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Effect of Particle Size on the Performance of an N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator and a Surgical Mask at Various Breathing Conditions


Abstract and Figures

The effect of aerosol particle size on the performance of an N95 filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) and a surgical mask (SM) was evaluated under different breathing conditions, including breathing frequency and mean inspiratory flow (MIF) rate. The FFR and SM were sealed on a manikin headform and challenged with charge-equilibrated NaCl aerosol. Filter penetration (P filter) was determined as the ratio of aerosol concentrations inside and outside the FFR/SM size-selectively (28 channels) within a range of 20 to 500 nm. In addition, the same models of the FFR and SM were donned, but not sealed, on an advanced manikin headform covered with skin-like material. Total inward leakage (TIL), which represents the total particle penetration, was measured under conditions identical to the filter penetration experiment. Testing was conducted at four mean MIFs (15, 30, 55, and 85 L/min) combined with five breathing frequencies (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 breaths/min). The results show that SM produced much higher P filter and TIL values, and thus provide little protection against aerosols in the size range tested. P filter was significantly affected by particle size and breathing flow rate (P P filter as a function of the particle size exhibited more than one peak under all tested breathing conditions. The effect of breathing frequency on P filter was generally less pronounced, especially for lower MIFs. For the FFR and SM, TIL increased with increasing particle size up to about 50 nm; for particles above 50 nm, the total penetration was not significantly affected by particle size and breathing frequency; however, the effect of MIF remained significant.Copyright 2013 American Association for Aerosol Research
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... It is therefore deemed unsuitable to be used since face masks with the greatest penetration signifies potential penetration of aerosol into the bronchi (20). According to He et al., (2013), filter penetration is one of the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of masks (21). ...
... It is therefore deemed unsuitable to be used since face masks with the greatest penetration signifies potential penetration of aerosol into the bronchi (20). According to He et al., (2013), filter penetration is one of the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of masks (21). ...
... Studies on the performance of face masks and FFRs report many types of measurements (Eninger et al., 2008;Grinshpun et al., 2009;, such as filter holder measurements (evaluation of the efficiency of the sample of the filter material as a function of face velocity), mask efficiency measurements (assessment of the penetration of particles through the full mask), and mannequin head measurements in which the mask is fitted to the mannequin head (or in some cases is worn by a person to mimic the real-world setting) (Ardon-Dryer et al., 2021;Bałazy et al., 2006;Eninger et al., 2008;Grinshpun et al., 2009;He et al., 2013;Liao et al., 2020;and Pan et al., 2021). In one of our previous studies, we found that properly worn N95 FFRs and KN95s potentially reduce inhaled dose by a factor of 43-77 and 14-59, respectively. ...
Mask-wearing emerged as the key safety measure to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. In this study, we hypothesized a model to quantify the leakage flow rate through the face mask based on a parallel resistance model. The tests were performed in two ways: (I) mask material test, in which all masks were sealed to a flange to measure transmission through a full mask and prevent leakage around the edges, and (II) mannequin mask test, in which masks were fitted to a mannequin head tightly. For all masks, the pressure drop was measured at eight different flow rates between 5 and 85 LPM, and it was increased linearly with the flow rate (r2 > 0.98). The results of the study showed that the leakage flow rate was 10% of the total flow rate, even for the best-fitted N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) and KN95 masks. They showed higher resistance to the leaks. The procedure masks and cloth masks showed a leakage flow rate of 25% of the value of the total flow rate, quite a large proportion of the flow. They had lower resistance to leaks.
... Basing upon the open-source information, the analysis has gathered information on factors favouring or preventing from correct selection and use of PRE [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. First, scientific sources estimating risks of contraction of occupational diseases while using PRE have been analyzed. ...
Мета – визначити професійні ризики, пов’язані з виникненням захворювань органів дихання, та розробити рекомендації щодо підвищення рівня захисту персоналу. Методи. Для виявлення небезпек, пов’язаних з порушеннями в роботі респіраторів, були проведені такі дослідження: огляд публікацій у наукових джерелах; аналіз останніх відповідних досліджень, проведених установами гігієнічного профілю; обговорення з науковцями інститутів промислової медицини та спеціалістами з охорони праці підприємств вугільної промисловості щодо покращення умов використання респіраторів; аналіз наявних методик, призначених для виявлення небезпек розвитку професійних захворювань. Результати. Зменшення кількості захворювань органів дихання у працівників під час виконання їхніх професійних обов’язків можливе за умови використання лише ефективного респіратора, що може бути реалізована завдяки: – попередньому валідаційному тестуванню антропометричних параметрів обличчя користувачів, а також виробничих умов; – навчанню правильного контролю та використання у процесі виконання професійних обов’язків. Практична цінність. У процесі вибору респіратора можна запитати у виробника інформацію про характеристики респіратора та його ефективне використання. Належне обслуговування передбачає залучення виробників до навчання персоналу з метою набуття навичок ефективного використання обладнання. Належне обслуговування передбачає проведення відповідних випробувань експлуатаційних характеристик респіраторів у співпраці з їх виробником.
... The maximum airflow speed reached approximately 1.6 m/s in both directions at the exit of the 25-mm outlet pipe. The volumetric flow rate of 45 L/min falls within the typical range of average human breathing in adults (approximately 15 to 85 L/min, as reported in studies by He et al. (2013) and Basu (2021)). ...
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Surgical masks have played a crucial role in healthcare facilities to protect against respiratory and infectious diseases, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the synthetic fibers, mainly made of polypropylene, used in their production may adversely affect the environment and human health. Recent studies have confirmed the presence of microplastics and fibers in human lungs and have related these synthetic particles with the occurrence of pulmonary ground glass nodules. Using a piston system to simulate human breathing, this study investigates the role of surgical masks as a direct source of inhalation of microplastics. Results reveal the release of particles of sizes ranging from nanometers (300 nm) to millimeters (~2 mm) during normal breathing conditions, raising concerns about the potential health risks. Notably, large visible particles (> 1 mm) were observed to be ejected from masks with limited wear after only a few breathing cycles. Given the widespread use of masks by healthcare workers and the potential future need for mask usage by the general population during seasonal infectious diseases or new pandemics, developing face masks using safe materials for both users and the environment is imperative.
... Where P is the penetration of particles through the filter, c in refers to the particle concentration in the air entering the filter, c out is the particle concentration exiting the filter, and d is particle diameter. Figure 1 shows an overview of the measured filtration efficiencies of masks in this study, supplemented with results reported in other studies (46)(47)(48)(49)(50). Here, no mask leakage was accounted for. ...
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SARS-CoV-2 spreads via droplets, aerosols, and smear infection. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, using a facemask in different locations was recommended to slow down the spread of the virus. To evaluate facemasks' performance, masks' filtration efficiency is tested for a range of particle sizes. Although such tests quantify the blockage of the mask for a range of particle sizes, the test does not quantify the cumulative amount of virus-laden particles inhaled or exhaled by its wearer. In this study, we quantify the accumulated viruses that the healthy person inhales as a function of time, activity level, type of mask, and room condition using a physics-based model. We considered different types of masks, such as surgical masks and filtering facepieces (FFPs), and different characteristics of public places such as office rooms, buses, trains, and airplanes. To do such quantification, we implemented a physics-based model of the mask. Our results confirm the importance of both people wearing a mask compared to when only one wears the mask. The protection time for light activity in an office room decreases from 7.8 to 1.4 h with surgical mask IIR. The protection time is further reduced by 85 and 99% if the infected person starts to cough or increases the activity level, respectively. Results show the leakage of the mask can considerably affect the performance of the mask. For the surgical mask, the apparent filtration efficiency reduces by 75% with such a leakage, which cannot provide sufficient protection despite the high filtration efficiency of the mask. The facemask model presented provides key input in order to evaluate the protection of masks for different conditions in public places. The physics-based model of the facemask is provided as an online application.
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This narrative review and meta-analysis summarizes a broad evidence base on the benefits—and also the practicalities, disbenefits, harms and personal, sociocultural and environmental impacts—of masks and masking. Our synthesis of evidence from over 100 published reviews and selected primary studies, including re-analyzing contested meta-analyses of key clinical trials, produced seven key findings. First, there is strong and consistent evidence for airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and other respiratory pathogens. Second, masks are, if correctly and consistently worn, effective in reducing transmission of respiratory diseases and show a dose-response effect. Third, respirators are significantly more effective than medical or cloth masks. Fourth, mask mandates are, overall, effective in reducing community transmission of respiratory pathogens. Fifth, masks are important sociocultural symbols; non-adherence to masking is sometimes linked to political and ideological beliefs and to widely circulated mis- or disinformation. Sixth, while there is much evidence that masks are not generally harmful to the general population, masking may be relatively contraindicated in individuals with certain medical conditions, who may require exemption. Furthermore, certain groups (notably D/deaf people) are disadvantaged when others are masked. Finally, there are risks to the environment from single-use masks and respirators. We propose an agenda for future research, including improved characterization of the situations in which masking should be recommended or mandated; attention to comfort and acceptability; generalized and disability-focused communication support in settings where masks are worn; and development and testing of novel materials and designs for improved filtration, breathability, and environmental impact.
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Breathing frequency (breaths/min) differs among individuals and levels of physical activity. Particles enter respirators through two principle penetration pathways: faceseal leakage and filter penetration. However, it is unknown how breathing frequency affects the overall performance of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) and surgical masks (SMs) against viral particles, as well as other health-relevant submicrometer particles. A FFR and SM were tested on a breathing manikin at four mean inspiratory flows (MIFs) (15, 30, 55, and 85 L/min) and five breathing frequencies (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 breaths/min). Filter penetration (Pfilter) and total inward leakage (TIL) were determined for the tested respiratory protection devices against sodium chloride (NaCl) aerosol particles in the size range of 20 to 500 nm. "Faceseal leakage-to-filter" (FLTF) penetration ratios were calculated. Both MIF and breathing frequency showed significant effects (p < 0.05) on Pfilter and TIL. Increasing breathing frequency increased TIL for the N95 FFR whereas no clear trends were observed for the SM. Increasing MIF increased Pfilter and decreased TIL resulting in decreasing FLTF ratio. Most of FLTF ratios were >1, suggesting that the faceseal leakage was the primary particle penetration pathway at various breathing frequencies. Breathing frequency is another factor (besides MIF) that can significantly affect the performance of N95 FFRs, with higher breathing frequencies increasing TIL. No consistent trend of increase or decrease of TIL with either MIF or breathing frequency was observed for the tested SM. To potentially extend these findings beyond the manikin/breathing system used, future studies are needed to fully understand the mechanism causing the breathing frequency effect on the performance of respiratory protection devices on human subjects.
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The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of breathing frequency and flow rate on the total inward leakage (TIL) of an elastomeric half-mask donned on an advanced manikin headform and challenged with combustion aerosols. An elastomeric half-mask respirator equipped with P100 filters was donned on an advanced manikin headform covered with life-like soft skin and challenged with aerosols originated by burning three materials: wood, paper, and plastic (polyethylene). TIL was determined as the ratio of aerosol concentrations inside (C in) and outside (C out) of the respirator (C in/C out) measured with a nanoparticle spectrometer operating in the particle size range of 20-200nm. The testing was performed under three cyclic breathing flows [mean inspiratory flow (MIF) of 30, 55, and 85 l/min] and five breathing frequencies (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 breaths/min). A completely randomized factorial study design was chosen with four replicates for each combination of breathing flow rate and frequency. Particle size, MIF, and combustion material had significant (P < 0.001) effects on TIL regardless of breathing frequency. Increasing breathing flow decreased TIL. Testing with plastic aerosol produced higher mean TIL values than wood and paper aerosols. The effect of the breathing frequency was complex. When analyzed using all combustion aerosols and MIFs (pooled data), breathing frequency did not significantly (P = 0.08) affect TIL. However, once the data were stratified according to combustion aerosol and MIF, the effect of breathing frequency became significant (P < 0.05) for all MIFs challenged with wood and paper combustion aerosols, and for MIF = 30 l/min only when challenged with plastic combustion aerosol. The effect of breathing frequency on TIL is less significant than the effects of combustion aerosol and breathing flow rate for the tested elastomeric half-mask respirator. The greatest TIL occurred when challenged with plastic aerosol at 30 l/min and at a breathing frequency of 30 breaths/min.
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Objectives: This study quantified the particle size effect on the performance of elastomeric half-mask respirators, which are widely used by firefighters and first responders exposed to combustion aerosols.
Ashortage of NIOSH-approved respirators is predicted during an influenza pandemic and other infectious disease outbreaks. Healthcare workers may use surgical masks instead of respirators due to non-availability and for economical reasons. This study investigated the filtration performance of surgical masks for a wide size range of submicron particles including the sizes of many viruses. Five models of FDA-cleared surgical masks were tested for room air particle penetrations at constant and cyclic flow conditions. Penetrations of polydisperse NaCl aerosols (75±20 nm, count median diameter), monodisperse NaCl aerosols (20-400 nm range) and particles in the 20-1000 nm range were measured at 30 and 85 liters/min. Filtration performance of surgical masks varied widely for room air particles at constant flow and correlated with the penetration levels measured under cyclic flow conditions. Room air particle penetration levels were comparable to polydisperse and monodisperse aerosol penetrations at 30 and 85 liters/minute. Filtration performance of FDA-cleared surgical masks varied widely for room air particles, and monodisperse and polydisperse aerosols. The results suggest that not all FDA-cleared surgical masks will provide similar levels of protection to wearers against infectious aerosols in the size range of many viruses.
Improved respirator test headforms are needed to measure the fit of N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) for protection studies against viable airborne particles. A Static (i.e., non-moving, non-speaking) Advanced Headform (StAH) was developed for evaluating the fit of N95 FFRs. The StAH was developed based on the anthropometric dimensions of a digital headform reported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and has a silicone polymer skin with defined local tissue thicknesses. Quantitative fit factor evaluations were performed on seven N95 FFR models of various sizes and designs. Donnings were performed with and without a pre-test leak checking method. For each method, four replicate FFR samples of each of the seven models were tested with two donnings per replicate, resulting in a total of 56 tests per donning method. Each fit factor evaluation was comprised of three 86-sec exercises: "Normal Breathing" (NB, 11.2 liters per min (lpm)), "Deep Breathing" (DB, 20.4 lpm), then NB again. A fit factor for each exercise and an overall test fit factor were obtained. Analysis of variance methods were used to identify statistical differences among fit factors (analyzed as logarithms) for different FFR models, exercises, and testing methods. For each FFR model and for each testing method, the NB and DB fit factor data were not significantly different (P > 0.05). Significant differences were seen in the overall exercise fit factor data for the two donning methods among all FFR models (pooled data) and in the overall exercise fit factor data for the two testing methods within certain models. Utilization of the leak checking method improved the rate of obtaining overall exercise fit factors ≥100. The FFR models, which are expected to achieve overall fit factors ≥ 100 on human subjects, achieved overall exercise fit factors ≥ 100 on the StAH. Further research is needed to evaluate the correlation of FFRs fitted on the StAH to FFRs fitted on people. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene for the following free supplemental resource: a file providing detailed information on the advanced head form design and fabrication process.].
The study of aerosols in indoor air and the assessment of human exposure to aerosols are relatively recent activities. The terms indoor air and exposure assessment refer primarily to nonindustrial settings, such as homes, offices, and public-access buildings (e.g., museums, airport terminals, retail stores). Although many occupational settings are 'indoors', the aerosol concentrations and constituents, airflow regimes, and turbulence levels pose related, but different, aerosol measurement constraints. Until recently, it was commonly believed that the quality of indoor air was superior to that of the outdoor (ambient) air nearby. Several factors have influenced the apparent deterioration of indoor air quality: life-styles have changed; building construction techniques have changed; and people have become more concerned about environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).
In this paper, the authors explore various ways that designed chambering of elastomers can enhance electroactive polymer (EAP) actuation. Such enhancements include structuring of chambers for various mechanical functions and advantages, boosting of surface area of a polymer for enhanced ionic migration, construction of advanced electret foams for sensing and for tunable hydrophobicity for micro/pumping action, and distribution of composite EAP devices throughout the chambered elastomer to achieve discrete controllability of electroactive polymer actuators. The authors also discuss the chambering of EAP materials themselves for enhanced actuation effects. With varied design of the chambers of the elastomer, the mechanical and structural properties of the elastomer can be tuned to greatly enhance EAP actuation. The chambers can be designed in accordion-like bellows to achieve extreme elongation with low forces, in spiral geometries to effect negative or neutral poisson's ratio under actuation, and with embedded fluidic bellows for fluidic actuation or sensing. These are but a few examples of the advantages that can be achieved via designed chambering of elastomers. The authors also discuss various application uses of the described chambering technologies. Such chambered elastomers, combined with advanced muscle-like actuators, can substantially benefit facelike robots (useful for entertainment and education etc), prosthetics, and numerous modalities of bio-inspired locomotion. In the efforts of the authors to generate facial expression robots with low-power lightweight actuators is described.
Nanofiber is a broad phrase generally referring to a fiber with a diameter less than 1 micron. While glass fibers have existed in the sub-micron range for some time and polymeric meltblown fibers are just beginning to break the micron barrier, Donaldson Company has used Ultra-Web nanofibers with sub-half-micron diameters for air filtration in commercial, industrial and defense applications for more than twenty years. Nanofiber filter media have enabled new levels of filtration performance in several transportation applications including internal combustion engines, fuel cells and cabin air filtration. The broad range of environments and contaminants encountered by engines in various applications illustrates the capabilities of nanofibers. This paper will discuss the construction and performance of filter media using nanofibers. In particular, nanofibers provide marked increases in filtration efficiency at relatively small (and in some cases immeasurable) decreases in permeability. In many laboratory tests and actual operating environments, nanofiber filter media have longer life and more dust holding capacity than conventional media. The use of nanofibers will be discussed in three different applications: (A) engine air filtration for heavy and light duty vehicles; (B) air filtration in a self-cleaning air intake system for a gas turbine powered military tank; and (C) cabin air filtration for mining vehicles.
This study investigated the effects of faceseal leakage, breathing flow, and combustion material on the overall (non-size-selective) penetration of combustion particles into P-100 half and full facepiece elastomeric respirators used by firefighters. Respirators were tested on a breathing manikin exposed to aerosols produced by combustion of three materials (wood, paper, and plastic) in a room-size exposure chamber. Testing was performed using a single constant flow (inspiratory flow rate = 30 L/min) and three cyclic flows (mean inspiratory flow rates = 30, 85, and 135 L/min). Four sealing conditions (unsealed, nose-only sealed, nose and chin sealed, and fully sealed) were examined to evaluate the respirator faceseal leakage. Total aerosol concentration was measured inside (C(in)) and outside (C(out)) the respirator using a condensation particle counter. The total penetration through the respirator was determined as a ratio of the two (P = C(in) / C(out)). Faceseal leakage, breathing flow type and rate, and combustion material were all significant factors affecting the performance of the half mask and full facepiece respirators. The efficiency of P-100 respirator filters met the NIOSH certification criteria (penetration ≤0.03%); it was not significantly influenced by the challenge aerosol and flow type, which supports the current NIOSH testing procedure using a single challenge aerosol and a constant airflow. However, contrary to the NIOSH total inward leakage (TIL) test protocol assuming that the result is independent on the type of the tested aerosol, this study revealed that the challenge aerosol significantly affects the particle penetration through unsealed and partially sealed half mask respirators. Increasing leak size increased total particle penetration. The findings point to some limitations of the existing TIL test in predicting protection levels offered by half mask elastomeric respirators.