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International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
The Study of Genetic Algorithm-based Task Scheduling
for Cloud Computing
Sung Ho Jang, Tae Young Kim, Jae Kwon Kim and Jong Sik Lee
School of Information Engineering
Inha University #253, YongHyun-Dong, Nam-Ku
Incheon 402-751, Republic of Korea,,,
Task scheduling is an important and challenging issue of Cloud computing. Existing
solutions to task scheduling problems are unsuitable for Cloud computing because they only
focus on a specific purpose like the minimization of execution time or workload and do not
use characteristics of Cloud computing for task scheduling. A task scheduler in Cloud
computing has to satisfy cloud users with the agreed QoS and improve profits of cloud
providers. In order to solve task scheduling problems in Cloud computing, this paper
proposes a task scheduling model based on the genetic algorithm. In the proposed model, the
task scheduler calls the GA scheduling function every task scheduling cycle. This function
creates a set of task schedules and evaluates the quality of each task schedule with user
satisfaction and virtual machine availability. The function iterates genetic operations to make
an optimal task schedule. Experimental results show effectiveness and efficiency of the
genetic algorithm-based task scheduling model in comparison with existing task scheduling
models, which are the round-robin task scheduling model, the load index-based task
scheduling model, and the ABC based task scheduling model.
Keywords: Task Scheduling, Genetic Algorithm, Cloud Computing
1. Introduction
With the development of system virtualization and Internet technologies, Cloud computing
has emerged as a new computing platform. Cloud computing is to provide virtualized IT
resources as cloud services by using the Internet technology [1]. In Cloud computing, a cloud
user commits to an agreement called Service Level Agreement (SLA) [2] with a cloud
provider. The cloud user utilizes IT resources like storage and server as a service and pays for
the service. A cloud provider constructs a computing system called cloud, which consists of
several virtual machines interconnected, and makes profits by processing tasks from users on
the computing system. Therefore, how to allocate tasks to virtual machines efficiently is an
important and challenging issue in Cloud computing.
The main goal of Cloud computing is to satisfy cloud users with the agreed QoS and
improve profits of cloud providers [3]. A task scheduling model is necessary to achieve the
main goal. There are various task scheduling models [4, 5, 6] developed by a lot of
researchers to utilize computing resource in distributed computing environments, but the
existing models are unsuitable for Cloud computing. Because, the existing models mainly
focus on improvement of system performance. Most of the task scheduling models for Cluster
computing tried to minimize the completion time of a batch of tasks. Task scheduling models
International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
for Grid computing, the forerunner of Cloud computing, aimed at improvement of specific
performance metrics like computing speed and storage availability. Besides, user satisfaction
and provider's profit must be considered to solve task scheduling problems in Cloud
computing. In other words, a scheduler makes task schedules, which meet the QoS agreed on
a SLA between cloud users and cloud providers and augment profits of cloud providers.
Rest of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, we propose the GA-based task scheduling
model for Cloud computing and describes how to design elements of the GA task scheduling
function. Section 3 shows the configuration of simulation and brief results. Finally,
conclusion is given in Section 4.
2. GA-based Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing
In this section, we propose the GA-based task scheduling model and illustrate its design.
We also explain how to make an optimal task schedule and compose elements of the GA
scheduling function. As mentioned in the previous section, a cloud user reaches a SLA with a
cloud provider to process a task. A SLA document includes user requirements like time and
budgetary constraints of the task, which indicate acceptable deadline and payable budget of
the cloud user. QoS attributes like response time and throughput can be comprised in a SLA
document besides time and budgetary constraints [2]. A cloud provider has to consider user
requirements and virtual machine information before allocating tasks from to virtual
2.1. Encoding and Initiation
A chromosome chk indicates the task allocation information, i.e. a task schedule. k is
from 1 to z, which denotes the number of chromosomes in a population. In
consideration of user satisfaction and provider’s profit, the task scheduler determines
where to allocate each task every scheduling cycle. A chromosome chk consists of α[i]
and β[i], which indicate the information of task processing and virtual machine
allocation. The length of a chromosome is the same as the number of inputted tasks.
The encoding operation to express a task schedule as a chromosome is as follows. A set of
inputted tasks is sorted before the creation of chromosomes. Unlike existing distributed
computing environments, cloud users pay for computing services in person. Accordingly,
tasks received from cloud users with high cost have to be allocated to virtual machines faster
than others. In this paper, we classify takes into four groups by time and budgetary constraints
as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Classification of Tasks by Time and Budgetary Constraints
International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
2.2. Fitness Function and Selection
The fitness function generates a fitness value of each chromosome. The value
indicates how suitable for solving a task scheduling problem a chromosome is. The
fitness function for general task scheduling problems is based on execution time of
tasks. But, task scheduling problems in Cloud computing are different from general task
scheduling problems because computing services in Cloud computing are offered
through a SLA between cloud users and providers. The minimization of execution time
is a goal of task scheduling in Cloud computing, but the main goal is to improve user
satisfaction and increase provider’s profit. Therefore, the fitness function in our genetic
algorithm is defined by these elements.
The fitness function generates a fitness value of each chromosome. The value indicates
how suitable for solving a task scheduling problem a chromosome is. The fitness function for
general task scheduling problems is based on execution time of tasks. But, task scheduling
problems in Cloud computing are different from general task scheduling problems because
computing services in Cloud computing are offered through a SLA between cloud users and
providers. The minimization of execution time is a goal of task scheduling in Cloud
computing, but the main goal is to improve user satisfaction and increase provider's profit.
Therefore, the fitness function in our genetic algorithm is defined by these elements.
User satisfaction can be guaranteed with the QoS designated in a SLA document. In this
paper, response time and processing cost, which are typical QoS attributes in a SLA [2], are
used to define user satisfaction. In our scheduling algorithm, the roulette wheel selection
[11], a stochastic selection method, is used to create the basis of the next generation.
We assume that there is a roulette wheel, size of which is the sum of fitness values in a
2.3. Crossover and Mutation
The crossover operation is a simple mechanism to swap one part of a chromosome
for that of another chromosome. In this paper, the two-point crossover [12] is used for
transferring genetic material of parent to children.
The mutation operation is to expand the search space by changing one part of a
chromosome. In the beginning of the genetic algorithm, the quality of generated
chromosomes is not particularly good. As time goes by, the quality of chromosomes
becomes more improved. There is the potential for improvement in quality by the
mutation operation in the early part of the genetic algorithm. But, it is hard to improve
the quality of chromosomes by the mutation operation after the quality attains a certain
standard. In this case, the mutation operation increases execution time of the genetic
algorithm. We therefore the non-uniform mutation [13], which gradually decreases the
mutation rate by the number of reproductions.
2.4. Restart & Stop Condition
Figure 2 shows the restart operation. If the best fitness value of the current
population does not reach the minimum fitness threshold, chromosomes with high
fitness values in the current population fill the half of the next population. And, the rest
of the next population is filled with chromosomes generated randomly. This restart
operation helps the GA scheduling function to prevent local optimum and explore
various search places.
International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
Figure 2. Pseudocode of Restart Operation
And, the stop condition of the GA scheduling function is as Eq. 1 where bfc is the
best fitness value in the current population, bfp is the best fitness value in the past
population, θ is a boundary variation, and ft is the minimum fitness threshold.
)(, ctpc bffbfbf
If, the above stop condition is met, the GA scheduling function stops and outputs a
chromosome with the best fitness value, i.e., the best task schedule. Otherwise, the GA
scheduling function continues restarting or reproducing a population.
3. Simulation Results
Figure 3. Simulation Results
In this section, we simulated the GA-based Task Scheduling Model (GATSM) on the
discrete event system modeling and simulation environment [14] and conducted various
experiments to compare performances of GATSM with those of the Round Robin Task
Restart () //Restart operation
Input: a population po, a set of n tasks T, and a set of m
processors P
Output: new population po′
1. find the chromosome bch with the best fitness value in po;
2. if ( < ft ) { // ft is the minimum fitness threshold
3. sort po by fitness value in descending order;
4. for (i=1; i≤|po|/2; i++) {
5. copy po[i] to po′[i]; }
6. for (j=(|po|/2)+1; j≤|po|; j++) {
7. po′[j] = encoding(T,P); }
8. else {
Selection(po); }
International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
Scheduling Model (RRTSM) [7], the Load Index-based Task Scheduling Model
(LITSM) [8], and the Activity Based Costing-based Task Scheduling Model (ABCTSM)
[9]. The RRTSM allocates takes to virtual machines in sequence regardless of
information on tasks or virtual machines. The LITSM uses the load index of virtual
machines for task scheduling. In the LITSM, a scheduler allocates tasks to lightly
loaded virtual machines. And, the ABCTSM uses the cost required to process tasks on
each virtual machine and allocates tasks to virtual machines as per the cost.
Performance comparisons are based on throughput, response time, virtual machine
utilization, processing cost, and user satisfaction. In experiments, 12 virtual machines
with different computing abilities were simulated. A total of 2000 tasks were generated
from cloud users each simulation. A cloud user generates a task with requirements
including time and budgetary constraints. We classified tasks into four types as shown
in Figure 1. And Figure 3 shows brief results of simulation.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented scheduling problems in Cloud computing and proposed a
task scheduling model to solve the scheduling problems. In the proposed task
scheduling model, the task scheduler calls the GA scheduling function to make task
schedules based on information of tasks and virtual machines. The GA scheduling
function creates a population, a set of task schedules, and evaluates the population by
using the fitness function considering user satisfaction and virtual machine availability.
The function iterates reproducing populations to output the best task schedule. The
restart operation is also applied to the GA scheduling function for the improvement in
quality of task schedules. For performance evaluation, we simulated the proposed task
scheduling model and conducted diverse experiments. Empirical results prove that the
proposed task scheduling model outperforms existing task scheduling models, which
are the round-robin task scheduling model [7], the load index-based task scheduling
model [8], and the activity based costing based task scheduling model [9].
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology (2012002751).
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International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
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Sung Ho Jang
He received the Ph.D degree at Information Engineering from Inha
University in 2011. His research interests include Cloud computing and
Ubiquitous computing
Tae Young Kim
He received the MS degree at Computer Science and Information
Engineering from Inha University in 2009. His research interests include
Cloud computing, software modeling & simulation.
Jae Kwon Kim
He received the BS degree at Computer Science and Information
Engineering from Gachon University Medical and Science in 2011. His
research interests include Cloud computing and Ubiquitous computing
Jong Sik Lee
He is a professor in the School of Computer Science and Information
Technology. He received the Ph.D degree at Electronics and Computer
Engineering from University of Arizona in 2001. Current research
interests include Cloud computing, software modeling and