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Content uploaded by Rob B. Briner
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Rob B. Briner on Oct 18, 2015
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Industrial and Organizational Psychology
,4(2011), 3– 22.
Copyright ©2011 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 1754-9426/11
Evidence-Based I–O Psychology:
Not There Yet
University of London
Carnegie Mellon University
Evidence-based practice is now well established in several fields including medicine, nursing, and social policy.
This article seeks to promote discussion of whether the practice of industrial–organizational (I–O) psychologists
is evidence based and what is needed to make I – O psychology an evidence-based discipline. It first reviews
the emergence of the concept of evidence-based practice. Second, it considers the definitions and features of
evidence-based practice, including evidence-based management. It then assesses whether I –O psychology is
itself an evidence-based discipline by identifying key characteristics of evidence-based practice and judging the
extent these characterize I –O psychology. Fourth, some key strategies for promoting the use of evidence in
I– O psychology are considered: practice-oriented research and systematic reviews. Fifth, barriers to practicing
evidence-based I–O psychology are identified along with suggestions for overcoming them. Last is a look to the
future of an evidence-based I–O psychology that plays an important role in helping consultants, in-house I–O
psychologists, managers, and organizations become more evidence based.
Most industrial–organizational (I– O) psy-
chologists would confidently claim that
their practice is based on evidence—in
particular, psychological research findings.
And, in a general sense, that’s more or less
true. The founders of our field, including
James McKeen Cattell and C. S. Myers,
originated the application of systematic
research to workplace issues and in doing
so established psychological science itself
in both the United States and Britain. Most
of what we do in I–O psychology draws on
or is at least informed by some type of evi-
dence whether that be research published
Correspondence concerning this article should be
addressed to Rob B. Briner.
Address: Department of Organizational Psychol-
ogy, Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet
Street, London WC1E 7HX, United Kingdom.
We are very grateful to three anonymous reviewers
for their comments and suggestions.
in journal articles or workforce facts and
metrics collected through practice.
Look a bit deeper, however, and things
aren’t quite so straightforward. Practitioners
of all stripes—from the snake-oil salesper-
son with a cure-all remedy to the fam-
ily physician or the personal trainer to
the psychic who communicates with the
dead—claim to have evidence for what
they do. Claims to use evidence are there-
fore meaningless in themselves. However,
the hallmark of any profession is the exis-
tence of an agreed-upon core of knowledge
and means for its continued generation and
refinement (Friedson, 1986). Unlike com-
mon sense or general knowledge claims,
it’s the nature and quality of the par-
ticular evidence a profession’s practition-
ers use that distinguishes them from the
layperson—or the snake-oil salesperson. In
the case of professions such as I –O psychol-
ogy, medicine, education, or engineering,
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
much of their value and legitimacy depends
on the extent a scientific evidence base
informs and is used in practice.
In many areas of I–O psychology, large
bodies of reasonable quality evidence are
continually refined and critically evaluated.
The expanded use of meta-analysis in I– O
psychology indicates the value it places on
systematic evidence, cumulative research
findings, and critical analyses (e.g., Judge,
Heller, & Mount, 2002; Judge & Illies,
2002). Similarly, the value of the structured
interview over its unstructured counterpart
has been affirmed repeatedly over decades
(McDaniel, Whetzel, Schmidt, & Maurer,
1994); the I–O psychology practitioner
is probably one of the more consistent
voices in industry to buck the populist
tide that continues to favor unstructured
techniques. On the other hand, I–O
psychology does not always resist more
‘‘pop-psychology’’ topics such as emotional
intelligence. Although introduced to social
science through work by Mayer and
Salovey (1997), the type of claims made
in Daniel Goleman’s (1998) popular book
and other popular accounts of the topic are
clearly questionable (e.g., Cherniss, 2010;
Locke, 2005).
In other areas, the evidence familiar to
I–O psychologists may appear more static,
taking the form of received wisdom. For
example, consider the notion that accurate
feedback is good (i.e., at least if task
related; cf., Kluger & DeNisi, 1996). Still,
uncritical reliance on received wisdom
is problematic: Cognitive and educational
research demonstrates that feedback too
early in the learning process can undermine
the mental processes needed to acquire
certain skills (Merrill, Reiser, Merrill, &
Landes, 1995; VanLehn, Siler, Murray,
Yamauchi, & Baggett, 2003). Given that
new information replaces or refines existing
information, the evidence base we use is
inevitably a work in progress.
I–O psychologists have expressed con-
cerns about the existence, relevance, and
use of evidence in the profession. A recent
survey of SIOP members (Silzer, Cober,
Erickson, & Robinson, 2008) revealed that a
majority of respondents (who were largely
practitioners) held the opinion that prac-
tice is ahead of research in 14 content
areas, including coaching, talent manage-
ment, and employee relations, whereas
science was ahead in only two (measure-
ment and statistics, and job analysis). In five
areas, practitioners and nonpractitioners
held opposite views. Practitioners saw prac-
tice ahead and nonpractitioners saw science
ahead in recruitment, performance manage-
ment, organizational culture, training and
development, and employee engagement.
A plurality shared the view that science is
behind practice in its choice of research
topics and that practice-relevant research
was sparse. Finding perceived gaps on both
sides is not so surprising. In I–O psy-
chology scientists and practitioners each
prize their own knowledge sources over
the other’s, raising concern regarding the
quality of the interface between the two. In
turn, these findings raise questions about
the extent the science and practice of
I–O psychology is synergistic in a fash-
ion that would promote evidence-based
Another expression of this concern can
be found in many of this journal’s focal
articles, as they are precisely about exam-
ining the concepts and evidence under-
lying our practice in a range of areas
including the identification of discrimi-
nation in workplace evaluations (Landy,
2008), executive coaching (McKenna &
Davis, 2009), job performance ratings
(Murphy, 2008), employee engagement
(Macey & Schneider, 2008), executive
selection (Hollenbeck, 2009), and leader-
ship development (McCall, 2010). These
articles have created lively, important, and
healthy debate.
Many professions have expressed such
concerns and pursued ways that evidence
can better inform practice. One of the
most recent and widespread ideas used
to frame solutions to this problem is the
subject of this focal article: evidence-based
practice. For some years, evidence-based
practice has evolved as a way of identifying
and developing techniques and processes
Evidence-based I–O psychology
that practitioners can use to incorporate
evidence from various sources into their
everyday work. Our purpose here is to pro-
mote discussion and further development
of the practice of I– O psychology as an
evidence-based discipline.
This article is structured as follows.
It reviews the emergence of evidence-
based practice in medicine, social pol-
icy, and more recently management, and
considers the definitions and features of
evidence-based practice, including that of
evidence-based management (EBMgt). It
assesses whether I–O psychology is itself
an evidence-based discipline by identify-
ing key characteristics of evidence-based
practice and gauging the extent these char-
acterize the practice of I– O psychology. By
identifying the key contributions of practice-
oriented research and systematic reviews to
evidence-based practice, this article details
how these applications promote evidence
use in practice, and describes barriers to
evidence-based approaches to I–O psy-
chology practice along with suggestions to
overcome them. Last, we look to the future
and consider the prospects for an evidence-
based I–O psychology that helps managers
and organizations themselves become more
evidence based.
Emergence of Evidence-Based
Practice and Management
The notion of using scientific evidence to
inform professional practice is not new. At
the same time, neither is the observation
that from medicine to management much
practice is not related to evidence in
any significant way. This tension found
expression in a
British Medical Journal
editorial reporting, ‘‘only about 15% of
medical interventions are supported by
solid scientific evidence’’ (Smith, 1991,
p. 798).1This article marked a turning
point in the development of evidence-based
medicine. More than other professions,
1. It may be possible and potentially useful to
make a similar estimate of the percentage of
I– O psychology practices that are based on solid
scientific evidence.
medicine and its allied disciplines, such
as nursing, have engaged the challenge of
using scientific evidence to better inform
In medicine and nursing, the notion of
being evidence based is now well estab-
lished. It forms part of the basic training
of nurses, physicians, and other profes-
sions allied to medicine. Medical research
and its funders, in addition to producing
new basic science, also put considerable
resources into research on effective prac-
tice, including how to best treat specific
types of patients, as well as in conduct-
ing systematic reviews of research litera-
ture to answer practice-relevant questions.
Systematic reviews are essentially litera-
ture reviews that address a very specific
review question using an explicit, system-
atic methodology to identify, select, and
pull together findings from a range of studies
to draw conclusions about what is known
and not known about the question. (Meta-
analyses are one type of systematic review.)
Systematic reviews are in essence pieces of
research on existing research.
The findings of both patient-oriented
studies and systematic reviews are then
translated into tools and decision-making
aids such as checklists and patient-care
protocols used by medical clinicians. Later,
we will talk about how the ‘‘functional
I–O psychology equivalents’’ of these can
promote our own evidence-based practice.
In the late 1990s, the term ‘‘evidence
based’’ became paired with other nonmedi-
cal disciplines and practice areas, including
education, social work, criminology, and
government policy making. Over a decade
ago, Briner (1998) made what appears to
be the first attempt to suggest that some
ideas from evidence-based medicine could
be adapted to the practice of organizational
psychology. These same ideas have been
applied more recently to the practice of
management. In 2006, two key publications
(Pfeffer & Sutton, 2006; Rousseau, 2006)
stimulated discussions of EBMgt and how it
might be used in business school teaching
(Rousseau & McCarthy, 2007), its limita-
tions and potential dangers (Learmonth &
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
Harding, 2006; Morrell, 2008), the evi-
dence for EBMgt (Reay, Berta, & Kohn,
2009), and its meaning and definition
(Briner, Denyer, & Rousseau, 2009).
In the last 2 decades, considerable soul
searching by management scholars over
the research–practice ‘‘gap’’ or ‘‘divide’’
has raised difficult questions about why
the gap exists, how to bridge it, and the
value and purpose of management research
itself (Hambrick, 1994; Rynes, Brown, &
Colbert, 2002). Although I–O psychol-
ogy is not immune to such concerns, in
other respects I–O psychology would seem
to have avoided the criticisms levied on
other social sciences (Anderson, Herriot, &
Hodgkinson, 2001). Anderson and col-
leagues used the label ‘‘pedantic science’’
to describe those research domains driven
by theoretical concerns and fastidious ana-
lytics while ignoring real-world issues.
I–O psychology might seem an unlikely
candidate for the pedantic label. Even when
conducted by university-based scholars,
I–O psychology research is rooted in issues
and problems arising in organizational
settings. Given that its graduates work in
industry as consultants or in-house I – O
psychologists, our discipline would seem
to be an exemplar of ‘‘evidence-based’’
practice. The research-intensive training of
I–O psychologists and our often close-to-
practice research should make reliance on
research evidence almost second nature.
Indeed, it is probably no coincidence that
many advocates of EBMgt (including the
present authors) are also I–O psychologists
(e.g., Wayne Cascio, Edwin Locke, and Ed
So how can we explore the truth of I– O
psychology’s claim to engage in evidence-
based practice? On one hand, I–O psy-
chology seems to embody Anderson et al.’s
(2001) ideal of a ‘‘pragmatic science,’’
addressing questions of theoretical and
practical relevance in a methodologically
sound manner. Yet, if we use the nature
of evidence-based practice as the starting
point in specifying our criteria, we would
draw a different conclusion.
What Is Evidence-Based Practice?
As mentioned, all practitioners claim
to have evidence for their practice.
Nonetheless, evidence-based practice is a
particular approach or more accurately
a set of approaches to incorporate evi-
dence into practice decisions. In medicine,
for example, this means ‘‘integrating indi-
vidual clinical expertise with the best
available external clinical evidence from
systematic research’’ (Sackett, Richardson,
Rosenburg, & Haynes, 1997, p. 2) in making
decisions about patient care. Three aspects
of this definition need to be highlighted.
First, evidence-based practice integrates
the practitioner’s expertise and external
evidence from research. Both sources of
knowledge are vital. Second, it is about
trying to obtain and use the best available
evidence even if ultimately determined to
be inconsistent or rejected as irrelevant.
Using evidence does not mean slavishly
following it, acting only when there is
good evidence or doing nothing if there is
none. Rather, it is a more active process of
examining and evaluating the best of what
is there and applying it along with other
sources of information, such as situational
facts, to decision making. Some research
evidence may be more readily converted
into practical knowledge, although both
basic scholarly and more applied evidence
can contribute to evidence-based practice.
Third, it uses systematic reviews to assess
all available and relevant evidence rather
than relying on single studies.
EBMgt has been defined in several
different ways but most definitions draw
on ideas of evidence-based practice found
in medicine and elsewhere. One recent
definition of EBMgt (Briner et al., 2009,
p. 19) is as follows:
Evidence-based management is about
making decisions through the consci-
entious, explicit, and judicious use of
four sources of information: practitioner
expertise and judgment, evidence from
the local context, a critical evaluation
of the best available research evidence,
Evidence-based I–O psychology
and the perspectives of those people who
might be affected by the decision.
The conscientious use of the four
sources of information means that an
EBMgt approach involves paying careful
and sustained attention to sources of what
can be potentially different, conflicting,
and sometimes difficult-to-interpret infor-
mation. Being explicit means using informa-
tion from each source in a clear, conscious,
and methodical way such that the roles
played by all the information in the final
decision are understood. And being judi-
cious involves using reflective judgment to
evaluate the validity and relevance of the
information from each source. Evidence and
information is critically evaluated in relation
to the practice context and problem.
Take the example of a senior HRM
practitioner in a large firm who believes
the organization has a problem with high
absence levels and wants to intervene to
reduce the absence rate. Table 1 provides
examples of the sorts of information
that the practitioner may compile and
critically evaluate to decide on what kind
of intervention, if any, is likely to be
most effective. After this information and
evidence is compiled, the next stage is to
the different sources of evidence.
The decision takes place at the intersection
of these four information sources. Exactly
how these sources of information are
integrated depends on the context and who
is making the decision. It is likely that they
will vary in several ways.
First, varying quantities of informa-
tion are available from each source. For
example, little may be known about the
perspectives of those who may be affected
by the intervention, but the practitioners
involved may have much expertise in and
experience with the problem. Very strong
asymmetries may lead to decisions biased
toward those sources of information of
which there simply are more. A second
way in which these sources of informa-
tion will vary is in relation to their quality,
validity, and reliability. Although there may
be plenty of information from one of these
sources, it may be judged to be of poor
quality and therefore not that usable or
relevant. Third, even where the quantity
and quality of information is relatively bal-
anced across sources, it may be that one
highly pertinent piece ‘‘trumps’’ others. In
a safety-critical organization, for example,
even where nearly all the information sug-
gests that a particular intervention may be
effective, a very small piece of information
implying that it also increases errors may
be enough to push the decision away from
what most of the evidence would suggest.
Evidence-based practice across various
fields uses similar approaches intended to
improve the process and consequences of
decision making by collecting and critically
analyzing evidence from a number sources
and then integrating it to make a practical
decision or solve a problem (e.g., Gough,
Kiwan, Sutcliffe, Simpson, & Houghton,
2003; Soukup, 2000).
How Evidence-Based Is
I–O Psychology?
So, how evidence based are we? To be
asked this question can feel a bit unnerv-
ing or even insulting. I–O psychology is a
science after all. We all know how to read
journals and do research. We understand
scientific principles and can distinguish
good research from bad. We can interpret
and apply findings from studies. We eval-
uate, measure, and assess what we do as
we go along. Although all these statements
may be broadly true, they don’t reveal how
evidence based we actually are as profes-
sionals. Instead, these statements express
some of our principles and aspirations. Such
statements may be our expectations, but
they can differ from what we actually do.
We now turn to examine the extent
to which characteristics of evidence-based
practice identified above are present in
the practice of I– O psychology. Note that
no systematic study exists on the actual
practice of I–O psychologists, that is, the
consultants, in-house psychologists, and
others working in industry who hold I–O
psychology degrees either at the master’s or
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
Table 1.
Examples of Information From Each of the Four Sources Relevant to Intervening
in the Presenting Problem of High Absence
Practitioner expertise and judgment
•Have I seen this before?
•What happened?
•What are my beliefs about the causes of
•What’s worked in the past and why?
•What are my hunches?
•What do I think are the causes and
possible solutions?
•Is this situation occurring elsewhere?
•How relevant and applicable is my
Critical evaluation of best available research
•What are the average rates of absence
in my sector and location—Is the
absence rate here ‘‘high’’?
•What does systematically reviewed
research evidence suggest to be the
major causes of absence?
•How relevant and applicable is that
evidence here?
•What does research evidence from
systematic reviews suggest as effective
•How well might the interventions the
research describes work here?
Evidence from the local context
•What actually is the absence rate?
•What type of absences and where?
•What are local explanations for
•Internal research (e.g., surveys)
•What absence management is currently
in place, and is it working?
•What do managers think is going on?
•What are the possible costs and benefits
of interventions? Is it worth intervening
•What is happening or what is going to
happen in the organization or outside
it that might be affecting absence?
Perspectives of those who may be affected
by intervention decision
•How do employees feel about the
proposed interventions?
•Do they see downsides or unintended
negative consequences?
•How do managers feel about these
•How practical or workable do those
responsible for implementing the
interventions feel?
•What alternative explanations and
proposed solutions do others have?
doctoral level. So, our starting point is this
question: If I–O psychology were strongly
evidence based in the ways defined and
described above, what would we expect to
Table 2 describes some of the charac-
teristics we would expect in an area of
practice if it were also evidence-based
per the above definitions. It describes our
current judgment of the extent these char-
acteristics are observable in I–O psychol-
ogy. Others will have different experi-
ences and observations, which we hope
will be expressed in the responses to this
focal article. Our judgments are based on
observations from a number of sources,
including our recent participation in the
first evidence-based practice workshop at
SIOP (attended by dozens of practitioners
to obtain continuing education credit), our
interpretations of results from the recent
surveys of the I–O psychology profession
and practitioner–research connections dis-
cussed briefly above (Silzer et al., 2008),
and also decades of teaching in I–O psy-
chology programs. Our assessments of I– O
psychology practice are discussed below,
each accompanied by an explanation.
The term ‘‘evidence based’’ is used or
Although the general notion
of using evidence is well established,
the specific term ‘‘evidence-based’’
and what it entails is not widely used
or well known. It is rare to find the
term ‘‘evidence based’’ paired with
I–O psychology or organizational
psychology. However, the 2009 SIOP
Evidence-based I–O psychology
Table 2.
Some Key Characteristics of Evidence-Based Practice and an Estimate of the
Extent to Which They Are Found in I–O Psychology
Some characteristics of evidence-based practice
Found in I–O
1. The term ‘‘evidence based’’ is used or well known.
evidence-based practice exists in many other fields and the term is
widely used, it is unlikely that any field adopting an evidence-based
approach would not know of and use the term, even though
definitions might vary across practice fields.
To a very limited
2. The latest research findings and research summaries are accessible.
It is difficult to do evidence-based practice without access to evi-
dence in research journals and research summaries. A fundamental
principle of evidence-based practice is that systematic reviews of the
best available external evidence need to be available.
To a very limited
3. Articles reporting primary research and traditional literature reviews
are accessible to practitioners.
For many reasons systematic reviews
may not be available or produced in an area of interest. When this is
the case, primary research and traditional reviews published in
journals can be used.
To some extent?
4. ‘‘Cutting-edge’’ practices, panaceas, and fashionable new ideas are
treated with healthy skepticism.
One characteristic of areas of
practice that are
particularly evidence based is the constant
search for and promotion of the newest solution or cure. This
characteristic is found in popular books on topics such as dieting,
self-help, and indeed management.
To some extent?
5. There is a demand for evidence-based practice from clients and
If the clients or customers of a particular practice do not
want or even reject evidence-based practice then it is simply
impossible to practice in an evidence-based way.
To some extent?
6. Practice decisions are integrative and draw on the four sources of
information and evidence described above.
As emphasized,
evidence-based decision making is more than looking at external
published evidence. Rather, it is about combining evaluated external
evidence, the perspectives of those who may be affected by the
decision, information from the local context, and practitioner
experience and expertise.
To some extent?
(Difficult to judge.)
7. Initial training and continuing professional development (CPD) adopt
evidence-based approaches.
From an evidence-based perspective,
initial training and CPD focus on developing evidence-based
approaches to practice. This involves training practitioners to identify
and critically evaluate external and contextual evidence relevant to a
specific practice problem to help inform a practice decision. This
approach creates an active need to obtain and use relevant evidence,
as it is being used directly to help solve a problem.
To a very limited
annual conference did have EBMgt as
one of its themes.
Systematic reviews are produced and
made accessible.
Although we have
plenty of traditional reviews and
meta-analyses, there are very few
systematic reviews in I–O psychol-
ogy. SIOP is currently developing its
Science You Can Use
series, which
will contain reviews that are not
systematic as such but will go some
of the way to summarizing research
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
findings that I–O practitioners can
Articles reporting primary research
and traditional literature reviews are
accessible to practitioners.
We have
found that this is a difficulty for
many I–O psychology practition-
ers unless they are still attached in
some way to a university. Although
abstracts are easily accessible, pur-
chasing single articles from publishers
can be costly. In addition, to build
up even limited knowledge of the
evidence in a particular area can
require access to dozens of arti-
cles, which may be prohibitively
expensive. It also appears to be
the case that not all I–O psychol-
ogy practitioners, depending some-
what on where they trained, are
highly skilled in reading and digesting
(sometimes rather indigestible) jour-
nal articles.
‘‘Cutting-edge’’ practices, panaceas,
and fashionable ‘‘new’’ ideas are
treated with healthy skepticism.
a consequence of our training as psy-
chologists, we should be inclined
to be quite skeptical or at least
are inclined to ask about evidence
and empirical support. At the same
time, however, we are also somewhat
drawn to what might be called man-
agement fads and fashions. Some of
the recent focal articles in this jour-
nal demonstrate that we are some-
times inclined to pick up and run
with the Next Big Thing even where
evidence does not yet exist or is ques-
tionable. In addition, next time you
attend the SIOP annual conference,
check out the products and services
for sale in the exhibit hall. In our
experience, many of these feel more
like fads than evidence-based inter-
ventions (and often no supporting
evidence is presented). One reason
we pay attention to fads is that clients
often demand the latest thing, and if
we don’t deliver it, then some one
else will. However, as I–O psycholo-
gists, we may at the same time try
to rework the fad into something
closer to our own practice and to
established and evidence-based tech-
There is a demand for evidence-based
practice from clients and customers.
Many of our major clients are those
working at mid to senior levels in
HRM. HRM is not a field that has
embraced the notion of evidence-
based practice in any significant way.
Although, of course, managers do
not actively seek to purchase inef-
fective I–O psychology products or
services, they are under pressure to
meet certain shorter term goals. They
may therefore come to depend on
a general impression that particu-
lar products or techniques ‘‘work’’
rather than whether they will work
in their specific context given the
problem they are trying to solve.
HRM departments may also lean on
benchmarking or mimicry by adopt-
ing the same I–O psychology prac-
tices already used by their more
successful competitors. The authors
have also heard many times from I–O
psychologists who say they wish to
practice in an evidence-based way
but that clients have often already
decided what they want (e.g., assess-
ment centers, training programs, and
employee attitude surveys) and are
asking the I–O psychologist as a
technical specialist to deliver it. This
situation suggests that our clients are
not demanding an evidence-based
approach in the sense discussed here,
although they are of course interested
in adopting practices
they believe
be effective.
Practice decisions are integrative and
draw on the four sources of informa-
tion and evidence described above.
2. We thank an anonymous reviewer for these
Evidence-based I–O psychology
This is the most difficult character-
istic of evidence-based practice to
assess without access to numerous
observations of what practicing I–O
psychologists actually do. In addition,
it may be that as discussed above, we
are not the decision makers; instead,
we play an advisory role, provid-
ing information and interpretations to
the decision makers. However, tak-
ing each source of information in
turn, I–O psychologists do, as dis-
cussed above, draw to some extent
evaluated external evidence
making decisions, even though few
systematic reviews are available and
access to primary research can be dif-
ficult. The
perspectives of those who
may be affected by the decision
likely to be taken into account at
least to some extent because of the
APA’s Ethics Code (2002; assuming
we are complying with the code)3and
also because of the broader aware-
ness we should have as psychologists
about our responsibilities to organi-
zational and individual clients. We
are likely to look for and use
dence from the local context
attempt some initial assessment of
the problem or situation and seek
out organizational data that might
help with problem diagnosis. The
use of
practitioner experience and
seems highly likely, partic-
ularly if the problem or technique is
one we have encountered frequently
Initial training and continuing pro-
fessional development (CPD) in evi-
dence-based approaches.
Training in
I–O psychology master’s degrees and
doctorates tends to be of the fairly
traditional academic variety where
students are expected in a relatively
3. Ethical I – O psychology and evidence-based I – O
psychology are similar in other respects including
the focus on being concerned and explicit about
the evidence for the benefits of interventions and
the evidence that interventions are not harmful.
passive way to learn and retain infor-
mation. We note that in both the
United States and Britain, the major-
ity of practicing I–O psychologists
have terminal master’s degrees. The
typical master’s program in the field
has no required supervised intern-
ships and does not train its stu-
dents to conduct literature searches
on practice topics let alone system-
atic reviews. The forms of CPD used
by SIOP and other I–O psychol-
ogy professional bodies also tend to
be fairly traditional. In fact, some
of these forms of CPD reverse the
approach adopted by evidence-based
practice in that they present par-
ticipants with recent research find-
ings, evidence, or new techniques
and then discuss how they might
be used in practice rather than start-
ing with practice problems and then
searching for and evaluating the
evidence that may help solve the
So, what is it possible to conclude from
this analysis of the extent to which I–O
psychology shares some of the character-
istics of evidence-based practice? First, we
suggest that I–O psychology is not strongly
evidence based in the sense that the term
is used in other professions. But, we can
say with some confidence that we are as
a profession extremely well positioned to
adopt, should we wish to do so, many
of these characteristics. Next, I–O psy-
chologists in many instances are
key decision makers but, rather, sources of
information and advice to managers mak-
ing the decision (see below). Last, it is
clear that there are many barriers to the
adoption of evidence-based practice, some
within and others outside our control. Hav-
ing evaluated I–O psychology as falling
somewhat short on evidence-based prac-
tice and supports for it, we turn to two
important means for bridging I–O psychol-
ogy’s own research–practice gap: practice-
oriented evidence and systematic reviews.
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
Key Strategies for Promoting
Evidence-Based Practice
I–O psychologists are not one seamless
community of comembers of the same
discipline. Practitioners and scholars in I– O
psychology are largely distinct communities
of interest, knowledge, and social ties.
In promoting evidence-based practice, it
is advantageous in such circumstances
to design ways of communicating and
sharing ideas that serve the interests of
both. Although evidence-based practice
involves the better use and integration of
evidence and information from all four
sources described above, we focus here
on improving the use of critically evaluated
research evidence.
Between the research and practice
domains of I–O psychology, we need
devices for translating back and forth infor-
mation and knowledge, promoting better
quality communication and learning. We
note that in the SIOP practitioner survey
described above, a frequent practitioner
request to SIOP was for clarification of
standards for I–O practice and better ways
of differentiating I–O psychologists from
other practitioners in the marketplace. Such
clarification and professional differentiation
can come from creating the evidence-
oriented products and associated processes
proposed here. Such products can simulta-
neously meet the needs of I–O psychology’s
practitioners and scholars, adding value
to both. The two products we suggest as
critical to evidence-based practice in I–O
psychology are practice-oriented evidence
and systematic reviews.
Practice-Oriented Evidence
Most research published in I–O psychol-
ogy’s premier journals, including
of Applied Psychology
nel Psychology
Journal of Occupa-
tional and Organizational Psychology
theory-oriented investigations authored by
academy-based I–O psychologists answer-
ing questions of interests to other aca-
demics. This was not always the case.
Anderson et al. (2001) noted that between
1949 and 1965, practitioners authored a
full 36% of
articles (31% by prac-
titioners alone). From 1990 to 2000 (the
terminal year of their survey), practitioners
authored only 4% of
articles (1% by
practitioners alone). The other I–O journals
manifest a similar decline. Many factors
may account for this decline in practitioner
research publication in our field’s journals,
including a shift in journal focus to more
academic topics of rigor, greater corporate
concern for protecting intellectual property,
as well as ramped-up global competition
and its accompanying time and resource
crunch, which in turn limited practitioner
opportunity for research let alone publi-
cation. One conclusion is apparent: I – O
psychology’s academics and practitioners
are not mingling with each other in our jour-
nals. Regardless of the underlying reasons,
there is one serious consequence of the
decline in practitioner conducted research
publication: Academics are the ones asking
the research questions and interpreting the
If the gap between research and prac-
tice in I–O psychology is at least partly
attributable to lower participation by prac-
titioners in research, the problem may
be exacerbated by omission in current
research of the kinds of complex prob-
lems in complex settings faced by prac-
titioners in their work. An antidote to
the latter has been suggested in the form
of engaged scholarship (Van de Ven,
2007) and scholar–practitioner collabora-
tion (Lawler & Mohrman, in press), where
academics and practitioners work together
to formulate research questions, investigate
them, and draw conclusions.
If indeed I–O psychology research is
now academic centric, the gap between
research and practice entails problems in
knowledge transfer. It takes two to tango,
and difficulties transferring knowledge can
be because of communication issues on
both sides (what’s readable, accessible,
understandable, and interesting?). Barriers
to transfer may also reside in the nature of
the knowledge itself. As a case in point,
Evidence-based I–O psychology
meta-analysis and literature reviews in I–O
psychology have led to the formulation
of general knowledge principles based on
scientific evidence (
The Handbook of Prin-
ciples of Organizational Behavior: Indis-
pensable Knowledge for Evidence-Based
; Locke, 2009).
The Handbook
has over 30 chapters summarizing several
hundred evidence-based principles, the vast
majority of them derived from I–O psy-
chology research and all intended to guide
the practice of current and future managers
and other practitioners. This book provides
many examples and is written in plain
English. It represents, perhaps at its best,
knowledge (principles) based on what might
be called ‘‘researcher-oriented evidence,’’
that is, evidence from rigorous tests of the-
ory, replicated and found to be relatively
generalizable over time and context.
So, what’s wrong with that? In many
ways, these research-based principles
achieve our ideal as scientists: to under-
stand the world well and disseminate this
knowledge. The downside is this: It is
not always obvious to practitioners, cer-
tainly not to the least experienced or less
reflective, how exactly to apply the prin-
ciples identified in such research. Let’s
take the classic example of the finding
that general mental ability (GMA) is pos-
itively related to individual performance
(Schmidt, 2009). A well-established finding
over several decades, one practice impli-
cation is that if an organization seeks to
improve the quality of its workforce and
the performance of individual members, it
should select on intelligence. For a host of
reasons, this principle is not widely pro-
moted by I–O psychology practitioners and
is soundly rejected by even experienced HR
managers (Rynes et al., 2002). Practitioners
think about the educated idiot who is book
smart, tests fantastically well, and can’t
match socks. Managers fear being labeled
elitist and perhaps wonder whether they
would have gotten their own jobs if their
company used IQ tests. Or, they use a test
of GMA and find that it doesn’t improve per-
formance levels over the biographical infor-
mation they already rely on like grade point
average and college reputation. Another
reason for caution in using tests of GMA is
concern over adverse impact, even though
some methods have relatively low adverse
impact (Schmidt, 2009).
This debacle may be tied to what Van
de Ven and Johnson (2006) refer to as
a knowledge production problem, argu-
ing that the research–practice gap is best
bridged by producing practice-oriented sci-
entific knowledge via research approaches
engaging both academics and researchers
collaboratively. This approach calls for
combining the knowledge of practition-
ers and the knowledge of academics at
all stages of the research process. This
knowledge production problem has been
encountered, and addressed, in other
evidence-based practice fields.
Medical researchers and clinicians dis-
tinguish between two kinds of research
evidence: disease oriented and patient ori-
ented. ‘‘Disease-oriented evidence’’ (DOE)
focuses on the causes of disease providing
evidence of pathology and ways of altering
the condition (e.g., drugs and surgery). In
I–O psychology, our version of DOEs might
take the form of phenomena-oriented evi-
dence, such as the origins of job stress or job
satisfaction. The second kind of research
evidence in medicine is ‘‘patient-oriented
evidence that matters’’ (POEMs), evidence
gathered from studies of real patients about
issues such as mortality, morbidity, and
quality of life. An example of a POEM
is a study comparing one antihyperten-
sive drug to another to determine which
reduced mortality from hypertension over a
10- to 20-year period. In I–O psychology,
our version of POEMs might take the form
of studies contrasting two interventions to
reduce job stress that assess the types of
individuals, work settings, and job strains
they best ameliorate.
There is a growing trend in the prac-
tice of medicine to value patient-oriented
data more highly than DOE. However,
because practice-oriented evidence does
not yet exist to inform every clinical
need, practitioners must use other ways
of making decisions too, including relying
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
on their knowledge of basic physiological
processes. We expect much the same
alternative forms of decision making in
an evidence-informed practice of I– O
An example of practice-oriented evi-
dence in I–O psychology are the reports by
Robert Pritchard and his team, developing
and investigating the use of the Produc-
tivity Measurement and Enhancement Sys-
tem (ProMES) system for job analysis and
strategic planning (e.g., Pritchard, Harrell,
DiazGranados, & Guzman, 2008). Differ-
ences identified between studies in how
thoroughly the ProMES system was applied
suggested that several implementation-
related factors, including the extent users
adhered to the ProMES process and the
quality of the feedback provided, affected
the overall productivity gains associated
with ProMES. Pritchard and colleagues then
address the circumstances under which
there are differences in implementation or
compliance with standard practices and
the sensitivity of outcomes to these vari-
ations (see Pritchard et al., 2008). In the
context of widespread variation in orga-
nizational and management practice (from
performance appraisals to quality programs)
as well as in individual implementers, evi-
dence regarding the effects of such variabil-
ity on outcomes has considerable practical
and scholarly value.
Consider what practice-oriented evi-
dence might mean for some of the stickier
problems in I–O psychology. We know
that GMA is predictive of individual per-
formance, but organizations are reluctant
to accept or act on this knowledge (Rynes
et al., 2002), often preferring intuitive selec-
tion methods (Highhouse, 2008). Practice-
oriented evidence could be developed from
investigations into conditions making use
of GMA as a selection criterion more read-
ily useful. Looking into conditions of use
could identify, for example, whether the
backlash is to written IQ-type tests, where
structured interview questions that tapped
GMA would be more acceptable, or how
the concerns over adverse impact could be
better balanced with the predictive validity
of GMA. Practice-oriented research could
look into whether performance criteria in
use affected the value and usefulness practi-
tioners attach to indicators of GMA. Perhaps
settings where innovation and creativity are
important performance metrics place more
value on mental ability than those where
more routine performance is involved. Aca-
demically oriented evidence indicates that
GMA is likely to predict performance in
either case. Practitioners may only find
GMA useful where mental ability is an
organizationally valued contributor to per-
Systematic Reviews
Systematic reviews are fundamental to
evidence-based practice. As such, much is
written about them in other fields (Gough
et al., 2003; Soukup, 2000; Tranfield,
Denyer, & Smart, 2003). Experience indi-
cates that it is impossible to fully engage
in evidence-based practice without them:
Such reviews provide one of the four
sources of information required when mak-
ing evidence-based decisions. Applied to
the example in Table 1, a systematic
review’s purpose would be to search for,
collect, critically appraise, and pull together
research evidence relevant to the causes
and possible solutions to the problem
of high absence. I–O psychologists are
avid producers and consumers of literature
reviews. However, systematic reviews are
very different from nearly all those pub-
lished in I–O psychology.
Systematic reviews are literature reviews
that adhere closely to a set of scientific
methods that explicitly aim to limit sys-
tematic error (bias), mainly by attempting
to identify, appraise and synthesize all
relevant studies (of whatever design) in
order to answer a particular question (or
set of questions). In carrying out this task
they set out their methods in advance,
and in detail, as one would for any piece
of social research. In this respect ...they
Evidence-based I–O psychology
are quite unlike most ‘‘traditional’’ narra-
tive reviews (Petticrew & Roberts, 2006,
pp. 9–10).
Systematic reviews are, essentially, a
way of analyzing existing research using
explicit and replicable methods, allowing
conclusions to be drawn about what is
known and what is not known in relation
to the review question (and within the
limitations of the method). Similar, but not
identical to the traditional meta-analysis,
systematic reviews are studies of studies.
Meta-analyses are a type of systematic
review but one that uses only quantitative
data and statistical synthesis and focuses
on a question repeatedly addressed in the
same way by researchers rather than a
practice question or problem. As with meta-
analyses, systematic reviews are conducted
out of recognition that single empirical
studies, although useful and sometimes
informative, should not be emphasized
because their biases and limitations cannot
be fully accounted for. Looking at all
relevant studies, systematically gathered,
constitutes more reliable evidence.
Thus, in the context of evidence-
based practice, neither traditional literature
reviews nor meta-analyses are especially
useful. First, traditional literature reviews
are open to many forms of bias. For
example, reviewers do not make clear how
they have selected the studies they have
included, do not critically appraise them
in an explicit or systematic way, and do
not usually pull them together or synthe-
size findings across studies. Second, tra-
ditional reviews do not usually focus on
a specific research, practice question, or
problem. It is this latter point that also
differentiates a systematic review from the
quantitative meta-analysis used tradition-
ally in I–O psychology. The process of
making evidence-based decisions requires
more focused and tailored reviews of evi-
dence where both a practice question or
problem and the conditions to which the
evidence might be applied are taken into
account. Returning to the case of high
absence in Table 1, a systematic review
would attempt to find evidence about the
relative effectiveness of different forms of
absence management interventions given
the current and desired absence rates and
taking into account as much as possible
aspects of the context such as the type of
employees involved, the sector, and the
existing work arrangements and absence
policies. In the context of evidence-based
practice, systematic reviews can take forms
akin to phenomena-oriented evidence or
practice-oriented evidence, depending on
the review questions and their intended
use as well as the kinds of research avail-
able. In evidence-based fields, an important
result of systematic reviews is guidelines for
Systematic reviews can be useful for
purely academic research purposes too.
We may, for example, be interested in
collecting all available evidence about
absence-management interventions to pro-
vide a more general overview about what
is known, and not known, about the effi-
cacy of such interventions. In this respect,
a systematic review might differ from the
traditional meta-analysis in that it would
also consider qualitative information and
descriptions, not being limited to effect
sizes alone depending on the review ques-
tion (Rousseau, Manning, & Denyer, 2008).
All systematic reviews follow a process of
clearly specified stages. One example of this
process (adapted from Petticrew & Roberts,
2006) contains seven stages.
Identify and clearly define the ques-
tion the review will address.
The ques-
tion needs to be sufficiently specific so
that it is clear, in principle, what types
of data would be relevant. Aspects of
the context (e.g., population, sector,
and organizational type), the inter-
ventions (what qualifies as a relevant
intervention?), the mechanisms link-
ing intervention to outcomes (e.g.,
processes, mediators, and modera-
tors), and the outcomes themselves
(which data are the outcomes of inter-
est) are also clearly specified.
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
Determine the types of studies and
data that will answer the question.
The criteria used to decide which
studies will be selected or excluded
from the review are identified. For
example, a review that addresses a
causal question might exclude studies
with cross-sectional designs. The aim
is to increase the chances that all
relevant studies are included and all
those that are irrelevant are excluded.
Search the literature to locate relevant
A clear search strategy is used
specifying, for example, key words,
the databases to be searched, and
how, and whether unpublished data
will be found and included.
Sift through all the retrieved studies to
identify those that meet the inclusion
criteria (and need to be examined
further) and those that do not and
should be excluded.
Each study is
examined, usually by two review
team members, and checked against
the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Where agreement is not possible, a
third reviewer assesses the study. At
this stage, it is not uncommon to find
that only a fraction of the initial pool
of studies can be included.
Critically appraise the studies by
assessing the study quality deter-
mined in relation to the review ques-
The quality of each study is
critically appraised or evaluated in
relation to the review question as
research quality can only be judged in
relation to the question. Even where
studies meet the inclusion criteria,
they are still likely to vary in terms
of quality. Assessing quality allows
the review conclusions to clearly state
how many of the studies included
were, for example, of very high,
medium, and low quality.
Synthesize the findings from the stud-
A key part of any systematic
review is the pulling together of find-
ings from across the studies to repre-
sent what is known and not known.
Synthesis may be quantitative, qual-
itative, or both. Review findings are
often described in terms of the overall
number of studies found, the quality
profile of this group of studies, and
the number of studies that obtained
particular results.
Disseminate the review findings.
full report of a systematic review can
be quite large. In addition, shorter
journal article length versions or even
shorter summaries may be produced.
Dissemination is often planned at the
outset of a systematic review given
the aim is often to inform practice.
Although systematic review is rare in
I–O psychology at present, I– O psychol-
ogists are certainly familiar with its general
approach. The underlying logic of system-
atic review is similar to that of many psy-
chological research methods and is similar
to meta-analyses. Meta-analysis’ exclusive
use of quantitative data and statistical rather
than other forms of synthesis sets it apart
from a systematic review, which often uses
different types of data and different forms
of synthesis. In addition, meta-analyses
can only address questions that have been
addressed many times in more or less the
same way by researchers (e.g., the corre-
lation between job satisfaction and per-
formance) rather than questions that arise
from practice problems, where an array of
data types may be required to formulate an
An example of a structured abstract from
a systematic review particularly relevant to
I–O psychology is presented in Table 3.
This demonstrates much of the underly-
ing methodology and shows the explicit
and systematic nature of the method.
Joyce, Pabayo, Crichley, & Bambra’s (2010)
review clearly states the review objectives,
search strategy, criteria for including stud-
ies, method of analysis (in this case, a
narrative synthesis as the studies were dis-
similar), the number of studies found, and
the findings of each.
A few aspects of systematic reviews
and their differences from traditional I–O
Evidence-based I–O psychology
Table 3.
Example of a Systematic Review Abstract
Flexible working conditions and their effects on employee health and well-being (Joyce et al.,
Flexible working conditions are increasingly popular in developed countries,
but the effects on employee health and well-being are largely unknown
To evaluate the effects (benefits and harms) of flexible working interventions on
the physical, mental, and general health and well-being of employees and their families
Search strategy:
Our searches (July 2009) covered 12 databases including the Cochrane
Public Health Group Specialized Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL,
PsycINFO, Social Science Citation Index, ASSIA, IBSS, Sociological Abstracts, and
ABI/Inform. We also searched relevant Web sites, hand searched key journals, searched
bibliographies, and contacted study authors and key experts
Selection criteria:
Randomized controlled trials, interrupted time series, and controlled
before and after studies (CBA), which examined the effects of flexible working
interventions on employee health and well-being. We excluded studies assessing
outcomes for less than 6 months and extracted outcomes relating to physical, mental, and
general health/ill-health measured using a validated instrument. We also extracted
secondary outcomes (including sickness absence, health service usage, behavioral
changes, accidents, work–life balance, quality of life, health and well-being of children,
family members, and coworkers) if reported alongside at least one primary outcome
Data collection and analysis:
Two experienced review authors conducted data extraction and
quality appraisal. We undertook a narrative synthesis as there was substantial
heterogeneity between studies
Main results:
Ten studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Six CBA studies reported on
interventions relating to temporal flexibility: self-scheduling of shift work (
=4), flexitime
=1), and overtime (
=1). The remaining four CBA studies evaluated a form of
contractual flexibility: partial/gradual retirement (
=2), involuntary part-time work
=1), and fixed-term contract (
=1). The studies retrieved had a number of
methodological limitations, including short follow-up periods, risk of selection bias, and
reliance on largely self-reported outcome data. Four CBA studies on self-scheduling of
shifts and one CBA study on gradual/partial retirement reported statistically significant
improvements in either primary outcomes (including systolic blood pressure and heart rate;
tiredness; mental health, sleep duration, sleep quality, and alertness; and self-rated health
status) or secondary health outcomes (coworker social support and sense of community),
and no ill-health effects were reported. Flexitime was shown not to have significant effects
on self-reported physiological and psychological health outcomes. Similarly, when
comparing individuals working overtime with those who did not, the odds of ill-health
effects were not significantly higher in the intervention group at follow-up. The effects of
contractual flexibility on self-reported health (with the exception of gradual/partial
retirement, which when controlled by employees improved health outcomes) were either
equivocal or negative. No studies differentiated results by socioeconomic status, although
one study did compare findings by gender but found no differential effect on self-reported
health outcomes
Authors’ conclusions:
The findings of this review tentatively suggest that flexible working
interventions that increase worker control and choice (such as self scheduling or
gradual/partial retirement) are likely to have a positive effect on health outcomes. In
contrast, interventions that were motivated or dictated by organizational interests, such as
fixed-term contract and involuntary part-time employment, found equivocal or negative
health effects. Given the partial and methodologically limited evidence base, these
findings should be interpreted with caution. Moreover, well-designed intervention studies
are needed to delineate the impact of flexible working conditions on health, well-being,
and health inequalities
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
psychology reviews are worth noting. First,
the exact methods used by the reviewers to
find, select, and exclude studies are open to
examination and scrutiny. Readers are thus
able to reach their own judgments about the
efficacy and appropriateness of the method
and also how much confidence they can
place in the findings.
Second, whether we are I– O practition-
ers, researchers, or both, as we have little
access to systematic reviews, we tend to
develop an implicit though somewhat inac-
curate sense of the quantity and quality
of research about a particular technique
or intervention. We tend to assume that
the research is ‘‘out there’’ somewhere and
have vague recollections of particular stud-
ies and their findings. As mentioned, one
common finding from systematic reviews
is that they reveal far fewer studies directly
relevant to a given question than commonly
assumed. In the case of the flexible working
review by Joyce et al. (2008), the large num-
ber of possibly relevant studies that were
identified was substantially reduced as the
review team applied their inclusion criteria:
•11,954 articles initially identified as
possibly relevant from key word
searches on databases, citation sear-
ches, hand searching, and contacting
•11,740 articles then
on basis
of title and/or abstract;
•214 full-text articles obtained and then
screened using inclusion criteria; and
•10 studies included in the final review.
As we will discuss further below, one
hallmark of being an evidence-based prac-
titioner or researcher is having a quite well-
developed, specific, and explicit awareness
of what evidence is ‘‘out there,’’ the quality
of that evidence, and what, when taken as
a whole, it might mean.
Third, unlike traditional reviews, the pro-
cesses through which reviewers reach their
conclusions are explicit and transparent.
Whether the synthesis is statistical or narra-
tive (as in Joyce et al., 2008), the basis on
which the data were summarized or pulled
together is clear to the reader, as the findings
of each study are extracted and presented.
Fourth, and again unlike traditional
reviews, systematic reviews also allow us to
identify the quantity and quality of studies
and many aspects of study heterogeneity
(method, population, design, findings, etc.).
This information is essential if we want
to draw conclusions about what is known
and not known in relation to the review
question, the basis of these claims, and the
confidence with which they can be made.
In addition to full-blown systematic
reviews of the sort described in Table 2,
there are other quicker and more focused
ways of doing systematic reviews that share
many of their qualities. Although they may
not be as thorough and therefore not as
informative as systematic reviews, they
can still provide important information and
practice insights, especially where time is
of the essence. These go by various names,
including rapid evidence assessment and
best evidence topics and can be completed
more quickly by restricting the parameters
in various ways, such as using fewer search
terms, using a smaller date range, and
searching in fewer databases or across fewer
We believe that systematic reviews can
be and will become an essential part of
the I–O psychologist’s toolkit. Not only do
they allow practitioners to provide more
evidence-based advice and share with their
clients and customers the basis of that
advice, they also allow researchers in a
more structured way to identify important
gaps in knowledge. Also importantly,
systematic reviews can highlight where
conducting more research on the same
question using a particular method is
unlikely to yield any new information.
Barriers to Evidence-Based
Practice in I–O Psychology
There are numerous barriers to the adoption
of evidence-based practice and numerous
ways in which they can be overcome.
Here, we focus on just a few. First is
the apparent lack of demand from our
Evidence-based I–O psychology
clients for evidence-based I–O psychology.
It is readily apparent from looking at the
rapid adoption of some new and ‘‘cutting-
edge’’ practices that such decisions are
not made in an evidence-based way. If
individual managers are mostly rewarded
for achieving short-term goals as fast as
possible rather than doing what works in the
longer term, why would they be interested
in evidence-based practice? Perhaps, the
only way to overcome this barrier is by
working with organizations to demonstrate
that approaching problems in an evidence-
based way is more likely to produce
effective and sustainable solutions. It is
also important to emphasize that evidence-
based practice constitutes a family of
approaches to making decisions and is not
intended to provide the answer to every
problem but rather improve the process and
outcome of decision making.
A second barrier is the predominance
of master’s-level practitioners who have
learned to practice I– O psychology in unsu-
pervised ways. Because of the level of such
programs, such practitioners have a lim-
ited understanding of research, a limited
capacity to access new evidence, and lack
the skills to conduct their own systematic
reviews let alone primary research. Collec-
tively, we currently do not have enough
of the necessary skills to widely under-
take evidence-based practice, even though
our background as psychologists gives us
a strong foundation on which to build.
CPD that enables evidence-based practice
and helping I–O practitioners to access
research evidence are two possible ways
to overcome this barrier. It may also help to
increase the opportunities for those qual-
ified at the master’s level to go on to
complete doctorates.
As a consequence of our desire to market
I–O psychology, we may be reluctant
to acknowledge the limitations of our
knowledge where evidence is mixed or
where there are grounds for uncertainty.
It can be difficult to achieve a balance
between promoting a profession while at
the same time acknowledging its limitations
as clients may find this unnerving or
see it as a sign of competence. I–O
psychologists are especially challenged
because other organizational consultants
outside the discipline can be extremely
bullish about their products and services
despite their own absence of evidence.
As skepticism is a key ingredient of
evidence-based practice, its limited pop-
ularity in I–O psychology is something of
a barrier. One way this can be overcome
is to remind ourselves that skepticism is
fundamental to scientific inquiry and to
any area of practice based on science. It
also has the potential to clearly differentiate
us from other organizational practitioners
and consultants, particularly if the disci-
pline supports practice through systematic
reviews, evidence-based guidelines, and
practice-oriented research that contribute
to more effective practice.
A fourth barrier concerns the politics of
evidence in organizations. Power and poli-
tics are fundamental to decision making and
also surround the identification and use of
evidence in organizations. Senior leaders
may feel they have the right or even respon-
sibility to make decisions based on their
experience and judgment that seem to fly
in the face of the available evidence. The
need to be explicit in evidence-based deci-
sion making means that those with vested
interests in a particular course of action may
find it more difficult to hide such interests.
In general, an evidence-based approach
may prove challenging particularly in orga-
nizations with highly political cultures.
Although it is impossible to remove pol-
itics from evidence and decision making,
evidence-based approaches do at least offer
the possibility of making clearer distinctions
among politics, values, interests, and other
forms of information such as research evi-
dence. The more decision makers are held
accountable for their decisions, the more
likely they are to welcome such distinctions.
Prospects for Evidence-Based
I–O Psychology
This article concludes that I– O psychol-
ogy cannot yet claim to be fully evidence
R.B. Briner and D.M. Rousseau
based. Our analysis suggests that we have
some way to go before we can reason-
ably claim to be an evidence-based area
of research and practice in the sense it
is used in other areas of evidence-based
practice. At the same time, I–O psychol-
ogists are uniquely qualified to undertake
the key activities required by evidence-
based practice such as evaluating exter-
nal research evidence and collecting and
using internal evidence for organizational
diagnosis. In evidence-based practice, I–O
psychologists as trainers and consultants,
in-house management and staff, are posi-
tioned to enable an array of approaches.
These include, various combinations as
warranted, using evidence-based
for making decisions, giving feedback, as
well as incorporating evidence-based
, that is, research findings, into their
decisions and practices (Briner et al., 2009).
Beyond making our own practice more
evidence based, we also have an important
part to play in helping organizations
and those who manage them become
more evidence based. We envisage this
could happen in several ways. First, we
could provide systematic review services
(or their briefer and quicker versions) to
managers and organizations. These might
be seen as particularly useful where the
organization is trying to decide whether
to invest a large sum of money in a
particular intervention or program. For a
fraction of the proposed program budget,
we would be able to provide an objective
and reasonably comprehensive review of
what the published and (where available)
unpublished research tells us about how
effective the intervention is known to be
and whether it might work here.
Second, we have the skills to help
organizations either make sense of their
existing internal data or collect new data
that might diagnose problems or show
what is working and why. We believe it
is not unusual, even where organizations
have large quantities of data about, for
example, employee behavior, performance,
and attitudes, for those data to remain
largely unanalyzed or subject only to the
simplest and least informative analyses such
as cross tabs and zero-order correlations.
I–O psychologists should be able to work
with organizations to help them get the
most out of the data they already have and
where appropriate suggest additional data
collection to develop a fuller picture of what
is happening in the organization.
Our roles as organizational knowledge
brokers as well as our own evidence-based
practice would be facilitated by the use
of systematic reviews on practice ques-
tions. Systematic reviews need to be part
of the professional training of I–O psychol-
ogists. A professional activity accessible to
both master’s-prepared and doctoral-level
I–O psychologists, systematic reviews, and
briefer versions are important ways of help-
ing would-be practitioners learn to gather
and use evidence while at the same time
developing their skills in formulating ques-
tions, structuring reviews, and synthesizing
Third, I–O psychologists have the back-
ground to enable us to work as facilitators
and coaches for managers and management
teams seeking to engage in evidence-based
management as well as helping organi-
zations collect the external and internal
evidence they may need (described above).
We can also help collect information about
the perspectives of those who may be
affected by a decision and help make
explicit managers’ own expertise and expe-
rience and how it is shaping a decision.
In effect, we can support organizations to
make decisions in a conscientious, explicit,
and judicious way—in short, to help orga-
nizations to practice EBMgt.
Evidence-based practice is not about
perfection. Rather, it is about on-going
pursuit of mindful improvement in our
uptake and use of both scholarly research
and practice-related facts and assessments.
We hope this article and the responses that
follow help move I–O psychology in an
evidence-based direction.
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