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North American Vegetable Pests: The Pattern of Invasion

tive) and nonindigenous (invader, adventive, exotic) pests
of vegetable crops in the United States and Canada.
To determine the origin and biological charac-
teristics of vegetable pests, I reviewed the original
scientific literature of over 330 pests known to feed
on vegetable crops (Capinera 2001 and references
therein), and compiled data on pest origin, period
of introduction, host range, portion of plant dam-
aged, and damage frequency. In most cases the lit-
erature contains reference to the likely source of these
pests (126 of 135 invaders). However, for some
cosmopolitan pests or poorly studied organisms
the source is unknown or uncertain. Similarly, the
period of detection in the United States and Canada
varies from precise to unknown, with knowledge of
the period of establishment (detection) limited to 87
of the 135 invading pests. Lack of data stems mostly
from the early period of settlement, but invasions
since 1900 are fairly well documented.
The host range of the vegetable pests is quite
well documented in the literature, although there is
a tendency for species that are better studied to
have longer lists of hosts. Also, during periods of
great abundance (outbreak), pests often use hosts
that they will not normally accept. Thus, outbreak
species probably have inflated host ranges. For the
purposes of this analysis, I have defined a narrow
host range to consist of consumption of vegetable
plants from a single botanical family. A moderate
host range consists of consumption of vegetable
plants from two to five families, and a wide host
range is defined as consumption of greater than
five families of vegetable crops.
Damage frequency is based on the literature for
each pest, as described elsewhere (Capinera 2001),
and considers damage to both home gardens and
commercial vegetable production. Damage fre-
quency is designated as rare when there are few
reports of serious injury in the literature. Damage
frequency is considered periodic when there is gen-
eral recognition that the organism is capable of
The successful
in North America of
invading pests is not a new phe-
nomenon. Since the earliest arrival
of European explorers and colonists,
pests of plants have accompanied move- ment
of people, food, and plant materials to the “New
World.” The long sea voyage during the initial
stages of colonization likely inhibited extensive
transport of many short-lived pests. Up until 1800,
only about 36 species of insects invaded the United
States (Simberloff 1986). However, by the late
1800s not only was the speed of transport greatly
increased, but transport of living plant material
(and associated pests) was commonplace.
Sailer (1978, 1983) analyzed the invasion of
the United States by arthropods. He reported that
initially the invaders (immigrants) consisted mostly
of Coleoptera, which arrived principally in ship
ballast. The dominance by beetles decreased as more
Lepidoptera and then Homoptera invaded, often
in association with living plant material. The rate
of invasion increased greatly after the 1860s as
international commerce expanded. Sailer also noted
that there was a slight reduction in the rate of inva-
sion commencing in the 1920s as the Plant Quar-
antine Act of 1912 was implemented.
Invasion by high-profile and damaging species
in recent years has increased the awareness and
concern by the scientific community, government,
and the general public over invading species (U.S.
Congress 1993, Simberloff et al. 1997, Sakai et al.
2001). The pattern of invasion is poorly docu-
mented, despite heightened concern, and many ques-
tions remain. Has the increase in international
commerce and tourism in recent years resulted in
higher rates of invasion and establishment of pests?
Are we at greater risk from certain types of pests, or
from certain sources? Are certain taxa of pests more
likely to invade and establish successfully, and are all
crops equally at risk? Here I address these questions
and present a comparative analysis of indigenous (na-
Increased concern over invasion by high-profile and damaging insects
requires the answers to questions about the origin of pests, period of
invasion, taxa, feeding behavior, damage frequency, and the
influence of crop characteristics on pest species richness.
John L. Capinera
causing crop injury, but the pest does not cause
loss annually, and vegetable growers do not nor-
mally take preventative measures to guard against
injury. Pest damage is considered frequent when
the potential to cause injury exists annually in ei-
ther home gardens or on farms, and characterizes
pests for which vegetable producers annually plan
for suppressive or preventive actions. Pests are des-
ignated as capable of periodic or frequent damage
if this pattern is exhibited even in a limited geo-
graphic area, because most pests have limited geo-
graphic distribution.
Designation of the site of damage is based on
the scientific literature, and consists of blossom
(flower); fruit (seed-containing structure); foliage;
stem or vine; tuber (below-ground storage organ);
and root, bulb, or germinating seed (below-ground
root-related structures).
The 332 pests considered in this analysis are, in
nearly all cases, individual species. However, the
economic literature tends to group some pests into
complexes either because they are poorly known
or difficult to differentiate. Therefore, a few pests
(e.g., false wireworms, Coleoptera: Elateridae; white
grubs, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) are treated as in-
dividual pests although more than one species is
involved. Also, some literature is confusing because
pests originally thought to be a single species have
since been differentiated into species complexes (e.g.,
spinach and beet leafminers, Pegomya spp., Diptera:
Anthomyiidae; dingy cutworms, Feltia spp., Lepi-
doptera: Noctuidae). These issues are minor, how-
ever, and likely have little effect on the analysis.
The aforementioned data on pest characteris-
tics were analyzed by 2 × 2 contingency table analy-
sis using Fisher’s exact test (Zar 1984). In the case
of feeding behavior, I compared the number of spe-
cies with wide host range to the number of species
with narrow host range for both indigenous and
nonindigenous species. For the noctuid and pyralid
analysis, I also analyzed the number of species with
narrow and wide host ranges for each family. For
damage frequency, I compared the number of spe-
cies causing damage rarely or frequently for both
indigenous and nonindigenous species.
Regression analyses were conducted on area
planted to major commercial vegetable crops, to-
tal crop value, and unit value in relation to the
total number of pest species or number of major
pest species per crop. Major pest species were those
capable of “frequent” and “periodic” damage, as
described previously. Correlation analyses were
performed on crop acreage and crop value data,
and on crop acreage and crop unit value data. All
data were log-transformed prior to linear regres-
sion or correlation (Graphpad Software 1993).
Such transformation linearizes curvilinear rela-
tionships, and normalizes residuals and makes
them homocedastic. Although not always improv-
ing the fit of the model (Conner and McCoy 1979),
this is a common practice in analysis of species-area
relationships. The crops analyzed in this manner were
artichoke, asparagus, bean, broccoli, cabbage, cauli-
flower, carrot, celery, cucumber, lettuce, melons (pri-
marily cantaloupe and honeydew), onion, pea, pep-
per, potato, spinach, sweet corn, sweet potato, to-
mato, and watermelon. Data on crop acreage and
value are from Capinera (2001), and consist of
summed American and Canadian values.
Origins of Vegetable Pests
Of the 332 vegetable pests considered in this
analysis, 99% were successfully classified as either
indigenous (native) or nonindigenous (invaders),
and 59% appeared to be indigenous to the United
States or Canada (Appendix 1). Similarly, Pimentel
(1993) estimated that 63% of major American veg-
etable pests are indigenous, though this figure is
based on a subset of vegetable crops. It is evident
that our native fauna displays considerable plas-
ticity in acquiring new hosts. This trend has been
noted previously, and we can expect the number of
pests to increase with time, and especially with the
area planted to each particular crop (Strong 1974,
Strong et al. 1977, McCoy and Rey 1983, Capinera
et al. 1984a), as indigenous species adapt to im-
ported host plants, or crops are exposed to addi-
tional potential pests in new geographic areas.
However, species accrual on introduced crops oc-
curs most rapidly soon after plant introduction,
and species richness on crops does not increase
indefinitely, leveling off after fewer than 300 years
if there is not an increase in crop acreage (Strong
1974). Also, it is important to note that though
indigenous pests form a large assemblage, they do
not necessarily cause damage frequently (see dis-
cussion of pest damage below).
Europe is the principal origin of the nonindig-
enous vegetable pests found in North America.
About 54% are thought to have originated there,
or to have arrived in North America via that re-
gion (Fig. 1). This is not surprising because the
United States and Canada were colonized princi-
pally by Europeans, who introduced European
crops, and possibly allowed European pest “hitch-
hikers” to arrive. The introduction of crops, the
repeated waves of European immigration, the ex-
tensive trade between Europe and North America,
and the introduction of European ornamental
plants to North America all contributed to the pre-
Fig. 1. Origins of vegetable pests (
= 126) that successfully invaded the United
States and Canada, expressed in percentage.
Pest damage
is considered
frequent when
the potential
to cause injury
exists annually in
either home gardens
or on farms
ponderance of European pests. Sailer (1978) also
reported that non-indigenous species came predomi-
nantly from the European region (western Palearc-
tic), although beneficial insects introduced for
biological suppression of pests also were included
in his calculations. Pimentel (1993) estimated that
37% of major American pests originated in Europe,
although this estimate is based on a large number of
crops, not just vegetables. Lindroth (1957) provided
a long list of fauna common to Europe and North
America. The invasion of large numbers of Euro-
pean pests is not limited to North America, as it also
has occurred in Australia, New Zealand, and South
Africa (Simmonds and Greathead 1977). Interest-
ingly, North America has contributed relatively few
insects to Europe’s pest fauna. Lindroth (1957)
suggested that North America contributed few spe-
cies to Europe because shipments to Europe con-
tained heavy, raw materials that did not necessitate
ballast, whereas many sailing ships traveling to
North America required ballast because they car-
ried only small cargoes of refined goods.
Less well represented are pests from South
America (10%), and Central America, Mexico, and
the Caribbean region (12%). We might expect that
with the proximity of these regions, and the Neo-
tropical origins of many important crops cultivated
in the United States and Canada (e.g., corn, beans,
squash, potato), we might have a larger contingent
of pests from Latin America. However, the afore-
mentioned values are larger estimates than were de-
veloped by Sailer (1978) for immigrant (invaders
plus deliberate introductions) fauna from these re-
gions (6% for South America, and 7% for Mexico,
Central America, and the Caribbean region). Sailer
suggested that environmental resistance may ac-
count for the relatively small number of Neotropi-
cal pests in North America; invaders from the
Southern Hemisphere are most likely to gain access
to commercial transport during the southern sum-
mer months but may arrive in the Northern Hemi-
sphere during the inhospitable northern winter
months. Evidence for this is perhaps found in the
very high pest invasion rates of Hawaii, Florida,
and California (Sailer 1978, Dowell and Gill 1989,
Frank and McCoy 1992), where environmental re-
sistance is less of an issue for invaders (Sailer 1978).
Asia is well represented as a source of vegetable
pests (18%), although Africa is poorly represented
(6%), and Australia apparently contributed no
pests to North America’s vegetable pest fauna.
The paucity of crops grown in North America
that originate in Africa and Australia, as well as
the relatively low level of commerce between North
America and these continents, may account for
these low figures.
Period of Invasion
Establishment of invading vegetable pests ap-
pears to have reached a maximum in the period of
1850-1899 (Fig. 2). This corresponds to a period
of more rapid transport and increased commerce
between North America and the rest of the world.
However, the date of invasion of a considerable
number of vegetable pests (36%) is uncertain. It is
likely that many pests with unknown dates of in-
vasion were established before 1800 or early in the
1800s, so the apparent increase in rate of invasion
shown in Fig. 2 may be exaggerated. However, the
establishment rate data since 1900 are quite reli-
able, reflecting advances in both the science of en-
tomology and government support for regulatory
activities. Thus, there is good evidence that the rate
of invasion of vegetable pests has declined mark-
edly during the 20th century. There remain in Eu-
rope many important vegetable pests that have not
invaded North America, so I do not think that the
“species pool” of good invaders has been depleted.
In Asia and South America there are even larger
numbers of prospective pests, and the level of
commerce and speed of transport would suggest
that more pests might be introduced successfully.
Thus, the quarantine procedures and eradica-
tion efforts implemented by state and federal
governments are producing benefits for the
United States and Canada, at least with respect
to vegetable pests.
The decreasing rate of establishment of invad-
ing pests reported herein should not be entirely
surprising. Long-term analyses of arthropod in-
troduction rates into California (Dowell and Gill
1989) and Florida (Frank and McCoy 1992,
Florida Department of Agriculture unpublished
data) demonstrate no increase in establishment rate,
despite massive increases in tourism and commerce
between the United States and elsewhere. Those
data and the data reported herein on decreased
vegetable pest invasion rates are hopeful signs, but
hardly signal an end to problems with invading
pests. Not only are invasions continuing, but we
must bear the economic burden of the cumulative
effects of a 300-year period of pest invasion. In an
annoying number of cases, pests that were serious
threats to vegetable production 100 years ago re-
main as significant pests. Thus, the economic bur-
den (costs associated with old and new pests) tends
to increase as new pests establish successfully, even
if the rate of introduction is diminishing and sup-
pressive technology is improving.
Fig. 2. Temporal pattern of invasion of United States and Canada by
vegetable pests (
= 87), expressed as number and percentage in each
time period.
The invasion of large
numbers of European
pests is not limited
to North America, as
it also has occurred
in Australia,
New Zealand,
and South Africa
Taxa of Invading Pests
The number of vegetable-feeding pests in each
taxon might be expected to reflect the number of
plant-feeding species in that taxon. Indeed, some
of the largest groups of vegetable-feeding species
are in the large plant-feeding orders Coleoptera,
Lepidoptera, Heteroptera, and Homoptera. Also,
the species richness of taxa containing vegetable
pests largely parallels that of pests in general as
documented by the Commonwealth Institute of
Entomology’s world-wide perspective (Simmonds
and Greathead 1977). Specifically, taxa such as the
order Heteroptera, family Aphididae (order
Homoptera), families Pyralidae and Noctuidae (or-
der Lepidoptera), and families Curculionidae and
Scarabaeidae (order Coleoptera), which contain
many pests, also are especially well represented in
the North American vegetable pest compilation.
There are some exceptions, however, and taxa such
as the families Chrysomelidae and Elateridae (or-
der Coleoptera), families Agromyzidae and
Anthomyiidae (order Diptera), family Miridae (or-
der Heteroptera), and family Acrididae (order Or-
thoptera) tend to be slightly over-represented
because North American vegetable pests as com-
pared with pests in general as compiled by the Com-
monwealth Institute of Entomology.
There are some marked differences in taxo-
nomic association of vegetable pests when the abun-
dance of invading organisms is compared with the
abundance of indigenous organisms (Fig. 3). The
proportion of invading Coleoptera, Lepidoptera,
Heteroptera, and Orthoptera is about one-half the
level observed among indigenous species, whereas
Homoptera, Diptera, and Gastropoda are several-
fold more abundant among invaders. The greater
abundance of invading Diptera and Gastropoda is
likely due to the dumping of soil ballast containing
these pests in American ports during the early pe-
riod of colonization when ballast was needed by
sailing ships, because these organisms are com-
monly associated with soil. In contrast, Homoptera
are excellent “hitch-hikers” on plant material, and
many undoubtedly were introduced accidentally
with ornamental plants (Sailer 1978). Some ex-
amples of successful invaders are shown in Fig. 4.
Association of pests into large taxa (i.e., orders
or classes) is convenient, but masks some impor-
tant trends. Family-level analysis suggests some
important differences in biological characteristics
of insects that may account for pest status. The
vegetable-feeding ground beetles (Carabidae), tor-
toise beetles (Chrysomelidae, subfamily Cassidae),
blister beetles (Meloidae), sap beetles (Nitidulidae),
seed bugs (Lygaeidae), woollybears (Arctiidae),
hornworms (Sphingidae), grasshoppers
(Acrididae), and field crickets (Gryllidae) are exclu-
sively indigenous species. The flea beetles
(Chrysomelidae, subfamily Alticinae), wireworms
(Elateridae), cutworms (Noctuidae), and plant bugs
(Miridae) are predominantly indigenous. Possibly
these species are not good “stow-aways,” although
there are other explanations. The European fauna
and the North American fauna are not completely
equivalent, with groups such as grasshoppers
(Acrididae) and wireworms (Elateridae) not par-
ticularly numerous or damaging in Europe, so there
is little likelihood that they would be transported.
Similarly, ground beetles (Carabidae) have been
frequently transported to North America, where
they successfully established (Lindroth 1957), but
few species are considered to be pests. In contrast,
the seed beetles (Bruchidae), mole crickets
(Gryllotalpidae), and nearly all snail and slug (Gas-
tropoda) pests are not indigenous. Invasion by seed
beetles was likely unavoidable due to the depen-
dency of early colonists on legume seeds which
stored well for long periods of time. Mole crickets
and slugs undoubtedly were accidentally intro-
duced with soil ballast (Sailer 1978), though most
snails were deliberately introduced as a source of
food (Mead 1971). Other important taxa con-
taining numerous invaders include the weevils
(Curculionidae), white grubs (Scarabaeidae), root
maggots and leaf miners (Anthomyiidae), and
aphids (Aphididae). The curculionids, scarabaeids,
and anthomyiids have soil-borne or cryptic stages,
and aphids are difficult to detect, especially in the
egg stage, so transport of these groups is under-
standable. Some of the more numerous plant-feed-
ing taxa, including leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae),
leaf miners (Agromyzidae), stalk borers (Pyralidae),
Fig. 3. Taxonomic distribution of invaders (
= 135) and indigenous vegetable pests (
= 197) expressed as
Fig. 4. A rogue’s gallery of representative non-indigenous pests affecting North American vegetable crops. Top row (left to right):
beet armyworm, imported cabbageworm, European corn borer. Second row: diamondback moth pupa and larva, asparagus
beetle, Colorado potato beetle. Third row: yellowmargined leaf beetle, whitefringed beetle, Mexican bean beetle. Fourth row:
harlequin bug, southern green stink bug, corn leaf aphids. Bottom row: cabbage aphids, gray garden slug, brown garden snail.
thrips (Thysanoptera), and mites (Acari) consist
of both indigenous and nonindigenous species.
Again, these groups have below-ground or cryptic
Feeding Behavior and Damage Frequency
Feeding behavior varies considerably among
both invading and indigenous species. Some spe-
cies attack only a single vegetable crop (e.g., as-
paragus aphid and asparagus, artichoke plume
moth and artichoke, sweetpotato leaf beetle and
sweet potato), others consume 20 or more crops
(e.g., green peach aphid, onion thrips, twostriped
grasshopper), and of course many species are in-
termediate in host acceptance between these ex-
tremes. Of the 332 pests evaluated, 38% were
determined to have a narrow host range (a single
plant family), 16% have a moderate host range
(two to five plant families), and 45% have a wide
host range (more than five plant families). Interest-
ingly, the breadth of host feeding behavior is not
equally distributed among the indigenous and
nonindigenous species. The nonindigenous species
display a greater proportion of species with a nar-
row host range (45%) and a lesser proportion of
species with a wide host range (38%) as compared
to indigenous species (34 and 50%, respectively)
(significant by Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.027). This
trend is even more marked if only the arthropods
are included (the gastropods are excluded); in the
absence of gastropods the invaders’ host range is
50% narrow and 31% wide, and the indigenous
species’ host range is 34% narrow and 50% wide
(Fishers exact test: P < 0.001). From an evolution-
ary perspective, it makes sense that the indigenous
species having a wide host range would be the ones
associated with introduced crops, whereas the in-
vading species that are most intimately associated
with introduced crops (i.e., those with a narrow
host range) would most likely accompany the in-
troduced crops. This is perhaps best seen in the
families Noctuidae and Pyralidae (both order Lepi-
doptera). Noctuid pests of vegetables are over-
whelmingly indigenous, and only 5% are classified
as possessing a narrow host range, whereas 70%
are classified as having a wide host range. The
vegetable pests of the family Pyralidae, however,
are mixed in origin, and 71% are classified as pos-
sessing a narrow host range, whereas 21% have a
wide host range. Thus, the noctuid vegetable pests,
which are overwhelmingly indigenous, have a
broad host range, and the pyralid vegetable pests,
which include a great number of nonindigenous
species, are predominantly narrow in host range
(significantly different by Fisher’s exact test: P <
0.001). A study of adoption of conifer hosts by
British moths (Fraser and Lawton 1994) showed a
similar trend: species adopting new hosts had wider
host ranges. North America possesses close rela-
tives to nearly all the introduced crops among its
indigenous flora, so it might seem equally likely
that specialist herbivores associated with the na-
tive plants would adapt to the introduced crops.
Indeed, we see the results of specialists expanding
their host range to include introduced host plants,
but even more important is the invasion by special-
ist herbivores which are co-evolved and are pre-
adapted to accept the foreign crops.
Damage frequency varies significantly among
indigenous and nonindigenous species, with invad-
ers considered to be damaging far more frequently
(significantly different by Fisher’s exact test: P <
0.001). Among nonindigenous species, 50% were
classified as causing damage rarely and 22% were
classified as causing damage frequently. In contrast,
among indigenous species, 65% were classified as
causing damage rarely and only 9% as causing
damage frequently. Thus, the specialist herbivores
that typify invasive pests are well adapted for their
host plants, and more damaging than the general-
ist indigenous species that have expanded their host
range to include the introduced vegetable crops.
There seems to be no relationship between the site
of attack, or the number of sites attacked on a
plant, and the origin of pests or their frequency of
damage (Appendix 1).
Invading organisms are often thought to be
particularly damaging because they lack the nor-
mal complement of natural enemies found in their
native land. This is largely true, and substantiated
by the decreased abundance and economic impact
of some invaders following introduction of preda-
tors and parasitoids (Sailer 1978). However, the
differing feeding behavior/host range of invaders
relative to indigenous species is perhaps a signifi-
cant element accounting for frequent and damag-
ing outbreaks of nonindigenous species in North
America. Pre-adapted specialist species, with rela-
tively narrow host ranges, are especially well
equipped to exploit crop resources when they are
inadvertently introduced. More than 99% of the
cultivated acreage in North America is planted to
introduced crops, and seems to be unusually vul-
nerable to invading species (Kim 1993).
The importance of herbivore pre-adaptation to
the host, or selective feeding behavior, is not gener-
ally recognized as an important element leading to
frequent damage by invading species, though intu-
itively most economic entomologists would ac-
knowledge its importance. For example, in a review
of the ecological basis for pest problems, Pimentel
(1977) listed numerous factors that account for
pest status, including introduction into new areas
without their natural enemies, change in climatic
regions, monoculture, plant spacing, continuous
culture, plant nutrition, timing of planting, and
pesticide-induced changes in plant physiology.
Though these all are valid elements contributing to
the suitability of host plants to pests, these charac-
teristics are all extrinsic to the pest, representing
climatic and host-plant attributes only. However,
in Pimentel’s discussion of genetic diversity, where
the notion of co-evolution is presented, one begins
to appreciate the significance of plant-insect rela-
tionships, including elements intrinsic to the in-
sects, such as selective feeding behavior. In a later
treatment (Pimentel 1993), food is suggested as
the number one factor in determining success of
Invading organisms
are often thought
to be particularly
damaging because
they lack the normal
complement of
natural enemies
found in their
native land.
invading insects, but again pre-adaptation or feed-
ing specialization is not explicitly stated as a major
factor determining success of, or frequency of dam-
age by, invaders. Similarly, Sakai et al. (2001) re-
viewed the life history characteristics of invasive
species, and although they noted the significance
of pre-adaptation to climatic conditions, they failed
to note the importance of diet specialization. The
lack of data on pest origins, severity, and other
factors perhaps accounts for the under-apprecia-
tion of pre-adaptation or selective feeding behav-
ior as a key element in determining damage by
introduced pests. However, in the biological con-
trol community the importance of selectivity, or
narrow host range due to pre-adaptation, is widely
recognized as an important element in determining
the potential effectiveness (i.e., host location and ex-
ploitation) of introduced biological control agents
(Huffaker et al. 1971, Zwolfer et al. 1976). There is
no reason to expect that the pattern of host-parasite
relationships would be any different in crop plant-
crop pest relationships than it would be in weed-
biological control agent relationships or
insect-parasitoid relationships. The ecological com-
munity also has a good appreciation of pre-adapta-
tion, identifying host plant taxonomic affinity as an
element in host adoption by insect herbivores, and
hence in species richness (Connor et al. 1980,
Neuvonen and Niemela 1983, Capinera et al. 1984b).
Influence of Crop Characteristics on Pest
Species Richness
North American vegetable crops differ greatly
in the extent of commercial acreage, crop value,
and the number of pests associated with each crop
(Capinera 2001). Mean area (+SD) planted to veg-
etable crops averaged 108,000 ha (+150,720 ha)
per crop, ranging from artichoke at only 3,683 ha,
to potato at 662,020 ha. The mean value (+SD) of
vegetable crops was about $617 million (+769
million) or $7,986/ha (+5,785). Correspondingly,
the least valuable crop was artichoke, valued at
$67.6 million, whereas the most valuable was po-
tato, valued at $3,121 million. However, examina-
tion of crop unit value provided a different picture
of vegetable crop worth, with pea the least valuable
crop at $1,162/ha, and celery the most valuable at
$24,340/ha. Vegetable crops averaged (+SD) 110
known pests/crop (+36), with a mean of 39 major
pests (+19) per crop. Although the value and area
planted to crops can vary considerably from year
to year, the pest fauna should display relatively
little short-term change.
Pest species richness was positively related to
area planted to vegetable crops. The number of
indigenous pests, nonindigenous pests, as well as
indigenous plus nonindigenous pests, were signifi-
cantly related to crop area. This was true for both
major pests and all pests (Table 1). Richness of
indigenous species was more directly related to crop
area than was richness of nonindigenous species.
The positive species-area relationship is a fun-
damental expression of community biogeography
(Strong 1979), and is well documented for insects
feeding on trees (Cornell and Washburn 1979;
Claridge and Wilson 1982; MacGarvin 1982;
Stevens 1986; Leather 1985, 1990) and crop plants
(McCoy and Rey 1983; Capinera et al. 1984a,
1984b). However, there is continuing debate con-
cerning the basis for the greater herbivore species
richness associated with more extensive host area
or range. Three general explanations have been
proposed: area per se, habitat heterogeneity, and
passive sampling (Connor and McCoy 1979).
The area per se explanation considers that crop
area is the favorable or preferred habitat for crop
pests, and that when the pests disperse into other
(noncrop) areas their survival is diminished. With
larger crop “islands,” or more extensive plantings,
dispersing insects are more likely to be retained
within the crop habitat, resulting in enhanced sur-
vival and species richness. A dynamic balance is
postulated between immigration and emigration/
extinction, with a higher equilibrium level estab-
lished on larger crop islands or on crops grown
more extensively.
Habitat heterogeneity is greater when crops are
planted over a more extensive area, providing for
differing topological, climatological, or microhabi-
tat differences that may favor accrual of more spe-
cies of herbivores inhabiting the same crop.
Similarly, crops planted more extensively cross the
range limits of more insect species. In an area as
extensive as North America, it is easy to find many
examples of pests that are limited by climatological
factors to a portion of the range inhabited by a
crop. Thus, diversity of physical or biological envi-
ronment rather than equilibrium biogeography is
emphasized in this explanation of the species-area
The passive sampling explanation is perceived
as more of a statistical artifact than a biological
explanation. In this scenario, larger crop areas are
thought to accumulate larger numbers of herbivores
through random dispersal, leading to increased spe-
cies richness. Alternatively, crops grown more ex-
tensively may be sampled more frequently or
extensively, leading to greater discovery and the per-
ception of enhanced species richness. Another as-
pect of the sampling explanation is that host species
lists may not be accurate, reflecting collector bias.
Examination of species richness in North Ameri-
can vegetable crops is revealing because it allows us
to dispose of some of the sampling issues effec-
tively. The pest fauna of vegetable crops is well stud-
ied, with extent of research effort and taxonomic
bias not likely to be significant impediments to de-
termination of true host ranges. Also, if there is an
entomologist-based bias, it should be reflected in
relation to crop value. With an entomologist-based
bias we might expect to find vegetable crops of
greater value to be studied more carefully, and to
have longer host lists.
Pest species richness had relatively little relation-
ship to crop value (Table 1). The relationships be-
tween major pest species richness and total crop
value were marginally significant, although when
all pests were considered the relationships were not
significant. The relationships of pest species rich-
ness and crop value were positive. The marginal
positive relationships are likely due to the fact that,
not surprisingly, crop area and value are corre-
lated (r = 0.758; P < 0.001; n = 20). Thus, pest
species richness and value are auto-correlated but
there is no causative basis. Conversely, when crop
unit values were analyzed, there were no significant
relationships between crop values and the richness
of major pests, and only near significance for crop
values and richness of all pests. These latter relation-
ships were consistently negative. Crops grown ex-
tensively are less valuable, and there is a significant
negative correlation (r = -0.506; P = 0.023; n = 20)
between crop area and unit area values. Again, auto-
correlation accounts for the marginal trends ob-
served with respect to crop unit values and species
richness. In a previous study of crop pests in Colo-
rado, I similarly found no evidence that species rich-
ness was positively correlated with crop value, and
in the case of vegetable crops I found a significant
negative relationship (Capinera et al. 1984a). Thus,
there seems to be little evidence for entomologist-
bias, allowing us to largely exclude sampling-based
explanations for the species-area relationships
It is difficult to determine the relative contribu-
tion of the two remaining explanations, area per se
and habitat heterogeneity, to species richness. As
pointed out by Strong (1979), heterogeneity is of-
ten correlated with area. However, heterogeneity
seems the most logical basis for the species-area
relationship. Many crop pests, particularly special-
ists, are adept at locating small patches of plants,
even including individual plants. Also, the vegetable
crops in North America have had 200 years or
more to be “located” by indigenous insect herbi-
vores, so relationships should be fairly well de-
fined. Lastly, because of the extensive observations
of vegetable crops made in North America during
the last 150 years, there are few undiscovered rela-
tionships/host associations. There seems to be little
evidence, therefore, to justify area per se as the basis
for species richness unless higher extinction rates in
smaller “patches” leads to failure of entomologists
to detect colonizing species. On the other hand, habi-
tat heterogeneity is a significant element affecting
species distribution. Northern and southern lati-
tudes differ markedly with respect to vegetable fauna,
and a moisture-based longitudinal gradient also af-
fects host associations significantly in North America.
Plant species grown more extensively will undoubt-
edly accrue longer host lists on a continent as clima-
tologically diverse as North America.
Crop area is not the only plant characteristic to
affect species richness. The architecture or com-
plexity of plants (Lawton 1983), taxonomic relat-
edness (Connor et al. 1980, Niemela and Neuvonen
1983, Kennedy and Southwood 1984), and de-
gree of polyphagy and habitat generalism (Quinn
et al. 1997) have been implicated, though these
factors are usually less important than is area. In a
previous analysis of crop plants grown in Colo-
rado, I found that the plant architecture and taxo-
nomic relatedness factors affected species richness
on crop plants, but not in a consistent manner
(Capinera et al. 1984a).
Characterization of North American
Vegetable Pests
Of the 332 pests considered to be damaging to
vegetable crops in the United States and Canada,
59% apparently are indigenous. The invaders come
principally from Europe, the source of many of
our vegetable and ornamental crops, the major
Table 1. Regression equations describing the relationship (log/log) of species richness (number of pests
per crop) to crop area (ha), crop value ($), and unit value ($/ha)
XYEquation Residual mean square Fr2P
Area Major pests, indigenous Y = (0.38)X - 0.54 0.071 10.18 0.361 0.005**
Major pests, invaders Y = (0.19)X + 0.22 0.035 5.32 0.228 0.033*
Major pests, total Y = (0.31)X + 0.07 0.039 11.83 0.396 0.003**
All pests, indigenous Y = (0.22)X + 0.78 0.025 9.63 0.348 0.006**
All pests, invaders Y = (0.22)X + 0.50 0.032 7.58 0.296 0.013*
All pests, total Y = (0.22)X + 0.95 0.027 9.18 0.337 0.007**
Crop value Major pests, indigenous Y = (0.29)X + 0.53 0.094 3.45 0.161 0.079
Major pests, invaders Y = (0.18)X + 0.67 0.039 3.09 0.147 0.094
Major pests, total Y = (0.25)X + 0.90 0.054 4039 0.196 0.050*
All pests, indigenous Y = (0.08)X + 1.60 0.038 0.63 0.034 0.438
All pests, invaders Y = (0.19)X + 1.15 0.040 2.07 0.116 0.141
All pests, total Y = (0.31)X + 1.62 0.036 2.39 0.117 0.139
Unit value Major pests, indigenous Y = (-0.33)X + 2.54 0.978 2.56 0.124 0.127
Major pests, invaders Y = (-0.19)X + 1.85 0.041 1.91 0.096 0.184
Major pests, total Y = (-0.27)X + 2.55 0.056 2.87 0.137 0.107
All pests, indigenous Y = (-0.23)X + 2.70 0.031 3.92 0.176 0.063
All pests, invaders Y = (-0.21)X + 2.36 0.041 2.48 0.121 0.132
All pests, total Y = (-0.23)X + 2.88 0.034 3.48 0.162 0.078
*, significant; **, highly significant
source of human immigrants that populated North
America, and a continuing source of tourists and
trade. Latin America and Asia are secondarily im-
portant as sources of vegetable pests, though they
remain significant potential sources of invaders.
The rate of invasion by vegetable pests has de-
creased in the 20th century, though pests continue
to enter North America. The regulatory processes
developed to curtail the influx of exotic pests seem
to have had considerable benefit.
The major plant-feeding insect orders are well
represented among North American vegetable
pests, principally the orders Coleoptera, Lepi-
doptera, Heteroptera and Homoptera. Invaders
are more likely to be the orders Homoptera and
Diptera, and the class Gastropoda, whereas indig-
enous pests are more likely to be the orders Co-
leoptera, Lepidoptera, Heteroptera, and Orthoptera.
Among the groups that are particularly good
invaders are the insect families Bruchidae,
Curculionidae, and Scarabaeidae (all order Co-
leoptera), family Pyralidae (order Lepidoptera), fam-
ily Anthomyiidae (order Diptera), family Aphididae
(order Homoptera), family Gryllotalpidae (order
Orthoptera), and the class Gastropoda. We seem to
be at greatest risk from pests that have soil-dwelling
or cryptic stages, as these pests gain entry frequently.
North American vegetable crops have numerous
pests, averaging 110 per crop, and with a mean of
39 major pests per crop.
Invading vegetable pests are more likely to have
a narrow host range (a single vegetable plant fam-
ily) whereas indigenous pests are more likely to
have a wide host range (more than five plant fami-
lies). Nonindigenous pests are more likely to be
classified as serious pests than are indigenous pests.
Thus, preadaptation to feed on imported vegetable
crops is identified as a major factor in attainment
of pest status. Species richness of both indigenous
and nonindigenous vegetable crop pests is posi-
tively related to the extent of commercial crop pro-
duction in North America, so the crops most at
risk of acquiring new pests are those grown most
extensively. Although economics usually determines
whether or not an insect is considered to be serious
pest, crop values do not affect our perception of
pest species richness.
This research was supported by the Florida Ag-
ricultural Experiment Station, and approved for
publication as Journal Series No. R-08132. J. H.
Frank, R. McSorley, and J. R. Rey kindly provided
useful reviews of the manuscript.
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John Capinera is Professor of Entomology and
Chairman of the Entomology and Nematology De-
partment at the University of Florida, Gainesville
FL ( Since his graduate
school days he has had an interest in vegetable
pests, and recently authored a new reference, Hand-
book of Vegetable Pests (Academic 2001), a com-
prehensive review of pests affecting vegetable crops
in the United States and Canada. He moved to
Florida in 1987, where he gained a new apprecia-
tion for invasive insects, as this state is “blessed”
with the establishment of about 12 new insects
annually. John’s other favorite research topic is
grasshoppers, and he and his students recently
published a new book, Grasshoppers of Florida
(University Press of Florida 2001). 7
Appendix continued on next page
Appendix 1. Insects and other invertebrate pests affecting vegetable crops in the United States and Canada
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Coleoptera - beetles, weevils, white grubs, and wireworms
Family Bruchidae - seed beetles and weevils
Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say), bean weevil Invader Central America, Narrow 1800-1850 Rare Fruit
Mexico, Caribbean
Bruchus pisorum (L.), pea weevil Invader Africa Narrow Before 1800 Rare Fruit
Bruchus rufimanus Boheman, broadbean weevil Invader Asia Narrow 1850-1900 Rare Fruit
Callosobruchus chinensis (L.), southern cowpea weevil Invader Africa Narrow ? Rare Fruit
Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), cowpea weevil Invader Africa Narrow 1800-1850 Rare Fruit
Family Carabidae—ground beetles
Clivina impressifrons LeConte, slender seedcorn beetle Native Narrow Rare Root/
Stenolophus comma (F.), seedcorn beetle Native Narrow Periodic Root/
Stenolophus lecontei (Chaudoir), seedcorn beetle Native Narrow Rare Root/
Family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Alticinae - flea beetles
Chaetocnema confinis Crotch, sweetpotato flea beetle Native Moderate Rare Foliage, root/
Appendix 1. (continued)
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Coleoptera - beetles, weevils, white grubs, and wireworms (continued)
Chaetocnema denticulata (Illiger), toothed flea beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Chaetocnema ectypa Horn, desert corn flea beetle Native Moderate Rare Foliage, root/
Chaetocnema pulicaria Melsheimer, corn flea beetle Native Narrow Periodic Foliage
Disonycha mellicollis Say, yellownecked flea beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Disonycha triangularis (Say), threespotted flea beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Disonycha xanthomelas (Dalman), spinach flea beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Epitrix cucumeris (Harris), potato flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage,
tuber, root/
Epitrix fasciata Blatchley, Invader Central America, Moderate ? Rare Foliage, root/
southern tobacco flea beetle Mexico, Caribbean seed/bulb
Epitrix fuscula Crotch, eggplant flea beetle Native Narrow Periodic Foliage, tuber,
Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsheimer), tobacco flea beetle Native Moderate Periodic Foliage, root/
Epitrix subcrinata LeConte, western potato flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage, tuber,
Epitrix tuberis Gentner, tuber flea beetle Native Wide Periodic Foliage, tuber,
Phyllotreta albionica LeConte, cabbage flea beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage, root/
Phyllotreta armoraciae (Koch), horseradish flea beetle Invader Europe Narrow 1850-1900 Rare Foliage, root/
Phyllotreta cruciferae (Goeze), crucifer flea beetle Invader Europe Moderate 1900-1950 Frequent Foliage, root/
Phyllotreta pusilla Horn, western black flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage, root/
Phyllotreta ramosa (Crotch), Native Narrow Rare Foliage, root/
western striped flea beetle seed/bulb
Phyllotreta striolata (F.), striped flea beetle Invader Europe Narrow Before 1800 Periodic Foliage, root/
Phyllotreta zimmermanni (Crotch), Invader Moderate ? Rare Foliage
Zimmermann’s flea beetle
Psylliodes punctulata Melsheimer, hop flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage
Systena blanda Melsheimer, palestriped flea beetle Native Wide Periodic Foliage, root/
Systena elongata (F.), elongate flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage, root/
Systena frontalis (F.), redheaded flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage, root/
Systena hudsonias (Förster), smartweed flea beetle Native Wide Rare Foliage, root/
Family Chrysomelidae, subfamily Cassidinae -
tortoise beetles
Agroiconota bivittata (Say), striped tortoise beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Charidotella bicolor (F.), golden tortoise beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Chelymorpha cassidea (L.), argus tortoise beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage, root/
Deloyala guttata (Olivier), mottled tortoise beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Gratiana pallidula (Boheman), eggplant tortoise beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage
Jonthonota nigripes (Olivier), Native Narrow Rare Foliage
blacklegged tortoise beetle
Family Chrysomelidae, several subfamilies -
leaf beetles
Acalymma trivittatum (Mannerheim), Native Wide Periodic Blossom,
western striped cucumber beetle fruit, foliage,
Acalymma vittatus (F.), striped cucumber beetle Native Wide Frequent Blossom,
fruit, foliage,
Cerotoma trifurcata (Förster), bean leaf beetle Native Narrow Rare Foliage, root/
Colaspis brunnea (F.), grape colaspis Native Wide Rare Foliage, root/
Crioceris asparagi (L.), asparagus beetle Invader Europe Narrow 1850-1900 Periodic stem/vine,
Crioceris duodecimpunctata (L.), Invader Europe Narrow 1850-1900 Periodic Fruit, foliage
spotted asparagus beetle
Diabrotica balteata LeConte, Native Wide Periodic Blossom, fruit,
banded cucumber beetle foliage, tuber,
Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence, Native Moderate Rare Root/
northern corn rootworm seed/bulb
Diabrotica undecimpunctata Mannerheim, Native Wide Frequent Blossom,
spotted cucumber beetle fruit, foliage,
Diabrotica virgifera LeConte, Native Moderate Frequent Blossom,
western corn rootworm fruit, foliage,
Entomoscelis americana Brown, red turnip beetle Native Narrow Rare Stem/vine,
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Invader Central America, Narrow 1800-1850 Frequent
Colorado potato beetle Mexico, Caribbean Foliage
Microtheca ochroloma Stål, yellowmargined leaf beetle Invader South America Wide 1900-1950 Periodic Foliage
Typophorus nigritus (Crotch), sweetpotato leaf beetle Native Narrow Rare Stem/vine,
tuber, root/
Family Curculionidae - billbugs, curculios, and weevils
Anthonomus eugenii Cano, pepper weevil Invader Central America, 1900-1950 Frequent Blossom,
Mexico, Caribbean fruit
Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Paykull), Invader Europe 1900-1950 Rare Fruit
cabbage seedpod weevil
Ceutorhynchus rapae Gyllenhal, cabbage curculio Invader Europe 1800-1850 Rare Stem/vine,
Chalcodermus aeneus Boheman, cowpea curculio Native Periodic Blossom
Cylas formicarius (Summers), sweetpotato weevil Invader Africa 1850-1900 Frequent Foliage,
Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.), Invader Central America, 1950-present Rare tuber
West Indian sugarcane rootstalk borer weevil Mexico, Caribbean
Listroderes difficilis Germar, vegetable weevil Invader South America 1900-1950 Periodic Foliage,
Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte), carrot weevil Native Frequent Stem/vine,
Listronotus texanus (Stockton), Texas carrot weevil Native Periodic Stem/vine,
Lixus concavus Say, rhubarb cuculio Native Rare Stem/vine,
Naupactus spp., whitefringed beetle Invader South America 1900-1950 Periodic Foliage,
tuber, root/
Sitona lineatus (L.), pea leaf weevil Invader Europe 1900-1950 Periodic Foliage,
Sphenophorus callosus (Oliver), southern corn billbug Native Rare Stem/vine,
Sphenophorus maidis Chittenden, maize billbug Native Rare Stem/vine,
Trichobaris trinotata (Say), potato stalk borer Native Rare Stem/vine,
Family Coccinellidae - lady beetles
Epilachna borealis F., squash beetle Native Rare Foliage
Epilachna varivestris Mulsant, Invader Central America, Before 1800 Frequent Foliage
Mexican bean beetle Mexico, Caribbean
Family Elateridae - click beetles and wireworms
Agriotes mancus (Say), wheat wireworm Native Rare Tuber, root/
Conoderus amplicollis (Gyllenhal), Invader South America 1900-1950 Periodic Stem/vine,
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Appendix continued on next page
Gulf wireworm tuber, root/
Conoderus falli Lane, southern potato wireworm Invader South America 1900-1950 Periodic Stem/vine,
tuber, root/
Conoderus vespertinus (F.), tobacco wireworm Native Periodic Stem/vine,
tuber, root
Ctenicera aeripennis aeripennis (Kirby), Native Rare Tuber, root/
Puget Sound wireworm seed/bulb
Ctenicera aeripennis destructor (Brown), Native Rare Tuber, root/
prairie grain wireworm seed/bulb
Ctenicera glauca (Germar), dryland wireworm Native Rare Tuber, root/
Ctenicera pruinina (Horn), Great Basin wireworm Native Rare Tuber, root/
Limonius agonus (Say), eastern field wireworm Native Periodic Tuber, root/
Limonius californicus (Mannerheim), Native Periodic Tuber, root/
sugarbeet wireworm seed/bulb
Limonius canus LeConte, Pacific Coast wireworm Native Periodic Tuber, root/
Melanotus communis (Gyllenhal), corn wireworm Native Periodic Root/seed/
Melanotus longulus oregonensis (LeConte), Native Rare Root/seed/
Oregon wireworm bulb
Family Meloidae - blister beetles
Epicauta immaculata (Say), immaculate blister beetle Native Rare Blossom,
Epicauta maculata (Say), spotted blister beetle Native Rare Blossom,
Epicauta pensylvanica (De Geer), black blister beetle Native Periodic Blossom,
Epicauta vittata (F.), striped blister beetle Native Periodic Blossom,
Family Nitidulidae - sap beetles
Carpophilus lugubris Murray, dusky sap beetle Native Rare Fruit
Glischrochilus quadrisignatus (Say), Native Periodic Fruit
fourspotted sap beetle
Family Scarabaeidae - scarab beetles
and white grubs
Adoretus sinicus Burmeister, Chinese rose beetle Invader Asia 1850-1900 Rare Foliage
Anomala orientalis Waterhouse, oriental beetle Invader Asia 1900-1950 Rare Foliage, root/
Bothynus gibbosus (De Geer), carrot beetle Native Rare Root/seed/
Cotinis nitida (L.), green June beetle Native Rare Foliage, root/
Macrodactylus subspinosus (F.), rose chafer Native Rare Blossom,
fruit, foliage
Macrodactylus uniformis Horn, western rose chafer Native Rare Blossom,
fruit, foliage
Maladera castanea (Arrow), Asiatic garden beetle Invader Asia 1900-1950 Rare Foliage, root/
Phyllophaga and others, white grubs Native Periodic Root/seed/bulb
Popillia japonica Newman, Japanese beetle Invader Asia 1900-1950 Frequent Fruit, foliage,
Strigoderma arboricola (F.), spring rose beetle Native Rare Root/seed/
Family Tenebrionidae - darking beetles
and false wireworms
Blapstinus, Coniontis, Eleodes, and Ulus spp., Native Rare Stem/vine,
false wireworms tuber, root/
Appendix 1. (continued)
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Coleoptera - beetles, weevils, white grubs, and wireworms (continued)
Order Dermaptera - Earwigs
Euborellia annulipes (Lucas), ringlegged earwig Invader Europe 1900-1950 Periodic Fruit, foliage
Forficula auricularia L., European earwig Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Foliage,
tuber, root/
Order Diptera - Flies and Maggots
Family Agromyzidae - leafminer flies
Agromyza parvicornis Loew, corn blotch leafminer Native Rare Foliage
Liriomyza brassicae (Riley), cabbage leafminer Invader ? ? Rare Foliage
Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), pea leafminer Invader? South America ? Periodic Foliage
Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, vegetable leafminer Invader? South America ? Rare Foliage
Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess), Native Periodic Foliage
American serpentine leafminer
Ophiomyia simplex (Loew), asparagus miner Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Stem/vine
Family Anthomyiidae - root and seed maggots,
leafminer flies
Delia antiqua (Meigen), onion maggot Invader Europe Before 1800 Frequent Stem/vine,
Delia floralis (Fallén), turnip maggot Invader? Europe ? Periodic Root/seed/
Delia florilega (Zetterstedt), bean seed maggot Invader Europe ? Rare Root/seed/
Delia planipalpis (Stein), radish root maggot Native Rare Root/seed/
Delia platura (Meigen), seedcorn maggot Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Root/seed/
Delia radicum (L.), cabbage maggot Invader Europe 1800-1850 Frequent Stem/vine,
Pegomya betae Curtis, beet leafminer Invader Europe 1800-1850 Frequent Foliage
Pegomya hyoscyami (Panzer), spinach leafminer Invader Europe 1800-1850 Frequent Foliage
Family Drosophilidae - pomace flies
Drosophila spp., small fruit flies Invader? South America ? Rare Fruit
Family Otididae - picturewing flies
Euxesta stigmatias Loew, cornsilk fly Invader Central America, ? Periodic Fruit
Mexico, Caribbean
Tetanops myopaeformis (Roeder), Native Rare Root/seed/
sugarbeet root maggot bulb
Family Psilidae - rust flies
Psila rosae (F.), carrot rust fly Invader Europe 1850-1900 Frequent Root/seed/
Family Syrphidae - flower and bulb flies
Eumerus strigatus (Fallén), onion bulb fly Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Root/seed/
Eumerus tuberculatus Rondani, lesser bulb fly Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Root/seed/
Family Tephritidae - fruit flies
Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, melon fly Invader Asia 1850-1900 Frequent Blossom,
fruit, stem/
Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, oriental fruit fly Invader Asia 1900-1950 Frequent Fruit
Euleia fratria (Loew), parsnip leafminer Native Rare Foliage
Zonosemata electa (Say), pepper maggot Native Periodic Fruit
Family Tipulidae - crane flies
Tipula paludosa Meigen, European crane fly Invader Europe 1950-present Stem/vine,
foliage, root/
Order Heteroptera - Bugs
Family Coreidae - squash and leaffooted bugs
Anasa armigera (Say), horned squash bug Native? Rare Fruit, foliage
Anasa tristis (De Geer), squash bug Native? Frequent Fruit, foliage
Appendix continued
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Leptoglossus spp., leaffooted bugs Native Frequent Fruit, foliage
Family Cydnidae - burrower bugs
Pangaeus bilineatus (Say), burrowing bug Native Rare Fruit, foliage
Family Lygaeidae - seed bugs
Blissus leucopterus (Say), chinch bugs Native Rare Foliage
Nysius niger Baker, false chinch bug Native Periodic Foliage
Nysius raphanus Howard, false chinch bug Native Periodic Foliage
Family Miridae - plant bugs
Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze), alfalfa plant bug Invader Europe 1900-1950 Rare Blossom,
Adelphocoris rapidus (Say), rapid plant bug Native Rare Blossom,
Adelphocoris superbus (Uhler), superb plant bug Native Rare Blossom,
Halticus bractatus (Say), garden fleahopper Native Periodic Foliage
Lygus elisus Van Duzee, pale legume bug Native Rare Blossom,
fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Lygus hesperus Knight, western tarnished plant bug Native Periodic Blossom,
fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), Native Frequent Blossom,
tarnished plant bug fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Orthops scutellatus Uhler, carrot plant bug Invader Europe 1900-1950 Rare Blossom,
fruit, foliage
Family Pentatomidae - stink bugs
Acrosternum hilare (Say), green stink bug Native Rare Fruit, foliage
Chlorochroa sayi (Stål), Say stink bug Native Rare Blossom, fruit,
Chlorochroa uhler (Stol), Uhler stink bug Native Rare
Euschistus conspersus Uhler, consperse stink bug Native Periodic Fruit
Euschistus servus (Say), brown stink bug Native? Rare Blossom,
fruit, stem/
Euschistus variolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), Native Rare Blossom,
onespotted stink bug fruit, foliage
Murgantia histrionica (Hahn), harlequin bug Invader Central America, 1850-1900 Periodic Foliage
Mexico, Caribbean
Nezara viridula (L.), southern green stink bug Invader Africa Before 1800 Frequent Blossom,
fruit, stem/
vine, tuber
Family Thyreocoridae - Negro bugs
Corimelaena pulicaria (Germar), little black bug Native Rare Stem/
vine, foliage
Family Tingidae - lace bugs
Gargaphia solani Heideman, eggplant lace bug Native Rare Foliage
Order Homoptera - Aphids, Leaf- and Planthoppers, Psyllids and Whiteflies
Family Aleyrodidae - whiteflies
Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, Invader ? 1950-present Frequent Foliage
silverleaf whitefly
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), sweetpotato whitefly Invader ? 1900-1950 Rare Foliage
Trialeurodes vaporariorum Invader Central America, Periodic Foliage
(Westwood), greenhouse whitefly Mexico, Caribbean
Family Aphididae - aphids
Acyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji, blue alfalfa aphid Invader Asia 1950-present Rare Blossom,
fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), pea aphid Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Blossom,
fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Aphis craccivora Koch, cowpea aphid Invader Africa? ? Periodic Fruit, stem/
Appendix 1. (continued)
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Heteroptera - Bugs (continued)
vine, foliage
Aphis fabae Scopoli, bean aphid Invader Europe ? Periodic Foliage
Aphis gossypii Glover, melon aphid Invader? ? ? Frequent Foliage
Aphis maidiradicis Forbes, corn root aphid Native Rare Root/seed/
Aphis nasturtii Kaltenbach, buckthorn aphid Invader Europe? ? Periodic Foliage
Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), foxglove aphid Invader Europe? ? Rare Foliage
Brachycorynella asparagi (Mordvilko), Invader Europe 1950-present Frequent Foliage
asparagus aphid
Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), cabbage aphid Invader Europe? Before 1800 Frequent Foliage
Capitophorus elaeagni (del Guercio), artichoke aphid Invader Europe ? Periodic Foliage
Cavariella aegopodii Scopoli, willow-carrot aphid Invader ? ? Frequent Foliage
Dysaphis crataegi (Kaltenbach), carrot root aphid Invader Europe ? Rare Stem/vine,
Dysaphis foeniculus (Theobald), carrot root aphid Invader Europe ? Rare Stem/vine,
Hyadaphis coriandri (Das), coriander aphid Invader Europe 1950-present Rare Foliage
Hyadaphis foeniculi (Passerini), honeysuckle aphid Invader Europe 1900-1950 Rare Foliage
Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), turnip aphid ? Periodic Foliage
Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), potato aphid Native Frequent Stem/vine,
Myzus persicae (Sulzer), green peach aphid Invader ? ? Frequent Foliage
Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), lettuce aphid Invader Europe 1950-present Periodic Foliage
Pemphigus betae Doane, sugarbeet root aphid Native Rare Root/seed/
Pemphigus bursarius (L.), lettuce root aphid Invader Europe ? Periodic Root/seed/
Pemphigus populivenae Fitch, sugarbeet root aphid Native Rare Root/seed/
Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), corn leaf aphid Invader Asia? ? Rare Blossom,
fruit, foliage
Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), bird cherry-oat aphid Native Periodic Foliage
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis (Saaki), Invader Asia ? Rare Root/seed/
rice root aphid bulb
Smynthurodes betae Westwood, bean root aphid Invader Europe ? Rare Root/seed/
Family Cicadellidae - leafhoppers
Circulifer tenellus (Baker), beet leafhopper Invader Europe Before 1800 Frequent Foliage
Dalbulus maidis (DeLong & Wolcott), Invader Central America, ? Periodic Foliage
corn leafhopper Mexico, Caribbean
Empoasca abrupta Delong, western potato leafhopper Native Rare Foliage
Empoasca fabae (Harris), potato leafhopper Native Periodic Foliage
Macrosteles quadrilineatus Forbes, aster leafhopper Native Frequent Foliage
Family Delphacidae - planthoppers
Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead), corn delphacid Invader Africa ? Rare Foliage
Family Psyllidae - psyllids
Paratrioza cockerelli (Sulc), potato psyllid Native Periodic Foliage
Order Hymenopters - Ants and Sawflies
Family Argidae - sawflies
Sterictiphora cellularis (Say), sweetpotato sawfly Native Rare Foliage
Family Formicidae - ants
Solenopsis invicta Buren, red imported fire ant Invader South America 1900-1950 Periodic Fruit, stem/
vine, foliage,
tuber, root/
Order Lepidoptera - Caterpillars, Moths and Butterflies
Family Arctiidae - woollybear caterpillars
and tiger moths
Estigmene acrea (Drury), saltmarsh caterpillar Native Periodic Foliage
Pyrrharctia isabella (J.E. Smith), banded woollybear Native Rare Foliage
Spilosoma virginica (F.), yellow woollybear Native Rare Foliage
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Appendix continued
Family Gelechiidae - leafminer moths
Keiferia lycopersicella (Walsingham), Invader Central America, 1900-1950 Frequent Fruit, foliage
tomato pinworm Mexico, Caribbean
Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), potato tuberworm Native Periodic Foliage, tuber
Tildenia inconspicuella (Murtfeldt), eggplant leafminer Native Rare Foliage
Family Hesperiidae - skipper butterflies
Urbanus proteus (L.), bean leafroller Native Periodic Foliage
Family Lycaenidae - hairstreak butterflies
Strymon melinus (Hübner), cotton square borer Native Rare Fruit, foliage
Family Lyonetiidae - lyonetiid moths
Bedellia orchilella Walsingham, Invader Asia ? Rare Foliage
sweetpotato leafminer
Bedellia somnulentella (Zeller), Invader Asia ? Rare Foliage
morningglory leafminer
Family Noctuidae - armyworms, cutworms, loopers,
stalk borers, and nocutid moths
Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), black cutworm Native Periodic Foliage
Agrotis orthogonia Morrison, pale western cutworm Native Rare Stem/vine
Agrotis subterranea (F.), granulate cutworm Native Periodic Stem/vine,
Anagrapha falcifera (Kirby), celery looper Native Rare Foliage
Anomis erosa Hübner, okra caterpillar Invader? ? ? Rare Foliage
Apamea devastator (Brace), glassy cutworm Native Rare Stem/vine,
Autographa californica (Speyer), alfalfa looper Native Periodic Foliage
Autographa precationis (Guenée), plantain looper Native Rare Foliage
Autoplusia egena (Guenée), bean leafskeletonizer Native Rare Foliage
Dicestra trifolii (Hufnagel), clover cutworm Native Periodic Foliage
Euxoa auxiliaris (Grote), army cutworm Native Rare Stem/vine,
Euxoa messoria (Harris), darksided cutworm Native Rare Foliage
Euxoa ochrogaster (Guenée), redbacked cutworm Native Periodic Stem/vine,
Feltia jaculifera (Guenée), dingy cutworm Native Rare Foliage
Feltia subgothica (Haworth), dingy cutworm Native Rare Foliage
Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), corn earworm Native Frequent Fruit, foliage
Heliothis virescens (F.), tobacco budworm Native Rare Blossom, fruit,
Hydraecia immanis (Guenée), hop vine borer Native Periodic Stem/vine,
foliage, root/
Hydraecia micacea (Esper), potato stem borer Invader Europe 1900-1950 Periodic Stem/vine,
foliage, root/
Loxagrotis albicosta (Smith), western bean cutworm Native Rare Fruit
Mamestra configurata Walker, bertha armyworm Native Periodic Foliage
Megalographa biloba (Stephens), bilobed looper Native Rare Foliage
Melanchra picta (Harris), zebra caterpillar Native Rare Foliage
Mocis latipes Guenée, striped grass looper Native Rare Foliage
Nephelodes minians Guenée, bronzed cutworm Native Rare Foliage
Papaipema nebris (Guenée), stalk borer Native Rare stem/vine
Peridroma saucia (Hübner), variegated cutworm Invader Europe? 1800-1850 Periodic Stem/vine,
Plathypena scabra (F.), green cloverworm Native Rare Foliage
Pseudaletia unipunctata (Haworth), armyworm Native Periodic Foliage
Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), soybean looper Native Rare Fruit, foliage
Spodoptera dolichos (F.), sweetpotato armyworm Native Rare Stem/vine,
Spodoptera eridania (Stoll), southern armyworm Native Frequent Fruit, foliage,
Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), beet armyworm Invader Asia 1850-1900 Frequent Foliage
Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), fall armyworm Native Frequent Fruit, foliage
Appendix. (continued)
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Lepidoptera - Caterpillars, Moths and Butterflies (continued)
Spodoptera latifascia (Walker), velvet armyworm Native Rare Stem/vine,
Spodoptera ornithogalli (Guenée), Native Periodic Fruit, foliage
yellowstriped armyworm
Spodoptera praefica (Grote), Native Periodic Fruit, foliage
western yellowstriped armyworm
Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), cabbage looper ? Frequent Foliage
Xestia adela Franclemont, spotted cutworm Invader Europe ? Periodic Fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Xestia dolosa Franclemont, spotted cutworm Invader Europe ? Periodic Fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Family Oecophoridae - oecophorid moths
Depressaria pastinacella (Duponchel), Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Blossom
parsnip webworm
Family Papilionidae - celeryworms and
swallowtail butterflies
Papilio polyxenes F., black swallowtail Native Rare Foliage
Papilio zelicaon Lucas, anise swallowtail Native Rare Foliage
Family Pieridae - cabbageworms, white, and
sulfur butterflies
Ascia monuste (L.), southern white Native Rare Foliage
Colias eurytheme Boisduval, alfalfa caterpillar Native Rare Foliage
Pieris napi (L.), mustard white Native Rare Foliage
Pieris rapae (L.), imported cabbageworm Invader Europe 1850-1900 Frequent Foliage
Pontia protodice (Boisduval & LeConte), Native Rare Fruit, foliage
southern cabbageworm
Family Pterophoridae - plume moths
Platyptilia carduidactyla (Riley), Native Frequent Blossom,
artichoke plume moth fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Family Pyralidae - borers, budworms, leaftiers,
webworms, and snout moths
Achyra rantalis (Guenée), garden webworm Native Rare Foliage
Crambus and others, sod and root webworms Native Rare Stem/vine,
Diaphania hyalinata (L.), melonworm Native Periodic Fruit, foliage
Diaphania nitidalis (Stoll), pickleworm Native Frequent Blossom,
Diatraea crambidoides (Grote), Native Stem/vine,
southern cornstalk borer foliage
Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, southern corn borer Invader Central America, 1850-1900 Rare Fruit, stem/
Mexico, Caribbean vine, foliage
Diatraea saccharalis (F.), sugarcane borer Invader Central America, 1850-1900 Rare Fruit, stem/
Mexico, Caribbean vine, foliage
Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller), Native Rare stem/vine
lesser cornstalk borer
Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke), limabean pod borer Invader ? 1850-1900 Rare Fruit
Evergestis pallidata (Hufnagel), Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Stem/vine,
purplebacked cabbageworm foliage, Root/
Evergestis rimosalis (Guenée), Native Periodic Foliage
Hellula phidilealis (Walker), cabbage budworm Invader? Central America, ? Rare Stem/vine
cross-striped cabbageworm Mexico, Caribbean
Hellula rogatalis (Hulst), cabbage webworm Native Rare Foliage
Hellula undalis (F.), oriental cabbage webworm Invader? ? ? Rare Foliage
Herpetogramma bipunctalis (F.), ? Rare Foliage
southern beet webworm
Hymenia perspectalis (Hübner), ? Rare Foliage
spotted beet webworm
Loxostege cereralis (Zeller), alfalfa webworm Native Rare Foliage
Loxostege sticticalis (L.), beet webworm Invader Europe ? Rare Foliage
Omphisa anastomosalis (Guenée), Invader Asia 1850-1900 Rare Stem/vine,
sweetpotato vine borer tuber
Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), European corn borer Invader Europe 1900-1950 Frequent Blossom,
fruit, stem/
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Appendix continued
vine, foliage
Plutella xylostella (L.), diamondback moth Invader Europe 1850-1900 Frequent Foliage
Spoladea recurvalis (F.), Hawaiian beet webworm Invader ? ? Rare Foliage
Udea profundalis (Packard), false celery leaftier Native Rare Stem/vine,
Udea rubigalis (Guenée), celery leaftier Native Rare Stem/vine,
Family Sesiidae - vine borers and clearwing moths
Melittia calabaza Duckworth & Eichlin, Rare Stem/vine
southwestern squash vine borer Native
Melittia cucurbitae (Harris), squash vine borer Native Frequent Stem/vine
Family Sphingidae - hornworms and sphinx moths
Agrius cingulatus (F.), sweetpotato hornworm Native Rare Foliage
Hyles lineata (F.), whitelined sphinx Native Rare Foliage
Manduca quinquemaculata (Haworth), Native Periodic Fruit, foliage
tomato hornworm
Manduca sexta (L.), tobacco hornworm Native Periodic Fruit, foliage
Family Tortricidae - leafroller moths
Cydia nigricana (F.), pea moth Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Fruit
Order Orthoptera - Grasshoppers and Crickets
Family Acrididae - grasshoppers
Melanoplus bivittatus (Say), Native Periodic Foliage
twostriped grasshopper
Melanoplus differentialis (Thomas), Native Periodic Foliage
differential grasshopper
Melanoplus femurrubrum (De Geer), Native Rare Foliage
redlegged grasshopper
Melanoplus propinquus Scudder, Native Rare Foliage
southern redlegged grasshopper
Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.), migratory grasshopper Native Periodic Foliage
Romalea microptera (Beauvois), Native Periodic Foliage
eastern lubber grasshopper
Schistocerca americana (Drury), Native Rare Foliage
American grasshopper
Family Gryllidae - field crickets
Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burmeister, fall field cricket Native Rare Blossom, fruit,
foliage, root/
Gryllus rubens Scudder, southeastern field cricket Native Rare Blossom, fruit,
Gryllus veletis (Alexander & Bigelow), Native Rare Blossom,
spring field cricket fruit, stem/
vine, foliage,
Family Gryllotalpidae - mole crickets
Scapteriscus abbreviatus Scudder, Invader South America 1850-1900 Rare Stem/vine,
shortwinged mole cricket foliage, tuber,
Scapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos, southern mole cricket Invader South America 1850-1900 Rare Stem/vine,
tuber, root/
Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder, tawny mole cricket Invader South America 1850-1900 Rare Stem/vine,
Appendix 1. (continued)
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Lepidoptera - Caterpillars, Moths and Butterflies (continued)
tuber, root/
Family Tettigoniidae - shield-backed crickets
Anabrus simplex Haldeman, Mormon cricket Native Rare Foliage
Peranabrus scabricollis (Thomas), coulee cricket Native Rare Foliage
Order Thysanoptera - Thrips
Anaphothrips obscurus (Müller), grass thrips Native Rare Foliage
Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande), bean thrips Native Rare Foliage
Frankliniella fusca (Hinds), tobacco thrips Native Frequent Blossom,
Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), Native Frequent Blossom
western flower thrips
Thrips palmi Karny, melon thrips Invader Asia 1950-present Frequent Blossom, fruit,
Thrips tabaci Lindeman, onion thrips Invader Asia 1850-1900 Frequent Fruit, foliage
Other Invertebrate Pests
Class Acari - mites
Aculops lycopersici (Massee), tomato russet mite Invader ? 1800-1850 Periodic Stem/vine,
Oligonychus pratensis (Banks), Banks grass mite Native Rare Foliage
Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), broad mite Invader Asia ? Periodic Blossom,
fruit, foliage
Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze & Robin), Invader ? ? Rare Root/seed/
bulb mite bulb
Rhizoglyphus robini Claparede, bulb mite Invader ? ? Rare Root/seed/
Tetranychus tumidus Banks, tumid spider mite Native Rare Foliage
Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov & Native Asia Rare Foliage
Nikolski, strawberry spider mite
Tetranychus urticae Koch, twospotted spider mite Invaver Europe 1850-1900 Frequent Foliage
Class Collembola - springtails
Bourletiella hortensis Fitch, garden springtail Invader Europe ? Rare Stem/vine,
Class Diplopoda - millipedes
Oxidus gracilis Koch, garden millipede Invader ? ? Rare Fruit, stem/
vine, tuber
Class Isopoda - pillbugs and sowbugs
Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille), common pillbug Invader Europe ? Rare Fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Porcellio scaber Latreille, dooryard sowbug Invader Europe ? Rare Fruit, stem/
vine, foliage
Class Gastropoda - slugs and snails
Arionater rufus (L.), black slug Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Foliage
Cepaea, Helix, Rumina spp. and others, snails
Cepaea hortensis (Müller), white-lipped snail Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Foliage
Cepaea nemoralis (L.), brown-lipped snail Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Foliage
Deroceras, Limax, Milax spp. and others, slugs
Deroceras laeve (Müller), marsh slug Native Rare Foliage
Deroceras reticulatum (Müller), gray garden slug Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Root/seed/
Helix aperta Born, singing snail Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Foliage
Helix aspera Müller, brown garden snail Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Foliage
Helix pomatia L., Roman snail Invader Europe 1850-1900 Rare Foliage
Limax flavus (L.), tawny garden slug Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Foliage
Limax maximus L., spotted garden slug Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Foliage
Milax gagates (Draparnand), greenhouse slug Invader Europe 1850-1900 Periodic Foliage
Otala lactea (Müller), milk snail Invader Europe ? Rare Foliage
Rumina decollata (L.), decollate snail Invader Europe ? Rare Foliage
Theba pisana (Müller), white garden snail Invader Europe 1900-1950 Rare Foliage
Class Symphyla - symphylans
Scutigerella immaculata (Newport), Invader Europe ? Periodic Root/seed/
garden symphylan bulb
Status Origin Host Period of Damage Site
range detection frequency damaged
Order Orthoptera - Grasshoppers and Crickets (continued)
... Taxonomic similarity between the weed and crop plant becomes an important element in predicting damage to crops by weed-feeding insects. Insects with a narrow host range (specialists) are likely to be pre-adapted to accept crops in the same family as the weeds on which they feed (Capinera, 2002). Hill (1987) listed Dysdercus spp., Nezara viridula, Earias spp. ...
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Cotton flea beetle, Podagrica puncticollis is the most destructive insect pest of cotton in northwestern part of Ethiopia. This study was conducted to identify and determine the host range of cotton flea beetle in Metema area. The field survey was undertaken from June 27, 2015 to January 9, 2016 in ten kebele administrations of the district. At least three fields were prospected after every 15 days, in each kebele for host plants as well as to determine population density and percent leaf damage by adult cotton flea beetle, at different growth stages of cotton plant. The composition of plant species with damaged symptom or infested by flea beetle was analysed using quantitative means and identified by comparing specimens with description of identification manuals. A total of 11 host plant species of cotton flea beetle were identified in the cotton growing areas of Metema throughout a season. Indigofera longibarbata (Fabaceae), Hibiscus articulatus, H. cannabinus, H. vitifolius, Abutilon figarianum, Sida alba and S. urens (Malvaceae), Bidens pilosa and B. setigera (Asteraceae), Corchorus olitorius and C. trilocularis (Tiliaceae) found to be common host plants of cotton flea beetle. Thus, among the host plants, H. vitifolius, H. cannabinus, H. articulatus, C. olitorius and C. trilocularis were the most suitable hosts for adult cotton flea beetle in respect of the number of adults per plant and percent foliage damage they sustained. These findings could aid in developing long-term management strategies for this important insect pest existing in a hot dry tropical environment of northwestern Ethiopia.
... In addition to the first line of defense, plants produce several Table 1 Major grapevine insect and mite pests (order and family), their feeding type and distribution. (Capinera, 2002;Geddes, 2010;Malagnini et al., 2012;Silva et al., 2019) Thrips: Western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, grape thrips Drepanothrips reuteri ...
... Species belonging to this superfamily generally live in colonies on their hosts (Zeybek and Tozlu, 2022). Certain aphid species pose a significant threat as invasive pests, jeopardizing agricultural ecosystems on a global scale (Capinera, 2002). They are not only plant feeders but also play a crucial role as virus vectors, responsible for transmitting nearly 30% of all known plant virus species (Brault et al., 2010). ...
Aphids are one of the most important groups of insects that cause damage to agricultural crops, ornamental plants, as well as herbaceous and woody plants in their natural habitats. Aphids that feed on plant sap can cause significant crop losses worldwide, ranging from 70% to 80%, due to stunted growth, deformation, wilting, and other detrimental effects on plants. Despite the chemical, biological, and integrated pest management methods applied against these damages, aphids have rapidly expanded their distribution areas and their damages have been increasing in recent times. Hyalopterus Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a genus of aphids, are known worldwide as pests that infest Prunus trees, which are stone fruit trees. They cause damage by feeding on the trees and also by transmitting plant viruses. Subsequently, improper and indiscriminate use of chemical control methods negatively impacts both human and environmental health. Accurate identification of aphids, especially in terms of invasive species, is crucial for early detection of their damages in the initial stages. The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene is an effective gene region used in the identification of many economically important plant pests worldwide. In this study, a total of 50 individuals of Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) were collected from three localities Şarköy (Ulaman, Bulgurlu, Gölcük, Cumhuriyet, Mürefte, Hoşköy, Gaziköy, Tepeköy, Palamut), Süleymanpaşa (Yüzüncüyıl, Altınova, Banarlı, Barboros, Bıyıkali, Çınarlı, Değirmenaltı, Ferhadanlı, Hürriyet, Karacakılavuz, Karaevli, Naip, Namık Kemal and Marmaraereğlisi (Bahçelievler, Cedit Ali Paşa, Dereağzı, Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Sultanköy, Türkmenli, Yakuplu and Yeniçiftlik) in Tekirdağ province. The species H11, H41, and H61, which were selected to represent three counties, were sequenced, and the molecular sequence results revealed that H. pruni, as morphologically described, showed 99% consistency at the molecular level.
... Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) are a ubiquitous group of insects, most commonly found in temperate regions [1]. Aphids are phloem suckers that can cause considerable damage to plants [2,3] and major losses in crop yield [4,5]. There are ca. ...
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Aphids are a ubiquitous group of pests in agriculture that cause serious losses. For sustainable aphid identification, it is necessary to develop a precise and fast aphid identification tool. A new simple chemotaxonomy approach to rapidly identify aphids was implemented. The method was calibrated in comparison to the established phylogenetic analysis. For chemotaxonomic analysis, aphids were crushed, their headspace compounds were collected through closed-loop stripping (CLS) and analysed using gas chromatography—mass spectrometry (GC-MS). GC-MS data were then subjected to a discriminant analysis using CAP12.exe software, which identified key biomarkers that distinguish aphid species. A dichotomous key taking into account the presence and absence of a set of species-specific biomarkers was derived from the discriminant analysis which enabled rapid and reliable identification of aphid species. As the method overcomes the limits of morphological identification, it works with aphids at all life stages and in both genders. Thus, our method enables entomologists to assign aphids to growth stages and identify the life history of the investigated aphids, i.e., the food plant(s) they fed on. Our experiments clearly showed that the method could be used as a software to automatically identify aphids.
... Aphids (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) are considered the most economical importance and worldwide insect pests (Emden and Harrington 2007), which are more common in temperate zones (Blackman and Eastop 2000). They are invasive pests, that threaten agricultural production and cause severe crop losses reach 70-80% (Capinera 2002, Holman 2008, Kinyanjui et al 2016. Direct feeding of aphid on plant sap can cause not only depriving essential nutrients of host plant, but also transmitting 30% of plant viral diseases, and injecting toxic salivary secretions to host plants (Blackman and Eastop 1994and 2000, Brault et al 2010. ...
... Taxonomic similarity between the weed and crop plant becomes an important element in predicting damage to crops by weed-feeding insects. Insects with a narrow host range (specialists) are likely to be pre-adapted to accept crops in the same family as the weeds on which they feed (Capinera, 2002). Hill (1987) listed Dysdercus spp., Nezara viridula, Earias spp. ...
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Cotton flea beetle, Podagrica puncticollis is the most destructive insect pest of cotton in northwestern part of Ethiopia. This study was conducted to identify and determine the host range of cotton flea beetle in Metema area. The field survey was undertaken from June 27, 2015 to January 9, 2016 in ten kebele administrations of the district. At least three fields were prospected after every 15 days, in each kebele for host plants as well as to determine population density and percent leaf damage by adult cotton flea beetle, at different growth stages of cotton plant. The composition of plant species with damaged symptom or infested by flea beetle was analysed using quantitative means and identified by comparing specimens with description of identification manuals. A total of 11 host plant species of cotton flea beetle were identified in the cotton growing areas of Metema throughout a season. Indigofera longibarbata (Fabaceae), Hibiscus articulatus, H. cannabinus, H. vitifolius, Abutilon figarianum, Sida alba and S. urens (Malvaceae), Bidens pilosa and B. setigera (Asteraceae), Corchorus olitorius and C. trilocularis (Tiliaceae) found to be common host plants of cotton flea beetle. Thus, among the host plants, H. vitifolius, H. cannabinus, H. articulatus, C. olitorius and C. trilocularis were the most suitable hosts for adult cotton flea beetle in respect of the number of adults per plant and percent foliage damage they sustained. These findings could aid in developing long-term management strategies for this important insect pest existing in a hot dry tropical environment of northwestern Ethiopia.
... In 1908, it was introduced to the Hawaiian Island of Oahu, where it became a serious pest of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). Before 1920, it was accidentally introduced from Japan in the United States, presumably by infested nursery stock (Ritcher, 1966;Tashiro, 1987;Capinera, 2002). Twelve years later, it was limited to an area within 145 km of New York City. ...
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Abstract The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Exomala orientalis (Coleoptera: Rutelidae) (Oriental beetle) for the EU. Larvae feed on the roots of a variety of hosts including most grasses and many vegetable crops. Maize, pineapples, sugarcane are among the main host plants. Larvae are particularly damaging to turfgrass and golf courses. The adults feed on flowers and other soft plant tissues (e.g. Alcea rosea, Dahlia, Iris, Phlox and Rosa). Eggs are laid in the soil. Larvae feed on host roots and overwinter in the soil. Adults emerge from pupae in the soil in May‐June and are present for about 2 months. E. orientalis usually completes its life cycle in 1 year although individuals can spend two winters as larvae. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 (Annex IIA) regulates E. orientalis. The legislation also regulates the import of soil attached to plants for planting from third countries; therefore, entry of E. orientalis eggs, larvae and pupae is prevented. E. orientalis is native to Japan or the Philippine islands. It is also found in East Asia and India, Hawaii and north‐eastern USA. It is assumed to have reached USA via infested nursery stock. Plants for planting (excluding seeds) and cut flowers provide potential pathways for entry into the EU. E. orientalis has been intercepted only once in the EU, on Ilex crenata bonsai. Climatic conditions and the availability of host plants provide conditions to support establishment in the EU. Impacts on maize, grassland and turfgrass would be possible. There is uncertainty on the extent of the impact on host plants which are widely commercially grown (e.g. maize) Phytosanitary measures are available to reduce the likelihood of entry. E. orientalis satisfies the criteria that are within the remit of EFSA to assess for it to be regarded as a potential Union quarantine pest. Of the criteria that are within the remit of EFSA to assess for it to be regarded as a potential Union regulated non‐quarantine pest, E. orientalis does not meet the criterion of occurring in the EU.
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Background Climate change is inevitable owing from modern-day chemical agriculture, exerting detrimental impacts on sustainable crop production. Global agriculture is now facing serious threats from biotic stresses like weeds, pests, diseases, etc. These stresses not only hamper growth and production but also reduce crop quality. Main body of the abstract Exclusive reliance on synthetic inputs to tackle biotic stresses has created resistance, resurgence, residues, etc., leading to environmental pollution. Although plants adopt defensive mechansims, such biotic stresses need to be addressed properly with various eco-friendly organic farming approaches. Suitable modification and adoption of various organic agronomic practices (manual, mechanical, cultural, and biological) such as soil solarization, crop rotation, intercropping, tillage, sowing time and method, nutrient, water and intercultural operations, organic formulations, selection of resistant/tolerant varieties, etc., can mitigate the negative impacts of biotic stresses to a high extent resulting in uplift in crop production as well as the quality of produce. Microorganisms not only alter soil health positively for high crop production but also alleviate biotic stresses through bio-stimulant properties. Various indigenous technical knowledge approaches show great promise to tackle biotic stresses further. Short conclusion Adequate research, integration of multiple technologies, build-up of awareness, etc., are the keys for successful organic plant protection under changing climate scenario.
Structural variation has been associated with genetic diversity and adaptation. Despite these observations, it is not clear what their relative importance is for evolution, especially in rapidly adapting species. Here we examine the significance of structural polymorphisms in pesticide resistance evolution of the agricultural super‐pest, the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. By employing a parent offspring trio sequencing procedure, we develop highly contiguous reference genomes to characterize structural variation. These updated assemblies represent >100‐fold improvement of contiguity and include derived pest and ancestral non‐pest individuals. We identify >200,000 structural variations, which appear to be non‐randomly distributed across the genome as they co‐occur with transposable elements and genes. Structural variations intersect with exons in a large proportion of gene annotations (~20%) that are associated with insecticide resistance (including cytochrome P450s), development, and transcription. To understand the role structural variations play in adaptation, we measure their allele frequencies among an additional 57 individuals using whole genome resequencing data, which represents pest and non‐pest populations of North America. Incorporating multiple independent tests to detect the signature of natural selection using SNP data, we identify 14 genes that are likely under positive selection, include structural variations, and SNPs of elevated frequency within the pest lineages. Among these, three are associated with insecticide resistance based on previous research. One of these genes, CYP4g15, is co‐induced during insecticide exposure with glycosyltransferase‐13, which is a duplicated gene enclosed within a structural variant adjacent to the CYP4g15 genic region. These results demonstrate the significance of structural variations as a genomic feature to describe species history, genetic diversity, and adaptation.
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Introductions of nonindigenous organisms into the United States have been linked to international trade. The individual contributions of imports, immigration, and international travel, however, are poorly understood because introduction dates are unavailable. We examine relationships between economic trends and discoveries of nonindegenous insects and use these relationships to infer the timing and determinants of introductions. We find that a few variables can explain much variation in species introductions and identifications. The most significant contributor to the introduction appears to be agricultural imports. Currently available proxies for academic effort are weak determinants of the probability that introduced species are identified.
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A table is presented of the recent (published since 1970) records of presence of exotic insects in Florida. The table includes 271 species, 209 of which were first collected in Florida after 1970. We assume that these insects are immigrants, and we calculated mean rates of 7.7 and 12.0 immigrations per year in the 1970s and 1980s, respectively. We judge that about 20 recent immigrants are, or could become, major pests in Florida. At least 8% of the species appear to have arrived as stowaways, and many of the actual or potential major pests are among them. Immigrant species are not equitably distributed among orders or among families within orders. Species in the orders Lepidoptera and Coleoptera are especially well-represented. By far the largest proportion of recent insect immigrants to Florida comes from the Neotropical region. Our results suggest further information that is needed to answer questions about the invasibility of Florida.
The size of range of host plants and animals is the best single correlate of number of associated parasite species. For a single species of host distributed over many regions, there should exist 2 important additional correlates: the sizes of source pools of potential colonists within regions and the distribution of the host's close relatives among regions. A comparison of the data for the herbivorous arthropods of cacao, citrus, coconuts, coffee, cotton, rice and sugar cane shows that regions in Amazonia, Southern Asia/Australia and sub-Saharan Africa consistently fall above species-area regression lines, whereas regions in North and South America (except Amazonia), Western Asia and Europe tend to fall below them. The pattern implicates the importance of source pool size of potential colonists and taxonomic isolation of the host in influencing arthropod accrual. -from Authors
(1) The species-area relationship for phytophagous insect species feeding on rosebay willowherb (Fireweed), Chamerion angustifolium (L.) J. Holub was studied during 1979 and 1980. Three aspects were examined. (a) The number of species and individual insects present on patches ranging in size from 0.25 m2 to 7050 m2, at sites within Great Britain. (b) The detailed mapping of the distribution of three species within a 28 X 20 m patch of rosebay. (c) The colonization of new, transplanted patches of rosebay over a 2-year period. (2) There was a shallow, but significant regression of species numbers on patch size, the slope of which was virtually identical for both years. The height of plants (a measure of habitat heterogeneity) did not significantly increase the variation explained by the regression. (3) The number of species, and the total number of individuals, per plant also increased with patch size. (4) The abundance of individual species per plant was either positively related to patch size, had no correlation or, for one species, was negatively related. (5) There was no clear relationship between species diversity and patch size. (6) For the majority of species, the variance to mean ratio of individuals per plant within patches increased with increasing population size. For those species whose abundance was related to patch size, this implies that the distributions became more aggregated with increasing patch size. (7) The three species whose distributions were mapped within a patch all had aggregated distributions of numbers per plant, and between different regions of the patch. (8) The colonization of new patches was rapid. Mompha raschkiella had attained densities comparable to those observed naturally within one season, as did two other species sampled during the second year. (9) Habitat heterogeneity is probably not an important aspect of the species-area relationship nor can passive sampling be evoked in isolation from other factors. Instead it is thought that passive sampling, `active sampling' (Root's resource concentration hypothesis) and area-dependent extinction all play a part in generating the species-area relationship, the contribution of each varying from species to species.
Substantial evidence indicates that host geographic range is the most important determinant of the number of herbivorous and carnivorous parasite species associated with that host. Thus far, the reasons for this pattern have not emerged because: 1) Extinction rates of parasites on hosts have not yet been measured, consequently the observed species-area relationships cannot be interpreted in terms of the premises of island biogeography theory. 2) Low correlations between species richness and geographic range have not been documented and interpreted. These cases are necessary to clarify other potential influences on parasite species richness. Here we treat the second of these with an analysis of host relations in a guild of gallforming cynipine wasps which parasitize oak trees. Two geographic regions sharing no Cynipinae or oak species are analyzed for species-area patterns via linear regression. In the Atlantic region, 378 cynipine species attacking 26 Quercus conformed to the equation log S = 0.25 log A + 0.12, r2 = 0.41, whereas in California 159 Cynipinae attacking 11 Quercus conformed to log S = 0.72 log A - 1.52, r2 = 0.72. The higher z-value in California may be due to the greater topographic diversity, oak varietal diversity, and altitudinal variation characteristic of this region. The higher coefficient of determination probably results from smaller latitudinal variation in climate coupled with broader geographic overlap of oaks than in the Atlantic region. Evidence suggests that host shifting is unimportant in the Cynipinae. Instead, Cynipinae speciate parapatrically on the same host oak and radiation proceeds in parallel with oak radiation. Geographic overlap of host oaks, therefore, has little effect on colonization rates.