
The String Quartet in Italy After 1945

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This text is a thorough examination of the different approaches to the string quartet in Italy after World War II. Starting from the perspective of the single pieces, the article discusses the features of each author in a more general way. Philosophical and stylistic aspect are considered, with the aim to make clear the main features of the compositional thought.

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... In order to communicate with blurred musical space, I created an interaction of conflicting expressions -subjective and objective, spatial and temporalwhat is referred to in Mazzolini's words as, "a disturbing and acentric panorama in which nearby and distant, above and below, before and after are no longer clearly separated, but rather mixed with one another in a perennial diaspora of forms" (Mazzolini 2013). In this painting, I created subjective conflicts and col- lisions with blurred space to provide performers with the opportunity to practice performing around sensitivity to time changes. ...
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The Editorial Board of the INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology decided that both issues of 2022 will be dedicated to one main theme, namely, “Fighting for the attention: Music and art on social media”. We can say that this call for papers went very successfully, as we are now presenting to you INSAM Journal No. 9. In a year which has seen many grave turbulences on socio-economic and political levels on a global scale, we have once again confirmed the importance of social media for communication and the spreading of news, and we have also seen the limitations of these tools. Turning to music and art on social media, our Main Theme section consists of five intriguing papers, Beyond the Main Theme section has two articles, (Inter)Views bring three exciting pieces, and the Reviews one festival report.
... In order to communicate with blurred musical space, I created an interaction of conflicting expressions -subjective and objective, spatial and temporalwhat is referred to in Mazzolini's words as, "a disturbing and acentric panorama in which nearby and distant, above and below, before and after are no longer clearly separated, but rather mixed with one another in a perennial diaspora of forms" (Mazzolini 2013). In this painting, I created subjective conflicts and col- lisions with blurred space to provide performers with the opportunity to practice performing around sensitivity to time changes. ...
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After witnessing a huge turnaround in the wider social context in the previous period, it seems that the question of the future of museums in the digital environment has begun to take on a very optimistic tone full of potential. There is a growing visibility of these heritage institutions on social networks and an increasingly diverse offer of virtual tours, as well as the use of modern virtual and augmented reality technologies in the interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage, while some works of art and collections are created exclusively for cyberspace. Nevertheless, the museum as a meeting place still seems irreplaceable. At a time of isolation, growing loneliness and fears, studies on the emotions of visitors during their stay in the museum in the last few years show that real, physical spaces of the museum encourage constructive attitudes. Encounters with other visitors as well as with the exhibited artifacts especially prove to be important for positive feelings and the need to visit the museum. We will issue these theoretical premises on selected examples and examine whether modern technologies serve as additional tools of promotion and other possible ways of presenting museum content or, oppositely, whether social media and NFT galleries manage to overcome the need for the museum itself as a place of physical encounter.
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This paper discusses my recent erhu solo project Fireworks which is a musical analogue that I analyse using Chuang Tzu’s blurred aesthetics to investigate a musical space between determinacy and indeterminacy in Chinese national music. What is particularly interesting to me about this blurred musical space is that it is not polarised around an idea of ‘the invisible’ or ‘the indefinable’ as pure negative space but can be perceived in a more graduated area between positive and negative, fixed and unstable. Behind this concept of musical space is the creation of an ‘interpenetrated’ identity, a fluctuating boundary between opposing qualities, or the subject’s and object’s identities. In seeking to find structural analogues congruent with the concept of the blur, the challenges and focus of this work rely upon the architecture of ambivalent states, which include string timbre and frequency, the relations of determinacy-indeterminacy, space and spacing architecture, performative indeterminacy and fragments, and silence. This focus of this research into a musical engagement with blurred aesthetics has allowed me to examine how I might approach musical structure, specifically by the framing of events or phenomena, and by expanding my musical language and creative ideas.
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This text is the beginning of a formalized reflection on some poetic aspects of my present compositional world. After a brief survey of our historical background, a general conceptual framework, inspired by research in knowledge representation and categorization, is established. Using two complementary representational systems, I develop a microworld paradigm, the paradigm which first sparks my imagination. Higher-level musical structures, considered as evolving societies in morphological spaces, are then examined, including the overall form of a piece. Excerpts from my own work are analyzed in terms of the writing techniques which are adopted. Finally, a few extensions to this compositional approach are succinctly discussed, together with some of the consequences that challenge traditional perception, analysis, performance, and interpretation.
The aim of this article is to collocate the fragmentary scenario of Aldo Clementi's music in the 1970s. It involves the analysis of some of Clementi's works belonging to his diatonic period as well as the underlying poetic thought. The path clearly leads to Carillon, an opera in which Clementi defines his dramaturgical concept as a boîte à musique. The three parts of the text are reciprocally related and continually refer to one another, the whole representing a multifaceted view of a significant aspect of Clementi's art.
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