
Environmental consciousness, its antecedents and behavioural outcomes

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Purpose The paper attempts to investigate the term “environmental consciousness” and identify the underlying components of environmental consciousness and its antecedents. Also, to propose the framework explaining the linkage between environmental consciousness, its antecedents, components, and behavioral outcome, and also the variables, if any, that may intervene between environmental consciousness and environmentally conscious consumer behavior. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews extant literature to bring conceptual clarity to the term environmental consciousness and its linkages with the related variables. Findings Environmental consciousness – a mental state variable – is found distinct from its antecedents and associated behaviors. It is a multi‐dimensional construct varying from low general level to high product‐specific level. Research limitations/implications This paper provides understanding for the term environmental consciousness and its relation with other variables and thus leaves the wide scope for research in the future. Practical implications The extent to which green marketing efforts can gainfully be taken to the market and given a required scale depends upon environmental consciousness of the consumers. According to levels of environmental consciousness, green consumer segments are obtained and “greener” consumer segments can be targeted to induce pro‐environmental purchase behavior. Social implications The proposed model in the study would allow the green marketers to support the whole idea of environment protection through appropriate marketing strategies. Originality/value Based on extant review of literature, the paper proposes the term environmental consciousness as a mental state variable, which is distinct from its antecedents and behavioural outcomes.

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... However, research specifically focusing on how environmental consciousness (EC) influences household recycling behavior (HRB) is limited, particularly within the context of a strong institutional framework like that of France. While EC has been studied mainly in relation to green consumption behavior, further exploration is needed to link it with other pro-environmental behaviors such as recycling (Sharma and Bansal 2013). The present paper is an attempt to clarify what determines HRB in France. ...
... Consequently, households' awareness of environmental issues is considered as an important boundary condition to motivate them to engage in RB (Sawasdee et al. 2020). Although EC has mainly been studied in the marketing field in relation to green consumption behavior, buying environmentally friendly products, consuming less, saving energy, and using green transport alternatives, further exploration of this concept is needed, as suggested by Sharma and Bansal (2013) by linking it to other proenvironmental behavior such as recycling. ...
... To date, environmental studies and business research have paid little attention to EC. Although this area has gained considerable recognition as a central construct to explain differences in pro-environmental behaviors (Sharma and Bansal 2013;Jain et al. 2020), it has been treated differently in academic circles. Most studies analyze EC from a marketing perspective, highlighting its importance in -Environmental attitude (product specific and general) -Perceived consumer effectiveness (attitude towards behavior) -New environmental paradigm (value orientation) * Social environmentalism Source: adapted from Sharma and Bansal (2013) Environmental Management green consumption and purchasing behavior (Huang et al. 2014;Mishal et al. 2017;Kautish et al. 2019). ...
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The present paper identifies environmental consciousness and institutional trust as determinants of French households’ recycling behavior. Based on Schwartz’s altruistic behavior model, the study considers environmental consciousness as a multidimensional construct that would bring a richer explanation of household recycling behavior concept. Therefore, it considers the cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral dimensions as key predictors to reflect individuals’ perceptions towards recycling. We provide an empirical illustration of the institutional trust role in the association between environmental consciousness and household recycling behavior. Based on the PLS-SEM modeling, we perform a survey among 1408 French respondents. The findings show a significant impact of the attitudinal and the behavioral dimensions on household recycling behavior. These outcomes extend the existing French households’ recycling behavior determinants’ literature. Also, institutional trust showed a significant positive direct and indirect effect (moderation) on household recycling behavior. The insignificance of the cognitive dimension has retracted some contextual insights into promoting the households’ recycling behavior in France.
... Environmental awareness refers to the awareness and understanding individuals possess about the environmental impacts of their actions and the broader ecological challenges facing our planet [4][5][6][7]. This awareness is increasingly critical as we confront escalating issues such as climate change and ecological degradation [8]. The development of this awareness is influenced by various factors, including education, media exposure, cultural values, and personal experiences with nature [8,9]. ...
... This awareness is increasingly critical as we confront escalating issues such as climate change and ecological degradation [8]. The development of this awareness is influenced by various factors, including education, media exposure, cultural values, and personal experiences with nature [8,9]. In recent years, the importance of environmental awareness has become increasingly evident as global challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation intensify [10]. ...
... These findings not only emphasize the need for enhanced regional collaboration but also underscore the necessity for tailored educational strategies to address disparities in environmental understanding and action across Southeastern Europe. Furthermore, the shared consensus among students from different regions regarding the critical importance of biodiversity protection suggests a potential foundation for collaborative efforts in promoting ecological sustainability throughout the region [8]. ...
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This comparative study aims to investigate environmental awareness, knowledge, and safety among students in Montenegro and North Macedonia, considering the unique socio-cultural and environmental contexts of both countries. A mixed-methods approach involving surveys and interviews was employed to gather data from students in educational institutions across Montenegro and North Macedonia. The study assessed various factors, including students’ awareness of environmental issues, their perceived level of knowledge, and their attitudes towards safety measures. A comprehensive series of 400 face-to-face interviews was carried out, and these interviews encompassed 200 students from Montenegro and an equal number from North Macedonia, taking place at two esteemed academic institutions: The University of Montenegro in Podgorica and The University of St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia. Our hypothetical conceptual framework proposes that a combination of variables, including gender (H1), age (H2), year of study (H3), and rate of study (H4), significantly influences the attitudes of students from Montenegro and North Macedonia towards environmental awareness, safety, and knowledge. Research findings indicate significant variations in environmental awareness and knowledge perception among students in the two countries. While both Montenegro and North Macedonia face environmental challenges, differences in educational systems and socio-economic factors contribute to distinct attitudes and behaviours towards environmental issues and safety practices. This study sheds light on the importance of understanding regional differences in environmental awareness and knowledge perception among students. By identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement, policymakers and educators can develop targeted interventions to enhance environmental education and foster a culture of sustainability in both Montenegro and North Macedonia.
... The presented evidence that consumer propensity [130]). Yet, it has been discovered that people proclaim such intentions more frequently than they perform in accordance with their claimed intentions, implying that the reasons for environmental concern differ from the reasons for environmentally friendly behaviour ( [134]). National cultures have been shown to have an impact on people's behaviour and attitudes regarding the environment. ...
... and socio-demographic (gender, age, education, political views) variables(Akehurst, G. et al (2012).[133]) have been found to reflect this on an individual level(Sharma, K. et al (2013). ...
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Purpose: There have been growing concerns over food security and the problems of food waste on the environment, including resource depletion and greenhouse gas emissions for many years. Although food waste can happen at any point in the food supply chain, the factors that influence consumer intention has been identified as the main contributors to food waste generation. The main purpose of the research is to develop a conceptual model for the study and to investigate the factors that influence consumers' intentions toward reducing food waste behaviour in restaurants based on recognized consumer behaviour theories and an extensive literature review. Design: This research work is based on secondary sources which are collected from academic journals, newspapers, case studies, and internet searches. Postulates and the influencing variables to consumers' intention to mitigate food waste in restaurants are developed using the focus group interaction. Findings: The study explores the postulates affecting consumers' intention to reduce food waste in restaurants by extensively reviewing empirical theories. Through the development of a conceptual model evaluation, the factors associated with the study were awareness, food quality, environmental concern, attitude, and subjective norms system, which impact consumers' behavioural intention toward food waste mitigation in restaurants. Originality: As the conceptual model was being developed, the research study identifies several postulates with the assistance of several models and theories related to consumer behavioural intention and discusses several factors that influence consumer intention in mitigating food waste in restaurants. Paper Type: Review of literature for the development of the conceptual framework.
... The presented evidence that consumer propensity [130]). Yet, it has been discovered that people proclaim such intentions more frequently than they perform in accordance with their claimed intentions, implying that the reasons for environmental concern differ from the reasons for environmentally friendly behaviour ( [134]). National cultures have been shown to have an impact on people's behaviour and attitudes regarding the environment. ...
... and socio-demographic (gender, age, education, political views) variables(Akehurst, G. et al (2012).[133]) have been found to reflect this on an individual level(Sharma, K. et al (2013). ...
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Purpose: There have been growing concerns over food security and the problems of food waste on the environment, including resource depletion and greenhouse gas emissions for many years. Although food waste can happen at any point in the food supply chain, the factors that influence consumer intention has been identified as the main contributors to food waste generation. The main purpose of the research is to develop a conceptual model for the study and to investigate the factors that influence consumers' intentions toward reducing food waste behaviour in restaurants based on recognized consumer behaviour theories and an extensive literature review. Design: This research work is based on secondary sources which are collected from academic journals, newspapers, case studies, and internet searches. Postulates and the influencing variables to consumers' intention to mitigate food waste in restaurants are developed using the focus group interaction. Findings: The study explores the postulates affecting consumers' intention to reduce food waste in restaurants by extensively reviewing empirical theories. Through the development of a conceptual model evaluation, the factors associated with the study were awareness, food quality, environmental concern, attitude, and subjective norms system, which impact consumers' behavioural intention toward food waste mitigation in restaurants. Originality: As the conceptual model was being developed, the research study identifies several postulates with the assistance of several models and theories related to consumer behavioural intention and discusses several factors that influence consumer intention in mitigating food waste in restaurants. Paper Type: Review of literature for the development of the conceptual framework.
... Environmental Consciousness (EC) refers to an individual's awareness and concern for the natural environment, which can manifest as Pro-Environment Attitudes (PEA) and behaviour (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). Psychological Ownership Towards Environment (POTE) involves a sense of personal responsibility and attachment to the natural environment (Kuo et al., 2021), which can motivate people to protect and preserve it. ...
... EC refers to the awareness and concern individuals have for the natural environment and the impact of their actions on it (Lin & Niu, 2018). In the tourism industry, EC is becoming increasingly important as the negative impacts of tourism, such as pollution and resource depletion, have come to light (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). Tourism can positively and negatively impact the environment (Runge et al., 2020). ...
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This study aims to determine the pro-environmental behaviour influencing factors of tourists within the scope of eco-tourism. The population of the study consists of tourists visiting Ayazini Ruins. In the study, the data were collected using a questionnaire form with a convenience sampling method. 406 questionnaires were administered to the participants. The data were analyzed in the Smart PLS statistical program, and the structural equation model was used to analyze the data. Functional, social, and emotional value significantly positively affects environmental consciousness; conditional value does not positively influence environmental consciousness. Moreover, environmental consciousness significantly positively affects the green image, last chance experience, psychological ownership towards the environment, and pro-environment attitudes. Besides this green image, last chance experience, psychological ownership towards the environment, and pro-environment attitudes significantly positively affect pro-environment behaviour.
... As competition among companies intensi es, it becomes inevitable for businesses to place greater importance on how to shape the brand image of products that symbolize their identity. Sharma and Bansal argued that efforts toward a green environment are a pressing social issue that must be addressed through continuous attention and that it is an important factor that must become a trend in future business management activities [15]. A positive image combined with eco-friendliness can lead to high consumer interest in eco-friendliness. ...
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Background This study aimed to analyze the impact of eco-friendly management practices at golf clubs on golfers’ intentions to return to the respective golf clubs (hereafter referred to as ‘behavioral intention’ for conciseness) through mediating variables of green image and perceived quality. It also examines the moderating effect of green marketing on this relationship. Ultimately, the study aimed to propose effective green marketing strategies that encourage environmentally friendly consumer behaviors among golfers. Further, it sought to provide an academic foundation for the sustainable development of the golf industry and offer practical, eco-friendly management solutions for golf club operators. Methods Data were collected from 252 South Korean golfers through multiple field surveys and analyzed using frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis with Hayes’ PROCESS macro. Results The findings show that, first, a green image fully mediates the relationship between eco-friendly management and behavioral intention. Second, perceived quality also fully mediates this relationship. Third, green marketing has a moderating effect on this relationship. Conclusions This study shows that golf clubs should not stop at simply implementing eco-friendly management practices but rather provide experience factors that satisfy customers’ experiences by promoting such practices effectively. Furthermore, it is important to strengthen the trust of the customers and enhance the clubs’ eco-friendly image and customers’ brand loyalty through green marketing.
... Environmental consciousness is hereby conceptualized as the degree to which individuals incorporate environmental considerations into their daily decision-making processes, particularly in their consumption habits (Lin, Huang, 2012;Sharma, Bansal, 2013). Environmental concern, characterized by an individual's awareness and apprehension regarding environmental issues and their willingness to engage in behaviours that mitigate adverse environmental impacts, plays a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences and behaviours towards sustainable products (González-Rodríguez et al., 2020). ...
... A study by Gam et al. (2010) shows that consumers are unwilling to pay more for green products. The Global concern over environmental degradation is increasing with time as the environment continues to worsen (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). A study by Stanley and Lasonde (1996) found that consumers who are more involved in environmental issues are more likely to evaluate the true merits of consumption and production than those who are less involved. ...
With the rapid economic growth and industrialization, the consumption pattern of consumers is a major reason for environmental deterioration. With the increased energy demand followed by inadequate supply, there is a need to adopt eco-friendly electronic products that are safer for the environment and consume less energy. It is now the responsibility of organizations to create awareness among consumers regarding the benefits of using eco-friendly electronic products for both the current and future generations. For conducting this research, the data was collected from 430 consumers from Lahore, out of which 400 questionnaires were used for analysis. The present study shows the impact of green awareness on green consumption by incorporating several latent variables including environment knowledge, environment consciousness, green loyalty, and eco-labelling. The results show that environmental knowledge and consciousness significantly affect green awareness creating consumers’ understanding towards environmental issues. Additionally, green loyalty reflects consumers' commitment to eco-friendly products and it significantly impacts consumer green awareness. Eco-labelling is an information tool influencing consumer choices that positively affect green awareness. Each latent variable directly impacts green consumption, suggesting that approaches to enhance green awareness can significantly affect green consumption towards eco-friendly electronic products.
... These leaders can communicate pro-environmental goals and strategies more effectively, and employees will be more inclined to implement them. At the attitudinal and behavioral level, pro-environmental consciousness is associated with a strong positive attitude towards environmental protection [43]. Employees who have a developed pro-environmental consciousness are more likely to engage in environmental activities, which reinforces the fulfillment of the psychological contract for the environment. ...
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The functioning of the energy sector in Poland has been changing over recent years, influenced by growing concern for the environment. The concept of inclusive leadership can play a key role in the emergence of behavioral changes related to the development of environmental awareness and the initiation of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors by employees. The guiding objective of this study is to verify a moderated mediation model of the impact of pro-environmental consciousness (PEC) on the mediating role of the fulfillment of the psychological contract for the environment (PCFE) in pro-environmental inclusive leadership (PEIL) and pro-environmental work behavior (PEWB) relationships in the energy industry. By self-completing a survey questionnaire using the computer-assisted web interview (CAWI) method, responses were collected from 649 respondents employed in various energy industry organizations. Structural equation modelling based on maximum likelihood with bootstrap estimation was used to test the hypothesis model. The findings confirm the assumptions of the research model, demonstrating a direct relationship between pro-environmental inclusive leadership and pro-environmental work behavior. Additionally, a mediating condition was found, where the fulfillment of the psychological contract for the environment mediates the relationship between pro-environmental inclusive leadership and pro-environmental work behavior, and pro-environmental consciousness moderates this process. It was found that higher pro-environmental consciousness enhances the indirect effect of pro-environmental inclusive leadership on employees’ pro-environmental work behavior through the fulfillment of the psychological contract for the environment. This highlights the importance of the fulfillment of the psychological contract for the environment and a pro-environmental consciousness in the effectiveness of pro-environmental leadership. The analysis indicates that managers who apply a pro-environmental inclusive management style contribute to an increasingly pro-environmental consciousness and the promotion pro-environmental work behavior among employees. Furthermore, the indirect effect of green leadership on employees’ green actions, through the fulfillment of a psychological contract for the environment that is moderated by their pro-environmental consciousness, highlights the importance of environmentally conscious leaders in building effective employee–employer relationships. These relationships facilitate the implementation of initiatives that accelerate the pace of change and enhance efforts to build tomorrow’s modern energy industry based on low- and zero-carbon energy sources. Additionally, this is one of the first studies in the Polish energy industry to provide insight into the role and importance of green leadership and green behavior in the energy industry.
... Environmental focus which is a multidimensional assemble and represents an intellectual stage of a character, is affected with the aid of quite a number of antecedents such as psychographics, demographics, media, and political views. The variables which impact the seasoned environmental behavior are willingness to pay, involvement with the environment, comfort, and choice (Sharma and Bansal, 2013). H'Mida (2009) recommended that environmental awareness be influenced by using exterior elements such as media, household, tradition, and inner elements such as demographic, psychological, and monetary variables. ...
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Purpose: This study aimed to identify the influential aspects of consumers' purchase behavior of green products perspectives in Bangladesh. Research methodology: The study was quantitative in nature. The main methodology chosen for this study was the questionnaire survey method (online survey). Primary data were gained through a structured questionnaire survey from 324 Bangladeshi respondents using a seven-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Data were analyzed by statistical package for social science (SPSS) 25.0. Results: The study results found all the variables are significant with Consumers' green purchase behavior in Bangladesh. As the interpretation of descriptive and regression analyses, Environmental consciousness is the most influential factor in Consumers' green purchase behavior in Bangladesh. Other independent variables like Environmental Responsibility, Environmental Knowledge, Product Quality, Environmental Protection, Social Appeal, Green Advertisement also have positive & significant influences respectively. Limitation: The research was conducted & focused on Bangladesh only, so the study result may not be applicable in any other geographical location. The study was also limited by the sample size of 324 which is not representative of all customers in Bangladesh. There may have other variables except for the variables that are measured in this research. Contribution: The result and analyses of the study will be supportive for the researchers, government, marketing specialist, and business people to gain an insight into Consumers' green buying behavior in Bangladesh and direct them to find out other significant factors related to Consumers' green purchase behavior so that they can formulate their strategies & policies regarding environmental and consumption issues. Keywords: Green product, Green purchase, Consumer behavior, Sustainable product, Environmentally friendly, Green marketing
... This encompasses those who previously had limited interest in environmental matters, impacting consumers' intentions to purchase (Kushwah et al., 2019). Environmental consciousness, a component of social consciousness, is an internal factor that reflects psychological characteristics that influence individuals' tendency towards engaging in pro-environmental behaviours (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). It encompasses values, emotional responses, personality traits, and attitudes (Kautish & Sharma, 2018). ...
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Over the past few years, the concern of growing consumer interest in green products has rapidly expanded throughout the world. This study investigates the factors influencing consumers' purchase intention of green products. The target population of this study is the young users who are basically students from several universities in Framingham, USA. For this study, data were gathered through Google form sent by email, along with a cover letter for the respondents' convenience. The respondents made up the final sample size of the research. They were sent invitations to participate, and their responses were gathered after their approval. A five-point Likert scale was used where '1' stands for 'Strongly Disagree' and '5' stands for 'Strongly Agree' to determine the item-wise questionnaire. The final sample size was n=514. Moreover, to evaluate the hypotheses, a 5% significance level and SPSS software was used to analyze the data for research. The outcome of this study shows that health consciousness, environmental awareness, and green product knowledge have a positive and significant impact on consumers' intention to buy green products. These variables can explain 46.80% of the variance in predicting behavioral intentions to purchase green products. It is found that among the three determinants, health consciousness (β = 0.413) had the highest impact on the purchase intention of green products among young people compared to other variables. This research might provide significant clues to the manufacturers of green products that can severely influence consumers to buy eco-friendly goods for their well-being.
... The idea of environmentalism is used to define this environmental consciousness. According to environmentalism, every living creature, including nature, has environmental rights that must be preserved (Sharma & Bansal, 2013), and people who are environmentally conscious have a common set of ideals. According to Santhakumari and Sagar (2020), the level of concern individuals has for the environment is influenced by the type of threat they perceive. ...
To date, there are still limited studies that have devoted their attention to the customers’ demand for natural food products. Notwithstanding, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no articles that integrate the Theory of Consumption Values (TCV) with the Stimuli-Organism-Behavior-Consequence (S-O-B-C) framework, to explore the intricate connections between consumption values, purchase intentions, and actual buying behaviors of natural food products. Primary data were gathered from seven hundred ninety-three (793) survey respondents and a covariance-based structural equations modelling (CB-SEM) approach was used to evaluate the robustness of the proposed model. The findings indicate that the various benefits of natural food products have a significant impact on how consumers perceive and approach these products. The results also suggest that consumer behaviors of natural foods are greatly influenced by their environmental concerns and health considerations. Furthermore, they underline the significance of the consumers’ incomes and education levels on the causal paths between attitudes, intentions to purchase and actual purchase behaviors, This contribution advances a novel theoretical model that is empirically tested, as well as reasonable implications for industry practitioners.
... The consequence variable that arises from the relationship between antecedent variables and intervening variables is purchase intention, which is the intention or tendency of consumers to buy environmentally friendly products and services. If antecedent variables such as perceived of green marketing strategic orientation (Sharma and Bansal, 2013), green individual feelings, and perceived of green promotion and innovation have a positive influence on attitude towards green marketing and brand integrity (Maas et al., 2009), it will naturally increase consumer intention to buy environmentally friendly products. ...
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The purpose of this study aims (1) Investigate the role of the item constructs access to information, labelling and peer pressure, sense of retribution, and circular economy perception on green individuals feelings; (2) Evaluate the role of green business orientation and product quality on perceived of green marketing strategic orientation through the second-order analysis test. As a design methodology we involved 178 respondents at Starbucks outlets in Makassar City, Indonesia, with purposive random sampling. The analysis was conducted through a second-order analysis approach to test the variable constructs and through direct and indirect testing by involving attitude towards green marketing and brand integrity as intervening variables. The result of this study shows all items have a significant role in shaping the perceived of green marketing strategic orientation and green individuals feelings through the second-order analysis approach. Direct test showed a positive and significant effect except in the relationship between perceived of green promotion and innovation and brand integrity. Indirect test shows that the relationship between perceived of green marketing strategic orientation, perceived of green promotion and innovation, and purchase intention with attitude towards green marketing as an intervening variable is not significant. Similarly, the relationship between green individuals feelings, purchase intention, brand integrity, and perceived of green promotion and innovation as intervening variables is also not significant.
... Environmental consciousness, a complex notion, is garnering prominence in consumer behaviour research. Environmental attitudes, environmental concerns, sociodemographic features, personality, environmental knowledge, and environmentalism are all factors that contribute to this construct's predominance (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). As a result of its diverse nature, defining environmental consciousness is challenging (Sánchez & Lafuente, 2010). ...
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Assessing consumer attitudes towards organic skincare products is crucial in today’s competitive market. As people become more conscious of synthetic substances, animal suffering, and environmental impacts, the appeal of organic skincare is greater than ever. This paper investigates how consumer attitudes regarding organic skin care products translate into purchase intentions and subsequent shopping behaviour. This research emphasises the impact of health, environment, and appearance consciousness on customer attitudes towards organic skin care products. This study investigated the influence of experience and subjective standards in regulating the relationship between purchase intention and purchase conduct. The data were collected by random sampling. There were 498 valid replies to the survey. The Hayes process approach, psychometric characteristics, and hypothesis testing addressed the study’s research concerns. SPSS 25 and AMOS 22 were used to analyse the data. According to the study, health, environmental, and appearance consciousness are precursors to attitudes towards organic skin care products. When an attitude is created, it is converted into a buying intention, which leads to actual behaviour. Past experience has a substantial moderating impact on purchasing intention and behaviour. On the other hand, subjective norms fail to moderate the same relationship. The limitations and future scope of the study are discussed further in the paper’s body.
... Demzufolge tendieren einige Menschen eher dazu, interne Attributionen für ihr Verhalten zu finden, während andere Menschen grundsätzlich eher externe Attributionen wählen (Martinko et al., 2011). Im Zusammenhang mit umweltfreundlichen Verhalten haben Kalamas et al. (2014) (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). Die Wahrnehmung sozialer Normen und persönliche Einstellungen stellen in unterschiedlichsten Kontexten wichtige Prädiktoren dar, um Verhalten vorherzusagen (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2011). ...
... ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 6 May 2024 doi:10.20944/preprints202405.0216.v126 ...
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This comparative study aims to investigate environmental awareness, knowledge, and safety among students in Montenegro and North Macedonia, considering the unique socio-cultural and environmental contexts of both countries. A mixed-methods approach involving surveys and interviews was employed to gather data from students in educational institutions across Montenegro and North Macedonia. The study assessed various factors, including students' awareness of environmental issues, their perceived level of knowledge, and their attitudes towards safety measures. A comprehensive series of 400 face-to-face interviews was carried out and these interviews encompassed 200 students from Montenegro and an equal number from North Macedonia, taking place at two esteemed academic institutions: The University of Montenegro in Podgorica and The University of St. Clement of Ohrid, Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia. Our hypothetical conceptual framework proposes that a combination of variables, including gender (H1), age (H2), year of study (H3), and rate of study (H4), significantly influences the attitudes of students from Montenegro and North Macedonia towards environmental awareness, safety, and knowledge. Research findings indicate significant variations in environmental awareness and knowledge perception among students in the two countries. While both Montenegro and North Macedonia face environmental challenges, differences in educational systems and socio-economic factors contribute to distinct attitudes and behaviors towards environmental issues and safety practices. This study sheds light on the importance of understanding regional differences in environmental awareness and knowledge perception among students. By identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement, policymakers and educators can develop targeted interventions to enhance environmental education and foster a culture of sustainability in both Montenegro and North Macedonia.
... A relatively under-researched, albeit important, issue is the extent to which people know the full meaning of the term "sustainability". The term "sustainability" has long been associated only with the need to protect the natural environment, both in its common usage and in research, which has focused mainly on measuring levels of environmental awareness (Lezak and Thibodeau 2016;Sharma and Bansal 2013); see also Gericke et al. (2019) (pages 37-38) for an overview of environmental awareness measures. Since the formulation of Agenda 2030, there has been a broad consensus that environmental problems and concerns cannot be addressed without including the social and economic dimensions (Le Blanc 2015). ...
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Sustainability can be conceived as an ideal state in which society, environment and economy can thrive without harming each other in the present, future and global space. In this paper, we validate the Italian version of the sustainability consciousness questionnaire developed by a Swedish research group. The psychometric construct aims to measure individual sustainability consciousness through a combination of knowingness, attitudes and behaviour. The validation process is based on the hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis model and includes both the long and short forms of the questionnaire proposed in the original study. Specifically, we propose two alternative approaches to validate the short form, one based on the same subset of items as the original proposal and another based on a data-driven strategy that resulted in a different subset of items. Once validated on a national level, the sustainability consciousness questionnaire becomes a valuable tool for researchers and policymakers to assess the sustainability consciousness levels within a national or local population regarding this crucial issue, enabling the design of more precisely targeted policies.
... Environmental consciousness influences consumers' inclination to buy green products in both direct and indirect ways (Laroche et al., 2001). It is defined as a state of mind that ranges from the lowest level (generic) to the highest level (product), and it is distinct from its antecedents and behavioral consequences (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). Changes in climatic conditions act as a major catalyst for consumers to be attracted towards green purchases. ...
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Globally, there is a rapid rise in awareness of environmental degradation and its harmful effects. This awareness not only motivates businesses to produce environmental-friendly goods but also inspires academicians and practitioners to comprehend the customer’s environmental-friendly purchasing behaviour. This research examines past studies on Indian consumers’ green purchase intentions and explores prominent behavioral intention factors to improve theoretical comprehension of consumers’ purchase behaviors. The objective of this research is to quantify the relationship between predictors of the theory of planned behavior and green purchase intention, and also examine the contribution of additional predictors to green purchase intention. The meta-analysis technique is used in quantifying, and drawing general and trustworthy conclusions. The review of the extant literature is systematically conducted and thirty studies are deemed appropriate for the meta-analysis. The findings reveal key factors that influence consumers’ decision-making towards the purchase of green products. The outcomes of the meta-analysis distinctly delineate that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and environmental consciousness tend to maintain a positive correspondence with green purchase intention. The findings also indicate that attitude has the most substantial influence on purchase intention, followed by perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and ultimately environmental consciousness. Marketers can use the information gleaned from the findings to come up with strategies that will help them get more people to buy green products and accept them more readily.
... Employees' EA is an element of individual belief systems, subjective knowledge of the consequences of individual actions in the natural environment, and individuals' concern for environmental issues (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). According to Ojo and Fauzi (2020), environmental belief "can emanate from their awareness and perception of the organizational norms, thereby shaping their understanding and attitude toward green behaviors" (p. ...
This study examines the indirect effect of sustainability-oriented leadership (SOL) on eco-friendly innovative behaviors (EFIBs) through environmental awareness (EA) based on social exchange theory. Additionally, it investigates the conditional role of proactive personality (PP) on the “SOL-EA” relationship. The authors collected data from 284 manufacturing SMEs in Poland using a time-lagged two-stage design, and employed partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the proposed hypotheses. The empirical findings reveal that SOL impact employees’ EFIBs significantly indirectly (through EA), and PP amplifies the impact of SOL on EA. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to empirically test the integrated relationships among SOL, EFIBs, EA, and PP. This study contributes theoretically to the literature on leadership, innovation management, and employee behaviors from the perspective of a developed country.
... As values and norms are heavily influenced by culture, valuebased theories such as NAT and VBN cannot be meaningfully interpreted or applied without incorporating contextual knowledge (Nair and Little, 2016;Steg and Vlek, 2009). Several past studies have also indicated the combined role of both attitudinal and contextual variables in shaping environmental consciousness and its behavioral outcomes (Sharma and Bansal, 2013). ...
Purpose There is widespread consensus that unchecked growth of e-waste is a major challenge to global sustainability transition. Current research has failed to connect e-waste with principles of circularity and sustainability from the consumption perspective. This paper aims to answer the following questions: What kind of environmental behaviors (EBs) exist among consumers in relation to e-waste?; In what ways are these consumers different from and similar to each other based on their EBs in relation to e-waste?; How do consumers and their EBs contribute to sustainable waste management? Design/methodology/approach Based on primary data from an Indian sample of information and communication technology consumers, EBs relevant to e-waste management are identified. In the next stage, a behavior-based segmentation and profiling of consumers is performed. Findings The first phase of analysis produced eight distinct EBs which were then used in the next phase to obtain a consumer typology of three segments. The three consumer segments differed significantly with each other on general environmental behavior and awareness about e-waste. Research limitations/implications The paper develops a comprehensive conceptual framework for studying the demand-side circularity transition for sustainable e-waste management. Practical implications For business stakeholders, findings of the study and the proposed framework can inform behavior change interventions to customize offerings for different right consumer segments. Originality/value The paper adds new knowledge to the intersectional area of e-waste, consumer behavior and sustainability through the development of consumer typology and a conceptual framework.
... In recent times, several studies have examined the consumer behaviour to determine the factors influencing acceptance and attitude towards green advertising / marketing resulting in purchase or not. In a survey, Sharma and Bansal (2013) found that research on green advertising in India is still in its nascent stages because most studies published are confined to a conceptual review of green marketing. This underlines the absence of a nuanced comparative study of perceptions towards green and non-green ads. ...
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The study compares millennials’ attitude in urban India towards the green and non-green denim wear (apparels are high involvement products for millennials) advertisement and to know whether millennials are willing to spend more on a green product after exposure to such advertisements. A quasiexperimental study where three test advertisements; a green advertisement, a non-green and a brand ad containing both elements were presented as visual stimuli to the respondents. The test ads created based on the Means-End Chain Conceptualisation of Advertising Strategy (MECCAS Model). The results show high level of concern for environment and positive attitude towards green advertisements. It further revealed that post-exposure to green advertising; millennials are willing to spend more on a green product. However, no significant relationship was reported between environmental concern and purchase intention. Salience of the study lies in its interrelationships between green advertising as mediated communication specifically in relation to the apparel industry and their environmental consciousness. It reveals that use of green communication persuasive tactics (ad appeals) can be a starting point in persuading the millennial consumers towards green products. Keywords: Green advertising, Millennials, High involvement products, Ad attitude, Purchase intention
... Environmental consciousness can be defined as beliefs that reflect the psychological influence of one's tendency to be involved in pro-environmental behavior (Zelezny and Schultz, 2000). Though the nuances of environmentally conscious consumer behavior are important (Sharma and Bansal, 2013), the concept has traditionally been explicitly stated and studied only as a unidimensional concept (Ahmad et al., 2020;Jain et al., 2020), implying that its multidimensional variant needs to be formally established and empirically tested to support its theoretical legitimacy. In this vein, the present study attempts to explore the environmental factors of environmental concern, environmental knowledge and environmental values as manifestations of environmental consciousness and investigate their association with green purchase behavior. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the purchase behavior of consumers towards green products by adapting and extending the theory of planned behavior with the inclusion of three pertinent environmental factors posited to reflect environmental consciousness in the form of environmental concern, environmental knowledge and environmental values. Design/methodology/approach The data was collected from 410 consumers at shopping malls with retail stores selling green and non-green products in a developing country using cluster sampling and analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modeling. Findings The findings of this study indicate that environmental factors reflecting environmental consciousness positively influence consumers’ attitude towards purchasing green products, wherein consumers’ environmental values have a stronger influence than their environmental concern and environmental knowledge. The findings also reveal that subjective norm, attitude and perceived behavioral control toward purchasing green products positively shape green purchase intention. The same positive effect is also witnessed between green purchase intention and behavior. However, perceived behavioral control towards purchasing green products had no significant influence on green purchase behavior. Practical implications This study suggests that green marketers should promote environmental consciousness among consumers to influence and shape their planned behavior towards green purchases. This could be done by prioritizing efforts and investments in inculcating environmental values, followed by enhancing environmental knowledge and finally inducing environmental concern among consumers. Green marketers can also leverage subjective norm and perceptions of behavioral control toward purchasing green products to reinforce green purchase intention, which, in turn, strengthens green purchase behavior. This green marketing strategy should also be useful to address the intention–behavior gap as seen through the null effect of perceived behavioral control on purchase behavior toward green products when this strategy is present. Originality/value This study contributes to theoretical generalizability by reaffirming the continued relevance of the theory of planned behavior in settings concerning the environment (e.g. green purchases), and theoretical extension by augmenting environmental concern, environmental knowledge and environmental values with the theory of planned behavior, resulting in an environmentally conscious theory of planned behavior . The latter is significant and noteworthy, as this study broadens the conceptualization and operationalization of environmental consciousness from a unidimensional to a multidimensional construct.
... Environmental consciousness encompasses individuals' awareness of, interest in, attitudes towards, concerns for, and opinions regarding environmental issues, which all guide their behaviors (Krause, 1993;Lin and Niu, 2018). Individuals with greater environmental consciousness have a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural world, and they recognize the impact of human activities on the environment (Lin and Niu, 2018;Sharma and Bansal, 2013). Environmental consciousness is not only an element of an individual's overall environmental awareness but also reflects their level of concern and commitment to addressing environmental issues (Ahmad et al., 2020;Golob and Kronegger, 2019;Thormann and Wicker, 2021b). ...
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Purpose Sustainability is a major global concern, and research has suggested a bidirectional relationship between participatory sport events and the natural environment. Against this background, we examined the influence of runners’ environmental consciousness on their perceptions of the quality of green initiatives and their supportive intention at a running event. Design/methodology/approach We collected questionnaire responses from 496 runners at an event held in Taiwan, and we used partial least squares structural equation modeling for our measurement and structural models. Findings Our findings revealed that environmental consciousness had a positive relationship with green perceived quality, and that green perceived quality, in turn, positively affected supportive intention. Green perceived quality also mediated the relationship between environmental consciousness and supportive intention, and running frequency moderated the relationship between environmental consciousness and supportive intention. Practical implications Stakeholders should promote the environmental consciousness of event participants and implement sustainable initiatives to enhance participants’ supportive intention towards participatory sport events. Originality/value This study contributes to the literature by examining the role of environmental consciousness, green perceived quality and supportive intention in the context of a running event. The findings highlight the importance of environmental sustainability in participatory sport events and provide valuable insights for event organizers and stakeholders in designing and implementing sustainable initiatives.
... The questions that make up the questionnaire were adapted from the study by Nekmahmud and Fekete-Farkas (2020), which, in turn, was adapted from other authors and a focus group discussion such as Khare (2015), Ha and Janda (2012), Coleman et al. (2011), Mostafa (2006), Islam and Zabin (2013), Mishal et al. (2017), Sharma and Bansal (2013) and Schlegelmilch et al. (1996) (see details in Appendix 1). The questionnaire contained five sections (available in Appendix 1). ...
Purpose Green consumption is fundamental to sustainable development, as it involves adopting practices and technologies that reduce the environmental impact of human activities. This study aims to analyze the influence of consumers’ green orientation on their environmental concerns and green purchase decisions. Furthermore, the study investigates the mediating role of consumers’ environmental concerns in the relationship between pro-sustainable orientation and green purchase decisions. Design/methodology/approach This study uses a quantitative methodology, applying the partial least squares method to a sample of 927 Portuguese consumers of green products. The sample was collected through an online survey. Findings Perceived benefits and perceived quality of products play a positive and significant role in influencing green behavior, especially when consumers are endowed with greater environmental concerns. In addition, consumers’ awareness of the prices of green products and their expectations regarding the future benefits of sustainable consumption positively impact green consumption behavior, further intensifying their environmental concerns. Practical implications According to the present findings, companies should adopt a holistic and integrated approach to promote green consumption. This means creating premium eco-friendly products, communicating their benefits, addressing the cost factor, emphasizing the future impact of eco-friendly options and raising consumers’ environmental awareness. Social implications It is critical that environmental education is a priority in schools and that there are political incentives for green behaviors. In addition, media campaigns can be an important tool to raise awareness in society. Originality/value The results of this study provide important insights for companies on consumer engagement in the circular economy. Deepening knowledge of the antecedents of consumers’ environmental concerns contributes to a deeper understanding of green purchasing decision behavior, allowing companies to support new business strategies.
... Environmental consciousness refers to individuals' awareness of environmental issues and their positive attitude towards environmentally friendly behaviours (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). It plays a significant role in shaping young consumers' purchasing decisions for green products (Franzen & Meyer, 2010;A. ...
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Environmental concerns have led to increased environmentally conscious practices and the production of green products. However, in an emerging country like Tanzania, young Tanzanian consumers have shown less responsiveness, necessitating an exploration of the factors influencing their purchase behaviour. This study investigates the factors influencing young Tanzanian consumers' decision to buy green products. A quantitative approach was conducted using structured online questionnaires to collect data from 161 individuals aged 18 to 35. The data is analysed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling. Results reveal that environmental consciousness and price perception positively influence green product awareness, while green advertising does not. Environmental consciousness exhibits a more significant influence over price perception. Subsequently, green product awareness positively influences green-product buying decisions. These findings indicate that young Tanzanian consumers know about green issues and are ready to pay more for green products. Businesses and policymakers can develop more effective strategies to promote sustainable behaviours and facilitate the transition to a greener economy. This study provides valuable insights into the critical factors driving the purchasing behaviour of green products among young consumers, emphasising the need for targeted efforts to encourage sustainable consumption in emerging economies.
... Protecting the environment through sustainable consumption and marketing of green products, which are non-toxic, made from renewable materials, minimally packaged and have fewer environmental impacts, should not only be confined to the government but must also include a commitment from businesses. Consumers are already motivated by their personal environmental beliefs to adopt the concepts of the green movement, which can be translated into environmentally friendly purchasing commitments (Sharma and Bansal, 2013). ...
... Consumer changed attitude of becoming sensitive to refrain themselves from buying environmentally harmful goods leads to the firms to engage in the production of environmentally friendly goods (Sharma & Bansal, 2013;Pudaruth et al., 2015). ...
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The environment plays a significant role in the existence of life on planet Earth. Therefore, it has become the prime responsibility of every human being to safeguard the environment and maintain sustainability. The after-effects of degradation of the environment are increasing in the form of global warming, damage of the ozone layer, desertification, seawater pollution, acid rain, and light pollution. Developing countries are also facing the brunt of the same. This study aims to relate some crucial constructs like Frugality and Green consumer value to Environmental consciousness. Very few studies in this area have been done primarily when it comes to developing nations. The research method used in the study is a survey method where 227 respondents were examined for factors impacting their environmental consciousness. The results show a very high and significant impact of these novel constructs studied on the environmental consciousness among Millennials
... The theories are bound by specific factors and do not bring out determinants for green purchase behaviour in the Indian context precisely. It has been discovered that several pro-environmentalism measures, including Environment Consciousness (Schlegelmilch, Bohlen, and Diamantopoulos, 1996), Environment Involvement (Uddin and Khan, 2016), Environment Attitude (Pakurár et al., 2020) and Perceived Effectiveness of Environment Behaviour (Wang, Ma and Bai, 2019) are significant in influencing Green Purchasing Behaviour (Kautish, Paul and Sharma, 2019;Sharma and Bansal, 2013;Uddin and Khan, 2018;Jamal, Islam and Barua, 2016;Rahman, Hossain and Hossain, 2019). In the present study, a collection of consumer-beneficial environment-related psychological characteristics has been analysed. ...
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Consumers exhibit green purchasing behaviour (GPB) and contribute to sustainable development goals by buying responsible products. The primary focus of the study is on the factors crucial for mainstreaming green purchasing behaviour for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs) in India. With a sample of 302, this study explores the factors affecting consumers’ GPB in India. The study results into four independent variables, namely, environment consciousness (EC), environment involvement (EI), perceived effectiveness of environment behaviour (PEEB), and environment attitude (EA), which have an impact on GPB. The path analysis shows that EA and PEEB positively impact GPB, while EC and EI do not significantly impact GPB. The findings have important policy implications for emerging markets.
... To manage this issue concerning human lives, the business world is striving to start practices to develop improved environmental safety programs and sustainable activities (McDonald and Oates 2006;Rugman and Verbeke 2003). Considering such business initiatives, the recent past has seen a sturdy rise in environmental consciousness between community members and consumers at the same pace (Adnan et al. 2017;Garvey and Bolton 2017;Mishal et al. 2017;Sharma and Bansal 2013). Lately, the implementation of sustainability characteristics and resultant green prerogatives for products has become fascinating to consumers who put emphasis on these values. ...
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The general consensus is that climate change poses a significant danger. Scientists and policymakers are increasingly acknowledging that consumer behavior plays a crucial role in this matter. Specifically, the choices people make regarding what they consume, how they consume it, and the quantities they consume have a direct impact on the environment. In this context, this study aims to examine the effects of sustainable marketing strategies and environmental consciousness on consumer behavior. The research collected data from 532 respondents by administering an online questionnaire. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using the SmartPLS 4 was used to test the hypotheses, and the findings revealed that sustainable marketing strategies positively influence consumer behavior and environmental consciousness levels of consumers. In addition, environmental consciousness positively mediated the relationship between sustainable marketing strategies and consumer behavior. The study also found that environmental knowledge moderates the relationship between sustainable marketing strategies and environmental consciousness. The theoretical implications of the research suggest that sustainable marketing strategies can be effective in shaping consumer behavior and promoting environmental consciousness. The managerial implications propose that manufacturing firms in the sports industry can benefit from implementing sustainable marketing strategies and promoting environmental consciousness among their consumers.
... Konsumen percaya bahwa semakin membeli produk hijau maka perusahaan mendapatkan keuntungan sehingga akan lebih peduli terhadap lingkungan dan meningkatkan performanya dalam memproduksi produk hijau (Wang, Pham, & Dang, 2020). Kesadaran lingkungan yang dimiliki oleh konsumen merupakan bagian dari faktor internal yang mencangkup nilai, kepribadian, sikap, dan tanggapan afektif (Sharma & Bansal, 2013). ...
Kondisi bumi yang semakin mengkhawatirkan menuntut manusia untuk sadar terhadap kerusakan lingkungan yang salah satu upayanya adalah dengan membeli produk hijau. Penelitian ini akan menguji pengaruh kesadaran lingkungan dan iklan hijau terhadap keputusan pembelian air mineral kemasan berekolabel. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 679 yang merupakan mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi dari universitas negeri di Jawa Tengah. Diperoleh sampel berdasarkan rumus Slovin 252 mahasiswa. Penelitian menggunakan teori keputusan pembelian konsumen. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas digunakan untuk menguji intrumen penelitian berbantuan SPSS 25 yang dilanjutkan empat uji prasyarat analisis. Regresi linear berganda digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh lebih dari dua variabel indpenden. Diperoleh hasil bahwa kesadaran lingkungan (0,000) dan iklan hijau (0,000) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian air mineral kemasan berekolabel denga besarnya pengaruh adalah 48%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pentingnya kesadaran lingkungan dan iklan hijau untuk mendorong mahasiswa membuat keputusan membeli produk hijau.
... Defining what is meant to be conveyed by the term environmental consciousness has been the subject of debate for a long time [54]. On the other hand, it is not unreasonable to say that environmental consciousness is an elaborate multidimensional psychological construct [57]. An inclination toward engaging in acts that are beneficial to the environment is an example of the kind of behaviororiented idea that appears to be understood by the term environmental consciousness, in addition to the multidimensionality that characterizes it [62]. ...
... (Bonnett 2021). Environmental concern is regularly associated with education, age, political ideology, demographics, Environmental attitudes, socio-demographic characteristics, personality, environmental knowledge, and environmentalism (Hiramatsu, Kurisu, and Hanaki 2016;Sánchez and Lafuente 2010;Sharma and Bansal 2013) Making changes to environment related attitudes is one way of changing environmental consciousness. Environmental consciousness usually comprises an intellectual as well as an effective component, that is, knowledge of environmental issues as well as a way of responding and attitudes that information activates (Rannikko 1996). ...
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This study seeks to evaluate customers' purchase and disposal patterns for plastic and polythene and whether their environmental consciousness matches with actual behaviour. Data were collected from 117 households in metropolitan areas in Sri Lanka and analysed using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test. Before data analysis, the scales' reliability and validity were evaluated. Findings showed a significant gap between actual behaviour concerning plastic consumption and environmental consciousness. Although most customers have positive opinions regarding environmental awareness, these beliefs have not necessarily converted into the corresponding behaviour to the same degree. As per results, 39% of the respondents burn their waste, including plastics, in open, while 4% have engaged in open dumping. The findings of this study can be taken into consideration to minimize the harmful effects of plastic and polythene disposal behaviour in Sri Lanka through an understanding of consumers’ actual behaviours. Especially relevant authorities shall initiate awareness campaigns and proper garbage disposal systems.
... (Bonnett, 2021). Environmental concern is regularly associated with education, age, political ideology, demographics, Environmental attitudes, socio-demographic characteristics, personality, environmental knowledge, and environmentalism (Hiramatsu et al., 2016;Sánchez & Lafuente, 2010;Sharma & Bansal, 2013) Making changes to environment related attitudes is one way of changing environmental consciousness. Environmental consciousness usually comprises an intellectual as well as an effective component, that is, knowledge of environmental issues as well as a way of responding and attitudes that information activates (Rannikko, 1996). ...
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The economic growth & welfare of a country depend upon the level of accessibility of people to formal financial services. Financial inclusion is a vital component of any country's social, political, and economic development. Access to formal and semi-formal financial services is limited for a large segment of society in many developing countries, especially the low-income population. This paper aimed to review existing literature on financial inclusion. The article comprehensively discusses research on financial inclusion in terms of its definitions, barriers to financial inclusion, costs and consequences, and determinants and measurements of financial inclusion. Using a thematic approach, it reviewed fifty research papers. The review identifies that definitions of financial inclusion vary by geographical level, taking into account the level of socioeconomic and financial development. Furthermore, there is no universally accepted definition of financial inclusion. Besides, financial inclusion is observed mainly in developed countries with a high degree of financial development; financial exclusion can be seen among low-income households. Further, the result showed that financial innovation, intermediaries, and literacy helps to increase financial inclusion. There is no comprehensive measure that can be used to indicate financial inclusion and it is measured by specific indicators such as the number of bank accounts, and the number of bank branches, and They can provide only a fraction of the information about financial inclusion. However, the review has found that financial inclusion is crucial for inclusive and sustainable growth in developing countries.
... It was also reported that hedonic motivation, price value, and habit were added as the new constructs to formulate UTAUT2. The research was conducted [66] using UTAUT2 to substantiate the usage and adoption process. 276 samples of current and ex-students of various management colleges were surveyed in Delhi. ...
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The main aim of this research study is to examine the impact of five independent variables viz. performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation on behavioral intention to use mobile payment apps. This study is further aimed at investigating the influence of behavioral intention on the use behavior of mobile payment app users. This study strives to investigate the use behavior of people who have already used mobile payment apps like Google Pay, PhonePe, and PayTM previously for making payments for the products and services they have purchased from various sellers. The researchers used the UTAUT2 theory to examine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables mentioned above. The data was collected from 618 mobile payment app users from Vidarbha, M.S., India. Availability sampling and purposive sampling techniques were adopted for the final selection of the respondents. A structured questionnaire was designed by the researchers for collecting the required primary data. The six proposed hypotheses were tested by using SMART-PLS 3.3.5 software. The results indicated support for all six proposed hypotheses. The proposed model explained a substantial amount of variance in behavioral intention (R 2 = 71:8% and R 2 = 76:5%) in use behavior towards mobile payment apps explained by independent variables. Facilitating conditions exhibited the strongest effect on behavioral intention.
... Over the last few years, researchers put advertent efforts to conceptualise and operationalise the idea of environmental consciousness (Kautish et al., 2019;García-de-Frutos et al., 2018;Williams and Poehlman, 2017). Environmental consciousness is found to be a multidimensional construct and a mental-state research variable (Kautish et al., 2019) which is also distinctive from its behavioural consequences and antecedents (Sharma and Bansal, 2013). The extant literature agrees that environmental consciousness directly affects consumers' decision processes and attitudes (Ahmad et al., 2020), as the consumption of environment-friendly products is found to be the outcome of this environmental consciousness which spurs a positive feeling and variation in their attitude (Law et al., 2017). ...
Environmental sustainability is imperative for the sustenance of human life on earth. The environmental pressure created by the overconsumption and overuse of natural resources threatens the environment. This study intended to determine the consumer’s environmental consciousness and identify the relationship between environmental consciousness and pro-environmental purchase intention. This study is quantitative in nature, where data collected from 201 upper- and middle-class consumers using non-probability convenience sampling techniques were analysed using PLS-SEM. The findings show a relationship between environmental consciousness and pro-environmental purchase intention, suggesting that environmentally conscious people are more likely to purchase pro-environmental goods. The findings also suggest that environmental attitude, environmental knowledge, environmental concern, and subjective norms influence developing environment consciousness among the consumers. Pro-environmental purchase intention is affected not only by environmental consciousness but also by many other factors. Incorporating those variables can stimulate researchers to understand pro-environmental purchase intention better.
The rising awareness of environmental issues has led to a significant shift in consumer behaviour, with an increasing number of individuals opting for green products and brands, which in turn have encouraged the marketers to rethink their marketing strategies towards green marketing or sustainable marketing. This empirical study thus, aims to examine the factors that influences consumers’ intentions towards purchasing the green or eco-friendly products, particularly in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. The research being descriptive and explanatory in nature, utilised primary data that was collected from a sample of 386 consumers through convenience sampling method in the Kamrup Metropolitan district of Assam. The consumers were surveyed through the store or mall intercept method, using a structured questionnaire, to measure the factors’ effect on consumers’ purchase intention. Hence, the research focuses on four major factors namely, environmental concern, green product experience, health consciousness, and green promotional activities, to fulfil the purpose of the study. The data gathered were statistically analysed using factor analysis and regression analysis to assess the significance of the variables and impact of these factors on the green products’ purchase intention of consumers. The findings reveal that collectively all these four factors positively and significantly influence consumers’ intention to purchase green FMCG or non-durable products, with environmental concern and health consciousness emerging as the most significant predictors.
Purpose We aim to investigate the impact of different story types on small fashion business brand trust and purchase intention, guided by signaling theory. We investigate two potential moderators – product aesthetic judgment (i.e. consumers’ responses to the aesthetic aspects of a product) and underdog positioning (i.e. brand’s positioning as a loser that is not a leader in the marketplace and has only a small market share but puts efforts into creating valuable products) – that may influence consumers’ responses to a story. Design/methodology/approach We developed video stimuli that tell business stories to empirically compare two story types bringing brand trust: identity-focused and product-focused stories. We conducted two experimental studies and tested six hypotheses with 302 datasets. Study 1 compared eco-friendly storytelling with product-focused storytelling, considering perceived product aesthetic judgment as the moderator. Study 2 repeated the experiment with a founder story and a product-focused story, considering the perceived underdog as the moderator. Findings The findings suggest that the influence of eco-friendly storytelling, compared to product-focused storytelling, on higher purchase intention is fully mediated by brand trust. Consumers’ perceived product aesthetic judgments toward an eco-friendly product can positively moderate the storytelling effect and brand trust. However, founder storytelling did not bring higher brand trust and, consequently, had no significant impact on purchase intention. Similarly, the perceived underdog did not moderate this relationship. Originality/value The study is novel as it is one of the first to compare story types based on story contents, whereas previous studies have focused on story delivery. Especially, we explored which story types and contents effectively build brand trust for small businesses, a critical factor for their success. Based on the extant literature, we categorized story types into identity-focused stories and product-focused stories based on contents. We hypothesized and concluded that an identity-focused story can be more effective in eliciting consumer responses. Furthermore, we confirm the critical role of brand trust as a mediator in bringing about purchase intention through eco-friendly storytelling.
Organic food’s demand is expanding day by day as organic food is healthier and environmental-friendly compared to nonorganic food. The awareness of organic food also is rising in the Asia-pacific region. Consumers’ buying pattern of organic food has dramatically changed during the time. This study’s aim is to examine the predictors of purchase intention and consumer buying pattern of organic food in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Data was collected from 310 organic food consumers and SEM (structural equation modeling) was used to analyze the data thorough using Smart PLS. The findings of the study showed that self-identity is the most important predictor of purchase intention of organic food in Dhaka, Bangladesh, health consciousness is the 2nd most significant predictor, and attitude is the 3rd most important predictor. Purchase intention is found to mediate the relationship between self-identity, health consciousness, and attitude with purchase behavior. The predictive role of subjective norm, moral norm, environmental concern, and the moderating role of trust and purchasing power were not proven in this study. This study provides important insights about the organic food market in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The objective of this research is to determine the effects of hotel environmental strategies on sustainable awareness perception and green employee behavior in the hospitality industry. The moderator role of the green star practices in the relationships between the variables has also been searched. The study data have been obtained from the employees of five‐star hotels in Antalya, Türkiye. SPSS package program and Smart PLS were preferred in examining the relationships. As a result, significant relationships have been determined, and the green star practices moderate the relationship between them. Besides, the moderator role of green star practices has been analyzed, and this is the main difference of this research from the other hospitality studies in the literature. In the light of the research results, it can be stated that hotel business managers should empower their employees on green behaviors by increasing their motivation for a sustainable hospitality sector.
The purpose of this article is to investigate whether consumer values (appearance consciousness, health consciousness, and environmental consciousness), openness to change, and perceived benefits influence purchase intentions and buying behavior of natural personal care products. Furthermore, the article also investigates the moderating role of consumer buying frequency on purchase intention and buying behavior. This article is based on the argument that consumer values (appearance consciousness, health consciousness, and environmental consciousness) are likely to be reflected in purchase intention and buying behavior if consumers are open to change and perceive the benefits of natural personal care products. The theoretical framework is derived from the Stimulus–Organism–Behavior–Consequence framework. The study proposes consumer values act as a stimulus, openness to change and perceived benefits as an organismic internal state, purchase intention as behavior, and buying preferences as a consequence. The study’s findings reveal some interesting insights. First, all three consumer values exhibit a positive influence on openness to change among consumers. However, when it comes to influencing perceived benefits, it is primarily the environmental and appearance consciousness that showed effective influence on perceived benefits. We believe that marketing strategies for natural personal care products should consider consumer values and effectively communicate how natural products enhance appearance and are environment-friendly. Consumers have increasingly become concerned about the harmful effects of conventional personal care products and are willing to adopt safer alternatives. Unlike the organic food industry in natural personal care products, consumers’ health consciousness does not significantly affect the perceived benefits. We also found that purchase frequency substantially moderates the relationship between perceived benefits-purchase intentions and purchase intention-buying behavior. The association is stronger for high purchase frequency than low and medium.
The increasingly worrying condition of the earth requires humans to be aware of environmental damage, and one of the efforts is to buy green products. This study will examine the effect of environmental awareness and green advertising on purchasing decisions for labelled bottled mineral water. The study population amounted to 679 who were Economics Education students from public universities in Central Java—obtained a sample based on the Slovin formula 252 students. The study used the theory of consumer purchasing decisions. Validity and reliability tests were used to test SPSS 25-assisted research instruments, followed by four prerequisite analysis tests. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the effect of more than two independent variables. The result found that environmental awareness (0.000) and green advertising (0.000) positively and significantly impacted purchasing decisions for labelled bottled mineral water, with the magnitude of the effect being 48%. The results showed the importance of environmental awareness and green advertising to encourage students to make decisions to buy green products. Keywords : Environmentaal Awareness, Green Advertising, Purchase Decision, Green Product
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The present research investigates the discrimination of attitude towards online shoppers based on demographic characteristics and satisfaction level. This study has attempted to develop a discriminant function equation based on selected predictor variables. A self-structured questionnaire has been designed to fetch the data from the online customers of the northern region of India. Through multiple discriminant analyses (MDAs), the consumers’ attitude is segregated based on three categories, highly positive, positive, and negative, towards online shopping. It is intended to find out that customers’ attitudes can be discriminated based on education, satisfaction level from online shopping, age, marital status, family income, satisfaction level, occupation, gender, and the amount of spending on online shopping. Customer attitude classification of the low, medium, and high is assigned numeric values 1, 2, and 3 and is used as the dependent variable. The various demographic characteristics of online shoppers, satisfaction level, and amount spent online shopping are explanatory variables. The key outcomes of the study underline that there is considerable inequity in online consumers’ attitudes according to marital status, satisfaction level from online shopping, and amount spent on online buying. Findings of the current study will help businesses to devise tactics by taking into consideration the variables as discovered by the current study to assist online sellers to formulate right marketing strategy and target prospective customers accurately.
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This research aims to determine The Influence of Pro-environmental behavior, Lifestyle and Eating behavior of Consumers on Food waste and loss prevention behavior Mediated by Environmental Awareness of Star Hotel Consumers in Padang City. This research is explanatory research. The population in this study were all hotel guests who stayed and ate at star hotel restaurants in Padang City, with a sample size of 200 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method uses Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results of this research show that pro-environmental behavior has a negative and significant effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior. Meanwhile, lifestyle has no effect on behavior to prevent food waste and loss. then eating behavior and environmental awareness have a positive and significant effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior. However, after being mediated by environmental awareness variables, pro-environmental behavior and lifestyle had no effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior which was mediated by environmental awareness. Meanwhile, eating behavior has a positive and significant effect on food waste and loss prevention behavior which is mediated by environmental awareness. It is hoped that the results of this research will increase efforts in providing knowledge and awareness about these factors so that they can have a positive impact on food waste and loss prevention behavior, by conducting educational and counseling campaigns about the importance of pro-environmental behavior, environmentally friendly lifestyles, eating behavior. good practices, and environmental awareness in reducing food waste and loss.
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This research examines the effect of consumers' views on eco-friendly labels on the intention to purchase these types of products. The point of view of consumers in this research includes the approach and importance of environmentally friendly labels. This research was done by questionnaire method and in a laboratory environment. The independent variables of the research include consumers' approach towards environmentally friendly brands and the importance of these labels. The dependent variable of the research is the intention to buy environmentally friendly products. This research was conducted in the business research laboratory of the University of Tehran's Faculty of Management with the participation of 150 students and graduates of universities in Tehran province. Research hypotheses have been analyzed by SPSS 26 software and using simple linear regression. Examining the results of this research shows that the more consumers attach importance to eco-friendly labels, the more they show the intention to buy. Also, it was found that there is no significant relationship between consumers' attitude towards environmentally friendly labels and the intention to buy these products.
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Permasalahan lingkungan menjadi masalah yang sulit untuk dipecahkan, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penyumbang sampah plastik di lautan terbesar kedua dunia. Sebagian besar sampah tersebut berasal dari sedotan plastik sekali pakai. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat khawatir sehingga beralih ke produk atau layanan yang perusahaannya bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan. KFC merupakan perusahaan restoran cepat saji yang melakukan kegiatan CSR dengan mengadakan gerakan #nostrawmovement. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membangun kesadaran masyarakat terhadap bahaya sampah sedotan plastik sekali pakai. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian kausalitas untuk menentukan pengaruh kesadaran lingkungan dan shared value corporate social responsibility terhadap niat beli ulang KFC (Studi pada KFC Indonesia). Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan judgmental sampling dengan ukuran sampel 200 responden yang merupakan konsumen KFC. Yaitu, Konsumen KFC yang pernah membeli minimal 2 kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh antara kesadaran lingkungan terhadap niat beli ulang KFC dan ada pengaruh signifikan positif antara shared value corporate social responsibility terhadap niat beli ulang KFC. Litter is an endless environmental issue that puzzled the mind, with that being said Indonesia is however still manage to put salt on the wound by contributing as second largest plasticbased garbage producer in the world. Most of those plastic outcast were plastic straw disposable. This situation naturally motivate environmental-caring consumer to turn their back to those of environmentally careless service provider and put their attention only for companies and businesses with a correct manner of responsibility to the environmental impact. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a fast food restoran performing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program called #nostrawmovement to educate the public about the menace of non-reusing plastic straw behavior, thus expected to encourage them to did not use plastic straw anymore.This work present a quantitative study with causality study by design to determine the relationship between environmental awareness alongside shared value corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to repurchase intentions of KFC (a study of KFC Indonesia). The sampling method that deployed in this work is judgmental sampling with sample width of 200 respondent KFC’s consumer. All the respondents at least buy the KFC’s product twice. The result of this study showed that there is no connection between environmental awareness and buy back willingness of KFC’s product, and also there is a significant positive leverage from Shared Value corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to repurchase intention of KFC’s product.
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Since the early 70's environmental issues have been one of the top ten topics for citizens, politicians, scientists and marketers. Newspaper articles and scientific papers are regularly occupied with consumers' environmental concern. These articles usually start with stating the latest opinion polls on consumers' dramatically increasing environmental concern and willingness to change their consumption habits. It seems that only a minority is still believing that qualitative growth and sustainable development are synonymous with stone age-type living conditions. "Green" marketing thus seems to be the number one success strategy for the present and future. Is that a realistic picture?
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With an increasing pressure of environmental deterioration, many firms have started to be socially responsible bydeveloping green products to meet the demand of environmentally conscious consumers. These firms areinterested in finding the determinants of green purchase behaviour in order to develop effective communicationmessages and derive green purchase commitments. The effects of environmental knowledge, environmentalthreat and perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) in motivating one’s behavioural change to engage inpro-environmental behaviour have been tested in the past, but they have not been tested together in the context ofgreen purchase behaviour in Malaysia. Therefore, this paper reviews the conceptual and empirical literatures ofthe aforementioned variables in explaining the environmental attitude and behaviour, and proposes a conceptualmodel to be considered for future green purchase behavioural studies. The finding is expected to provideguidance for firms to profile the green buyers and position its green product more effectively.
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Today’s enviornmetnal problems cannot be solved solely with technical and economic measures, a betterunderstanding of human attitudes and behaviors is also required. This study examines air travelers’environmetnal knowledge, environmental attitudes, environmental behaviors, and pro-environmental air travelbehavior in Taiwan. The relationships between environmental consciousness components with thesocio-demographic variables are also tested. A field survey was administered to collect data from airlinecustomers. The results show that Taiwanese passengers have moderate to high levels of environmetnalknowledge and overall possess a favorable environmetnal attitude. While they engage in generalenvironmentally friendly behavior quite often, their pro-enivornmental air travel behavior is low. In addition,some differences concerning environmetnal knowledge, attitudes and behaviors exist across gender, age, andeducation factors. The contribution of this research is to broaden the udnerstanding of airline customers byexamining their environmental consciousness and provide insights for airlines’ selective marketing toenviornmentally concerned customers.
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The authors construct a psychographic profile of the green consumer in terms of variables directly related to purchase behavior, such as price consciousness and general care in shopping, interest in new products, and brand loyalty. Additionally, they address attitudes toward advertising and media preferences. Data from 3264 respondents to the DDB Needham Life Style Study were analyzed. The results show the green consumer to be an opinion leader and a careful shopper who seeks information on products, including information from advertising, but also suggest that the green consumer is rather skeptical of advertising. The implications are that green consumers may be receptive to green marketing and advertising, but marketers should take care not to alienate them by using ambiguous or misleading messages.
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Many studies have been conducted about environmentally concerned consumers in Europe and North America. this article examines the attitudes and environmentally concerned behaviors of consumers in Bangkok, Thailand. The relationship between attitudes towards control over action to preserve the environment and reported environmental behavior is of particular interest. Differences in behavior were found between consumers who felt they had more control over actions to preserve the environment and those consumers who felt they had less control.
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Differential support for environmental issues has long provoked the curiosity of researchers. Sociodemographics and political ideology have been the primary focus of much research on the determinants of environmental concern. In light of recent work on environmental paradigms and advanced statistical methodologies, it may be advantageous to reexamine the tenets of this body of work. This study restates the findings of previous studies within a broader causal model, and tests that model using data from a general population survey. Analysis indicated that sociodemographic variables were ineffective in explaining any of three types of environmental concern measured here, but pro-regulatory liberal ideology was a strong predictor of support for environmental regulation. Further research might benefit most by exploring underlying belief structures ratherthan demographic characteristics of the population. These results emphasize the importance of careful specification of measures in studies of environmental concern.
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In this study, the authors examined the effect of a brief but intense antipollution message on verbal commitment (stated willingness to act) and on three forms of immediate behavioral commitment (donating money, donating time, and signing a petition). Exposure to the antipollution message produced significantly more verbal commitment and financial donations but not more time donations than did exposure to a control message. Nearly every participant signed the petition. To determine whether environmental fear appeals should be targeted at specific audiences, the authors computed correlations between seven individual difference variables and environmental concern. None of the individual difference variables were significantly related to financial or time donations. However, political orientation was significantly correlated with verbal commitment.
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Looking to the future of green marketing, examines the dynamic nature of ecologically conscious consumer behavior. The study also provides a method of profiling and segmenting college students based upon ecologically conscious consumer behavior. Findings indicate that, despite a significant amount of past research attention, demographic criteria are not as useful a profiling method as psychographic criteria. Consistent with past findings, the study indicates that perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) provides the greatest insight into ecologically conscious consumer behavior. Further, the inclusion of altruism to the profile appears to add significantly to past efforts. Additional constructs examined suggest that environmental segmentation alternatives are more stable than past profiles that have relied primarily on demographic criteria.
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Packaging is a major contributor to the escalating solid waste stream. This paper presents results of a study that attempts to determine variables which can be used to discriminate between groups that are and are not willing to purchase ecologically packaged products. Attitude toward ecologically conscious living, attitude toward litter, locus of control and the perception of pollution as a problem were found to be significant discriminating variables. Implications for marketers and public policymakers are provided, as well as directions for future research.
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Concerns related to the environment are evident in the increasingly ecologically conscious marketplace. Using various statistical analyses, investigats the demographic, psychological and behavioral profiles of consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. Finds that this segment of consumers were more likely to be females, married and with at least one child living at home. They reported that today’s ecological problems are severe, that corporations do not act responsibly toward the environment and that behaving in an ecologically favorable fashion is important and not inconvenient. They place a high importance on security and warm relationships with others, and they often consider ecological issues when making a purchase. Managerial implications for green marketers and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Purpose The purpose of this article is to determine the relative importance of the ecological attribute when other attributes referring to the functional performance of a brand are taken into account, and check the effectiveness of environmental labels. Design/methodology/approach The paper establishes an experiment in which 352 women responsible for the household shopping are exposed to different levels of environmental information. The study analyses the effect said information has on product attitude and purchase intention. In order to transmit the information, a leaflet specifically designed for the research was used. Findings This study confirms the presence of a positive effect of environmental associations on brand attitude, though this effect is smaller than that of other functional attributes. It also demonstrates that using independent environmental certifications strengthens beliefs in the product's ecological performance. Research limitations/implications The use of washing powder can limit the feasibility of extrapolation of the results to other products. Therefore, a replication in other product categories is necessary/advisable. Practical implications In the light of the results, using environmental associations certified by independent bodies is recommended. This would help improve both brand attitude and brand equity. Originality/value This paper increases the knowledge about the precise commercial usefulness of environmental associations in relation with other attributes.
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Though green consumerism is on the rise, not all the consumers are equally green. To be able to more effectively market green products and ideas, marketers need to segment their market and use differentiated marketing approach for each target segment. Socio-demographic characteristics have been widely used in the past researches as a basis of market segmentation and profiling of green consumers. The present study explores the usefulness of select socio-demographic characteristics in capturing variations present in the environmental consciousness of the consumers in India. Both the univariate and multivariate analyses point to the presence of statistically significant linkages between the socio-demo-graphic characteristics and different environmental consciousness constructs, thus implying potential usefulness of these characteristics in profiling different segments of green consumers and evolving accordingly the green marketing strategies and environmental campaigns as capable of more effectively reaching and influencing the chosen green consumer segments.
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The purpose of this article is to explore the attitudes of Jordanian consumers regarding both their current environmental consciousness and their willingness to adopt environmentally friendly consumption behavior. The article is based on an empirical investigation of consumer attitudes for a sample of 303 university students drawn from Jordanian universities, using a drop-off method. The article concludes that Jordanian consumers were, generally, concerned about the environment, as they demonstrated reasonably high levels of environmental consciousness relating to various environmental issues. However, this pro-environmental attitude was not sufficient to turn good intentions into actual buying actions, possibly due to several factors, such as loyalty to traditional products and weak credibility of “green” claims. The article stresses the need to link consumers' good intentions to actual buying behavior through a green marketing strategy, which focuses on the unique characteristics of green products and how they impact the environment, within the cultural context of the Jordanian consumer. Over time, we hope that these efforts can lead to a culture of green consumerism within a framework of environmental responsibility.
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Describes a revised short-form version of the authors' original scale (see record 1974-05007-001) for the assessment of ecological attitudes and knowledge. 4 subscales containing 45 items altogether measure what a person states he or she is willing to do regarding ecology and pollution issues (Verbal Commitment), what a person actually does do (Actual Commitment), how he or she feels about such issues (Affect), and what relevant knowledge he or she has (Knowledge). Data from Sierra Club, college, and non-college Ss suggest that the revised ecology scale, which takes less than 10 min to complete, clearly distinguishes persons of high concern and commitment to ecological issues. Data on validity (criterion groups) and reliability (split-half comparisons and homogeneity ratio) are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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A model is developed that hypothesizes 2 types of consistency: consistency in the intercorrelations among environmental measures and consistency in the correlations between the environmental measures and various sociodemographic variables. 806 Washington State residents were administered the Environmental Regulations Scale, Environmental Spending Scale, and Environmental Behavior Scale. Results show little support for the assumption that all environmental concern measures are equivalent. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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An understanding of the various motivational determinants of environmental consumer behavior is developed based on Batson's (1987) model of prosocial behavior. A correlational study finds support for two independent determinants of environmental behavior, the first being motivation based on internal responses of distress, the second being motivation based on empathy. The advantage of motivating environmental behavior through distress and empathy, over the more standard approaches based on attitudes and rewards or punishments, are discussed. In addition, the research supports the role of perceived consumer effectiveness and faith in others as determinants of some environmentally conscious consumer behaviors. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Although social scientists have written much recently about environmentalism, feminism, and gender, insufficient systematic examination of their interrelations has been done. The lack of adequate research on links among these three concepts limits their usefulness for both grassroots mobilization efforts and general theory development. The present exploratory study surveys a college student sample (N = 393) clarifying the relationships between liberal environmentalism, gender, and feminism. Relationship between feminism and attitudes toward human use of the environment and between gender and environmental regulation are found suppressed by a relationship between feminism and environmentalism. Although tentative, these findings suggest new directions for the study of ecofeminism.
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Family decision-making still constitutes a niche of consumer research. The preference towards using individualist approaches is even more prevalent in research on environmentally oriented consumer behaviour. However, many green consumer practices involve several family members, who may be able to exert significant influences on household subscription to these practices. The present study used qualitative research methods to examine family member interaction in relation to four topics: organic food, water and energy, waste, and transport. Results show that peaceful as well as more conflict-ridden, day-to-day influences between family members are a common phenomenon, even when it comes to inconspicuous, everyday consumer behaviour.
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Green consumer behaviour is one of the key focuses of contemporary research on the sociology of consumption. The constant presence of environmental issues related to consumption and the changes consumer society has faced during the 20th century are presumed to reflect on present consumer behaviour. The focus of this paper is twofold: first, the postmodern elements of consumer society will be discussed: second, the study analyses to what extent these elements of postmodernism fit with the phenomenon of contemporary green consumerism. The empirical part utilizes Finnish consumer behaviour-related data from 2003, which were analysed by applying various statistical methods. In this part, the study reports of the connection between lifestyle and green commitment. Lifestyle is measured by consumption styles and green commitment by certain environment-related consumption choices. The results suggest that different lifestyles explain green commitment better than traditional socio-economic background variables. The effect of postmodernism on green consumer behaviour is, thus, discussed.
The landslide victory of Michigan's “bottle bill” by popular vote contradicts previous findings regarding the small size of the ecologically concerned consumer segment. A survey of voter preference conducted just prior to the 1976 general election addresses this contradiction and some broader aspects of consumer environmental behavior. Implications for ecological marketers are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Ziel der Arbeit ist es, in explorativer Weise ein Struktur-Modell von Umweltbewußtsein zu entwickeln. Dabei werden theoretische Argumentation und empirisch-statistische Analyse als gleichberechtigte Hilfsmittel eingesetzt. Umweltbewußtsein wird als theoretisches Konstrukt verstanden, das sich aus den Variablen dreier kognitiver Dimensionen zusammensetzt: a) umweltrelevante Wertorientierungen, b) umweltbezogene Einstellungen, c) umweltorientierte Handlungsbereitschaften. Aus dem daraus abgeleiteten theoretischen Modell werden Kausalmodelle spezifiziert und mittels eines erhobenen Datensatzes statistisch geschätzt. Auf diese Weise entwickelt die argumentative und statistische Analyse ein Struktur-Modell von Umweltbewußtsein, in dem dessen drei Dimensionen als relativ selbständige und hierarchisch angeordnete Kognitionen-Komplexe deutlich erkennbar werden.
This study characterizes participants in three related, but different environmental protection activities. The activities studied here are donating items for reuse, recycling newspapers, and walking when possible for reasons of conservation and environmental concern. The findings indicate that demographic, media usage patterns, information sources, and knowledge provide modest understanding of environmental protection activities. Participation can be better understood in terms of personal values and when aspects of helping behavior are considered. The empirical findings of this study provide policymakers with insights into how environmental protection activities can best be promoted
The authors conducted a survey to identify conservation activity among the general populace of a midsize Southwestern community to increase our understanding of those who do and do not engage in a broad section of environmentally friendly activities. Numerous self-reported behaviors were gauged and combined to form a composite measure representing the conserving consumer. They then explored both demographic and psychosocial variables as predictors of this self-reported composite scale of conservation. The results and their implications are discussed for researchers and public policy officials.
The landslide victory of Michigan's "bottle bill" by popular vote contradicts previous findings regarding the small size of the ecologically concerned consumer segment. A survey of voter preference conducted just prior to the 1976 general election addresses this contradiction and some broader aspects of consumer environmental behavior. Implications for ecological marketers are discussed.
Despite the wealth of information which exists concerning environmental behavior, it is not known which variable or variables appear to be most influential in motivating individuals to take responsible environmental action. A meta-analysis of environmental behavior research was undertaken in an attempt to determine this. An exhaustive search of the empirically based environmental behavior research conducted over the past decade yielded a substantial number of studies representative of a broad academic base. The characteristics and findings of these studies served as the data for the meta-analysis. As a result of the meta-analysis, the following variables were found to be associated with responsible environmental behavior: knowledge of issues, knowledge of action strategies, locus of control, attitudes, verbal commitment, and an individual's sense of responsibility. A model of predictors of environmental behavior is proposed.
This study explores linkages between what Chinese managers generally know about environmental issues, how strongly they value environmental protection, and different types of behaviours/actions they may take within their organizations on behalf of the environment. From a sample of 305 managers in Guangzhou and Beijing, it was found that both environmental knowledge and values are more predictive of more personal managerial behaviours, such as keeping informed of relevant company issues and working within the system to minimize environmental impacts, than more overt behaviours. Moreover, for these more personal actions, environmental knowledge and values were found to have both main and interactive effects. By comparison, it was found that both environmental values and knowledge had additive effects on managerial tendencies to initiate new programs within their domain of responsibility. Only environmental values was found to have a modest influence environmental advocacy.
A social-psychological model is developed to examine the proposition that environmentalism represents a new way of thinking. It presumes that action in support of environmental quality may derive from any of three value orientations: egoistic, social-altruistic, or biospheric, and that gender may be implicated in the relation between these orientations and behavior. Behavioral intentions are modeled as the sum across values of the strength of a value times the strength of beliefs about the consequences of environmental conditions for valued objects. Evidence from a survey of 349 college students shows that beliefs about consequences for each type of valued object independently predict willingness to take political action, but only beliefs about consequences for self reliably predict willingness to pay through taxes. This result is consistent with other recent findings from contingent valuation surveys. Women have stronger beliefs than men about consequences for self, others, and the biosphere, but there is no gender difference in the strength of value orientations.
Five different environmental attitude scales were regressed on an 11-item self-reported general environmental behavior index derived from a confirmatory factor analysis. Correlations between each of the 5 attitude scales and the behavioral index were computed and a Fisher's Z-transformation was used to test for the effect of six respondent characteristics (gender, residence, education, income, age, and political orientation) on the attitude-behavior correlations. Although all of the five scales were significantly correlated with the behavioral index (p < .001), correlations for some attitude scales were highly affected by respondent characteristics. Of the 5 scales examined, the Environmental Concern (EC), New Environmental Paradigm (NEP), and Awareness of Consequences (AC) scales were associated most strongly with behavior, but the EC and NEP also were significantly affected by respondent characteristics. Implications for future studies and use of the scales are discussed.
The article deals with analyses concerning the interplay of environmentally relevant knowledge, attitudes, and behavior as well as gender differences in environmental concern and the role of "background variables" for the prediction of (self-reported) behavior. In a sample of 167 German adults, the results showed that knowledge and gender moderated the relationship between attitudes and behavior. For a second sample of 105 people active in conservation groups, these moderator effects were not as clear. For both samples, women were more environmentally concerned in those topical areas that refer to household behavior, whereas men knew more about environmental problems. Possible reasons for these effects are discussed. Finally, the role of "background variables" is investigated by means of stepwise regression and discriminant analyses, using self-reported behavior as the central dependent variable. For the purpose of this study, a new measurement instrument was constructed and validated. Compared with other scales, a new aspect is the substantially broader spectrum covered. Moreover, various topical areas of environmental concern (e.g., residential energy conservation, environmentally aware purchasing, recycling of solid wastes, and so forth) can be measured simultaneously with the well-established conceptual variables (knowledge, attitude, behavior).
This paper reports the results of several independent investigations of the reliability and validity of the Environmental Concern Scale, a 16-item Likert scale assessing respondents' concerns about conservation and pollution issues. The scale exhibited both satisfactory internal consistency on samples drawn from a Western city and a New England town (Cronbach's alpha?.85, Scott's Homogeneity Ratio >.26) and satisfactory stability over a six-week test-retest interval (r = .83, p <.001). Validity data was collected in two separate studies. A known-groups comparison indicated that Sierra Club members exhibited greater concern (p < .001) and were more homogeneous (p <.02) in their environmental attitudes than a random sample of adults. The second study involved an elaborate behavioral follow-up of 44 subjects who had previously completed the attitude measure. Scores reflecting the degree of participation in a variety of ecologically relevant projects over an eight-month period were combined to form a reasonably comprehensive environmental behavior index. The correlation between scores on this index and scores on the attitude scale was quite strong (r = .62, p <.001). The potential utility of the Environmental Concern Scale for future research is discussed.
In the past, researchers in the field of environmental psychology have explained environmental perceptions primarily through socioeconomic and demographic factors. However, knowledge of and support for protecting specific natural features of the landscape should also be influenced by one’s location, setting, and proximity to such features. This article focuses on residents’familiarity with and concern for two creeks passing through San Antonio, TX. Using Geographic Information Systems analytical techniques, we expand on previous studies by introducing driving distance from the creeks to identify the effects of this location-based variable on environmental perceptions. Specifically, we test the degree to which the actual driving distance respondents live from two creeks affects respondents’ knowledge and perceptions of the water bodies. We show that when controlling for socioeconomic and geographic contextual variables, the residential distance variable remains a significant factor in explaining both familiarity with the creeks and views on the level of water pollution in them. Based on the results, we discuss the implications of incorporating proximity factors in watershed planning and policy.
A review of the literature suggests that traditional segmentation variables (socio-demographics) and personality indicators are of limited use for characterizing the green consumer. Explores the extent to which variables, specific to environmental consciousness, are better able to explain consumers’ pro-environmental purchasing behaviour. Two conceptualizations of the purchasing domain are addressed, namely general green purchasing behaviour and specific purchasing habits relating to five green product categories. Two data sets are used in the analysis, namely marketing students and members of the United Kingdom general public. Suggests that measures of environmental consciousness are closely linked to environmentally-responsible purchasing behaviour, although the strength of the relationships varies according to sample type, the conceptualization of the purchasing domain and the particular product category at issue.
This article develops a conceptual framework for advancing theories of environ- mentally significant individual behavior and reports on the attempts of the author's research group and others to develop such a theory. It discusses defini- tions of environmentally significant behavior; classifies the behaviors and their causes; assesses theories of environmentalism, focusing especially on value-belief-norm theory; evaluates the relationship between environmental concern and behavior; and summarizes evidence on the factors that determine environmentally significant behaviors and that can effectively alter them. The article concludes by presenting some major propositions supported by available research and some principles for guiding future research and informing the design of behavioral programs for environmental protection. Recent developments in theory and research give hope for building the under- standing needed to effectively alter human behaviors that contribute to environ- mental problems. This article develops a conceptual framework for the theory of environmentally significant individual behavior, reports on developments toward such a theory, and addresses five issues critical to building a theory that can inform efforts to promote proenvironmental behavior.
What are the socioeconomic and personality characteristics of consumers who are ecologically concerned? This article presents a measure of ecological concern and examines the relationship between this measure and consumer characteristics. The implications of the findings for marketers and public policy makers are discussed.
The authors use a 1989 environmental opinion poll of the Canadian population to examine the influence of perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) and faith in the efficacy of others (FIO) on the relationship between environmental attitudes and consumer behaviors. The results indicate that PCE moderates both the strength and form of the attitude–personal consumer behavior relationship while FIO moderates the strength and form of the attitude–support for regulatory action relationship. Implications of these results for consumer researchers, marketing managers, and policymakers are outlined.
Business writers such as Charter in 1992 predict that addressing the environmental consciousness of consumers will be one of the most important issues industry will face in the 1990s, and was seen by Ottmann in 1992 as the marketing trend of the decade. In 1993 Coddington judged much of green consumer potential to be latent as the environmental concern expressed in surveys was not clearly visible in current consumer behaviour. How best to respond to this new challenge and exploit the potential market is still causing confusion amongst marketers. However, it is a practical business concern as consumers may become more explicit in their demand and use their purchase power as an economic vote to effect social and environmental change. It is argued that marketing conclusions can only be drawn from a thorough understanding of the phenomenon. In this paper, the value‐attitude‐system model of Vinson et al. in 1977 is applied and extended to provide an insight into the complex phenomena affecting environmentally‐conscious purchase behaviour by integrating the underlying influences from the individual belief system.
Green advertising appeals have become increasingly popular as more and more environmentally friendly products are introduced. Consequently, identifying which green appeals are the most effective becomes a critical issue. This study used two samples to examine the potential efficacy of seven distinct green issues as advertising appeals. Results suggest that health-oriented green appeals might be the most effective advertising message strategies for the young college-educated students. Results also indicate that although working adults might prefer health, waste, and energy issues, the older group may not be as sensitive to distinct green issues. In addition, the findings indicate that college women may be more responsive than college men to waste and wildlife appeals.
Environmental consciousness has consistently been shown to be much more than a passing fad. However, very little academic research has been conducted in the UK in developing ecological segmentation variables for targeting the environmentally‐concerned/aware segments of the population. This paper follows established procedures from the measure development literature and attempts to develop measures encapsulating individuals’: (1) perceived knowledge about green issues, (2) attitudes toward the environment and (3) levels of environmentally‐sensitive behaviour. The quality of the derived measures is assessed by means of dimensionability, reliability and validity checks and their potential usefulness for marketing purposes highlighted.
In the field of environmental consciousness consumer behaviour academics and practitioners have identified and highlighted the divergence between stated and actual overt consumer behaviour as the key problem when devising an effective environmental marketing strategy. In 1991, Meffert stressed that the greatest challenge for marketing is to progress the understanding of the divergence. Unfortunately, to date, there has been a lack of cumulative knowledge building in the field of environmentally conscious consumer behaviour, particularly about the divergence between stated environmental consciousness and actual behaviour. The following article addresses this deficiency. It identifies the key variables intervening between environmental consciousness and overt consumer behaviour. The article provides, for the first time, a synthesis of the international literature from various social science disciplines and contributes to a cumulative knowledge building in the field of environmentally conscious consumer behaviour by applying the value-attitude-system model of Vinson et al.(1977). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
This study investigates the influence of three cognitive and attitudinal factors on gender differences in green purchase behaviour. Using a large sample size (n = 1093), a survey has been developed and administered across Egypt. The findings from the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) confirm the influence of consumers’ ecological knowledge, concern and attitude on gender differences in green purchase behaviour. Consistent with previous studies, this study found that women appeared to be less aware of environmental issues compared with men. However, contrary to other studies con