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Continental J. Medical Research 6 (1): 7 - 11, 2012 ISSN: 2141 – 4211
© Wilolud Journals, 2012
` Printed in Nigeria
Nworie .A.,
Ayeni .J. A.,
Eze .U. A.,
Azi .S. O.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Department of Medical Microbiology, Federal School of Medical
Laboratory Sciences, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Plateau State,
The increasing incidence of epidemic outbreaks of certain diseases and its rate of spread from one community
to the other has become a major public health concern. Door handles/knobs of public conveniences of selected
public offices, motor parks, and markets in Abuja metropolis were investigated for bacteria contamination. Out
of the 180 swab samples cultured, 156 (86.7%) were positive. They were more positive samples from female
toilet handles/knobs (41.7%) and bathroom door handles/knobs (11.5%) than males. The study also found that
toilet door handles/knobs in markets, motor parks and restaurants had higher rate of contamination compared to
Government offices, and banks. Contamination was also higher in toilet door handles/knobs (87.2%) than in
bathroom door handles/knobs (85%). Most of the bacteria contaminants were Coliforms. The isolated bacterial
contaminants were Staphylococcus aureus (30.1%), Klebsiella Pneumoniae (25.7%), Escherichia coli (16
community health superintendents, sanitary officers and Environmental Protection Board as well as private
organizations to educate the populace on personal and environmental hygiene. 1%), Enterobacter species
(11.2%), Citrobacter species (7.1%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5.9%), and Proteus Species (4.5%). This
shows that the city’s convenient places habours highly pathogenic bacteria which have the potentials of causing
epidemics in the near future. Therefore, community health superintendents, sanitary officers and Environmental
Protection Board as well as private organizations should educate the populace on personal and environmental
KEYWORDS: Public conveniences, Door handles/knobs, Bacterial contamination, Pathogenic bacteria,
Epidemics, Environmental hygiene.
Microorganisms are found everywhere and constitute a major part of every ecosystem. In these environments, they live
either freely or as parasites (Sleigh and Timbury, 1998). In some cases, they live as transient contaminants in fomites or
hands where they constitute a major health hazards as sources of community and hospital-acquired infections (Pittet et
al., 1999). The increasing incidence of epidemic outbreaks of certain diseases and its rate of spread from one
community to the other has become a major public health concern (Scott et al., 1982; Galtelli et al., 2006).
Although it
is accepted that the infection risk in general community is less than that associated with patients in hospital, the yearly
increases in food poisoning cases in which household outbreaks are a major factor, requires an assessment of the
probable causes and sources (Scott et al., 1982).
Besides the day to day interaction of people, which constitute one way of spreading disease, the major source of and
spread of community acquired infections are formites (Prescott et al., 1993; Li et al., 2009). Formites when in constant
contact with humans or natural habitats of pathogenic organism constitute a major source of spread of infectious
diseases (Osterholm et al., 1995). Such formites include door handles of conveniences, showers, toilet seats and
faucets, sinks, lockers, chairs, and tables, especially those found in public offices, hospitals, hotels, restaurants and
restrooms (Bright et al., 2010). One of the most implicated probable sources of infections is door handles of toilets and
bathroom (Reynolds, 2005). Public toilets and bathrooms have large traffic of users who throng in with their own
microbial flora and other organisms they have picked elsewhere and deposit them on door handles/knobs while going
into the convenience and on their way out (Goldhammer et al., 2006).
However, the risk of disease transmission through formites is determined by the frequency of site contamination and
exposure; level of pathogen excreted by the host; likelihood of transfer of the infectious agent to a susceptible
individual; virulence of the organism; immuno-competence of the persons in contact; the practice of control measure
Nworie .A et al.,: Continental J. Medical Research 6 (1): 7 - 11, 2012
such as disinfectant use and personal hygiene (Reynolds, 2005). Unfortunately, majority of public toilets found in parks
and markets, especially Nigeria, lack water system and where they have such systems, water are never available.
Consequently, users can hardly wash their hands after usage, carrying them contaminants from such conveniences
(Giannini et al., 2009) and such could result to community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-
MRSA) outbreak in high prevalence areas and cholera outbreak Giannini et al., 2009).
This study was therefore designed to determine the level of bacterial contamination of door handles/knobs of public
toilets and bathrooms, as well as, identify the bacterial contaminants in selected public places in Abuja metropolis, the
capital of Nigeria in order to provide scientific information that would have policy relevance, and which will aid the
hand washing programmes in Nigeria.
Abuja is the capital territory of Nigeria. It is made up of civil servants, public servants and traders with a population of
776,298 ( Samples were obtained from the toilet door handles/knobs in selected public places in
Abuja metropolis using full aseptic precaution. Samples were collected using the swab-rinse technique of the American
Public Health Association as described by Reynolds, (2005). Door handles/knobs were swabbed with sterile, cotton-
tipped applicator (swab stick) moistened with sterile peptone water. It was then introduced into bijou bottles containing
sterile peptone water, shaken, and loosely capped. The bijou bottles were covered with cellophane and transported in ice
pack from Abuja to Jos University Teaching Hospital where the samples were analysed. The peptone water, in which
the swab samples from door handles/knobs were rinsed into, were thawed, gently shaken and poured on MacConkey
agar, Blood agar, and Chocolate agar plates, and spread evenly over their entire surfaces using a sterile bent-glass rod.
This was to allow quick recovery of all organisms picked up in the swab. Then, the plates were incubated aerobically
for 24 hours at 37
C (Angelotti and Foter, 1958).
Identification and characterisation of bacterial contaminants
Bacterial isolates were first differentiated by macroscopic examination of the colonies. The colonies were differentiated
based on size, colour, pigmentation, elevation, surface texture, margin, haemolysis on blood and chocolate agar plates,
and lactose fermentation on MacConkey agar. Several biochemical tests were also carried out to further identify the
various bacterial isolates as described by Barrow and Feltham, (1993).
Both toilet and bathroom door handles/knobs of selected public places in Abuja metropolis were sampled for bacterial
contamination. One hundred and eighty (180) swab samples; 70 were from male toilets, 70 from female toilets, 20 from
male bathrooms, and 20 from female bathrooms respectively. Out of the 180 samples, 156 (86.7%) showed positive for
bacterial contamination (table 1). Out of the 140 samples collected from toilet door handles/knobs, 122 (87.1%) showed
bacterial contamination while 34 (85%) of the 40 samples collected from bathroom door handles/knobs showed
bacterial contamination (Table 2). Among the bacteria contaminants isolated, Staphylococcus aureus had the highest
prevalence 30.1%, followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae 25.7%, Escherichia coli 15.6%, Enterobacter species 11.2%,
Citrobacter species 7.1%, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5.9% while Proteus species had the least prevalence, 4.5% as
shown in table 4.
Table 1: Distribution and percentages of positive samples of male and female toilets and bathrooms door
Door handles/knobs Total samples
Examined Number positive % of positive samples
Male toilets 70 57 36.5
Female toilets 70 65 41.7
Male bathrooms 20 16 10.3
Female bathrooms 20 18 11.5
Total 180 156 86.7
Table 2: Distribution of bacterial contamination on toilets and bathroom door handles/knobs swabbed.
Toilets Bathrooms
Number of samples Culture positive (%) Number of samples Culture positive (%)
140 122 (87.1) 40 34 (85)
Nworie .A et al.,: Continental J. Medical Research 6 (1): 7 - 11, 2012
Table 3: Distribution and percentage bacterial contamination of toilets and bathroom door handles/knobs in relation to
the establishments sampled.
Banks Markets/parks Churches Restaurants Government
Number of samples 8 80 4 4 84
Number of positive
samples 5 72 3 4 72
Percentage of positive
samples 62.5 90 75 100 85.7
Table 4: Prevalence and degree of growth of bacteria isolated from contaminated door handles/knobs.
Bacteria Number isolated Degree of growth Prevalence (%)
Staphylococcus aureus 81 ++++ 30.1
Klebsiella pneumoniae 69 +++ 25.7
Escherichia coli 42 ++++ 15.6
Enterobacter spp. 30 +++ 11.2
Citrobacter spp. 19 +++ 7.1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 16 ++ 5.9
Proteus spp. 12 +++ 4.5
+ One or few colonies
++ Scanty growth
+++ Medium growth
++++ Full and luxuriant growth
Bacterial, fungal, and viral contamination of door handles and knobs are well documented and these formites in turn
serve as vehicles for cross-infections and recontamination of washed hands (Monarca et al., 2000; Otter and French,
2009; Bright et al., 2010). Some of the contaminants can be highly pathogenic and can be transferred from one person
to another or may result in auto-inoculation (Kennedy et al., 2005; Li et al., 2009).
In this study, door handles and knobs of toilets and bathrooms in churches, markets/parks, banks, restaurants and
government establishments in Abuja metropolis, Nigeria were evaluated to determine the level of bacteria
contamination and to identify the bacteria contaminants. Out of the 180 samples assessed, 156 (86.7%) showed bacterial
contamination. This is slightly lower than that obtained by Otter and French, (2009) who reported 95% positive cultures
in similar environments. This may be attributed to the use of water system in these conveniences, especially in the
public offices examined. It could also be due to constant cleaning of these toilets by cleaning companies engaged by
these institutions.
This study also shows that the level of contamination of toilet door handles/knobs (87.1%) were slightly higher than on
bathrooms door handles/knobs (85%). This difference in the level of contamination of the two may be attributed to a
larger population usage of toilets than bathrooms. It is a common knowledge that fewer people take their baths in public
bathrooms as compared to those that walk into the toilets to ease themselves. Furthermore, this work shows that female
toilets and bathroom door handles/knobs had higher bacterial contamination (41.7% and 11.5% respectively) compared
to male toilet and bathroom door handles/knobs (36.5% and 10.3% respectively). This is similar to the findings of
Kennedy et al., (2005). This may be due to certain habits of women which tend to enhance contamination. For instance,
women carry a lot of artifact of beauty (hand creams and lotions, eye pencils, papers, mirrors, make-ups, and a lot more)
in their bags which they use each time they enter public conveniences. The consequences of this life style are that
contaminants from those items are left on doors, a situation rarely seen in male lavatories.
In this study, it was also discovered that toilet and bathroom door handles/knobs of markets/parks and restaurants were
highly contaminated (90% and 100% respectively) compared to banks, churches and government establishments
Nworie .A et al.,: Continental J. Medical Research 6 (1): 7 - 11, 2012
(62.5%, 75% and 85.7% respectively). This is in tandem with findings of Boone and Gerba, (2010) who reported that
the levels of contamination of conveniences vary depending on traffic, exposure and environment. The traffic level in
the use of lavatories in the later group is quite higher than in the former comprising banks, churches and public
establishments. In the former, usage is often restricted to staff and/or is constantly cleaned by contract staff who clean
and wipe the door handles/knobs after few usages thereby reducing bacterial contaminants on the surfaces while in the
later, the traffic to their toilets and bathrooms are always higher, but there are few of these facilities in such places. This
is similar to the report of Kennedy et al., (2005) who reported that there was more contamination in high traffic
restrooms such as airports, bus terminals, educational institutions, and restrooms with one or fewer urinals. Apart from
these, restaurants, motor parks and markets lack cleaners and a few that are available are neither trained nor have the
equipments and disinfectants to do their job resulting to high level of contamination in these places.
Previous works have shown that frequently or heavily used formites are most likely contaminated and therefore carry
higher heterotrophic bacterial loads (Bright et al., 2010). In this study, the most common bacterial contaminants are
Staphylococcus aureus (30.1%), followed by Klebsiella Pneumoniae (25.7%), and Escherichia coli (15.6%).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa was also isolated (5.9%) which portends a great health hazard to the ever growing population
of Abuja metropolis. This report is similar to that of Kennedy et al., (2005) and Rusin et al., (2002). Most of the
positive samples examined had more than one type of bacterial isolate, but majority of the cases are from the samples
collected from parks and markets. The fact that these contaminants were at high level in these environments is of great
concern, especially with the increasing number of immuno-compromised patients and transplantation cases.
In conclusion, it is important to note that there is high level of bacterial contamination as well as high level of
prevalence of the bacterial contaminants. This may lie as a time bomb because of its potential to cause epidemics.
Forestalling this will require community health superintendents, sanitary officers and Environmental Protection Board
as well as private organizations to educate the populace on personal and environmental hygiene.
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Received for Publication: 24/02/2012
Accepted for Publication: 01/04/2012
Corresponding author
Nworie .A.
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B. 053,
Abakaliki, Nigeria.