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SCIBERRAS, A. (2012) ANOTHER RECORD OF AGLAIS URTICAE (LINNAEUS, 1758) (LEPIDOPTERA: NYMPHALIDAE) IN THE MALTESE ISLANDS. The Central Mediterranean Naturalist 5(3/4):50-52. Nature Trust Malta publications



Another specimen of Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Maltese Islands is reported in this work. Such a specimen represents the third Maltese record, and it is presumed to be a casual immigrant species. All previous records are discussed.
The Central Mediterranean Naturalist (2011-2012), 5(3-4): 50-52.
Another specimen of Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Maltese Islands is reported in this work. Such a
specimen represents the third Maltese record, and it is presumed to be a casual immigrant species. All previous
records are discussed.
KEYWORDS: Aglias urticae, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Malta.
1 Address: 131 ‘Arnest’, Arcade Street, Paola, Malta. E-Mail:
In the Maltese archipelago the Nymphalidae family is
represented by six species; only two of these, namely
Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) and Vanessa atalanta
(Linnaeus, 1758), are regular migrants and sometimes
resident. Both of these species also breed locally. V.
cardui, the commonest nymphalid species on the
islands, migrates by the thousands and this
phenomenon is well documented (Valletta, 1952, 1972;
Sammut, 1989, 2000; Falzon, 2003).Some very rare
species occasionally arrive in the archipelago along
V.cardui. However, rare species are capable of
migrating solitarily (Sciberras, 2004a). V. atalanta is
also common, but much less so than V.cardui
(Sciberras 2006). Polygonia egea (Cramer, 1775) is
represented by only two records (Valletta, 1948 a, b,
1980; Sammut, 2000; Sciberras & Schembri, 2005a).
Nymphalis polychlorus (Linnaeus, 1758) is represented
by a single record (Schembri,1986; Sammut, 2000;
Sciberras & Schembri, 2005a). ) Inachis io (Linnaeus,
1758) was recorded from four specimens which are all
regarded as accidentals (Aquilina, 1980; Valletta,
1981; Sammut 2000; Sciberras & Schembri, 2005a:,
Cachia & Sciberras, 2010).
Aglais urticae was mentioned the first time in literature
for the Maltese islands by Fletcher (1904-1905, 1905).
He mentions that Matthew informed him (in litt.) that
he noticed one specimen on March 23rd 1892. Caruana
Gatto (1925) in his work repeats the same observation.
Borg [P.] (1932) lists it as rare and Borg [J.] (1939)
mentions that among other very rare species, some
specimens of the latter were found locally in a battered
condition and presumed that they arrived by strong
winds. Both De Lucca (1950) and Valletta (1966,
1972) mention that in their long years of collecting,
they never encountered this species. Sammut (2000)
simply omits this species from local list and presumed,
due to the lack of findings, that this species was
probably included in the Maltese list as a
misidentification. On May 14th 1985 Emanuel Cardona
captured a specimen of Aglais urticae at Wied Ħanżir,
Qormi and in his collection it was misidentified as
another species. It was in late 2002 that the specimen
was identified correctly by Sammut as the latter. On
November 23rd 2003 the author was collecting a
number of Vanessa cardui specimens on a Lantana
camara at Marsa (Malta racing course) for reference
collection and while the specimens were on the setting
boards Jeffrey Sciberras noted the different specimen.
When deposited in the collection box it became
obvious that the specimen belonged to Aglais urticae.
The 1985 and the 2003 specimens are the only
confirmed specimens to date (Sciberras, 2004b;
Sciberras & Schembri, 2005 b).
The new record of Aglais urticae
Information for the third record for Malta:
Malta: 23August 2011. An almost complete specimen
was collected by the author from an electric fly killer
machine in a factory limits of l-Imrieħel.
From the 2003 record every Vanessa cardui and Pieris
spp. migration was followed carefully by the author
because the rare species records seemed always to link
with these migrations. From November 13th to
December 4th 2003 there was the possibility that more
specimens of this species might have arrived with the
migration, but since these are not fully confirmed, they
were not listed (Sciberras & Schembri, 2005 b). Since
then, except for this record, no specimens were ever
found. The remains of the specimen (Figure 1) were
collected carefully due to its battered state. Along the
butterfly specimen in question, specimens of Musca
domestica, Cercopidae sp., Chrysopidae sp. specimens
were also collected being attracted to this UV light
trap. Although in such a battered state, this species was
easily identifiable when compared to other local
species. A search was also made in the nearby
vegetation surrounding the establishment on the Urtica
spp., but proved fruitless in finding any other
specimens, larvae or eggs of the latter species. On the
same day of the find, including the whole previous
week , many Vanessa cardui specimens were noticed
and when counting their numbers in various localities,
this indicated that another migration of this species was
about to take place.
Figure 1 (left): Aglais urticae from l-Imrieħel, 23/viii/2011.
(Left): as found, and (right) as assembled sideways. Photographs by A. Sciberras.
This species is widespread from the Atlantic coast of
Europe through to the pacific coast of Asia. The
distribution in Europe is stable. The wingspan is
generally 45-62mm. The sexes look very similar but
males are often smaller than females. The upper side is
dark red with black and yellow stain like markings .
The slightly scalloped wings have a series of blue spots
close to the side and hind margins. The undersides are
less colourful, the pattern on the forewing being a
duller reflection of the upper-side. In this species eggs
are laid in large clusters with numbers ranging from 30
to 200. These are pale, glassy-green with 8 or 9 ribs
running from top to base These can be found on young
tender nettle leaves, sometimes hidden deep within the
main clump. The eggs will hatch within 12 days.
The caterpillars feed on Urtica dioica and U. urens. As
a result of this, Aglais urticae inhabits a huge range of
habitats, wherever the food plant occurs (Gooden,
It is very difficult to assess the presence of this species
locally. It is more probable that the specimen arrived
with a V.cardui migration as in the case of other
previous records, rather than considering it a rare
resident species. It is quite a large species to go
unnoticed for such long periods of time. It is unlikely
that the specimen arrived by human intervention,
however, especially, that nowadays many species of
ornamental plants are being imported in considerable
quantities, one cannot exclude that introduction is a
The author wishes to thank Esther Sciberras, Jeffrey
Sciberras and Romario Sciberras for their assistance in
literature research and comments on the initial draft of
the work. FORT Pest Control is acknowledged for
supporting this work.
Aquilina, C. (1980) On the Appearance of a Specimen
of the Peacock Butterfly (Inachis io L.) in Malta.
Potamon 1(5): 56.
Borg, J. (1939) Our Insect Visitors. Archivum
melitense 9(4): 196.
Borg, P. (1932)The Lepidoptera of the Maltese
Islands. Goverment Printing Press, Malta: v + 25pp
Caruana Gatto, A. (1925) Di Alcune specie di
Farfalle Erratiche Catturate o Osservate in Malta.
Archivum melitense 6(4): 155-159
Cachia, D. & Sciberras, A. (2010) Aglais io (Linneus,
1758) in the Maltese Islands (Lepidoptera:
Nymphalidae). The Central Mediterranean Naturalist
5(2):63-66. Nature Trust Malta publications.
Falzon, M.A. (2003) Migration of the Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui L. (Lepidoptera) in the island of Malta
(Central Mediterranean). The Central Mediterranean
Naturalist 4(1):55-60.
De Lucca, C. (1950) Casual Immigrant Rhopalocera in
Malta. Entomologist 83: 64-65.
Fletcher, T.B. (1904-1905) A Preliminary List of the
Lepidoptera of Malta. Entomologist 37: 273-276, 315-
319, 38: 18-20.
Fletcher, T.B. (1905) A Preliminary List of the
Lepidoptera of Malta. Malta: Daily Malta Chronicle,
10 March 1905.
Gooden, R. (1971) Butterflies . Hamlyn, London.
Sammut, P. M. (1989) Migration of Vanessa cardui in
Malta. Potamon 2(17):181-182.
Sammut, P.M. (2000) Il-Lepidptera. Kullana Kulturali
12 -. Pubblikazzjonijiet Indipendenza, x + 245pp. +
Schembri, S.P (1986) Nymphalis polychlorus L.
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Maltese Islands.
The Central Mediterranean Naturalist 1(4):84.
Sciberras, A. (2004a) Insect Migration in Malta.
MCAST Link 12: 4.
Sciberras, A. (2004b) Desert Locusts and Small
Tortoise Shell records. Entomological Society of Malta
Current News 8: 4.
Sciberras, A. & Schembri, E. (2005a) Butterflies
Recorded in the Maltese Islands.Calendar2007.
Claytons print.
Sciberras, A. & Schembri, E. (2005b) The presence
of Aglais urticae (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae) in the
Maltese islands. The Central Mediterranean Naturalist
4 (2):136.
Valletta, A. (1948a) Butterfly Find. Malta: The Times
of Malta. 23 March 1948, p. 6.
Valletta, A. (1948b) Polygonia egea Cram. in Malta.
Entomologist, 81:150-151.
Valletta, A. (1952)Vanessa cardui Lin. and other
migrants in Malta in 1952. Entomologist`s Record
Valletta, A. (1966) The Butterflies of the Maltese
Islands. Entomologist`s Record 78:38-42.
Valletta, A. (1972)The Butterflies of the Maltese
Islands. Malta: Giov. Muscat Press. 64pgs
Valletta, A. (1980)Polygonia egea Cram. in Malta.
Entomologist`s Record 92:97.
Valletta, A. (1981) On the Occurrence of the Peacock
Butterfly (Inachis io L.) in Malta. Potamon 1(6):66-67.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
An account is given of this first record of Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Maltese Islands.
Nymphalis polychlorus L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Maltese Islands
  • S Schembri
Schembri, S.P (1986) Nymphalis polychlorus L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Maltese Islands. The Central Mediterranean Naturalist 1(4):84.
  • A Sciberras
Sciberras, A. (2004a) Insect Migration in Malta. MCAST Link 12: 4.
The Butterflies of the Maltese Islands
  • A Valletta
Valletta, A. (1972)The Butterflies of the Maltese Islands. Malta: Giov. Muscat Press. 64pgs
A Preliminary List of the Lepidoptera of Malta. Malta: Daily Malta Chronicle
  • T B Fletcher
Fletcher, T.B. (1905) A Preliminary List of the Lepidoptera of Malta. Malta: Daily Malta Chronicle, 10 March 1905.
  • C De Lucca
De Lucca, C. (1950) Casual Immigrant Rhopalocera in Malta. Entomologist 83: 64-65.
Butterflies Recorded in the Maltese Islands.Calendar2007. Claytons print
  • A Sciberras
  • E Schembri
Sciberras, A. & Schembri, E. (2005a) Butterflies Recorded in the Maltese Islands.Calendar2007. Claytons print.
1904-1905) A Preliminary List of the Lepidoptera of Malta
  • T B Fletcher
Fletcher, T.B. (1904-1905) A Preliminary List of the Lepidoptera of Malta. Entomologist 37: 273-276, 315-319, 38: 18-20.
Butterfly Find. Malta: The Times of Malta
  • A Valletta
Valletta, A. (1948a) Butterfly Find. Malta: The Times of Malta. 23 March 1948, p. 6.
Migration of the Painted Lady Vanessa cardui L. (Lepidoptera) in the island of Malta (Central Mediterranean)
  • M A Falzon
Falzon, M.A. (2003) Migration of the Painted Lady Vanessa cardui L. (Lepidoptera) in the island of Malta (Central Mediterranean). The Central Mediterranean Naturalist 4(1):55-60.