasoline (RFG). Until 2006, RFG needed to
contain a minimum of 2.0% oxygen by weight. Refiners typically
used ethanol or methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) as oxygenates.
Congress amended Section 211(k) of the Act to eliminate the oxy-
genate content requirement for RFG (Energy Policy Act, 2012: §§
The Antidumping
Program under Subpart E sets limits on con-
ventional (i.e., non-reformulated) gasoline emissions of nitrogen oxi-
des (NO
), benzene, and toxic air pollutants
(Regulation of Fuels and
Fuel Additives, 2013: §§ 80.90–80.106). NO
emission reductions
abate adverse respiratory effects and the formation of ground-level
ozone and particulate matter (PM) (USEPA, 2010). Most of the stan-
dards established under the Antidumping Program have been
replaced by newer programs.
Subpart F ensures the integrity of reports submitted under the
regulations by requiring attestation of these reports by an indepen-
dent certified public accountant or an internal auditor certified by
the Institute of Internal Auditors (Regulation of Fuels and Fuel
Additives, 2013: §§ 80.125–80.133). Subpart G sets forth require-
ments for adding detergent to gasoline. Detergent additives prevent
the formation and accumulation of deposits in engines and fuel sup-
ply systems, which has been shown to reduce NO
, hydrocarbon, and
carbon monoxide emissions in engine exhaust, while enhancing fuel
economy (Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Certification
Standards for Deposit Control Gasoline Additives, 1996: 35,310).
Subpart H phased in increasingly stringent gasoline sulfur con-
tent limitations and implements a Sulfur Credit
Trading Program
(Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: §§ 80.180–80.415).
The regulations currently prohibit refineries from producing refor-
mulated or conventional gasoline containing sulfur in excess of
80 ppm (ppm) for any single gallon of gasoline produced and a
30 ppm limit on sulfur in gasoline on an average annual basis
(Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: § 80.195). EPA esti-
mated that the program resulted in a 90% reduction of average
national levels of sulfur in gasoline by 2006 (USEPA, 2014). EPA also
estimated that limiting the level of sulfur in gasoline to 30 ppm
would result in about 700,000 tons of NO
reductions per year from
light duty vehicles and trucks by 2020 (Control of Air Pollution From
New Motor Vehicles: Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and
Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements, 2000: 6730). In April 2014,
EPA promulgated a final rule with additional (Tier 3) regulations
on gasoline to limit annual average gasoline sulfur content to
10 ppm (Control of Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles: Tier 3
Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards, 2014: 23,414).
The Benzene Control Program of Subpart L establishes benzene
concentration limits in gasoline supported by a benzene credit
trading program (Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013:
§§ 80.1200–1363). Beginning January 1, 2011, refiners had to limit
the benzene content in reformulated and conventional gasoline to
an annual average of 0.62% by volume in the finished gasoline.
Additionally, starting July 1, 2012, a refinery’s annual average ben-
zene concentration must not exceed 1.3% by volume, without the
use of benzene credits
(Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives,
2013: § 80.1230). EPA estimates that these limits will reduce total
benzene emissions from on-road and off-road mobile sources, porta-
ble fuel containers and gasoline distribution approximately 12% by
2015 (Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants From Mobile Sources,
2007: 8454). EPA expects the benzene and sulfur content limits of
Subparts H and L to provide greater air toxics reductions than under
the RFG and Antidumping Programs (Control of Hazardous Air
Pollutants From Mobile Sources, 2007: 8477). As a result, and effec-
tive January 1, 2011, these requirements replaced the annual average
toxics emission requirements of the RFG and Antidumping Programs
and the annual average benzene content limit of the RFG Program
(Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants From Mobile Sources, 2007:
8477 and Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013: §
80.815(d)(1)(ii)). The Benzene Control Program requirements also
replaced the Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) Program for most gas-
oline blends, including conventional and reformulated gasoline
(Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants From Mobile Sources, 2007:
3. Regulation of gasoline manufacture at the refinery
Gasoline manufacturing operations are subject to stringent
environmental control regulations enacted under the major envi-
ronmental statutes such as the Clean Air Act (CAA) (Clean Air
Act, 2012: § 7401, et seq.) and the Clean Water Act (CWA) (Clean
Water Act, 2012: § 1251, et seq.). These regulations govern various
emission and discharge sources within the refining operations. The
CAA significantly restricts refinery emissions to the atmosphere of
harmful air pollutants, and the CWA protects human health and
the environment against risks stemming from intentional and
inadvertent discharges to water from refineries. Regulations codi-
fied by EPA under these statutes impose significant testing, record-
keeping, and reporting requirements to ensure and demonstrate
3.1. Regulation of refinery emissions to air
Two regulatory schemes under the CAA regulate refinery emis-
sions to the atmosphere. New source performance standards
(NSPSs) limit refinery emissions of several ‘‘criteria pollutants,’’
including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sulfur oxides, PM,
CO and NO
. Additionally, national emission standards for hazard-
ous air pollutants (NESHAPs) control refinery emissions of ‘‘haz-
ardous air pollutants’’ (HAPs).
3.1.1. New source performance standards
Section 111 of the CAA requires EPA to establish New Source
Performance Standards (NSPSs) for new and modified stationary
sources within particular industrial categories to control emissions
of criteria air pollutants (e.g., ozone, carbon monoxide, particulate
matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and lead) (Clean Air Act,
2012: § 7411). EPA has promulgated NSPSs for refinery processing
units and other equipment used at petroleum refineries in order to
limit and control air emissions of criteria pollutants and also emis-
sions of VOCs (including petroleum), which are precursors to the
formation of ozone in the atmosphere. Below the NSPSs for refinery
processing units are provided as an example of these standards.
Petroleum refinery processing units must meet the NSPSs cod-
ified at 40 C.F.R., Part 60, Subparts J and Ja (Standards of
Performance for New Stationary Sources, 2013: §§ 60.100–
60.109a). These regulations include emissions limitations and
work practice standards for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units,
fluid coking units, delayed coking units, fuel gas combustion
devices, and sulfur recovery plants. Subpart J applies to certain
‘‘Antidumping’’ in the context of gasoline regulations means not allowing refiners
to sell gasoline that is a lower quality (i.e., higher levels of regulated constituents and
emission products) than they had previously sold in those area s were only
conventional gasoline is required.
Under CAA § 211(k)(10), ‘‘toxic air pollutants’’ means the aggregate emissions of
benzene, 1,3-butadiene, polycyclic organic matter, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde.
‘‘Sulfur credit’’ is a concept where a refiner that does better than the stated
average requirements for sulfur content in gasoline generates a credit that could be
sold to another refiner that cannot meet the requirements. (See 40 CFR, Part 80,
Subpart H-Gasoline Sulfur).
‘‘Benzene Credits’’ is a concept where a refiner that does better than the stated
average requirements for benzene content in gasoline generates a credit that could be
sold to another refiner that cannot meet the requirements. (See 40 CFR § 80.1275).
D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
refinery equipment constructed, reconstructed, or modified in var-
ious specified timeframes.
Under Subpart J, FCC unit catalyst regenerator emissions of PM,
from coke burn-off, cannot exceed 1.0 kilogram/metric ton (kg/MT)
(2.0 lb/ton (lb./ton)) (Standards of Performance for New Stationary
Sources, 2013: § 60.102). Additionally, gases emitted by these units
cannot exhibit greater than 30% opacity or contain CO in excess of
500 ppm (Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources,
2013: §§ 60.102–60.103).
Subpart J further prohibits the burning, in fuel gas combustion
devices, of fuel gas containing hydrogen sulfide in excess of
230 mg/dscm (0.10 gr/dscf) (Standards of Performance for New
Stationary Sources, 2013: § 60.104). To facilitate compliance,
refiners must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate continuous
emissions monitoring systems on the regulated equipment
(Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, 2013: §
60.105). In 2008, EPA updated the refinery processing unit emis-
sion standards. Subpart Ja prescribes new, more stringent limits
for those refineries constructed, reconstructed or modified after
May 14, 2007. These standards will further reduce PM emissions
by approximately 1300 tons/year, sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions
by approximately 17,000 tons/year, NO
emissions by approxi-
mately 11,000 tons/year, and VOC emissions by approximately
200 tons/year (Standards of Performance for Petroleum
Refineries, 2008: 35,861).
3.1.2. National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
Section 112 of the CAA directs EPA to develop a list of ‘‘major’’ and
‘‘area’’ stationary sources that emit listed HAPs and establish
national emission standards for those sources, known as NESHAPs.
NESHAPs for major sources must reflect the maximum achievable
control technology (MACT) available, while NESHAPs for area
sources can reflect generally available control technology (Clean
Air Act, 2012: § 112(d)). Major sources include any stationary
source, or group of stationary sources located within a contiguous
area and under common control, that emits or has the potential to
emit at least 10 tons per year of a single HAP or 25 tons/year of
any combination of HAPs (National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories, 2013: § 63.2). Area
sources include stationary sources of HAPs that do not qualify as
major sources.
Petroleum refineries that qualify as major sources must comply
with the NESHAPs codified at 40 C.F.R., Part 63, Subparts CC and
UUU. The Appendix to Subpart CC lists the HAPs of concern for
refining operations, such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and
xylenes (BTEX). Together, these NESHAPs require monitoring and
reduction of emissions from process vents, storage vessels, marine
tank vessel loading operations, gasoline loading rack operations,
equipment leaks, and wastewater treatment systems.
For process vents on FCC units, refiners can control emissions by
employing a variety of control devices, including cyclones, electro-
static precipitators, and wet scrubbers (National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories,
2013: § 63.1579). For other covered emissions sources, the NES-
HAPs require more specific control measures. For example, refiners
must install vapor collection and processing systems on gasoline
loading racks that will reduce emissions to 10 mg of total organic
compounds per liter of gasoline loaded into cargo tanks (National
Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source
Categories, 2013: § 63.650). Of course, for all covered emission
sources refiners must perform testing, conduct monitoring, main-
tain records, and submit reports to EPA concerning HAPs emission
production and control.
3.2. Regulation of refinery discharges to water
The CWA prohibits unpermitted discharges to waters of the U.S.
from gasoline manufacturing operations. The primary regulatory
regimes applicable to petroleum refineries are the National Pollu-
tant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program,
the National Pretreatment Program, and the Oil Pollution Preven-
tion Program.
3.2.1. NPDES permitting program for intentional discharges to
navigable waters
Under Section 402 of the CWA, petroleum refineries must
obtain NPDES permits in order to discharge industrial wastes and
other pollutants from a point source into navigable waters of the
U.S. (i.e., surface waters–Clean Water Act, 2012: § 1342). Note:
Under the CWA, the EPA has the authority to delegate the NPDES
program to states for implementation; in those instances, the state
program operates the permitting program. NPDES permits contain
industry-specific, technology-based and/or water quality-based
effluent limits and pollutant monitoring and reporting require-
ments. EPA has codified its technology-based effluent limitations
for the petroleum refining point source category at 40 C.F.R., Part
419 (Petroleum Refining Point Source Category, 2013: §§ 419.10–
These regulations specify different effluent discharge limita-
tions (based on production rates) according to the specific pollu-
tant or pollutant property controlled and refining operation
covered. The controlled pollutants include total suspended solids
(TSS), hexavalent chromium, and phenolic compounds, among oth-
ers. Covered refining operations include topping, cracking, lube oil
manufacturing processes, and petrochemical operations.
In general, the effluent limitations represent the best available
control technology economically achievable by the petroleum
refining industry. Effluent limitations for new sources are also
more demanding than those applicable to existing sources. When
EPA last amended the effluent limitations for the petroleum refin-
ing point source category, it estimated incremental industry-wide
reductions in discharges of 286,000 lb per year for total chromium,
18,300 lb per year for hexavalent chromium, and 75,000 lb per year
for phenolic compounds (Petroleum Refining Point Source
Category, Effluent Limitations Guidelines, 1985: 28,516 and
In addition to effluent guidelines, NPDES permits for refinery
operations include water-quality-based permit limits for dis-
charges to water bodies not meeting ambient water quality stan-
dards. These permit limits for such water bodies are designed to
protect ambient water quality and meet the ambient standards.
3.2.2. National pretreatment program for intentional discharges to
publicly-owned treatment works
In accordance with CWA § 307(b), numerical pretreatment
effluent guidelines apply to discharges from petroleum refineries
to publicly-owned treatment works (POTWs) (Clean Water Act,
2012: § 1317(b)(1)). These technology-based standards are also
codified at 40 C.F.R., Part 419. Specifically, a refinery’s total daily
discharge to a POTW cannot contain more than 100 mg/L of oil
and grease and 100 mg/L of ammonia. In addition to these limits,
new sources must not discharge more than 1 mg/L per day of total
chromium to a POTW. In addition to the pretreatment effluent
guidelines, indirect discharge permits for refinery discharges to
POTWs also include local limits developed by the POTW for pre-
vention of pollutant pass-through or interference with POTW
treatment processes, and compliance with POTW sludge disposal
limits. Attainment of its NPDES permit effluent limits often also
apply to refineries.
S84 D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
3.2.3. Oil spill prevention, notification, and cleanup
Section 311 of the CWA prohibits the discharge of oil or another
substance determined to be harmful if the amount meets or
exceeds an EPA-designated ‘‘reportable quantity’’ into or upon nav-
igable waters of the U.S. and adjoining shorelines, or the waters of
the contiguous zone, or other specified waters (Clean Water Act,
2012: § 1321). The oil pollution prevention regulations, codified
at 40 C.F.R., Part 112, require certain non-transportation-related
facilities to prepare and implement Oil Spill Prevention, Control
and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans. Note that transportation-
related facilities, such as pipelines and common carriers, must pre-
pare oil spill prevention and response plans under separate regula-
tory schemes.
A facility must develop, certify, and implement a SPCC plan if it
has an aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity exceeding 1320
U.S. gallons or a completely buried oil storage capacity exceeding
42,000 U.S. gallons not regulated under federal Underground Stor-
age Tank (UST) regulations and, due to its location, could reason-
ably be expected to discharge oil in quantities that are harmful
into covered waters (Oil Pollution Prevention, 2013: § 112.1). The
regulations cover oil of any type and in any form and mixture,
including petroleum, fuel, sludge, oil refuse, oil mixed with wastes
other than dredged soil, and oils from renewable sources. SPCC
plans must identify the type and location of stored oil and lay
out discharge prevention measures, secondary containment in
the event of a release, discharge or drainage controls, and counter-
measures for discharge discovery, response, and clean-up.
Additionally, under the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) (Oil Pollution
Act, 2012: § 2701, et seq.), facilities covered by the SPCC regula-
tions that pose a threat of substantial harm to covered waters
due to their location and volume of oil storage (over 1 million gal-
lons) must prepare and submit to EPA a Facility Response Plan
(FRP). FRPs are intended to assist in preparing for and responding
to a worst case discharge. Facilities must demonstrate the avail-
ability of response resources in a timely manner, thereby reducing
a discharge’s impact and severity (Oil Pollution Prevention, 2013:
Part 112, Subpart D—Response Requirements). FRPs are also
intended to aid local and regional response authorities to better
understand the potential hazards and response capabilities in their
area. The OPA imposes strict liability on owners and operators of
facilities responsible for oil spills.
4. Risk management in gasoline storage, transportation and
distribution operations
A variety of statutes and industry standards ensure the safe
storage, transportation, and distribution of fuel by establishing
baseline standards for the design and construction of equipment,
imposing strict handling procedures and emissions controls, and
requiring the preparation of hazard warnings and accident preven-
tion plans. These standards serve to protect workers, public health,
and the environment.
4.1. Pipeline safety standards
The federal pipeline safety regulations prescribe a comprehen-
sive scheme of minimum safety standards and reporting require-
ments for pipeline facilities used in the transportation of
‘‘hazardous liquids,’’ including gasoline and other petroleum prod-
ucts. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) promulgated
these regulations, codified at 49 C.F.R., Part 195, under the Pipeline
Safety Statute (Pipeline Safety Statute, 2012: § 60101, et seq.). The
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
within the DOT administers these regulations.
Pipeline facilities must meet performance standards applicable
to the design, construction, testing, and operation and maintenance
of pipeline systems. Design standards, for example, include specifi-
cations for internal and external pipeline pressure, new and used
pipe materials, valves, fittings, and closures (Transportation of
Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline, 2013: §§ 195.100–195.134). Pipe-
line operators must prepare and follow a procedures manual for
conducting normal operations and maintenance activities and han-
dling abnormal operations and emergencies. They must also estab-
lish and conduct a continuing emergency response employee
training program (Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by
Pipeline, 2013: §§ 195.402–195.403). To assure regulatory compli-
ance, pipeline facilities must submit reports on an annual basis and
in the event of an accident or discovery of a ‘‘safety-related condi-
tion,’’ such as general corrosion or leaks (Transportation of
Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline, 2013: §§ 195.48–195.64).
4.2. Hazardous materials regulations
The hazardous materials regulations (HMR) govern the trans-
portation of gasoline and other hazardous materials by highway,
rail, water, and air. These regulations mitigate the risks to life,
property, and the environment inherent in the transportation of
hazardous materials by imposing requirements related to shipping
papers, packaging materials, hazard communication, safe handling,
incident reporting, training, and security. The PHMSA also admin-
isters these regulations, codified at 49 C.F.R., Parts 105–180, in
accordance with the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
(Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 2012: § 5101, et seq.).
The HMR, coupled with the pipeline safety regulations, control
all modes of transportation of fuels.
To ensure appropriate hazard communication, gasoline trans-
porters must affix specific placards indicating that gasoline is a
class 3 flammable liquid, to each side of a bulk package, freight
container, unit load device, transport vehicle or rail car containing
any quantity of gasoline (Hazardous Materials Table, Special
Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency
Response Information, Training Requirements, and Security Plans,
2013: § 172.542). Additional labeling and marking requirements
apply to gasoline shipments in order to communicate information
such as volume and appropriate handling (Hazardous Materials
Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications,
Emergency Response Information, Training Requirements, and
Security Plans, 2013: §§ 172.300–172.450). The HMR also require
use of specific packaging materials that depend on whether gaso-
line is transported in bulk or non-bulk form. Bulk gasoline must
be packaged in specialized rail cars or cargo tanks, while non-bulk
gasoline may be packaged in steel or aluminum drums, among
other types of containers (Shippers—General Requirements for
Shipments and Packagings, 2013: §§ 173.202 and 173.242).
In addition, the regulations limit the maximum quantity of gas-
oline on passenger transport modes. Passenger-carrying aircraft or
rail cars cannot transport packages containing more than 5 L of
gasoline, whereas cargo-only aircraft can transport packages con-
taining up to 60 L of gasoline (Hazardous Materials Table, Special
Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency
Response Information, Training Requirements, and Security Plans,
2013: § 172.101 (Hazardous Materials Table)). The regulations pro-
hibit motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire from transporting
any quantity of gasoline, unless no other practicable means of
transportation is available (in which case only a limited quantity
may be transported) (Carriage by Public Highway, 2013: §
D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
4.3. Marine occupational safety and health standards
All tank ships and barges carrying benzene or benzene-contain-
ing liquids in bulk must comply with the marine occupational
safety and health standards of 46 C.F.R., Part 197. The regulations
require operators of covered vessels to either ensure adherence
to permissible exposure limits (PELs) for benzene, or require
employees to wear respirators and personal protective clothing
and equipment in areas where the airborne benzene concentration
can reasonably be expected to exceed PELs (General Provisions:
Marine Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 2013: §§
197.515, 197.520, and 197.535).
The regulations set forth benzene PELs of 1.0 ppm, as averaged
over an 8-h period, and 5.0 ppm, as averaged over any 15-min per-
iod (General Provisions: Marine Occupational Safety and Health
Standards, 2013: § 197.505). These PELs mirror those established
by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for
the on-shore work-place. In addition, employers must provide
information to workers on covered vessels regarding benzene haz-
ards, including a material safety data sheet (MSDS) and training on
benzene risks and protective measures (General Provisions: Marine
Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 2013: § 197.565).
Employers also must provide, and employees exposed to benzene
must submit to, initial and periodic medical examinations. If the
examination demonstrates abnormal health conditions, employers
must remove employees from areas where the airborne benzene
concentration may exceed 0.5 ppm (a concentration lower than
both PELs) (General Provisions: Marine Occupational Safety and
Health Standards, 2013: § 197.560 and Appendix C to Subpart C
of Part 197).
4.4. Chemical accident prevention provisions
Facilities that produce, handle, process, store, or distribute
threshold quantities of toxic or flammable substances listed under
Section 112(r) of the CAA, including various gasoline constituents,
must comply with the chemical accident prevention provisions of
40 C.F.R., Part 68. These provisions aim to prevent accidental
releases of substances that can cause serious harm to the public
and environment from short-term exposures and to mitigate the
severity of releases that do occur.
The regulations require operators of covered facilities to imple-
ment a risk management program. This program involves assessing
the hazards that may result from accidental releases, implement-
ing accident prevention measures, and developing an emergency
response program (Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions,
2013: § 68.12). The centerpiece of the regulations is the prepara-
tion and submission to EPA of a risk management plan (RMP).
The RMP must describe the facility and regulated substances han-
dled, the general accidental release prevention program and chem-
ical-specific prevention steps, the facility’s 5-year accident history,
the emergency response program, and planned changes to improve
safety (Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions, 2013: §§ 68.150–
EPA exempted several substances, when used in certain mix-
tures, from the required threshold quantity determination. Such
an exemption exists for gasoline being stored or distributed for
use as fuel in internal combustion engines (Chemical Accident
Prevention Provisions, 2013: § 68.115(b)(2)(ii)). EPA specifically
exempted gasoline because the Agency found it generally does
not meet the criteria for a National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) flammability hazard rating of four (severe hazard), and it
does not represent a significant threat to the public of vapor cloud
explosions (List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for
Accidental Release Prevention, 1998: 640 and 641–642).
4.5. Regulation of air emissions from gasoline distribution and
dispensing facilities
Gasoline distribution and dispensing facilities must also comply
with NSPS and NESHAP emission limitations for criteria and haz-
ardous air pollutants. These standards, together with the NSPSs
and NESHAPs applicable to petroleum refineries (addressed in Sec-
tion 3), control harmful air emissions from nearly every stage of
the gasoline lifecycle.
4.5.1. New source performance standards
Bulk gasoline terminals must meet the NSPS codified at 40
C.F.R., Part 60, Subpart XX (Standards of Performance for New
Stationary Sources, 2013: §§ 60.500–60.506). These regulations
limit VOC emissions from loading racks used to deliver gasoline
into tank trucks. Specifically, operators must equip loading racks
with a vapor collection system designed to collect the total organic
compounds (TOC) vapors displaced from tank trucks during prod-
uct loading (Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources,
2013: § 60.502(a)). Emissions from the vapor collection system
must not exceed 35 mg of TOC per liter of gasoline loaded
(mg TOC/L gasoline), or 80 mg TOC/L gasoline loaded where load-
ing racks are equipped with existing vapor processing systems
(Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, 2013: §§
60.502(b)–(c)). In addition, operators must only load gasoline into
vapor-tight gasoline tank trucks (Standards of Performance for
New Stationary Sources, 2013: §§ 60.502(e)). To assure adherence
to this requirement, they must obtain vapor tightness documenta-
tion and follow other specified procedures. The regulations also
prescribe testing methods, inspection, and recordkeeping and
reporting requirements.
4.5.2. National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
Hazardous air pollutant emission limitations apply to major and
area source gasoline distribution facilities, as well as area source
gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs). Major source gasoline distribution facilities.
Bulk gasoline
terminals and pipeline facilities that qualify as major sources
under the CAA must comply with emission limits and management
practices set forth at 40 C.F.R., Part 63, Subpart R (National Emis-
sion Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Gasoline Distribu-
tion Facilities, 2013: §§ 63.420–63.429). These requirements apply
to all storage tanks, cargo tanks (railcars and tank trucks), loading
racks, and equipment leaks within the gasoline distribution facil-
ity. Facilities must control VOC emissions from large storage tanks
(i.e., those at or above 20,000 gallons capacity) by installing either
specified floating roofs and seals or a closed vent system and con-
trol device reducing emissions by 95% (National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories,
2013: § 63.423 (cross referencing 40 C.F.R. § 60.112(b)–Standards
of Performance for New Stationary Source, 2013)). Total organic
compound emissions from cargo tanks must also be controlled
through use of vapor collection and processing systems and must
not exceed 10 mg TOC/L of gasoline loaded (National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories,
2013: § 63.422(b)). Control efficiencies for vapor recovery units
range from 90% to over 99%, depending on both the nature of the
vapors and the type of control equipment used (USEPA, 2008).
EPA has assumed a collection efficiency of 99.2% for tank trucks
passing the MACT-level annual leak test; 98.7% for trucks passing
the NSPS-level annual test; and 70% for trucks not passing one of
these required annual leak tests.
S86 D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92 Area source gasoline terminals, pipeline facilities, and dis-
pensing facilities.
All other facilities in the gasoline distribution net-
work that do not qualify as major sources must comply with the
NESHAP requirements for area sources at 40 C.F.R., Part 63, Sub-
parts BBBBBB and CCCCCC (National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories, 2013: §§
63.11080–63.11132). The former subpart covers bulk gasoline ter-
minals, bulk gasoline plants, pipeline breakout stations and pipe-
line pumping stations, and generally imposes emission limits on
the same operations covered under Subpart R (discussed above).
The latter subpart governs emissions from gasoline dispensing
facilities (GDFs), which include stationary facilities used for dis-
pensing gasoline into the fuel tank of an on-road or off-road vehicle
or vehicle engine (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Source Categories, 2013: § 63.11132). Subpart
CCCCCC limits emissions occurring during the off-loading of gaso-
line from cargo tanks into storage tanks located at a GDF.
State environmental agencies, which normally enforce the
NESHAP regulations, can and do impose even more stringent limits
on these emission sources. For example, many states require the
installation of a vapor balance system between the storage tank
at a GDF and the cargo tank (termed Stage I vapor recovery) (Ill.
Admin. Code, Tit. 35, §§ 215.583, 218.583, and 219.583 and Mich.
Admin. Code, r.336.1606–r.336.1703). Vapor balance systems min-
imize the release of gasoline vapors during GDF storage tank filling
operations through a combination of pipes and hoses that collect
displaced gasoline vapors from the storage tank and route them
back into the cargo tank. The gasoline terminal then recovers the
vapors when the cargo tank returns to reload. The control effi-
ciency of vapor balance systems ranges from 93% to 100%
(USEPA, 2008 at 5.2–14). Organic emissions from underground
tank filling operations at a GDF employing a vapor balance system
and submerged filling are not expected to exceed 40 mg/L (0.3 lb/
1000 gallons) of transferred gasoline.
4.6. Regulation of releases to water from gasoline distribution facilities
Facilities involved in the storage, transportation, and distribu-
tion of gasoline must also obtain NPDES permits covering dis-
charges to waters of the U.S. and comply with local pretreatment
standards applicable to discharges to POTWs. For more informa-
tion on NPDES permit and POTW pretreatment requirements, see
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
Storage and distribution facilities also must prepare and imple-
ment oil spill prevention and response plans. Under 49 C.F.R., Part
194, onshore pipeline facilities that, due to their location, could
reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environ-
ment by discharging oil into navigable waters of the U.S. or adjoin-
ing shorelines must prepare and submit to the PHMSA an oil spill
response plan. The response plan must include procedures and a
list of resources for responding to a worst case discharge and to
a substantial threat of such a discharge (Response Plans for
Onshore Oil Pipelines, 2013: § 194.107). Employee training and
response plan review and update procedures must also be
included. Off-shore pipeline facilities must also prepare an oil spill
response plan and submit the plan to the Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement of the U.S. Department of the Interior
for approval under 30 C.F.R., Part 254 (Oil-Spill Response
Requirements for Facilities Located Seaward of the Coast Line,
2013: §§ 254.1–254.54).
Similarly, 49 C.F.R., Part 130 prescribes prevention, contain-
ment, and response planning requirements applicable to motor
vehicles and railcars that transport oil (Oil Spill Prevention and
Response Plans, 2013: §§ 130.1–130.33). Marine vessels must also
prepare oil spill response plans under 33 C.F.R., Part 155 (Oil or
Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention Regulations for Vessels,
Tank Vessel Response Plans for Oil, 2013: §§ 155.
1010–155.1070). The U.S. Coast Guard must approve the plan prior
to the vessel handling, storing, or transporting oil on navigable
waters of the U.S. or any other port or place subject to U.S.
4.7. Industry standards for equipment and handling procedures
Numerous standards have been developed to cover all aspects
of gasoline storage, transport, and handling. These standards cover
the design, construction, and operation of virtually every piece of
equipment from aboveground and underground storage tanks, to
piping, terminals and loading racks, to tank trucks, rail cars, and
4.7.1. Operation of gasoline transport, storage, and marketing facilities
The American Petroleum Institute (API) has an array of stan-
dards that cover the various types of facilities that transport, store,
and ultimately dispense gasoline. For example, API Standard
2610—Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance & Inspection
of Terminal and Tank Facilities—covers the design, construction,
operation, inspection, and maintenance of petroleum terminal
and tank facilities associated with marketing, refining, pipeline,
and other operations. Covered topics range from site selection
and spacing, to pollution prevention and waste management, safe
operations, fire prevention and protection, tanks, dikes and berms,
mechanical systems (pipe, valves, pumps, and piping systems),
product transfer, corrosion protection, structures, utilities and
yard, and removals and decommissioning.
4.7.2. Storage tanks
API has developed a series of standards and guidelines address-
ing the design and construction of gasoline storage tanks and their
safe operation. Gasoline can be stored in either aboveground stor-
age tanks (ASTs), typically the type of tank used at terminals (i.e.,
tank farms), or underground storage tanks (USTs), typically used
a retail locations (i.e., gas stations). API Standards 620, Design
and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks,
currently in its Eleventh Edition, and 650, Welded Tanks for Oil
Storage, are the 2 most commonly used industry standards for
ASTs in gasoline service. There are also numerous supporting stan-
dards and publications for ASTs that cover tank inspection, repair
and reconstruction (API Std 653), leak detection (API Publ 334),
venting (API Std 2000), cathodic protection (API Std 651), linings
for the bottoms of AST (API Std 652), to name just a few areas.
For shop-fabricated and smaller field-erected tanks, the Steel Tank
Institute provides its Standard, SP001. There is a similar set of stan-
dards for USTs, which have been the subject of extensive federal
and state programs to replace all existing USTs and replace them
with new tanks designed to prevent leaks. Commonly referenced
API standards for USTs include Installation of Underground Petro-
leum Storage Systems (API RP 1615), Closure of Underground
Petroleum Storage Tanks (API RP 1604), and Storing and Handling
Ethanol and Gasoline-ethanol Blends at Distribution Terminals and
Filling Stations (API RP 1626).
4.7.3. Static electricity during loading and unloading
A static electric charge can be created by the movement and
agitation of gasoline during the loading and unloading process,
requiring that tanks, transport containers, transfer lines, and so
forth be electrically bonded together and grounded. Bonding
ensures that connected objects (for example, the loading tube
and the tank truck) have the same electrical charge, thereby elim-
inating the chance for a static spark to be created as the two are
disconnected. Grounding allows any built-up static charge to dissi-
pate to ground. There are numerous standards that mandate bond-
D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
ing and grounding in the design and operation of equipment used
to store and handle flammable and combustible liquids, including
NFPA 1, Fire Code™; NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Code; NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and
Repair Garages; NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for Electrical
Equipment Maintenance; IEEE Standards 81 and 142; and the
International Fire Code and others. NFPA 77, Recommended Prac-
tice on Static Electricity, and API RP 2003, Protection Against Igni-
tions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents, provide
detailed discussions on static electric charge, the evaluation of
charge generation, and bonding and grounding. Additionally, elec-
trical devices and installations in specific designated areas where
flammable materials are handled should comply with the require-
ments for Class I Group D hazardous locations (as covered by Chap-
ter 5 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code).
5. Controlling worker exposure to gasoline
The petrochemical industry has numerous programs to address
the safety and health of workers. In the U.S., regulations addressing
worker safety and health have been established by the U.S. Occu-
pational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), state and local
agencies. In addition, national standard setting organizations such
as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-
ists (ACGIH)
, and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
have developed standards, programs, and voluntary exposure lim-
its for workers engaged in all aspects of the petrochemical indus-
try. Epidemiology research has also been conducted to evaluate
the effects on workers in refining and gasoline handling occupa-
tions. This research is discussed in a separate paper under this ser-
ies ‘‘Gasoline Toxicology: Overview of Regulatory and Product
Stewardship Programs’’ (Swick et al., 2014).
Although there are many occupational safety and health pro-
grams in the industry addressing potential fire and physical haz-
ards, this section will focus on the regulations and programs
related to worker exposure to hazardous substances. As it relates
to gasoline production, handling and distribution, worker exposure
programs focus on controlling both exposure to gasoline itself and
also exposures to hazardous constituents of gasoline (e.g., ben-
zene). Given the high volatility of gasoline and many of its constit-
uents, inhalation exposure is often the focus of occupational
exposure programs; however, there are also procedures and pro-
grams in place to limit dermal exposure. Occupational exposure
programs include both setting and implementing limits for expo-
sure (i.e., occupational exposure limit (OEL), permissible exposure
limit (PEL), Threshold Limit Values (TLV
)) and also hazard com-
munication and training programs to educate workers about
potential hazards and properly handling procedures.
There is a considerable difference between the composition of
whole gasoline (in its liquid form) and the composition of the gas-
oline vapor to which an individual could be exposed. Thus, in con-
sidering the exposure regulations addressed in this section, it is
important to recognize that although a chemical may be a constit-
uent of gasoline in its liquid form, its potential for exposure may
not necessarily be proportional to its quantity in the gasoline. For
example, light chemical constituents such as pentanes will be
much more present in gasoline vapor as compared to aromatic
hydrocarbons (BTEX, C9 aromatics that have much lower vapor
pressures). More information regarding this can be found in ‘‘Inha-
lation Toxicity of Gasoline and Fuel Oxygenates: Generation and
Characterization of Test Articles’’ (Henley et al., 2014) that is also
a publication in this series.
It is also important to consider the additive feature of the occu-
pational exposure regulations and standards discussed in this sec-
tion. Worker exposure limitations are imposed on top of the
already considerable emissions reductions and exposure limita-
tions achieved through the imposition of air emissions controls
to reduce HAPs and ozone precursors. As production operations
have fugitive and other releases to meet air regulations (see Sec-
tion 3.1), there has been a side benefit of lowering occupational
exposure. Commensurate reductions in consumer and general pub-
lic exposure also are realized when improvements in emission con-
trols on automobiles, filling stations, and petroleum operations
(refineries, tank farms, etc.) are taken into consideration.
5.1. Occupational exposure limits
5.1.1. OSHA permissible exposure limits
OSHA has established a series of inhalation occupational expo-
sure limits—permissible exposure limits (PELs)—for hazardous
substances in 29 CFR § 1910.1000 (Z-Tables) or in individual chem-
ical standards (e.g., 29 CFR § 1910.1028 for benzene). While there
is not a specific PEL for gasoline, there are PELs for a number of
constituents including pentane, n-hexane, heptane, benzene, tolu-
ene, xylenes, cumene, and octane. Additionally, several gasoline
additives or blending components, such as ethanol, also have PELs.
PELs establish a full-shift (8-h) time-weighted average (TWA)
exposure for a substance. This means average exposure concentra-
tion for the entire 8-h period needs to be below the PEL. A worker
could be exposed to a concentration above the PEL for a short per-
iod as long as the 8-h average exposure is below the PEL. However,
in some cases OSHA also establishes ceilings of short-term expo-
sure limits (STELs) in order ensure that short-term exposures (typ-
ically 15 min or less) do not go above a certain limit.
In addition to PELs, OSHA health standards, such as the one for
benzene, establish medical surveillance and monitoring programs
and require regular evaluations of workers who are regularly
exposed to these chemicals. Such programs ensure that a worker’s
health is being evaluated and protected beyond simply meeting
the OEL requirements. For substances with health standards, OSHA
typically establishes an ‘‘action level’’ at 50% of the PEL. This means
that if workers have exposures to greater than 50% of the PEL, they
would be required to participate in various aspects of the regula-
tion (e.g., medical surveillance, training, etc.). In many instances,
the OSHA PELs have become dated and as such industry has often
more recently adopted OELs established by ACGIH or internal com-
pany standards based on most recent information.
5.1.2. ACGIH threshold limit values
, has been recommending occupational exposure
limits (OELs) for a wide variety of chemical and physical workplace
Table 1
Threshold limit values for typical gasoline constituents.
Substance TLV
(8 h TWA) (ppm) STEL (15-min) (ppm)
Gasoline 300 500
Possible constituent chemicals
Benzene 0.5 2.5
Cumene (isopropylbenzene) 50
Cyclohexane 100
Cyclopentane 600
Ethylbenzene 20
Heptane (all isomers) 400 500
n-Hexane 50
Hexane (other isomers) 500 1000
Nonane (all isomers) 200
Octane (all isomers) 300
Pentane (all isomers) 600
Toluene 20
Xylene (all isomers) 100 150
S88 D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
hazards for decades. The most common OEL for chemical sub-
stances, including gasoline and many of its constituents (Table 1),
are the Threshold Limit Values (TLV
Most constituents of gasoline have TLVs
in a range similar to
the TLV
of gasoline. The noteworthy exception is benzene, which
has a unique hazard profile and, as discussed above, its own OSHA
health standard. The TLV
of benzene is 0.5 ppm (8-h TWA), which
is the same as the action level for benzene under the OSHA health
standard. Due to its much lower TLV
and PEL, much of the occu-
pational exposure controls related to gasoline and petroleum oper-
ations have been focused on meeting the benzene occupational
exposure requirements. Generally, the industry has found that
the procedures, practices, and equipment (e.g., leak prevention,
vapor control, exhaust, etc.) used to meet the benzene exposure
limits results in the operations meeting the exposure limits for gas-
oline and other constituents.
also establishes Biological Exposure Indices (BEI
including BEIs for benzene, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, toluene and
xylenes. Although TLVs
are used to evaluate air samples collected
on or near a worker, these BEIs
are used to evaluate biomonitor-
ing samples (e.g., urine) collected from workers. In some cases, the
are based on an established metabolite of the chemical; for
example, the BEI
for benzene is based on S-phenylmercapturic
acid or t,t-muconic acid in urine.
5.2. Occupational hazard communication
Hazard communication is a key information exchange between
chemical substance manufacturers/importers and their employees
who need this information. Hazard communication regulations
and programs are intended to provide potentially exposed workers
with information about the hazards of a substance so that a worker
can take appropriate actions to protect himself or herself. Hazard
communications can cover a wide range of potential health (e.g.,
irritation, sensitization, and carcinogenicity) and physical hazards
(e.g., flammability, corrosion, and reactivity). Gasoline and its con-
stituents are covered under various hazard communication regula-
tions in the U.S. and globally so that potentially exposed workers
are warned about hazards and appropriate safety measures to
avoid excessive exposure, flammability risks, and other hazards.
5.2.1. OSHA hazard communication standard
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) at 29 CFR §
1910.1200 requires that information about a chemical substance’s
hazards and associated protective measures are disseminated to
potentially impacted workers. This regulation requires chemical
manufacturers and importers to evaluate the hazards of their
chemicals and to provide information about them through con-
tainer labels and more detailed safety data sheets (SDSs)—formerly
referred to as material safety data sheets (MSDSs). All employers
with hazardous chemicals in their workplaces must prepare and
implement a written hazard communication program, and must
ensure that all containers are labeled, employees are provided
access to SDSs, and an effective training program is conducted
for all potentially exposed employees.
One aspect of hazard communication that has led to consider-
able confusion and additional paperwork was the situation of dif-
fering classification and labeling standards and regulations across
the globe. Due to these differences in regulations, it was not
uncommon for the same substance to be classified differently (in
some cases very differently) from country to country with different
labels and SDSs for each country. In order to address this issue, the
United Nations undertook an extensive effort to develop a Globally
Harmonized System (GHS) for classification and labeling of sub-
stances. The GHS hazard communication system was first released
in 2003 and is in the process of being implemented around the
world (United Nations, 2013). There have been several subsequent
updated/revised versions of the GHS system released by UNEP in
2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013. GHS has now been implemented
in a number of countries (e.g., the EU and Japan), and in the U.S.,
EPA and Consumer Product Safety Commission are now in the pro-
cess of revising their regulations to implement GHS. OSHA issued a
final rule in March 2012 to align its Hazard Communication Stan-
dard with the GHS (Hazard Communication, 2012: 17,574).
Providing industry guidance on GHS implementation, the
December 2013 issue of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
includes an article entitled ‘‘A GHS-consistent approach to health
hazard classification of petroleum substances, a class of UVCB sub-
stances.’’ The paper discusses petroleum process streams and
petroleum products and their treatment as substances of unknown
or variable composition, complex reaction products and biological
materials (UVCBs) under various regulatory frameworks. The paper
presents a systematic approach for the health hazard evaluation of
petroleum substances using chemical categories and the GHS
(Clark et al., 2013).
6. Controlling commercial and consumer exposure
An array of equipment specifications and chemical reporting
requirements protect commercial and consumer end users from
fire risks and harmful exposure to gasoline, its constituents, and
emissions. These include design and performance specifications
applicable to gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), fuel
pumps, and other fuel dispensing equipment. The reporting
requirements under the Emergency Planning and Community
Right to Know Act (EPCRA) (Emergency Planning and Community
Right to Know Act, 2012: § 11001, et seq.) and the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act, 2012: § 9601, et seq.) improve community access to
information about chemical hazards and facilitate emergency
response actions by federal, state, and local governmental bodies.
6.1. Equipment specifications
6.1.1. Underground storage tank regulations and standards
The regulations at 40 C.F.R., Part 280 require owners and oper-
ators of USTs containing petroleum, fuels, or hazardous substances
to meet performance standards related to tank and pipe design,
construction, installation, and release detection. Covered facilities
must use specified spill and overfill prevention equipment
(Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for
Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks, 2013: §§
280.20–280.30). Spill prevention equipment, such as spill buckets,
must prevent release of product into the environment upon
detachment of the transfer hose from the fill pipe. Operators must
use one of the following overfill prevention controls: automatic
shut-off valves that activate upon the tank reaching 95% capacity;
technologies that alert the operator when the tank reaches 90%
capacity; or flow restrictions that automatically activate 30-min
prior to overflow.
To prevent UST leaks due to corrosion, the regulations prescribe
the use and maintenance of corrosion protection systems in accor-
dance with a specified code of practice developed by a nationally
recognized association or independent testing laboratory. To avoid
releases to surface and ground water, operators must only use
USTs made of or lined with materials that are compatible with
the substance stored in the UST. Finally, operators must implement
release detection methods and report a spill or overfill to the EPA
or state environmental authority within 24 h of detection
(Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for
D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks, 2013: §§
280.40–280.67). Of course, operators are responsible for response
efforts and any necessary clean up.
As demonstrated by the corrosion prevention requirements, the
regulations incorporate numerous industry standards for installa-
tion, performance, and operation of USTs. These include American
Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 1615,
‘‘Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems,’’ RP
1621, ‘‘Recommended Practice for Bulk Liquid Stock Control at
Retail Outlets,’’ and RP 1632, ‘‘Cathodic Protection of Underground
Petroleum Storage Tanks and Piping Systems’’ (Technical Standards
and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of
Underground Storage Tanks, 2013: § 280.20). The regulations also
reference several National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
6.1.2. Suite of regulations and standards applicable to fuel dispensing
Several legal requirements and industry standards govern the
design and use of fuel dispensing equipment to ensure the safety
of gasoline station attendants and the general public during
As discussed in Section 4.5.2., a variety of federal requirements
promulgated under the Clean Air Act limit air emissions and pre-
scribe the use of vapor recovery systems at gasoline dispensing
facilities. In addition, OSHA regulations require the use of
‘‘listed’’ devices for dispensing flammable liquids such as gasoline
(Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 2013: §§
1910.106(g)(3)(iv)(b)(1) and 1910.106(g)(3)(vi)). Listed devices are
those that have been approved by a nationally recognized testing
laboratory (Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 2013: §
1910.106(a)(35)–(36)). The OSHA regulations include limitations
on the location and pressure of gasoline pumps, and prescribe
the installation of circuit breakers to cut off power to all dispensing
devices in the event of an emergency (Occupational Safety
and Health Standards, 2013: §§ 1910.106(g)(3)(iii) and
1910.106(g)(3)(v)(b)). Facility operators must also install control
and impact valves (Occupational Safety and Health Standards,
2013: § 1910.106(g)(3)(v)(d)–(e)). Control valves permit pump
operation only upon removal of the dispensing nozzle from its
bracket on the dispensing unit and manual activation of the dis-
pensing unit switch. Impact valves incorporate a fusible link that
closes automatically upon severe impact to the dispenser or fire
Many states also regulate fuel-dispensing devices through their
fire codes. For example, Colorado has simply adopted by reference
the minimum standards for design, construction, location, installa-
tion, handling, and operation of liquid fuel systems and equipment
prescribed by the National Fire Code, as published by the NFPA and
discussed in detail below (Colo. Rev. Stat., 2013: § 8-20-231). Cal-
ifornia and New York have adopted fire codes largely based on the
fire prevention code developed and published by the International
Code Council (ICC). Their requirements address the location and
protection of dispensing devices, and prescribe the installation of
emergency power circuit breakers and use of listed electrical
equipment, dispensers, hose, nozzles, and submersible or subsur-
face pumps (Cal. Code Regs., 2013: Tit. 24, § 2201, et seq.; N.Y.
Comp. Codes R. & Regs., 2013: Tit. 29, § 2201, et seq.). California
and New York also require periodic inspections by the fire code
official to verify that fuel-dispensing and containment equipment
is in proper working order and not subject to leakage, and facility
testing of emergency shutoff valves and leak detectors at least once
per year.
New Jersey and Oregon are the only states in the U.S. that stat-
utorily prohibit operation of gasoline dispensing devices by the
general public (N.J. Stat. Ann., 2013: § 34:3A-4, et seq.; N.J.
Admin. Code, § 12:196-1.1, et seq.; and Or. Rev. Stat., 2013: §
480.310, et seq.). To limit fire hazards directly associated with
the dispensing of fuel and public exposure to fumes, these states
require that only trained and certified attendants dispense gaso-
line. These states have also adopted requirements specific to the
dispensing equipment.
NFPA and the ICC both have standards that address safety and
fire protection with fuel dispensing equipment and operations at
gasoline retail outlets (gas stations) in general. API recently revised
its Recommended Practice for Ethanol Storage and Handling (API
RP 1626) to include an extensive Fire Protection section to manage
the unique risks encountered with ethanol and gasoline ethanol
blends. As discussed above, a number of jurisdictions have incorpo-
rated these standards into local regulations.
Perhaps the most important NFPA standard related to fuel dis-
pensing is NFPA 30A–Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities
and Repair Garages, 2008 current edition. NFPA 30A sets out base-
line details for the design and operation of motor fuel dispensing
facilities; marine/motor fuel dispensing facilities; and motor fuel
dispensing facilities located inside buildings, at fleet vehicle motor
fuel facilities, and at farms and isolated construction sites. This
code also covers motor vehicle repair garages. NFPA 1–Fire Code,
2009 current edition, and NFPA 30–Flammable and Combustible
Liquids Code, 2008 current edition, also have provisions that relate
to retail fuel operations. Similar to NFPA, the ICC also has a com-
prehensive standard—the International Fire Code—which covers a
wide range of operations and facilities including aspects of fuel dis-
pensing operations.
6.1.3. Gasoline pump specifications
To reduce refueling spillage and spitback emissions, the regula-
tions at 40 C.F.R. § 80.22 impose design and performance require-
ments on gasoline pumps. Specifically, the outside diameter of the
terminal end of a nozzle spout must not exceed 0.840 inches
(2.134 cm), and the terminal end must have a straight section of
at least 2.5 inches (6.34 cm). The retaining spring must also termi-
nate at least 3.0 inches (7.6 cm) from the terminal end. The regula-
tions also prescribe a maximum fuel flow rate for each nozzle not
to exceed 10 gallons per minute (37.9 L/min). These specifications
prevent fires involving spilled gasoline and the reduce consumer
inhalation of gasoline vapors (Evaporative Emission Regulations
for Gasoline- and Methanol-Fueled Light-Duty Vehicles, Light-
Duty Trucks and Heavy-Duty Vehicle, 1993: 16,002 and 16,005 ).
6.2. Reporting requirements
Congress enacted EPCRA and CERCLA to provide citizens with
information on chemicals and their uses and releases at facilities
across the nation. Most importantly, these laws ensure that federal,
state, and local emergency responders are equipped with informa-
tion vital to chemical risk management and emergency planning.
6.2.1. Emergency planning and community right to know act
Under Section § 302(c) of EPCRA, industrial facilities that store
or manage certain specified chemicals must report to state emer-
gency response commissions (SERCs) and local emergency plan-
ning committees (LEPCs) regarding the nature and quantity of
chemicals present at the facility. Specifically, facilities must notify
the SERC and LEPC of the on-site presence of any ‘‘extremely haz-
ardous substance’’ (EHS) in excess of the substance’s ‘‘threshold
planning quantity’’ (TPQ) and appoint an emergency response
coordinator. The list of EHSs and their corresponding TPQs is cod-
ified at 40 C.F.R., Part 355. Petroleum refineries generally produce a
number of EHSs during manufacturing processes. Facilities must
also immediately report accidental releases of reportable quanti-
ties of EHSs or CERCLA ‘‘hazardous substances’’ in accordance with
S90 D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
EPCRA § 304. CERCLA hazardous substances include gasoline con-
stituents such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene.
Facilities manufacturing, processing, or storing OSHA ‘‘hazard-
ous chemicals’’ must provide MSDSs to SERCs, LEPCs, and local fire
departments pursuant to Sections 311 and 312 of EPCRA. The reg-
ulations codified at 40 C.F.R., Part 370 also require facilities to sub-
mit an annual inventory report to such authorities, if they maintain
certain chemicals at or above specified quantities. The annual
inventory reporting threshold is 75,000 gallons (all grades com-
bined) for gasoline stored in a UST at a retail outlet; 100,000 gal-
lons (all grades combined) for diesel fuel stored in a UST at retail
outlet; either 500 lb or the TPQ for an EHS, whichever is lower;
and 10,000 lb for all other hazardous chemicals. This information
helps local emergency responders and governments to know the
types and amounts, locations and nature of hazardous substances
stored at a facility when they respond to chemical spills or releases.
EPCRA § 313 requires facilities manufacturing or otherwise
using chemicals listed on the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), codi-
fied at 40 C.F.R. § 372.65, at or above threshold quantities to submit
an annual report to EPA. The report covers releases and transfers of
toxic chemicals to various facilities and environmental media. EPA
publishes the data, which are used by EPA and other public bodies
to facilitate oversight. Petroleum refiners generally produce a num-
ber of the approximately 600 chemicals listed on the TRI, including
but not limited to ammonia, benzene, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide,
methyl mercaptan, and sulfuric acid. API has published a compila-
tion of methods for calculating air emission under the TRI provi-
sions (API, 2010). From 1988 to 2006, petroleum facilities
reduced their releases, disposals, and transfers to the environment
by 75% (API, 2006).
6.2.2. Comprehensive environmental response, compensation and
liability act
CERCLA authorizes EPA to respond to releases, or threatened
releases, of hazardous substances, and to force responsible parties
to undertake cleanup or reimburse the Superfund for response or
remediation costs. As noted above, CERCLA hazardous substances
include several gasoline constituents, in addition to wastes from
the refining process. The regulations at 40 C.F.R., Part 302 require
owners or operators of a facility to report any environmental
release of a hazardous substance at or above a reportable quantity
to the National Response Center (Designation, Reportable
Quantities, and Notification, 2013: § 302.4). EPA responds to
releases according to procedures outlined in the national oil and
hazardous substances pollution contingency plan at 40 C.F.R, Part
Critically, Section 101(14) of CERCLA exempts petroleum and
indigenous petroleum constituents from the definition of ‘‘hazard-
ous substance.’’ Thus, listed hazardous substances that would
otherwise fall within the ambit of CERCLA, such as benzene, are
exempt when contained in petroleum, unless the concentration
of these substances is increased by contamination or by addition
after refining. The EPA Office of the General Counsel has inter-
preted the petroleum exemption as including gasoline blended
during the refining process (USEPA, 2011). On the other hand, spe-
cifically listed waste oils, such as F010 and K048 through K052, do
not fall within the petroleum exemption. Separated gasoline base-
stocks may also remain subject to reporting requirements, if spilled
in excess of their established reportable quantities.
7. Conclusions
This review of risk management measures currently in effect in
the U.S. demonstrates that they comprehensively address and mit-
igate the environmental and human health risks posed by
automotive gasoline. Indeed, the entire gasoline lifecycle—from
manufacture, through distribution, to end-use—is subject to
detailed, complex, and overlapping regulatory schemes intended
to protect both human health and the environment. In addition
to these legal requirements, industry has implemented a broad
array of standards and best management practices to ensure that
risks from gasoline manufacturing, distribution, and use are
Conflict of interest
Swick reports that he is an employee of the American Petroleum
Institute. Jaques reports receiving personal fees from the American
Petroleum Institute during the development of the manuscript
submitted for publication and also personal fees from the Ameri-
can Petroleum Institute for additional consulting services outside
the submitted work. Walker and Estreicher both report receiving
personal fees from the American Petroleum Institute.
American Petroleum Institute (API), 2006. Toxics Release Inventory, p. 3. <http://
164_TOXICS_RELEASE_INVENTORY.pdf> (last referenced: February 2014).
American Petroleum Institute (API), 2008. Gasoline Blending Streams Category
Assessment. Submitted by the Petroleum HPV Testing Group, Consortium
Registration #1100997, pp. 8–9, August 2008.
American Petroleum Institute (API), 2010. Compilation of Emission Estimation
Methods for Calculating Air Emissions Under the U.S. EPA Toxics Release
Inventory (TRI), March 2010.
American Petroleum Institute (API), 2013. Statistics Department, Monthly
Statistical Report, Volume 37, No. 12. Available via IHS Global at, p. 1, December 2013. (last referenced: February 2014).
California Code of Regulations, 2013. Title 24, § 2201 et seq.
Carriage by Public Highway, 2013. 49 C.F.R. § 177.
Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 68.
Clark, C.R., McKee, R.H., Freeman, J.J., Swick, D., Mahagoakar, S., Pigram, G., Roberts,
L.G., Smulders, C.J., Beatty, P.W., 2013. A GHS-consistent approach to health
hazard classification of petroleum substances, a class of UVCB substances.
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 67 (3), 409–420
Clean Air Act, 2012. 42 USC § 7401 et seq.
Clean Water Act, 2012. 33 USC § 1251 et seq.
Colorado Revised Statutes, 2013. § 8-20-231.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 2012. 42
USC § 9601 et seq.
Control of Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles: Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and
Fuel Standards; Final Rule, 79 Fed. Reg. 23,414 (April 28, 2014).
Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions
Standards and Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements; Final Rule, 65 Fed. Reg.
6,698 (February 10, 2000).
Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants From Mobile Sources; Final Rule, 72 Fed. Reg.
8,428 (February 26, 2007).
Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 302.
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, 2012. 42 USC § 11001 et
Energy Policy Act, 2012. 42 USC § 13201 et seq.
Evaporative Emission Regulations for Gasoline- and Methanol-Fueled Light-Duty
Vehicles, Light-Duty Trucks and Heavy-Duty Vehicle; Final Rule, 58 Fed. Reg.
16,002 (March 24, 1993).
General Provisions: Marine Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 2013. 46
C.F.R. § 197.
Hazard Communication; Final Rule, 77 Fed. Reg. 17,574 (March 26, 2012).
Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials
Communications, Emergency Response Information, Training Requirements,
and Security Plans, 2013. 49 C.F.R. § 172.
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 2012. 49 USC § 5101 et seq.
Henley, M., Letinsky, D.J., Carr, J., Caro, M.L., Daughtrey, W.C., White, R.D.,
2014. Health assessment of gasoline and fuel oxygenate vapors: generation
and characterization of test materials. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 70 (2S),
Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35, §§ 215.583, 218.583, and 219.583.
List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention;
Final Rule, 63 Fed. Reg. 640 (January 6, 1998).
Michigan Administrative Code, r.336.1606–r.336.1703.
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories,
2013. 40 C.F.R. § 63.
New Jersey Administrative Code, § 12:196-1.1 et seq.
New Jersey Statutes Annotated, 2013. § 34:3A–4 et seq.
D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
New York Comprehensive Codes, Rules & Regulations, 2013. Title 29, § 2201 et seq.
Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 2013. 29 C.F.R. § 1910.
Oil or Hazardous Material Pollution Prevention Regulations for Vessels, 2013. 33
C.F.R. § 155.
Oil Pollution Act, 2012. 33 USC § 2701 et seq.
Oil Pollution Prevention, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 112.
Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plans, 2013. 49 C.F.R. § 130.
Oil-Spill Response Requirements for Facilities Located Seaward of the Coast Line,
2013. 30 C.F.R. § 254.
Oregon Revised Statutes, 2013. § 480.310 et seq.
Petroleum Refining Point Source Category, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 419.
Petroleum Refining Point Source Category; Effluent Limitations Guidelines; Final
Rule, 50 Fed. Reg. 28,516 (July 12, 1985).
Pipeline Safety Statute, 2012. 49 USC § 60101 et seq.
Registration of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 79.
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 80.
Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Certification Standards for Deposit Control
Gasoline Additives; Final Rule, 61 Fed. Reg. 35,310 (July 5, 1996).
Response Plans for Onshore Oil Pipelines, 2013. 49 C.F.R. § 194.
Shippers—General Requirements for Shipments and Packagings, 2013. 49 C.F.R. §
Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 60.
Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries; Final Rule, 73 Fed. Reg. 35,838
(June 24, 2008).
Swick, D., Jaques, A., Walker, J.C., Estreicher, H., 2014. Gasoline toxicology: overview
of regulatory and product stewardship programs. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 70
(2S), S3–S12.
Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators
of Underground Storage Tanks, 2013. 40 C.F.R. § 280.
Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline, 2013. 49 C.F.R. § 195.
United Nations, 2013. Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling
of Chemicals (GHS), Fifth revised addition. <
danger/publi/ghs/ghs_rev05/05files_e.html> (last referenced: February 2014).
USEPA, 2008. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors: Mobile Sources (AP 42),
fifth ed., Vol. I, Ch. 5.2: Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids, pp.
5.2–6, July 2008. <>
(last referenced: February 2014).
USEPA, 2010. Nitrogen Dioxide. <
index.html> (last updated October 28, 2010).
USEPA, 2011. Substances Covered Under the Reporting Requirements, ‘‘Frequent
Question Topic: Petroleum Exclusion.’’ <
reporting/faq_subs.htm>#exclusion (last updated January 27, 2011).
USEPA, 2014. Tier 2 Vehicle and Gasoline Sulfur Program. (last
referenced: February 2014).
Volatility Regulations for Gasoline and Alcohol Blends Sold in Calendar Years 1992
and Beyond; Final Rule, 55 Fed. Reg. 23,658 (June 11, 1990).
Acronym: Definition
API: American Petroleum Institute
AST: Aboveground storage tank
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials; now called ASTM International.
CAA: Clean Air Act; 1990 reauthorized version
CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
CO: Carbon monoxide
CONCAWE: Conservation of Clean Air and Water Europe
CWA: Clean Water Act
DOT: Department of Transportation
EHS: Extremely hazardous substance
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency; see also USEPA
EPCRA: Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act
GDF: Gasoline dispensing facility
HAP: Hazardous air pollutant
HPV: High Production Volume—more than 1 million pounds per year of production
MSAT: Mobile source air toxics
MTBE: Methyl tertiary-butyl ether
NESHAP: National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
NOx: Nitrogen oxides; includes nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrous acid, and nitric acid
NPAH: Nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; NPAHs are defined to include: 7-
nitrobenzo[a]anthracene, 6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene, 6-nitrochrysene, 2-nitrofluo-
rene, and 1-nitropyrene
NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
OPA: Oil Pollution Act
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAH: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PAHs are defined to include:
Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo[b]fluoranthene, Benzo[k]fluoranthene, Benzo(a)-
pyrene, Chrysene, Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, and, Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene
PEL: Permissible exposure limit
PM: Particulate matter
PONA: Paraffins, olefins, naphthenes, and aromatics—key chemical constituents in
gasoline blending streams
POTW: Publicly-owned treatment works
RFG: Reformulated gasoline
RVP: Reid vapor pressure
: Sulfur dioxide
TRI: Toxics Release Inventory
TLV: Threshold limit value
USEPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency
UST: Underground storage tank
UVCB: Unknown or Variable compositions, Complex reaction products and Biolog-
ical; a class of chemical substances that includes most gasoline blending
VOC: Volatile Organic Compound, as defined by U.S. EPA at 40 CFR § 51.100
S92 D. Swick et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 70 (2014) S80–S92
... Gasoline must only be loaded into a vapor-tight gasoline truck tank. Furthermore, Swick et al. [22] have inventoried the latest regulations related to the handling of hazardous substances in the workplace, especially for gasoline product, which contains benzene as substance. A summary of these regulations is shown in Table 1. ...
... However, the level of regulations standards for benzene exposure in GSDF can differ from one facility to another; and from one country's legislation to another. These are guided by specifications of benzene on the petroleum product, engineering controls via good industry working practices existing in a country's legislation, or by the company's safety and health guidelines [22]. For the Gabon's GSDF, the Gabonese Hydrocarbon Code, Law No 011/2014 remains unsatisfactory regulations for gasoline storage and distribution industry in comparison to the current international standards. ...
... Additionally, the facility does not have a vapor recovery system for its loading operations as required from the current regulation. Therefore, the gasoline vapor escapes into the atmosphere during storage and loading operations [22]. The main activity at Gabon's GSDF is the loading operation. ...
Full-text available
The processing of petroleum products in gasoline storage and distribution facility for loading operation, has caused the generation of vapor emissions sources. Benzene is one of those vapor emissions that workers are likely to be exposed at high exposure level during conducting out specific tasks such as loading gasoline to various petroleum storage transport modes. This results in many problems on human health such as cancer and non-cancer diseases. However, the estimate of benzene exposure to indicate the control measures has not been fully explored in previous researches. In this study, the occupational exposure estimate of benzene in Gabon’s gasoline storage and distribution facility was investigated by using a quantitative and predictive exposure inhalation model; to estimate benzene concentration before and after applying control measures. The results indicate that the benzene concentrations varied between 9.46 mg/m³ and 187 mg/m³ for short term and has the value of 187 mg/m³ for long term. The implementation of control measures including using vapor recovery system, chemical filter mask and improving worker’s behavior might contribute to significantly reduce benzene concentration to the range of 4.52 – 29.08 mg/m³ for short term and down to 4.55 mg/m³ for long term. This almost meets the Agency Governmental Industrial Hygienists standard, in which occupational exposure limit for short term and long term exposure is 8.1 mg/m³ and 3.16 mg/m³, respectively.
... This study shows that customers' VOC exposure at gas stations represents < 1% of their total daily VOC exposure, and the exposure is unlikely to cause acute symptoms or poses significant cancer risks. The U.S. EPA has specifications for storage tanks, dispensing equipment, and gasoline pumps to protect end-users from harmful exposure to gasoline, its constituents, and emissions (Swick et al. 2014). Our exposure and risk assessment results provide evidence for the regulatory effectiveness in controlling potential gasolinerelated risks among end-users by comparing the early gas station studies (Ceballos et al. 2007;Zielinska et al. 2012). ...
... Our analysis also reveals that gasoline-related exposure at gas stations represents about 1/3 of the total outdoor exposure, although people spend only 8% of outdoor time there. This finding justifies EPA's efforts to manage gasoline risks (Swick et al. 2014), as EPA has authorities to regulate the ambient air, not the indoor air. ...
Full-text available
Gasoline evaporation and spills may cause high air pollution at gas stations. This study aimed to assess exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at gas stations among customers. Ambient air samples were collected in the fuel dispensing area of 51 gas stations in the Greater Memphis Area, USA, in summer 2017. For the comparison purpose, samples were collected in the ambient air at 20 community sites and in the indoor air of 30 homes, 11 offices, and 15 running vehicles in the same region. Air sampling used Tenax TA thermal desorption (TD) tubes and samples were analyzed by TD-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for 70 target compounds. Gasoline-related VOCs were identified using factor analysis, and exposure at gas stations was evaluated using Monte Carlo analysis. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) showed the highest concentrations ranging from 2 to 15 μg/m3, ten times higher than those in the community air. Factor analysis confirmed gasoline as the common source of aromatic compounds. VOC concentrations had no association with the number of cars present or environmental parameters. Exposure to aromatic compounds at gas stations represented 2% of the total exposure (i.e., the sum of indoor and outdoor exposures) but 38% of the outdoor exposure among customers. The exposure levels were below the acute health thresholds and presented 0.3 × 10−6 lifetime excess cancer risk. In conclusion, customers’ exposure to VOCs at gas stations has negligible non-cancer and cancer risks. It is also suggested that customers stand away from the nozzle to avoid high personal exposures during refueling.
... Stay updated with the applicable regulations, guidelines, and standards relating to the handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of waste engine oils. The regulatory guidelines and occupational safety and health protocols should be adopted and followed strictly to protect the workers and mitigate the potential health risks associated with waste engine oil exposure (Swick et al., 2014). By implementing these preventive measures, the risks associated with exposure to waste engine oils can be minimised, protecting the safety and health of the workers and reducing environmental pollution. ...
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Waste engine oils are hazardous waste oils originating from the transportation sector and industrial heavy-duty machinery operations. Improper handling, disposal, and miscellaneous misuses cause significant air, soil, sediments, surface water, and groundwater pollution. Occupational exposure by prolonged and repeated contact poses direct or indirect health risks, resulting in short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) toxicities. Soil pollution causes geotoxicity by disrupting the biocenosis and physicochemical properties of the soil, and phytotoxicity by impairing plant growth, physiology and metabolism. Surface water pollution impacts aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Air pollution from incineration causes the release of greenhouse gases creating global warming, noxious gases and particulate matter eliciting pulmonary disorders. The toxicity of waste engine oil is due to the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) composition, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners, organometallic compounds, and toxic chemical additives. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the ecotoxicological effects, human and animal health toxicology and exposure to waste engine oils. It highlights the properties and functions of engine oil and describes waste engine oil generation, disposal and recycling. It provides intensive evaluations and descriptions of the toxicokinetics, metabolism, routes of exposure and toxicosis in human and animal studies based on toxicological, epidemiological and experimental studies. It emphasises the preventive measures in occupational exposure and recommends risk-based remediation techniques to mitigate environmental pollution. The review will assist in understanding the potential risks of waste engine oil with significant consideration of the public health benefits and importance.
... paraffinic, isoparaffinic, olefinic, naphthenic, aromatic [PIONA] analysis) and carbon number, non-hydrocarbon impurities and an assessment of any uncertainties regarding the understanding of the composition (e.g. 6,21,22 ). Key data provided by these assessments include possible presence of known hazardous components that could exceed existing boundaries as well as novel constituents/constituent classes or novel combinations of constituents. ...
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Hazard and risk assessment of complex petroleum-derived substances has been in a state of continuous improvement since the 1970s, with the development of approaches that continue to be applied and refined. Alternative feeds are defined here as those coming into a refinery or chemical plant that are not hydrocarbons from oil and gas extraction such as biologically derived oils, pyrolysis oil from biomass or other, and recycled materials. These feeds are increasingly being used for production of liquid hydrocarbon streams, and hence, there is a need to assess these alternatives, subsequent manufacturing and refining processes and end products for potential risk to humans and the environment. Here we propose a tiered, problem formulation-driven framework for assessing the safety of hydrocarbon streams and products derived from alternative feedstocks in use. The scope of this work is only focused on petrochemical safety assessment, though the principles may be applicable to other chemistries. The framework integrates combinations of analytical chemistry, in silico and in vitro tools, and targeted testing together with conservative assumptions/approaches to leverage existing health, environmental, and exposure data, where applicable. The framework enables the identification of scenarios where de novo hazard and/or exposure assessments may be needed and incorporates tiered approaches to do so. It can be applied to enable decisions efficiently and transparently and can encompass a wide range of compositional space in both feedstocks and finished products, with the objective of ensuring safety in manufacturing and use.
... Hydrocarbon contents in gasoline fuel are mainly alkanes (paraffins, iso-paraffins, branched chain hydrocarbons, etc.) and aromatics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, etc.) [1]. Actually, gasoline is blended from several refinery streams such that its final properties vary from crude oils, refining technologies and time [2] while some key properties (octane number for example) meet the established regulatory standards. ...
Olefins are part of the most important components in gasoline fuel. In this paper, olefin component diisobutylene (DIB), 1-pentene and 1-hexene are involved into research. Three quinary gasoline model fuels containing each of these three olefins are used to support this research. Results prove these three olefins exhibit comparable effects on engine combustion and regulated emissions. However, their differences in affecting VOC and particulate matter emissions are of great significance. DIB leads to higher ethane emission while 1-hexene results in remarkably lower acetylene emission. 1-pentene generally leads to lower formaldehyde and acetaldehyde emissions. Nevertheless, these three olefins lead to comparable total VOC emissions. Further analyses show that alkane, olefin and aromatics take the most part of VOCs while olefin in emission take the most responsibility of ozone formation potential. Although 1-pentene in gasoline does not lead to the lowest VOC emissions, it results in the lowest OFP value when compared with DIB and 1-hexene. Such a finding signifies that gasoline with more 1-pentene content help to alleviate emission photochemical effect when compared with olefin content DIB or 1-hexene, which hints that gasoline with C5 olefin might be favorable than C6 olefin content when OFP of engine VOC emission is considered.
... There is increasing consensus to enhance fuels quality in order to minimize their negative impacts on the environment and public health [1][2][3] . As a result, restrictions have been imposed on the gasoline production, limiting the concentration of toxic additives, such as aromatic and olefins compounds along with the removal of lead 4 . Therefore, the petrochemical industry has been searching to find alternatives to enhance the required octane number content in the gasoline. ...
A series of isoreticular Zr carboxylate MOFs, MIL-140A, B and C, exhibiting 1D microporous triangular shaped channels and based on different aromatic dicarboxylate ligands (1,4-BDC, 2,6-NDC and 4,4’-BPDC, respectively), were investigated by chromatographic breakthrough experiments regarding their ability to separate hexane isomers (nC6/2MP/3MP/23DMB/22DMB). Both single and equimolar multicomponent experiments were performed covering the temperatures 343, 373, and 423 K and total hydrocarbon pressure up to 50.0 kPa using MIL-140B form. The elution order is similar to the normal boiling point of the compounds nC6>2MP>3MP>23DMB>22DMB. Noteworthy, this material enables a separation of the hexane isomers by classes linear > mono-branched > di-branched with a selectivity (linear + mono-branched isomers / di-branched isomers) up to 10 at 343 K, decreasing however as the temperature increases. Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations were further performed to gain insight into the adsorption/separation mechanisms highlighting the crucial need to consider a tiny tilting of the organic linkers for capturing the experimental observations. The impact of the pore size was finally assessed through the comparison with MIL-140A and MIL-140C, respectively, based on multicomponent experiments at 343 K. We evidenced a significant decrease of the selectivity (about 2) in both cases while the loadings were decreased or increased for MIL-140A and MIL-140C respectively. Additionally, MIL-140C was demonstrated to exhibit an uncommon shift in the elution order occurring between nC6 and 3MP, the 3MP being the last compound to saturate in the column.
... Además, forman parte de la composición de este combustible diferentes aditivos, en concentraciones del orden de partes por millón (ppm), con funciones diversas como incrementar el octanaje, evitar la oxidación del combustible o mejorar la combustión. A continuación, describiremos brevemente cada uno de estos grupos de compuestos (Swick et al., 2014). ...
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Utilizadas principalmente como combustibles en motores de combustión interna, las gasolinas son mezclas complejas de hidrocarburos que incluyen en su composición distintos aditivos para mejorar su estabilidad y prestaciones. Su composición química es no solo diversa, sino también variable, dependiendo del crudo de procedencia, del proceso de obtención y de las normativas existentes. Estas fijan el contenido máximo permitido de determinados compuestos que, por su toxicidad, deben quedar limitados. Las gasolinas se obtienen por destilación fraccionada del petróleo y también a partir de fracciones más pesadas del mismo, mediante craqueo térmico o catalítico, procesos que junto al reformado catalítico van a tener una incidencia directa en su composición. El objetivo de esta revisión es abordar la compleja composición que presentan las gasolinas, así como algunos procesos básicos del refinado de petróleo. Estos procesos determinan en buena medida la naturaleza química de los componentes de este combustible, algunos de los cuales se relacionan con la emisión de sustancias nocivas para la salud y el medio ambiente. De esta forma, proporcionamos un contexto más exacto sobre los agentes contaminantes de la gasolina, a la vez que ponemos de manifiesto la necesidad de contar con normativas avanzadas que regulen la composición de los combustibles.
The high public demand for Pertalite (RON90) has significantly increased, causing Indonesia should choose to import, one from Jamnagar Sikka Marine Terminal, India. In application, the loading port uses the onboard blending technique of mixing cargo with additives to achieve the desired octane number. According to the International Safety Guides for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) 6th edition chapter, the ship is not designed as a blending instrument, which in its operation experiences several incompatibilities that pose a risk of danger. As mitigation, cargo manufacturers include Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or work safety guidelines before operations begin to be understood and realized by all parties involved. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with an explanative pattern. The unavailability of personal protective equipment (PPE) by the MSDS, the lack of blending facilities from the terminal and skilled personnel, lack of awareness and familiarization with the MSDS itself cause several impacts during its operation, including health threats, environmental stability, and even material losses that will be obtained by the company. So it is necessary to apply and actualize the implementation of MSDS on board, as well as create good harmonization between the company and the terminal so that this blending procedure can run optimally and produce fuel products that are by specifications.
This research examined the effects of ethanol and aromatic compositions in E10 match-blends on the exhaust regulated, greenhouse gases, and unregulated toxic emissions of five China-6 compliant gasoline direct injection vehicles at room and low ambient temperatures. Emissions of a China-6 compliant gasoline and four E10 match-blends having roughly the same total aromatic concentration but containing different aromatic compositions were measured using Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, gas chromatogram-mass spectrometer, and high-performance liquid chromatogram. The results show that ethanol content decreases the fleet-averaged regulated gas and particulate mass (PM) emissions and increases the particulate number (PN), benzene, and toluene emissions. As the aromatic compositions in E10 match-blends shift from toluene to C8 and C9 aromatics, PM and PN emissions significantly increase. The low temperature leads to higher emission factors than the room temperature, especially the emissions from the fuel with more toluene content. C8 and C9 aromatics are found to have larger impacts on PM emissions but smaller impacts on PN emissions than the C10 and C10+ aromatics. It is noticed that benzene emissions at the low temperature heavily depend on the fuel toluene concentration.
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Significant efforts have been made to characterize the toxicological properties of gasoline. There have been both mandatory and voluntary toxicology testing programs to generate hazard characterization data for gasoline, the refinery process streams used to blend gasoline, and individual chemical constituents found in gasoline. The Clean Air Act (CAA) (Clean Air Act, 2012: § 7401, et seq.) is the primary tool for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate gasoline and this supplement presents the results of the Section 211(b) Alternative Tier 2 studies required for CAA Fuel and Fuel Additive registration. Gasoline blending streams have also been evaluated by EPA under the voluntary High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program through which the petroleum industry provide data on over 80 refinery streams used in gasoline. Product stewardship efforts by companies and associations such as the American Petroleum Institute (API), Conservation of Clean Air and Water Europe (CONCAWE), and the Petroleum Product Stewardship Council (PPSC) have contributed a significant amount of hazard characterization data on gasoline and related substances. The hazard of gasoline and anticipated exposure to gasoline vapor has been well characterized for risk assessment purposes.
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In compliance with the Clean Air Act regulations for fuel and fuel additive registration, the petroleum industry, additive manufacturers, and oxygenate manufacturers have conducted comparative toxicology testing on evaporative emissions of gasoline alone and gasoline containing fuel oxygenates. To mimic real world exposures, a generation method was developed that produced test material similar in composition to the re-fueling vapor from an automotive fuel tank at near maximum in-use temperatures. Gasoline vapor was generated by a single-step distillation from a 1000-gallon glass-lined kettle wherein approximately 15 to 23% of the starting material was slowly vaporized, separated, condensed and recovered as test article. This fraction was termed vapor condensate (VC) and was prepared for each of the seven test materials, namely: baseline gasoline alone (BGVC), or gasoline plus an ether (G/MTBE, G/ETBE, G/TAME, or