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Neogene and Quaternary flexure neotectonic in the Somme valley.

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Sequence-stratigraphic concepts are used to identify genetically related strata and their bounding regional unconformities, or their correlative conformities, in seismic, well-log, and outcrop data. Documentation and age dating of these features in marine outcrops in different parts of the world have led to a new generation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sea-level cycle charts with greater event resolution than that obtainable from seismic data alone. Four cycle charts summarizing the chronostratigraphy, coastal-onlap patterns, and sea-level curves for the Cenozoic, Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic are presented. A large-scale composite-cycle chart for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic is also included. -from Authors
Geochronological study made on Quaternary fluvial terraces of Somme Basin confirmed the previously established chronostratigraphy of the lower and middle terraces and placed the higher terraces in the Quaternary stratigraphy. There is an abridged English version. -English summary
ESR dating of fluvial, fluvio-marine and beach sediment has been tested using the Al centre in quartz grains from a basin and fossil beaches located around the Manche Channel. Dating was performed in conjunction with sedimentological, stratigraphical and neotectonical studies. The technical basis of the method is presented in the light of the study made on recent and fossil sediment in order to establish a procedure for the determination of the palaeodose. The application on a Neogene Basin samples allows to push back the dating ESR limits. Results show that ESR dating of sediment can provide chronozons which are necessary to the uderstanding of the history of a basin where classical chronological markers do not exist.
EnglishOne of the gravel sheets of the alluvial complex of the "Basse Somme" shows some characteristics which are considered as witness of a marine influence. This gravel sheet, named Croix l'Abbe Formation was deposited about a height of 25 m during a cold climatic episode of the Lower Pleistocene ; relationships with the terraces of the Somme between Pinchefalise and Saigneville are discussed here. One of the writters (De H.) describes the associated Palaeolithic artefacts. francaisUne des nappes du complexe alluvial de la Basse Somme presente des caracteristiques qui sont interpretees comme temoignant d'une influence marine. Cette nappe, decrite ici sous le nom de Formation de Croix l'Abbe, s'est mise en place vers 25 m d'altitude au cours d'un episode froid du Pleistocene inferieur ; ses relations avec les nappes alluviales de la Somme entre Pinchefalise et Saigneville sont discutees. L'un des auteurs (De H.) caracterise l'industrie paleolithique associee.
Devismes R., Dupuis Christian, Haesaerts P., De Heinzelin Jean. Fouilles de 1975 a la carriere est du chemin des Salines, Bois-mont, Somme, France. In: Cahiers archeologiques de Picardie, n°4, 1977. pp. 31-42.
The geology of the Boulonnais has been well studied since the early part of the last century [Gosselet and Bertaut, 1873; Olry, 1904; Pruvost and Delepine, 1921]. Extensive coal exploration added substantially to the general understanding of the geology of the region but as outcrop is poor, many questions remain. Gravity methods used in the analysis of geological structures have had a long and successful history in helping to study the earth's crust for scientific and applied objectives. Regional gravity data are particularly useful in mapping geographic distribution and configuration of density contrast of rocks. Previous gravity research shows the main trends of the structure. In most cases the regional Bouguer gravity hides the relationship between the geology and the shape of the anomaly caused by the perturbing body. New information can be obtained by filtering the maps. The purpose of filtering a map is to remove unwanted characteristics and enhance desirable characteristics that are diagnostic for the geology. Because of their simple mathematical forms, most potential field filters are in the spectral domain. It is advisable to transform the original unfiltered field to the spectral domain, apply the filter, then transform the filtered map back to the spatial domain for use in the interpretation. Several spectrally filtered versions of the original gravity map are used in this regional interpretation. In the case of the Boulonnais the most useful filters have been the horizontal component and the first vertical derivative. In the first instance computing the horizontal gradients of the gravity field permits us to localise the limit of the blocks and then the fault positions. The gravimetric field above a vertical contact of rock with different density shows a low on the side of the low density rocks and a high on the side of the high density rocks. The inflection point is located just on the contact of the two types of rocks. This contact can be outlined by locating the maxima of the horizontal gradient. In the case of a low dipping contact maxima stay close to the contact, but are displaced down dip. In the second instance the first vertical derivative acts as a booster for the short wavelength; this attenuates or destroys the effect of the regional field. The resulting map shows a better structure because in complex areas they give a better definition of the different bodies by separating their effects. In the case of the Boulonnais the first vertical derivative allows us to distinguish the depressed region from the uplifted one. The structural evolution of the Boulonnais-Artois area includes two main extensional events in the late Palaeozoic-early Cretaceous interval and an inversion in mid-late Palaeocene time. The new gravity data in combination with recent field and published data have provided a new insight into the structure of the Boulonnais-Artois area and a new interpretation is proposed. -- Fault patterns are oriented 110N and 040N in the Boulonnais and 140N in Artois areas. -- The linkage between the faults shows a relay geometry with transfer zones [cf. Morley et al., 1990 and Pea-cock and Sanderson, 1994]. The best example is located between Sangatte (near the tunnel) and Landrethun faults where overlapping synthetic faults with a relay ramp are imaged. -- There is no major continuous fault zone but a complex en echelon fault system. -- Linkage between Boulonnais and Artois fault is not well constrained. An important discontinuity between the two regions is apparent. This model underlines the importance of overlapping fault tips with the generation of transfer zones. These structures are also known in the Wessex and Weald basins [Stoneley, 1982; Chadwick, 1993] where heritage and inversion are significant.
The interpretation of a densely spaced and well-calibrated seismic grid sheds new light on the development and evolution of key regional and local structures in the Wessex Basin. The results help to resolve long-standing controversies concerning the tectonic significance of apparently anomalous outcrop patterns and the role of important, local ancillary structures with respect to the major monoclinal folds with which they are associated. Although the structures are entirely consistent with the effects of contractional reactivation (tectonic inversion) of normal faults, the subsurface data demonstrate the role that original extensional fault segmentation and associated relay ramps had on original depositional patterns, subsequent inversion geometries and resultant outcrop patterns. As well as illustrating regional controls on the formation of structures, the new seismic-based interpretations enable a reassessment of the Lulworth Crumple and the Ballard Down Fault. The Lulworth Crumple is interpreted as a parasitic fold complex generated by internal folding of the inverted; incompetent syn-rift fill in the immediate hanging wall to the Purbeck Fault, a reactivated major normal fault. The Ballard Down Fault's origin is interpreted to result from the formation of a local, late-stage 'out of the syncline' reverse fault which propagated southwards and upwards through a Chalk succession. As the Chalk had already been rotated to form the northward-dipping steep limb of the Purbeck Monocline at Ballard Down, the structure cuts down stratigraphically. The results stress the importance of understanding the nature of original extensional fault geometries and the competence of the sedimentary units incorporated in folds in gaining a full understanding of the genesis and evolution of structural styles in inverted basins.