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Seasonal and Among-Stream Variation in Predator Encounter Rates for Fish Prey


Abstract and Figures

Recognition that predators have indirect effects on prey populations that may exceed their direct consumptive effects highlights the need for a better understanding of spatiotemporal variation in predator–prey interactions. We used photographic monitoring of tethered Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Cutthroat Trout O. clarkii to quantify predator encounter rates for fish in four streams of northwestern California during winter–spring and summer. To estimate maximum encounter rates, provide the clearest contrast among streams and seasons, and provide an empirical estimate of a key parameter in an individual-based model of stream salmonids, we consistently placed fish in shallow microhabitats that lacked cover. Over 14-d periods, predators captured fish at 66 of the 88 locations where fish were placed. Eight species of birds (including two species of owls) and mammals were documented as capturing fish. Thirty-six percent of the predator encounters occurred at night. Predator encounter rates varied among streams and between seasons; the best-fitting model of survival included a stream × season interaction. Encounter rates tended to be higher in larger streams than in smaller streams and higher in winter–spring than in summer. Conversion of predator encounter rates from this study to estimates of predation risk by using published information on capture success yielded values similar to an independent estimate of predation risk obtained from calibration of an individual-based model of the trout population in one of the study streams. The multiple mechanisms linking predation risk to population dynamics argue for additional effort to identify patterns of spatiotemporal variation in predation risk.Received July 3, 2012; accepted December 13, 2012
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Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
ISSN: 0002-8487 (Print) 1548-8659 (Online) Journal homepage:
Seasonal and Among-Stream Variation in Predator
Encounter Rates for Fish Prey
Bret C. Harvey & Rodney J. Nakamoto
To cite this article: Bret C. Harvey & Rodney J. Nakamoto (2013) Seasonal and Among-Stream
Variation in Predator Encounter Rates for Fish Prey, Transactions of the American Fisheries
Society, 142:3, 621-627, DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2012.760485
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Published online: 28 Mar 2013.
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Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:621–627, 2013
American Fisheries Society 2013
ISSN: 0002-8487 print / 1548-8659 online
DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2012.760485
Seasonal and Among-Stream Variation in Predator
Encounter Rates for Fish Prey
Bret C. Harvey* and Rodney J. Nakamoto
U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 1700 Bayview Drive,
Arcata, California 95521, USA
Recognition that predators have indirect effects on prey popu-
lations that may exceed their direct consumptive effects highlights
the need for a better understanding of spatiotemporal variation
in predator–prey interactions. We used photographic monitoring
of tethered Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Cutthroat
Tro ut O. clarkii to quantify predator encounter rates for fish in
four streams of northwestern California during winter–spring and
summer. To estimate maximum encounter rates, provide the clear-
est contrast among streams and seasons, and provide an empirical
estimate of a key parameter in an individual-based model of stream
salmonids, we consistently placed fish in shallow microhabitats that
lacked cover. Over 14-d periods, predators captured fish at 66 of
the 88 locations where fish were placed. Eight species of birds (in-
cluding two species of owls) and mammals were documented as
capturing fish. Thirty-six percent of the predator encounters oc-
curred at night. Predator encounter rates varied among streams
and between seasons; the best-fitting model of survival included a
stream ×season interaction. Encounter rates tended to be higher
in larger streams than in smaller streams and higher in winter–
spring than in summer. Conversion of predator encounter rates
from this study to estimates of predation risk by using published
information on capture success yielded values similar to an inde-
pendent estimate of predation risk obtained from calibration of an
individual-based model of the trout population in one of the study
streams. The multiple mechanisms linking predation risk to popu-
lation dynamics argue for additional effort to identify patterns of
spatiotemporal variation in predation risk.
Predators affect prey populations directly by consumption
and indirectly through a variety of nonconsumptive effects, such
as alteration of habitat selection and diel activity patterns. Non-
consumptive effects of predators can have greater effects on prey
demographics than consumptive effects (Preisser et al. 2005),
suggesting that overall predator effects may be more impor-
tant to prey population dynamics than traditional ecological
theory suggests. Fully recognizing the potential significance of
*Corresponding author:
Received July 3, 2012; accepted December 13, 2012
Published online March 28, 2013
predation to prey population dynamics highlights the need for
understanding the magnitude of predation risk and its spatiotem-
poral variation. For stream fishes, high rates of fish consump-
tion by various endothermic predators have been observed (e.g.,
Alexander 1979; Heggenes and Borgstrøm 1988; Dolloff 1993),
along with significant annual variation in the presence–absence
of important predators. A variety of studies have addressed the
influence of local habitat features (e.g., cover, depth, and wa-
ter velocity) on predation risk, while advances in long-term
monitoring of tagged fish have allowed large-scale studies of
survival in general (e.g., Berger and Gresswell 2009; Xu et al.
2010). However, both in general and for purposes of fish popu-
lation modeling (e.g., Railsback et al. 2009), it would be useful
to know more about reach-scale and shorter-term temporal vari-
ation in predation risk.
In this study, we sought to examine spatiotemporal variation
in predator encounter rates for fish occupying four streams in
northwestern California. Our specific objectives included de-
tection of seasonal and diel patterns in predator encounters and
the identification of predators. We also sought to empirically
estimate a parameter in the individual-based stream trout model
of Railsback et al. (2009). This model utilizes a stream reach-
scale parameter that represents the minimal rate of survival of
predation risk from nonaquatic predators. Because this param-
eter cannot be routinely measured and is highly uncertain, it is
commonly adjusted in the model calibration process to match
model results to empirical observations.
We made observations in Jacoby and Little Jones creeks,
which both drain forested catchments in northwestern Cali-
fornia. In the study reach (at an elevation of about 250 m),
Jacoby Creek is a second-order stream draining 10–15 km2of
Downloaded by [] at 11:28 13 July 2016
second-growth forest and grassland. Red alder Alnus rubra and
bigleaf maple Acer macrophyllum dominate much of the ripar-
ian zone; coast redwood Sequoia sempervirens and Douglas-fir
Pseudotsuga menziesii provide most of the forest cover in the
catchment and also commonly occur in the riparian zone. The
active stream channel in the reach averages about 4 m wide,
with a gradient of 1.5%. Water temperature ranges from 9Cto
16C in summer and from 4Cto12
C in winter. Streamflow
in the study reach averages less than 0.05 m3/s in the summer
and approximately 0.75 m3/s in the winter. The Rainbow Trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss is the only fish species in the Jacoby
Creek study reach. The stream also supports semiaquatic ver-
tebrates, including the coastal giant salamander Dicamptodon
tenebrosus, northern red-legged frog Rana aurora, Pacific Coast
aquatic garter snake Thamnophis atratus, and coastal tailed
frog Ascaphus trueii. Both the coastal giant salamander and the
Pacific Coast aquatic garter snake are known to prey on fish.
Little Jones Creek is a third-order tributary of the Middle Fork
Smith River in northwestern California, draining about 27 km2
of steep, forested terrain. The Little Jones Creek reach used in
this study drains 15–20 km2of mostly second-growth forest.
Red alder dominates the riparian vegetation. The active stream
channel is about 8 m wide, and stream gradient in the study
reach averages 1.8%. Water temperature ranges from 11.5Cto
16C in the summer and from 3Cto11
C in winter. Streamflow
averages 0.15 m3/s in the summer and 2.5 m3/s in the winter.
We also included two first-order tributaries of Little Jones
Creek in this study. The first (informally named “Big Head
Creek”) enters Little Jones Creek 1.6 km upstream of the con-
fluence of Little Jones Creek and the Middle Fork Smith River
and drains 2.7 km2(<2.0 km2in the study reach). The second
(informally named “Weejak Creek”) enters Little Jones Creek
3.3 km upstream of the Middle Fork Smith River–Little Jones
Creek confluence and drains 1.7 km2. Both tributaries have av-
erage streamflows of less than 0.01 m3/s in the summer and
0.1 m3/s or less in the winter. The Cutthroat Trout O. clarkii
is the only fish species in the Little Jones Creek catchment.
Semi-aquatic vertebrates include the coastal giant salamander,
foothill yellow-legged frog Rana boylii, Pacific Coast aquatic
garter snake, and coastal tailed frog.
We initially attempted to quantify predator encounter rates by
using artificial lures. The behavior of potential predators in the
vicinity of the lures was recorded via the photographic methods
described below. In each of three different approaches, we used
artificial lures designed to resemble 150-mm FL Rainbow Trout.
Each lure had articulations just anterior and posterior to the
dorsal fin and had a soft plastic caudal fin, which gave the lure
an apparently natural swimming motion when tethered in water
velocities of 5–10 cm/s. The treble hooks on each lure were
removed and replaced with split shot to position the lure just
below the water’s surface with a horizontal orientation. In the
first approach, single lures were positioned in shallow (<10 cm),
slow-moving water by attachment to a 0.5-m-long monofilament
line secured at the upstream end to a small metal stake driven
into the streambed. In the second approach, we tethered three
lures at each monitoring location; the lures were separately
secured by lines anchored 10 cm apart. Finally, we attempted
to attract predators by constructing an apparatus in which three
lures “responded” to predators by exhibiting short movements.
This device incorporated an infrared motion detector, a battery-
powered servo motor, and a suspended counterweight. Lures
were connected to other parts of the apparatus by at least 3 m of
monofilament line to minimize the influence of the apparatus on
predator behavior. When the mechanism was triggered by the
infrared sensor, the servo motor pulled and released attachment
lines multiple times, moving the lures approximately 15 cm
with each cycle. Over 17–42 d of testing, the three approaches
described above failed to attract predators, although cameras
recorded raccoons Procyon lotor and great blue herons Ardea
herodias in the vicinity of the lures.
The failure of artificial lures to attract predators that we
had observed consuming fish at the study sites (e.g., great blue
herons and belted kingfishers Ceryle alcyon)promptedanin-
vestigation of live-fish tethering methods. Extensive daily be-
havioral observations of tethered live fish revealed that (1) the
tethered fish remained quiescent except when disturbed at close
range; (2) a simple tether arrangement in unobstructed habi-
tat eliminated the risk of entanglement; and (3) tethered fish
remained in good condition after 5–7 d in place.
After establishing the effectiveness of the method, we
monitored tethered fish with remote cameras to assess predator
encounter rates across streams and seasons. Trout used in the
experiment (Rainbow Trout in Jacoby Creek and Cutthroat
Trout in Little Jones Creek and its tributaries) were collected
from the study reaches by electrofishing; we assumed that the
difference in trout species between Jacoby and Little Jones
creeks did not influence the results. Fish averaged 114 mm FL
(SD =17); this size reflected our desire to minimally affect
fish populations while using fish that were large enough to be
relatively vulnerable to avian and mammalian predators. After
receiving anesthesia, fish were tethered via a 30-cm monofil-
ament line to a 340-g lead weight that was partially buried in
the substratum. The line was attached to the fish through the
musculature immediately anterior to the insertion of the dorsal
fin. All fish were observed until they had completely recovered
from the anesthesia. We placed tethered fish in shallow locations
(depth =8–15 cm) with low water velocity (0–5 cm/s) and
gravel or sand substratum to maximize their vulnerability and
to allow approximation of the minimum survival parameter in
the individual-based model of Railsback et al. (2009). We also
anticipated that consistent placement of fish in vulnerable loca-
tions would preclude any interaction between tethering artifacts
and the independent variables of interest; such interactions have
been a concern in some previous studies that have used prey
tethering (Barshaw and Able 1990; Aronson et al. 2001). We
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NOTE 623
positioned cameras about 1.5 m from the locations of tethered
fish. Each camera was mounted on a metal stake so that the cam-
era was about 60 cm above the water’s surface. Cameras were
triggered with a passive infrared motion sensor; we set cameras
to record five images approximately 0.75 s apart when triggered.
We set a maximum of six tethered fish in each stream at any
time, with tether locations separated by at least 20 m of stream
length. We visited tether locations at 5–7-d intervals. Fish that
survived over an interval were released. Survival of two fish
over successive intervals at one location was classified as an
observation of “no predation. In some cases, logistical con-
straints dictated that observations of no predation constituted
less than 10–14 d. If predators preferentially visited locations
of prior success in capturing fish, this could affect our measure-
ments; therefore, each location provided only one observation,
regardless of outcome. We anticipated that the density and distri-
bution of tethered fish would preclude any interactions between
predator density and tethering, which have been an issue in some
smaller-scale, short-term studies (Kneib and Scheele 2000). Ob-
servations for each combination of stream and season spanned
25–34 d. We made winter–spring observations from 20 January
to 16 May 2011 and summer observations from 14 July to 17
August 2011. The cameras recorded the date and time of preda-
tion events (so that survival time could be quantified), and the
photos allowed us to identify predators. We summarized the data
by building survival curves for each combination of stream and
season. We also distinguished daytime versus nighttime preda-
tion events, with daytime defined as extending from 1 h before
We used the Kaplan–Meier estimator (Therneau and
Grambsch 2010) to construct survival curves for the eight
combinations of stream and season. To explore the influence
of stream and season on survival, we used Cox regression
(Therneau and Grambsch 2010) with stream and season as
dummy variables. The raw data for these analyses were ob-
served survival times, including observations of no predation
over known time spans. We used Akaike’s information criterion
(AIC) to compare five models of survival: (1) a null model (no
covariates); (2) a model with stream as the independent vari-
able; (3) a model with season as the independent variable; (4)
a model that included both stream and season; and (5) the full
model, which included stream, season, and a stream ×season
interaction. Using the Cox regression results for the full model,
we also computed hazard ratios to contrast results by season
and stream size (Jacoby and Little Jones creeks versus the two
tributaries of Little Jones Creek). Laplante-Albert et al. (2010)
provide a more detailed description of the general approach to
survival analysis used here.
The field methods appeared to be generally effective. Parallel
to our preliminary observations, we never observed fish straining
at the end of their tethers except immediately after the tethering
FIGURE 1. Two examples of photo-documented predator encounters for teth-
ered fish: (upper panel) a belted kingfisher capturing a fish during the daytime
and (lower panel) a western screech-owl capturing a fish at night.
procedure or during the release procedure. Photographs pro-
vided evidence that encounter rates with some predators were
not increased by the tethering procedure. Potential predators,
including the great blue heron, American marten Martes amer-
icana, American black bear Ursus americanus, American mink
Neovison vison, raccoon, and North American river otter Lon-
tra canadensis, were recorded by the cameras as passing within
0–2 m of tethered fish, apparently without detecting them. All
surviving fish were released in good condition. All of the pho-
tographed predators were identifiable to species (Figure 1).
In total, we documented 66 predator encounters (i.e., with
prey being removed) and 22 instances of no predation. On six
occasions (three in winter–spring and three in summer), fish
were not recovered from the tether location, but no photographs
of predation events were recorded. These six fish were probably
removed by predators that did not trigger the infrared motion
sensor of the camera; ectothermic predators, such as coastal
Downloaded by [] at 11:28 13 July 2016
giant salamanders or Pacific Coast aquatic garter snakes, may
have been responsible.
Although the study was limited to four streams in two small
catchments, we documented encounters by eight species of
avian and mammalian predators. Birds were responsible for
41 (62%) of the 66 documented predator encounters: belted
kingfisher (18 prey captures), western screech-owl Megascops
kennicottii (11 captures), great blue heron (6 captures), com-
mon merganser Mergus merganser (3 captures), barred owl
Strix varia (2 captures), and red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicen-
sis (1 capture). Raccoons were responsible for 18 captures, and
North American river otters were responsible for seven captures.
Twenty-four (36%) of the 66 total encounters occurred at night.
Four predator species captured fish at night: barred owls (100%
of captures were at night), western screech-owls (36% at night),
North American river otters (57% at night), and raccoons (78%
at night).
Survival curves by stream and season revealed noteworthy
spatiotemporal variation (Figures 2, 3). Between-season differ-
ences varied among streams; for example, the largest stream
included in the study (Little Jones Creek) exhibited mod-
est differences between seasons (Figure 2), in contrast to the
differences observed for the smallest stream (Weejak Creek;
Figure 3). As this result suggests, the Cox regression model that
included season, stream, and the season ×stream interaction
had the strongest support, as indicated by AIC (Table 1). Al-
though the significant season ×stream interaction demands
caution in interpreting main effects, computation of hazard ra-
tios suggested that the risk of encountering predators was about
2.8 times greater in winter–spring than in summer. Comparison
of the two larger streams with the two smaller streams suggested
that the risk of predator encounter was about 2.9 times greater
in the larger streams.
Tethering experiments require careful interpretation (e.g.,
Barbeau and Scheibling 1994; Post et al. 1998). The method
used here probably measures prey detection reasonably well
for several predators (e.g., kingfishers, great blue herons, and
TABLE 1. Comparison of five models of fish survival (based on tethered
Rainbow Trout and Cutthroat Trout) in four small streams of northwestern
California. The difference in Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) indicates
the difference in model fit between the given candidate model and the best-fitting
model (i.e., the model with the lowest AIC value). Akaike weights (w) reflect
the relative likelihoods of the models (Burnham and Anderson 2002).
Model AIC w
Null (no covariates) 26.1 <0.0001
Season 17.4 0.0002
Stream 15.7 0.0004
Season +stream 4.5 0.0947
Season +stream +
(season ×stream)
0 0.9047
FIGURE 2. Kaplan–Meier survival curves by season for fish in Jacoby Creek
(tethered Rainbow Trout) and Little Jones Creek (tethered Cutthroat Trout),
northwestern California, 2011. Symbols indicate photo-documented prey cap-
tures or observations of surviving fish. Shaded symbols indicate nighttime preda-
tion events (screech-owl =western screech-owl; kingfisher =belted kingfisher;
merganser =common merganser).
owls) that almost certainly detected and attacked quiescent
fish. In some cases, tethering may have affected prey detection
and capture; although raccoons were photographed on several
occasions in which they did not detect fish, they were probably
over-represented in our data set because tethering appeared
to enhance their probability of capturing fish. To estimate
predation risk for free-swimming fish based on the observations
presented here, information on predators’ capture success in the
pursuit of free-swimming fish is needed. A variety of previous
observations of capture success indicate that the survival curves
presented here, which reflect predator encounter rates, would
require significant modification to reflect predation risk. For
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NOTE 625
FIGURE 3. Kaplan–Meier survival curves by season for fish (tethered Cut-
throat Trout) in two first-order tributaries of Little Jones Creek (Weejak and
Big Head creeks), northwestern California, 2011. Symbols indicate photo-
documented prey captures or observations of surviving fish. Shaded sym-
bols indicate nighttime predation events (screech-owl =western screech-owl;
kingfisher =belted kingfisher).
example, pied kingfishers Ceryle rudis had 19% capture success
when feeding on fish along the shoreline of Lake Malawi
(Johnston 1989). Abbruzze and Ritchison (1997) reported that
six radio-tagged eastern screech-owls Megascops asio were
23% successful in 35 attacks on prey that included birds, insects,
crayfish, small mammals, leeches, and fish. For several species
of wading birds feeding on fish in shallow-water areas that
lacked habitat complexity, the capture success averaged 31%
(Lantz et al. 2010). In addition, common mergansers feeding
on the smolts and fry of Coho Salmon O. kisutch had a capture
success rate of 36%, but they succeeded in subduing and eating
only 18% of the prey they pursued (Wood and Hand 1985).
Prior application of an individual-based model to the Cut-
throat Trout population in Little Jones Creek (Harvey and
Railsback 2009, 2012) provides context for the empirical obser-
vations of predator encounter rates presented here, as the model
includes a parameter that represents the daily survival rate for
fish in the habitat offering the lowest survival (Railsback et al.
2009). In application of the model to the Cutthroat Trout pop-
ulation in Little Jones Creek, calibration using multiple years
of empirical data on age-specific abundance and size yielded an
estimate of 98.7% for the minimum daily survival parameter.
From the current study, the loss of 66 out of 88 fish yields a
predator encounter rate of 75% over 14 d. Applying a capture
success rate of 35%—a conservative estimate according to the
literature reviewed above—to this encounter rate would yield a
mortality rate of 22.5% and therefore a survival rate of 77.5%
over 14 d (this assumes that all of the live fish we recovered
would have survived for a complete observation period). This
rate converts to a daily survival of 97.8%. If we exclude fish that
were captured by raccoons from the number of fish encountered
by predators (i.e., because the probability that raccoons will de-
tect and pursue fish is almost certainly overestimated in this data
set), the same exercise produces a daily survival rate of 98.5%.
Although this exercise necessarily relies on a highly specula-
tive estimate of overall capture success rate from the literature
to convert encounter rates to capture rates, we find encourag-
ing the correspondence between the two distinct approaches to
estimation of predation risk.
Our findings suggest that for fish in the streams we studied,
there is a significant chronic risk from a variety of predators.
Because fish are unlikely to be able to perceive and avoid several
of the predators we observed prior to a prey capture attempt, the
results indicate that predation risk could have persistent effects
on habitat selection by fishes. Such effects are exemplified
by Power’s (1984) observation that predation risk from birds
prevented herbivorous fishes from occupying and feeding in
shallow-water areas within a Panamanian stream, thus leading
to “bathtub rings” of algae in pools. The cost of risk-sensitive
habitat selection may be less severe for drift-feeding fishes,
such as salmonids, in that some stream habitats may offer
both relative safety and superior foraging opportunities. For
example, large elements in stream channels (e.g., boulders and
woody debris) can provide cover and cause local streambed
scour that increases water depth. Both cover and depth can
reduce predation risk (e.g., Harvey and Stewart 1991), while
pool habitat can provide the most favorable feeding conditions
for relatively large fish in small streams (Rosenfeld and Boss
2001). Fish seeking to minimize energy expenditure rather than
to maximize foraging efficiency, as may be the case at cold
temperatures (Cunjak 1996), may commonly encounter habitats
that offer both low predation risk and favorable energetic con-
ditions in the form of microhabitats with low water velocity and
cover that provides concealment. However, these observations
do not preclude an important role for the indirect effects
of predation risk on salmonid population dynamics because
Downloaded by [] at 11:28 13 July 2016
low-risk habitat and foraging opportunities do not consistently
Our observations suggested a greater risk of predator en-
counters in winter–spring than in summer for fish in the small
streams we studied. Where this pattern applies, its effect on
predation risk would be compounded by any additional nega-
tive effects of water temperature on fish swimming performance
(Webb 1978) and the associated consequences for the suscepti-
bility of fish to endothermic predators, as suggested by several
authors (e.g., Fraser et al. 1993; Cunjak 1996; Reeves et al.
2010). Predators may shift toward smaller stream channels in
winter–spring, when high streamflows make prey detection and
capture in larger channels more challenging. Another possibility
is that endothermic predators may increase their focus on fish
when the availability of alternative prey declines. For example,
piscivory by owls may increase in winter, when some of their
terrestrial prey are hibernating.
The preponderance of daytime predator–prey encounters we
observed (64% of encounters) corresponds with previous con-
clusions that fish in other lotic systems face lower predation
risk at night. Using information on predator diet, density, and
energetics, Metcalfe et al. (1999) estimated that primarily noc-
turnal predators were responsible for 10.5% of the predation on
juvenile salmon in Scottish rivers. For the present study, the ex-
clusion of raccoons, which seem unlikely to have a high capture
success with free-swimming fish in continuous stream systems,
would lower the percentage of encounters occurring at night
from 36% to 21%. The potential seems great for spatiotempo-
ral variation in predator assemblages to result in variation in
diel risk patterns for stream fish. For example, our observations
suggest that owls can be important nocturnal predators of fish
in some streams, but the density and distribution of piscivorous
owls probably vary dramatically. The ongoing range expansion
of the barred owl in western North America may be causing
changes in the risk environment of stream fishes, amphibians,
and crustaceans. The flexibility in diel behavior exhibited by
salmonid fishes (e.g., Metcalfe et al. 1999; Reeves et al. 2010)
and the potential consequences of predation risk for popula-
tion dynamics (e.g., Railsback and Harvey 2011) suggest that
diel variation in predation risk deserves attention in population
These initial observations of predator encounter rates in
streams indicate a lower risk for fish in smaller streams, but
this result may have been strongly influenced by specific fea-
tures of the streams included in our study. For example, the two
tributaries of Little Jones Creek had sharply different patterns of
fish survival in winter. This difference may relate to the extent
of riparian vegetation closely overhanging the stream, which
could be a useful covariate in future studies. In some settings,
an overall pattern of decreasing risk upstream could to some
extent offset detrimental features of upstream habitat, such as
the risk of habitat loss from stream drying and lower food avail-
ability, as indicated by lower growth rates upstream (Harvey
This study revealed, within a geographically limited area, a
broad array of predators and substantial spatiotemporal variation
in predator encounter rates for stream fish. Broader observations
may identify key predator–prey combinations and geographic
and seasonal variation in predator encounter rates that could
help to explain differences in fish behavior and population dy-
namics. While our goal of informing fish population models led
us to focus on these predator–prey interactions from the per-
spective of vulnerable prey, more information on the behavior
and capabilities of specific piscivores would clearly be useful in
improving our understanding of terrestrial–aquatic linkages.
Megan Arnold, Michael Helmair, and Jason White assisted
with fieldwork. Linda Long, C.J. Ralph, and Bill Zielinski as-
sisted with analysis of photographs to identify predators. The
City of Arcata provided access to the Arcata Community Forest.
Sylvia Mori assisted with statistical analyses. The manuscript
benefited from reviews by Jason Dunham and anonymous
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... Many juvenile salmonids overwinter in streams and rivers, where they are vulnerable to predation [11][12][13]. Semi-aquatic predators, such as mammals and birds, both endotherms, are some of the main winter predators of stream salmonids [11,13]. As poikilotherms, salmonids and most other fishes have reduced predator detection and escape capabilities during winter, as a result of constrained physiological performance at low temperatures [14][15][16][17]. ...
... Surface ice cover reduces the risk that stream fishes succumb to predation by mammals and birds [28]. Overwintering fish often have higher growth and survival rates when surface ice cover is present than when it is absent [12,[29][30][31][32][33][34]. Ice cover leads to larger energy reserves, as fish increase the time they spend foraging and are less vigilant to predators [30,33,35]. ...
... In this study, we found that juvenile brown trout exhibited anti-predator behaviors in the presence of piscivorous fish, e.g., reduced propensity to forage, lower activity and increased time spent sheltering. Piscivorous fish have been previously shown to affect the ecology and behavior of overwintering stream salmonids [11,12,20,21]. Diel variation in behavior during winter has however often been attributed to the diurnal activity of semiaquatic mammals and birds [13,34,36]. ...
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During winter, stream fishes are vulnerable to semi-aquatic predators like mammals and birds and reduce encounters by being active in darkness or under surface ice. Less is known about the behavior of fishes towards instream piscivorous fishes. Here, we examined how surface ice and light affected the anti-predator behavior of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in relation to piscivorous burbot (Lota lota Linnaeus, 1758) and northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758) at 4 °C in experimental flumes. Trout had lower foraging and swimming activity and spent more time sheltering when predators were present than when absent. In daylight, trout’s swimming activity was not affected by predators, whereas in darkness trout were less active when predators were present. Trout consumed more drifting prey during the day when ice was present, and they positioned themselves further upstream when under ice cover, regardless of light conditions. Trout stayed closer to conspecifics under ice, but only in the presence of pike. Piscivorous fishes thus constitute an essential part of the predatory landscape of juvenile trout in winter, and thus loss of ice cover caused by climate warming will likely affect trout’s interactions with predators.
... bear Ursus arctos or coyote; Levi et al., 2015), and raccoon (Harvey & Nakamoto, 2013). We found a preponderance of terrestrial predator F I G U R E 3 Mean hourly visitation rates (count/h/day) from May 18th to September 29th, 2022, of different categories of terrestrial predators captured from camera traps at thermal refuges within the Housatonic River, Connecticut, USA. ...
... visitations at riverscape thermal refuges during the daylight or neardusk hours (Figure 4), corresponding well with previous literature. Harvey and Nakamoto (2013) and Metcalfe et al. (1999) found that >75% of terrestrial predator (not including humans) encounters with salmonids throughout riverscapes occurred during daylight hours. ...
... We detected few predation attempts (n = 22) by terrestrial predators on salmonids aggregating in thermal refuges, resulting in a generally low predation probability. Terrestrial predators, both human and animal, commonly predate on trout and salmonids and can be notably high in shallow locations within riverscapes (e.g., Budy et al., 2022;Harvey & Nakamoto, 2013). Since salmonid density in thermal refuges can increase during the hotter late afternoon (Ebersole et al., 2001), it is no surprise that the probability of predation increased throughout the day. ...
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Perceived predation risks by terrestrial predators are major ecological forces in aquatic systems, particularly for aggregating fish. Riverscape thermal refuges are discrete , localized cold-water patches where fish temporarily aggregate to buffer against heat events. Predation pressures by terrestrial predators at thermal refuges may decrease the thermoregulatory benefits of refuge use, but quantifying such effects can be challenging and controversial when sampling can impose additional stress on fish. We passively monitored terrestrial predator visitation patterns and predation at four thermal refuges in the Housatonic River, Connecticut, USA, between May 18th and September 29th, 2022, with camera traps, a common wildlife monitoring method. Specifically, we (1) assessed diel visitation patterns by different categories of terrestrial predators at thermal refuges and determined if patterns varied among predator categories or with prevailing environmental conditions, and (2) estimated the probability of predation by hour of the day combined across all predator categories, quantifying general predation pressures at refuges. We detected at least one terrestrial predator at a thermal refuge each day, and mean hourly visitation rates (count/h) were highly variable across predator categories and sampling dates. The most supported generalized additive mixed model indicated that terrestrial predator visitation rates (count/h/day) varied with mean daily river discharge and water temperature differential , and relationships differed across categories of terrestrial predators. We observed 22 separate predation attempts on thermoregulating salmonids and predicted that the probability of predation by any terrestrial predator increased from 0.002 to 0.017 throughout a 24 h day (p = .004). Camera traps provided novel evidence that terrestrial predators are pervasive at riverine thermal refuges, which is relevant for refuge conservation and management globally. We recommend the implementation of a coordinated monitoring network across riverine thermal refuges using camera traps, further enriching our ecological understanding of cumulative predator effects in refuges across complex riverscapes.
... Fish alarm cues are generally interpreted as indicating high or immediate danger, as they accompany recent attacks and may dissipate quickly via eddy diffusion in water (Ferrari et al., 2010;Wisenden, 2015). However, a solitary, darkly colored fish moving at night through the turbid waters of a river is likely well-buffered against detection via crypsis, and safety may be conferred by staying in deeper areas of the river and away from the shallow margins where nocturnal mammals hunt (Carlton and Hodder, 2003;Harvey and Nakamoto, 2013;Melquist and Hornocker, 1983;Suraci et al., 2017). Meckley et al. (2017) observed migrating sea lamprey orienting to hydrostatic pressure gradients as a means to swim toward the coastline, and once in rivers, they swim predominantly in close association with the bottom where water depth may be similarly ascertained (Holbrook et al., 2015). ...
... Ecologically, we hypothesize the handling may have simulated a failed predation attempt by a nocturnally active shoreline mammal that grapples its prey. Raccoons hunt fish along river shorelines at night and attempt to grab fish in shallow water, but these attacks exhibit a relatively low success rate (Harvey and Nakamoto, 2013). Handling may also have provided a reinforcing circumstance by adding evidence of genuine risk to the danger cue (Greggor et al., 2020). ...
... Terrestrial predators may also have significant impacts on trout production. Avian predators like herons, kingfishers, mergansers, cormorants, and even owls may consume large numbers of juvenile trout or out-migrating smolts (Lonzarich and Quinn 1995;Harvey and Nakamoto 2013). River otters and mink can have similar effects, particularly in smaller streams (Heggenes and Borgstrom 1988). ...
Trout growth and production are controlled by (1) the area and quality of habitat for sequential life history stages, (2) the availability and production of invertebrate prey, and (3) stage-structured population dynamics, in particular, the degree of recruitment limitation associated with serial habitat bottlenecks or stochastic disturbance events like floods or droughts. These controls are influenced by stream habitat structure, water chemistry (which controls primary production), and flow regime, as modified by riparian and watershed-scale influences. Production is optimized when channel structure maximizes both the production (flux) of drifting invertebrates and the efficiency with which trout can harvest drifting prey, and when habitat heterogeneity minimizes the occurrence of limiting habitat bottlenecks for critical life history stages. While habitat structure and prey abundance set maximum potential habitat capacity, recruitment acts as a control on whether maximum production is realized; stochastic events like floods that result in egg or juvenile mortality may limit production below capacity. Range contraction and declining production are associated with a warming climate, increasing eutrophication, and habitat impacts that degrade channel complexity (loss of riparian forest, watershed development, flow regulation). Effective protection of productive capacity requires moving beyond generic policy prescriptions to implementation of controls on cumulative development impacts at watershed scale.
... Seasonal low flow is associated with lower survival of Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Berger and Gresswell 2009;Sheldon and Richardson 2021), and the ability of this species to move in headwaters is more restricted than in downstream areas (Trotter 1989;Gresswell and Hendricks 2007). Most behaviors of Coastal Cutthroat Trout are responses to cope with the perceived threat of predation (Harvey and Nakamoto 2013;Penaluna et al. 2016b;Penaluna et al. 2021), such as grouping, habitat shifting, and lack of feeding (Penaluna et al. 2021), which would be more energetically costly during drought. Energy expenditure is exacerbated as warmer temperatures increase trout metabolism (Dwyer and Kramer 1975) and drought refuges will likely support higher trout densities, leading to more intraspecific competition (Dunham and Vinyard 1997;Penaluna et al. 2021) and slower growth rates. ...
Quantifying the dynamics of natural populations is a central issue in ecology. In the Pacific Northwest of North America, climate extremes are becoming more frequent and severe with projections of increasing winter floods and prolonged droughts during summer. Using a 13-year dataset of adult (Age 1+) Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii), we evaluated the effects of three droughts on annual growth and condition in two stream reaches of Mack Creek, H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA. In the three drought years, the onset of seasonal low flow consistently started earlier than reference water years and extended longer, from mid June until the end of September. We found consistent evidence of slower individual growth rates across sizes in drought years relative to reference years, with an apparent greater effect in larger trout. The median annual responses of trout were highly synchronous between stream reaches. There was evidence of slower growth and reduced condition associated with higher trout abundances in the two reaches. In addition, we found that growth rate and condition were associated with timing (annual maxima) and frequency (days >14 °C) of warm events, and habitat size (pool depth). Faster growth rates, higher abundance, and improved condition occurred in the second-growth forest reach compared to the old-growth forest reach. These results illustrated that a combination of density-dependent and density-independent processes can explain observed patterns in growth and condition over time. Each drought year had different climatic characteristics compared to reference years, including differences in the timing of precipitation, timing and magnitude of winter peak flows, and stream temperatures (especially in winter). Collectively, our findings suggest that growth and condition of adult trout are influenced by a complex interplay between density-dependence and density-independent factors. Thus, predictions about the effects of droughts on growth and condition in stream salmonids are difficult to generalize across regions. Our study highlights the value of long-term datasets because we can weigh the importance of processes that occur over both the short- and long-term.
... For instance, Megascops sanctaecatarinae has a wide variety of food items, including fish, and its diet can be strongly dependent on vertebrates (Messias 2015;Zilio et al. 2018). Additionally, Megascops kennicotti has been documented to capture 11 fish within a 14-day period, illustrating the consistency of this item in the species's diet (Harvey and Nakamoto 2013). Conversely, Megascops asio has been characterized as having a minimal diet of fish (Artuso 2010). ...
Owls are efficient hunters that depend on an immense variety of food sources. While many favor birds, small mammals, or invertebrates, only a few species have been documented to include fish in their diet. In Brazil, only two owl species, Athene cunicularia, and Megascops santaecatarinae, are documented fish consumers. Here, we present the first documented record of Megascops atricapilla preying on fish, recorded in southern Brazil. The scarcity of such records in some species among owls is likely attributed to limited knowledge rather than rarity. This finding sheds light on the varied dietary practices of owls and emphasizes the need for further research into their feeding habits.
... Reservoirs contain relatively high abundances of fish, with many generalist species, such as bream and roach, which are food-limited and fail to reach their maximum size due to intra-and interspecific competition and a lack of optimal food sources (benthos) (Šmejkal et al., 2015; Žák et al., 2020). As tributary temperatures drop, food resources become scarcer in the tributary, while predation risks increase (Harvey and Nakamoto, 2013). For this reason, most generalist species occupy tributaries in productive period of the year and return to reservoirs for overwintering (Pfauserová et al., 2021;Pfauserová et al., 2022). ...
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Most lotic ecosystems have been heavily modified in recent centuries to serve human needs, for example, by building dams to form reservoirs. However, reservoirs have major impacts on freshwater ecosystem functions and severely affect rheophilic fishes. The aim of this review is to gather evidence that aside from direct habitat size reductions due to reservoir construction, competition for food and space and predation from generalist fishes affect rheophilic community compositions in tributaries (river/stream not directly affected by water retention). River fragmentation by reservoirs enables the establishment of generalist species in altered river sections. The settlement of generalist species, which proliferate in reservoirs and replace most of the native fish species formerly present in pristine river, may cause further diversity loss in tributaries. Generalist migrations in tributaries, spanning from tens of metres to kilometres, affect fish communities that have not been directly impacted by reservoir construction. This causes “edge effects” where two distinct fish communities meet. Such interactions temporarily or permanently reduce the effective sizes of available habitats for many native specialized rheophilic fish species. We identified gaps that need to be considered to understand the mechanistic functioning of distinct fauna at habitat edges. We call for detailed temporal telemetry and trophic interaction studies to clarify the mechanisms that drive community changes upstream of reservoirs. Finally, we demonstrate how such knowledge may be used in conservation to protect the remnants of rheophilic fish populations.
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Global temperatures have risen dramatically in recent years, with the frequency and duration of extreme heat events expected to continue increasing. Thermal refugia could allow wildlife to escape extreme heat and adapt more readily to temperature shifts. Riparian areas have been shown to act as thermal refugia, offering the ability to escape the heat of the day. However, little research has focused on nocturnal wildlife, which may be particularly vulnerable given that nighttime temperatures are rising faster than daytime temperatures. This study examines how the Western Screech-owl, a nocturnal bird of prey threatened by habitat loss in Canada, responds behaviorally to climate fluctuations, particularly changes in temperature and humidity. I investigated whether these owls select nest sites in habitats that can buffer extreme temperatures by locating nest sites in south central British Columbia and comparing their thermal buffering capacity (TBC) to random sites and other available cavities within the owls' territories. Additionally, I trapped and tagged owls to observe whether they used these refugial habitats for roosting or foraging (n = 31). Using cameras and autonomous recording units, I monitored nests to assess prey delivery rates to nestlings, testing if increased temperatures affect parental investment. I applied generalized additive models (GAM) to determine whether owls were selecting for various features, and to test the relationship between prey delivery rates and climate. The findings revealed no significant preference for nest sites with enhanced temperature buffering, nor did the owls roost in cooler microclimates. However, the owls decreased prey deliveries to the nest when temperatures exceeded 30°C and were found foraging more often in riparian areas during high heat, favoring areas with taller shrubs and canopies, closer to rivers, and at lower elevations. This study provides a comprehensive look at the behavioral adaptations of Western Screech-owls to climate change.
Trout growth and production are controlled by (1) the area and quality of habitat for sequential life history stages, (2) the availability and production of invertebrate prey, and (3) stage-structured population dynamics, in particular, the degree of recruitment limitation associated with serial habitat bottlenecks or stochastic disturbance events like floods or droughts. These controls are influenced by stream habitat structure, water chemistry (which controls primary production), and flow regime, as modified by riparian and watershed-scale influences. Production is optimized when channel structure maximizes both the production (flux) of drifting invertebrates and the efficiency with which trout can harvest drifting prey, and when habitat heterogeneity minimizes the occurrence of limiting habitat bottlenecks for critical life history stages. While habitat structure and prey abundance set maximum potential habitat capacity, recruitment acts as a control on whether maximum production is realized; stochastic events like floods that result in egg or juvenile mortality may limit production below capacity. Range contraction and declining production are associated with a warming climate, increasing eutrophication, and habitat impacts that degrade channel complexity (loss of riparian forest, watershed development, flow regulation). Effective protection of productive capacity requires moving beyond generic policy prescriptions to implementation of controls on cumulative development impacts at watershed scale.
Winter represents a challenging season for animals in boreal streams and is a period with low temperatures, extremely low levels of primary production, low metabolic rates of ectotherms, and little light. Yet, stabile ice cover provides shelter for salmonids residing in rivers. Despite low light levels in winter, stream salmonids are mainly nocturnal, which protects them from diurnally active predators. Climate change adds unpredictability, increases frequency of winter floods, and can reduce the time that salmonid embryos need to develop until hatching and emergence. These changes can increase natural winter mortality and cause recruitment failures in populations that already are under severe pressure from environmental changes and fishing. We identify a need to better monitor egg and fry survival to predict the effects of changing temperature and environmental stressors such as loading of organic material or flow regulation. Availability of microhabitats for sheltering during winter is crucial and should be considered in restoration efforts focused on recovering threatened salmonid populations. The importance of habitat quality will increase in an unpredictable environment, and both management attention and research on the early life-history phases of salmonids are needed to understand how climate change-induced environmental changes affect fish through winter processes.
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Wading bird foraging success and habitat preference can be greatly affected by prey availability, which encompasses both prey density and the vulnerability of prey to capture. Two components of prey vulnerability, water depth and emergent vegetation, were manipulated within 10 m x 10 m enclosures to determine the relative effects on foraging habitat preference for eight species of wading birds and foraging success for a subset of four species that strike their prey. All species showed a strong preference for shallow water, and within this water depth showed a preference for the sparse vegetation density treatment. The preference for foraging habitat with a sparse or intermediate vegetation density has been documented in other studies, and may represent a tradeoff between selecting more heavily vegetated areas, which have a higher prey density, and more open areas, where prey are more vulnerable to capture. Almost all foraging occurred in the shallow water treatment, suggesting that preferred water depths constituted high quality habitat for wading birds. The weaker selection for sparse vegetation density and lack of an effect of vegetation density on capture rate and capture efficiency (p>0.05 for all tests, except Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) capture efficiency) suggested that emergent vegetation is of secondary importance to water depth as determinants of wading bird habitat quality.
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Successful foraging by avian predators is influenced largely by prey availability, which encompasses not only the density of prey but also its vulnerability to capture. For wading birds (Ciconiiformes), habitat features such as water depth and density of vegetation are thought to affect the vulnerability of their aquatic prey. In January and April 2007 we experimentally manipulated the depth of water and density of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in enclosures (10 × 10 m) with equal densities of fish to determine their effects on wading birds' selection of foraging habitat and foraging success. Analysis of the results with Manly's selection index showed that wading birds preferred habitat with shallow water and SAV. The two habitat components had little effect on the birds' foraging success, however, as capture rate did not vary with water depth or SAV density. Capture efficiency did not vary by SAV density and was actually lower in shallow water, contrary to our expectations. Our results suggest that birds selected habitat on the basis of environmental cues such as water depth and SAV but that these factors did not affect foraging success strongly. We hypothesize that wading birds were selecting habitat with shallow water and SAV because of an anticipated benefit to foraging through elevated density and vulnerability of prey, but the relatively high and uniform density of prey stocked in the enclosures, as well as the scale of the enclosures, effectively equalized the vulnerability of prey across treatments. El forrajeo exitoso de las aves depredadoras es influenciado de forma importante por la disponibilidad de presas, la cual no sólo comprende la densidad de las presas sino también su vulnerabilidad a ser capturadas. Se cree que ciertas características del hábitat como la profundidad del agua y la densidad de la vegetación afectan la vulnerabilidad de las presas acuáticas de las aves vadeadoras (Ciconiiformes). Para determinar sus efectos sobre la selección del hábitat de alimentación y el éxito de forrajeo de las aves vadeadoras, manipulamos experimentalmente la profundidad del agua y la densidad de la vegetación acuática sumergida (VAS) en áreas cercadas (10 × 10 m) con densidades iguales de peces en enero y abril de 2007. Nuestros análisis de los resultados con el índice de selección de Manly mostraron que las aves vadeadoras prefirieron ambientes con aguas someras y VAS. Sin embargo, los dos componentes del hábitat tuvieron efectos débiles sobre el éxito de forrajeo de las aves, pues la tasa de captura no varió con la profundidad ni con la densidad de la VAS. La eficiencia de captura no varió con respecto a la densidad de la VAS y, de hecho, fue menor en aguas someras, un resultado contrario a lo que esperábamos. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las aves seleccionaron el hábitat con base en señales ambientales como la profundidad del agua y la VAS, pero esos factores no afectaron al éxito de forrajeo fuertemente. Planteamos la hipótesis de que las aves vadeadoras estaban seleccionando ambientes con aguas someras y VAS debido a que anticipaban un beneficio relacionado con el forrajeo mediante niveles mayores de densidad y vulnerabilidad de las presas. Sin embargo, la densidad relativamente alta y uniforme de las presas ubicadas en las áreas cercadas, así como la escala de estas áreas, efectivamente condujeron a igualar la vulnerabilidad de las presas entre los tratamientos.
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We studied the nocturnal hunting behavior of eight radio- tagged Eastern Screech-owls (Otus asio; five females and three males) during the period from November 1994 through March 1995. Screech-owls selected low perches when hunting (x = 1.66 m), presumably to obtain a clear view of the ground and an unobstructed flight path to prey. Low perches may also improve the ability of screech-owls to hear and locate prey. Screech-owls used perches at different heights when hunting different types of prey and also tended to perch higher when moonlight was available, perhaps because increased light levels permit owls to rely more on vision. Only 8 of 35 attacks were successful, and this low success rate suggests that owls were more often attempting to capture small mammals rather than invertebrates. Male and female screech-owls exhibited similar hunting behavior, with no differences observed in the types of prey hunted or in giving up times. Weather conditions and season (early winter vs. late winter) had little effect on the hunting behavior of screech-owls.
This is a book for statistical practitioners, particularly those who design and analyze studies for survival and event history data. Its goal is to extend the toolkit beyond the basic triad provided by most statistical packages: the Kaplan-Meier estimator, log-rank test, and Cox regression model. Building on recent developments motivated by counting process and martingale theory, it shows the reader how to extend the Cox model to analyse multiple/correlated event data using marginal and random effects (frailty) models. It covers the use of residuals and diagnostic plots to identify influential or outlying observations, assess proportional hazards and examine other aspects of goodness of fit. Other topics include time-dependent covariates and strata, discontinuous intervals of risk, multiple time scales, smoothing and regression splines, and the computation of expected survival curves. A knowledge of counting processes and martingales is not assumed as the early chapters provide an introduction to this area. The focus of the book is on actual data examples, the analysis and interpretation of the results, and computation. The methods are now readily available in SAS and S-Plus and this book gives a hands-on introduction, showing how to implement them in both packages, with worked examples for many data sets. The authors call on their extensive experience and give practical advice, including pitfalls to be avoided. Terry Therneau is Head of the Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. He is actively involved in medical consulting, with emphasis in the areas of chronic liver disease, physical medicine, hematology, and laboratory medicine, and is an author on numerous papers in medical and statistical journals. He wrote two of the original SAS procedures for survival analysis (coxregr and survtest), as well as the majority of the S-Plus survival functions. Patricia Grambsch is Associate Professor in the Division of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. She has collaborated extensively with physicians and public health researchers in chronic liver disease, cancer prevention, hypertension clinical trials and psychiatric research. She is a fellow the American Statistical Association and the author of many papers in medical and statistical journals.
Four species of armored catfish (Loricariidae) have size-specific depth distributions in a Panamanian stream, with larger fish in deeper water. Depth distributions do not change from the dry to the rainy season, despite a two- to three-fold increase in habitat area for larger loricariids. Throughout the year, standing crops of the loricariids' attached algal food are relatively high in shallow water, but decrease rapidly with depth. Over 2@1 yr, large Ancistrus spinosus, the most common pool-dwelling loricarriid, showed significant seasonal changes in somatic growth rates, with maximum rates in the early rainy season and minimum rates in the late dry season. Significant seasonal changes in mortality rates, estimated from rates of disappearance of marked individuals, were not detected. These data are consistent with the following hypothesis: small loricariids are limited, perhaps by predation, at densities below those necessary to deplete algae in shallow water. Larger loricariids avoid shallow water where they are vulnerable to fishing birds, even in the dry season when food is in short supply in deeper areas.
Introduction.- Estimating the Survival and Hazard Functions.- The Cox Model.- Residuals.- Functional Form.- Testing Proportional Hazards.- Influence.- Multiple Events per Subject.- Frailty Models.- Expected Survival.
Surveys of 262 pools in 3 small streams in eastern Tennessee demonstrated a strong positive relationship between pool depth and the size of the largest fish within a pool (Pbigger fish — deeper habitat pattern, which has been noted by others, by conducting five manipulative field experiments in two streams. Three experiments used stoneroller minnows (Campostoma anomalum); one used creek chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus); and one used striped shiners (Notropis chrysocephalus). The stoneroller experiments showed that survival of fish approximately 100 mm in total length (TL) was much lower in shallow pools (10 cm deep) than in deep (40 cm maximum) pools (19% versus 80% survival over 12 d in one experiment) and added cover markedly increased stoneroller survival in shallow pools (from 49% to 96% in an 11-d experiment). The creek chub experiment showed that, as for stonerollers, pool depth markedly influenced survival: the chubs survived an average of 4.9 d in shallow pools and >10.8 d in deep pools. In the striped shiner experiment in shallow artificial streamside troughs, no individuals 75–100 mm TL survived as long as 13 d, where-as smaller (20–25 mm) fish had 100% survival over 13 d. The results of the experiments show that predation risk from wading/diving animals (e.g., herons and raccoons) is much higher for larger fishes in shallow water than for these fishes in deeper water or for smaller fish in shallow water. We discuss the role of predation risk from two sources (piscivorous fish, which are more effective in deeper habitats, and diving/wading predators, which are more effective in shallow habitats) in contributing to the bigger fish — deeper habitat pattern in streams.