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Production of high dynamic range video


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we discuss the production of high dynamic range video and assess how high dynamic range video influences audience experience. The paper describes our method of assessing audience experience, which involves measuring the degree of audience 'immersion'. This is followed by a discussion of the method and workflow we used for capturing a short high dynamic range movie for use in our ongoing assessments. Some promising preliminary results are noted. INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, the development of video technology has mainly been focused on increases in spatial resolution, with the standardisation of HDTV formats and the present work on standardising UHDTV formats. We have seen some progress in temporal resolution too, with up to 50Hz progressive in HDTV, and 120Hz in UHDTV. Developments are now emerging along a third dimension; that of dynamic range (i.e. the word length of each pixel colour). Manufacturers are producing high-end cameras that are claimed to be able to capture digital video at up to 14 bits per pixel colour (1), 16 bits per pixel colour (2), and 18 bits per pixel colour (3). Furthermore, some high-end displays are capable of displaying high dynamic range (HDR, i.e. >12 bits per pixel colour) videos (4), technology which could potentially find its way into future consumer equipment. Increasing the dynamic range presents content-makers with significant challenges, but arguably for significant gains – the human optical system has an instantaneous luminance sensitivity of ~4 orders of magnitude (Kunkel and Reinhard (5)). At the Bristol Immersive Technology Lab (BITL), a collaboration between the Bristol Vision Institute and BBC Research and Development, we have been running experiments to find out how much the audience experience may be improved by increasing the dynamic range. The experiments use a method we have developed for measuring audience 'immersion', which is discussed in the first section of this paper. In order to run the experiments, we needed a short broadcast quality movie, shot and produced in HDR. To this end we have recently produced a digital HDR movie, which gave us the opportunity to explore the challenges of producing HDR video content and how they can be addressed. In the second and third sections of this paper, we give a short review of the general process of capturing high dynamic range images, followed by a discussion of how we applied this process to capture and produce our HDR movie.
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Marc Price1, David Bull2, Terry Flaxton3, Stephen Hinde2, Richard Salmon1,
Alia Sheikh1, Graham Thomas1, Aaron Zhang2
1BBC R&D, Wood Lane, London, W12 7SB, UK
2Bristol Vision Institute, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TH, UK
3University of the West of England, Bristol, BS16 1QY, UK
In this paper we discuss the production of high dynamic range video and
assess how high dynamic range video influences audience experience.
The paper describes our method of assessing audience experience, which
involves measuring the degree of audience ‘immersion’. This is followed
by a discussion of the method and workflow we used for capturing a short
high dynamic range movie for use in our ongoing assessments. Some
promising preliminary results are noted.
Over the past decade, the development of video technology has mainly been focused on
increases in spatial resolution, with the standardisation of HDTV formats and the present
work on standardising UHDTV formats. We have seen some progress in temporal
resolution too, with up to 50Hz progressive in HDTV, and 120Hz in UHDTV.
Developments are now emerging along a third dimension; that of dynamic range (i.e. the
word length of each pixel colour). Manufacturers are producing high-end cameras that are
claimed to be able to capture digital video at up to 14 bits per pixel colour (1), 16 bits per
pixel colour (2), and 18 bits per pixel colour (3). Furthermore, some high-end displays are
capable of displaying high dynamic range (HDR, i.e. >12 bits per pixel colour) videos (4),
technology which could potentially find its way into future consumer equipment.
Increasing the dynamic range presents content-makers with significant challenges, but
arguably for significant gains – the human optical system has an instantaneous luminance
sensitivity of ~4 orders of magnitude (Kunkel and Reinhard (5)). At the Bristol Immersive
Technology Lab (BITL), a collaboration between the Bristol Vision Institute and BBC
Research and Development, we have been running experiments to find out how much the
audience experience may be improved by increasing the dynamic range. The experiments
use a method we have developed for measuring audience ‘immersion’, which is discussed
in the first section of this paper.
In order to run the experiments, we needed a short broadcast quality movie, shot and
produced in HDR. To this end we have recently produced a digital HDR movie, which
gave us the opportunity to explore the challenges of producing HDR video content and
how they can be addressed. In the second and third sections of this paper, we give a
short review of the general process of capturing high dynamic range images, followed by a
discussion of how we applied this process to capture and produce our HDR movie.
Measurement of Audience Immersion
In this section, we discuss how an audience’s level of immersion can be measured when
watching HDR video. We assume that the audience’s main motivation for watching video
content is to maximize the experience of being transported into the space of the video
(Bordwell and Thompson (6)). There has been a great deal of work on a construct relating
to the user experience of transportation into video, called presence, defined as ‘being
there’ in the mediated space (IJsselsteijn et al (7)), and also relates to enjoyment.
Initially presence research was targeted at teleworking applications (Draper et al (8)), and
then later the study of virtual reality applications (Barfield & Weghorst (9)). Cinema and
TV are considered to be the visual media that have the maximum ability to capture an
audience into a mediated space (Anderson & Burns (10)). It is proposed therefore that the
investigation of HDR video can benefit from this prior work on using presence as an
instrument for measuring immersion.
The International Society for Presence Research’s guidelines (2000) (ISPR (11)) split
presence measurement into two categories: either subjective measurement methods or
objective measurement methods. Many of the subjective presence measurement methods
consist of questionnaires given after the experience of watching a film. However there are
many methodological problems caused by the indirect nature of these offline, post-
experience methods, which necessarily rely on long-term memory and give results that are
often unstable across subjects, groups and time (Freeman et al (12)).
For these reasons a number of online subjective measurement methods have been
developed. Techniques include: a spoken commentary, a hand-held potentiometer, and a
pencil-and-paper line bisection method (Troscianko et al (13)). The advantage of the real-
time subjective measurement techniques is that they give a direct subjective report of
presence from a subject who is still in the experience.
The ISPR (2000) document (11) also refers to so-called direct objective measures of
presence; these attempt to measure presence by recording physiological and/or
behavioural responses during the experience e.g. ocular responses, EEG, skin
conductance, heart-rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, respiration (7). However there
appears to be no clear evidence that physiological measures correlate well with subjective
reports of presence (Ellis (14)). Also, by definition presence is a perceptual construct
rather than a physiological quantity, hence subjective measures would be the best direct
Another important point brought out by the ISPR (2000) (11) guidelines is that there is no
standard way of measuring presence, and a comparison of presence measures across
methodologies is consequently hazardous. Instruments and experimental conditions vary,
as do stimuli settings and participant groups (for details see: Lassiter et al (15)). Hence,
for evaluating audience immersion in video, a measurement method is required that: is
consistent with related studies; gives a presence construct that is both reliable and valid;
and is based on a real-time measurement method (7), (13).
Application of Presence Measure to HDR Video Content Evaluation
To evaluate the degree of improvement to audience experience afforded by HDR video,
we propose a comparative study of HDR and standard HD video using the presence line
bisection method as applied in (13). The proposed test will test two conditions, namely
HDR and a HD baseline using the same video content at the two formats. We shall use
ecologically valid conditions consistent with TV broadcast, in other words:
1. We shall use professionally produced, 1080p50 HDR video content, of roughly the
length of a short TV programme, (e.g. 30 minutes) – the test tracks the presence
measure at intervals through-out the duration of the programme.
2. The content will be played-out in a typical state-of-the art high-end home cinema
environment matching, where possible, the living room environment specification in
ITU-R BT500 (16).
3. Testing will be conducted on individual subjects and on small family-size audiences,
(e.g. 2-5), consistent with a home-cinema scenario.
The hypothesis of this experiment is that there will be a significant improvement in the
presence measure in the HDR experience as compared to the HD experience, if HDR is
truly a more immersive format. As we make no assumption about the relationship
between presence and subjective picture quality, we shall also run subjective picture
quality assessments of clips from the HDR movie, in accordance with (16).
Although these experiments are still ongoing, preliminary picture quality assessment tests
with expert viewers have shown that HDR can give a discernible improvement in picture
quality over the standard HD baseline. Full results will be available later in the year.
As the experiments described in the preceding section require a broadcast quality
programme of HDR content, of at least 30 minutes duration, we now turn to address the
problem of capturing and producing such a programme. We begin in this section with a
discussion of the theory of capturing HDR video. In the first sub-section, we consider HDR
imaging, and in the following sub-section, we extend that to capturing HDR video.
Concept of HDR Imaging
Most methods of capturing HDR images are based on the theory that the HDR image of a
subject can be constructed from a set of two or more, low dynamic range (LDR) images of
the subject.
This works by ensuring each LDR image in the set has a different exposure setting (i.e. the
amount of light captured), so that the dynamic ranges of the set of LDR exposures
together encompass the full dynamic range that is to be constructed. This assumes that
the LDR images are of exactly the same subject, taken from the same viewpoint, and at
the same instant in time – they ideally have to match in every respect other than relative
photometric exposure, although in practice this can be difficult to achieve.
The algorithm commonly used for constructing the HDR image from the set of LDR images
is discussed in detail in Reinhard et al (17). It consists of two stages: the first stage
recovers the response function g of the image capture system (lens, sensor/film, etc.); and
the second stage applies that response function to compute the HDR pixel values Rij from
the LDR pixel values Lijk of the set of N LDR images, having exposure ek thus:
kijkij eLgR /)(
Hence alongside each LDR image, we need EXIF or similar metadata detailing exposure
settings. In the above equation, the exposure ek is expressed in terms of equivalent
exposure time. In practice, a weighting function is also applied to filter-out pixels that are
approaching under-exposed and over-exposed values.
Exposure can be varied by altering the camera aperture, the shutter speed, the camera
gain (ISO value for film), or the ND filter if one is fitted. However, varying the aperture will
also vary the depth of field, introducing a dis-similarity between the images, causing
multiple-image artefacts in the resulting HDR image. Similar issues arise if we vary the
shutter speed or the gain: the shutter speed affects the amount of motion blur in an image,
and the gain setting affects the amount of noise. Altering the exposure via the ND filter
has no side-effects.
Traditionally, digital HDR images are constructed from sets of digital photographs taken
sequentially of a still-life subject at different shutter speeds. However for HDR video,
where we need to capture/reconstruct at least 24 HDR images per second of a subject that
is likely to be moving, the process is somewhat more involved.
Approaches for Capturing HDR Video
There are a number of approaches to capturing HDR video, which are summarised as:
1. Read-out multiple exposures from the sensor. This solution effectively provides
multiple exposures per frame, each having a different shutter speed and hence a
different photometric exposure. It works by reading-out the pixel data from the
sensor multiple times during each frame period without clearing the pixel data from
the sensor until the end of the frame period. For example, assume the frame rate is
set to 25 frames per second with a 100% shutter, and 3 exposures spaced apart by
2 stops each are being captured per frame. To achieve this, in addition to the usual
sensor-read after 40ms of the start of each frame, the camera would make two
further intermediate sensor-reads after 2.5ms and 10ms of the start of each frame.
In the next section, we describe in further detail how we used a commercially-
available digital cinema camera (3) to employ this technique for capturing footage
for our own experimental HDR movie.
2. Use two cameras mounted on a 3D mirror rig with zero intraocular distance.
As with a standard stereo 3D set-up, the cameras must be genlocked, have
matched lenses, and have tracked aperture, focus, and zoom controls. Additionally,
one of the cameras should be fitted with a ND filter to provide the exposure
difference between the two cameras. For this set-up, the rigidity and accuracy of
the rig is paramount, as the quality of the resulting HDR image is highly sensitive to
misalignment between the LDR images.
3. Use multiple sensors with an optical beam-splitter between the lens and
sensors. As above, this is a direct solution to the problem of obtaining multiple
exposures at different exposure settings at the same instant in time, with the same
Figure 1 – Our HDR Movie Production Workflow
shutter speed and aperture. An optical beam-splitting prism divides the light from
the lens to two or more sensors. The amount of light fed to each sensor is
controlled so that there is an even spread of exposure settings across the dynamic
range. In Tocci et al (18), this was achieved by using an optical beam-splitter
system that divided the light to each of the three sensors in the appropriate
proportions (92%, 7.5%, and 0.44%).
4. Increase the dynamic range of the sensor. Recent developments in camera
sensor technology are facilitating larger pixel word lengths, and we are now seeing
CMOS sensors with word lengths of up to 16 bits per pixel colour. Even after
accounting for noise, there is a real possibility of directly capturing video with
dynamic ranges extending beyond 4 orders of magnitude, without the need for
capturing and post-processing multiple images per frame.
In this section we discuss how we employed the above theory to produce our experimental
HDR movie. Our full production workflow is summarised in figure 1, and it is discussed in
further detail in the following sub-sections.
If producing a HDR movie under less experimental circumstances with the camera we
used, the proprietary software tool (19) (referred to herein as ‘RCX’) that accompanies the
camera is likely to be at the centre of the workflow (Price and Corp (20)). We chose to use
an alternative workflow to this, primarily because we wanted more control over the HDR
formation process than the RCX tool provided.
Capturing Footage
The footage for our HDR movie needed to have lots of inherently HDR content without
being unduly challenging. Hence we shot a range of subjects, including a night-time
carnival and a choreographed pyrotechnics show, having details in both light and dark
We used a camera (3) that captures two exposures per frame by reading twice from the
same sensor per frame: the main exposure is read-out of the sensor at the end of its
shutter period; the intermediate exposure is read-out at a user-controlled instant before the
main exposure. The user sets the timing of the intermediate exposure in terms of number
of stops in exposure below the main exposure, of between 1 and 6 stops.
The manufacturer’s recommended usage of the camera in its HDR capture mode, is to set
the aperture as though filming normally, allowing the main exposure to be used directly on
standard dynamic range displays. However as our footage was specifically for a HDR
application, we set the aperture and the HDR setting so that the main exposure was over
exposed by 2 or 3 stops (depending on light levels in the subject), and the intermediate
exposure was 4 or 6 stops below the main exposure. This placed the main and
intermediate exposures approximately 2 or 3 stops either side of what would have been
the normal exposure setting, giving us an equal expansion in dynamic range above and
below ‘normal’.
Some training/re-education of the production crew was required to achieve this, as setting
exposure for our HDR method breaks fundamental rules of conventional photography.
All footage was shot at a resolution of 3840x2160 at 50 frames per second with a 180o
After colour corrections were made, suitable proxies were generated using RCX. The
HDR composition tool within RCX was used for pre-visualising the footage within the tool
while making colour corrections, and for tuning the proxies to give a fair LDR
representation of the footage.
Edit, Conform and HDR Composition
As our footage was captured as two LDR images per frame, an extra stage was required
in the process to compose the HDR video frames from the LDR images. The decision of
where in the workflow this conversion happened was influenced by a number of factors,
including the amount of time available and the capabilities of other tools (e.g. edit) used in
the workflow. We therefore chose to convert to HDR after the edit stages.
Demosaicing algorithms, used to convert the raw sensor data to standard image formats,
can fail to produce the correct colours in the resulting image for localised regions that have
some saturated pixels (‘highlights’). With the conventional HDR imaging algorithm
described above, the artefacts from this are pulled-through to the resulting HDR image,
especially when using only two LDR images per frame. Hence we would have ideally
preferred to have implemented our own HDR composition software based on the algorithm
presented in (18), which constructs the HDR image from the raw LDR images prior to
demosaicing, and applies the demosaicing algorithm to the resulting HDR image instead.
However, we resorted to using ‘off-the-shelf’ tools, as implementing HDR software was
outside the remit of this stage of the project, and is a focus of our on-going R&D work.
A number of HDR construction tools were widely available, including the open source
‘pfstools’ (21) as well as a number of proprietary products, including the HDR functions
provided as a part of the RCX tool. We used a variety of these tools to maximise the
resulting subjective quality of our clips.
For the edit, we used a tool capable of exporting to EDL (22). We developed our own
conform tool which applied the same edits to both the main and intermediate exposures of
the footage. In preparation for this, the main and intermediate versions of each clip were
converted and stored as separate final resolution (1920x1080) TIF image stacks during
ingest. The resulting main and intermediate versions of the final edit were then used to
construct the HDR movie.
It may be best to grade the final edit after converting the movie to HDR format, to maintain
precise control of the demosaicing and HDR conversion process – indeed, it may be best if
the HDR formation process were incorporated into the grading tool. However, we have
found that commercial grading tools presently have limited import capabilities for high
dynamic range content.
The new Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ‘ACES’ (23) architecture and
format for digital movie production is based on the OpenEXR format, and has options for
managing high dynamic range assets. As ACES is undergoing standardisation with
SMPTE, it is likely that commercial grading tools will be capable of importing files stored in
this format in the near future.
For our HDR movie, pre-edit grading was applied prior to HDR formation, taking care to
apply the same colour corrections and gamma alterations to both main and intermediate
exposures of the footage. Final grading has been deferred for the time being.
This paper has described our method for assessing audience experience with the use of
an ‘immersion’ measurement technique. It also discussed the methodology for capturing
HDR video. This was followed by a detailed discussion of the workflow we used in
producing our own short HDR video, which we are using for our ongoing audience
experience tests. Our preliminary picture quality assessments indicate that extending
dynamic range through the entire chain from camera to display can yield significant
1. ARRI, 2013. ‘ALEXA Digital Cameras’,
2. Sony, 2013. ‘PMW-F55 CineAlta 4K’,
3. RED Digital Cinema, 2011. ‘Epic Mysterium X’,
4. Sim2, 2013. ‘HDR47 High Dynamic Range Display Series’,
5. T. Kunkel and E. Reinhard, 2010. A reassessment of the simultaneous dynamic range
of the human visual system. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception in
Graphics and Visualization, Los Angeles, 2010, pp. 17-24.
6. D. Bordwell, K. Thompson, 2008. Film Art: An Introduction. McGraw-hill, New York.
7. W. A. Ijsselsteijn, H. de Ridder, J. Freeman, S. E. Avons, 2000. Presence: concept,
determinants and measurement. In B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas (Eds.), Human
Vision and Electronic Imaging V, vol 3959, pp.520-529. Bellingham: Spie-Int Soc.
Optical Engineering.
8. J. V. K. Draper, D. B. Kaber, J. M. Usher, 1998. Telepresence. Human Factors, vol
40(3), pp. 354-375.
9. W. Barfield and S. Weghorst, 1993. The Sense of Presence Within Virtual
Environments: a conceptual framework. In: G. Salvendy and M. Smith (Ed.), Human-
computer interaction: software and hardware interfaces (pp. 699-704). Elsevier.
10. D. R. Anderson and J. Burns, 1991. Paying Attention to Television. In: J. Bryant and
D. Zillman (Eds.), Responding to the screen: perception and reaction processes (pp. 2-
26). Hillsdale, New Jersey.
11. ISPR, 2000. International Society for Presence Research, ‘Measures Statement and
12. J. Freeman, S. E. Avons, R. Meddis, D. E. Pearson, W. A. Ijsselsteijn, 2000. Using
Behavioural Realism to Estimate Presence: a study of the utility of postural responses
to motion-stimuli. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol 9(2), pp. 149-
13. T. Troscianko, T. S. Meese, S. Hinde, 2012. Perception While Watching Movies:
effects of physical screen size and scene type. i-Perception vol 3, pp. 414-425.
14. S. R. Ellis, 1996. Presence of Mind: A reaction to Thomas Sheridan’s ‘Further
Musings on the Psychophysics of Presence’. Presence, vol 5(2), pp. 247-259.
15. J. Lassiter, J. Freeman, E. Keogh, J. Davidoff, 2001. A Cross-media Presence
Questionnaire: the ITC sense of presence inventory. Presence: Teleoperators and
Virtual Environments, vol 10(3), pp. 282-297.
16. ITU Recommendation ITU-R BT.500-13, 2012. Methodology for the subjective
assessment of the quality of television pictures. International Telecommunications Union.
17. E. Reinhard, G. Ward, S. Pattanaik, P. Debevec, W. Heidrich, K. Myszkowski, 2010.
High Dynamic Range Imaging: acquisition, display, and image-based lighting. Elsevier.
18. M. Tocci, C. Kiser, N. Tocci, and P. Sen, 2011. A Versatile HDR Video Production
System. ACM Trans Graph., vol 30(4), article 41.
19. RED Digital Cinema, 2013. ‘REDCINE-X PRO’,
20. M. Price and A. Corp, 2012. Private discussions with BBC Natural History Unit.
21. 2011. ‘pfscalibration’,
22. Apple Inc., 2009. ‘Final Cut Pro 7’,
23. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 2013.
The authors would like to thank Peter Milner of the University of Bristol Drama Department
for his assistance with the making of the HDR movie.
As the video industry begins deployment of ultrahigh-definition TV in both professional and consumer markets, including support for higher dynamic range and wider color gamut services is considered essential within the industry. Higher dynamic range and wider color gamut offer end users a significantly enhanced viewing experience by supporting intensity ranges and colors unattainable in existing distribution ecosystems. In response to this trend, several standardization organizations have launched efforts to better enable these features in both short term and midterm. In this paper, we provide a survey of these standardization activities, with the specific goal of providing a summary of the underlying technologies. Our emphasis is on both existing and potential extensions to the High Efficiency Video Coding standard.
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Over the last decade, television screens and display monitors have increased in size considerably, but has this improved our televisual experience? Our working hypothesis was that the audiences adopt a general strategy that "bigger is better." However, as our visual perceptions do not tap directly into basic retinal image properties such as retinal image size (C. A. Burbeck, 1987), we wondered whether object size itself might be an important factor. To test this, we needed a task that would tap into the subjective experiences of participants watching a movie on different-sized displays with the same retinal subtense. Our participants used a line bisection task to self-report their level of "presence" (i.e., their involvement with the movie) at several target locations that were probed in a 45-min section of the movie "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." Measures of pupil dilation and reaction time to the probes were also obtained. In Experiment 1, we found that subjective ratings of presence increased with physical screen size, supporting our hypothesis. Face scenes also produced higher presence scores than landscape scenes for both screen sizes. In Experiment 2, reaction time and pupil dilation results showed the same trends as the presence ratings and pupil dilation correlated with presence ratings, providing some validation of the method. Overall, the results suggest that real-time measures of subjective presence might be a valuable tool for measuring audience experience for different types of (i) display and (ii) audiovisual material.
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We recently reported that direct subjective ratings of the sense of presence are potentially unstable and can be biased by previous judgments of the same stimuli (Freeman et al., 1999). Objective measures of the behavioral realism elicited by a display offer an alternative to subjective ratings. Behavioral measures and presence are linked by the premise that, when observers experience a mediated environment (VE or broadcast) that makes them feel present, they will respond to stimuli within the environment as they would to stimuli in the real world. The experiment presented here measured postural responses to a video sequence filmed from the hood of a car traversing a rally track, using stereoscopic and monoscopic presentation. Results demonstrated a positive effect of stereoscopic presentation on the magnitude of postural responses elicited. Posttest subjective ratings of presence, vection, and involvement were also higher for stereoscopically presented stimuli. The postural and subjective measures were not significantly correlated, indicating that nonproprioceptive postural responses are unlikely to provide accurate estimates of presence. Such postural responses may prove useful for the evaluation of displays for specific applications and in the corroboration of group subjective ratings of presence, but cannot be taken in place of subjective ratings.
Conference Paper
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The dynamic range of the human visual system should be an important parameter in the design of high dynamic range (HDR) display devices. A good display should at least approximate this range. However, the literature reports a simultaneous dynamic range between 2 and 4 log units of luminance, leaving ambiguity as to what dynamic range HDR display devices should cater for. In this paper we present a sequence of psychophysical experiments, carried out with the aid of a high dynamic range display device, to determine the simultaneous dynamic range of the human visual system under full adaptation to a given background luminance. Our findings show that the human visual system is capable of distinguishing contrasts over a range of 3.7 log units under specific viewing conditions. Further, we show how the dynamic range is affected by stimulus duration, contrast of the stimulus as well as background illumination, thereby accounting for the differences reported in the literature and providing guidance for display design.
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The presence research community would benefit from a reliable and valid cross- media presence measure that allows results from different laboratories to be com- pared and a more comprehensive knowledge base to be developed. The ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory (ITC-SOPI) is a new state questionnaire measure whose de- velopment has been informed by previous research on the determinants of pres- ence and current self-report measures. It focuses on users' experiences of media, with no reference to objective system parameters. More than 600 people com- pleted the ITC-SOPI following an experience with one of a range of noninteractive and interactive media. Exploratory analysis (principal axis factoring) revealed four factors: Sense of Physical Space, Engagement, Ecological Validity, and Negative Ef- fects. Relations between the factors and the consistency of the factor structure with others reported in the literature are discussed. Preliminary analyses described here demonstrate that the ITC-SOPI is reliable and valid, but more rigorous testing of its psychometric properties and applicability to interactive virtual environments is re- quired. Subject to satisfactory confirmatory analyses, the ITC-SOPI will offer re- searchers using a range of media systems a tool with which to measure four facets of a media experience that are putatively related to presence.
Although High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging has been the subject of significant research over the past fifteen years, the goal of acquiring cinema-quality HDR images of fast-moving scenes using available components has not yet been achieved. In this work, we present an optical architecture for HDR imaging that allows simultaneous capture of high, medium, and low-exposure images on three sensors at high fidelity with efficient use of the available light. We also present an HDR merging algorithm to complement this architecture, which avoids undesired artifacts when there is a large exposure difference between the images. We implemented a prototype high-definition HDR-video system and we present still frames from the acquired HDR video, tonemapped with various techniques.
An operator's sense of remote presence during teleoperation or use of virtual environment interfaces is analyzed as to what characteristics it should have to qualify it as an explanatory scientific construct. But the implicit goal of designing virtual environment interfaces to maximize presence is itself questioned in a second section in which examples of human-machine interfaces beneficially designed to avoid a strong sense of egocentric presence are cited. In conclusion, it is argued that the design of a teleoperation or virtual environment system should generally focus on the efficient communication of causal interaction. In this view the sense of presence, that is of actually being at the simulated or remote workplace, is an epiphenomena of secondary importance for design.