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Volume 9, No. 35, Summer 2010
Journal of Medicinal Plants
Chemical Constituents of the Essential oil of Sanguisorba minor Scop.
Leaves, from Iran
Esmaeili A (Ph.D.)1, Masoudi Sh (Ph.D.)2, Masnabadi N (M.Sc.)3, Rustaiyan AH (Ph.D.)4*
1- Department of Chemical Engineering, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Chemistry, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,
3- Department of Chemistry, Roudhen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudhen, Iran
4- Department of Chemistry, Science & Research Campus, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding author: Department of Chemistry, Science & Research Campus,
Islamic Azad University, P.O.Box: 14515-775, Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98-21- 22436370, Fax: +98-21- 22436370
E -mail: rustaiyan@excite.com
Receive: 22 May 2010 Acceptance: 24 Aug. 2010
Background: The family Rosaceae, include some large genus, eg; the genus Rose includes 200
species and 18000 cultivars.
Objective: Aim of this study is to determine the chemical composition of the hydrodistilled oil of
the leaves of Sanguisorba minor scop, of Iranian origin for the first time.
Methods: The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of Sanguisorba minor was analyzed by
GC and GC/MS.
Results: The major constituents appeared to be (E, E) farnesyl acetate (13.4%), nonadecane
(11.2%) and docosane (11.0%).
Conclusion: In Sanguisorba minor we identified 17 components representing 93.2%. It’s rich in
regard to aliphatic hydrocarbons (40.6%), five sesquiterpenes (36.8%), one oxygenated
monoterpene (7.3%) and one aliphatic aldehyde (8.3%).
Keywords: Sanguisorba minor, Rosaceae, Essential oil composition, (E, E) Farnesyl acetate,
Nonadecane, Docosane
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Journal of Medicinal Plants, Volume 9,
No. 35, Summer 2010
Chemical Constituents…
The family Rosaceae, include some large
genus, eg; the genus Rose includes 200 species
and 18000 cultivars [1]. Rosa damascena Mill
uses in traditional medicine, eg; analgestic,
antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and
cosmetic [2-6]. The essential oil of the plant is
one of the most valuable and important base
material in the flavor and fragrance industry [7].
Also the oil of Rosa damascena petals was
evaluated for its antibacterial effects against
three strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis spp.
vesicatoria. The essential oil may be apotential
control agent in the management of the disease
caused by X. a. vesicatoria in tomato and
pepper plants [8].
The other genus of this family is Sanguisorba
which is represented in the flora of Iran by two
species, S. minor scop and S. officinalis L. [9, 10].
The essential oil of Sanguisorba minor has not
been investigated up to now, so we decided to
examin the leaves oil.
Materials and Methods
Plant Materials
The leaves of Sanguisorba minor were
collected from Taleghan regions, North of
Tehran, in Agust 2008. A voucher specimen has
been deposited at the Herbarium of the
Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands
(TARI), Tehran, Iran.
Isolation of the Essential Oil
The leaves of the plants were dried at
room temperature and hydrodistilled for 3h
using a Clevenger- type apparatus. The oil was
dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate and stored
at 2°C in the dark. The yield based on dry
weight was 0.2% (w/w).
Table 1- Percentage composition of the leaf oils of Sanguisorba minor
Compound RIa %
linalool 1098 73.0
nonanal 1099 8.5
dodecane 1199 3.6
tridecane 1299 2.4
(E)-α-damascenone 1380 3.2
tetradecane 1399 3.8
β-caryophyllene 1418 9.7
germacrene D 1480 5.4
caryophyllene oxide 1581 5.1
hexadecane 1600 0.1
heptadecane 1700 1.2
octadecane 1800 2.4
(E,E)-farnesyl acetate 1843 13.4
nonadecane 1900 11.2
eicosane 2000 2.6
henicosane 2100 2.3
docosane 2200 11.0
Total 93.2
aRetention indices as determined on a DB-5 column using the homologous series
of n-alkane
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Esmaeili & Authors
The oil was dried over anhydrous sodium
sulfate and stored at 2°C in the dark. The yield
based on dry weight was 0.2% (w/w).
Gas Chromatography
GC analysis was performed on a Shimadzu
IS A gas chromatograph equipped with a
split/splitless injector (250°C) and a flame
ionization detector (250 °C). N2 was used as
carrier gas (1mL/min) and the capillary used
was DB-5 (50 m × 0.2 mm, film thickness 0.32
The column temperature was kept at 60 °C
for 3 min and then heated to 220°C with a
5°C/min rate and kept constant at 220 °C for 5
min. Relative percentage amounts were
calculated from peak area using a Shimadzu C-
R4A chromatopac without the use of
correction factors.
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
GC/MS analysis was performed using a
Hewlett-Packard 5973 with a HP-5MS column
(30m x 0.25 mm, film thickness 0.25 µm). The
column temperature was kept at 60 °C for 3 min
and programmed to 220 °C at a rate of
5 °C /min and kept constant at 220 °C for 5 min.
The flow rate of helium as carrier gas with
(1 mL/min). MS were taken at 70 eV.
Identification of the constituents of the oil was
made by comparison of their mass spectra and
relative retention indices (RRI) with those
given in the literature and those authentic
samples [11, 12].
The chemical composition of the oil of
Sanguisorba minor is given in Table I. As it is
shown, about 93.2% (17 component) of the oil
were identified. The oil of S. minor consisted
mainly often aliphatic hydrocarbons (40.6%),
five sesquiterpenes (36.8%), one oxygenated
monoterpene (7.3%) and one aliphatic
aldehyde (8.3%). (E, E) Farnesyl acetate
(13.4%), nonadecane (11.2%) and docosane
(11.0%) were the major components in this
oil, followed by β-caryophyllene (9.7%),
nonanal (8.5%) and linalool (7.3%).
There are a few reports on the essential
oils of Rutaceae family, eg. the composition of
the essential oil from the underground parts of
Geum reptans L. was analysed by GC and
The main classed of the compounds
present are monoterpenoids (20.5%) and fatty
acids (52.0%) with linolenic acid as the
predominant constituents (18.3%) [13]. In
other study the essential oil composition of
three strawberry genotypes, Fragaria ananassa
Duch. Were examined by GC/MS. The major
components were linalool (16.1-18.8%) and
nonanal (5.9-16.6%). Many of the other
constituents were aliphatic in nature [14].
We are grateful to Dr. V. Mozaffarian
(Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands,
Tehran) for helpful assistance in collecting plant
material and for botanical identification.
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