
Stéréotypes, Discrimination et Relations Intergroupes



Quoi de commun entre des catégories telles que la nationalité, la classe sociale, le sexe, l'âge, l'ethnicité, l'orientation sexuelle, la profession, et le handicap physique? Comment se fait-il que les gens se pensent en catégorie nous et eux? D'où viennent les préjugés? Qu'est-ce qui déclenche la discrimination? Pourquoi avons-nous tendance à percevoir plus positivement et à avantager les membres de notre groupe au détriment des autres groupe? Que sont les stéréotypes? Contribuent-ils ou non à la discrimination? Quels sont les facteurs qui déterminent l'évolution des relations entre les groupes vers des rapports conflictuels plutôt qu'harmonieux? Ces questions sont classiques en psychologie sociale et elles ont donné lieu à toutes sortes de réponses, tantôt centrées davantage sur la personnalité ou le fonctionnement cognitif des individus, tantôt orientées davantage sur la dynamique des relations intergroupes. L'originalité de ce volume est de considérer ces différentes réponses comme complémentaires et de faire appel à l'éclairage de spécialistes tant européens que canadiens.
... Le préjugé implique le rejet de l'Autre en tant que membre d'un groupe envers lequel on entretient des sentiments négatifs (Bourhis et Leyens, 1999). Allport (1954) définit le préjugé comme une attitude négative ou une prédisposition à adopter un comportement négatif envers un groupe ou envers les membres de ce groupe, qui repose sur une généralisation erronée et rigide. ...
... Par conséquent, en adoptant le point de vue de la communauté d'accueil, on retrouve des orientations d'acculturation similaires : l'intégration, l'assimilation, la ségrégation, l'exclusion et l'individualisme. Dans la littérature, il apparaît que, globalement, l'intégration et l'individualisme sont les orientations les plus souhaitées par les membres de la société d'accueil ; l'assimilation, la ségrégation et l'exclusion étant, par ordre décroissant, les moins choisies (Bourhis et Bougie, 1998 ;Bourhis et Leyens, 1999 ;Montreuil et Bourhis, 2001 ;Taillandier et Maisonneuve, 2005). En France, les employeurs étant majoritairement issus de la communauté d'accueil (Maurin et Savidan, 2006), nous nous attendons à observer un pattern de résultats similaire. ...
... D'après différentes études, l'intégration et l'individualisme sont les orientations les plus souhaitées par les individus de la société d'accueil ; l'assimilation, la ségrégation et l'exclusion étant les moins choisies (Bourhis et Bougie, 1998 ;Bourhis et Leyens, 1999 ;Montreuil et Bourhis, 2001). La tendance générale à choisir préférentiellement l'intégration et l'individualisme se retrouve également auprès de notre échantillon d'employeurs. ...
Introduction and objectiveLittle is known about employment discrimination in France. The goal of this study was to examine some of the determinants of employment discrimination toward French Young from Turkish and North-african Immigration (YTNI).Method Under this perspective, 62 employers filled out an anonymous questionnaire in France (Auvergne).ResultsFirst, results reveal that the level of employers’ prejudice determines their behavioural intentions during recruitments, especially two kinds of prejudice: perception of YTNI overpopulation, and perception of incompatibility between YTNI recruitment and firm brand image. Second, the quality of intergroup contact is significantly related to prejudice, but not to discrimination. Concerning employers’ acculturation orientations, they prefer segregation compare to assimilation. Finally, the more they endorses ethnocentric acculturation orientations, the more they are prejudiced and the more they have the intention to discriminate.Conclusion This research suggests courses of action for the reduction of employment discrimination.
... Le terrorisme en sort définitivement paré de légitimité. Ces modalités de circulation de l'information constituent des « guides d'opinion » (Rouquette, 1994a) diversifiés, de type proximal (pour la diffusion), « expert » (pour la propagation) ou « militant » puisque destiné à des groupes engagés idéologiquement et socialement (pour la propagande). Cependant, le peu de recul dont dispose le public pour faire la part des choses dans le flot médiatique, entre l'information « objective » et le commentaire orienté, voire idéologisé, fait qu'il est de plus en plus malaisé de prétendre distinguer information et propagande de type politique. ...
... Dans certains cas, les médias se trouvent même en position de contribuer à l'émergence de véritables psychoses (cas de l'antrax après le 11 septembre, l'explosion de l'AZF à Toulouse) et sont, par conséquent, sans doute également impliqués dans la recrudescence de fausses alertes en divers points du globe, entretenant ainsi cet effet parano-médiatique d'une ramification mondiale, omniprésente et toute puissante. Ceci constitue un terreau des plus propices à l'émergence, l'entretien et la transmission de rumeurs qui représentent l'« expression continuée d'un état psychosocial » (Rouquette, 1994b, p. 53) (cf. également Kapferer, 1995) Un climat d'angoisse est ainsi maintenu qui, à la moindre alerte, resurgit comme candidat explicatif potentiel : le lien est toujours tissé ou esquissé entre épisodes antérieurs et vécu immédiat. ...
... Bref, les médias veillent à ce que les catégories soient clairement délimitées, amalgames et simplifications à l'appui : il y a dorénavant les « bons » (les nations dites civilisées) et les « méchants » (le réseau terroriste mondial, mais aussi certains pays-refuges ou complices, les « Etats voyous »). Nous sommes là en présence du mécanisme le plus classique inhérent à toute catégorisation sociale de quelque niveau qu'elle soit (voir, par exemple, Bourhis et Leyens, 1994), qui tout à la fois débouche sur « une extrémisation des références idéologiques et des catégorisations réciproques » (Rouquette, 1994a, p. 125), renforce la cohésion intragroupe (des « bons ») et la discrimination intergroupes (entre « bons » et « méchants »). ...
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Terrorism and the Mass Media. The links between the way violence is made into a public spectacle and the political powers that be are age-old. Terrorists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries also used the same way of ‘getting a hold’over people’s minds through the means of their ‘bloody theatricals.’The Press today, thanks to new technological innovations, has laid at the terrorists’doors just the tool they needed to achieve their aim of obtaining as much publicity and propaganda as possible. They can thus use these two tools together to influenceus throughthePress,and themedia areoften manipulated bytheterrorists through the social image they present of themselves, through rumours and sometimes through the development of real obsessional fear.An experimental approach to the links between terrorism and the media seems possible in an aim to shedding light on the mechanisms at play in this type of phenomenon and its consequences.
... Asked to list the uniquely human characteristics, several samples of Latin-language-speaking students answered: intelligence, reasoning, sentiments, and language (Leyens et al., 2000). There is already an abundant literature showing that intelligence, reasoning and language are correlated and are used to discriminate against outgroups (e.g. Bourhis & Leyens, 1994). We therefore decided to focus our attention on sentiments. ...
... If people attribute a lesser humanity to disliked outgroups than to their ingroup, they should also spontaneously attribute more uniquely human characteristics to the ingroup than to an outgroup. It has been previously shown that dominant groups tend to feel superior in intelligence and language than dominated groups (e.g. Bourhis & Leyens, 1994; Crocker, Major, & Steele, 1998). There is no available evidence that secondary emotions are speci®c to high-status or to low-status groups (Fiske, Xu, Cuddy, & Glick, 1999;). ...
... abundant literature showing that intelligence, reasoning and language are correlated and are used to discriminate against outgroups (e.g. Bourhis & Leyens, 1994). We therefore decided to focus our attention on sentiments. ...
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According to the psychological essentialism perspective, people tend to explain differences between groups by attributing them different essences. Given a pervasive ethnocentrism, this tendency implies that the human essence will be restricted to the ingroup whereas outgroups will receive a lesser degree of humanity. Therefore, it is argued that people attribute more uniquely human characteristics to the ingroup than to the outgroup. The present article focuses on secondary emotions that constitute such characteristics. Study 1 showed that members of high- and low-status groups attribute more positive secondary emotions to the ingroup than to the outgroup. Study 2 verified that the differential attribution extended also to negative secondary emotions. No exemplars of emotions were provided in Study 3. Instead, participants had to estimate the means of two distributions of numbers that supposedly represented characteristics of the ingroup and of the outgroup. The results of this third experiment illustrated the reluctance to attribute secondary emotions to the outgroup. The findings are discussed from the perspective of psychological essentialism. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
... Les premières recherches montrent l'existence d'un biais proendogroupe, c'est-à-dire un favoritisme de l'endogroupe (Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, & Flament, 1971). Ce biais se manifeste en réalité de deux manières (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999 ;Brewer, 1999 ;Salès-Wuillemin, 2006) qu'il est utile de distinguer : une forme positive, appelée endofavoritisme et une forme négative, appelée exodéfavoritisme. L'endofavoritisme consiste à attribuer aux cibles endogroupes plus de récompenses ou de qualités désirables qu'aux cibles exogroupes. ...
... Cependant, ces travaux portent essentiellement sur la population blanche et noire américaine. L'évolution de la manifestation du biais proendogroupe chez les groupes majoritaires serait le résultat d'une pression sociale valorisant la norme anti-discrimination et le droit à la différence ethnique (pour une revue sur la question, Azzi, 1998 ;Bourhis & Leyens, 1999 ;Salès-Wuillemin, 2006). Chez les enfants blancs, l'atténuation du biais d'exodéfavoritisme serait corrélée avec l'âge, en relation avec une intériorisation des normes sociales. ...
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The present study examines intergroup attribution bias within a multiracial context. Explicit and implicit measures, based on language analysis, were used. Participants ranged from 9 to 11 years old. Participants were shown photographs of a character carrying out an action and were then asked to write a text explaining the causes of the action. The three independent variables were: group status (majority, i.e. White vs. minority, i.e. Black), the origin of the target character (ingroup vs. outgroup), and the nature of the action (positive vs. negative). Results show no group status or interaction effects, whereas effects were found for the other two variables, origin of the target and nature of the action. Differences emerged in the participants’ treatment of the ingroup vs. outgroup target in both positive and negative actions. When confronted with a positive action, both groups showed ingroup favouritism. It appeared on an implicit as well as an explicit level for the majority group participants, but only on an implicit level for the minority group participants. Conversely, when confronted with a negative action, outgroup derogation only appeared on an implicit level for majority group participants, whereas it appeared on an implicit and explicit level for minority group participants. The discussion underlines the importance of group membership and moderates the effects of group status in intergroup bias studies from the perspective of the evolution of social norms and intergroup relationships. Key words : Discrimination, causal attribution, children, discourse analysis
... D'un point de vue théorique, ces travailleurs ont beaucoup plus de chances d'avoir des contacts fréquents et approfondis avec les personnes sans-abri qu'une personne issue de la population tout-venant. De nombreuses recherches en psychologie sociale indiquent que des contacts fréquents pourraient influencer les attitudes et les représentations (Bouhris & Leyens, 1994). On peut émettre l'hypothèse que les travailleurs sociaux aient développé une meilleure connaissance des personnes sans-abri et de leur situation que le grand public, ce qui pourrait entraîner une attitu de plus positive et plus compréhensive vis -à-vis des personnes sans-abri. ...
... Dans l'échantillon issu de la population tout venant, on observe que la fréquence des contacts avec des personnes sans-abri est associée avec une perception plus négative de celles-ci, alors que la fréquence des interactions personnalisées avec des personnes sans-abri est associée à une perception moins culpabilisante de celles-ci et à des réactions plus positives (voir aussi Zatakia, Toro, Tompsett & Guzicki, 2002). Ces résultats sont en accord avec les recherches sur les contacts intergroupes menées en psychologie sociale, qui montrent que le simple contact avec un autre groupe peut avoir des effets négatifs s'il n'est pas assorti de certaines conditions, dont le fait de permettre une connaissance individualisée des membres de l'autre groupe (Bouhris & Leyens, 1994). Ces résultats suggèrent que faire mieux connaître l'histoire personnelle de certaines personnes sans-abri pourrait être une façon d'améliorer l'attitude des gens visà-vis des personnes sans-abri en général. ...
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La présente étude poursuit trois objectifs : (a) décrire les attitudes et représentations de la population tout belge vis-à-vis des personnes sans-abri ; (b) examiner le rôle de différents facteurs dans la prédiction des réactions des gens vis-à-vis des personnes sans-abri ; et (c) comparer les attitudes et représentations des travailleurs sociaux par rapport à celles de la population tout venant. Une enquête téléphonique a été menée auprès d’un échantillon aléatoire de la population belge adulte (n = 530), et une enquête postale a été réalisée auprès de 319 professionnels travaillant avec des personnes sans-abri. Les résultats montrent peu d’écarts entre travailleurs sociaux et population tout venant. L’opinion publique belge semble fort sensibilisée à la problématique du sans-abrisme. Même si des points de vue très diversifiés coexistent, l’attitude de cette opinion envers les personnes sans-abri est dominée par la compassion et la générosité. Les résultats soulignent en outre le rôle central que joue la perception des causes du sans-abrisme dans l’attitude à l’égard des personnes sans-abri.
... This decision is motivated by his physical strength and by his medical knoledge, but only 11 percent of the total analysed groups have chosen to save him, his sexual orientation being perceived as a drawback in his rescue. The doctor is also a victim of social exclusion, as the boy is (Bourhis et al, 1994). ...
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The causes of the recent financial crisis have been extensively discussed recently. Numerous analysts and researchers place the blame of the crisis on easy lending, proliferation of complex securities, or improper regulation, but these accounts only provide a partial and limited explanation. Behavioral Finance, focusing on individuals and social psychology could offer a more holistic explanation and could impact the risk management. This study analyses the influence of the psychological pitfalls over the decision process in a crisis situation and their importance in risk management. The analyzed data were collected observing a number of 378 subjects, female managers or women preparing to become managers, participants in The National School of Manager Women Program in Romania. The results reveal that, in a critical situation, more then 85 percent of the decisions are emotional and less than 15 percent are rational. Also in time of crisis only the core values influence the decision process, even if this is not rational or does not minimize the risk. Considering this the managers that deal with risk management, especially financial risk management, have to be aware of their emotional reactivity, have to find and apply pragmatic criteria of action, appropriate for that particular moment.
... This decision is motivated by his physical strength and by his medical knoledge, but only 11 percent of the total analysed groups have chosen to save him, his sexual orientation being perceived as a drawback in his rescue. The doctor is also a victim of social exclusion, as the boy is (Bourhis et al, 1994). ...
... Il est important de nuancer ce dernier propos en fonction de ceux de Taylor (1997de Taylor ( , 2002 qui précise que l' identité se retrouve sous deux formes, soit: sous la forme personnelle, qui fait référence à l'ensemble des caractéristiques uniques qui définissent un individu, et sous la forme sociale, qui fait référence à l'ensemble des caractéristiques qu'une personne partage avec l' ensemble des membres de son groupe. Bourhis et Leyens (1999) expliquent que la frontière entre le pôle individuel et le pôle collectif de l' identité est très floue et que, tout dépendant du contexte, les mêmes individus peuvent agir en tant que personnes ou en tant que groupe. Malgré cette difficulté, le groupe reste essentiel pour se définir personnellement (<< Je suis la meilleure dans mon groupe »; Taylor, 1997Taylor, ,2002 et collectivement (<< Nous sommes les meilleurs »; Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986). ...
... Birey ait olduğu grubu diğer gruplarla karşılaştırırken kendi grubuna olumlu atıflarda bulunarak fark yaratmaya çalışır çünkü bireysel olarak olumlu bir kimliğe sahip olmak ister ( Lorenzi-Cioldi ve Doise, 1994). Birey, sosyal kimliğini yetersiz gördüğünde kendi grubundan ayrımlaşmaya çalışarak benlik değerini yükseltir, baskın ve güçlü olan gruba ait olmak için çaba harcar (Bourhis ve diğ., 1994). Yurt dışında yaşayan bazı kesimde ikinci ve üçüncü kuşakta anadilin bir kenara bırakılması veya öğrenilmesinin reddedilmesi gibi davranışlar bu duruma örnek olabilir. ...
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Biz kimiz? Kendimizi nasıl tanımlıyoruz? Kadın veya erkek, genç veya yaşlı, anne-baba veya çocuk, öğretmen, sekreter, esnaf veya iş adamı, şehirli veya köylü, doğulu veya batılı, zengin veya fakir... Kim olduğumuzu tanımlarken öteki önemli bir unsurdur. Diğerleri ile yaptığımız karşılaştırmadan yola çıkarak kendimizi tanımlarız. Kendimizi diğerlerinden ayrımlaştırmak kendimizi ortaya koymanın bir yoludur. Biz, bizi nasıl algılıyoruz? Biz ötekileri nasıl algılıyoruz? Ötekiler bizi nasıl algılıyor? Ötekilerin bizi nasıl algıladığını düşünüyoruz? Bu sorulardan hareketle, kitabın bu bölümünde, benlik, kimlik, sosyal algı ve dış dünyanın zihnimizdeki temsilleri gibi kavramlardan söz edilip Türk vatandaşlarının kendilerini ve Türkiye’yi algılayışları konusunda yapılmış araştırmalardan örnekler verilecek, bulgular diğer ülkelerle karşılaştırılacak ve bu algının siyasi ve ekonomik bağlamdaki davranışlar üzerindeki etkilerinden söz edilecektir.
... The lack of equal opportunities for career advancement due to discrimination related to their ethnic and/or cultural origin only increases this existing disadvantage (Castelain-Kinet et al., 1997). Driven by acculturative stress (Berry et al., 1987) and anxious pessimism (Sayad, 1991) from underemployment 2 as well as dismissive attitude towards the representatives of the majority (Bourhis and Leyens, 1994), the immigrant communities develop their own measures to overcome the problems related to the lack of social ties and equal opportunities in the labour market. The majority of them want to earn a decent living for their family and to obtain an acceptable social status in the society. ...
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It can be said that Belgian labour market has been challenged since the 1970s due to changing economic landscape. The two major drivers for change were the deindustrialization and globalization. For some, these two drivers have brought a perceptible deterioration of working conditions and pay. In general, foreign workers are among the first to be affected by such changes. Their temporary residence status, unrecognized qualifications, limited language skills and lack of access to the social networks of the native-born Belgians make them particularly disadvantaged in the labour market. In order to overcome these obstacles, migrant communities have developed various, more or less effective, measures. To illustrate this, this paper discusses the role of migrant associations in economic integration among the Turkish and the sub-Saharan communities residing in Belgium. Particular emphasis is made on the contribution of the community's social capital in the process of transferring knowledge, financial and material means and professional networks. The social capital that sub-Saharan and Turkish communities dispose is of great help to immigrants. It can ease their adaptation into the new socioeconomic environment in material, financial and psychological terms. However, to some extent, the mobilization of the community's social capital can also incite the development of parallel societies that are in contrast to the ideal conception of a cohesive society. The adherence to the legislative framework of the host society may also be questioned. The occurrence of informal activities within the migrant associations is not infrequent.
... Depuis plusieurs décennies, la psychologie sociale s'attache à décrire les mécanismes cognitifs et affectifs qui engendrent les comportements discriminatoires. Ainsi les recherches démontrent que la catégorisation sociale « eux-nous » induit les stéréotypes et les préjugés qui souvent servent à légitimer les comportements discriminatoires à l'égard des exogroupes ( Bourhis & Leyens, 1999 ;Jackson, 2011 ;Tajfel, 1981 ;Tajfel & Turner, 1986). Ces recherches ont conduit à l'émergence d'une pléthore de modèles dont la plupart sont centrés sur les préjugés comme meilleurs prédicteurs des comportements discriminatoires ( Bourhis & Gagnon, 2006 ;Brown, 2010). ...
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TWo studies explored how host community acculturation orientations toward North African immigrants of Muslim background are related to the propensity to discriminate in France. Propensity to discriminate (PTD) is an intention to discriminate reflecting prejudices against members of a devalued outgroup. Using the interactive acculturation model (IAM), we tested how welcoming vs. unwelcoming host community acculturation orientations along with other key social psychological variables were related to PTD in two studies. In Study 1, respondents were French majority undergraduates (N = 225), while in Study 2 respondents were adult French majority professionals (N = 131) involved with the social insertion of unemployed youth in Lorraine. All respondents completed the Host Community Acculturation Scale (HCAS), the PTD scale and a battery of scales including Social Dominance Orientation (SDO). Multiple linear regression analyses combining both studies showed that high PTD was predicted by negative attitudes towards immigration, problematic relations and feelings of threat in the presence of North African Muslims, endorsement of SDO, and identification with the right-wing "Front National" political party. In Study 1, endorsement of the assimilationist acculturation orientation predicted PTD among French undergraduates. In Study 2, endorsement of the integration- transformation orientation was negatively related to high PTD among French majority professionals. Results are discussed using the PTD and IAM frameworks as they relate to assimilationist integration policies applied in France.
... Often, participants have never interacted with a member of the artificial out-group and there is no real conflict of interest between in-group and out-group. It is thus difficult to know if an intervention that has been tested with artificial groups is equally effective with real world groups (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999). Third, most researchers use psychology students as participants, which raises the question of the generalization of the results to other populations (Henry, 2008). ...
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The social psychology literature on prejudice reduction reports only very few field studies from which researchers can draw reliable causal conclusions. The present paper has two goals. First, we encourage social psychologists and public policy decision-makers to carry out more randomized field experiments on the reduction of prejudice and discrimination. To this end we begin with a discussion of methodological considerations and guidelines for designing and conducting such experiments. Our second goal is to contribute to the growing literature on effective interventions aimed at reducing prejudice. In the second part of the article, we report three field experiments that evaluated the effectiveness of different interventions. Experiment 1 examined the beneficial effect of "diversity training" whereas in Experiments 2 and 3, we tested the effectiveness of a poster highlighting differences among members of a minority group. In all three experiments, half of the participants were subjected to the intervention, and the other half were not. Both types of interventions were shown to be effective. The results are discussed in light of other methods of prejudice reduction.
... D'un point de vue théorique, les deux idéologies sont susceptibles d'améliorer les relations que des groupes peuvent entretenir les uns avec les autres. L'idéologie color-blindness s'appuie sur une approche classique de la discrimination qui considère les préjugés comme découlant d'une attention excessive accordée aux appartenances groupales des individus (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999; Légal & Delouvée, 2008). A l'opposée, l'idéologie color-consciousness implique la reconnaissance des appartenances groupales et le respect des différences issues de ces appartenances dans le même objectif de lutter contre les discriminations, en partant du principe que le processus de catégorisation 3 est inhérent au fonctionnement cognitif de l'être humain et que les stéréotypes constituent de précieuses ressources pour faire face à un environnement complexe (Leyens, Yzerbyt, & Schadron, 1994). ...
... However, in the field, these conditions may not characterize many informal contact opportunities among members from different groups (Powers & Ellison, 1995). Recategorization may work only if individuals are willing to give up their group identity, which is unlikely if they are strongly identified with their social groups (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999). Compared with other approaches, modifying people's perceived variability is relatively easy to implement and causes less reactance. ...
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We examined whether increasing individuals' perceived variability of an out-group reduces prejudice and discrimination toward members of this group. In a series of four laboratory and field experiments, we attracted participants' attention to the heterogeneity of members of an out-group (or not), and then measured their attitudes or behaviors. Perceived variability was manipulated by portraying the out-group members as having diverse socio-demographic characteristics and different personality traits and preferences. Prejudice and discrimination were measured in terms of self-reported prejudice, stereotyping, in-group bias, social distance, and willingness to do something for the minority group under consideration. In all experiments, perceived variability decreased prejudice and discrimination.
... L'étude des stéréotypes en psychologie sociale est introduite par Lipmann dans les années vingt (cf. Bourhis et Leyens, 1999). Ils ont été considérés dans un premier temps comme des traits associés aux éléments constitutifs d'une catégorie. ...
... However, in the field, these conditions may not characterize many informal contact opportunities between members of different groups (Powers & Ellison, 1995). ''Recategorization,'' a prejudice reduction method suggested by Gaertner, Mann, Murrell, and Dovidio (1989), may work only if individuals are willing to give up their group identity, which is unlikely if they are strongly identified with their social groups (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999). Compared to other approaches, modifying people's perceived variability seems to be relatively easy to carry out. ...
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In this article, we describe theoretically‐based research on a new method to reduce prejudice and discrimination. The method is based on increasing people’s perceived variability of an out‐group. Our research allowed us to generate a versatile experimental paradigm for investigating cognitive processes related to prejudice. It also led to the development of an effective tool that policy makers and managers can use to reduce prejudice in the real world. We describe several randomized field and laboratory experiments in which an increase of perceived variability led to a decrease in prejudice and discrimination. We also describe the results of research in which we tested the effectiveness of a ready‐to‐be‐used intervention in a variety of social settings.
... Depuis plusieurs décennies, la psychologie sociale s'attache à décrire les mécanismes cognitifs et affectifs qui engendrent les comportements discriminatoires. Ainsi les recherches démontrent que la catégorisation sociale « eux-nous » induit les stéréotypes et les préjugés qui souvent servent à légitimer les comportements discriminatoires à l'égard des exogroupes (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999 ; Jackson, 2011 ; Tajfel, 1981 ; Tajfel & Turner, 1986). Ces recherches ont conduit à l'émergence d'une pléthore de modèles dont la plupart sont centrés sur les préjugés comme meilleurs prédicteurs des comportements discriminatoires (Bourhis & Gagnon, 2006 ; Brown, 2010). ...
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Revue internationale de psychologie sociale 2013/1 -Tome 26 pages 5 à 34 ISSN 0992-986X Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse:://
... Defenders of the three-component attitude model (e.g., Breckler, 1984; Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Harding, Proshansky, Kutner, & Chein, 1969; Zanna & Rempel, 1988) conceive it as a particular combination of beliefs, feelings and tendencies to action. The first studies on the relationship between prejudice and acculturation preferences were done in the 1990s (majority groups only), mainly in Canada and France (e.g., Bourhis & Gagnon, 1994; Bourhis & Guimond, 1992; Kalin & Berry, 1994). In general, these studies found that members of the host culture preferred assimilation of immigrants (especially in the family values area) when their attitudes toward immigrants were positive (less prejudiced). ...
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The main goal of this study was to identify acculturation preference profiles using cluster analysis in public and private areas of culture in the host and immigrant populations, and to find out the relationship between these profiles and prejudice levels. Four hundred and ninety-nine Spaniards and 500 Romanians participated in a survey. The sampling of Spaniards was multistage random and the sampling of Romanians was by quota. The results confirm our predictions. Romanians who are less prejudiced against Spaniards prefer assimilation in public areas and integration in private areas. Romanians who are more prejudiced against Spaniards prefer integration in public areas and separation in private areas. Spaniards who are less prejudiced against Romanians prefer integration in both public and private areas. Spaniards who are more prejudiced against Romanians prefer assimilation in both areas.
... Junto a la calidez, la percepción de armonía intergrupal y la naturaleza del contacto también desempeñan un papel importante en las dimensiones de aculturación de rumanos y ecuatorianos. Estos resultados podrían estar indicando que las dimensiones de mantenimiento y adaptación cultural de los inmigrantes pueden estar mediadas por el grado en el que éstos se sienten aceptados o rechazados (Bourhis y Gagnon, 1994; Moghaddam y Taylor, 1987) a través del contacto mantenido con miembros del grupo mayoritario o de la percepción de la relación intergrupal en general. ...
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Este estudio pretende analizar las dimensiones de mantenimien- to y adaptación cultural expresadas por inmigrantes de diferentes orígenes en España, así como las variables psicosociales y sociodemográficas que las predicen. Se realizó un estudio correlacional en el que participaron inmi- grantes marroquíes (N = 71), rumanos (N = 74) y ecuatorianos (N = 70) que respondieron a un cuestionario manifestando el grado de mantenimien- to de su cultura de origen, de adaptación a la cultura de acogida, y de obli- gación percibida a adaptarse a la cultura de acogida. También se midieron los estereotipos sobre los españoles (dimensiones de calidez y competen- cia), la amenaza exogrupal, la identificación con el endogrupo, la similitud intergrupal percibida, la naturaleza del contacto con el exogrupo, la percep- ción de la relación intergrupal, el enriquecimiento percibido debido a la in- migración, y algunas variables sociodemográficas. Los resultados mostraron la importancia del origen de los inmigrantes en todas las variables del estu- dio. Además, los predictores de las dimensiones de aculturación también eran diferentes dependiendo del grupo inmigrante considerado. Estos re- sultados enfatizan la necesidad de intervenciones específicas, ya que cada grupo inmigrante afronta el proceso de adaptación a una nueva sociedad de acogida de forma diferente.
... Social psychologists have long been interested in the perception of groups, stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination (Bourhis & Leyens, 1999; Doise, 1979; Leyens, Yzerbyt, & Schadron, 1996). Descriptive studies have been carried out in order to determine the exact nature of the stereotypes associated with different groups (Katz & Braly, 1933) and researchers have put forward a number of explanations to account for the processes underlying the negative stereotypes, prejudices and discriminations minority groups are frequently subject to in everyday life. ...
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This article examines how host populations perceive immigrants. Research in intercultural psychology has shown that the acculturation strategies (integration, assimilation, separation or marginalization) adopted by immigrant populations may be viewed very differently by the host population. In addition, social perception studies have demonstrated that host populations evaluate immigrants on two dimensions, warmth and competence. Our research brings together these two findings to investigate whether perceptions of immigrants on these two dimensions are affected by the acculturation strategy adopted. We present two studies that focus on the host population in France, a country that has adopted a policy of assimilation towards its immigrant populations. In general, the participants rejected separation on the part of immigrants. Evaluations of assimilation and integration were similar, although the student population showed a preference for integration. Adoption of the host culture and conservation of the original culture were both found to be pertinent for the warmth dimension, but only adoption was pertinent for the competence dimension. The effect of immigrant origins was found to be marginal.
... Surprisingly, aside from the few works dealing with related problems (Bonneterre, Liaudy, Chatellier, Lang, & de Gaudemaris, 2008;Chachamovich, Trentini, & Fleck, 2007;Lin, Tang, Miao, Wang, & Wang, 2008;Schatz et al., 2007;Temkin-Greener, Gross, Kunitz, & Mukamel, 2004;Zohar, 2000;Zohar & Luria, 2005), it has not been possible to identify the scientific works that deal with the aging processes of psychosocial factors in organizations and even less with the early detection of teams at risk. Of course, the vast literature of social psychology dealing, for instance, with the effects of recency, primacy, and so forth, are sources of inspiration (Aebischer & Oberlé, 1998;Bourhis & Leyens, 1999;Deutsch & Krauss, 1972;Dolan, Lamoureux, & Gosselin, 1996;Fischer, 1987;Moscovici & Abric, 2003;Moura, 1990;Mugny, Oberlé, & Beauvois, 1995;Myers & Lamarche, 1992). In the same way, the construction and validation strategies on scientific questionnaires can provide a few reference points (Bouvard & Cottraux, 2000;Doise, Deschamps, & Mugny, 1991;Howell, 1998;Javeau, 1982;Laveault & Grégoire, 2002;Monteil & Fayol, 1989;Richelle, Droz, & Berthoud, 1976;Thompson, 2006). ...
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This article deals with the statistical validity that can be achieved with brief measures of psychosocial factors collected every week. For this research, 173 participants answered the Quality of Working Life Systemic Inventory (QWLSI) at the beginning and end of a 17-week research protocol. Every week, they spent about 2 minutes rating each of the 8 QWSLI subscales. Analysis showed a strong correlation between the brief measures and the QWSLI, with a Spearman's rho of .645 (N = 112, p < .01) at Week 1 and .618 (N = 67, p < .01) at Week 17. Furthermore, it appears that the data collection frequency may reasonably be reduced to once a month because the lowest correlation (Pearson's r) between the scores for one monthly measure and the scores from the average of four monthly measures is .948 (N = 60, p < .01). The brief measures collected in Weeks 1, 5, 9, and 13 were also used in a regression equation resulting in an overall correlation with the Week 17 QWLSI scores of .81 (N = 17, p = .035) for an adjusted r 2 of .558. These results suggest that less expensive monthly brief measures that are easy to collect may be used for continuous monitoring of changes in the working life quality of an organization's employees.
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Literature is an essential part in forming the worldview of children as far as it helps the latter expand the general notion on the tremendous number of life aspects. In these terms, reading the fiction proves to be the central method for the young generation to deepen the knowledge even in such complex phenomena like socialism, propaganda, capitalism, ideology, utopia, etc. The Giver by Lois Lowry is a striking example of such readings considering that it manages to encompass the whole depth of predicaments of presupposed ideal society. The author engages in exploring all aspects of the utopian community with the regard to the strength of ideology, the language as a mean of propaganda, the political and social regulations for the young generation to percept, the education and the upbringing, and the outdated elements in the newly established system that depicts its flaws.
This paper brings to the fore the representations of femininity and masculinity in Romanian Police and Army, highlighting types of speech based on the opinions of people who work in those places who were interviewed and whose identity is confidential. The police and also the Army have a militarized environment based on strict rules. My objective is to find out if the stereotypes of women and men exist and if discrimination is perceived based on their experiences.
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Media often reflect the dominant ideologies of a given era, especially when they are carried by public institutions. The study presented in this article deals with one of the major contemporary paradigms of public development aid, based on the concept of resilience. As an example, we chose the pastoral farming sector in West Africa, which since the 2000s has been the focus of major aid agencies. In the field of analysis of media content in ICS, this example provides an illustration of the manner in which the contents of the public and private press of West African countries reflect the contents of the sponsors’ speeches, which refer very explicitly to this paradigm.
This study hypothesizes links between performance in sport and exercise [SE], instrumental and expressive gender's dimensions, sex-stereotypes endorsements and perceived ability. Women's performance in cross-sex-typed SE making these dimensions salient, this study compares surveys results fromwomen who performed in this criteria or not.Results support the hypothesis of links between perceived ability, instrumentality and women cross-sex-typed sport performance. This study also suggest a complex and multidimensional perception of their sport by performant women. These results are discussed through a sociocognitive perspective and raise questions about used measurement tools.
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Ce mémoire professionnel propose de mettre à l'épreuve d'une situation d'inclusion scolaire la théorie du contact d'Allport et d'identifier les leviers grâce auxquels les enseignants peuvent réduire les discriminations des élèves ordinaires sur les élèves en situation de handicap à l'école primaire.
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Ce mémoire professionnel propose de mettre à l'épreuve d'une situation d'inclusion scolaire la théorie du contact d'Allport et d'identifier les leviers grâce auxquels les enseignants peuvent réduire les discriminations des élèves ordinaires sur les élèves en situation de handicap à l'école primaire.
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There are still as many researches on the matter of gender identification in our society in general – and in educational contexts in particular – that all come to the same observation: an early socialization of children lead both boys and girls to behave in line with today's social genderized norms that can be found in the media of socialization – such as books for the young. Over the past ten years, some new publishers have launched books telling stories based on rather non-tradional situations, and then going against books that play on stereotype. From the viewpoint of psychosocial and developmental theories on the building of gender in infancy, we studied the effects of those books within the framework of free reading in nursery school. The observation of an effect opposite to the expected one questions how those books impact the building of children. It strengthens the importance of books that play neither on stereotypes nor on counter-stereotypes, since both kinds are eventually no different in terms of representation rigidity among young children. Lastly, it questions the training and awareness of both male and female primary school teachers.
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Les présentes recherches visent à mettre en évidence les effets des asymétries positionnelles sur la structure d’une représentation sociale (RS) et à dégager les processus impliqués dans ces régulations sociales de la dynamique représentationnelle. Une première recherche montre que la RS des études est objectivée au travers d’un cadre de référence commun s’organisant autour de trois dimensions investies d’un statut central : leur finalité pragmatique, leur finalité intellectuelle et l’investissement qu’elles requièrent. Par ailleurs, il apparaît que la structure de cette RS s’ancre dans des asymétries positionnelles dans la mesure où (a) les individus culturellement dominants valorisent la finalité intellectuelle des études selon une logique de reproduction sociale alors que ceux économiquement dominés valorisent leur finalité pragmatique selon une logique de mobilité sociale et (b) les hommes valorisent leur finalité pragmatique alors que les femmes valorisent leur finalité intellectuelle, conformément à la stéréotypie des rôles de genre découlant de la division sexuelle du travail (cf. Bourdieu, 1998). En ce sens, les éléments constitutifs du système central de cette RS s’avèrent hiérarchisés selon la position sociale des individus dans le métasystème des rapports de production. Une seconde recherche qui manipulait la nature des asymétries considérées (asymétries de genre dans le domaine économique vs culturel) ainsi que leur évolution (induction d’asymétries croissantes vs décroissantes) confirme ces résultats et indique que (a) ces régulations sociales participent de la recherche d’une identité sociale positive au travers de l’affirmation d’une position de dominants ou du dépassement d’une condition de dominés et (b) sont médiatisées par un processus de différenciation intragroupe dont la saillance dépend du statut dont l’endogroupe est investi. Cette correspondance entre structures cognitives et structure sociale de référence est discutée sur la base du principe d’homologie structurale (Bourdieu, 1977) et du modèle de la covariation entre processus de différenciation intra- et intergroupe (Deschamps, 1982a).
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Emotion scientists often distinguish those emotions that are encountered universally, even among animals ("primary emotions"), from those experienced by human beings ("secondary emotions"). No attempt, however, has ever been made to capture the lay conception about this distinction and to find the criteria on which the distinction is based. The first study presented in this paper was conducted in three countries involving four languages, so as to allow for cross-cultural comparisons. Results showed a remarkable convergence. People from all samples not only differentiated between "uniquely human" and "non-uniquely human" emotions on a continuum, but they did so on the same basis as the one used by emotion scientists to distinguish between "primary" and "secondary" emotions. Study 2 focused on the implicit use of such a distinction. When confronted with a human (animal) context, participants reacted faster to secondary (vs primary) emotions. The implications of the human uniqueness of some emotions within the social and interpersonal contexts are discussed.
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Emotion scientists often distinguish those emotions that are encountered universally, even among animals ( “primary emotions”), from those experienced by human beings ( “secondary emotions”). No attempt, however, has ever been made to capture the lay conception about this distinction and to find the criteria on which the distinction is based. The first study presented in this paper was conducted in three countries involving four languages, so as to allow for cross‐cultural comparisons. Results showed a remarkable convergence. People from all samples not only differentiated between “uniquely human” and “non‐uniquely human” emotions on a continuum, but they did so on the same basis as the one used by emotion scientists to distinguish between “primary” and “secondary” emotions. Study 2 focused on the implicit use of such a distinction. When confronted with a human (animal) context, participants reacted faster to secondary (vs primary) emotions. The implications of the human uniqueness of some emotions within the social and interpersonal contexts are discussed.
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The Minimal Group Paradigm and the Tajfel MatricesFundamental Orientations in Resource AllocationsPsychological and Sociostructural Correlates of Allocation StrategiesAlternative Explanations of the MGP Discrimination EffectConclusions: Categorization and Intergroup ConflictConcluding NoteReferences
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In industrialized countries, economic problems linked to the changing world and working habits potentially impact all workers; however, immigrant workers experience additional difficulties owing to their status as foreigners or as people of foreign origin. While these employment obstacles are varied, the problems are not absolute and do not affect all foreign job seekers with the same intensity. Moreover, various attitudes can be effective when faced with certain obstacles. We call them “bypassing strategies”: the behaviour of foreign job seekers trying to negotiate these obstacles. This article presents and discusses several cases of adult training and job seeker support initiatives from French-speaking Belgium; within a specific context, these experiences are based on the concept of “professional and identity development” of immigrant workers. Dans les pays industrialisés, les difficultés économiques liées à la mutation du monde et des modalités du travail concernent potentiellement la plupart des actifs, mais les travailleurs issus de l’immigration connaissent des difficultés supplémentaires dues à leur qualité de personne étrangère ou d’origine étrangère. Ces obstacles à l’emploi sont de nature diverse, même s’il faut noter que ces difficultés ne sont pas absolues et ne touchent pas l’ensemble des demandeurs d’emploi d’origine étrangère avec la même intensité. Par ailleurs, face à des obstacles particuliers, différentes attitudes sont possibles et pourraient s’avérer efficaces. Nous appelons «stratégies de contournement», les conduites des chercheurs d’emploi d’origine étrangère visant à négocier ces obstacles. Cet article présente et discute du cas de plusieurs expériences de formation d’adultes et d’accompagnement de chercheurs d’emploi qui se sont déroulées en Belgique francophone; ces expériences définies dans un cadre spécifique se basent sur le concept de «valorisation identitaire et professionnelle» de travailleurs issus de l’immigration.
The present study tests the assumption that the stable vs. unstable character of the structural relationship between groups influences the type of bias to which differentiation may lead, and affects the likelihood of identification with one's ingroup. Study 1 was conducted in Canada with university students and Study 2 in two French highschools; they both measured the impact of membership in a prestigious vs. a non-prestigious group on intergroup perceptions. In the Canadian sample, the structural relationship between groups was unstable, in a way that status asymmetry due to prestige differences might in time be eased out to the advantage of the less prestigious group. In the French study, the structural relationship was stable and not likely to evolve. As predicted, data from both samples' prestigious groups demonstrate a clear ingroup bias. Students from the less prestigious Canadian university situated in an ascending movement did not judge their competencies as lower than those of the prestigious university students, and further expressed the wish to enrol their children in their own university rather than the prestigious university. As expected, data collected from French high school students in the less prestigious study programme demonstrate a clear outgroup bias. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, in Canada, the prestigious university students identify less strongly with their ingroup than the less prestigious university students. This effect may be interpreted as participants distancing themselves from their ingroup prototype and it was also observed in the students of the prestigious study programme in the French high schools.
This study proposed and tested a model based on stereotype threat theory. The hypothesis is that women who are exposed to a low percentage of women in a science program are more likely to endorse the gender stereotype that science is a male domain, which will in turn undermine their autonomous academic motivation. A total of 167 women university students enrolled in science programs participated in an 18-month longitudinal study. Results partially support our model. Although the low percentage of females in science programs was related to endorsement of the gender stereotype, there was no effect of prior stereotype endorsement on subsequent autonomous academic motivation.
Este trabajo va a centrar su interés en uno de los conceptos sociales de mayor importancia en la sociedades humanas; el de �grupo�, captado en su faceta de Sentimiento, -constitutivo de todos los individuos humanos-, de pertenencia a un �nosotros� colectivo diferenciable de otro/s; sentimiento adquirible automática o voluntariamente, por distintas vías: culturales, de origen, de proyecto voluntario, etc.., y regulador y propiciador de infinidad de acciones sociales ; y que, como fenómeno sociológico universal, obliga a la Sociología a prestarle una atención también preferente en el ámbito educativo, social y familiar y en los ámbitos político, institucional, cultural, medios de comunicación, etc� máxime cuando corre riesgo de ser ignorado, banalizado u olvidado, como es actualmente el caso, en demasiadas ocasiones.
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