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Generation of Genetic Maps Using the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Algorithm


Abstract and Figures

Genetic maps are the best guides available to traverse the genome of an organism. The challenge for geneticists is to generate the genetic maps from the huge amount of data, which has to be integrated in a concise and precise manner. The goal here is to obtain the best possible arrangement of genetic markers on the map and this necessitates the use of optimisation techniques. This paper elucidates the use of one such technique, Travelling Salesman problem (TSP) to generate genetic maps using recombination frequency values. Though softwares widely use this technique , not many research papers show the 'method' in detail, and this has been the motivation to write this paper. The traditional TSP algorithm yields multiple optimal solutions, whereas there can exist only one order of genes in a map and the programs need to resolve this matter as well. In this paper a possible constraint to achieve this has been explained. This paper also includes the validation of this technique with the criterion by using the crude data from already established genetic maps and mapping it back using our technique.
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Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 364
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
Generation of Genetic Maps Using the Travelling
Salesman Problem (TSP) Algorithm
Divya Venkatesh1, Tanmay Mishra1, Vivekanand S Gogi2
Abstract Genetic maps are the best guides available to traverse the genome of an organism. The challenge for geneticists is to
generate the genetic maps from the huge amount of data, which has to be integrated in a concise and precise manner. The goal here is to
obtain the best possible arrangement of genetic markers on the map and this necessitates the use of optimisation techniques. This paper
elucidates the use of one such technique, Travelling Salesman problem (TSP) to generate genetic maps using recombination frequency
values. Though softwares widely use this technique, not many research papers show the 'method' in detail, and this has been the
motivation to write this paper. The traditional TSP algorithm yields multiple optimal solutions, whereas there can exist only one order of
genes in a map and the programs need to resolve this matter as well. In this paper a possible constraint to achieve this has been
explained. This paper also includes the validation of this technique with the criterion by using the crude data from already established
genetic maps and mapping it back using our technique.
Index TermscentiMorgan, genetic distance, genetic optimality criterion, genetic map, recombination frequency, marker, TSP.
—————————— ——————————
He global advancements in molecular markers and multi-
ple genetic experiments being carried out, necessitate an
increasing requirement of mapping their results into a
single entity for a quick and comprehensive understanding of
the genetic system. One of the most widely used and ap-
proved analysis tools is gene maps or ideograms. A genetic
map is an ordered set of DNA markers derived from their in-
heritance patterns in an experimental (inbred or controlled)
population [1].
Genetic maps come in handy to lower overall com-
plexity and improve our understanding of the genome, its
structure, organisation and evolutionary relationships.
D.Mester et al [2] explain that these maps are related to uni-
dimensional ordering of many elements such as markers,
clones, SNP sites, etc. With n such elements, the number of all
possible orders will be n!/2, out of which only one is consid-
ered as the true order”. Formation of genetic maps is based on
determination of genetic distances between any two elements,
using recombination data, and then placing them physically in
a linear physical distance order according to the genetic dis-
tance between the markers. Genetic maps are essentially built
in two steps: assigning markers into meaningful groups (anal-
ogous to chromosomes), and ordering the markers within
groups to minimize the overall genetic map distance [1], [2].
To appreciate the biology in the application, we need
to acquaint ourselves with the terminologies frequently used in
the field:
Chromosome: The physical entity for a genetic map. It is a com-
pact organisation of DNA into a visible rod-like structure.
DNA Marker: It is an aberration in the DNA, or a portion of the
DNA which can be identified and pinpointed in the genome
and can be utilised as the node for the formation of genetic
maps. The markers can be of several types, the most common
of them being SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), SSRs
and RFLPs.
Physical distance: This is the distance (in number of base pairs)
between two markers in a chromosome.
Genetic distance: It is an experimentally measurable quantity
which is a function of the number of cross-overs in a recombi-
nation experiment with a fairly large sample size. It is meas-
ured in Morgans or centiMorgans (cM). Genetic distance is
proportional to physical distance as the number of crossover
will reduce as we reduce the physical distance between two
The genetic distance, in cM can be calculated using
two mapping functions, the Haldane map function and Kos-
ambi Mapping function. For simplicity of description and cal-
culation, we shall describe only the Haldane mapping function
[3], which is as follows:
)21ln( c
Where, m is the genetic distance in Morgan scale and
c is the recombination frequency. The cM scale can be obtained
by multiplying ‘m’ value by 100.
Linkage: If two markers are very close to each other, the proba-
bility of cross overs between them reduces, and the markers
are termed as ‘linked’.[4] If the probability of a cross over be-
tween two markers is very high, then this indicates a large
genetic (and hence physical) distance between the two mark-
Divya Venkatesh is completing her Bachelors degree program in Biotechnlo
in RV College of Engineering, India,
Tanmay Mishra is completing his Bachelors degree program in Biotechnlo
gy in
RV College of Engineering, India,
Vivekanand S Gogi is Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial Engi-
neering and Management in RV College ofEngineering, India
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 365
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
ers, thus ‘unlinked’.
In the last decade, the focus on genomics has in-
creased to a large extent and softwares based on optimaisation
techniques have been developed to handle the large amount of
data needed for genetic analysis. In line with this, softwares
for the generation of genetic maps using experimental data
have also come into light.CONCORDE and SAS JMP genomics
are two such softwares that use the TSP algorithm [5] as basis.
CONCORDE is short for ‘combinatorial optimization
and networked combinatorial optimization research and de-
velopment environment’ and is based on Traveling salesman
problem algorithm. It is accepted to be a highly efficient map-
ping program which gives high MLE (Maximum Likelihood
Estimation) and low OCB (Obligate Chromosome Breaks) [6],
SAS JMP genomics is a modification of the well-known
JMP statistical analysis software, which provides a user friend-
ly program for genetic analysis. It is engineered for complex
genetic analysis using the optimization technique as TSP, with
an array of constraints to suit the need. It does not require
much programming at the user end [1], [8], [9]
In this paper the method of creation of genetic maps
using TSP has been examined and demonstrated in detail.
There are a number of research articles on the incorporation of
this technique in the genomics field, and a lot of modifications
are tried, tested and validated, to suit the needs of genetic
mapping. It has been understood that the recombination rates
vary a lot over populations of the same organim due to effect
of genotype age and environment, and this makes the genetic
mapping a very difficult task [10]. But when the genetic map is
based on markers, this problem does not surface at all. Vario u s
constraints are introduced to increase the efficiency of the
program to provide more reliable results and also to sift be-
tween various markers and linkage sets. To understand the
changes and the constraints incorporated in the basal algo-
rithm, a very thorough understanding of the algorithm, its
procedure and working, becomes necessary.
Here, we make an effort to simplify this aspect and
provide a clear understanding of the basal algorithm and the
incorporation of a constraint to achieve desired maps.
TSP is an optimisation algorithm, and thus has a de-
fined problem definition, an iterative methodology and prob-
lem specific constraints. The original algorithm was based on
permutations, but with development in computer systems,
matrix based algorithms have also been developed. The meth-
odology we describe here is based on the matrix based solu-
tion, which can easily be incorporated into a mapping pro-
gram, and is far more efficient and fast compared to the per-
mutation based program.
This algorithm was designed initially to optimise the
distance travelled while traversing multiple cities or ‘nodes’.
Since the genetic maps almost exclusively deal with placement
of DNA markers on the chromosomes of the organism, charac-
terised by the genetic and physical distances between marker-
marker pairs, TSP has been used as the optimisation technique
to optimise the genetic distances to yield the shortest possible
arrangement of the markers in a given chromosome. This is
the basis of the TSP based genetic mapping softwares. The
traditional TSP algorithm has to be modified for such use in
genetics appropriately. The use of Genetic Algorithms [11] and
GES (Genetic Evolution Strategy) [12], [13] for the same is one
of the recent and prevalent techniques.
The genetic distance between marker pairs is experi-
mentally obtained by carrying out mating of a large number of
organisms in a sample set and checking for the recombination
frequency (Rf) of every marker compared to the other. A large
sample set is necessary since recombination frequency is a
statistical data. Once the Rf values are obtained for the marker
pairs of a single chromosome, the genetic distances can be cal-
culated as per the Haldane mapping function. This converted
data functions as the raw data for TSP algorithm.
Today any genetic analysis is accompanied by a program
specifically designed for the purpose. For creation of genetic
maps too there are such softwares and many of these use the
TSP algorithm as basis [14]. As a geneticist, in order to use
these softwares to the best advantage it is necessary to under-
stand the working mechanism of them. The paper serves this
very purpose and elucidates the method of TSP algorithm and
how it can be adapted to suit the biological needs
2.1 Problem Definition, Solution and Iteration
The basic data needed to formulate the genetic mapping prob-
lem as an assignment problem is the genetic distance between
the markers chosen. All the markers on one particular chro-
mosome are chosen at once. Among these, recombination is
tested by test crosses in wet lab. Then the recombination fre-
quency between the gene markers in pairs of two is calculated
and recorded.
These Rf values fill the matrix, which can be solved by
the TSP method. Here the symmetric TSP model has been
used, with number of rows and columns equal to the number
of markers present.
The aim is to optimise the chromosome’s genetic dis-
tance, which is essentially the total Rf between the first and
last marker in the so determined order of the markers by TSP
Extending this method to all chromosomes of the ge-
nome of any organism the entire genetic map of the organism
can be generated using optimization techniques.
Algorithm: Selective TSP [15]
1. Ensure there is atleast one zero in every row of the matrix.
To do so, chose the smallest element of each row and subtract
this value from all other values of the matrix.
2. Repeat the same procedure and ensure every column has
atleast one zero.
3. For every zero calculate the penalty. The penalty is equal to
the sum of the smallest element in the row of the zero and the
smallest element in the column of the zero, excluding this ze-
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 366
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
4. Now choose the zero with the maximum penalty and cross
out its row and column.
5. The row marker to column marker of this strike will be one
particular path.
6. Now delete the struck out row and column. Repeat all the
steps from 1, iteratively till you end up with a 1x 1 matrix.
Note down the paths every time you strike. The last path will
be from the row to column of the 1x 1 matrix obtained.
7. Now collect all the marker pair paths obtained.
8. Beginning the path from the reference marker (mentioned as
part of data), arrange all other paths such that the path finally
returns back to the reference marker itself.
9. The path so obtained gives the optimal path with least total
genetic distance between the reference marker and the last
10. This path has to be modified to suit our genetic map, as
explained in the solution and finally the order of markers is
11. The Rf values are then converted to cM values and the ge-
netic map is constructed in the order of markers as determined
by the TSP method.
12. If at step 4 more than one zero exists with the same maxi-
mum penalty, then multiple optimal solutions arise, which
diverge at the step where the multiple max penalty zeroes
arise. Here we need all the optimal paths for the TSP, so for
every zero with max penalty all steps after 4 are repeated in-
dividually and all optimal paths are collected.
One of the major confusions that arise while using
TSP to decide the order of markers is when multiple optimal
paths exist. According to TSP as long as the distance is mini-
mised the path in itself referring to the order loses importance.
But since our goal here is genetic optimality, marker order
takes prime importance. So the distance we are aiming to op-
timise excludes the last distance which indicates travel from
last marker to the first. Optimising this subtracted path (as we
term it) would in turn optimise the order primarily as opposed
to concentrating only on the total distance like in general TSP.
We need to use what we term as; Genetic optimality
criterion as opposed to the traditional TSP criterion is due the
chromosome being able to have only one particular pattern of
markers in reality whereas general TSP offers multiple possi-
ble solutions in many cases. So the best order is to be arrived
at for the genetic map to accurately represent the real chromo-
The paper confirms this technique of using an alterna-
tive optimality criterion by obtaining data for which genetic
maps have already been constructed by various methods, and
applying TSP with our criterion to validate that the results so
obtained match the already proved ones.
13. Sample DATA: The Table 1 represents two point crosses of
markers on one chromosome in an organism [4]. Here, Y is the
reference marker. Keeping in mind that Rf of Y-W is same as
W-Y, and so on for all marker combination the following ma-
trix is filled.
Note that the Rf values of Y-Y, V-V, R -R, W-W, and M-M in
Table 2 are all ∞ as those are forbidden paths, since a marker
can’t follow itself.
This matrix is now in the form of a TSP and hence can
be solved using optimization techniques.
Sample Data
Marker pair Rf %
Y-W 0.011
Y-V 0.33
Y-M 0.343
Y-R 0.429
W-V 0.321
W-M 0.328
W-R 0.421
V-M 0.04
V-R 0.241
M-R 0.178
Initial working matrix
Y 33 42.9 1.1 34.3
V 33 24.1 32.1 4
R 42.9 24.1 42.1 17.8
W 1.1 32.1 42.1 32.8
M 34.3 4 17.8 32.8
2.2 Data Collection and Computer-based Validation
To evaluate whether our methodology works in all cases, this
technique is verified using a large amount of data. Since the
raw data of the Rf values is largely a product of wet lab analy-
sis, the best available source was the already established gene
maps shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig.3 and Fig. 4. Backtracking
from these gene maps to obtain the data in the form needed
and later using our technique, it was verified that the order of
markers so obtained, matched that of the existing gene map
Two programs were used to process the large amount of
1. Data program
Algorithm: Take the number of markers and their centiMorgan
values as input. Using the centiMorgan distances calculate the
distance matrix for all the markers (subtract one distance from
the other). Convert the centiMorgan matrix values to Rf value s
using the formula mentioned in the introduction. The matrix
of Rf values is the data we need. This has to be done for each
chromosome’s gene map
2. Permutation program
This program doesn’t use the algorithm that has been dis-
cussed above, but a more basic approach of finding all possi-
ble paths given a set of markers, using permutation.
Algorithm: Take the matrix obtained above (for every chromo-
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 367
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
some individually) as input. Also take the reference marker for
all the paths to begin at. Use permutations to obtain all possi-
ble paths starting with the reference marker, and involving all
other markers. Select those paths with least total distance
(multiple ones if more than one has the same least total).
Amongst them, the order for the path with least subtracted
distance will be reported as genetically optimal order.
Fig. 1. Ideogram of Arabidopsis [16]
Fig. 2. Ideogram of Asparagus [17]
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 368
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
Using travelling salesman method the order with least genetic
distance is calculated for the sample data, and multiple opti-
mal paths are obtained: Y->W->V->M->R->Y and Y->R->M->V-
>W->Y. Both paths have the same reference point. And both
will show the same optimal overall distance from Y to Y (97.9)
as shown in Table 3 and 4.
Now to decide which amongst these two give the de-
sired order we are going to use the genetic optimality condi-
Here though the total distance remains the same, 97.9,
between both the paths, since the subtracted distance of 55 is
our optimal genetic distance, the order we desire is Path 1: Y-
>W->V->M->R. This is the genetically optimal path.
In a genetic map the distances are depicted using cM
as discussed before. So we convert the RFs into cM values as
per the Haldane mapping function formula discussed earlier.
The converted values are shown in Table 5.
The genetic map can now be depicted as in Fig. 5, where
Fig. 4. Ideogram of Olive Flounder [19]
Fig. 3. Ideogram of Barley [18]
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 369
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
the letters on the right side indicate the names of the genetic
markers and the values on the left side indicate the cM values
of each marker from the reference marker(Y). The thick line in
the centre represents the chromosome on which these mark-
ers loci are present.
The genetic distances are not additive [20], so distances of
all markers are calculated between one another and not from
the reference marker. The latter may fail to match the former
in cases where there is underestimation or over estimation of
the degree of recombination (due to double and triple crossing
over). For example to represent marker V, Y-W is 1.1 cM and
W-V is 51cM, so Y-V is now calculated as 52.1cM, but using the
data, Y-V is given as 54cM (an overestimation).
First path Rf calculation
Second path Rf calculation
cM to Rf conversions
Marker pair Rf Morgan cM
Y-W 0.011 0.011 1.1
Y-V 0.33 0.54 54
Y-M 0.343 0.579 57.9
Y-R 0.429 0.97 97
W-V 0.321 0.51 51
W-M 0.328 0.53 53
W-R 0.421 0.92 92
V-M 0.04 0.04 4
V-R 0.241 0.33 33
M-R 0.178 0.22 22
As mentioned under data collection we wanted to
verify the veracity of our contraints for the standard aforemen-
tioned organisms idiograms. For the same we needed multi-
ple optimal solutions (distance wise) upon which when our
constraint is used, the right result would be arrived at.
Since there were no programs based on the algorithm
we elucidated in the paper, which yield multiple optimal
, we had to instead develop a program that was based
on permutations that yield the same multiple optimal results
as with our algorithm, although with much more processing
involved. (The algorithms are previously mentioned).
When our genetic optimality criterion was used on
such multiple optimal results for established data, we were
able to obtain the desired single solution. We were thereby
successful in reproducing the maps using our constraint.
The drawback with this approach is, when trying to
run data for more than 14 markers, it takes huge amount of
time to process the many permutations and render the results.
This has limited our ability to check our technique for bigger
maps with larger amount of data. But since the main aim was
to establish the veracity of our genetic optimality criterion, this
limitation has not hampered our verification. This thereby
validates the working, efficacy and necessity of the genetic
optimality criterion.
This also further validates the merit of using this algorithm
Y->W 1.1
W->V 32.1
V->M 4
M->R 17.8
Subtracted distance 55
Y->W->V->M->R: distance = 55
Y->W->V->M->R->Y: distance = 97.9
Y->R 42.9
R->M 17.8
M->V 4
V->W 32.1
TOTAL 96.8
Y->R->M->V->W:distance = 96.8
Y->W->V->M->R>Y:distance = 97.9
Fig. 5. Final genetic map from data processing using TSP, showing the
arrangement of the markers according to their genetic distance s.
78.1 R
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & E ngineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, June-2014 370
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2014
instead of permutations to arrive at the optimal path for the
TSP, so as to process large amount of data with accuracy and
Today any genetic analysis is accompanied by a software pro-
gram specifically designed for the purpose. For creation of
genetic maps too there are such softwares and many of these
use the TSP algorithm as basis.
The softwares consider recombinant frequencies for
solving the TSP, and only later convert them to cM values for
map depiction. The reason behind this was explored in this
study and proved that much more accurate results are ob-
tained using this method when compared to conversion first
to cM values, followed by solving the TSP using these convert-
ed values.
The study also elaborates on the use of genetic opti-
mality criterion to zero in on the best solution out of the mul-
tiple optimal ones generated. This criterion can be one of the
ways that the softwares arrive at the single optimal solution as
the traditional TSP method yield multiple optimal solutions.
We propose that the traditional TSP needs to be modified to
suit for the applications in genetics. This constraint is one of
the ways to modify it and the method was also verified using
standard idiograms as reference.
Though in most cases TSP is completely successful,
since it’s a mathematical approach at best there may be more
than a single final path at times, even with use of constraints
and interpretation of the result could be erroneous. Each pro-
gram would then use its own method to choose one solution
in such a case, and we are yet to explore these methods. Also
on a larger scale, repetition of RF values need to be taken into
account and more data will be required to segregate and map
such markers, thereby indicating more modifications that
maybe required to the TSP method.
This paper gives a clear overview of the working principle
of the softwares based on TSP, used to create genetic maps.
The softwares would use complex programs based on the al-
gorithm explained here or derivatives of the same. The pro-
gram would also incorporate multiple constraints as men-
tioned above to finally order the markers such that they map
the natural organisation of chromosomes.
The Author thanks the valuable insights provided by Dr K.N.
Subramanya, Dr H.G Ashok Kumar and Dr Nagashree N Rao.
They have been instrumental in shaping our progress to a bet-
ter conclusion.
Efforts by L.P. Ashwanth, Agneev Ghosh and Sathvik
M Ashok, also should be acknowledged for their assistance in
the development of the software programs for data validation.
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Full-text available
New high throughput DNA technologies resul-ted in a disproportion between the high number of scored markers for the mapping populations and relatively small sizes of the genotyped pop-ulations. Correspondingly, the number of mark-ers may, by orders of magnitude, exceed the threshold of recombination resolution achieva-ble for a given population size. Hence, only a small part of markers can be genuinely ordered in the map. The question is how to choose the most informative markers for building such a reliable "skeleton" map. We believe that our ap-proach provides a solution to this difficult pro-blem due to: 1) powerful tools of discrete opti-mization for multilocus ordering; 2) a verifica-tion procedure, which is impossible without fast and high-quality optimization, to control the map quality based on re-sampling techniques; 3) an interactive algorithm of marker clustering in co-mplicated situations caused by significant de-viation of recombination rates between markers of non-homologous chromosomes from the ex-pected 50% (referred to as quasi-linkage or pse-udo-linkage); and 4) an algorithm for detection and removing excessive markers to increase the stability of multilocus ordering.
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Numerous mapping projects conducted on different species have generated an abundance of mapping data. Consequently, many multilocus maps have been constructed using diverse mapping populations and marker sets for the same organism. The quality of maps varies broadly among populations, marker sets, and software used, necessitating efforts to integrate the mapping information and generate consensus maps. The problem of consensus genetic mapping (MCGM) is by far more challenging compared with genetic mapping based on a single dataset, which by itself is also cumbersome. The additional complications introduced by consensus analysis include inter-population differences in recombination rate and exchange distribution along chromosomes; variations in dominance of the employed markers; and use of different subsets of markers in different labs. Hence, it is necessary to handle arbitrary patterns of shared sets of markers and different level of mapping data quality. In this article, we introduce a two-phase approach for solving MCGM. In phase 1, for each dataset, multilocus ordering is performed combined with iterative jackknife resampling to evaluate the stability of marker orders. In this phase, the ordering problem is reduced to the well-known traveling salesperson problem (TSP). Namely, for each dataset, we look for order that gives minimum sum of recombination distances between adjacent markers. In phase 2, the optimal consensus order of shared markers is selected from the set of allowed orders and gives the minimal sum of total lengths of nonconflicting maps of the chromosome. This criterion may be used in different modifications to take into account the variation in quality of the original data (population size, marker quality, etc.). In the foregoing formulation, consensus mapping is considered as a specific version of TSP that can be referred to as "synchronized TSP." The conflicts detected after phase 1 are resolved using either a heuristic algorithm over the entire chromosome or an exact/heuristic algorithm applied subsequently to the revealed small non-overlapping regions with conflicts separated by non-conflicting regions. The proposed approach was tested on a wide range of simulated data and real datasets from maize.
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This paper develops a new crossover operator, Sequential Constructive crossover(SCX), for a genetic algorithm that generates high quality solutions to the TravelingSalesman Problem (TSP). The sequential constructive crossover operatorconstructs an offspring from a pair of parents using better edges on the basis of theirvalues that may be present in the parents' structure maintaining the sequence ofnodes in the parent chromosomes. The efficiency of the SCX is compared asagainst some existing crossover operators; namely, edge recombination crossover(ERX) and generalized N-point crossover (GNX) for some benchmark TSPLIBinstances. Experimental results show that the new crossover operator is better thanthe ERX and GNX.
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Mixed models improve the ability to detect phenotype-genotype associations in the presence of population stratification and multiple levels of relatedness in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), but for large data sets the resource consumption becomes impractical. At the same time, the sample size and number of markers used for GWAS is increasing dramatically, resulting in greater statistical power to detect those associations. The use of mixed models with increasingly large data sets depends on the availability of software for analyzing those models. While multiple software packages implement the mixed model method, no single package provides the best combination of fast computation, ability to handle large samples, flexible modeling and ease of use. Key elements of association analysis with mixed models are reviewed, including modeling phenotype-genotype associations using mixed models, population stratification, kinship and its estimation, variance component estimation, use of best linear unbiased predictors or residuals in place of raw phenotype, improving efficiency and software-user interaction. The available software packages are evaluated, and suggestions made for future software development.
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This paper describes a fast and scalable strategy for constructing a radiation hybrid (RH) map from data on different RH panels. The maps on each panel are then integrated to produce a single RH map for the genome. Recurring problems in using maps from several sources are that the maps use different markers, the maps do not place the overlapping markers in same order, and the objective functions for map quality are incomparable. We use methods from combinatorial optimization to develop a strategy that addresses these issues. We show that by the standard objective functions of obligate chromosome breaks and maximum likelihood, software for the traveling salesman problem produces RH maps with better quality much more quickly than using software specifically tailored for RH mapping. We use known algorithms for the longest common subsequence problem as part of our map integration strategy. We demonstrate our methods by reconstructing and integrating maps for markers typed on the Genebridge 4 (GB4) and the Stanford G3 panels publicly available from the RH database. We compare map quality of our integrated map with published maps for GB4 panel and G3 panel by considering whether markers occur in the same order on a map and in DNA sequence contigs submitted to GenBank. We find that all of the maps are inconsistent with the sequence data for at least 50% of the contigs, but our integrated maps are more consistent. The map integration strategy not only scales to multiple RH maps but also to any maps that have comparable criteria for measuring map quality. Our software improves on current technology for doing RH mapping in areas of computation time and algorithms for considering a large number of markers for mapping. The essential impediments to producing dense high-quality RH maps are data quality and panel size, not computation.
The mapping of chromosomal regions affecting qualitative or quantitative traits receives growing attention in plant breeding. In this contribution, we review the concepts and basic principles behind genetic map construction, and mapping of major genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL). The following topics are treated:
The Data Mining process encompasses many different specific techniques and algorithms that can be used to analyze the data and derive the discovered knowledge. An important problem regarding the results of the Data Mining process is the development of efficient indicators of assessing the quality of the results of the analysis. This, the quality assessment problem, is a cornerstone issue of the whole process because: i) The analyzed data may hide interesting patterns that the Data Mining methods are called to reveal. Due to the size of the data, the requirement for automatically evaluating the validity of the extracted patterns is stronger than ever. ii)A number of algorithms and techniques have been proposed which under different assumptions can lead to different results. iii)The number of patterns generated during the Data Mining process is very large but only a few of these patterns are likely to be of any interest to the domain expert who is analyzing the data. In this chapter we will introduce the main concepts and quality criteria in Data Mining. Also we will present an overview of approaches that have been proposed in the literature for evaluating the Data Mining results.
We present a new and effective metaheuristic algorithm, active guided evolution strategies, for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. The algorithm combines the strengths of the well-known guided local search and evolution strategies metaheuristics into an iterative two-stage procedure. More precisely, guided local search is used to regulate a composite local search in the first stage and the neighborhood of the evolution strategies algorithm in the second stage. The vehicle routing problem with time windows is a classical problem in operations research, where the objective is to design least cost routes for a fleet of identical capacitated vehicles to service geographically scattered customers within pre-specified time windows. The presented algorithm is specifically designed for large-scale problems. The computational experiments were carried out on an extended set of 302 benchmark problems. The results demonstrate that the suggested method is highly competitive, providing the best-known solutions to 86% of all test instances within reasonable computing times. The power of the algorithm is confirmed by the results obtained on 23 capacitated vehicle routing problems from the literature.
This paper discusses a highly effective heuristic procedure for generating optimum and near-optimum solutions for the symmetric traveling-salesman problem. The procedure is based on a general approach to heuristics that is believed to have wide applicability in combinatorial optimization problems. The procedure produces optimum solutions for all problems tested, “classical” problems appearing in the literature, as well as randomly generated test problems, up to 110 cities. Run times grow approximately as n ² ; in absolute terms, a typical 100-city problem requires less than 25 seconds for one case (GE635), and about three minutes to obtain the optimum with above 95 per cent confidence.