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A new record of Sylvilagus palustrellus from the Rancholabrean (late Pleistocene) of Florida



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1 mm
UF 48448 UF 48444
Sylvilagus palustrellus Sylvilagus palustris
No page proofs were received for this paper. The title should read "A New Record of
Sylvilagus palustrellus from the Rancholabrean (Late Pleistocene) of Florida."
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The figure was redrafted without the permission of the author. Below is the figure that
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Current Research in the Pleistocene.
Figure 1. Camera lucida drawings of the occlusal view of two left
lower third premolars from the Ichetucknee River fauna. UF
48444 is average in size, degree of folding, and number of
reentrants for Sylvilagus palustris from the Ichetucknee River
fauna. Anatomical terms used in the text are labeled on the
specimen of Sylvilagus palustrellus, UF 48448. Abbreviations:
AR, anterior reentrant; AER, anteroexternal reentrant; PER,
posteroexternal reentrant. On each illustration, enamel is shown
in black, dentine is white, and cementum is gray.
Full-text available
The Ichetucknee River flows through north-central Florida and intersects several sinkhole deposits that contain a diverse assemblage of Rancholabrean (late-Pleistocene) fossil vertebrates from both forest and open-terrain ecosys-tems (Lambert and Holling 1998; Webb 1974). This assemblage, housed at the Florida Museum of Natural History (UF), contains two species of lagomorphs: Sylvilagus palustris (marsh rabbit) and Sylvilagus palustrellus (Ruez 2003). Al-though the extant marsh rabbit, S. palustris, is abundant in many fossil and modern faunas of Florida, the Ichetucknee River sample of 22 lower third premolars (p3), the most diagnostic element of fossil rabbits, is the largest known fossil collection of the species. The crenulate enamel on the PER of the p3 (Figure 1) differentiates S. palustris from other species of Sylvilagus except for S. hibbardi, S. webbi, and S. aquaticus. In the two extinct species, S. hibbardi and S. webbi, the PER does not reach the lingual border of the p3. Sylvilagus aquaticus (swamp rabbit) is larger than S. palustris and exhibits more extreme complexity of the ARs. The length of the teeth ranges from 2.83 mm to 3.72 mm, with an average of 3.31 mm. Width ranges from 2.30 mm to 2.97 mm, with an average of 2.70 mm. The number of ARs varies from 1 to 6 (average = 2.9), but there is no correlation between the number of reentrants and the size of the tooth. Additionally, there is no correlation between ARs and the depth of the AER or the length/width ratio. On all teeth, the PER has thick enamel anteriorly, and thin enamel posteri-orly. The PER becomes constricted about a third to half across the tooth. Labially, the thick enamel exhibits either one or two anterior curves, which widen the PER. In one tooth (UF 48460) the PER extends completely through the lingual edge; no enamel closes the PER. Although this pattern occurs in ontogenetically young rabbits, this tooth is parallel sided and larger (length = 3.38 mm; width = 2.72 mm) than the averages for this sample of S. palustris. Additionally, this tooth only has one well-developed AR; S. palulstris individuals typically show an increased number of ARs as they mature. I am not aware of other published records of a neotenic fossil lagomorph tooth. This specimen coupled with many others from other localities is yielding insight into the evolutionary patterns with Sylvilagus. References Cited
Descubrimos una mandíbula de la javelina Platygonus compressus en una cantera de arena y grava (Pit Stop Quarry) entre Taylor y Show Low, condado de Navajo en Arizona. Encontramos también elementos esqueléticos aislados de una salamandra (Ambystomatidae), del conejo pigmeo (Brachylagus idahoensis), del campañol (Lemmiscus curtatus,) y varios otros mamíferos pequeños en sedimentos alrededor de la mandíbula de la javelina. La presencia de P. compressus indica que el depósito es del Pleistoceno tardío. Los especimenes también representan el primer registro del Pleistoceno de Ambystomatidae en el Colorado Plateau, un importante registro adicional de P. compressus en el Colorado Plateau, y 1 de 2 registros de B. idahoensis en Arizona.
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