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Localization events-based sample drift correction for localization microscopy with redundant cross-correlation algorithm

Optica Publishing Group
Optics Express

Abstract and Figures

Highly accurate sample drift correction is essential in super-resolution localization microscopy to guarantee a high spatial resolution, especially when the technique is used to visualize small cell organelle. Here we present a localization events-based drift correction method using a redundant cross-correlation algorithm originally developed to correct beam-induced motion in cryo-electron microscopy. With simulated, synthesized as well as experimental data, we have demonstrated its superior precision compared to previously published localization events-based drift correction methods. The major advantage of this method is the robustness when the number of localization events is low, either because a short correction time step is required or because the imaged structure is small and sparse. This method has allowed us to improve the effective resolution when imaging Golgi apparatus in mammalian cells.
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Localization events-based sample drift
correction for localization microscopy with
redundant cross-correlation algorithm
Yina Wang,1,2,5 Joerg Schnitzbauer,3,5 Zhe Hu,1,2,5 Xueming Li,4 Yifan Cheng,4 Zhen-Li
Huang 1,2,6 and Bo Huang 3,4,*
1 Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics-Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
2MoE Key Laboratory for Biomedical Photonics, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
3 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA
4 Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94158,
5These authors contributed equally to this work
Abstract: Highly accurate sample drift correction is essential in super-
resolution localization microscopy to guarantee a high spatial resolution,
especially when the technique is used to visualize small cell organelle. Here
we present a localization events-based drift correction method using a
redundant cross-correlation algorithm originally developed to correct beam-
induced motion in cryo-electron microscopy. With simulated, synthesized
as well as experimental data, we have demonstrated its superior precision
compared to previously published localization events-based drift correction
methods. The major advantage of this method is the robustness when the
number of localization events is low, either because a short correction time
step is required or because the imaged structure is small and sparse. This
method has allowed us to improve the effective resolution when imaging
Golgi apparatus in mammalian cells.
©2014 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (180.2520) Fluorescence microscopy; (100.6640) Superresolution; (110.2960)
Image analysis.
References and links
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#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15982
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1. Introduction
Single-molecule switching-based super-resolution fluorescence microscopy (sometimes
referred to as localization microscopy) [1–3] has improved the resolution of optical
microscopy by more than an order of magnitude and has demonstrated resolution of 20 ~40
nm in the lateral directions [4, 5]. This remarkable gain in the spatial resolution relies on
stochastically activating sparse subsets of densely labelled fluorophores and subsequently
determining their positions. Typically, thousands or even tens of thousands of raw camera
images are necessary to reconstruct the final super-resolution image. Therefore, compared
with classical optical microscopy, localization microscopy requires significantly longer data
acquisition time. Unsurprisingly, in order to guarantee a high spatial resolution in localization
microscopy, the drift between sample and imaging optics (in particular, objective lens) must
be corrected (hereafter called sample drift correction), especially for resolving the fine
structures of organelles or protein complexes [6].
Current sample drift correction methods differ in how the drift is measured and
compensated. Drift compensation can be performed using either active stabilization during
acquisition [7, 8] or post-acquisition correction [9, 10], the latter of which has the advantage
of not requiring modification to the microscope itself. In both cases, accurate drift
measurement is fundamentally important. A common approach for drift measurement is by
introducing suitable fiducial markers (normally small fluorescence beads) into the sample.
Assuming that the markers are stationary with respect to the target structure, the sample drift
can be measured by tracking the marker positions [11, 12]. However, this approach needs
additional sample preparation efforts. Moreover, it requires at least one marker to be present
in the field-of-view and have no or negligible bleaching during the entire data acquisition,
which is particularly difficult to achieve for thick tissue samples.
The alternative approach that does not suffer from these issues is based on cross-
correlation analyses of inherent sample structure images, assuming that they do not change
during the data acquisition time. This strategy has been implemented with wide-field
fluorescence images [9], bright-field images [13], or more directly, the localization events in
the reconstructed super-resolution images [10, 14, 15]. In particular, localization events-based
cross-correlation method, without any modification to the microscope or the acquisition
procedure, has been reported to obtain drift correction accuracy down to sub-5 nm level [15].
However, existing localization events-based cross-correlation methods are extremely
vulnerable to the noisy nature of super-resolution images [14]. Consequently, they fail to
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15983
provide accurate drift correction when few localization events exist in the field-of-view, for
example, when imaging small or sparse organelles (such as the centrosome and the Golgi
apparatus) or when short correction time steps are required.
In this paper, we demonstrated a robust method to overcome this problem. This method,
named redundant cross-correlation method, is adapted from an algorithm originally used to
correct beam-induced motion in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) [16]. We verified that
this method is superior to previously published methods, especially when few localization
events can be used for cross-correlation calculation. Furthermore, the redundant method was
found to have a robust and stable drift correction performance over a wide range of correction
time steps.
2. Methods
2.1 Problem description
We describe the structure of a sample as set of coordinates, s = {xm}, where individual
fluorophores are stochastically switched on and localized. Due to the drift (denoted by D)
during data acquisition, the observed distribution of fluorophores, S, represents a motion-
blurred variant, {xm + Dm} (Fig. 1(a)). In most cases, the only significant drift is translational
motion [14, 15], which means that all localization points at the same time point, i, share the
same Di regardless of where they are in the view field.
When imaging a fixed sample, the super-resolution images obtained at two time points, Si
and Sj, describe the identical structure, despite that each of them contains an incomplete
subset of all fluorophore localizations. The localization events-based cross-correlation
methods exploit this fact and calculate the cross-correlation function Cij(r) between Si and Sj.
When noise is not present, the rij that maximizes the cross-correlation, exactly reflects how
much the sample has shifted between these two time points.
, where maximizes
ij ij ij ij
rr r (1)
In order to calculate the cross-correlation function using fast Fourier transform, the
localization points are usually binned spatially into a 2D histogram of fluorophore density
(Figs. 1(a) and (b)). The spatial bin size should be small enough to reveal fine structure
features, and should also be large enough so that each bin contains a reasonable number of
localization points. The choice of the bin size has been discussed in the literature. For
example, for microtubule structures, choosing a bin size between 15 nm and 45 nm is
reasonable [14]. The precision of determining r can be better than the bin size, either by
fitting the cross-correlation peak with a Gaussian function [10], or by oversampling in the
Fourier space [16].
Single molecule localization can be performed only when activated fluorophores in each
camera frame are sufficiently sparse. As the result, a single camera frame contains too few
localization points for reliable correlation calculation. Therefore, it is essential to combine
consecutive camera frames into segments (Fig. 1(b)). The length of the segment, f, thus
defines the time step size of drift correction. The required f to achieve a given signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) of cross-correlation map depends on the density of localization points in each
frame. When f is too small, the noisy correlation function could contain false maximum that
leads outliers in drift estimation (compare Figs. 1(c) and (d)). On the other hand, the drift in
each frame within a segment can only be obtained by interpolation. This limitation decreases
the precision of drift tracking.
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15984
Fig. 1. The effect of correlation time-step size, f, on the cross-correlation map. (a) A super-
resolution image of microtubules that contains severe sample drift. The image is spatially
binned into a 2D histogram with a bin size of 30 nm. Scale bar: 1 μm. (b) One time segment
with f = 1000 frames. (c) The cross-correlation function between the first and the last segments
with f = 1000 frames. The white cross shows the auto-correlation peak of the first image. The
arrow points out the direction and the amount of the drift between these two intervals. (d) The
cross-correlation function between the first and the last segments with f = 100 frames. Note
that the SNR in the map is greatly decreased.
2.2 The direct cross-correlation and mean cross-correlation methods
Previously, we have used a simple way to extract the trajectory of sample drift by analyzing
the cross-correlation function between each segment and the very first segment, C1j(r) [10],
which we refer to as the direct cross-correlation (DCC) method. In this case, each correlation
function is fitted with a Gaussian function to determine the position of its maximum, r1j,
which is directly used to calculate the sample drift in segment j:
r (2)
The drift for each frame is obtained by first smoothing the time sequence of Dj by sliding
window average and then performing a linear interpolation within each segment.
The mean cross-correlation (MCC) method [14] further considers the correlation between
all possible segment combinations Cij(r). A super-resolution data set of N segments will thus
produce N × (N – 1) / 2 different cross-correlations. This method also takes into account that
measuring the drift from the noisy correlation function will contain a zero-mean error, εij:
ij ij ij
=+rDε (3)
The sample drift in segments i and j, Di and Dj, can then be related to rij as:
ij j i ij
=+rDDε (4)
The optimal solution for Dj should minimize the sum of the square of ε’s. Mathematically,
this least square solution is the mean of the measured drift, rij, over i,
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15985
NDr (5)
The stochastic nature of single molecule switching may cause certain pairs of segments to
poorly correlate with each other. The resulted noisy correlation functions may contain false
maxima which lead to outlier values of rij. These incorrect values of rij are highly detrimental
to the accuracy of both DCC and MCC method.
2.3 The redundant cross-correlation method
Recently, a drift correction algorithm that exploits the redundancy among the correlation pairs
has been developed for cryo-electron microscopy to fully utilize the high frame rate of the
new K2 direct electron detection camera [16]. This algorithm has been used to correct the
image shift induced by the electron beam during one exposure, and it has allowed single-
particle cryo-EM to reach unprecedented high spatial resolutions. Here, we explore whether
this redundancy cross-correlation (RCC) method can be applied to localization-based super-
resolution microscopy, noting that the characteristics of cryo-EM images and super-resolution
images are very different: cryo-EM images has higher signal but very poor contrast, whereas
super-resolution images of individual segments have very low signal level (localization point
count) but the underlying structure generally has high contrast.
The RCC method considers a drift model similar to Eq. (4). For consistency, here we
express it in a different but equivalent representation as in [16]:
ij j i
=rDD (6)
The difference, however, is that redundant cross-correlation method treats all N × (N – 1) / 2
equations together as a group of over-determined linear equations in order to solve for the
value of N – 1 Di’s (assuming D1 = 0):
=rAD (7)
where r = [r12, r13, …, r23, r24, …, rij]T (1 i < j N), D = [D2, D3…, DN]T, and A is the
coefficient matrix set by Eq. (6). rij has been obtained by oversampling Cij(r) through zero-
padding at high spatial frequencies in the Fourier space. The least-square solution of D can be
calculated by the generalized inverse matrix method
AA Ar (8)
For redundant cross-correlation, outliers in the estimation of rij can be easily excluded
without affecting the determination of D due to the over-determined nature of Eq. (7). In
practice, after finding the solution of D, the residual error of each rij can be calculated as:
.Δ=rADr (9)
Any rij with the residual error larger than a threshold value, Δrmax, will be removed from Eq.
(7), unless such removal makes A not fully ranked. Then, Eq. (7) is solved again to obtain a
final estimation of D.
Specifically for the implementation in super-resolution microscopy, we further interpolate
the drift estimation to individual camera frames with a Spline function. The Δrmax is set to 0.2
times the camera pixel size for all analysis in this paper.
MATLAB code of the three drift correction algorithms can be downloaded at
2.4 Simulation data for image analysis
Simulated localization microscopy data sets were generated from the ground-truth
information of an open training data set with microtubule structures [17]. The image consists
of a realistic structure of 7 small microtubules (diameter 25 nm) and 1 large microtubule
(diameter 40 nm), with a total of 100000 fluorophores distributed in an area of 256 x 256
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15986
camera pixels (pixel size: 150 nm). In the simulated localization microscopy data set, an
average density of 0.0282 molecules per μm2 per frame were stochastically sampled in each
frame. Note the simulated images were considered to be perfect because the simulation data is
free of any localization error, background noise and nonspecific labeling.
2.5 Synthesized data for image analysis
A synthesized experimental image data set was used to quantitatively evaluate the
performance of the three different drift correction methods. The data set was prepared by the
following four steps: (1) An experimental data set was acquired as descried in Section 2.6; (2)
The fluorophore localization events were treated with the RCC method to correct for sample
drift; (3) the drift-corrected localization events were randomly shuffled between image frames
to remove all temporal information and were thus treated as ‘ground-truth’ locations without
residual drift; (4) a real drift trajectory, obtained from imaging of fluorescence beads, was
added to the ‘ground-truth’ locations to generate the synthesized image data sets.
2.6 Experimental data for image analysis
Golgi experiment data: STORM images of Golgi structures were acquired on home-built
super-resolution microscopes. Briefly, the microscopes use an inverted body with oil
immersion objectives. Activation lasers at 405 nm and excitation lasers at 642 nm (Vortran
Lasers or Coherent) were combined before entering the microscope through a home-built
TIRF illuminator. Fluorescence was filtered using a quad-band dichroic mirror
(z405/488/561/640rpc, Chroma) and a bandpass filter (ET705/72m, Chroma) before being
recorded on a camera. Image focus was stabilized using infrared light reflected at the
coverslip/sample interface. The instruments were controlled via home-built software written
in Python and Visual Basic. Image analysis was performed with home-built C + + software
described previously [10].
More specifically, two Golgi data sets were used in this paper. The data set used in
Section 3.3 was acquired on a Nikon Ti-E microscope with an oil immersion objective (Nikon
100x 1.45 Plan Apo λ) and was recorded on an EMCCD camera (iXon + DU897E-CS0-BV
EMCCD, Andor). The pixel size at the sample plane is 156 nm. The other data set used in
Section 3.4 was acquired on a Nikon Ti-U microscope with an oil immersion objective
(Olympus 100x 1.4 Plan Apo). Images were recorded by a sCMOS camera (ORCA Flash 4.0
sCMOS, Hamamatsu). The final pixel size at the sample plane is 121 nm (note there is a pair
of relay lenses between the microscopy and camera).
Human retina pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were plated in LabTek-II 8-well chambers,
washed twice with warm phosphate buffered saline (PBS), fixed with warm
paraformaldehyde (PFA) (4% in PBS, 10 minutes), washed three times with PBS, then
permeabilized and blocked (0.5% Triton X-100, 3% bovine serum albumin in PBS, 30
minutes). Next, cells were incubated with primary antibody (Sheep anti human TGN46, AbD
Serotec AHP500GT) overnight at 4 degree Celsius. Then the cells were washed three times
(10 minutes each, PBS) and incubated with secondary antibody (Donkey anti Sheep, Jackson
Immuno Research, 713-005-147, 1.6 µg/ml, labeled with activator Alexa Fluor 405 and
reporter Alexa Fluor 647) for 1 hour at room temperature, washed three times (10 minutes
each, PBS) and post-fixed (3% PFA and 0.1% gluteraldehyde in PBS, 10 minutes). Finally,
the sample was washed three times (PBS) and stored at 4 degree Celsius before imaging.
Microtubules experiment data: the microtubules imaging experiments were performed
with a home-built TIRF microscope setup consisting of an Olympus IX-71 inverted
microscope (, an oil immersion TIRF objective (Olympus 100x 1.40, UAPON 100XOTIRF,
Olympus) and an EMCCD camera (iXon 897, Andor). The sample was fixed BS-C-1 cells
and was prepared with similar procedures as the Golgi data sets, where the tubulin were first
labeled with mouse anti-β-tubulin antibody (Sigma-Aldrich) and then secondary goat anti-
mouse antibody labeled with Alexa 647 (Invitrogen). The dye Alexa 647 was activated by a
405 nm laser diode and excited by a 640 nm diode pumped solid-state laser (both from CNI
Laser, China). Data were acquired by the EMCCD camera and the bundled software. The
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15987
pixel size at sample plane is 160 nm. The data set was analyzed with a maximum likelihood
estimator, the MaLiang method [18].
3.Results and discussions
3.1 Evaluation using simulated data
First of all, we quantified the performance of the three drift correction methods by analyzing
simulated error-free localization points of microtubules structures. In the simulation, five
localization microscopy movies (each of 1000 frames) were generated as described in Section
2.4 (Fig. 2(a)). Then, a drift trajectory extracted from a real localization microscopy imaging
experiment (~5 min acquisition time) was added to these data sets. The maximum amount of
the drift is about 150 nm in x direction and about 100 nm in y direction (Fig. 2(b) inset). We
used the three cross-correlation methods to extract the drift trajectory from the data sets using
a spatial bin size of 15 nm and correlation time steps ranging from 5 to 50 frames. We note
that the small end of time steps are applicable only to this ideal simulation conditions but not
to real experiments.
We compared the measured drift with the real drift and quantified the precision by the root
mean squared (RMS) error between them. Figure 2(b) displays that RCC presents the best
precision (minimum RMS = 1.56 nm, compared to 1.63 nm for MCC and 3.39 nm for DCC).
Although the performance of RCC and MCC were quite similar with time steps larger than 15
frames, RCC clearly had the edge with very short time steps (5 and 10 frames) for which the
number of localization points per segment is small (200 ~400 points). This result indicates
that RCC has the best robustness in low SNR scenarios.
In low SNR scenarios, outliers of drift estimation from certain cross-correlation functions
become a major issue for RCC and MCC. For example, at 10 frame correction time step, drift
estimates by MCC at ~10% of the time points deviated from the true value by more than 5
nm. In contrast, RCC has the capability of exclude false estimations from the calculation.
When we skipped the outlier-rejection step in RCC by setting rmax to a very large value, the
precision of drift measurement was almost identical to MCC (curve not shown in Fig. 2
because of the full overlap). This result confirmed that the outlier rejection is the main
contributor for the superior robustness of RCC compared to MCC.
Fig. 2. The drift estimation precision of the direct, mean and redundant cross-correlation
methods in analysing simulated super-resolution images. (a) Simulated perfect super-resolution
image. Scale bar: 5 μm. (b) The influence of correlation time step size on drift measurement
precision. The inset shows the amount of drift adding to the data sets. Each date point was
averaged from five independent measurements. The error bars indicate standard deviations.
3.2 Evaluation using synthesized data
Next, we evaluated the performance using a synthesized experimental data set (see Section
2.5) (Fig. 3(a)). This experimentally acquired data set of Golgi structures in a mammalian cell
contains 65067 localization events in 30000 camera frames. The residual drift of this data set
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15988
was removed by randomly shuffling localization points between camera frames. A drift
trajectory was acquired in an independent experiment by tracking fluorescence beads and was
then added to the “ground truth” data. We analyzed this synthesized data set using the three
drift estimation methods with a spatial bin size of 15 nm and correlation time steps between
300 and 2000 frames.
The comparison of drift measurement precision is similar to the case of the simulated data,
with RCC consistently delivering smallest RMS residual drift RMS in the entire range of
correlation time step sizes, f (Fig. 3(b)). The precision of RCC improved with increasing f,
became stable in the range 1000 f 2000 frames, and started to degrade again with even
larger f (data not shown). DCC and MCC followed similar trends, although DCC broke down
with f < 900 frames, whereas the precision of MCC was inconsistent with 1000 f 2000.
Both cases signaled the adverse effect of drift estimation outliers at low SNR. We also
directly examined the measured drift trajectories (Fig. 3(c) showing the case of f = 1000). It is
evident that RCC deviated the least from the real drift trajectory, whereas MCC at certain
time points severely misestimated the drift.
Because the ultimate purpose of drift correction is to restore the resolution of a super-
resolution image, we employed the Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC) resolution [19] to quantify
the performance of different drift measurement methods (Fig. 3(d)). Consistent with the
precision comparison, RCC also produces the best FRC resolution after drift correction,
approaching the FRC resolution before adding any drift (dashed line).
Fig. 3. Drift correction performance of the direct, mean and redundant cross-correlation
methods in analysing synthesized experimental images. (a) “Ground truth” Golgi super-
resolution image. Scale bar: 1 μm. (b) The dependence of the drift measurement precision on
correlation time step sizes. (c) The measured and real drift trajectory with the time step size, f =
1000 frames. (d) The dependence FRC resolution after drift correction on the correlation time
step size. The black dashed line indicates the resolution of the “ground truth” image in (a).
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15989
3.4 Analysis of experimental data
Finally, we validated RCC in analyzing real experimental images. Here we demonstrated two
cases: microtubules in a narrow view-field and a small Golgi apparatus with relatively few
localization points. Because the true drift was unknown, we used the FRC resolution metric to
evaluate the correction results.
For the microtubule structure, although it can be densely labeled with fluorophores, the
number of localization events can still be limited by a small field-of-view. In our microtubule
data set, a total number of 10000 raw images (32 × 32 pixels), was acquired at 50 Hz frame
rate. Totally 103085 fluorophores were localized and the average fluorophore density was
estimated to be 0.4 molecules per μm2 per frame. The reconstructed super-resolution image
was significantly motion-blurred due to sample drift (Fig. 4(a)). After RCC drift correction,
the structure was restored (Fig. 4(b)). Compared to DCC and MCC, RCC was more robust,
giving an image FRC resolution in the range of 47.8 ~50.6 nm for a wide range of correlation
time step sizes (3 f 16 s), while DCC and MCC showed poor drift correction with f < 8 s
(Fig. 4(c)). For this microtubule structure, the drift correction performance of the three
methods was comparable with f > 12 s, although the performance gradually degraded with f >
16 s.
For the Golgi structure (Fig. 4(d)), a total number of 30595 raw camera frames (128 × 128
pixels) were acquired at 20 Hz rate. Only 272108 localization events were identified because
the Golgi apparatus is a relatively small, isolated organelle in the cell. The overall fluorophore
density in the entire view field was 10 times as low (0.04 molecules per μm2 per frame) as in
the microtubule data. This low fluorophore density made the drift correction more
challenging. We analyzed the Golgi data set with the same parameters as the microtubule data
set (Fig. 4(d) and 4(f)). The best image resolution achieved by RCC was 45.7 nm (Fig. 4(e)).
Again, it exhibited much better and more robust correction performance than DCC and MCC
(Fig. 4(f)). Even at large correction time steps, RCC substantially outperformed DCC and
Fig. 4. The drift correction performance of the three methods in analysing experimental images
containing microtubule (a-c) and Golgi (d-f) structures, showing the original, motion-blurred
super-resolution images (a, d) and those corrected for sample drift by RCC (b, e). The
independence of the FRC resolution (after drift correction) on the time step size is shown in (c)
for the microtubule data set and (f) for the Golgi data set, respectively. The black dashed lines
indicate the FRC resolution before drift correction. Scale bars: 1 μm (a,b) and 2 μm (d, e).
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15990
4. Conclusion
We present a new localization events-based drift correction method for super-resolution
microscopy. The method, which we name as redundant cross-correlation method, is based on
the combination of a redundant drift model and the calculation the cross-correlation functions
of subsets of super-resolution images. Using both simulated and experimental images, we
found that this method exhibits much better capability in eliminating drift estimation outliers
than the previously reported methods. We further demonstrated that this method is
particularly advantageous for super-resolution images of small cell organelles (such as Golgi
ribbon structure) and small view-fields, in which the number of localization points in each
correction time step is limited. Besides, we inferred that this method will also benefit
applications demanding high resolution but require very slow frame rate, for example, when
using the ultra-bright fluorophores that have slow switching kinetics [20]. The same algorithm
can be easily extended to 3D drift correction using the projection strategy previous described
[10, 15]. Specifically, the x and y-drift can be extracted from 2D correlation analysis of the z-
projection of the data set. The z-drift can then be extracted from a column-wise 1D z-
correlation analysis of the data (after correcting for the xy drift) [10] or from the x and y-
projections [15].
Compared to imaging of fixed samples, drift correction for live imaging falls into a
different scenario. The potential change of sample shape precludes the use of translational
cross-correlation to precisely align images taken at different time points. Nevertheless,
correlation analysis at short time scales, during which the structure deformation is small, can
still be used to follow sample movement during a long movie.
Y. W., Z. H. and Z. L. H. are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant No. 91332103), and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of
China (Grant No. NCET-10-0407). J. S. thankfully acknowledges support from a Boehringer
Ingelheim Fonds Ph.D. fellowship. B. H. is supported by the NIH Director’s New Innovator
Award (1DP2OD008479).
#211946 - $15.00 USD
Received 12 May 2014; revised 14 Jun 2014; accepted 16 Jun 2014; published 20 Jun 2014
(C) 2014 OSA
30 June 2014 | Vol. 22, No. 13 | DOI:10.1364/OE.22.015982 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15991
... In most proposed methods, drift correction involves two steps: drift estimation and compensation. Drift compensation can be achieved through post-processing [4,5] or active compensation [6,7]. Active compensation, being hardware-based, adds complexity and cost to the system. ...
... However, it is often computationally intensive for a 3D registration with high accuracy using stacks of 2D images. Another widely used method is based on single-molecule localization events [4]. This method arranges blinking molecules into uniform time intervals, with each interval generating a subset of super-resolution images. ...
... Our method simultaneously achieves focus stabilization and high-precision lateral drift estimation using just one NIR laser which is spectrally different from the excitation lasers. We tested our method using imaging data of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and compared it with the localization events-based method [4]. The results demonstrated that when the number of localization events was sufficient, the precision of our method was nearly identical to the localization events-based method. ...
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Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) enables three-dimensional (3D) super-resolution imaging of nanoscale structures within biological samples. However, prolonged acquisition introduces a drift between the sample and the imaging system, resulting in artifacts in the reconstructed super-resolution image. Here, we present a novel, to our knowledge, 3D drift correction method that utilizes both the reflected and scattered light from the sample. Our method employs the reflected light of a near-infrared (NIR) laser for focus stabilization while synchronously capturing speckle images to estimate the lateral drift. This approach combines high-precision active compensation in the axial direction with lateral post-processing compensation, achieving the abilities of 3D drift correction with a single laser light. Compared to the popular localization events-based cross correlation method, our approach is much more robust, especially for datasets with sparse localization points.
... Cross-correlation offers a more noise-tolerant alter- native [7], searching for the correct alignment between two images by measuring their similarity for different shifts. Although it is less accurate than the Lucas-Kanade algorithm [6], it is more resilient against noise [8], particularly when using redundant cross-correlation [9]. This makes it ideal for image series with low pixel dwell times. ...
... This method not only considers the direct vector v ij but also examines vectors v jk − v ik for all other images k in the series, resulting in n − 2 additional vectors for a series of n images.The final shift vector v * ij is determined by taking the median of the x and y coordinates of all these vectors, thereby reducing the influence of random noise and eliminating outliers. This method is similar to the drift correction technique described by[9], originally developed for super-resolution localization microscopy, but is significantly simpler.If all possible shifts are calculated, the computational complexity of this algorithm is O(N 2 P ), with N being the number of images in the series and P the number of pixels in each of them. Since this scales rapidly for large datasets (see Discussion), a function was implemented that calculates the shifts of all images relative to a fixed set of reference images instead of all images. ...
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is a widely used tool for nanoparticle characterization, but long-term directional drift can compromise image quality. We present a novel algorithm for post-imaging drift correction in SEM nanoparticle imaging. Our approach combines multiple rapidly acquired, noisy images to produce a single high-quality overlay through redundant cross-correlation, preventing drift-induced distortions. The preservation of critical geometrical properties and accurate imaging of surface features were verified using Atomic Force Microscopy. On platinum nanoparticles with diameters of 300 to 1000 nm, significant improvements in the mean-based signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were achieved, increasing from 4.4 dB in single images to 11.3 dB when overlaying five images. This method offers a valuable tool for enhancing SEM image quality in nanoparticle research and metrology, particularly in settings without specialized hardware-based drift correction.
... Fiducials can then be used in postprocessing or in real time [49] to allow the inverse correction. Fiducial free methods exist using deep learning [50], crosscorrelation [51], Bayesian models [52] , entropy minimization [53], and advances in generative learning [54]. Nonetheless, resolving drift in multichannel SRM remains an open complex problem [55] because the interaction is unknown and therefore difficult to isolate and preserve from the drift correction. ...
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Cellular function is defined by pathways that, in turn, are determined by distance-mediated interactions between and within subcel-lular organelles, protein complexes, and macromolecular structures. Multichannel Super Resolution Microscopy (SRM) is uniquely placed to quantify distance-mediated interactions at the nanometer scale with its ability to label individual biological targets with independent markers that fluoresce in different spectra. We review novel computational methods that quantify interaction from mul-tichannel SRM data in both point-cloud and voxel form to meet the increasing adoption of multichannel SRM in life sciences. SRM specific factors that can compromise interaction analysis are discussed in detail. Different classes of interactions are decomposed based on distinct representative cell biology use cases, the underappreciated non-linear physics of their scale, and the development of specialized methods for those use case. An abstract mathematical model is introduced to facilitate the comparison and evaluation of interaction reconstruction methods and to quantify the computational bottlenecks. We discuss the different strategies for validation of interaction analysis results with sparse or incomplete ground truth data. Finally, evolving trends and future directions are presented, highlighting the 'multichannel gap', where interaction analysis is trailing behind the rapid increase in novel multichannel SRM acquisitions.
... The obtained molecule coordinates were exported in a .CSV file format and imported into MATLAB (MathWorks). Here, we performed drift correction in 2D and 3D using redundant cross correlation with scripts based on Wang et al. 34 Super-resolved reconstructions were rendered in 2D by plotting accumulating Gaussians with a sigma corresponding to ∼15 nm FWHM. Reconstructions were rendered with a pixel size of 20 nm for overview images; ACS Omega ...
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Small antigen binders, such as nanobodies, have become widely used in biomedical research and pharmaceutical development. However, the pipeline for the generation of functional conjugated probes and drugs from identified binders remains a major time-consuming bottleneck. Here, we developed a method for fast nanobody production and conjugation based on an in vitro synthesis platform. Our system allows for small batch synthesis of nanobodies with the inclusion of a noncanonical amino acid (NCAA). This NCAA can then be used for direct conjugation of molecules to the synthesized nanobody using click-chemistry, reducing the time from binder-encoding DNA to a conjugated probe tremendously. In this study, we conjugated a fluorescent dye to an anti-Green fluorescent protein (GFP) nanobody and attained a fully functional probe suitable for advanced super-resolution microscopy within a short time frame of 2 days. Our work illustrates that an in vitro synthesis platform in combination with click-chemistry can be successfully employed to produce conjugated small antigen binding probes. The fast production and conjugation, combined with the possibility for parallelization as well as precise analysis by microscopy, forms an excellent platform for nanobody prototyping. The here-illustrated method can be used for quick selection and benchmarking of obtained nanobody sequences/clones, e. g., from a phage-display, for use as conjugated small-molecule carriers. This procedure can accelerate the bioengineering of nanobodies for research and pharmaceutical applications.
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis has characteristic features in neuronal dendrites and presynapses, but how membrane proteins are internalized along the axon shaft remains unclear. We focused on clathrin-coated structures and endocytosis along the axon initial segment (AIS) and their relationship to the periodic actin-spectrin scaffold that lines the axonal plasma membrane. A combination of super-resolution microscopy and platinum-replica electron microscopy on cultured neurons revealed that AIS clathrin-coated pits form within “clearings”, circular areas devoid of actin-spectrin mesh. Actin-spectrin scaffold disorganization increased clathrin-coated pit formation. Cargo uptake and live-cell imaging showed that AIS clathrin-coated pits are particularly stable. Neuronal plasticity-inducing stimulation triggered internalization of the clathrin-coated pits through polymerization of branched actin around them. Thus, spectrin and actin regulate clathrin-coated pit formation and scission to control endocytosis at the AIS.
Selective autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER-phagy) is a mechanism that is necessary for degrading damaged ER components and preventing cells from experiencing ER stress. Various ER-phagy receptors orchestrate this process by building protein assemblies with dedicated functions. In order to understand the molecular building principles of ER-phagy, it is important to reveal the assembly of ER-phagy receptors in a temporal and functional context. However, direct visualization is hampered by the diffraction limit in light microscopy. Super-resolution microscopy (SRM) can bypass this limitation and resolve single proteins and nanoscale protein clusters in cells. In particular, DNA points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (DNA-PAINT) is a powerful technology that can resolve individual protein clusters in cells and provide information on their molecular composition. Here, we report a step-by-step protocol on how to utilize DNA-PAINT to perform super-resolution imaging of ER-phagy receptors in fixed cells. In addition, we provide a detailed explanation of image generation, cluster analysis, and molecular quantification.
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Biological structures have evolved to very efficiently generate, transmit, and withstand mechanical forces. These biological examples have inspired mechanical engineers for centuries and led to the development of critical insights and concepts. However, progress in mechanical engineering also raises new questions about biological structures. The past decades have seen the increasing study of failure of engineered structures due to repetitive loading, and its origin in processes such as materials fatigue. Repetitive loading is also experienced by some neurons, for example in the peripheral nervous system. This perspective, after briefly introducing the engineering concept of mechanical fatigue, aims to discuss the potential effects based on our knowledge of cellular responses to mechanical stresses. A particular focus of our discussion are the effects of mechanical stress on axons and their cytoskeletal structures. Furthermore, we highlight the difficulty of imaging these structures and the promise of new microscopy techniques. The identification of repair mechanisms and paradigms underlying long-term stability is an exciting and emerging topic in biology as well as a potential source of inspiration for engineers.
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) often suffers from suboptimal resolution due to imperfect drift correction. Existing marker-free drift correction algorithms often struggle to reliably track high-frequency drift and lack the computational efficiency to manage large, high-throughput localization datasets. We present an adaptive intersection maximization-based method (AIM) that leverages the entire dataset’s information content to minimize drift correction errors, particularly addressing high-frequency drift, thereby enhancing the resolution of existing SMLM systems. We demonstrate that AIM can robustly and efficiently achieve an angstrom-level tracking precision for high-throughput SMLM datasets under various imaging conditions, resulting in an optimal resolution in simulated and biological experimental datasets. We offer AIM as one simple, model-free software for instant resolution enhancement with standard CPU devices.
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A biotechnological platform consisting of two-color 3D super-resolution readout and a microfluidic system was developed to investigate platelet interaction with a layer of perfused endothelial cells under flow conditions. Platelet activation has been confirmed via CD62P clustering on the membrane and mitochondrial morphology of ECs at the single cell level were examined using 3D two-color single-molecule localization microscopy and classified applying machine learning. To compare binding of activated platelets to intact or stressed ECs, a femtosecond laser was used to induced damage to single ECs within the perfused endothelial layer. We observed that activated platelets bound to the perfused ECs layer preferentially in the proximity to single stressed ECs. Platelets activated under flow were ∼6 times larger compared to activated ones under static conditions. The CD62P expression indicated more CD62P proteins on membrane of dynamically activated platelets, with a tendency to higher densities at the platelet/EC interface. Platelets activated under static conditions showed a less pronounced CD62P top/bottom asymmetry. The clustering of CD62P in the platelet membrane differs depending on the activation conditions. Our results confirm that nanoscopic analysis using two-color 3D super-resolution technology can be used to assess platelet interaction with a stressed endothelium under dynamic conditions.
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Resolution in optical nanoscopy (or super-resolution microscopy) depends on the localization uncertainty and density of single fluorescent labels and on the sample's spatial structure. Currently there is no integral, practical resolution measure that accounts for all factors. We introduce a measure based on Fourier ring correlation (FRC) that can be computed directly from an image. We demonstrate its validity and benefits on two-dimensional (2D) and 3D localization microscopy images of tubulin and actin filaments. Our FRC resolution method makes it possible to compare achieved resolutions in images taken with different nanoscopy methods, to optimize and rank different emitter localization and labeling strategies, to define a stopping criterion for data acquisition, to describe image anisotropy and heterogeneity, and even to estimate the average number of localizations per emitter. Our findings challenge the current focus on obtaining the best localization precision, showing instead how the best image resolution can be achieved as fast as possible.
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As the main microtubule-organizing centre in animal cells, the centrosome has a fundamental role in cell function. Surrounding the centrioles, the pericentriolar material (PCM) provides a dynamic platform for nucleating microtubules. Although the importance of the PCM is established, its amorphous electron-dense nature has made it refractory to structural investigation. By using SIM and STORM subdiffraction-resolution microscopies to visualize proteins critical for centrosome maturation, we demonstrate that the PCM is organized into two main structural domains: a layer juxtaposed to the centriole wall, and proteins extending farther away from the centriole organized in a matrix. Analysis of Pericentrin-like protein (PLP) reveals that its carboxy terminus is positioned at the centriole wall, it radiates outwards into the matrix and is organized in clusters having quasi-nine-fold symmetry. By RNA-mediated interference (RNAi), we show that PLP fibrils are required for interphase recruitment and proper mitotic assembly of the PCM matrix.
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To measure nanometric features with super-resolution requires that the stage, which holds the sample, be stable to nanometric precision. Herein we introduce a new method that uses conventional equipment, is low cost, and does not require intensive computation. Fiduciary markers of approximately 1 µm x 1 µm x 1 µm in x, y, and z dimensions are placed at regular intervals on the coverslip. These fiduciary markers are easy to put down, are completely stationary with respect to the coverslip, are bio-compatible, and do not interfere with fluorescence or intensity measurements. As the coverslip undergoes drift (or is purposely moved), the x-y center of the fiduciary markers can be readily tracked to 1 nanometer using a Gaussian fit. By focusing the light slightly out-of-focus, the z-axis can also be tracked to < 5 nm for dry samples and <17 nm for wet samples by looking at the diffraction rings. The process of tracking the fiduciary markers does not interfere with visible fluorescence because an infrared light emitting diode (IR-LED) (690 and 850 nm) is used, and the IR-light is separately detected using an inexpensive camera. The resulting motion of the coverslip can then be corrected for, either after-the-fact, or by using active stabilizers, to correct for the motion. We applied this method to watch kinesin walking with ≈8 nm steps.
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In recent years, the diffraction barrier in fluorescence imaging has been broken and optical nanoscopes now routinely image with resolutions of down to 20 nm, an improvement of more than 10 fold. Because this allows imaging much smaller features and because all super-resolution approaches trade off speed for spatial resolution, mechanical instabilities of the microscopes become a limiting factor. Here, we propose a fully data-driven statistical registration method for drift detection and drift correction for single marker switching (SMS) imaging schemes, including a guideline for parameter choice and quality checks of the drift analysis. The necessary assumptions about the drift are minimal, allowing a model-free approach, but more specific models can easily be integrated. We determine the resulting performance on standard SMS measurements and show that the drift determination can be routinely brought to the range of precision achievable by fiducial marker-tracking methods.
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Recently, single-molecule imaging and photocontrol have enabled superresolution optical microscopy of cellular structures beyond Abbe's diffraction limit, extending the frontier of noninvasive imaging of structures within living cells. However, live-cell superresolution imaging has been challenged by the need to image three-dimensional (3D) structures relative to their biological context, such as the cellular membrane. We have developed a technique, termed superresolution by power-dependent active intermittency and points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (SPRAIPAINT) that combines imaging of intracellular enhanced YFP (eYFP) fusions (SPRAI) with stochastic localization of the cell surface (PAINT) to image two different fluorophores sequentially with only one laser. Simple light-induced blinking of eYFP and collisional flux onto the cell surface by Nile red are used to achieve single-molecule localizations, without any antibody labeling, cell membrane permeabilization, or thiol-oxygen scavenger systems required. Here we demonstrate live-cell 3D superresolution imaging of Crescentin-eYFP, a cytoskeletal fluorescent protein fusion, colocalized with the surface of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus using a double-helix point spread function microscope. Three-dimensional colocalization of intracellular protein structures and the cell surface with superresolution optical microscopy opens the door for the analysis of protein interactions in living cells with excellent precision (20-40 nm in 3D) over a large field of view (12 12 μm).
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The recent development of diffraction-unlimited far-field fluorescence microscopy has overcome the classical resolution limit of ~250 nm of conventional light microscopy by about a factor of ten. The improved resolution, however, reveals not only biological structures at an unprecedented resolution, but is also susceptible to sample drift on a much finer scale than previously relevant. Without correction, sample drift leads to smeared images with decreased resolution, and in the worst case to misinterpretation of the imaged structures. This poses a problem especially for techniques such as Fluorescence Photoactivation Localization Microscopy (FPALM/PALM) or Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM), which often require minutes recording time. Here we discuss an approach that corrects for three-dimensional (3D) drift in images of fixed samples without the requirement for fiduciary markers or instrument modifications. Drift is determined by calculating the spatial cross-correlation function between subsets of localized particles imaged at different times. Correction down to ~5 nm precision is achieved despite the fact that different molecules are imaged in each frame. We demonstrate the performance of our drift correction algorithm with different simulated structures and analyze its dependence on particle density and localization precision. By imaging mitochondria with Biplane FPALM we show our algorithm’s feasibility in a practical application.
Background Super-resolution microscopy techniques are often extremely susceptible to sample drift due to their high spatial resolution and the long time needed for data acquisition. While several techniques for stabilizing against drift exist, many require complicated additional hardware or intrusive sample preparations. We introduce a method that requires no additional sample preparation, is simple to implement and simultaneously corrects for x, y and z drift. Results We use bright-field images of the specimen itself to calculate drift in all three dimensions: x, y and z. Bright-field images are acquired on an inexpensive CCD. By correlating each acquired bright-field image with an in-focus and two out-of-focus reference images we determine and actively correct for drift at rates of a few Hertz. This method can maintain stability to within 10 nm for x and y and 20 nm for z over several minutes. Conclusion Our active drift stabilization system is capable of simultaneously compensating x, y and z drift through an image-based correlation method that requires no special sample treatment or extensive microscope modifications. While other techniques may provide better stability, especially for higher frequency drift, our method is easy to implement and widely applicable in terms of both sample type and microscopy technique.
Poring Over the Nuclear Pore The nuclear pore is a macromolecular complex that traverses the paired membranes of the nuclear envelope through which a variety of nuclear protein and RNA cargoes must traffic. Szymborska et al. (p. 655 , published online 11 July) combined super-resolution microscopy with single-particle averaging to localize the proteins that make up the structural scaffold of the nuclear pore complex with a precision well below one nanometer. These molecular positional constraints clarified contradictory models for the structure of the nuclear pore and demonstrate that the structural organization of protein complexes can be studied by light microscopy in situ in whole cells.
In recent work with large high-symmetry viruses, single-particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) has achieved the determination of near-atomic-resolution structures by allowing direct fitting of atomic models into experimental density maps. However, achieving this goal with smaller particles of lower symmetry remains challenging. Using a newly developed single electron-counting detector, we confirmed that electron beam-induced motion substantially degrades resolution, and we showed that the combination of rapid readout and nearly noiseless electron counting allow image blurring to be corrected to subpixel accuracy, restoring intrinsic image information to high resolution (Thon rings visible to ∼3 Å). Using this approach, we determined a 3.3-Å-resolution structure of an ∼700-kDa protein with D7 symmetry, the Thermoplasma acidophilum 20S proteasome, showing clear side-chain density. Our method greatly enhances image quality and data acquisition efficiency-key bottlenecks in applying near-atomic-resolution cryo-EM to a broad range of protein samples.
Sub-diffraction-limit imaging can be achieved by sequential localization of photoactivatable fluorophores, for which the image resolution depends on the number of photons detected per localization. We report a strategy for fluorophore caging that creates photoactivatable probes with high photon yields. Upon photoactivation, these probes can provide 10(4)-10(6) photons per localization and allow imaging of fixed samples with resolutions of several nanometers. This strategy can be applied to many fluorophores across the visible spectrum.