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Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing lesser used species in Ghana


Abstract and Figures

In Ghana, the exploitation of timber is limited to a few of the over 300 known species. Majority of the species are not being utilized because their properties (including physical, mechanical and machining properties) are not known. Due to this, sawmills hardly process these lesser used species. To avoid the overexploitation of commercially known species the use of lesser known ones is inevitable. The objective of the study was to assess the capacity of the sawmills and carpentry workshops in terms of their machinery to process lesser used timber species for efficient utilization. Eight (8) of the sawmills in Kumas i, Ghana were randomly selected and questionnaires were administered and interviews conducted. Forty-jive (45) carpenters granted interview and responded to questionnaires that were administered. The sawmills have the needed cutting and processing machinery for producing lumber from commercially known species but not the lesser known ones. Some sawmills expressed difficulty in sawing some lesser used timber species due to their extreme hardness and smaller diameter sizes even though they possess adequate strength for utilization. Most of the carpentry workshops (60%) use only simple hand tools for processing which makes the utilization of these lesser known species in construction very difficult. The use of advanced technology and efficient processing techniques need to be encouraged for the processing of these species. This will ensure efficient utilization in order to reduce the overexploitation of the commercial (traditional) timber species.
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Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi et al.
E. Appiah-Kubi', M. Adom-Asamoah/, K. Frimpong-Mensah'' and S. L. Tekpetey'
lCSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, University Post Office Box UP 63, KNUST, Kumasi Ghana
2Department of Civil Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi Ghana
3Department of Wood Science and Technology, KNUST, Kumasi Ghana
In Ghana, the exploitation of timber is limited to a few of the over 300 known species. Majority of the
species are not being utilized because their properties (including physical, mechanical and machining
properties) are not known. Due to this, sawmills hardly process these lesser used species. To avoid the
overexploitation of commercially known species the use of lesser known ones is inevitable. The objective
of the study was to assess the capacity of the sawmills and carpentry workshops in terms of their
machinery to process lesser used timber species for efficient utilization. Eight (8) of the sawmills in
Ghana were randomly selected and questionnaires were administered and interviews conducted.
Forty-jive (45) carpenters granted interview and responded to questionnaires that were administered.
The sawmills have the needed cutting and processing machinery for producing lumber from commercially
known species but not the lesser known ones. Some sawmills expressed difficulty in sawing some lesser
used timber species due to their extreme hardness and smaller diameter sizes even though they possess
adequate strength for utilization. Most of the carpentry workshops (60%) use only simple hand tools for
processing which makes the utilization of these lesser known species in construction very difficult. The
use of advanced technology and efficient processing techniques need to be encouraged for the processing
of these species. This will ensure efficient utilization in order to reduce the overexploitation of the
commercial (traditional) timber species.
Keywords: sawmills, carpentries, processing, lesser used species, timber
Majority of the tree species in Ghana are not being
utilized because most of their properties are not
known. The exploitation of timber is limited to a
few of the over 300 known species. Until now less
than about 100 tree species are seriously
commercially utilized and the rest unexploited
(Ayarkwa, 2009). There are a number of timber
companies, which produce timber to the required
sizes in commercial quantities (Baiden et al.,
2005) but most of them hardly process the lesser
used species.
Within the framework of timber as a construction
material, a distinction is made between primary or
commercially accepted species and lesser known
or less accepted species. For several reasons,. the
use of timber in construction in recent times is
dependent on lesser known timber species rather
than commercially accepted species. Freezaillah
(1990) defines Lesser-known species (LKS) as a
commercially less accepted species left in the
forest after a logging operation. But, as stated by
Hansom (1983), a better definition is that it is a
species that is not being put to best advantage
(although many commercial species are not being
Forestry, Vo!. 27 (3), 2011, 63-70 63
Capacityof sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi et at.
put to best advantage either). The list of usable
species has lengthened to some extent because of
advances in technology and promotion and
because of a growing scarcity of the more desired
species. There has been considerable discussion
about the fuller utilization of tropical forests with
particular reference to the LKS, but the problem
has remained intractable and little has been done
(Freezaillah, 1990). Eddowes (1990), in discussing
the technical aspects of promoting the LKS in
Papua New Guinea, identified inadequate data on
physical and mechanical properties as one of the
main problems in promoting the LKS.
Another factor that contributes to the promotion of
LKS and lesser used species is the capacity of
sawmills or carpentry workshops to process these
is important to stress that the term lesser-known
timber species does not connote inferiority; many
lesser-known timber species have as yet not been
characterized and may as well be comparable to
the commercial species (Jayanetti, 1998). The
definition of LKS is dynamic and the status of a
species may change with time.
According to Oteng-Amoako (2006), the
availability of LKS in the forest varies, usually
from frequent to sparse, and data on their
technological properties are limited. The LKS are
mostly lower-risk species which can be exploited
under normal forest harvesting practice. To avoid
the overexploitation of commercially known
species the use of lesser known ones is inevitable.
The use of lesser used species for construction
therefore require an assessment of the state of the
sawmill industries and their readiness to process
these species. The Timber Industry Development
Division (TIDD) of the Forestry Commission of
Ghana has norms and regulations for sawmill
operation (TIDD, 1998). An important regulation
is to have the necessary machinery before one can
apply for a permit to operate a sawmill. Moreover,
sawmills can either apply for a working area to
obtain the logs from, buy from loggers or do both.
Smaller mills produce timber for the local market
but sawmills which produce largely for export are
required to produce 20% for the local market and
are expected to submit documents to prove this.
The objective of the study was therefore to assess
the capacity of the sawmills and carpentry
workshops in terms of their machinery to process
lesser used timber species for efficient utilization.
The study was conducted in the Kumasi (6° 54'N
1°35'E) metropolis which has a proportionately
large number of timber processing firms in Ghana.
The sawmills in Kumasi which are largely into the
export of wood products were sampled for the
study. Twelve sawmills in Kumasi were sampled
out of which four had closed down due to
operational difficulties. Eight of the Sawmills
responded to the questionnaire administered and
also granted interviews. The Sawmills include
Kumi and Company Limited, Modem Wood
Technology Limited, Naja David Veneer and
Plywood Limited, Logs and Lumber Limited,
Sunstex Company Limited, Logwood Industries
Limited, AG Timber Limited and Ridge Timber
Company Limited. Most of them produce lumber
and other wood products mainly for export.
Several carpentry shops and carpenters were
visited in Kumasi to ascertain their capacity in
working with the lesser used species. Forty-five
(45) carpenters were sampled for the study. A
multiple research approach involving the
administration of structured questionnaire and
semi-structured interviews was used in the study.
A qualitative analysis was adopted for the research
and the results presented in tables and graphs.
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Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi et al.
Capacity of Sawmills
The responses of the eight sawmills on the type of
machinery used in processing of wood are
presented in Table I. Table 1 shows that all the 8
sawmills have the various cutting and processing
machinery such as band mills, cross cut saws,
edgers, planners, moulders etc. Three of the
sawmills which represent 37.5% have log
transporting machines such as ·cranes, lifts, and
forklifts. Only two (25%) of the sawmills have
kiln dryers. The others without kiln dryers season
their wood at the sawmills with kiln dryers at a fee
otherwise, they do only air drying. The lack of
kiln dryers in most of the sawmills affect their
production capacity since they have to wait for
longer periods to air-dry or pay huge sums for
kiln-drying their wood in other sawmills before
delivery to clients. Seventy-five percent (75%) of
the sawmills have used their machinery for over
10 years and 25% of them had used
machinery between 5 and 10 years (Figure 1).
None of the sawmills visited had a processing
machine purchased within the last five years. The
sawmills also indicated that most of their
machines were purchased brand new. Five of the
sawmills (62.5%) indicated that their machines
hardly breakdown (yearly or over) and on~y one
Table 1: Type of machinery used by Sawmills
(1) sawmill indicated that their machines
breakdown very often (daily or weekly) causing
delays in meeting contract deadlines (Table 2).
Although most of the machines are old, they
hardly breakdown. This may be the reason why
most of the machines had been in use for over 10
years without replacement (Figure 1). Also about
87.5 % of the sawmills indicated that spare parts
for repairs and maintenance of their machinery are
available locally. All the sawmills also mentioned'
that they have a maintenance department which
are constantly checking on the machines. All the
eight sawmills (100%) responded that they
produce lumber for the local market. They gave
reasons as indicated above (Table 3). Five (62.5%)
of them said they produce for the local market
because it is a regulation from the Timber Industry
Development Division of the Forestry
Commission of Ghana. Twenty-five percent (25%)
said they process for the local market because it is
easy and inexpensive to deliver products to the
local market compared to the export market. One
sawmill indicated that the local market is a readily
available market even if there are no foreign
contracts. The results above indicate that the
sawmills are sending lumber to the local market
because it is a regulation by the Government
. Machinery No. of sawmills Percentage
Cutting/processing machines
Kiln Dryer
Log transporting machines
Ghana 1. Forestry, Vo/. 27 (3), 2011, 63-70 65
Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi et al.
5-10 yrs
- >lOyrs
Years of usage of machinery
Figure 1: Chart showing years of usage of sawmills' machinery
Table 2: Rate of Breakdown of Machinery
Breakdown of Machines Frequency Percent
Very often (daily/weekly)
often (monthly)
Not often (3-6 months)
Hardly (yearly or more)
Table 3: Reasons for processing of lumber for local market
Reasons Frequency Percentage
Easy transport
Inexpensive handling
TIDD regulation
Ready market
Total 8100
Table 4: Reasons for Processing of lumber for export
Reasons Frequency Percentage out of 8 (%)
Foreign exchange 5
Profit 1
Expensive for local market 3
Local market unavailable 3
Ghana 1. Forestry, Vol. 27 (3), 2011, 63-70 66
Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi
All the sawmills (100%) again indicated that they
produce lumber for export. Five of the sawmills
.(62.5%) produce for the export market because of
the foreign exchange and 37.5% of the sawmills
said their products have low patronage in the local
market. The local market is also not ready to pay
for the high cost of production so the sawmills
export for foreign exchange in order to make
profit. All the sawmills (l00%) indicated that they
produce 50mm x 50mm and 50mm x 100mm sizes
of lumber' for the local market. Only one company.
(12.5%) produce 100mm x 150mm lumber size for
the local market and none of the firms currently
produce 150mm x 150mm and 150mm x 200mm
lumber sizes for structural purposes on the, local
market. The sawmills attributed this to the demand
of the local market. There is no demand for
structural size lumber such as 100mm x 150mm,
150mm x 150mm and 150mm x 200mm so the
sawmills do not produce them. Most of the
sawmills (70%) were processing species such as
Dahoma, Emire, Esia etc. which were lesser used
species and now being used as replacement for the
premium species such as Mi/icia excelsa (Od urn)
and Khaya ivorensis (Mahogany) which are being
Capacity of Carpentry Workshops
Sixty percent (60%) of the carpenters use simple
hand tools such as hammers, chisels, spirit levels,
planes etc. in their workshops while 40% of the
respondents indicated that they use both simple
hand tools and machines such as planners, cross
cut saws, table saws, circular saws etc. This means
that carpenters are more familiar with the use of
simple hand tools than the use of machines and
also their inability to afford some machines.
Twenty-three (51 %) of the respondents indicated
that their machines do not breakdown often. They
usually repair them every 3 - 6 months. Thirteen
(13) carpenters (29%)" .indicated that their
.. •..
machines breakdown often. They repair or replace
some hand tools monthly. However, 20% said
they hardly repair machines or replace tools. They
do such yearly.
Type of Equipment
Table 5: Types of tools and equipment used by carpenters
Frequency Percent(%)
Simple hand tools
Hand tools
Total 45
Table 6: Rate of repairs of machines
Repairs and Replacement Frequency Percent (%)
often (monthly)
Not often (every 3-6 months)
Hardly (yearly or more)
Total 45 100
Forestry, Vol. 27 (3), 2011, 63-70 67
Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi et al.
Availability of spare parts for repairs
Figure 2: Chart showing the availability of spare parts for the repair of machinery
Available (locally)
Table 7: Reasons for using sawmill lumber
Reasons 'If Yes
Guarantee of wood quality and grade
Wood is easy to work with
Client's preference
Others sources are Illegal
Proximity to Sawmill
Frequency Percentage
Reasons If No
Table 8: Reasons for not using sawmill lumber
Too expensive
Sawmills are far
Bureaucracy and security checks
Difficulty in transport
Forestry, Vo!. 27 (3), 2011, 63-70 68
Capacity of sawmills and carpentry workshops for processing LUS in Ghana E. Appiah-Kubi et al.
Many thanks to the Swiss Development Agency
(SDC) and the Swiss National Science
Foundation, . for providing financial support for
this study. Appreciation also goes to the directors,
managers and staff of the sawmills and various
carpentry workshops who made their facilities
available and granted interviews for the study.
(2009) Timber technology handbook
for researchers, polytechnic and university
students. Classic Graphics Print, Kumasi, Ghana.
Baiden, B. K., Badu, E., Menz, F. S. (2005)
Exploring the barriers to the use and potential of
timber for housing construction in Ghana. Journal
of Construction and Building Materials. June
2005. Gale Group, Farrington Hills, Michigan.
TIDD (1998) Norms and regulations for
operations of timber processing firms. Timber
Industry Development Division, Forestry
Commission, Ghana.
Jayanetti, D. L. (1998) Lesser-Used Timber
Species in Construction. Technical Session V.
Timber Engineering and Re-constituted Wood.
International Conference on Value-Added
Processing and Utilisation of Lesser-Used Timber
Species. Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
(FORI G), International Timber Trade
Organisation (ITTO) and Timber Export
Development Bureau (TEDB) Proceedings. Pg.
Freezaillah, B. C. Y. (1990) Lesser-known
tropical wood species - How bright is their future?
Malayan Nature Journal. 42.
Hansom, O. P. (1983) Promotion of
commercially less accepted species. Paper
presented at the I st UNIDO/F AO consultation on
the Wood and Wood Products Industry, Helsinki,
19-23 September, 1983.
Eddowes, P.
(1980) Technical aspects of
marketing unfamiliar species. Paper presented at
Commonwealth Forestry Conference.
Trinidad and Tobago.
Oteng-Amoako, O. A. (2006) 100 Tropical
African Timber Trees from Ghana - Tree
description and wood identification with notes on
Distribution, Ecology, Silviculture, Ethnobotany
and Wood uses. Graphic Packaging, Accra,
Ghana. ISBN 9988-7943-4-7.
Ghana 1. Forestry, Vol. 27 (3), 2011, 63-70 70
... To sustain the dwindling timber industry in Ghana due to over-exploitation of the primary timber species, researchers have focused on the efficient utilisation of timber and the promotion of lesser-used timber species (LUS) and lesserknown timber species (LKS) in developing sustainable forest management. Currently in Ghana, most timber species are not being used because their properties are not well known [1]. Useful scientific information on LUS and LKS is essential for their promotion and efficient utilisation as substitutes for endangered timber species that are in short supply and that are very expensive. ...
... and Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.) that have the potential to substitute the scarce traditional timbers for furniture production have been investigated [16][17][18]. However, there is still high uncertainty about the survival of the industry due largely to persistent wood shortage [19][20][21]. ...
Full-text available
Background and Purpose: Inadequate supply of wood raw material is one of the major obstacles for the global furniture industry’s growth. Several secondary timbers/Lesser-Utilized-Species (LUS) that could substitute the scarce traditional timbers for furniture production exist in tropical forests. However, the industry continuously faces persistent timber shortages. The extent to which manufacturers utilize LUS as alternatives is unclear, which this study sought to ascertain. Materials and Methods: Data were collected from 300 Timber Firms from Ghana primarily through questionnaires using the stratified random sampling technique. Results: Continuous decline and non-availability of preferred traditional timbers and competition from imported furniture were the main challenges confronting the furniture industry. Data obtained indicated that most manufacturers (85%) hardly use any LUS; 44% of these mentioned lack of information on their properties and prospective uses and 32% attributed it to non-availability on the domestic timber markets. However, 22% of these producers rely on traditionally ‘well-known’ timbers (e.g. mixed red wood, Guarea cedrata and Tectona grandis) owing to their strength properties, 20% due to their strength and durability and 14% because of their strength and aesthetic properties. Many LUS (with prospects for furniture-making) available in great quantities in many tropical forests could substitute the over-dependent timbers. However, information on their properties and uses are hardly available to local producers, which affects their popularity among timber suppliers and manufacturers. Conclusion: To improve on the level of utilization of secondary timbers, wood workers must be supplied with comprehensive information about their properties and economic values. This will contribute to reducing pressure on the primary timbers, ensuring consistent supply of timber and keeping the sector operational.
Timber technology handbook for researchers, polytechnic and university students
  • J Ayarkwa
Ayarkwa, J. (2009) Timber technology handbook for researchers, polytechnic and university students. Classic Graphics Print, Kumasi, Ghana.