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Cross-modal repetition priming with homophones provides clues about representation in the word recognition system


Abstract and Figures

In three experiments, we assessed the impact of auditory homophone primes (/swi:t/) on lexical decisions to visually presented low-frequency (suite) and high-frequency (sweet) homophone spellings. In Experiment 1 we investigated the time course of these cross-modal repetition priming effects. Results suggested that low-frequency homophone spellings do not reach the same activation level as nonhomophones, even at long SOAs. There were no differences in priming between high-frequency homophones and nonhomophones. In Experiments 2 and 3 we attempted to eliminate the impact of strategies with lower proportions of repetition primes. Results showed smaller priming effects for both low- and high-frequency homophones than for nonhomophones, suggesting that neither homophone spelling is fully activated. Implications for local and distributed models of word recognition are discussed.
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e Mental Lexicon
          
 distributed 
     
  
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           
      
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  
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 
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 
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     
    
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  
made 
 
 
          
      
    
      
        
  
   
            
 prane 
    brane     
         
   
       
  
 
          
    
   
        
   
         
     
     
   ale
 
 
           
  
          
     
       
         
         
           
        
 
 
     
  
    
 
 
sweet     
sound     
 t t t tp
suite     
sing     
 t t t t t
 
     
  
 
  sweetsuite
         
  sweet 
   sweet   
     sound 
     sound 
  
          
 
 
      
           
 
   
 
Word Responses
       
      
p MSE F  p MSE   
   
          
  F  p MSE F 
p MSE   Fp
MSE     
MSEF  p MSE   
  F F       
           
F pMSEF  p
MSEF pMSE
 
 
    
  
  
  
  
 
 
 
  
  
 
 
 
  
  
  
 
 
 
  
  
  
 
 
 
  
  
   
 
 
 
  
  
  
 
 
p MSE    F  p
MSE F  p MSE   
        F  p
MSE F  p MSE    
 F  p MSE F  p
Pseudohomophone Responses
        
F  p MSE       F
F p MSE
F  p MSE       
  F  p MSE F  p
MSE            
           
    
          
 
 
   
      
 
    
        
    
      
         
     
 
   
    
    
       
 
    brane
 
  
  
 sweet  suite
 
      
     
     
 
Words.      
          
          
   
 suite
  sing      
  
       
  
 
 
  
  
  
 
 
 
 
 
 
  
 
 
 
 
  
 
 
Word Responses
           
F pMSEF
pMSE FF
  
 
           F
FpMSE F
p MSE         
  F  p MSE F 
 
Pseudohomophone Responses
   F  p MSE F 
          
       
 
     
  
     
   
     
Words.  
          
          
       sound 
   sound
 
 
 
  
  
  
 
 
  
 
 
 
  
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
Word Responses
           
    
         
F  p MSE       F
           F
 p MSE F  p MSE
F F  
p MSE F  p MSE    
 p MSE F  p MSE 
Pseudohomophone Responses
            
  
p MSE F  p MSE   
       F  p MSE
 
          
 
    
          
   
       
   
         
 
       
 
      
   
 
             
        
  
 
   
 
 
     
     
        
  
   
 
  
   
 
  
 
 
 
 
         
    
 
     
       
  
       
 
     
 
       
        
  
 
           
  
 
    
“e Problem of Blend States
   
 
 
 
        
      
           
    
  
   
 
     
 
      
 
      
    
      
Journal of Experimental Psychol-
ogy: Human Perception & Performance, 10,
guage processing
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
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nal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 22,
       Wordmine database: Probabilistic values for all four to
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Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28,
Attention and Performance VI. 
Psychological Review, 108, 
 
   
Language & Cognitive
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e Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56A, 
Language & Cognitive Processes, 12,
Cognitive Science, 23,
Cognitive Psychology, 45, 
          
   Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, &
Cognition, 17,
        
Psychological Review, 103,
     
Memory & Cognition, 29, 
 Psychological Review,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance, 22,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition,
  
Journal of Memory & Language, 55, 
    
Localist connectionist approaches to human
Cognitive Psychology, 13,
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 14,
   
 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, & Cognition, 20,
  Journal of Ex-
perimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20,
 
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Per-
ception and Performance, 14,
Computational analysis of present-day American English.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance, 25,
 Cognition,
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        Cognitive
Psychology, 18,
Memory & Cognition, 17,
    
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychol-
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tion, 30,
of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 27
  Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 28
chological Review, 103,
Cognitive Science, 28,
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 9,
    
Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior, 9,
           
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, and Cognition, 21,
nal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning & Memory, 5, 
 
    
     
Language & Cognitive Processes, 22,
Memory & Cognition, 8,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception & Performance, 20,
Journal of General Psy-
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 
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 5, 
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 29,
Authors address
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
 
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... Auditory homophone primes, on the other hand, are orthographically ambiguous (i.e., they do not display an orthographic pattern; Pexman, Lupker and Hino, 2007). As a result, individuals are unable to employ the spelling verification (or spell check) process to rectify the ambiguity of the shared sound, which would allow an individual to identify the meaning of the word. ...
... As a result, individuals are unable to employ the spelling verification (or spell check) process to rectify the ambiguity of the shared sound, which would allow an individual to identify the meaning of the word. Further, research demonstrates that exposure to an auditory homophone does not result in spelling pre-activation (Grainger et al. 2001;Pexman, Lupker and Hino, 2007), suggesting that individuals do not instinctively engage in an internal spelling verification process. Unlike text-based homophone priming effects, which manifest when individuals are unable to process the information regarding the spelling of the homophone, auditory priming effects are not dependent on information processing inability. ...
We introduce pictorial-based homophones as effective priming cues that influence consumer product attribute beliefs (i.e., a picture of a sail primes the perception of ‘discount’: target perception: ‘sale’), advertisement attitudinal judgments (i.e., a picture of a grater primes more ‘favorable’ attitudes toward an advertisement; target perception: ‘great’), and purchase intentions (i.e., a picture of wood primes ‘intent’ to purchase; target perception: ‘would’). Across three studies we demonstrate that pictorial-based homophone priming effects manifest only when consumers subvocalize (inner voice) the homophone in the image. Results provide evidence to suggest that the absence of orthography (spelling) in pictorial-based homophones and the inability to pre-activate spelling representations results in a failure to suppress the priming effect. Results also demonstrate that facilitating spelling verification disambiguates the word’s meaning, resulting in suppression of the irrelevant homophone. This research has implications for advertisers and brand managers in the executional development of advertisements designed to influence consumer judgments.
... Picoult and Johnson (1992) studied homophone priming effects in lexical decision tasks using polarized and nonpolarized homophone pairs. Priming effects were found to not always exhibit bidirectionality, but evidence did support that access to both meanings is increased (see also Pexman, Lupker, and Hino 2007). Furthermore, if the target was related to the subordinate meaning in a polarized homophone pair, priming effects were observed. ...
... Two competing sets of theories-broadly defined as "localist" or "connectionist"-exist for how semantic, orthographic, and phonological information is stored and accessed in memory. Ambiguous stimuli, such as homophones, serve as interesting stimuli to explore these competing models (Pexman et al. 2007). In localist models, when an ambiguous word is encountered, activation for one word and its meanings deactivates other representations (e.g., Coltheart et al. 2001). ...
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Words prime semantic and conceptually related associates and concepts. This article documents a novel route of priming disparate meanings relevant to consumer behaviors. Reading processes use word sound, not spelling, to activate word meaning in memory. Reading a homophone (e. g., "bye")-a word with identical pronunciation as another word but with different spelling and meaning-activates meanings and concepts related to the complementary homophone (e. g., "buy"). Homophone priming occurs when a secondary process fails to suppress activated meanings associated with the complementary homophone, which may influence meaning-relevant consumer behaviors downstream. Two experiments (with replications) demonstrate this effect occurs when consumers experience diminished cognitive resources, which reduces the ability to suppress complementary homophone meanings. This research identifies word sound as an associative link between otherwise unrelated concepts that can result in priming of judgments and behavior. Importantly, these results are difficult to or associative priming perspective.
... However, radio and television advertisements may contain auditory homophones only. Research has found that auditory homophones are orthographically ambiguous (i.e., they do not display a spelling pattern; Pexman, Lupker, and Hino 2007). In other words, individuals are unable to undertake the spelling verification process, or Stage 2 of the activation-verification model. ...
Despite research on the influence of homophone priming on consumer judgments and behaviors in adults (e.g., the homophone bye primes purchase; target: buy), there is no research to date on the effectiveness of homophone priming on children’s judgments and behaviors. We examine the priming effect of homophonous devices in advertising on children’s (aged six to 13) judgments and behaviors (i.e., the use of the word meet in advertising primes children’s desire to eat chicken; target: meat). Across three studies we provide evidence that homophonous priming effects decrease with age, whereby younger and less skilled child readers focus on the phonology of words, which results in homophone priming. We show that older and more skilled child readers are better able to process the orthography (spelling) of a word and the meaning of the prime, resulting in homophone priming suppression. We illustrate that facilitating, or prompting, spelling verification in younger children results in their ability to disambiguate the word’s meaning and, subsequently, suppress the irrelevant homophone. This research has implications for advertisers in terms of the execution of their advertisements to influence young children’s judgments and behaviors.
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A model of orthographic processing is described that postulates read-out from different information dimensions, determined by variable response criteria set on these dimensions. Performance in a perceptual identification task is simulated as the percentage of trials on which a noisy criterion set on the dimension of single word detector activity is reached. Two additional criteria set on the dimensions of total lexical activity and time from stimulus onset are hypothesized to be operational in the lexical decision task. These additional criteria flexibly adjust to changes in stimulus material and task demands, thus accounting for strategic influences on performance in this task. The model unifies results obtained in response-limited and data-limited paradigms and helps resolve a number of inconsistencies in the experimental literature that cannot be accommodated by other current models of visual word recognition.
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Three experiments with 80 undergraduates investigated the impact of 5 lexical variables (instance dominance, category dominance, word frequency, word length in letters, and word length in syllables) on performance in 3 tasks involving word recognition: category verification, lexical decision, and pronunciation. Although the same set of words was used in each task, the relationship of the lexical variables to RT varied significantly with the task within which the words were embedded. The effect of word frequency was minimal in the category verification task, whereas it was significantly larger in the pronunciation task and significantly larger yet in the lexical decision task. It is argued that decision processes having little to do with lexical access accentuate the word-frequency effect in the lexical decision task and that results from this task have questionable value in testing the assumption that word frequency orders the lexicon, thereby affecting time to access the mental lexicon. A simple 2-stage model is outlined to account for the role of word frequency and other variables in lexical decision. The model is applied to the results of the reported experiments and some of the findings in other studies of lexical decision and pronunciation. (49 ref)
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Recent studies suggest that performance attendant on visual word perception is affected not only by feedforward inconsistency (i.e., multiple ways to pronounce a spelling) but also by feedback inconsistency (i.e., multiple ways to spell a pronunciation). In the present study, we provide a statistical analysis of these types of inconsistency for all monosyllabic English words. This database can be used as a tool for controlling, selecting, and constructing stimulus materials for psycholinguistic and neuropsychological research. Such large-scale statistical analyses are necessary devices for developing metrics of inconsistency, for generating hypotheses for psycholinguistic experiments, and for building models of word perception, speech perception, and spelling.
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We present a new distributed connectionist model of the perception of spoken words. The model employs a representation of speech that combines lexical information with abstract phonological information, with lexical access modelled as a direct mapping onto this single distributed representation. We first examine the integration of partial cues to phonological identity, showing that the model provides a sound basis for simulating phonetic and lexical decision data from Marslen-Wilson and Warren (1994). We then investigate the time course of lexical access, and argue that the process of competition between word candidates during lexical access can be interpreted in terms of interference between distributed lexical representations. The relation between our model and other models of spoken word recognition is discussed.
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Three experiments using 88 undergraduates examined the role of orthography in rhyme detection. Ss in Exps I–II monitored lists of aurally presented words for a word that rhymed with a cue word. The critical variable was whether the target word was orthographically similar or different from the cue word (e.g., "pie–tie" and "rye–tie," respectively). In Exp I, monitor latencies to detect orthographically different rhymes were longer than latencies to detect orthographically similar rhymes, whether cue words were presented aurally or visually. Exp II replicated this orthography effect using only auditory presentation of the cue word and a larger sample of items. In Exp III, orthographic similarity yielded shorter reaction times to decide that 2 words rhymed and longer reaction times to decide that they did not rhyme. Results are interpreted in terms of some recent models of semantic memory. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Ambiguous words are processed more quickly than unambiguous words in a lexical decision task despite the fact that each sense of an ambiguous word is less frequent than the single sense of unambiguous words of equal frequency or familiarity. In this computer simulation study, we examined the effects of different assumptions of a fully recurrent connectionist model in accounting for this processing advantage for ambiguous words. We argue that the ambiguity advantage effect can be accounted for by distributed models if (a) the least mean square (LMS) error-correction algorithm rather than the Hebbian algorithm is used in training the network and (b) activation of the units representing the spelling rather than the meaning is used to index word recognition times. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The influence of semantic ambiguity on word identification processes was explored in a series of word naming and lexical-decision experiments. There was no reliable ambiguity effect in 2 naming experiments, although an ambiguity advantage in lexical decision was obtained when orthographically legal nonwords were used. No ambiguity effect was found in lexical decision when orthographically illegal nonwords were used, implying a semantic locus for the ambiguity advantage. These results were simulated by using a distributed memory model that also produces the ambiguity disadvantage in gaze duration that has been obtained with a reading comprehension task. Ambiguity effects in the model arise from the model's attempt to activate multiple meanings of an ambiguous word in response to presentation of that word's orthographic pattern. Reasons for discrepancies in empirical results and implications for distributed memory models are considered.