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Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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Multiple material additive manufacturing – Part 1: a
Mohammad Vaezi a , Srisit Chianrabutra a , Brian Mellor a & Shoufeng Yang a
a Faculty of Engineering and the Environment , University of Southampton , Southampton ,
SO17 1BJ , UK
Published online: 25 Apr 2013.
To cite this article: Mohammad Vaezi , Srisit Chianrabutra , Brian Mellor & Shoufeng Yang (2013) Multiple material additive
manufacturing – Part 1: a review, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 8:1, 19-50, DOI: 10.1080/17452759.2013.778175
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Multiple material additive manufacturing
Part 1: a review
This review paper covers a decade of research on multiple material
additive manufacturing technologies which can produce complex
geometry parts with different materials
Mohammad Vaezi, Srisit Chianrabutra, Brian Mellor and Shoufeng Yang*
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
(Received 11 February 2013; final version received 18 February 2013)
Interest in multifunctional structures made automatically from multiple materials poses a
challenge for today’s additive manufacturing (AM) technologies; however the ability to
process multiple materials is a fundamental advantage to some AM technologies. The
capability to fabricate multiple material parts can improve AM technologies by either
optimising the mechanical properties of the parts or providing additional functions to the
final parts. The objective of this paper is to give an overview on the current state of the art
of multiple material AM technologies and their practical applications. In this paper,
multiple material AM processes have been classified and the principles of the key
processes have been reviewed comprehensively. The advantages and disadvantages of each
process, recent progress, challenging technological obstacles, the possible strategies to
overcome these barriers, and future trends are also discussed.
Keywords: additive manufacturing; multiple material objects; multiple material additive
manufacturing; 3D printing; rapid prototyping
2PP-Two Photon Polymerisation
3DP-Three Dimensional Printing
BioLP-Biological Laser Printing
DLP-Digital Light Processing
DoD-Drop on Demand
DPP-Dry Powder Printing
- Directed Metal Deposition
- Digital Micromirror Device
DW-Direct Writing
FDM-Fused Deposition Modelling
FDMM-Fused Deposition of Multi-Materials
EBM-Electron Beam Melting
LCVD-Laser Chemical Vapour Deposition
LDM-Low-temperature Deposition Manufacturing
LENS-Laser Engineering Net Shape
LC-Laser Cladding
LOM-Laminated Object Material
M-LDM-Multi-nozzle Low-temperature Deposition
MDM-Multi-nozzle Deposition Manufacturing
MIP-SL-Mask Image Projection-based Stereolithography
MJS-Multiphase Jet Solidification
MMAM-Multiple Material Additive Manufacturing
PAM-Pressure-assisted Microsyringe
PED-Precision Extrusion Deposition
PJT-PolyJet Technology
RP-Rapid Prototyping
RPRD-Rapid Prototyping Robot Dispensing
*Corresponding author. Email:
Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2013
Vol. 8, No. 1, 1950,
#2013 Taylor & Francis
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SDM-Shape Deposition Modelling
SMS-Selective Mask Sintering
SLM-Selective Laser Melting
SLS-Selective Laser Sintering
STLG-Stereo Thermal Lithography
UC-Ultrasonic Consolidation
1. Introduction
Due to the daily increase in complexity of industrial
manufacturing, international competition and market glo-
balisation, there is demand for higher flexibility and greater
efficiency and traditional manufacturing processes may not
be able to meet all the requirement of today’s products.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes that are based on
layer-by-layer manufacturing are identified as an effective
approach to overcome these challenges. However, most
current commercially available AM systems have been
designed to produce parts from a single material (Wohlers
2011). Current AM technologies still need to be improved in
terms of part quality and part performance in comparison
to traditional manufacturing. Part quality is being dealt
with by greater machine control and by applying cutting
edge high precision technologies while part performance can
be boosted using multiple material systems (Zhou et al.
2011). The emerging Multiple Material Additive Manufac-
turing (MMAM) technology can enhance the performance
of AM parts by adding more complexity and functionality.
Using MMAM technologies it is possible to improve part
performance by varying material compositions or type
within the layers; this is not achievable by conventional
manufacturing processes. In fact, MMAM represents a
whole new paradigm and range of opportunities for design,
functionality, and cost effective high value products.
There are a lot of benefits from producing parts with
multiple materials and that is why MMAM technology is a
fast growing area and several MMAM systems have been
investigated and developed to meet today’s product de-
mands. As mentioned earlier, the reasons for applying
multiple material strategies might be much more than just
achieving the purpose of combining the additional materi-
als and other purposes, such as mechanical properties
improvement, providing additional functionality and design
freedom, traceability and security in the resulting part, are
being explored (Gibson et al. 2010).
There are many applications that can potentially benefit
from the development of MMAM technologies. Additional
materials may provide the desired properties in strategic
locations around the parts. For examples, thermal con-
ductivity in conformal cooling channels, mechanical prop-
erties such as high hardness, high temperature resistance
properties in turbines engines and thermal insulation coat-
ings, optical properties in laser telecommunication systems,
dielectric and magnetic properties in antenna and meta-
materials, chemical properties in fuel cells and batteries,
sonic properties in acoustics systems, etc. Moreover, the
MMAM process allows the inclusion of embedded compo-
nents such as resistors, sensors, and other electronic devices.
Using multiple materials has the potential for printing three
dimension circuits and all-printed resistor-circuits that can
reduce lead time, production cost, inventory cost, and reduce
product weight. In particular, medical and dental fields
require high performance biomedical objects or implants
(e.g. artificial hip joints, tissue scaffolds, and bone struc-
tures) with desirable properties for biomedical applications.
However, traditional manufacturing processes might not
meet all requirements and are not economical enough in
most cases because of the intricate shapes and internal
configurations needed of biomedical models with their
delicate material variations. In tissue engineering (TE),
different materials and cells need to be precisely placed
throughout the scaffolds to elicit the specific desired cell
responses. Such control will likely lead to an enhanced
generation of new, functional tissue (Bartolo 2011). MMAM
is a flexible technology that allows for such multi-material
biofabrication of hybrid three-dimensional (3D) structures.
A large number of general reviews and books on additive
manufacturing processes have emerged over the past three
decades which varied considerably in scope and methods of
classification (Pham and Dimov 2000, Gebhardt 2003, Tay
et al. 2003, Hopkinson et al. 2006, Liou 2007). Chua and co-
authors’book (2010a) has kept tracing the development of
Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology and its applications in
industry and has now been revised in the third edition.
Fundamentals such as the STL (STereoLithography) file
format and the working principle behind the various systems
are clearly explained and illustrated. Wholer’sreportis
updated every year and provides broad and timely informa-
tion though with less academic depth (Wohlers 2012). Some
reviews and books have been presented in the fields of
medical AM (Gibson 2006, Bartolo and Bidanda 2007,
Bidanda and Bartolo 2007, Bartolo et al. 2012, Melchels et
al. 2012).Vaezi et al. (2012) presented a comprehensive review
on 3D micro-additive manufacturing technologies and their
recent developments toward ‘rapid micromanufacturing’.
Gibson and co-authors have a short chapter in their recently
published book (Gibson et al. 2010) which provides a review
on multiple material additive manufacturing. Oxman (2011)
addressed variable property rapid prototyping in which
functional components can be produced by dynamically
mixing, grading and varying the ratios of material properties.
The authors of this paper wish to provide a broader and
updated review on MMAM, by providing a comprehensive
list of key MMAM from most of MMAM methods
published in literature, and a discussion of the advantages
and limitations of each method and their potentials.
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2. Classification and description
Some authors (Gibson et al. 2010) have considered
MMAM objects to include those produced from 1) Discrete
multiple materials 2) Composite materials and 3) Porous
materials suitable for secondary material infiltration.
However in this review we will not consider a process to
be MMAM if in such process either a) the raw materials are
pre-mixed or composited before the AM or b) the second
materials is integrated by infiltration or coating or other
non-AM post processing methods, because in these pro-
cesses the compositional variation cannot be freely con-
trolled by computer and program.
To achieve this, different materials or chemicals need to
be physically delivered to any spatial location in 3D during
the additive manufacturing. In some processes, for example
direct 3D printing in Objet, or in the Fused Deposition
Modelling (FDM) process, the materials are delivered to
the platform dot-by-dot or line-by-line in liquid or semi-
liquid form using nozzles. So in these processes, multiple
nozzles could be easily integrated into the system to achieve
multiple material fabrication. However, in other processes,
for example SL, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective
Laser Melting (SLM), Laminated Object Material (LOM),
because the materials are delivered as a whole layer by
scraper or as a solid sheet, it is very difficult to make
MMAM using the configuration of the currently available
equipment. New material delivery systems must first be
developed in these systems to deliver multiple materials,
before further laser sintering or fusion or reaction.
The main scope of this paper is to provide a comprehen-
sive review of the key AM processes which are currently used
effectively for fabrication of true discrete multiple material
parts. Addressing composite materials is not within the scope
of this article since they have been already addressed in the
literature (Kumar and Kruth 2010), although some signifi-
cant work on composite materials will be pointed out.
The field of AM encompasses a variety of unique
processes, with varying characteristics, which were pre-
viously categorised by several researchers. Recently, AM
technologies have been standardised and classified by the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
International Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing
Technologies. The committee has classified AM processes
and their variants into seven main categories including:
photopolymer vat, material extrusion, powder bed fusion,
directed energy deposition, sheet lamination, material
jetting, and binder jetting (Stucker 2011). MMAM tech-
nologies can be classified in the same way and are described
in this paper. However, a combination of different methods
could overcome some limitations of a single method
MMAM and this will be discussed later in this paper. An
overview of the different AM and MMAM processes, and
their typical materials based on the recent ASTM standard
is provided in Table 1.
It should be noted that several AM techniques have been
modified to work at a small scale to deposit passive
electronic structures and components (conductors, insula-
tors, resistors, antennas, integrated circuit (IC), etc.). These
techniques are often known as Direct Writing (DW)
techniques and, for instance, use electronic ‘inks’that
contain nanoparticles or other additives that result in
electronic properties after drying, thermal decomposition,
or other post-treatment. By combining DW techniques with
other AM techniques it becomes possible to create multi-
functional 3D-embedded electronic structures on a layer-
by-layer basis that combine structural, thermal, electronic,
and other functions into a single component (Stucker
2011). Although components such as resistors and ICs are
not directly fabricated by AM methods, and not likely to be
made in the near future, here we still count them as
MMAM. In some instances multiple AM techniques are
combined within the same machine or AM is combined
with subtractive techniques such as Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) machining or laser cutting. These hybrid
techniques are basically used to bring new possibilities.
Hybrid and DW systems suitable for multiple material
printing will also be discussed in this paper.
Table 1. AM and MMAM classification.
Process Description Typical AM techniques Current MMAM techniques Materials
Photopolymer vat Liquid photopolymer is selectively cured using a light source SL, 2PP SL Photo-curable
Material extrusion Material is selectively dispensed through a nozzle or extruder FDM, robocasting,
Extrusion freeforming techniques
(see section 2.4)
Polymers, ceramics,
Powder bed fusion Thermal energy selectively fuses regions of powder bed
SLS, SLM, EBM, SMS SLS Polymers, metals,
Directed energy
Focused thermal energy melts materials as deposited LENS, DMD
Metals, ceramics
Sheet lamination Material sheets are bonded together and selectively cut in each
layer to create a desired 3D object
LOM, UC LOM, UC Metals, ceramics,
Material jetting Droplets of build material are selectively deposited layer by
DoD Inkjet printing,
DoD Inkjet printing, PJT Polymers, metals,
Binder jetting Liquid bonding ink is selectively spread to join solid powder
3DP 3DP Polymers, metals,
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2.1 Photopolymer vat processes
Photopolymer vat processes involve selective curing of
predeposited photopolymers using some types of light
source (Stucker 2011). Stereolithography (SL) is the main
photopolymer vat technique in which a laser beam or other
ultra violet (UV) light source is used to project a cross-
section of a single slice of the object onto a photosensitive
liquid polymer which solidifies each layer of the photo-
polymer. The platform within the vat containing the
photopolymer moves the solid part down and the laser
traces out the next layer of uncured photopolymer. This
process is repeated until all the layers of the complete
structure are created. Two main SL techniques have been
developed depending on the different beam delivery system:
scanning SL and projection SL.
Maruo et al. (2001) demonstrated the use of a scanning
SL microfabrication process (termed the Multi-polymer IH
process) for fabricating optical waveguides with two kinds
of photocurable polymers having different refractive in-
dexes. Fabrication of 3D hydrogel structures containing
living cells with micro scale resolution has been reported by
Liu and Bhatia (2002) via multiple steps using a micro
patterned photo polymerisation process. The W. M. Keck
Centre for 3D Innovation at the University of Texas at
El Paso is a premier laboratory concentrating on the
development of MMAM processes. They have developed
different multi-material AM systems based on SL and
FDM techniques. They have presented a multiple vat
carousel design and alternative machine designs to create
3D multiple material objects using a scanning SL system
(Wicker et al. 2004). Figure 1 depicts a schematic of their
multiple material SL system with some fabricated parts.
Firstly, the platform is moved below the surface of a liquid
polymer in one of the build vats. Then the platform is raised
out of the current vat and the vat underneath the platform
is rotated to provide access to a different material (Inamdar
et al. 2006). To reduce contamination, the process offers a
cleaning step where the platform is submerged and cleaned
in a cleaning vat before being submerged in a different
material vat (Choi et al. 2011). To improve the processing
time, Kim et al. (2010) developed a process-planning
algorithm to reduce the number of material changeovers
by using low viscosity polymers without a sweeping process.
The capabilities of scanning SL for fabricating multi-
material spatially controlled poly(ethylene glycol) bioactive
scaffolds were explored by researchers at the W. M. Keck
Centre for 3D Innovation (Arcaute et al. 2010). They used
two photocrosslinkable hydrogel biopolymers as the pri-
mary scaffold materials, poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacry-
late (PEG-dma, MW 1000) and poly(ethylene glycol)
diacrylate (PEG-da, MW 3400).
Figure 1. a) Multiple vat carousel including intermediate wash, cure and dry unit (Wicker et al. 2004); b, c) Side and top view
of nerve guidance conduit fabricated using SL process from different materials. Precise placement of different materials both
within and across layers can be seen. In (c) the outer portion of the conduit contains 15mmfluorescent green particles while
the inner portion contains 10mmfluorescent blue particles, scale bars are 1 mm (Arcaute et al. 2006); d) Various multiple
material chess parts (Choi et al. 2011).
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The key benefits of the multiple material scanning SL
technique are high quality of surface finish and dimensional
accuracy. Moreover, it offers a wide range of polymers to
embed different colours in medical models and to tailor
bioactive and mechanical properties in tissue engineering
applications. The system can fabricate multiple material
objects with horizontally and vertically oriented interfaces.
However, contamination is difficult to eliminate with this
technique. A multiple vat system requires a large area to
operate the process and consumes time in pumping
processes. Additionally draining and cleaning the previous
material before changing to another resin vat takes a long
time and leads to considerable material waste (Kim et al.
2010). In addition, there are some problems that affect the
shape of the desired object such as shadowing obstruction
of the previously built part, trapped volumes when creating
one material inside another, surface tension between two
materials, and surface tension with the previous layer (Choi
et al. 2011).
In projection SL, build time is significantly less when
compared with scanning SL as a whole layer of the
photopolymer is cured once via exposure through a mask.
However, the first generation of projection SL systems were
slow and costly as a lot of projection masks had to be
produced. In 1997, Bertsch et al. (1997) proposed that a
liquid crystal display (LCD) could be applied as the
dynamic mask to generate the pattern expected in each
layer in the projection SL process. Later in 1999, they
proposed that the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD
which is embedded in digital light processing (DLP)
projectors could be applied more efficiently as the dynamic
mask in the SL process (Beluze et al. 1999). In 2004,
Stampfl et al. (2004) used DMD
-based SL, in which visible
light is projected from below the resin vat to produce high
quality 3D micro-parts. Furthermore, UV light was used by
Hadipoespito et al. (2003) and Cheng et al. (2005) instead
of visible light, to cure the resin.
Several advantages would potentially be derived by
setting up a multiple material DMD
-based SL system. In
2010, researchers at the W. M. Keck Centre for 3D
Innovation developed a DMD
-based multi-material SL
using a syringe pump system to add a material to a small,
and removable vat designed specifically for the multi-
material SL system (Choi et al. 2010). Multi-material
fabrication was accomplished using a material changeover
process that included manually removing the vat, draining
the current material, rinsing the vat, returning the vat to the
system, and finally dispensing a prescribed volume in the
vat using the syringe pump. Han et al. (2010) also presented
an automatic material switching approach by dispensing the
solution using a pipette into a custom-made small vat, and
subsequently washing out the current solution before
changing to the next solution. Based on the technique,
they fabricated 3D hybrid scaffolds for heterogeneous tissue
engineering. Both the DMD
-based systems mentioned
were based on top-down projection. Due to the need to
drain and clean the first resin from the deep vat before
changing to another resin, it took a long time and led to
significant material waste. To overcome this problem,
researchers at the University of Southern California devel-
oped a DMD
-based SL system called Multi-material
Mask-Image-Projection-based Stereolithography (MIP-
SL) which uses bottom-up projection to fabricate 3D
multi-material objects faster (Zhou et al. 2011). Using
bottom-up projection the portion of built up material to be
cleaned when switching to new material vats was reduced. A
prototype of the system is shown in Figure 2. As seen in the
figure, the next step after polymerisation and before
changing to the new material is to remove excessive material
on the part surface by a soft brush in rough cleaning and by
immersion in an ultrasonic cleaner for final cleaning. After
cleaning, the part is dried before putting it into the new
material and repeating the processes until the complete
object is obtained.
Figure 2. Multiple materials DMD
-based SL system developed at the University of Southern California (Zhou et al. 2011).
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To produce multi-material functionally graded scaffolds,
researchers from the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable
Product Development of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
(Portugal) are developing a new stereolithographic fabrica-
tion process called Stereo-Thermal-Lithography (STLG)
(Bartolo and Mitchell 2003, Bartolo 2011, Melchels et al.
2012). This process uses ultraviolet radiation and thermal
energy (produced by infrared (IR) radiation) to initiate the
polymerisation reaction in a medium containing both
photo- and thermal-initiators. The system also contains a
rotating multi-vat that enables the fabrication of multi-
material structures (Figure 3).
2.2 Material jetting processes
Material jetting is the use of inkjet printing or other similar
techniques to deposit droplets of build material that are
selectively dispensed through a nozzle or orifice to build up
a 3D structure (Stucker 2011). In recent years there has
been a propensity to mutate inkjet printing technology into
a tool that can be used in different manufacturing processes
such as soldering microelectronics or fabrication of micro-
optical components using photocurable resins. Further-
more, inkjet printing technology has been used as a robust
material jetting technique to fabricate complex 3D struc-
tures through a layer-by-layer process. In material jetting
processes, liquid material (in the form of a droplet) is jetted
and often turns into solid after deposition via cooling
(e.g. by crystallisation or vitrification), chemical changes
(e.g. through the cross-linking of a polymer) or solvent
evaporation (Hon et al. 2008). Two different modes are
predominantly used for material droplet creation, namely
Drop on Demand (DoD) and continuous inkjet (CIJ).
Generally, CIJ systems use fluids with lower viscosity at
higher drop velocity than DoD and are mostly used where
printing speed is an important matter. In contrast, DoD is
used where smaller drop size, and higher accuracy is
required and it has fewer limitations on ink properties as
compared with CIJ (Vaezi et al. 2012).
In DoD printing, droplets are formed only when
individual pressure pulses in the nozzle cause the fluid to
be expelled; these pressure pulses are created at specific
times by thermal, electrostatic, piezoelectric, acoustic, or
other actuators (Gibson et al. 2010). In the current DoD
printing industry, thermal and piezoelectric actuator tech-
nologies dominate. Thermal actuators rely on a resistor to
heat the liquid within a reservoir until a bubble expands
in it, forcing a droplet out of the nozzle. Thermal DoD is
restricted to water as a solvent and thus places strict
limitations on the number of polymers that can be processed
(de Gans and Schubert 2003). Piezoelectric actuators rely on
the deformation of a piezoelectric element to reduce the
volume of the liquid reservoir, which causes a droplet to be
ejected. Piezoelectric DoD is an appropriate technique for a
variety of solvents, and thus suited for different nanobio-
technology applications. The Jetlab†printing platform by
Figure 3. The micro stereo-thermal-lithographic process: multi-vat system (Bartolo 2011).
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MicroFab Technologies Inc. ( is a good
commercial example of a material jetting system based on
piezoelectric DoD in which droplets are ejected through
voltage waveform changes.
There are several significant phenomena which affect the
quality of the material jetting processes. The shape of the
deposited droplet is critical in forming 3D structures as it
affects resolution, precision, and accuracy. Droplet splash
must be avoided and jetting frequency must be coordinated
with the print-head sweep velocity. The application of
fluid mechanics theory has demonstrated that there is
an important relationship between the Reynolds number
vd/m) and Weber number (r
d/s) where r
and r
the densities of the process gas and liquid drop, respectively.
The variables v, d, mand sare the droplet velocity, droplet
diameter, liquid dynamic viscosity and liquid surface
tension, respectively. It has been observed that these
characteristics should satisfy 1BRe/We B10, which is
the normal regime for Drop on Demand (DoD) printing
(Beaman et al. 2004, Vaezi et al. 2012). Researchers from
the University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology (UMIST) reported that droplets should not
be smaller than 10 mm in diameter as air resistance then
becomes a problem. If printing in a vacuum, to eliminate air
resistance, the droplets tend to evaporate (Beaman et al.
2004). In short, the basic requirement conditions for
successful 3D inkjet printing are: ink properties (viscosity,
surface tension); jetting parameters (signal width, voltage
magnitude, jetting frequency); and environment (pressure,
environment and substrate temperature, humidity) (Ko et
al. 2010). Material jetting processes are capable of printing
multi-material and gradient-material structures. Applica-
tions of multi-material parts range from parts with con-
trolled hardness and flexibility to parts with differing
electrical properties in various regions to tissue-engineered
structures with different biological properties in different
regions of the part (Stucker 2011). For multi-material
printing, print heads usually include several separate
nozzles which are fed with different materials and are
separately controllable. MicroFab Technologies Inc. pro-
vides a four-channel piezoelectric nozzle set with other
components including drive electronics; pressure control;
and optics for drop and substrate observation.
There are several reports on the printing of multi-
material and functionally gradient materials (FGMs). A
thin, zirconia-alumina, one-dimensional FGM was fabri-
cated by Mott and Evans (1999) and Wang and Shaw
(2006) which used a drop-on-demand jet printer and an ink
mixing protocol. Ibrahim et al. (2006) modified a commer-
cial inkjet printer to fabricate 3D multi-material patterns
layer by layer. The design, fabrication and performance of a
multi-material DoD inkjet system based on a pneumatic
diaphragm actuator was described by Xie et al. (2010).
These systems could dispense multiple materials but
are limited to the use of one type of actuating mode.
Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS)
conducted a comprehensive study on applying inkjet
printing for multiple material printing with a multiple
actuating system (Li et al. 2008, Li et al. 2009, Sun et al.
2010). They used two micro dispensing units including a
solenoid actuating micro-valve and a piezoelectric print
head for printing multi-materials.
Conversion of the fine droplets into solid (phase transi-
tion) can be accomplished by different methods. Material
cooling and curing of a photopolymer ink using UV light
are the two most common phase transition methods in
multi-material inkjet printing. Molten materials can be
jetted through a multi-nozzle piezoelectric head and are
cooled upon deposition to make high resolution multi-
material parts. Solidscape’s 3D printers (www.solid-scape.
com) are commercial printers for multiple type polymer
printing based on the droplet cooling technique. In these
printers, a wax material is deposited by a single jet piezo-
electric head and a second wax material with a lower melting
temperature is deposited via another piezoelectric head.
UV curable photopolymers can also be jetted through a
multi-nozzle head and each photopolymer layer is cured by
UV light immediately as it is printed, producing fully cured
3D multi-material parts. Two MMAM systems, namely:
printers by Objet Geometries Ltd. (www.objet.
com) and ProJet printers (formerly InVision
Systems Inc. ( based on this principle
have been commercialised. In ProJet printers, a print head
jets two separate materials, an acrylic UV-curable photo-
polymer-based model material and a wax-like material to
produce support structures for the model. Objet’s Connex
series use PolyJet
technology containing a special print
head with many individual nozzles to deposit and cure a
number of different acrylic-based photopolymer materials
simultaneously in 16-mm layers. ProJet HD series have
shown better dimensional stability and surface quality
than Objet’s 3D printer due to their higher resolution (Vaezi
et al. 2012). In contrast, Connex printers have been much
more successful in producing true multi-material parts. With
Objet’s Connex series, it is possible to print many different
photopolymer materials (over 60 materials) into a single
part which have properties ranging from rigid to rubber-like,
transparent to opaque and standard to Acrylonitrile buta-
diene styrene (ABS)-grade engineering plastics, with a large
number of in-between Shore grades and shades. As materials
mixing in each layer is on a droplet scale (e.g. materials
resolution is high), the system is able to create advanced
composite materials featuring unique mechanical and
thermal properties. Such fabrication capability also opens
up exciting new options that were impossible before. Figure
4 shows some example of multi-material parts produced by
experimental and commercial material jetting systems.
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2.3 Binder jetting processes
Binder-jetting techniques also use nozzles to print
material, but instead of printing with the build material,
the printed material is ‘glue’, which holds powder
together in the desired shape (Stucker 2011). The 3D
printing (3DP) process is the main binder-jetting techni-
que based on inkjet technology and was developed at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In this process,
droplets of a binder material are deposited over the
surface of a powder bed, sticking the powder particles
together where the part is to be shaped. The process is
followed by lowering the powder bed via a piston and a
fresh layer of powder is spread over the previous layer
and again binder is deposited over the surface of the new
layer. This procedure is repeated to build the whole part.
3DP has demonstrated the capability of fabricating parts
of a variety of materials, including ceramics, metals,
shape-memory alloys (SMA) and polymers with an array
of unique geometries (Cawley 1999, Seitz et al. 2005, Lu
and Reynolds 2008, Vorndran et al. 2009). For multiple-
material 3D printing, either the print heads need to
deliver different binder materials or different powders
need to be applied. However, due to the very limited
types of binder delivered from the nozzles, the capacity of
MMAM using this method is poor, unless the powder
bed materials can be changed by another dry powder
dispensing technology.
Several research groups have made contributions in
multi-material 3DP and this area has been explored by
several tissue engineering groups for more than a decade.
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing
and Advanced Materials (IFAM) in Bremen, Germany
(Beaman et al. 2004) developed a two-binder system for 3D
Printing technology, where one binder is traditional and
one is carbon laden. Their goal was to produce gradient
strength steel parts by depositing the carbon according to a
desired distribution of hardness.
A heterogeneous osteochondral scaffold was developed
by Sherwood et al. (2002) using the TheriForm
printing process. The material composition, porosity,
macroarchitecture, and mechanical properties varied
throughout the scaffold structure. The upper, cartilage
region was 90% porous and composed of
-polylactic acid (PLA), with macro-
scopic staggered channels to facilitate homogenous cell
seeding. The lower, cloverleaf-shaped bone portion was 55%
porous and consisted of a
-PLGA/tricalcium phosphate
(TCP) composite, designed to maximise bone ingrowth
while maintaining critical mechanical properties. The tran-
sition region between these two sections contained a
gradient of materials and porosity to prevent delamination.
Figure 4. a) Functional gradient structure build from metal which has very low melting temperature (Bi-Pb-Sn-Cd-In alloy,
478C) and resin (Yamaguchi et al. 2000); b) Chaise longue manufactured using Objet’s Connex 3D printer which
combines structural, environmental, and corporeal performance by adapting its thickness, pattern density, stiffness, flexibility,
and translucency to load, curvature, and skin-pressured areas respectively. Stiffer materials are positioned in surface areas
under compression and softer, more flexible materials are placed in surface areas under tension (Oxman 2011); c) 3D printed
foot model in transparent and white materials created on the Objet’s printer (; d) 3D printed hair brush
prototype in rigid and rubber-like materials created on the Objet Connex ( e) core blood vessel multi type wax
model produced by solidscape’s 3D printer and f) Wax model translated into a transparent polyurethane flow models for fluid
dynamics testing (customer case study, Solidscape Inc.,
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2.4 Extrusion-based systems
Extrusion-based systems deposit material in the form of a
continuous flow, layer by layer to make objects. They are
very diverse in concept but can be classified into two main
sub-groups as shown in Figure 5: processes based on
material melting and processes without material melting.
Fused deposition modelling (FDM), multiphase jet
solidification (MJS) (Greulich et al. 1995), precise extrusion
manufacturing (PEM) (Xiong et al. 2001), precision extru-
sion deposition (PED) (Wang et al. 2004) and 3D fibre
deposition (Woodfield et al. 2004) are AM techniques based
on the melting process. Robocasting (Cesarano 1999), 3D-
Bioplotting (Landers and Mulhaupt 2000), direct-write
assembly (Smay et al. 2002) (pH-controlled gelled ceramic
colloid or polymers freeforming), Pressure-assisted micro-
syringe (PAM) (Vozzi et al. 2002), low-temperature depo-
sition manufacturing (LDM) (Zhuo et al. 2002), and
solvent-based extrusion freeforming (Grida and Evans
2003) are the most commonly used AM techniques without
material melting. Four major nozzle designs have been
exploited in non-heating processes: pressure-actuated, vo-
lume-driven injection nozzles (normally using a stepper-
motor), solenoid and piezoelectric-actuated, whereas two
main nozzle designs including filament driving wheels, and
mini-screw extruder have been used in processes with
material melting.
Two or more extrusion nozzles are often incorporated in
extrusion-based AM systems to fabricate multiple material
structures. For example, two discrete materials are usually
used in the FDM process so that one material may serve as
a support structure and can be easily removed once the
build has been completed. Apart from hardware, an
efficient pre-processing tool needs to be applied. Qiu and
Langrana (2002) developed a CAD system which generates
high quality tool paths for multi-material part fabrication
using extrusion-based systems.
Fused Deposition of Multi-Materials (FDMM) is a
FDM method developed at Rutgers University, to produce
a variety of ceramic components composed of up to four
materials (Hsieh and Langrana 2001, Brennan et al. 2003).
Safari’s group at Rutgers University (Allahverdi et al. 2001,
Pilleux et al. 2002) produced 3D photonic band gap (PBG)
structures from alumina and wax (as support structure)
directly using FDMM. The co-firing of multiple-materials
ceramics parts is made difficult by different ceramics having
different sintering temperatures and shrinkage.
Solvent-based extrusion freeforming is another technique
developed to produce bioceramic scaffolds (Grida and
Evans 2003). A range of bioceramic scaffolds has been
fabricated with different compositions of hydroxyapatite
(HA) and b-TCP and sintered from 1100 to 13008C in steps
of 508C. Composite scaffolds with different porosities and
pore sizes were produced with raster width down to 60 mm
and interconnected pores with interstices from 50 to 500 mm
(Yang et al. 2008a, Yang et al. 2008b, Yang et al. 2008c).
Other composite ceramic pastes such as alumina/silica, and
alumina/graphite have been used successfully for the
fabrication of 3D lattice structures with fine filaments
(Xuesong et al. 2009, Xuesong et al. 2010).
The LDM process proposed by Xiong et al. (2002) has as
its key feature the non-heating liquefying processing of
materials. Incorporating multiple nozzles with different
designs into the LDM technique gave multi-nozzle low-
temperature deposition and manufacturing (M-LDM) and
multi-nozzle deposition manufacturing (MDM) (Liu et al.
2008, Liu et al. 2009). This M-LDM system is proposed as
a fabrication route for scaffolds with heterogeneous materi-
als and gradient hierarchical porous structures by the
incorporation of more jetting nozzles into the system. The
M-LDM process has been used to build PLGA/collagen
multi-material scaffolds (Liu et al. 2008).
Researchers at Cornell University, USA have enhanced
multi-material freeform fabrication of active systems by
Techniques based on melting Techniques without melting
Fused Deposition modelling (FDM)
Multiphase Jet Solidification (MJS)
Precise Extrusion Manufacturing
Precision Extrusion Deposition (PED)
3D Fibre Deposition (3DFD)
Direct-write assembly
Pressure-assisted microsyringe (PAM)
Low-temperature deposition
manufacturing (LDM)
Solvent-based Extrusion Freeforming
Extrusion-based AM Techniques
Figure 5. Different extrusion-based AM techniques.
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combining FDM using molten-extrusion and a Robocasting
process using a robotically controlled syringe in the same
machine (Malone et al. 2004, Malone and Lipson 2008).
Moreover, they have developed a system that can print
embedded circuits by combining FDM to fabricate a
structural part and direct writing (DW) to print conductive
circuits on the part (Daniel et al. 2007).
In recent years, much attention has been paid to
extrusion-based systems in the field of biomedical engineer-
ing as they are mechanically simple processes in comparison
to other AM techniques and a wide range of multiple
biomaterials can be processed effectively. Three or more
nozzles are sometimes used in machines designed for tissue-
engineering research, so that scaffolds and other biologi-
cally compatible materials can be deposited in specific
regions of the implant (Stucker 2011).
Ang et al. (2002) set up a special robotic bioplotting
device called rapid prototyping robot dispensing (RPBOD)
for the design and fabrication of chitosan-HA scaffolds.
The RPBOD system was further improved to include a new
manufacturing method, a dual dispensing system. Besides
the pneumatic dispenser, a mechanical dispenser which was
driven by a stepper motor was set up to deposit the curing
medium (NAOH) (Li et al. 2005).
The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria developed a variation
of FDM called the BioExtruder with the aim of multiple
material TE scaffold fabrication (Domingos et al. 2009,
Domingos et al. 2012). It comprises two different deposition
systems: one rotational system for multi-material deposition
actuated by a pneumatic mechanism and another one for
single material deposition that uses a screw to assist the
deposition process. Highly uniform poly(o-caprolactone)
(PCL) scaffolds have been made using the BioExtruder but
no multiple-materials scaffold has been reported.
3D bioplotting is a technique that was first developed by
Landers and Mulhaupt (2000) at the Freiburger group to
produce scaffolds for soft tissue engineering purposes, and
to simplify hydrogel manufacturing. Either a filtered air
pressure (pneumatic nozzle) or a stepper-motor (volume-
driven injection nozzle) is used to plot a viscous material
into a liquid (aqueous) plotting medium with a matching
density. It is possible to perform either a discontinuous
dispensing of micro dots or a continuous dispensing of fine
filaments. Khalil et al. (2005) developed a special multi-
nozzle bioplotting system which was capable of extruding
biopolymer solutions and living cells for freeform construc-
tion of 3D tissue scaffolds, although multiple materials is
still to be reported. The deposition occurs at room
temperature and low pressures to reduce damage to cells.
The system was capable of depositing controlled amount of
cells, growth factors, or other bioactive compounds simul-
taneously with scaffold construction to form complex cell-
seeded tissue constructs with precise spatial position.
Recently, Schuurman et al. (2011) used a hybrid bioplot-
ting approach for the fabrication of solid biodegradable
materials (polymers, ceramics) with cell-laden hydrogels
that could combine favourable mechanical properties with
cells positioned at defined locations at high densities. This
approach allows the use of multiple hydrogels, and can thus
build constructs containing multiple cell types or bioactive
factors. Furthermore, since the hydrogel is supported by the
thermoplastic material, a broader range of hydrogel types,
concentrations and cross-link densities can be used com-
pared to the deposition of hydrogels alone, thereby
improving the conditions for encapsulated cells to prolifer-
ate and deposit new matrix (Melchels et al. 2012).
Inkjet printing and extrusion-based systems can serve in
a rather similar way for direct bioprinting. Beads or
continuous flows of bioinks are deposited in well-defined
topological patterns into biopaper layers. The bioink
building blocks typically have a spherical or cylindrical
shape and consist of single or multiple cell types. In a post-
processing step, the construct is transferred to a bioreactor
and the bioink spheres are fused. The biopaper, an inert and
biocompatible hydrogel (i.e. agarose), can be removed after
construction in a post-processing step (Billiet et al. 2012).
Norotte et al. (2009) reported a fully biological self-
assembly approach, which they implemented through a
multi-material bioprinting method for scaffold-free small
diameter vascular reconstruction. Figure 6 illustrates some
examples of multiple material components for different
applications produced by commercial and experimental
extrusion-based systems.
2.5 Powder bed fusion processes
Powder-bed-fusion machines work in a manner similar to
binder jetting; however, instead of printing glue onto a layer
of powder, thermal energy is used to melt the powder into
the desired pattern (Stucker 2011). Most systems use laser
power to melt polymer, metal or ceramic material. For
partial melting, the system is called Selective Laser Sinter-
ing (SLS). For full melting, the system is named Selective
Laser Melting (SLM). Another system that uses an electron
beam to melt metal powder is known as Electron Beam
Melting (EBM). Also, Selective Mask Sintering (SMS) is a
slightly different system that uses IR-light through a
digitally printed optical mask to melt a thin layer of plastic
powder. The process is governed by powder characteristics
(e.g. particle shape, particle size, particle distribution) and
processing parameters such as energy source, energy power,
spot size, scan speed, spacing distance and layer thickness
(Das 2003, Kumar 2003, Kruth et al. 2007, Gu and Shen
2009, Chua et al. 2010b, Averyanova et al. 2012, Leu et al.
2012). Tolochko et al. (2000) studied the effect of laser wave
length on its absorption by powder materials. It was shown
that for metal powders laser absorption decreases with
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increasing wavelength, while for ceramic and polymer
powders it increases with increasing wavelength. The laser
wavelength should be adapted to the powder material
because laser absorption greatly changes with the type of
material. CO
lasers are well-matched for polymer powders
and oxide ceramic powders, whereas, Nd:YAG lasers are
suited for metallic powders (Glardon et al. 2001, Savalani
et al. 2006).
Multiple material powder bed fusion has been investi-
gated in the University of Texas at Austin, USA. They have
focused on discrete multiple-materials processing that is
performed by two different deposition methods; (1) depos-
iting a complete layer followed by iterative selective removal
and blind deposition of a secondary material by a counter-
rotating roller as in traditional SLS, and (2) deposition of a
primary layer by a roller and depositing a secondary
material in the desired location by a nozzle (Lappo et al.
2003a). In this process, a cross-section layer is built by the
movement of a laser beam which melts the powder in the
working area and the excess materials are selectively
removed by electrostatic attraction (Lappo et al. 2003b).
This process can produce objects with nearly full density in
a single processing step.
Another system has been developed by researchers from
the Laser Insitut Mittelsachsen e.V., Germany (Figure 7).
The sintering platform has two cylindrical bores for the
copper and silver powder supply and one for the building
part piston. Two special rakes serve as a blade and a powder
reservoir sweeps the powder material in a circular motion
onto the platform. The bonding layers are generated by
Figure 6. a) A shaver prototype containing two build and support materials produced by the Stratasys FDM system, support
material (black) is water soluble and can be easily removed (photo: Stratasys Inc.); b) Multi-material PLGA/collagen scaffold
fabricated via M-LDM system (Liu et al. 2008); c) FDMM fabrication of the 3D photonic bandgap (PBG) structure made by
FDMM process with multi-material deposition of alumina-loaded and wax filaments as feedstock materials (Pilleux et al.
2002); d) Possible scheme for bioprinting of multiple cellular and agarose cylinders to build a 3-lumen tube using an extrusion-
based bioprinter (red: bone marrow stem cell (BMSC), green: 90% BMSC 10% Schwann cells (SC), grey: agarose); e)
Cross-section of a bioprinted nerve graft, constructed according to the scheme in (d), with three acellular channels after
agarose removal; f) Fluorescently labelled SC (green) concentrated at the central region of the graft. Scale bar: 500 mm (Marga
et al. 2012).
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q-switched laser pulses (Regenfußet al. 2007). This
technique is limited to vertical gradients of material. In
addition, accurate material feeding systems to recoat
multiple materials are difficult to design (Zhou et al.
2011). After fabrication, it is difficult to recycle the loose
powders due to uncontrolled powder dispensing in layers.
Powder bed fusion processes are fit for functional
MMAM parts that require a wider range of materials and
material properties than that available from traditional
manufacturing methods. They can be used in automotive,
medical (Liew et al. 2001, Liew et al. 2002) and aerospace
(Hopkinson et al. 2006) applications that require multi-
functional capabilities which other manufacturing methods
cannot produce. The process can be speeded up via
applying optical mask printing techniques as used in the
Selective Mask Sintering (SMS) process. The re-use of
materials also presents a significant problem because the
current recoating system has a contamination problem
when changing between materials. Clever design of the
material recoating system is still required to solve this
problem, which will be further discussed in part 2 of our
2.6 Directed energy deposition processes
Directed energy deposition uses a laser beam to melt and
fuse particles of the powder material delivered from the
material deposition head. The X-Y table is moved to shape
the cross-section of each desired layer. This process is
repeated until all the desired cross-sectional layers of the
part are created (Figure 8). There are various types of this
technology such as Laser Engineering Net Shape (LENS),
Laser Cladding (LC), and Direct Metal Deposition
Multiple-material directed energy deposition employs a
nozzle to feed multiple powders and these are melted on a
substrate by a laser beam to form fully dense objects. The
key feature of this process is the powder feeding mechanism
that can change or mix materials when fabricating multi-
material structures. A wide range of different metals and
alloys such as tool steel, stainless, nickel base superalloys,
CoCrMo alloy and titanium have been deposited using
this method (Schwendner et al. 2001, Vamsi Krishna et al.
2008). For FGMs, the powder feeders are used to deposit
different powders separately and their feed rates are
controlled individually to regulate the material composition
(Liu and DuPont 2003, Shin et al. 2003). Independently
Figure 7. a) Two different materials in ringblades served as rake and powder storage; b) Sintered part from copper and silver;
c) The interface between a copper and a silver section (Regenfuss et al. 2007).
Figure 8. Schematic illustration of directed energy deposi-
tion system (Shin et al. 2003). CCD- Charge-Coupled Device.
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controllable multiple powder feeders in the LENS process
enable variations of composition and porosity simulta-
neously in one operation and enable the manufacture of
novel implant structures. Functionally graded structures
with a hard and wear resistant CoCr Mo alloy coating on
a porous Ti6Al4V alloy with a metallurgically sound inter-
face have been produced using LENS by Bandyopadhyay
et al. (2009). The graded structures exhibited good bonding
between the individual layers without any gross porosity,
cracks or lack of fusion defects as shown in Figure 9. For
electronic components and conductive lines, Zeng et al.
presented a laser micro-cladding method to fabricate
electronic pastes on insulated boards that will be useful in
the electronic manufacturing industry and other fields such
as Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) (Zeng et al.
2006). The main advantage of this process is its ability to
produce a highly controllable microstructure in built parts,
because it can exhibit deep structured-phase transforma-
tions to fabricate a fully-dense part. The primary restriction
of this process is poor resolution and surface roughness. Part
geometries of these processes are limited because they
cannot build free-hanging features or internal overhang
features which require rigid support, since there are no
support materials in these processes. Additionally, build
times of these processes can be very long (Cooper 2001,
Gibson et al. 2010).
The key benefit of directed energy deposition is that the
system can perform material composition changes during
deposition and achieve full density. The system is also
suitable for repair applications. With this technology, it is
possible to create three-dimensional structures that encap-
sulate actuators and arrays of sensors without fasteners or
connectors (Bailey et al. 2000, Dollar et al. 2006).
To obtain reliable process, the effects of process para-
meters need to be carefully understood. The important
parameters include types of materials, powder flow rate,
powder feed method, laser mode, laser power, laser beam
diameter and scanning rate (J. Laeng et al. 2000).
2.7 Sheet lamination processes
Sheet lamination techniques work by cutting and bonding
sheets of material to form an object. The original system
used glue or binder to bond paper or plastic sheets and is
called Laminated Object Manufacturing, whereas ultraso-
nic welding of metal sheets is named Ultrasonic Consolida-
tion (UC).
2.7.1 Laminated object manufacture (LOM)
This technique involves the lamination of sheet material
with each sheet representing a cross-sectional layer of the
part. The sheets can be cut by either a knife or a laser and
then the layers bonded by gluing or adhesive bonding
(Figure 10). For a multiple material LOM process, the
material supply either comes from two different materials or
comes from blended multiple materials. LOM of silicon
carbide (SiC) and SiC/SiC composites has been demon-
strated to produce high performance ceramic parts by
(Klosterman et al. 1998). Also, they have developed the
Curved-LOM technology which deposits ceramic fibre-
reinforced composite green tapes to create a smooth surface
with more uniform mechanical properties (Klosterman
et al. 1999). Also, many researchers have presented preform
tapes made from ZrO
(Griffin et al. 1996), Si
(Rodrigues et al. 2000), Al
(Travitzky et al. 2008), TiC/
Ni (Zhang et al. 2001) and Si-SiC (Windsheimer et al. 2007)
to fabricate functional and structural parts. Gomes et al.
have developed water based green tapes of Li
(LZSA) with high tensile strength, which are
able to produce complex geometry, defect-free, laminate
glass-ceramic materials (Gomes et al. 2009).
Figure 9. Typical microstructure and Co distribution of laser processed 86% CoCrMo graded coatings on a porous Ti
6Al4V alloy (Bandyopadhyay et al. 2009).
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The process requires well-prepared material tapes to
reduce variations in layer thickness and material content.
The laser power has to be carefully controlled to avoid
damage to a tape layer below from excessive energy.
Additionally, post processing for the reaction bonding
process in a pyrolysis cycle is necessary. The separation of
the material layers is a major issue of the process.
This technique can process ceramic materials that have
mechanical, thermal and chemical stability that is suitable
for high-performance shielding. The challenge lies in the
bonding process to prevent delamination. Controlling
sintering parameters is critical and requires more under-
standing. Although varying materials between layers can be
achieved, the production of a high resolution multiple
materials in individual layers is very difficult.
2.7.2 Ultrasonic consolidation (UC)
Ultrasonic Consolidation (UC) is a hybrid fabrication
method combining an additive process and a subtractive
process. It uses low amplitude ultrasonic frequency energy
to bond thin sheet materials to form the objects by means
of a rotating sonotrode. Subsequent layers are deposited
over the previous layer. The part is finished by a
subtractive process such as milling to produce the desired
geometry (Figure 11). This process combines additive
ultrasonic welding and subtractive contour milling to
produce three-dimensional objects (White 2003). The
design of multiple material UC is currently under inves-
tigation at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering in Utah State University, USA. This machine
consists of a welding horn (sonotrode) and an automatic
Figure 10. Schematic system of LOM (left) and Al
and SiC preceramic papers (right) (Travitzky et al. 2008).
Figure 11. Schematic system of UC (left) and samples of material bonding (right) a) Ni/Ag foils on Al 3003 -H14 substrate; b)
2Ag/Cu/Ni on Al 3003-H14 substrate; c) Ni/Cu foils welded on Al 3003-H14 substrate; and d) Al 6061/Ni/Al 6061/Cu/Al
6061/Ag/Al 6061 on Al 6061-T6 substrate (Obielodan et al. 2010a).
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foil (sheet) material feeding system (Ram et al. 2006). To
create 3D multiple material objects, firstly materials are
fed by the automatic foil material feeding system and then
the process uses ultrasonic vibration at low amplitudes to
create solid-state bonding layers of foil materials and build
up a 3D cubic object which is machined to a completely
3D object by a milling machine. This technique can
process weldable metal materials such as Al, Fe, Ni, Cu
and dissimilar combinations such as Al/brass, Al/stainless
steel and Al/Ni (Ram et al. 2007). Additionally, Siggard
et al. (2007) have applied this technique to embed
Universal Serial Bus (USB) based sensors into aluminium
sheets to demonstrate the ability to use UC in embedding
mechanical and electrical systems. The process controls
several important process parameters such as substrate
temperature, vibration amplitude, welding speed, and
normal force to achieve adequate bonding (Swank and
Stucker 2009). Researchers at Loughborough University
reported the use of a UC process to make smart material
structures by embedding fibres such as conductor, di-
electric, and nano-meter NiTi shape memory alloy fibres
into a metal matrix (Friel and Harris 2010).
The strength of this technique lies in the ability of the
process to produce metallic parts at high fabrication speeds
with accurate dimensions because solid-state welding and
no liquid to metal transition process is involved, so it is easy
to control accuracy during the building of the part. When
compared to other AM methods, this process can be
performed at lower temperature, temperatures ranging
from 228C to 2048C are possible; the temperature is
normally 1508C (Yang et al. 2006). Moreover, it uses a
machining process to shape the contour of the final object
precisely (Liou 2007). The main problem of this technique
is voids that occur along the interfaces between layers
because of foil surface roughness, insufficient or excessive
welding energy, and positioning inaccuracies of foil place-
ment (Obielodan et al. 2010b). This defect affects the
strength of built parts (Gibson et al. 2010). Also, this
technique can use only metal materials and it is inefficient
in material usage due to the subtractive process. Further-
more, the system can fabricate multiple material objects but
with only vertically oriented interfaces (Obielodan et al.
The sheet lamination processes use a relative low proces-
sing temperature that is suitable for electronic encapsulation
and embedded electronic system applications because it
does not provide the protection of the embedded compo-
nents. The challenge is the process parameter that can
achieve a defect-free bonding layer at low temperature.
Delamination between bonded layer is a critical problem of
this technique. If this problem is overcome this technique
will offer benefits for embedded applications.
2.8 Hybrid and direct writing processes
2.8.1 Laser chemical vapour deposition (LCVD)
LCVD is a 3D direct writing (DW) process that employs a
laser beam to convert gaseous reactants into thin solid
layers in a selective manner. In the LCVD process, a laser
beam is focused to a spot (1 mm in diameter) via an optical
microscope lens and a gaseous reactant comprising the
materials to be laid down is fed into a build chamber. The
substrate is heated selectively by scanning the laser beam
over it at usually 0.55 mm/s to dissociate the reactant gas
selectively; consequently, a thin layer of the material is set
down onto the substrate. In this way, by repeating the laser
scan, microcomponents can be made layer by layer. There is
a possibility to fabricate multi-material and gradient 3D
microstructures by feeding different gases into the build
chamber at different times or using a blend of gases with
desirable concentrations. A number of factors such as laser
beam diameter, energy density, and wavelength as well as
substrate thermal properties influence the resolution of this
process (Gibson et al. 2010). Deposition thickness can be
estimated by the equation offered by (Williams et al. 1999),
for a Gaussian beam profile:
pþ2vstðÞ (1)
In this equation, ris the laser spot radius, h(v
,t)is the
deposition layer thickness, R
is the diffusion-limited axial
growth rate, v
is the scanning speed, and tis process time
(Vaezi et al. 2012).
Instead of feeding gaseous precursor materials into the
build chamber jets of gas can be used to provide a local
gaseous atmosphere (Gibson et al. 2010). Various micro-
parts from a variety of ceramics and metals can be produced
by the LCVD process using different reactant gases.
Furthermore, a LCVD process can be used to build carbon
fibres and multi-layered carbon structures. (Duty et al.
2001) deposited various materials including carbon, silicon
carbide, boron, boron nitride, and molybdenum (Mo) on a
range of substrates namely graphite, grafoil, zirconia,
alumina, tungsten, and silicon using the Georgia Tech’s
LCVD system.
There are two extensions to LCVD known as Selective
Area Laser Deposition (SALD) and Selective Area Layer
Deposition Vapour Infiltration (SALDVI) (Figure 12).
They can deposit multiple material directly to build objects
at low processing temperatures without the use of any
secondary low-melting temperature phases (Crocker et al.
1998). SALD utilises a laser beam to create a locally heated
zone on a substrate enclosed by a reactant gas and SALDVI
uses gas precursors and solids in powder form as starting
raw materials (Jakubenas et al. 1998).
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The deposition speed of this process is naturally low,
usually in term of mm/s (Westberg et al. 1993), so LCVD
might be suitable for micro-scale component applications.
To obtain a high deposition rate, the surface reaction
mechanisms must be understood so that the process
parameters can be adjusted accordingly (Vargas Garcia
and Goto 2003). Furthermore, when using multi-source
precursors it is difficult to control the deposition of multi-
component materials because different precursors have
different vaporisation rates, and most precursor gases are
toxic, corrosive, flammable and/or explosive (Choy 2003).
2.8.2 Aerosol jet
The aerosol jet process is a type of direct writing method
which uses a focused aerosol stream instead of liquid ink
droplets (as is used in inkjet printing) to deposit a wide
range of materials. The process was developed and com-
mercialised by OPTOMEC†under the trademark of M
which represents Maskless Mesoscale Material Deposition.
Figure 13 depicts a schematic of the aerosol jet printing
process and two multiple material printed components.
First, a composite suspension is aerosolised in an atomiser
to make a dense aerosol of tiny droplets (normally 1 to 5 mm
in diameter but droplets as fine as 20 nm have been
obtained). Next, the aerosol is transported to the deposition
head via a carrier gas flow (usually N
gas flow), and within
the aerosol head, the aerosol is focused using a flow
guidance deposition head, which creates an annular flow
of sheath gas to collimate the aerosol. The high velocity co-
axial aerosol stream is sprayed onto a substrate layer by
layer (minimum layer thickness of 100 nm) to create 3D
parts (Hon et al. 2008). The high exit velocity of the aerosol
stream enables a relatively large separation between the
print head and the substrate, typically 25 mm. The aerosol
stream remains tightly focused over this distance, resulting
in the ability to print conformal patterns on 3D substrates.
The aerosol jet can deposit a wide variety of materials,
including any materials that can be suspended in liquids
Figure 12. a) schematic of SALD process (Crocker et al. 1998); b) schematic of SALDVI process (Crocker et al. 1998); c) the
three distinct microstructures observed in TiO
deposits made by SALD (Jakubenas et al. 1998); and d) the cross-section
of an Al
/SiC composite made by SALDVI (Crocker et al. 1998).
34 M. Vaezi et al.
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(such as metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and
biological materials), on virtually any 2D planar surfaces
or 3D non-planar substrates. Since aerosol jet is a low
temperature process and the droplet size is of the order of a
few femtolitres, it is a good candidate for biomanufactur-
ing. The kinetic energy of the droplets is so small due to
their tiny mass that it will not demolish living cells. Aerosol
jet inks can include polymers, ceramics, metals and
biomaterials in the form of solutions, nanoparticle suspen-
sions, etc. Materials including metals (bio-nanoinks con-
taining Ag, Au and Pt nanoparticles, Pd and Cu inks),
resistors (carbon polymer thick film (PTF), Ruthenium
Oxide), dielectrics (polyimide, polyester, Polytetrafluor-
oethylene (PTFE), etc.) and biomaterials such as protein
and antibody solutions, DNA and biocompatible polymers
like PLGA have been employed successfully in the aerosol
jet process (Hon et al. 2008).
The aerosol jet process was first developed for 2 and 2.5D
direct writing purposes but with recent process develop-
ments there is the possibility to use this process efficiently
for true 3D nano-biomaterials manufacturing.
It has been used successfully to produce bioceramic/
polymer nanocomposite scaffolds for bone tissue engineer-
ing applications. Liu and Webster (2011) reported its use for
the fabrication of 3D nanostructured titania/PLGA nano-
composite scaffolds for orthopaedic applications. In vitro
cytocompatibility tests were conducted and the results
demonstrated that the 3D nanocomposite scaffold pro-
duced enhanced osteoblast infiltration into porous 3D
structures in comparison to prior nanostructured surfaces.
2.8.3 Dry powder printing
The dry powder printing technique is one among several
techniques that has potential for use as the material delivery
system in MMAM. The origin of powder dispensing dates
from the sand paintings or manual deposition of the Navajo
Indians and has been proposed as a material delivery
technique for powder materials. Joseph Pegna is a pioneer
in the line printing of dry powders. His experiments studied
the feasibility of multi-material deposition by generating a
single layer of Portland cement (Pegna 1995) and 220-mm
spherical glass beads (Pegna et al. 1999). James Santosa
et al. presented experiments on the delivery of powder
under 100 mm through a hopper-nozzle to show the
influence of orifice diameters and particle sizes on flow
behaviour under gravity (James Santosa 2002 ). In 2004,
Kumar et al. proved the concept of multiple dry powder
deposition under gravity alone by using low gas pressure-
assisted flow and vibration-assisted flow conditions on an
X-Y table (Kumar et al. 2004). Moreover, they predicted the
flow rate under gravity of the experimental powders by
Beverloo’s correlation. In the meantime there have been
many attempts to use ultrasonic vibration to dispense dry
powder for MMAM. Matsusaka et al. (1995) used a capillary
tube vibrated by 20 kHz ultrasound to control the micro-
feeding of fine powders. Takehiro and Yoshiro (1998) created
a powder feeding device based on an ultrasonic progressive
wave. Yang and Evan studied the dispensing mechanism,
drop uniformity and dispensing nozzles in ultrasonic micro-
dispensing (Yang and Evans 2004a, Yang and Evans 2004b,
Evans and Yang 2005, Lu et al. 2009). The technique
Figure 13. Schematic illustration of aerosol jet process and two multi-layered components fabricated by aerosol jet process
(Obliers-Hommrich et al. 2008).
35Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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adopted for powder deposition was acoustic flow rate
control of powders in which vibration is used to switch
powder flow on and off and to control flow rate by changing
amplitude (Yang and Evans 2004a). The static valve is closed
by the formation of a powder dome at the end of the orifice
tube following conventional architectural principles while
flow initiation results from the breakage of domes under
vibration force (Lu et al. 2009).
There are several different methods for powder delivery
in additive manufacturing: pneumatic and screw methods,
volumetric methods, electrostatic methods, and vibratory
methods (Yang and Evans 2007). Among dry powder
dispensing systems, the ultrasonic technique of all the
vibratory methods has demonstrated more acceptable
results as a material delivery system compared with other
systems discussed (Lu et al. 2006a). Many experimental
results show that the dispensing system can use a variety of
materials such as H13 tool steel (Lu et al. 2006b), copper
(Yang and Li 2003), glass bead (Kumar et al. 2004) and
silver (Yashchuk et al. 2002). Therefore, the powder
dispensing nozzles can be integrated onto the building
platform of the material delivery system to feed different
types of material.
Although many studies have demonstrated the success of
this method, more work is required to investigate and
improve it. The material flow rate in dry powder dispensing
is not so high which is ideal for high resolution patterning
but makes the process slow. Multiple nozzles have been
proposed to increase the speed of dispensing (Das et al.
2009). In addition, powder flow is difficult to calculate
theoretically and the stability of the process is poor (Jiang
et al. 2009). To meet the requirements in terms of proces-
sing time and dispensing repeatability and powder compac-
tion, developments should be carried out. (Yang and Evans
2007) have provided a comprehensive review on dry powder
dispensing. More details of recent research will be reported
in part 2 of our paper.
2.8.4 Shape deposition manufacturing (SDM)
Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM) is a hybrid layer-
by-layer process that sprays molten material in near net
shape onto the substrate, then uses subtractive processes to
remove unwanted material (Pham and Dimov 2001). This
process was introduced by researchers at Carnegie Mellon
University for creating multi-material metal parts (e.g.
copper and stainless steel) (Weiss et al. 1997) and was
subsequently extended at Stanford university for polymer
and ceramic parts (Cooper et al. 1999). The technology can
fabricate multi-material parts by stacking different material
layers but there are no multiple materials in the same layer.
In SDM, parts or assemblies are built up through a cycle of
alternating layers of structural and support material.
Unlike most other MMAM processes, SDM shapes each
layer of material on a computer-controlled milling machine
Embedded Component
Material A
Material B
Deposit (Material A)
Shape Shape
Deposit (Material B) Embedded
Figure 14. Shape Deposition Manufacturing diagram (modified (Cham et al. 1999)).
36 M. Vaezi et al.
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after it is deposited (Figure 14). This approach allows for
tolerances of 90.01 mm and avoids the stair-stepping
effect of additive processes. The intermittent addition of
sacrificial support material allows for the construction of
nearly arbitrary geometries and facilitates the inclusion
of embedded components (Cutkosky and Kim 2009).
Interesting capabilities of SDM include the fabrication of
parts with embedded electronic and mechanical compo-
nents and of complete mechanisms in a preassembled
configuration as shown in Figure 15. Some researchers
use this technique to fabricate multiple material structures
that combine rigid materials, compliant materials and
integrate sensors and other discrete components (Dollar
and Howe 2006, Cutkosky and Kim 2009) that allow
components to be embedded, decreasing the damage to
sensor components by encasing them within the part
structure and removing the need for assembly (Weiss et al.
1996, Dollar et al. 2006). However, SDM has not been
widely adopted as there are several major obstacles such as
the experimental nature of the process, and lack of knowl-
edge about SDM in the design community that must be
overcome. The challenge of educating designers about these
techniques, however, is not being sufficiently addressed
(Binnard and Cutkosky 2000).
3. Impacts and applications
AM has been identified by many national agencies as one of
the strategic technologies which will play an important role
in the high-value manufacturing economy. In the same way,
MMAM can offer more advantages and open more
opportunities to meet future challenges, and enable business
competency to respond to changing global trends and new
market drivers. Single material AM systems cannot fulfil
the requirements of some applications that require multiple
material objects from one machine, such as compliant
mechanisms, embedded components, 3D circuits, human
tissues, medical compatible implants etc. The novel MMAM
technology has the potential to offer these merits:
.Design freedom: The powerful benefit of this technology
is in offering freedom of design and creation. With
MMAM, it is possible to define specific material proper-
ties in the design. The freedom to design without
constraints allows designers to create varieties of shape
and functions in a single part that would be impossible
to produce by any traditional manufacturing processes.
Moreover, it can make design compact. The system can
reduce the size of electronic systems by producing fine
feature circuitry, embedded components and minia-
turised devices, a reduction of excess space can have a
significant effect by producing smaller parts and requir-
ing minimum space.
.Design protection: MMAM can easily create the protec-
tion of products. This technique is suitable for products
that require high security or need protection for com-
mercial purpose because every component is attached in
a single object and is hard to disclose. Multiple materials
can provide a unique ‘finger print’in each part to protect
new products from reverse engineering by using large
numbers of material combinations.
Figure 15. Left is a robot part combining soft and hard materials (Bailey et al. 2000, Cutkosky and Kim 2009); Right are
the steps of SDM integrating different polymer materials for various functions according to each component: a) The
components; b) The pockets corresponding to the shape of the stiff links are machined into a support material; c) The
components are put into place in the pockets and the dam material is used to block the resin; d) The soft polymer resin is
poured to cover the first group components; e) After the layer cures, the block is faced off to level the surface; f) the complete
multi-material parts are removed from the support material (Dollar et al., 2006).
37Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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.Increased functionality: Direct Digital Manufacturing
(DDM) is currently a major goal of many AM vendors
and application researchers. A problem that has always
faced manufacturers looking at DDM is that AM
produced parts are generally inferior in performance
compared with similar parts made using conventional
manufacturing technologies. DDM benefits are mainly
in terms of geometry, speed and cost. Using multiple
materials with the possibility of functional gradients
provides a means to create parts that are not directly
competitive but in fact provide additional functionality
to components. MMAM allows designers to create parts
with complex functions and high capabilities. Material
integration and material property tailoring can enable
the creation of new products, through the design and
integration of innovative material. Furthermore, it can
embed electronic components to create new functional
parts and superior value systems. For example, moulds
and dies can integrate conformal cooling channels that
have high heat transfer properties and high strength
properties in the external structure. This method can
embed sensors for structural health or other monitoring
.Elimination of assembly: A product comprised of various
components can be fabricated in one build, eliminating
fasteners and assembly labour, especially for the electro-
nic industry. The cost-related processes such as fabrica-
tion, inspection and paperwork are eliminated. Also, the
costs of material and associated fastening components
can be greatly diminished. Consequently, the process is
more streamlined and highly productive.
.Efficient manufacturing system: The new manufacturing
process enables the fabrication of 3D functionally
complex structures within a single integrated manufac-
turing environment. That can reduce some of the
procedures or change the time between processes that
are required in conventional processes. Besides, tradi-
tional manufacturing processes require more energy
consumption. MMAM technology reduces material
usage, produces minimal waste and utilises less energy.
That provides more cost-effective manufacturing en-
abling green manufacturing.
The use of discrete multi-materials within single compo-
nents may be viewed as a technically challenging and
economically favourable manufacturing method that can
enable unprecedented levels of functionality and adaptabil-
ity. By using multi-material components, economic and
lightweight designs may be achieved via the reduction of
assembly processes and parts required. The automotive
industry has already begun taking advantage of multi-
material designs in numerous applications (e.g., multi-
coloured tail-lights, components with compliant hinges)
(Espalin et al. 2012).
The aerospace industry shows interest in the development
of multiple material objects because the cost of launching
depends on the weight lifted into space. Also, an optimal
design for weight and performance can decrease costs.
Moreover, a safety perspective is always a concern in the
mission. The heat shield of space shuttles could be designed
to increase reliability by using multiple material compo-
nents (Gibson et al. 2010, Zhou et al. 2011).
In the medical sector, implants make use of the mechan-
ical properties of alloys or ceramics and composites and
would benefit from grading with biocompatible materials.
Thus an implant can benefit from a strong and tough
material in the core, material compatible with bone tissue
around the surface and material with low friction around
the joint area. In tissue engineering, the possibility of
creating multiple cellular structures using printing technol-
ogy could eventually lead to the creation of artificial
replacement organs. The challenges are immense, but the
possible benefits are also huge and the knowledge gained
along the way may also spill into other areas (Gibson et al.
2010, Zhou et al. 2011). Cell-based printing techniques have
been intensively investigated in recent years and many
innovative approaches such as organ bioprinting (Mironov
et al. 2007), laser writing of cells (Schiele et al. 2009), bio-
electrospraying (Jayasinghe 2007), and Biological Laser
Printing (BioLP) (Barron et al. 2004) have surfaced to
complement limitations in scaffold-based tissue engineering.
Several inkjet and extrusion-based systems such as the
3D bioplotter described earlier can serve as a bioprinter, if
sterile conditions can be acquired. Current inkjet printing
systems suffer from loss of cell viability and clogging. To
overcome these limitations, Moon et al. (2010) developed a
bioprinter based on inkjet technology that uses mechanical
valves to print 3D high viscosity hydrogel precursors
containing smooth muscle cells. Their bioprinting platform
enabled printing of multi-layered 3D cell-laden hydrogel
structures as well. Nakamura et al. (2011) developed a
custom-made 3D bioprinter using inkjet technology for
printing living cells and hydrogel. In a rather similar way,
Xu et al. (2013) developed a versatile method for fabricating
complex and heterogeneous 3D tissue constructs using
simultaneous ink-jetting of multiple cell types. The biolo-
gical functions of the 3D printed constructs were evaluated
in vitro and in vivo. Each of the printed cell types
maintained their viability and normal proliferation rates,
phenotypic expression, and physiological functions within
the heterogeneous constructs.
Extrusion-based systems are also being used efficiently
for multi-material bioprinting. Lee et al. (2009) present a
method to create multi-layered engineered tissue compo-
sites consisting of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes
which mimic skin layers. The production of 3D cell-laden
structures using various scaffold-free cell printing technol-
ogies has opened up new possibilities. However, ideal 3D
38 M. Vaezi et al.
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complex tissues or organs have not yet been printed because
gel-state hydrogels have been used as the principal material
and are unable to maintain the desired 3D structure due to
their poor mechanical strength. A new hybrid scaffold
consisting of poly(o-caprolactone) (PCL) and cell-em-
bedded alginate struts has been designed by (Lee et al.
2013). The PCL and alginate struts are stacked in an
interdigitated pattern in successive layers to acquire a 3D
shape. The hybrid scaffold exhibits a two-phase structure
consisting of cell (MC3T3-E1)-laden alginate struts able to
support biological activity and PCL struts able to provide
controllable mechanical support of the cell-laden alginate
Figure 16 shows an example of hybrid scaffolds produced
by Shim et al. (2012) using PCL which shows relatively high
mechanical properties as compared with hydrogel, as a
framework for enhancing the mechanical stability of the
bioprinted construct. Two different alginate solutions were
then infused into the previously prepared framework con-
sisting of PCL to create the 3D construct for osteochondral
Figure 16. a) Schematic diagram of the bioprinting process using MtoBS. First, a framework made up of synthetic
biomaterials such as PCL and PLGA is fabricated to support the entire mechanical stability of 3D tissue or organ. Second, the
hydrogel which is able to encapsulate cells and growth factors is dispensed into the pores. The sequential dispensing of
synthetic biomaterials and hydrogel is repeated and stacked to build a 3D tissue or an organ; b) MtoBS dispensing parts: Six
dispensing heads are equipped for dispensing of relevant biomaterials in the MtoBS. Three heads, where one is for synthetic
biomaterials and the remaining two are for hydrogel, are symmetrically installed at each side (front and rear sides) to make up
the six heads of the MtoBS; c) A conceptual 3D osteochondral structure made up of PCL and two different alginates.
Cartilage and bone regions are filled with red stained alginate and blue stained alginate, respectively; d) Image of the
bioprinted structure using chondrocyte and osteoblast encapsulated in the alginate. Every second pore is filled with alginate.
The others are empty for oxygen and nutrient transportation (Shim et al. 2012).
39Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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printing. For this work, a multi-head tissue/organ building
system (MtoBS), which was particularly designed to
dispense thermoplastic biomaterial and hydrogel having
completely different rheology properties, was developed
and used to bioprint osteochondral tissue.
Fabricating biohybrid cantilevers and actuators with
hydrogels and cardiac cells using a multi-material SL process
has also been reported (Chan et al. 2012). The multi-
material capability of the SL system can be used to change
the synthetic material composition or insert cells and pro-
teins at precise locations on the structure. Cell-encapsulated
hydrogels with complex (3D) structures were fabricated from
photopolymerisable poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEG-
da) using modified ‘top-down’and ‘bottoms-up’versions of
a commercially available SL system (Chan et al. 2010).
There is also the possibility to integrate two or more AM
processes to make multiple materials or embed components.
Printing of tailor made inks using inkjet printing or aerosol
jet processes on the 3D surface produced previously by
other AM techniques is a typical approach which has
opened up new opportunities. Inks from a variety of
materials including semiconductors, dielectric polymers,
conductive metals, resistive materials, piezoelectric, battery
elements, capacitors, and biological materials can be used
for direct writing on 3D surfaces. Figure 17 shows some
examples of the combination of AM and DW technologies
to produce a final products with embedded components. In
fact, many multiple-material systems are likely to be hybrid
rather than using a single category of material or process.
Using a multiple material SL process, the optical,
electrical and mechanical properties of photocurable poly-
mers can be combined. This would advance polymer
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and
make a substantial contribution to microoptics and micro-
chemical devices for BioMEMS (Maruo et al. 2001).
microTEC is a company moving towards rapid microma-
nufacturing using the micro SL process and has demon-
strated interesting results along the way. microTEC’s unique
3D Chip Size Packaging (3D-CSP) technology is used to
integrate, interconnect, and protect bare dies or other
microelectronic elements to get a complete multifunctional
system. No wire bonding is needed; interconnection is
realised by microstructured metal layers; 3D ultrahigh-
density integration is possible; and cooling channels can be
integrated to cool hot spots. 3D-CSP technology in combi-
nation with Rapid microproduct development (RMPD)
makes an efficient rapid micromanufacturing approach
which is applied to many applications, such as life science
(e.g., lab on a chip microfluidics), sensor technology (e.g.,
food control solutions), consumer electronics (e.g., very slim
connectors for smart cards), micromechanical parts for
metrology tools, etc. RMPD technology is a projection SL
Figure 17. a) Circuits, sensor, and antenna printed with Aerosol Jet on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) structure which was
printed with Stratasys FDM (Paulsen et al. 2012); b) Ceramic Inertial Measurement Unit with four gyroscopes and circuit
patterns. 3DP was used for the ceramic layer manufacturing process, and inkjet printing was used for the printing of silver ink
for circuit patterns (silver line, 300 mm) (Johander et al. 2007); c) 3D component placement and routing for electronic
integration using a SLA technique to create a dielectric substrate and using a DW technique to dispense conductive inks onto
the substrate (Lopes et al. 2012).
Figure 18. A complete 3D transceiver module in smallest space (5.2 5.2 2.2 mm
) for wireless solutions fabricated using
integrated SL and 3D-CSP process (
40 M. Vaezi et al.
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which has been invented by microTEC GmbH and the
technologies are not based on US-patented DMD
. Figure
18 shows an example of microTEC’s integrated RMPD and
3D-CSP applications in rapid micromanufacturing of multi-
ple material/embedded microsystems.
Material jetting systems seem currently to be the most
successful MMAM process among AM technologies. To
date, fabrication of true 3D multiple material polymeric
components using material jetting processes has been
demonstrated. 3D parts by commercially available MMAM
systems such as Objet’s Connex prove that. Moreover, the
ability of inkjet printing technology to produce micro-parts
from a wide range of materials including optical polymers,
solders, thermoplastics, light-emitting polymers, organic
transistor, biologically active fluids, and precursors for
chemical synthesis has been demonstrated. Inkjet printing
can be used for 3D metal-insulator-metal crossovers
(Sanchez-Romaguera et al. 2008) and in combination with
the printed electronics technology makes it possible to
manufacture multi-material Microelectromechanical Sys-
tems (MEMS) components (Subramanian et al. 2005, Ko
et al. 2007). Ahn’s group investigated the design and
manufacture of printed circuits using extrusion freeforming
of lead-based alloy having low melting temperature and
insulating polymer (Kim et al. 2009).
4. Challenges and future trends
As a consequence of what has been discussed above,
MMAM processes enable new types of design and manu-
facturing previously impossible while offering cost reduction
on specific types of products. Conventional manufacturing
technologies have still a justification for their existence
and are often a preferable approach in many cases in terms
of cost, time, functionality, and reliability. But MMAM
technologies can be an effective tool when there is complex-
ity in terms of both shape and material. Choosing the right
MMAM process to be used needs a comprehensive knowl-
edge on capabilities and limitations of each process. A
comparison of MMAM systems is presented in Table 2.
Several research centres and institutes have been devel-
oping MMAM technologies to allow more materials to be
used in a single process. Most of the MMAM systems
discussed in this paper are still being investigated as
research projects. There is still much effort to be made to
incorporate multiple materials into AM commercially. In
this section, some of the challenges that need to be faced so
that MMAM becomes more widespread will be discussed.
The general improvements and technological barriers that
need to be considered in MMAM processes are as follows:
.Contamination: Contamination in the material feeding
system when changing to a different material is an
important issue in most MMAM systems. This makes
the processes imperfect and the reuse of materials
.Bonding: Bonding of dissimilar materials has often been
a challenging issue even in conventional manufacturing
techniques. In the same way, achieving a good bond
between dissimilar layers in MMAM is a matter that
needs to be taken into consideration.
.Data processing: Most AM systems currently take STL
files as standard input which is a surface approximation
only and there is no information of the material content.
A demand for a powerful Computer-Aided Design
(CAD) system for multiple material pre-processing has
appeared so that the operator is able to identify the type
of materials from region to region in a part.
.Process interruption: Using multiple materials in a
single process may cause some interruption and loss
of time in some MMAM or hybrid processes (e.g. SL
process or embedded component) due to material/
component changeover during the build process. The
challenge is to ensure that applying multiple materials
or extra components causes the least interruption in the
.Hybrid and multi-axis systems: Some AM processes do
not have high potential for multiple materials processing
but they possess good capability to be integrated with
other AM or conventional techniques to create an
efficient hybrid system. For example, dry powder print-
ing can be integrated with a laser sintering process to
make multi-materials. Moreover, processes such as
LENS, FDM, and LOM have all been shown to benefit
from the additional complexity of motion. Integrating
different processes is a challenge.
.Materials development: In addition to the creation of a
wider range of blended composites, other forms of
multiple material systems will possibly come into use.
This indeed could be the most interesting development
as electrically or thermally conductive, semiconductor,
liquid crystal, carbon nanotubes, functional ceramics,
etc., come into use. In addition to the further develop-
ment of embedded technologies, sensors can even be
created from their fundamental material components
within the part itself using direct write (Gibson et al.
A MMAM system should consist of at least two main
subsystems: multi-material delivery and layer bonding
systems (Figure 19a). In some processes, such as materials
jetting, both of these two steps are accomplished simulta-
neously; while in some others such as SLS or 3DP, the two
steps need to be implemented one by one. Although most of
the single material AM systems also consist of materials
delivery and layer bonding systems, in MMAM, these two
subsystems could be very different.
41Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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The first step is to deliver multiple materials. Some
MMAM systems can vary materials between layers and
some have the ability to deposit and bond several materials
within a layer. Figure 19b shows the typical configurations
of different ways to make a multiple-materials parts using
MMAM systems. The most promising MMAM system
should be able to vary materials between and within layers
to make multi-oriented interfaces.
Table 2. Comparison of different MMAM systems.
Category Techniques Advantages Disadvantages
Capability of
solidification and
bonding in layer
Scanning SL High dimensional accuracy,
offering transparent
materials, living cells can be
Only photopolymers, time
consuming materials changing,
material contamination and waste in
and within
Low Good Point by point
Same as scanning SL Same as scanning SL Between
and within
Low Good Whole layer once
extrusion with
Fast, no toxic materials, good
material properties
Low dimensional accuracy,
delamination, weak bonding between
dissimilar polymers
and within
Medium Good Line by line
Easy and cheap mechanism, no
trapped materials, low
material waste, fair
fabrication speed, living cells
can be incorporated
Relatively low dimensional accuracy
and mechanical strength
and within
Medium Good Line by line
Powder bed
SLS Wide range of materials, great
material properties, high
materials strength
Thermal stress, degradation,
accuracy limited by the particle size
of materials, material contamination
when changing to other materials,
require atmosphere control for
Low Fair Point by point
Directed energy
Wide range of materials, great
material properties
Low dimensional accuracy, thermal
stress, require atmosphere control,
require machining process for
finishing the part
and within
High Fair Point by point
LOM Fast process, accuracy in Z-
axis is lower than SL and SLS
Shrinkage, great amount of scrap,
delamination, require changeover
when changing other materials,
require pyrolysis process
Low Fair Plane
UC High dimensional accuracy,
Fast process, Low temperature
Wastage of material in the machining
process, delamination, only metals,
require changeover when changing
other materials
Low Good Plane
Material jetting Inkjet Printing Fast process, wide range of
materials, materials mixing on
droplet scale
Limited to jettable materials,
clogging problem, low viscosity
prevents build-up in 3D
and within
High Very Good Point by point
PJT Fast process, wide range of
materials, materials mixing in
droplet scale
Limited to jettable photopolymers,
clogging problem
and within
High Excellent Multi-Point
Binder jetting 3DP Low temperature process, fast
High porosity, low surface quality,
accuracy limited by the particle size
of materials, difficult to remove
trapped materials
and within
Medium Poor Point by point
Hybrid & DW LCVD high-resolution process, metals
and semiconductors
Low-deposition rate, toxic/explosive
gas might be involved
and within
Medium Poor Point by point
Aerosol Jet
High resolution, wide range of
materials, ability of writing in
3D space, ideal for deposition
of biological inks, noncontact,
easy material handling
Solvent involved, Shield gas may
blow off powders when integrated
with powder bed systems
and within
High Good Line by line
SDM Wide range of materials Require machining process during
fabrication, feature size is limited by
cutting tool
and within
Low Fair Line by line
DPP binder
printing or
laser sintering
Wide range of materials,
possible complex materials and
geometry control
Limited to good flowability powders,
overflow problem, low compaction
density of discharged powders
and within
High Good Point by point
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Materials can be delivered in different forms: dry powder
(SLS, LENS, SLM, and 3DP), semi-solid or colloidal pastes
(FDM and other extrusion-based systems), liquid material
(SL and ink jet printing), solid sheet (LOM, ultrasonic
consolidation), and gaseous reactant containing build
material (LCVD). Material state and delivery mechanism
bring some limitations to each process for multiple material
fabrication. For example in Objet only blends of similar
monomers with good mixing capacity in the liquid state
can be used. In FDM it is very difficult to get such high
viscous semi-solid mixes (probably achievable using a static
mixer but the mixing range is limited and materials are
wasted during purging when changing composition). Solid
sheets cannot mix between layers but a change of materials
can be achieved by changing sheets, although atomic level
of diffusion and mixing can occur at the layer interface.
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is good for different
materials but in order to change materials the majority of
the gas in the chamber needs to be changed. Although
localized supplying of gas has been used to supply mixtures
without changing the whole chamber of gas, it is difficult
and expensive to recycle and reuse the gas. A liquid vat has
very limited capacity to manufacture complex discrete
MMAM and almost no capacity for mixing. Powder-based
systems such as SLS, SLM, and 3DP have limited capacity
to change materials unless the powder dispensing method is
changed as was discussed. Moreover, 3DP does not seem to
be successful in changing material composition by just
changing inks. A key factor in the material delivery system
is to deliver material fast, accurately, and with the ability to
change materials both between and within layers. Another
issue in MMAM could be to level layers after the
deposition of different materials, if the materials delivery
system is not accurate enough.
In MMAM, the bonding between different materials
could be a very challenging issue compared with single
materials AM. The bonding methods can be thermal
bonding (sintering/melting, ultrasonic welding or contact
fusion) and non-thermal bonding (polymerisation or ad-
hesive bonding). A key factor in a layer bonding system is
to ensure enough bonding between different layers and
different materials. However, differences in the physical
properties of materials (for example thermal expansion rate,
melting or sintering temperature), chemical properties (for
example chemical bond, Van der Waals forces) and bond-
ing methods (for example polymerisation, laser sintering/
melting) are the main reasons that make it difficult to bond
dissimilar materials in MMAM. For example, in the
ultrasonic consolidation of solid sheet method, it is very
difficult to bond polymers and metals but it’s possible to
bond different metals with different melting temperatures.
In the materials jetting method it is difficult to jet and bond
polymers and metals (except metals with very low melting
Figure 19. a) MMAM main subsystems and b) different kinds of multiple-materials parts.
43Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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Potential challenges that need to be addressed in future
work on the SL process can be identified as material
contamination, build speed, material waste, material bond-
ing, trapped air and bubbles, accuracy and resolution. For
multi-material fabrication, process planning plays an im-
portant role in the SL process. In particular, bond strength
between different types of resins (e.g. acrylic resins and
conductive polymers) may be an issue for future develop-
ment of the multi-material MIP-SL process.
There have also been attempts at using powder-based
AM systems such as SLS and 3DP for multi-material
fabrication. However, the accurate material feeding and
recoating required by digital material fabrication is difficult
to design into the powder-based processes. Using dry
powder dispensing techniques instead of conventional
powder recoating can be a good solution to overcome the
problem of handling fine powder. Dry powder dispensing
systems (especially ultrasonic nozzle dispensing systems)
have demonstrated their great ability to precisely place fine
powders. It is believed that employing a selective dry
powder dispensing mechanism incorporated with current
powder-based systems, including SLS and binder jetting
systems, would be an efficient measure to solve the problem
of fine powder handling as well as increasing their
capability of producing multi-material parts with lateral
material change (Figure 20). In this way, a higher level of
material deposition control could be obtained which is very
attractive and is an issue in much demand for TE scaffold
fabrication. Moreover, it is possible to incorporate growth-
factors and fabricate controlled-release scaffolds, using
subsequent bonding methods in which temperature is
carefully controlled to avoid inactivation of proteins and
degradation of polymers. On-going work in our laboratory
is focused on incorporating dry powder printing with the
SLS process so as to extend the approach to multi-material
micromanufacturing areas. A challenge in this method is
heat management in which laser power needs to be carefully
controlled to avoid degradation and remelting of a low
melting point component. The feasibility of bonding metal
on polymers has been demonstrated by laser microcladding
of silver paste on resin board (Zeng et al. 2006).
Material jetting systems are currently being used mostly
for polymer jetting so that there is a limitation on the
number of materials since only jettable polymers that have
good flowability at restricted temperatures can be used. In
particular, processes such as Objet’s PolyJet technology
have inherent limitations on the selection of base materials
since the jetted liquid needs to have certain properties of
viscosity and curing temperatures in order to be jetted.
However, the resolution of the process should be improved
to expand its range of applications. More emphasis should
be placed on the development of inkjet printing systems
which are able to produce high-quality true 3D multiple-
material components from functional materials, such as
Material Delivery System Material Bonding System
Dry Powder Printing of
homogenous composite
Thermal Bonding Adhesive Bonding
Laser Beam Nozzle for
Binder jetting
Nozzle for
Material A
Nozzle for
Material B
Dry Powder Printing of FGMs
Figure 20. Incorporating dry powder printing with laser sintering and binder jetting systems.
44 M. Vaezi et al.
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metals, ceramics, and smart materials so as to be able to
achieve the required thermal, mechanical, and electrical
properties for the MEMS/Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical
Systems (MOEMS) industry. The applications of inkjet
printing in multiple materials fabrication will expand with
the emergence of new jetting techniques such as electrostatic
and with better understanding of the process and the
utilisation of efficient modelling techniques. Future work
may focus on the fabrication of true 3D parts with high
accuracy and improved surface finish by using multi-material
printing processes based on tailor made inks. As for ceramics
printing, future work can concentrate on the utilisation of
inkjet printing in an innovativeway for manufacturing various
components, such as: multi-layered ceramics (capacitors,
sensors, and actuators), 3D electronic ceramic components
(high-temperature cofired ceramic and low-temperature co-
fired ceramic), and conductive layers on ceramic (photovoltaic
components and thick film electronics) (Vaezi et al. 2012).
Regarding the extrusion-based systems, precise control of
extrusion in melt-based extrusion freeforming systems
would be an asset for multiple materials printing. Assem-
bling multi type cells and biomimic extracellular matrix
materials in a single construct is a promising method to
regenerate complex tissues/organs in vitro. As described
earlier, future work could focus on effective utilisation of
multi-nozzle extrusion-based AM systems to produce living
macro/microstructures with controlled compositions and
improved accuracy. However, it should be noted that,
technologically, bioprinting using AM techniques is still in
its infancy. Different living structures have been produced
using hydrogel structures containing viable cells, but the
designs have been simple and isotropic, and mechanical
properties were not satisfactory (Melchels et al. 2012).
Directed energy deposition and sheet lamination pro-
cesses have demonstrated their potential for manufacturing
both discrete multi-material and FGMs. However, there
have been fewer reports on the utilisation of these classes of
MMAM systems compared with other methods. Moreover,
according to the statistics fewer research centres are dealing
with these MMAM technologies than others (Wohlers
2011). This might indicate that they need much more
improvement and are a longer way from becoming efficient
approaches for multiple material manufacturing. Perhaps,
hybrid and DW technologies such as aerosol jet process
have been more successful in the field of multiple materials.
A wide range of materials and complexity of parts are the
most significant advantages of DW processes which make
them a viable technology for further developments in the
MMAM area. In particular, hybrid systems are being
developed and becoming more widespread these days as
they provide new possibilities. Table 3 presents research
work that has been conducted on multiple material
manufacturing using hybrid systems.
The next generation of MMAM technology should
provide full functionality, offer changeable material sys-
tems, and provide the entire bonding system at an afford-
able price. Even if multi-layer or multiple materials can be
made, there is still the need to be able to fabricate digital
material in which different materials are interlocked with
each other. For instance, the FDM process can naturally be
extended to fabricate parts out of multi-materials since
FDM has separate extrusion nozzles for the build and
support materials. But the FDM process is not suitable
currently for digital material fabrication. It is believed that
future work will be mainly concentrated on making
MMAM processes more favourable for rapid manufactur-
ing of high performance products through improving
MMAM processes with the aim of digital materials
fabrication and integration of multiple AM processes to
provide new possibilities.
5. Conclusion
Some products may require specific materials in a compo-
nent structure to achieve different functional properties.
MMAM technologies have the potential to become an
important resource for the next generation of manufactur-
ing technologies. Processes such as material jetting and
extrusion freeforming techniques have shown very good
compatibility with multiple material manufacturing. Mate-
rial jetting systems are able to fabricate complex multi-
material and FGMs with variable properties which have
permitted a great advance in product design and manufac-
turing. Moreover, extrusion-based systems are being
Table 3. Summary of research work that has been performed on MMAM using hybrid systems.
Technology Material Institution Reference
SLA DW Photopolymer, silver-based ink University of Texas, USA (Lopes et al. 2012)
FDM DW Thermoplastic, silver-based ink Stratasys and Optimec Inc., USA (Paulsen et al. 2012)
UC DW Polymer, silver-based ink Utah State University and University of Texas and
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
(Robinson et al. 2006)
FDM UC Thermoplastic, silver-based ink Utah State University, USA (Swank et al., 2009)
FDM Robocasting Thermoplastic, low-melting-point alloys and
a variety of gels and slurries
Cornell University, USA (Malone and Lipson, 2004, Periard et al.
2007, Malone and Lipson 2008)
DW Electrophoretic
Aluminium, copper oxide Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA (Meissner 2012)
45Virtual and Physical Prototyping
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employed widely in both scaffold-based and scaffold-free
tissue engineering due to their unique capability to deposit
a wide range of advanced biomaterials simultaneously.
Some of the other MMAM techniques described in this
paper still suffer from some inherent limitations for multiple
material printing and need to be improved. On the other
hand, hybrid and DW systems have demonstrated some
promising results and it can be expected that their use will
spread more in the near future.
The authors are grateful to Engineering Sciences, Faculty of
Engineering and the Environment, University of South-
ampton, Invibio Ltd and The Royal Thai Government for
supporting this work by providing research studentship to
Mr. Mohammad Vaezi and Mr. Srisit Chianrabutra.
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