... While kūlī is a general word in Kumzari for 'shark', Kumzari also has a number of words to refer to different types of sharks, from dībē 'great white shark' to various types of sharks still undefined in English (nāwukō, qāẓum, jmēs, jubbē, xiṣwānī, manqab, pēčak, qrādī, rējimī, tirxēnit). In her research she found that "sharks were found to be increasingly targeted owing to their high value in the global fin trade industry" and "the majority of fishermen (80%) confirmed that changes in species composition, abundance and sizes of sharks have been continuing for more than two decades, mainly because of overfishing, raising concerns about the sustainability of this fishery" (Jabado et al. 2014) In addition to further work needed on identifying specific fish species in Kumzari, more attention must also be paid to bird terminology and the cultural place of birds in Kumzari culture. The general term in Kumzari for bird is ṭēr, and other Kumzari words for birds in the Musandam region include ḥaqm 'domestic pigeon', murwa barrō 'domestic chicken ', alʾul 'heron', būm 'owl', murwa kōʾō 'sandgrouse', ḥāmamō 'dove', šāʾin 'eagle, hawk, vulture', xrō 'rooster', ṣuqr 'osprey, falcon', bībī mattō 'parrot', baǧbaǧa 'parrot', nābī 'gull', bišram bēšir 'gull', ǧrāb 'crow', ǧuwwē 'white tern', ṣufṣuf 'sparrow', and other types of birds still not yet defined, such as saqqa and ṣufrit. ...