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The impact of information communication technology (ICT) to the Greek educational community



The aims of Greek education system is to give to students the ability to develop the required skills, character and values that will enable them to contribute to the prosperity of Greek Society, Greek Nation and humanity. The fulfillments of these aims require a dynamic educational system with the potential of incessant adjustment emanated from the interaction between national education and societal needs and demands. Living in an information and knowledge society where quality is its goal, Greek education system has to be enriched with all the characteristics and means that specify educational quality. In a framework, where educational changes are unavoidable due to the entrance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and especially the use of World Wide Web in Greek education system, an effort to present the current impact to Greek Educational community is attempted. Specifically in this chapter there is a reference on ways, efforts, stages and methods that have been set for the application of ICT to Greek education system and presents effects, issues, trends and utilization of World Wide Web by the Greek educational community.
... 35 Por su parte Mentzelou y Drogidis afirman que cualquier forma de aprendizaje que utilice redes (LAN b , WAN c , Internet) recae en el tipo de aprendizaje e-learning. 36 Lo que está claro es, la particular relación de esta modalidad e-learning con las tecnologías educativas que inciden en que muchos estudiosos, se preocupen por identificar y examinar tendencias asociadas a los emergentes sistemas tecnológicos de aprendizaje, así como las prácticas, preocupaciones y problemáticas. 33,37,38 También es aceptado como e-learning la aplicación de las tecnologías de Internet a la educación y específicamente a los learning management systems (LMS) o más comúnmente denominadas plataformas de aprendizaje en Internet. ...
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En este milenio la tendencia mundial en la Educación Superior, es la integración científica y tecnológica que permite la gestión académica de todos los actores que intervienen en el proceso docente educativo, asistidos por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) en las que están presentes los entornos virtuales de enseñanza aprendizaje (EVEA). La contradicción planteada, las interrogantes científicas, el reconocimiento del objeto de estudio y el campo de acción, dieron paso al objetivo propuesto de Diseñar un Programa Educativo que contribuya al empleo de los EVEA por los docentes de enfermería en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. En la investigación de intervención, se empleó la contrastación de métodos teóricos y empíricos para la construcción, desarrollo y conformación final de los productos de la investigación, ello propició además aportar aspectos teóricos, metodológicos, técnicos y prácticos que favorecen la extensión a otros ámbitos. Los resultados de los instrumentos aplicados antes y después de la ejecución del Programa Educativo, permitieron explorar la satisfacción y el mejoramiento profesional de los docentes de enfermería que participaron en función de su preparación docente, según las condiciones actuales del contexto cubano. Se diseñó el Programa Educativo como modelo teórico de desarrollo y mejora que introduce los EVEA en los programas de estudio de la carrera de enfermería, con metodologías y propuestas didácticas novedosas, lo cual posibilitó a los docentes adquirir nuevos conocimientos y a la vez aplicarlos en la práctica, ello evidenció la transformación del modo de actuación, la cultura y el desempeño profesional del docente de enfermería.
... Sin embargo, sus tendencias actuales se focalizan en los métodos de aprendizaje y en las enormes posibilidades en la difusión y conexión de contenidos. 2 Mentzelou y Drogidis afirman que cualquier forma de aprendizaje que utilice redes (LAN, WAN, Internet) recae en el tipo de aprendizaje e-learning. 3 Su inserción en los distintos contextos académicos es una realidad que han tomado centros educacionales de variados niveles de enseñanza de diferentes regiones. 4-7 La particular relación de esta modalidad e-learning con las tecnologías educativas ha incidido en que muchos estudiosos se preocupen por identificar y examinar tendencias asociadas a los emergentes sistemas tecnológicos de aprendizaje, así como posibles prácticas, preocupaciones y problemáticas. ...
In this article some arguments related studies on e-learning in the field of education are clarified. The main objective is focused to present a bibliometric approach of the scientific production of this issue in the context of research in the Latin American region. To identify the key patterns in productivity is used as a reference source the SciELO database, from which was applied the indicators: document typology, productivity of years, journals, countries, language, and research areas. About 610 bibliographical records were obtained for the period 2003-2013, which denotes the increasing of productivity from recent years. Brazilian domain is inserted as the most prolific in terms of language, journals, and country. As part of subject areas from which this topic has been explored are included Educational Sciences and Health Sciences, which emphasizes a strong multidisciplinary projection of the e-learning field.
... Sin embargo, sus tendencias actuales se focalizan en los métodos de aprendizaje y en las enormes posibilidades en la difusión y conexión de contenidos. 2 Mentzelou y Drogidis afirman que cualquier forma de aprendizaje que utilice redes (LAN, WAN, Internet) recae en el tipo de aprendizaje e-learning. 3 Su inserción en los distintos contextos académicos es una realidad que han tomado centros educacionales de variados niveles de enseñanza de diferentes regiones. 4-7 La particular relación de esta modalidad e-learning con las tecnologías educativas ha incidido en que muchos estudiosos se preocupen por identificar y examinar tendencias asociadas a los emergentes sistemas tecnológicos de aprendizaje, así como posibles prácticas, preocupaciones y problemáticas. ...
In this article some arguments related studies on e-learning in the field of education are clarified. The main objective is focused to present a bibliometric approach of the scientific production of this issue in the context of research in the Latin American region. To identify the key patterns in productivity is used as a reference source the SciELO database, from which was applied the indicators: document typology, productivity of years, journals, countries, language, and research areas. About 610 bibliographical records were obtained for the period 2003-2013, which denotes the increasing of productivity from recent years. Brazilian domain is inserted as the most prolific in terms of language, journals, and country. As part of subject areas from which this topic has been explored are included Educational Sciences and Health Sciences, which emphasizes a strong multidisciplinary projection of the e-learning field.
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Although over 11 million virtual workers in the USA are classified as teleworkers, we know relatively little about them. Drawing on the construct of telepresence, the relationships among four sets of variables seem especially important: actual communication technology use, identifications with aspects of work, degree of virtuality, and various teleworker demographic characteristics. A survey of 86 teleworkers in a wide range of organizations revealed that basic telephone and voicemail are the most frequently used and most vital communication technologies. However, several differences in technology use based on message content and interaction partners also exist. Additionally, moderately virtual teleworkers are more identified with their work team, organization, and occupation than are those who telework small or large portions of their work week. Also, use of advanced phone technologies is most predictive of organizational and occupational identification. Among the implications discussed are: equipping teleworkers with appropriate communication technologies and establishing telework programs where workers are only virtual for a portion of the working week
Learning-to-learn skills are essential for effective lifelong learning to develop over the entire lifespan. These skills, which consist of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, largely have been neglected in analyses of issues surrounding lifelong learning and in policy development. This article draws particularly upon the work of Weinstein, Meyer, Schraw and other cognitive psychologists to outline some of the knowledge and skills required and some of the educational implications for their development from a human developmental psychology perspective. Much of the initial work in establishing these skills needs to lie with schools for reasons of access and equity. However, since mastery of cognitive and metacognitive skills is not likely to be fully achieved by the end of secondary schooling, with metacognitive skills in particular only likely to reach fuller development through work experience, there are important implications for educators at further and higher education levels.