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O princípio homeopático de cura ao longo da história da medicina [The homeopathic principle of cure along the history of medicine]

  • University of São Paulo, School of Medicine


Homeopathy is a therapeutic method based on the application of the similitude principle utilizing medicinal substances that awake effects similar to the symptoms being treated. In this process, the organism is stimulated to react against its own disturbances through a vital (secondary or homeostatic) reaction oriented by the primary effects of the drug employed. This effect should have properties similar to the symptom that is being treated and was mentioned by exponents of countless medical schools, along all of the times. Suggested initially by the founder of the Greek medicine, it was enunciated by Hipócrates through the aphorism similia similibus. According to different and peculiar applications, it was mentioned as therapeutic technique by the propagators of the Roman medicine (Erasistrato, Mitridates, Heráclides of Tarento, Nicandro, Celsus, etc.), of the medieval medicine (Basílio Valentino), of the renaissance medicine (Paracelsus) and of the postrenaissance medicine (Sydenham, van Helmont, Stahl, von Haller, Stoerck, Jenner, etc.). At the end of the century XVIII, Hahnemann systematizes the homoeopathic method of treatment of the illnesses in a rational and logical way, that finds, presently, scientific fundamentation in the paradoxical reaction of the classic physiology and in the rebound phenomenon of the modern pharmacology. RESUMO: A homeopatia é um método terapêutico baseado na aplicação do princípio da similitude, utilizando substâncias medicinais que promovem efeitos semelhantes aos sintomas que se deseja tratar. Nesse processo, o organismo é estimulado a reagir contra os seus próprios distúrbios através de uma reação vital (secundária, homeostásica, paradoxal) orientada pelos efeitos primários da droga empregada, com propriedades semelhantes ao mal que se deseja combater. Esse princípio curativo foi citado por expoentes de inúmeras escolas médicas, ao longo de todos os tempos. Sugerido inicialmente pelo fundador da medicina grega, era enunciado por Hipócrates através do aforismo similia similibus. Segundo aplicações distintas e peculiares, foi mencionado como técnica terapêutica pelos propagadores da medicina romana (Erasistrato, Mitridates, Heráclides de Tarento, Nicandro, Celsus, etc.), da medicina medieval (Basilio Valentino), da medicina renascentista (Paracelsus) e da medicina pós-renascentista (Sydenham, van Helmont, Stahl, von Haller, Stoerck, Jenner, etc.). Ao final do século XVIII, Hahnemann sistematiza o método homeopático de tratamento das enfermidades de uma forma lógica e racional, que encontra, atualmente, fundamentação científica na reação paradoxal da fisiologia clássica e no fenômeno rebote da farmacologia moderna.
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... Desde a Grécia antiga, Hipócrates, o Pai da Medicina, ensinava que as doenças poderiam ser tratadas pelo 'princípio dos contrários' (contraria contrariis curantur) ou pelo 'princípio dos semelhantes' (similia similibus curantur), recomendações que foram seguidas por diversos expoentes das escolas médicas posteriores [1][2][3]. Na atualidade, o princípio dos contrários é aplicado em grande parte da terapêutica convencional, que emprega medicamentos com ação primária contrária ('anti-') aos sinais e sintomas das doenças para paliar ou neutralizar suas manifestações. Por outro lado, o princípio dos semelhantes é aplicado pela terapêutica homeopática, que emprega medicamentos com ação primária semelhante (homeo) aos sinais e sintomas das doenças para estimular uma reação secundária do organismo contra essas manifestações, ou seja, contra as próprias doenças. ...
... Por outro lado, o princípio dos semelhantes é aplicado pela terapêutica homeopática, que emprega medicamentos com ação primária semelhante (homeo) aos sinais e sintomas das doenças para estimular uma reação secundária do organismo contra essas manifestações, ou seja, contra as próprias doenças. O modelo homeopático de tratamento das doenças está embasado em quatro pilares: (1) princípio de cura pela semelhança (similitude terapêutica), (2) experimentação de medicamentos em indivíduos sadios (ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos), (3) prescrição de medicamentos individualizados, e (4) uso de medicamentos dinamizados (ultradiluídos). Embora se atribua grande importância ao medicamento dinamizado (produzido através de diluições e agitações seriadas das substâncias medicinais), incorporado ao modelo homeopático em fase posterior e com o objetivo inicial de minimizar as possíveis agravações sintomáticas advindas da aplicação da similitude terapêutica, as duas primeiras premissas são os alicerces da episteme homeopática (núcleo rígido ou pressupostos centrais, segundo Imre Lakatos) [4], restando ao medicamento individualizado (escolhido segundo a totalidade de sinais e sintomas característicos) a condição inerente para que a reação terapêutica do organismo seja despertada [5,6]. ...
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Resumo Introdução: O modelo homeopático de tratamento utiliza o ‘princípio dos semelhantes’ como método terapêutico, administrando medicamentos que causam determinados sintomas em indivíduos sadios para tratar sintomas semelhantes em indivíduos doentes (similia similibus curantur), com o intuito de despertar uma reação secundária e curativa do organismo contra os seus próprios distúrbios. Essa reação secundária (vital, homeostática ou paradoxal) do organismo está embasada no ‘efeito rebote’ dos fármacos modernos, evento adverso observado após a descontinuação de diversas classes de drogas que utilizam o ‘princípio dos contrários’ (contraria contrariis curantur) como método terapêutico. Objetivo: Esta revisão visa fundamentar cientificamente o princípio de cura homeopático perante a farmacologia clínica e experimental, através do estudo sistemático do efeito rebote dos fármacos modernos ou reação paradoxal do organismo. Métodos: Empregando como fonte de referência os estudos e revisões sobre o tema que vimos publicando desde 1998, atualizamos os dados acrescentando pesquisas recentes citadas na base de dados PubMed. Resultados: O efeito rebote ocorre após a descontinuação de inúmeras classes de fármacos com ação terapêutica contrária aos sintomas das doenças, exacerbando-os a níveis superiores aos anteriores do tratamento. Independente da doença, da droga, da dose e da duração do tratamento, o fenômeno rebote se manifesta numa pequena proporção de indivíduos suscetíveis. Seguindo as premissas homeopáticas, os fármacos modernos também podem ser utilizados segundo o princípio da similitude terapêutica, empregando o efeito rebote (reação paradoxal) de forma curativa Conclusões: Evidenciado em centenas de estudos que atestam a similaridade de conceitos e manifestações, o efeito rebote dos fármacos modernos fundamenta cientificamente o princípio de cura homeopático. Embora o fenômeno rebote seja um evento adverso estudado pela farmacologia moderna, ele não é conhecido pelos profissionais da saúde, privando a classe médica de um saber indispensável ao manejo seguro dos fármacos. Abstract Introduction: Homeopathy employs the so-called ‘principle of similars’ as therapeutic method, which consists in administering medicines that cause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptoms in sick individuals (similia similibus curantur)to arouse a secondary and healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. This secondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body is based on the ‘rebound effect’ of modern drugs, a type of adverse event that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugs prescribed according to the ‘principle of contraries’ (contraria contrariis curantur). Aim: The present review sought to scientifically substantiate the homeopathic healing principle vis-à-vis experimental and clinical pharmacology through a systematic study of the rebound effect of modern drugs or paradoxical reaction of the body. Methods: Employing as reference the studies and revisions on the subject that we have published since 1998, we updated the data adding recent studies cited in database PubMed. Results: The rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of several classes of drugs with contrary action to the symptoms of diseases, exacerbating them to levels above the ones present before treatment. Regardless of disease, drug, dose and duration of treatment, the rebound phenomenon manifests in a small proportion of susceptible individuals. Following the homeopathic premises, modern drugs might also be used according to the principle of therapeutic similitude, thus employing the rebound effect (paradoxical reaction) in a curative manner. Conclusions: Evidenced in hundreds of studies that attest to the similarity of concepts and manifestations, the rebound effect of modern drugs scientifically substantiates the principle of homeopathic cure. Although the rebound phenomenon is an adverse event studied by modern pharmacology, it is not known by healthcare professionals, thus depriving doctors of knowledge indispensable for a safe management of drugs.
... As early is in ancient Greece, Hippocrates, the 'Father of Medicine', taught that diseases could be treated according to the principle of contraries (contraria contrariis curantur) or of similars (similia similibus curantur). These recommendations were followed by later medical schools [1][2][3]. ...
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Introduction: Homeopathy employs the so-called ‘principle of similars’ as therapeutic method, which consists in administering medicines that cause certain symptoms in healthy individuals to treat similar symptoms in sick individuals (similia similibus curantur)to arouse a secondary and healing reaction by the body against its own disorders. This secondary (vital, homeostatic or paradoxical) reaction of the body is based on the ‘rebound effect’ of modern drugs, a type of adverse event that occurs following discontinuation of several classes of drugs prescribed according to the ‘principle of contraries’ (contraria contrariis curantur). Aim: The present review sought to scientifically substantiate the homeopathic healing principle vis-à-vis experimental and clinical pharmacology through a systematic study of the rebound effect of modern drugs or paradoxical reaction of the body. Methods: Employing as reference the studies and revisions on the subject that we have published since 1998, we updated the data adding recent studies cited in database PubMed. Results: The rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of several classes of drugs with contrary action to the symptoms of diseases, exacerbating them to levels above the ones present before treatment. Regardless of disease, drug, dose and duration of treatment, the rebound phenomenon manifests in a small proportion of susceptible individuals. Following the homeopathic premises, modern drugs might also be used according to the principle of therapeutic similitude, thus employing the rebound effect (paradoxical reaction) in a curative manner. Conclusions: Evidenced in hundreds of studies that attest to the similarity of concepts and manifestations, the rebound effect of modern drugs scientifically substantiates the principle of homeopathic cure. Although the rebound phenomenon is an adverse event studied by modern pharmacology, it is not known by healthcare professionals, thus depriving doctors of knowledge indispensable for a safe management of drugs.
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La Homeopatía de México | Evidencias Científicas de la Homeopatía | Edición Especial de Aniversario (90 años) | 2023 || EDITORIAL: Para aquellos que demandan evidencias científicas de la Homeopatía. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | ARTÍCULOS: Homeopatía: una breve descripción de esta especialidad médica. Marcelo Pustiglione, Eduardo Goldenstein, Y. Moisés Checinski. | Formación médica en la terapéutica no convencional en el mundo (Homeopatía y acupuntura). Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | Bases científicas del principio de curación homeopática en la farmacología moderna. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | La solidez de la investigación homeopática fundamental. Leoni Villano Bonamin. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre los modelos in vitro: revisión de la literatura. Silvia Waisse. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas: revisión de la literatura. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Solange M.T.P.G. Carneiro. | Investigación clínica en Homeopatía: revisiones sistemáticas y estudios clínicos aleatorizados. Silvia Waisse. | Estrógeno potenciado en el tratamiento homeopático del dolor pélvico asociado a endometriosis: Un estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, de 24 semanas. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Sérgio Podgaec, Edmund Chada Baracat. | Estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, sobre la eficacia del tratamiento homeopático en niños con amigdalitis recurrente. Sérgio E. Furuta, Luc L. M. Weckx, Cláudia R. Figueiredo. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan agravación o efectos adversos dependientes de los fármacos? Flávio Dantas. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos inducen síntomas en voluntarios aparentemente sanos? Contribución brasileña al debate sobre los estudios patogénicos homeopáticos. Flávio Dantas. |
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Antecedentes: La Homeopatía emplea el denominado “principio de similares” como método terapéutico –el cual consiste en administrar medicamentos que provocan ciertos síntomas en individuos sanos para tratar síntomas similares en individuos enfermos (similia similibus curantur)– para inducir una reacción curativa secundaria del cuerpo en contra de sus propios trastornos. Esta reacción secundaria (vital, homeostática o paradójica) del cuerpo se basa en el “efecto de rebote” de los fármacos modernos, un tipo de evento adverso que se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos prescritos según el “principio de los contrarios” (contraria contrariis curantur). Objetivo: La presente revisión ha buscado justificar científicamente el principio de curación homeopática frente a la farmacología clínica y experimental a través de un estudio sistemático del efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos o reacción paradójica del cuerpo. Métodos: Empleando como referencia estudios y revisiones sobre el tema publicados a partir de 1998, actualizamos los datos añadiendo estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: El efecto de rebote se produce después de interrumpir varias clases de fármacos con acción contraria a los síntomas de las enfermedades, exacerbándolos a niveles superiores a aquellos previos al tratamiento. Independientemente de la enfermedad, fármaco, dosis y duración del tratamiento, el fenómeno del rebote se manifiesta en una pequeña proporción de los individuos susceptibles. Siguiendo las premisas homeopáticas, los fármacos modernos también podrían usarse según el principio de la similitud terapéutica, empleando entonces el efecto de rebote (reacción paradójica) con propósito curativo. Conclusiones: Evidenciado por cientos de estudios que constatan la similitud de conceptos y manifestaciones, el efecto de rebote de los fármacos modernos justifica científicamente el principio de la cura homeopática. Aunque el fenómeno de rebote es un evento adverso estudiado por la farmacología moderna, no es conocido por los profesionales de la atención médica, lo cual priva a los médicos de un conocimiento indispensable para el manejo seguro de los fármacos.
La Homeopatía de México | Evidencias Científicas de la Homeopatía | Edición Especial de Aniversario (90 años) | 2023 || EDITORIAL: Para aquellos que demandan evidencias científicas de la Homeopatía. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | ARTÍCULOS: Homeopatía: una breve descripción de esta especialidad médica. Marcelo Pustiglione, Eduardo Goldenstein, Y. Moisés Checinski. | Formación médica en la terapéutica no convencional en el mundo (Homeopatía y acupuntura). Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | Bases científicas del principio de curación homeopática en la farmacología moderna. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | La solidez de la investigación homeopática fundamental. Leoni Villano Bonamin. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre los modelos in vitro: revisión de la literatura. Silvia Waisse. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas: revisión de la literatura. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Solange M.T.P.G. Carneiro. | Investigación clínica en Homeopatía: revisiones sistemáticas y estudios clínicos aleatorizados. Silvia Waisse. | Estrógeno potenciado en el tratamiento homeopático del dolor pélvico asociado a endometriosis: Un estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, de 24 semanas. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Sérgio Podgaec, Edmund Chada Baracat. | Estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, sobre la eficacia del tratamiento homeopático en niños con amigdalitis recurrente. Sérgio E. Furuta, Luc L. M. Weckx, Cláudia R. Figueiredo. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan agravación o efectos adversos dependientes de los fármacos? Flávio Dantas. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos inducen síntomas en voluntarios aparentemente sanos? Contribución brasileña al debate sobre los estudios patogénicos homeopáticos. Flávio Dantas. |
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Realizando a ponte entre a farmacologia homeopática (princípio da similitude) e a farmacologia moderna, encontramos uma infinidade de relatos, tanto em compêndios farmacológicos como em experimentos e ensaios clínicos publicados em periódicos científicos, que descrevem uma reação do organismo oposta e secundária a uma ação primária da droga, confirmando a teoria hahnemanniana. Essa ação secundária do organismo, no sentido de manter a homeostase orgânica, é denominada de efeito rebote ou reação paradoxal segundo a racionalidade científica moderna, sendo usada pela homeopatia como resposta terapêutica.
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Following the pattern of traditional homeopathy, this work proposes to employ modern drugs according to the principle of therapeutic similitude, stimulating the healing rebound effect (vital reaction) of the organism through the administration of substances (in infinitesimal doses) that caused similar symptoms in healthy human. Is worth emphasizing that the pathogenetic effects (primary actions) of classical homeopathic medicines correspond to the therapeutic, adverse and side effects of conventional drugs, which should be similar to totality of the symptoms of the patient to stimulate the curative vital reaction (curative rebound effect) according to the principle of therapeutic similitude. To make this proposal operative, a Homeopathic Materia Medica of Modern Drugs was elaborated (described in another work), where the therapeutic, adverse and side effects of drugs were grouped following the structure of the traditional homeopathic materia medica, while giving particular value to the frequency of the symptoms observed during the phases of study of the drugs. In order to facilitate the selection of the individualized remedy (i.e., similar to the totality of symptoms of the patient), and thus the clinical application of the present proposal, was also elaborated in this work a Homeopathic Repertory of Modern Drugs, where symptoms and remedies are arranged as in the traditional homeopathic repertories.
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Building a bridge between homeopathic pharmacology (principle of similitude) and modern pharmacology, one can find countless reports in pharmacological compendia and clinical and experimental trials published in the scientific media describing the secondary reaction of the organism opposed to the primary action of the drug, which confirm Hahnemann’s theory. Such secondary action of the organism to preserve organic homeostasis is known in modern science as rebound effect or paradoxical reaction, being used by homeopathy as a therapeutic response.
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Para desmistificar a falácia ou pós-verdade de que “não existem evidências científicas em homeopatia”, disseminada indistintamente em todos os meios, a Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP) elaborou o Dossiê Especial “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, que acaba de ser disponibilizado online na Revista de Homeopatia da Associação Paulista de Homeopatia (APH). Englobando 9 revisões (e 2 RCT) sobre diversas linhas de pesquisa existentes nos mais variados campos da ciência, as quais comportam centenas de artigos científicos publicados em periódicos distintos, esse dossiê evidencia à classe médica e científica, assim como ao público em geral, o estado da arte da pesquisa homeopática. Apesar das dificuldades e limitações existentes para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas na área, tanto pelos aspectos metodológicos quanto pela ausência de apoio institucional e financeiro, o conjunto de estudos experimentais e clínicos citados, que fundamentam os pressupostos homeopáticos e confirmam a eficácia e a segurança da terapêutica, é prova inconteste de que “existem evidências científicas em homeopatia”, ao contrário do preconceito falsamente disseminado. Com a elaboração e a divulgação desse dossiê, sob os auspícios da Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do CREMESP, esperamos esclarecer e sensibilizar os colegas de profissão sobre a validade e a importância do emprego da homeopatia como prática médica adjuvante e complementar às demais especialidades, segundo princípios éticos e seguros, a fim de se ampliar o entendimento do processo de adoecimento humano e o arsenal terapêutico, incrementar o ato médico e sua resolutividade nas doenças crônicas, minimizar os efeitos adversos dos fármacos modernos e fortalecer a relação médico-paciente, dentre outros aspectos. Dessa forma, poderemos trabalhar unidos em torno da “mais elevada e única missão do médico que é tornar saudáveis as pessoas doentes, o que se chama curar” (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon da arte de curar, § 1).
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In July 2017, to demystify the fallacy – or post-truth – asserting “there are no scientific evidence for homeopathy”, the Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, Regional Medical Council of the State of São Paulo (CREMESP, Brazil) published the Special Dossier “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, available online in the scientific journal of the São Paulo Homeopathic Medical Association (APH), Revista de Homeopatia. After this publication, in view of the request of homeopathic doctors and institutions from other countries, the Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, CREMESP, produced an edition of the dossier in English, “Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy”, which has just been made available online in the Revista de Homeopatia. Encompassing 9 revisions (and 2 randomized clinical trials) on several lines of homeopathic research, containing hundreds of scientific articles published in various journals, this dossier highlights to the scientific and medical class, as well as to the general public, the state of the art of homeopathic research: Despite the ongoing difficulties and limitations opposing the development of research in homeopathy – partly due to methodological aspects, and partly to lack of institutional and financial support – the experimental and clinical studies described in this dossier, which ground the homeopathic assumptions and confirm the efficacy and safety of this approach to therapeutics – provide unquestionable proof for the “availability of scientific evidence for homeopathy”, against the false and prejudiced opinion that is widely divulgated. With the divulgation of the present dossier, prepared with the support of Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, CREMESP, we hope to dispel doubts and sensitize our colleagues as to the validity and relevance of homeopathy as adjuvant treatment complementary to all other medical specialties according to ethical and safe principles. Our overall goals are to broaden the understanding of human disease, increase the therapeutic resources, contribute to the definition and effectiveness of medicine in chronic diseases, minimize the adverse effects of modern drugs and strengthen the patient-doctor relationship, among other aspects. In this way, we will be able to work together, since “The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of medicine, § 1).
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Factor VII is an independent risk factor for ischemic heart disease. We performed a prospective study to evaluate the effect of combined low-dose warfarin-aspirin on activated factor VII (factor VIIa) and to determine if abruptly stopping this treatment is associated with a rebound in the level of factor VIIa. Thirty-three patients with clinically stable coronary artery disease were treated with combined 3 mg warfarin and 80 mg aspirin daily for 8 weeks. The factor VIIa level was measured before treatment, weekly during treatment, and 2 weeks after stopping treatment. The mean percent of pretreatment levels of factor VIIa for weeks 1 through 8 of treatment were 60%, 60%, 72%, 70%, 71%, 70%, 74%, and 87%, respectively (P < .05 compared with pretreatment for weeks 1 through 7 inclusive); 2 weeks after stopping treatment, the level was 122% (95% confidence interval [CI]; 111% to 133%; P < .001 compared with pretreatment). The mean percent level of factor VIIa on-treatment was 74% (P < .001). Factor VIIa is reduced by 26% on average during treatment. This finding provides further rationale for the antithrombotic effect of low-dose warfarin. The results suggest a rebound in the factor VIIa level may occur after treatment is stopped. The potential rebound and its clinical importance should be evaluated by further studies.
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The principle of the similitude, the basis of homeopathy, has correspondences in the clinical studies of secondary effects of many modern pharmaceutical agents through the observation of the rebound effects of these drugs. Through clinical pharmacology, I proposed a model on which to base the scientificism of the homeopathic model. We have studied the effects of the drugs in the human body using pharmacological compendia and recent scientific works, confirming the mechanism of the homeopathic medicines' action through the verification of the primary action of the drugs and the consequent secondary reaction of the organism in hundreds of pharmaceutical agents. Treatment exploiting the "rebound" effect (curative vital reaction) may also be observed. This work suggests a research methodology to scientifically base the therapeutic principle of similitude.
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Homeopathy is a therapeutic method based on the application of the similitude principle, utilising medicinal substances that produce effects that are similar to the symptoms being treated. In this process, the organism is stimulated to react against its own disturbances through a vital (paradoxical, secondary or homeostatic) reaction, oriented by the primary effect of the used drug. This effect should have properties that are similar to the symptom that is being treated. This secondary reaction of the organism to a medicinal stimulus is observed in hundreds of modern drugs, and is referred to as a rebound effect. In this study we propose the utilisation of modern drugs according to the principle of homeopathic cure, employing the rebound effect as a curative reaction. For that we suggest the compilation of a Common Materia Medica that would group all symptoms produced by the medications in human individuals (therapeutic, adverse and side effects), utilising them, a posteriori, following a partial or total similitude, in minimal or ponderous doses. By doing that, we can take advantage of the numerous modern pharmacological compendiums, amplifying the spectrum of homeopathic cure with a wide range of new symptoms and medications.
Thirteen healthy men (age range 24-59 years) received three single doses (30, 75, and 150 mg/day) of aspirin for seven days, followed by a wash-out period of three weeks, in a randomized order. The arachidonic acid metabolite 12-L-5,8,10-heptadecatrienoic acid (12-HHT) was taken as a measure of platelet cyclooxygenase activity. There was a large inter-individual variation in 12-HHT production prior to and during aspirin treatment. After one week of treatment the mean reduction was 69, 72 and 83% for the doses 30, 75 and 150 mg/day respectively. When the degree of cyclooxygenase inhibition was expressed per microgram aspirin administered per kg bw, a positive correlation was established to the activity before medication. It was found that doses exceeding 1500 micrograms per kg bw is required to achieve a predictable reduction in cyclooxygenase activity. Thus, by determining the pre-treatment cyclooxygenase activity in an individual it should be possible to adjust the enzyme activity to any desired level below 40% of its initial value. 150 mg aspirin/day for one week had a stimulating effect on the platelet basal production of 12-HHT when measured three weeks after the cessation of treatment. This rebound phenomenon was also observed up to six weeks after a single dose of 600 or 1200 mg of aspirin.
Previous reports documented the inhibitory efficacy of different doses of aspirin on arachidonic acid (AA)-induced platelet aggregation, however, the sensitivity of platelets toward other agonists as well as the effects of aspirin on platelet and plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) release and levels were not investigated. Hence, the present study was undertaken to investigate the effect and duration of action of a single oral dose (650 mg) of aspirin on human platelet functions (n = 34, normal healthy male and female volunteers) including aggregation, fibrinogen binding and PAI-1 release, and on the plasma level of PAI-1. Aspirin demonstrated a rapid onset of action (at 2 h after ingestion) in specifically inhibiting ex vivo AA-mediated functions including (a) fibrinogen binding to gel-purified platelets, (b) platelet aggregation, and (c) platelet PAI-1 release. A peak reduction of plasma PAI-1 level at 2 h was demonstrated as well. The effect of aspirin on the ex vivo AA-mediated effects (a-c) was shown to last for up to 4 days. However, aspirin treatment resulted in a rebound effect in platelet function (a-c) to other platelet agonists such as adenosine diphosphate or the combination of agonists including adenosine diphosphate, epinephrine, and AA. In conclusion, a single oral dose of aspirin has long-acting effects on AA-induced platelet activation and reduces plasma levels of PAI-1 as well.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
A laser-induced rat mesenteric vessel thrombosis model was used to evaluate the effect of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) at ultra-low doses. A partial occlusion was induced in small mesenteric vessels (diameter 40-50 microns) by an argon laser. The laser induced damage of endothelial cells. Thrombi formed within seconds after the laser lesion and grew rapidly. Embolization began during the minute following the laser injury. Compared to placebo, the administration of ASA at ultra-low doses (334 x 10(-11) mol/mL) by subcutaneous injection in the thorax region (0.2 mL) induced three different phenomena: (1) a decrease in the number of laser injuries required to induce thrombus formation, (2) an increase in number of emboli removed by the blood stream, and (3) an increase in the duration of embolization. The ultra-low doses of ASA showed a strong increase in the number of emboli and in the duration of embolization.
The antithrombotic properties of acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) used at current doses are largely demonstrated. However, our previous study showed unexpected thrombotic potencies associated with the use of this drug. In this study we investigate the effect of aspirin on an experimental thrombosis induced by laser beams, according to its in vivo plasma concentration. Experiments were done on nine groups of seven Wistar male rats. The groups are defined by the delay between aspirin administration time and the laser-induced thrombosis time. Results from this study showed an enhancement of thromboembolic complications when thrombosis was induced 8 or 10 days after aspirin administration; the number of emboli and the duration of embolization are increased, compared to the control group. The prothrombotic properties of ASA demonstrated in this study, might limit its therapeutic benefit and might explain thromboembolic complications observed in some ASA-treated patients. These results also suggest a biological monitoring several days after aspirin administration to patients.
Samuel Hahnemann attributed fundamental importance to the principle of similitude, promoting it to a 'natural law'. Observing that enantiopathic or allopathic treatment produced enduring aggravation of the disease symptoms after a brief and transitory initial relief, he systematised homeopathic treatment, prescribing substances that provoke similar symptoms in healthy individual. Based on clinical and experimental observations, he anticipated the concept of homeostasis, dividing the effects of substances into: primary action of the medicine followed by secondary action or reaction of the organism. This reaction, known as the rebound effect or paradoxical action by modern pharmacology, used to awake the curative response of the body when the principle of similitude is applied, is responsible for several iatrogenic diseases when used on the basis of the principle of contraries. This study discusses the role of this paradoxical reaction of the organism in the fatal side effects of four important drugs, used according to the model of enantiopathic treatment of the symptoms. I present evidence relating to acetylsalicylic acid, rofecoxib, antidepressants and long-acting bronchodilators. The consequences of the allopathic treatment could be decreased if health professionals valued homeostasis, minimising the rebound effect of the organism by gradual suspension of palliative drugs.