... A critical analysis of the identified articles offers valuable insight from the sport management scholarship's perspective, body of knowledge, focus, context, research setting, and unit of analysis of the RM research: (a) In terms of perspective, although few of the articles (e.g., Shani, 1997;Stavros, Pope, & Winzar, 2008) view RM as a holistic managerial approach or strategic approach, a few (e.g., Achen, 2014;Jowdy & McDonald, 2003) presented RM as being tactical in its nature; (b) In terms of body of knowledge, these articles include empirical, conceptual, and case/industry specific studies; (c) In terms of focus, the literature concentrates on two streams of research (i.e., defining the construct and the industry application of RM [see Das, 2009]); (d) In terms of context, a significant majority of the articles focused on businessto-consumer relationships, and two studies conducted their research in the context of B-2-B markets (i.e., Cousens, Babiak, & Slack, 2000;Farrelly & Quester, 2003); (e) In terms of research setting, the majority of these studies were conducted in the context of professional sports, whereas a few others focused on college sports (e.g., Magnusen, Kim, & Kim, 2012;Wang et al., 2012) and not-for-profit sport organizations (i.e., Girginov et al., 2009;Tower et al., 2006); and (f) In terms of unit of analysis, a relatively equal number of studies conducted their investigations from the perspective of consumer behavior and organizational perspective. ...